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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 30 Oct 1889, p. 4

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· . Be1. · }\Tombs." Here too, quite to our surSeeing IS iev1ng pfise, we. came across1 .the tombstones which designate the rest10g-place of our TEACHERS' ASSOCIATION. ,FARMS FOR SALE. The following good and cheap Tho Annual Meeting of the teachers of farms are mostly in Wellington this county was held in our new Central wife's paternal gr1mdparents--Samuel County. For full pa_rticulars Bray, of Oollaton, who died in. 18~0, aged School, on \he 10 and lltl· . of send for the "Canadian Farm The President, Mr.Cha~. K,,1th, occupied For the balance of the season, you 84 years and Elizabeth Bray his wife who AdvertisE:Jr," published by John N O't THE K IND - - -. J. Daly & Co .·. Gue~ph, Ont.. It can get WALL PAPER from me died in 1853 aged 77 years. Close by the chair. The fu;at subj ect, "Publio School Tu?-rn· g i ves townships, size of buildatlJ.ods ' a tombstone on which is an invery low. want to clean out scripHon to the memory of Samuel S.and Table," was introduced by l\1t".F .C.Plulp, ings and all particulars of these · a Ln a carefully and many other more expenMary Jane, children of John and Gra-0e of Canton Public School. present stock. Cole of Killock, parents of Mr. Samuel prepared and well deliverorl addres~, he sive farms. Good, deep, rich clay loam Cole Maple Grove, Darlington. These pJinted out the advantages ot followmg a farms without stones, hills or well arranged time .table, but would adchildren both died in 1821, iu infancy. swamp, guaranteed in the It way be of interest to eomo of our mit an occasional deYiat:on. Mr. Wood, finest section of Western Onolder readers who came from lhie part cf of the Model School, Port l!ope, in C(ln· Money ~en+, if r equirn9, England to read the names and date of tinuing ~he diecu11sion, adyised keeping a s guarantee for ~. ~ ~ µenses 1f We have receiv ed a Full Li~e of Pansy's Works in cheap form, death of 1ome of the old reeidouts of Kilk- pretty closely to the time-table. farms are not c '.1 eap and Those who buy from me, al- hampton, which information we copied . Mrs. J. L , Rughea, of Toronto, ne~~ ad- the also a Large Assortment of other Books, suitable fo1· Sunday · if everything is not as repreways well satisfied. I make a from the tombstones. It is remarkablEi dreeeed the Association on " The Kinder- sented, and intending buyers Schools, Dav S chools, Prizes, etc., which will be sold ~it Lowest hobby of Wall Paper, study general how many of these names are familiar .tc;> garten." Many friend· of educa~ion as· to decide for themselves and P r ices. · semble<l with the teachers to listen to then keep or return the money effect, and buy and reco~mend, people in this district : NAME. DAl'E Q]' DEA'fH. AGE. Mre. Httghes, who gave two addresses of as they think right. Chatterbox , Band of Hope , British Workman and other Annu als knowing what I am domg. The soil of all the farms is John Osborne, Collery 1865 · 71 about an hour each. 'f he subject was a. lutve arrived. new one to a Bowmanville audience, and guara nteed pu r e, deep, rich, SPECIAL ATTENTION GIVEN ~~~~~r~i~ickett, Collery i~~g ·~~ all were delighted with the pleasing, c~ear dark clay loam that never Our new Photogra ph Albums surpass any we have e ver sh ow n John Gist 1887 72 and forcible way in which the subJeCt bakes and the land is neither flat nor hilly. Good cedar 1-ail for Quality and Price. TO CEILING DECORATION. wa11 treated, 11s well a' with the principles Thomas Johns 1847 85 and straight fences, and pure Wm. Kinsman 1841 42 uncierlying the K indergarten. .All who spring water in abundance on Have you seen our 10-cent Window ? It is a wonder t o many :Beautiful goods in FANCY GLASS- Richard Paddun, Hole 1878 81 listened to Mrs. Hughes were fullv con- the farms. Gravel roads, that the Kindergarten is the only vinced how we can sell some o f the articles at the price. John Hockridge 1879 73 WARE, just opened, thE> very thing cheese factories, creameries, Geo. Bal'rett, t:Iudsland 1882 63 rational system of education for I our schools, churches and postfor wedding and other presents. Pictures framed at Lowest Rates. John Trewin 1884 68 young children, as it en!.(ages and de· offices convenienttothe farms. Wm. Trewin 1886 G7 velops, at, the aamo time the mental, No healthier country in the REMEMBER, the Place for BARGAINS is Geo. Barrett 1855 82 moral and phy11ical faculties of the child world. Only m10ug·J1 money to bind. ~he Ja~. Mountjoy 1856 66 and thus elevates " school lifo" from barg·ain need be pai<l uutll talung· Aye, lots of goods. John Weston, Thurdon 1881 78 drudgery into plea.sure. Dr. Purslow, Headmaster of Port Hope possessiou, and then ()0 1·c1.· cent. Thoe. Pomeroy 1862 75 ($60 of evel'y $100) of' the price James Maynard 1847 25 High School, re~d an able paper on John Maynard 1837 46 " How the Difference Between Prose and will be left on the fartns, or less Wm. Routl~y, Aldercome 1859 74 Verse may be Taught to IV.Class.Pupils." than that, if buyers wish, paynblc just to suit the buyers in 90 The paper was full of useful hmts, and every way. This will be put in Thos. Ching, Broxwater 1886 Thus. Hockin, Forda 1859 80 being eminently practical, was much ap- w1·lti11g anti is the best cha.µcc . Rich. Hockin, FJeehiH 1882 65 preciated by the t eachers. , ever ottered to buyers. All buyers The last hour of Thursdays session was g·et goocl titles an<l their cleetls Hugh Cottle, Morwenstow 187!) 80 BOWMANVILLE, OCT. 30, 1889. to the Public SchoJ I Trustees as. an giveu John Evans 1884 G6 r b~U ~1 ev tn.lce .1 cl ay 50DOSSP.t<.'1inlld acr4s · .tcJ CTe'?Lrc : s oi Thoe. Cleave, Thurdon 188b 70 opening occasion for the new achoo! build' · loam, lies well ; good house Wm. Trewin, Pariah Clerk 1862 84 ings. In the absence of Mr. .Joho Lyle, a nd barn; nca.r market town with ::A r axlways·. 3 Rich Cleave, Pigsdon 1884 73 ahe Chairman of the Board, Mr. Samuel __]_~ Ladies go to the West End House for Rd. Parkyn, Langford 1885 82 Burden presided with hie usual ability 11o acres ;65clcarcd ;35 a:crcs ' _ · ·fine n_ 1 < Lple bus h; so d d ay and tact. She.rt, pithy apeeche1 w1:ire Rambles in England. Chas. Sargent 1855 52 loam no s tm1t:.s, ~wamp. or lulls ; g-ood hous e a ml Francia Ashton, Darracott 1856 48 delivered by ministers and prom~111mt res- g-out.l ham; ma.rkct t o wn wi th nt.ilwa y 2 mi lc5:. During the week spent at the Bible Ann Ashton, his widow 1888 77 idents of the to1Vn and surronndmg coun· ·---~--1U· all prices and all sizes, plain anfl ribbed. Chrietian Conference at Holsworthy we 120 acres ; 1 10 cleared , baU 1 Rev. Canon Thynne is the present try. visited the aged parents of Mr. Louis Rector of this pariah. He has two sons The evening sesaiou, Thursda)'., was :111c.:c h:ud wood hus h, 1 n Jollow and brothers, of Bowmanville, at extensive farmers in our Canadian North- held in the 'fuwn Hall. Mr. Crmgan, sw a mp, .:;l o n c5 ~~r 1 1~ . l h ~ 11cw ·bar~k b :trn a n d good 59 r. their home in '.l'hornbury,and spent a. very west. uf 'l'oi::ont:J, gave a very pleasant hour's h_?a:l! ; nc:ir..:.:i_:_::-!~;;~_ tow11 with ra1I W\V· :io- acrc s; 1 :~o d1~an· d ;5o ti nc pleasant hour or two with the old couple, Leaving Kilkhampton we proceeded to talk to a lal'ge and arpreciative audience (_ · ~:1 nlwood h usl1, balance Kid Tipped, something new. who were delighted to receive a vieit Stratton, calling on the way at Callery, on "Voice Culture," adding intorest to 11i xc d ~imbcr; soil b ut cla y loa m , lies well, .nc from us and were greatly interested in the farm residence of Mrs. Rich. Wickett his remarks by exhibiting a number of 1 ~t rm l!s ; ~ood h ou s e·:: l:i:rgc h :Lrn ; 111:1rkl·.t t ow u with r:~}h.v ay'6 miles; greaitl barg-ain. 3i 9· h(laring from their suns. They treated us and family. vocal diagrams. hospitably and we shall ever remember Mr. D. Boyle, Toronto, followed with ~4 ~o · 1t';.v a crcs;Socleare<l, ba lan ce 0 ·. bn!:>h j soil g-ootl cl ay loam, their manifestations of grs.tltude for our his instructive lecture on "Persistency ~lP Facts About E .e sex County. r.o hill!, s tone"' o r ~y.1;m:1p ; bric;k house ; good barn visit. We regret to learn this ~e11k that of Savagery in Civilization." m;u·kd tow11 o ne mile.. 277 Mrs. Jollow ha"J alnce died, from an On Friday, the first hour of t~e afte.rThe Detroit News contrasts the value ~~A r:'.('-0 1r2·:icres; 9?clcar cd,hal:rncc attack of paralysis. noon was occupied by Mr. Crmgan m of land in Wayne county, Mich., with e_fl'·±,,_) .I . · h tttsh ; :501 1 clay lonm) no Leaving Holsworthy we returned to those in Essex County, lint. The prices teachinrt the tonic sol fa system to the hil l:-: ~llHH:~ o r :-;wamps·;· J.rOOcl hon ~c an d l:Lq.{e 276. our native parieh-!:Sradworthy-for a. given for E~ sex Cc>. are greatly below Convention. All were delighted with the 1n:t rl~c t town w ith r ai lW.:l.'.'-"'41miles. couple of day a. 'fhis village is improving those across the river, but for fertility, system and with Mr.Cringan 's happy way ~s 0() 150 · acres; 1 :;;0 dc:in·d1 :rn !!) · bm~h; s o il hcfit clay Jo:tm, iiome from year to year aa we visit it. The Essex "gets there" a long distance In ad- of t eaching it. .... h ills o r ~w:L1np; ;!(l)()d h ()nsc; fint! h;1n1s; 11 v :ston!. cottages are kept neat and in good repair, vance of the county over the way. Here Mr. M. M Fenwick. M.A., Heaclmas · }ll'tdcc t town :lnd 2 r ai l way s tation:::. 1 nulcs and th/I place is tidy and clean in general. is what the News says:ter of Bowme.nville High School, gave · rs,. 'l'he new house in course of erection near ' 'Detroit lies about half way between pleasing variety to the ex;ercises by. eon- "~6 JOO :rnres : So dc:u~d ; soi l the Broadhill at the time of our ·visit in the western limits of Wayne county, Mich. ducting a lesson in Phblic Sc-hool htera- $ ' _ _J· _ · ~>c~t clay loa111 11 0 ~lont:S, 1887 is now occupied by Mr. Ratcliffe and the eastern limits of Essex county, tare. T il e Associa.tion was his class, and ,1;Jls c>r s w a111 ,1 ; C XjH.!IlSl \ 'C l10us e ancl two barns to wn wi th t·ail w a y .3 m il c!:i; no J-incr 1oc .narkcl end presente a handsome appearance. Ontario. The lands of Essex county will the "Death of the Flowers his lesson. " .\c rcs i n Ontari o; owne r _dcad . 446 Mr. Thos. Westaway, P. 111. and mer- grow two ears of co::-n, o.r two blades of Mr. R. A. Lee, of the Port Hope Pwb· lOO:icrcs ;&5cleareJ, 15 hus h ; chant, has erected a very fine residence on grass, to Wayne county'e one, its soil be- lie School followed with a well written · soil h cst cl:t)' loa m , no the eminence on the south side of the ing so much richer and so much more fa- paper on ;, History-A Patriotic Fore~ .in !'lonc:-, ~)vamp or hil lfi ; n c .w br~ ck h o use.a n d fin~ h:111J.:. barn; market town w it h ra1 h vay 7 miles :in v road going to Bradwor1hy Mill, and vorably situated as regards climatic con- Schools," whioh led to sonl· e s~vere crit1a:· S15. moved in during our stay. It is a model ditions. In the spring, the waters of isms on our Public School text book O R ra i lw :1y sta tio n 5 m ile" ; v ill ag-e m.:-ar. 150 a cre.-¥,: 130 cleared; sou of convenience and comfort and the gar- ~ke St. Clair and Lake Erie prevent, by history. . . ,, . best cl:<:r,t loam, no stoue_ s, ~ den and outside conveniences are arranged their cooling the air, the buds premature" J ?nior Arithmetic wa& _ d1scuss?<1 by hills or' ·w:tmp· g~od house; g.inod barn; market with great good sense and taste. Mrs. ly appearing, and in the fall, these same Dr. Tilley, from the standpo10t of his ex;- town with nilw~y 2Y, miles. 795· Walter "t.o shop" is erecting two nice lakes, by giving out heat., prevent the perience as Inspector. 17Sacrcs; 1wdcared, b:!lance cottages on the east eid6 of North Road early frosts that do so much damage else· F;~ so lutions were p:us1~d :: (J}Conde~n- , , · mostly hi1irowood; soil best - -AN:&-almost directly across the street from her where. It is a ii;reat county for hogs, so ing the Public 8chool history and aekmg c1"y loa.1n: no ~ones, hills or s wamr,; lari:re market for its withdrawal as a te~t book ; (2)1 tow n with rai~way Oil lake shore "" y ;pmlcs. 465. store. '. Mr. R. Saognin h Q S also enlarged ihat its hog crop is one of the staple prohis dwelling, l9;l acres: . r~ ctil. carbed,. bs"o~i clucta of that portion of Canada, and b~ F avn17ing . the tonic sol-fa. ayste. . . m off music qTl · ance m rxe1.:.1 m er, We spent a very pleasant evening at aides its corn and hogs, its gr~pe crop ie and a.~kmg for. the autho.~~s~;twn ° le i' good; : 0 ·tones, hills or .s ~~mp1.. very fine house Lake, the residence of Richard Ashton, enormous. The same influences thl\t Oane.d1an Music Course , ~3) . Condemn· · a nd btP'e bank barn; adiomwg lar.rge town w1tll 666. Esq,, brother of Mrs. Samuel Ashton, make it a good corn connty make it a in,. ths act.ion of the Councy Council in ! good ny·rkot and railways. "'· lSO o.cre«· · ll<mlwood '"° cleared, .W Hampton . and Mr. Benjamin Ashton, good grape county, and along the Detroit plao~ng a fee of $1 upt>n ~uc h. oand'd ~ 8 t es , @Q vllluabl~ bush; NOTE THE FOLLOWI NG FIGURES : soolh·east of Bowmanville. Mr. Ashton river $300 worth of ii:rapes per a.ere. ha~e for the Entrance Exa~ma.t10n as had ! soil ..l·~Y lmm, no stones, s wami> or hills; new is a gentleman poasssed of a gr;. at fund been gathered in one season. Ta~mg it failed. at a previous .exammatlOn. brick euse; "OOd barns ; 2 mi. les from Jorge New Ladies' Gold Watch, Stem Wind'· warranted,..... ,from $15.00 up Messrs. Keith and Wood were appoint- market·Lown ~iU1 z rnilways; s11i<l to be w c:!J2'. of informdi '" ~ ·"1 is an authority on a.JI in all, natnre has been very lnnd to 2.75 up · t'1011 :i19 soo . ' New Stem. Wind Nickle Watches. ·.. .· . · ·· · ·· ··· . ·.· from · · l A SSOCJa business and lega. ma~tere. WtJ ·, t:t·e Essex county and their is n<· natural im- ed d~Jegates to the P rOVUICla'> _ _!_.. · 100 acres; 8<> clcnrcd, rest New !l>oz;. Silver, Stem Wind ·.·· · ··· ·· ·············· from 15.00 up sorry 10 fiud Mrs. Ashton suffering from pediment to anyone owning a piece of and th~ following were elected officers : tim~cr;sm·l ,g ootl clay l~a':'· the effects of a slight attack of sun-stroke and getting a .good living. Pnis1dent-R. A. Lee. '· n<> stones, lulls or s wamps , s m a·l t bmldmgs, 3Xl Silver Plate, Jewelry, Rings, Chains, etc., at 1 9 b v· D . Davidmn. 11.,;1 es from large town w1tl1 mark·t "od two ra~~· which she had a short time before our 1?e .p r esident-R. M M L" · k M A ·'. ,,,.ays; great b"q:(a111. 7 ,. visit.. We were favored through the kind"P.ETERSON's" Thanksgiving number is 2n0'V1ce-Pree.- · · .i:~nwic · · · 10oacrcz; 901clet1red; 10 Se®etary-Mi11s Ada H\\hday. · , · bush ; soit best day loam, nesa of Squire Ashton with a drive to his among the handsomest of th~ Noven_i.ber Tr0 asurer-J llB. Gilfillan. '. "'osto: es, swa.rn p o~ hills; ~man l>cildings; la~-;' .splendid farm of 250 a.ere!! at Alfardis- magazines. The nmnerous 1llust~at10ns All goods warranted· as represented. 2~ 1 ml·s. · worthy (pronounced for short Alery) now are all excellent from the b esutiful steelTh e meet'mg 0 f tbe Assoeiation was a. ' - rket town w i th ra1lw:i.y lOOacrcs;S&.de:trc<l,balancc · Occupied by liis niece and her husband, . engravimg to the d0111,b le fashion_ - plate. very. l!tUCCes3ful one, both aa·to the num- :: mixed tiin·b·T; , soil clay ,Mrs. and Mr. Thos. Ashton. We also 1 The literary contenttl' are exceptionally ber in- p,ttendance and .the value of. the ·:ioam, no sLOncs, hills ?r swnmp;,.g<>od nousc an~ visited Lower Alfardisworth:i:-265 acres strong. "Peterson" ltias a wonderful papers read, a~d discUSSIO?S ~ntered mto. f· oorn ; miirket with r:ulway i m·ill.. ; l:orge tow6'i$: REPAIRING A SPECIA.LTY. -the home11tead of the family, now oc· hold on f1 ba. subscribers. Once tllken, al- The fuct that 1t was held m .·,ho new Oen- /"" 1"': . .. ..., cleared· soil 6 ·ONpied by the eld~st brother- Mr. John waya taken seems to be the rule in re- tral Sehooi building added interest to the i '\c~;~~~y·l~m; ,;o sw'am p, Watclles Cleaned for ............+ . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . :iOc. to 7.-Jc. Ashton. These are two excellent farms gs.rd to it. ' And no won<ier ! for it is in occasion. The building and furniture 'i sloncs 'or hilb ; 1?~ck house an<~ lnr~e bar~; .two Watd1 Main Spring·s ....... ..... - .... ..................... Goe. 1o 73c. and judging by the fine crops just ready every respect a thoroughly first-class was pl!!onounced by all preaent to be first· . i:mtrkct towns w1d 1 3 nu lw:cy sto.t1011s w1thm 4 1:eh.i Glasses........................ ............... . ......... l:ic. · t" I The building I m close cst:ite. 730; Wafor haneeting, they are ?ul.tivated in the periodical. The pr.ospeobus for next year class in every par 1cu ar. . I 1iJcs; great barg,un; toioo acrcs·y.,de-ucd,1obush, best manner. The bmldm~s on both promises l!leW contributers, .new . and is heated and ventilated by the syslemi : s~il b~st ~lay Jo"m; no C1o('ks ()leaned Cor ...... ............................ ........ L(.Oc. to '1:ic. far_ oos are ~oo~ . and commod~ou1. We larger type,. and variou6 otl:ter attra.ct~1ons, knowl!l as the Smead DowdL. : Mils stones or swamp ; large kesh w:.tcr l:ikc '" Other r epairing eq ually low. All work well done and warranted. Teach era and strangers were billelt ed In· i1 bou~dry at b~ck end ; ll'.oncl hou·"'~,u<l barn; imu;l&et enjoyed tins VISlt very much, rndeed. which cannot fail to keep "Peterson far · th t d f town with railwav S nulcs. 3· A CALL SOLICITED. We visited Kilkha.mpton on the occasion in advance of all the lady's-magazines. private houses d urmg e 'll'O · ays ~ acre,.; '!".> clcarecl, r est 205 o! the fes tival at the B C. Chapel. The Two Dollars a.year. F.>r club rates see the Convention and were lo~d m their· h1rdw ·>0cl b nsh ; ntJ parsona:.:o h bd been e~lurged a nd refitted advt. Address PETERS~'s MA.<?AZINE, pr!lises of the very marked<kmdness ~nd , ston es,' hills. or swa mp; g ood h""'~·" a11d. l.1:i.r~s; " and a baz~ar and foetival were held to de- 306 Cheetnu-1: Street, Phdadelphrn., Pa. hoapitality of the people of Bowm1mnlle.. ~::J~~.c 2 nnlcs, market to'""" "'th r.utw,,~o.1~ 4.4 'Vatchmaker and J eweper. fray the expenses. It was a great success. A free sampl~oopy will be sent to anyone a) , _,. ()0 -~.m"'s.; !JO dcai·ot!; soil At the luncheon meats and fowl were desiring to izet up a club. Smart, wAed and belladonna combmad D .. LJ . 0 bc;.t·ofuy loam, no stones, served but the tea. wa.19 plain, at least our _·_·_ __ __ _ __ with the other ingredients used in the hills or.nvamp ; ;cood hou "e :u><J barn ; ".'"rket to.'.v ~ ··-C t ' S W wi t hr: 1 l\wav ,l. nu lcs,anll ano~r t'l·\4ukcttow11 "1t Darlin~ton 11tdieswhoprepare such a proAUCTION SALES. best porous p lasters, ma""' ar er S . · · rail wav 7 n;ilcs. 67~· fusion d cakes. pies and other tooth~o,ne & Bi. Backache Plasters the beKt m t>he ~ ..... · 105 '"'"""; 150 clc:tr7d, 15 edibles on rnch r,cca·s ions, would call it 10 . WEDNESDA.Y OcT. 30. -Mr. Ervin Trull, mar-li:et. P cice 21> cents. ~ t) , harcllwoo<I l)llsh; soil best lot 21, B.'F. , Darlington, wil~ sell his clav loam; no stone·, hil! sw:unp.; good house; The prov1aiom1 were mostly supplied by a. baker and consisted of oue kind of currant valuable arm stock, implements, etc., Your Life In Danger. ~~;~~~ c~~~;';~,'. m1rket with railllvay i n11lc uud Ja6f;. cake, currant bread, !small cone - 11hap~d as he is goilllg to North-West. Sale at 'Fake t ime by tho furelock er~ that ' $ 0 6> aores.; 6o cleared, s sl.ash; sponge cake with currants on top, a thm one o'clock . See large postera. S. 0. ~, · ~·il hght clay loam, r.." tea caku thin bread and butter- mostly HUNKING, A.uctioneer. where so many Consum~tJves have pre· stones, hills or swami!; gM><l honsc an d barn, la_;,~" butter--'and "split~," a plam tea cake FRIDAY Nov. 8.- Ml'. :Ira Pearce will _,, d . l t~me butpromuea markct town a ml~~~les. ,s . 1 Dal" ton 8 acres CEl<><'0 you, ose no ' . 2 - 8()4) Sil· ·1cres· ·tll · gootl ' I $ eaten with butter or cream. T he ten. was sell on ?t ! con. · r ug 'd h h bottle of the rational remedy for L~ng $ C \ · - ~ick · i1~use; good' b"rn; of deliciomi flavor :md we noticed that ?f stand10g timber, all maple an lleC , and Bronchial Diseasea, Scott's E_ma.~lsion , 0 ; 1 cla~ ltxw;; 3 mi le':_ l!n·m· town with 2 raihw".?·s; several c1al :ed for as many as four or five , .. llypophosphitl3~. m half acre Iota'. Sale !\t 1 p. m. · · vjf Cod L iver Oil wit71 It ~t~sw amp or h1 I~, 1·1° ·. cups 11.nd no one less than three. People HUN KIN . G, a uctioneer. will cure you Sold by all drugg:ists, at $ ~ iooacrCIB; 85 clc:u·~d, 5 J:i:'.nl-. '11 b ld b ' O · w ootl, sml best cl.1.y lo.tin. in England drink about double the quanTHURS_D.A.Y,N~v.7.-There wi e BO Y 50e. a nd $1.00. '"' sto~cs, swamp 0,. hills; 1i 1~c bri~k holhse .am! tity of t ea and c.1.1ffoe .a.ta me.a.I that Ca n· auction on Lot 31, CO!ll. 2, Clarke, the !,H ge h:u1k bank; lfi:L>l>.~t tOWll Wtt h r:ulway, nu l~s. i\dian1:1 <i o A vdy mwrest,mg platform whole of the farm stock, implements, - - --- -·- - - 700· meetin~ w t1il h.::id in the chapel "!.fter the 0 t f Richard Foster. HiB imple~ Q() clc<>rcd,h:d-. d h' h '110 · 2ooaercs;1So ancc J rn.nlwood; soil best e c., tea was over. rnent.B aro allilOSt n!)w: an IS OrSeS,. c h loam; no ·ton<>S, SWll!llJ' or hills; 2 ~ts Of flllC Mr. Jr. Walkoy, a. prominent merchant Durham cattle, and Leicester sheep ar.e · building<;, hank 1.xu·n~ and 2 good houses; market of the " ve"Y kindly sho~ed us of a high class Farmers attend thu~ town with railway z miles; one.of the bestf:rrms '.'.' The subscribers are prenared to Wellington Co·mly; 36+-6,. . . · k . L . n.. · through th e_R eadiug Roo~ an? l~bra.ry. sale and improve your s.oc r ·_ _ _ _ can he d1V1tle<l. The cut.ter m M r. Walkey e tailormg deOnly $; ,ooo cash, loahnc" . h es t price · ' cas h fo r $ w. TOLE, Aue. . pa.y the h 1g lil ' · p:ty:tblc to .suit pur· partment is Mr. s,,,mu el Harris, a. nephe.w FRIDAY Nov. 8.- S. !11. Clemens WJII any quantity of good Barley, chaser· ·oo acres, nenrly all cleared; sod !JCSt al:.y of Mrs. S, Goard or this town and cousm Rye, Oats, Clover c loam; ;,~ sto1111s, hills or 5'~:t!np; tine buildrnf'i· th.;~t se11 by public , f!.uction on Fridaykafter- Wheat, pu"'"', vUithJ o :-:;t $io,ooo, T his farm ad1 oms tho C ity of uuel pn of t he .l:'a.,,coeb in Dtulington. We cs.Med noon at 2 o clock the property nown and Seed, :tncl is one of the best grain :<n< I stock farms o~ its on l\fr. W. T . D<· yman, another leadmg as the Corner Store, Tyrone, · al'so .. size in Ontario. :;;76. mercha.uf., WU<l~C ce we had dwelling in connection with store, Barley and Blackeye Peas either $ ~oo 450 acre· in block; ;100 made on a former visit and w);J.ose ho1pistorehouse, stable, and driving shed at Harbor or Town warehouse ; dcamt; 90 vc.ry. ':"-~ tality Wl'1 v-... ry muoh e njoyed. Hr. Dey· a_ acre land after which a an.le of other gr""1 ' ns · an·d seeds at 'l'own valuable hanlwco~l bush; ~ s.ets of fi117 b1.11ld m~s · on _ ; 1 ' , · '" ~ lntnk barns; ! tin e n e w b n ck d wcl l.1ng on l y } ma.n is a nephew of M rs. Routley, dry goods, &c .· m t he s tore. L . A. warehouse only. miles from g·ou<i market town witl· railways; soil of Ashburn, Out. We ..,Jao called on d best clay 10;m1 uu stones, hi ll s or sw~w·1 p ; .hc:..:t TOLE ' Auctioneer. Mrs. Thea. · Bnmacombe, sister of Mrs. . Warehouse formerly oc·c upie lal'gC f·mn in the connty;only $6,ooocash roqu1red. Nov. 11.- Mr. M . Gar\1ln, half is fenced into 3 fan m, zoo acres, 15c acres. and W. A. 'W hi L io, of Brooklin. M.r. Brim.a· MONDAY '. 1 ' rth of N e wcastle will sell his by Thompson & Burns. 100 ac.ros; will be sold separately or together; gren.t combe is liexion of the En~lieh Chu!eh m m1 e no ' D ffi W R R C l ' h:ngam. thoro-bred Clydesdale horses and ur0 ice at . . . aw r er s , . . . . . . . . the village and. w1:: were. favor~d with an ham cattle, farm implements, hay and Town H all Block. Intemh1~~ lm1_~1 s ~r e mv1te~ ~o opportunity of illSJ?Sctmg thi~ fine old h h ld effec ts This is a very large LOCKHART BROCI., c a.ll a t t lns o tlu,e or send a car<l church wh i~h C (.,.t memorials of th.e ouse 0 b f r _ ..., to John .J. D al y & Co., Guelph · · Earls of tla ·h, and a. monument to Sir ~ale and as Mr'. Garvm ~as . ':n· a. m. Bowma.nv ille. p. o., t or t h e ir "c~madh~n l<"a rm 11 mg only 2 years eyerythm? is fir t Atlv"'r·tiser. Then tlley will !!:mtrBevell Gr:,nville, killed at the fight ?f d th t k or Sale W . T. L o01rnAit'l', Newc""stle. "' ~ Lansdowne F itJld in 1643. It was m class a1!' e s oc is superi .) A. J, LocxH.1.RT, Bowmanville. autec exp e n s es and s end ll!~ney;. at IO o clock sharp . Lunch at L.. See 40·lm if req uil'e <l, on a bove concht1ons. W elllng·ton Builtli11g-~1i Kilkharup·on cb urchya.rd t hat Hervey la.rge J..IO!lters. L . A. W. ToLE, Aue. framed his " Meditations among tho Pansies That Bloom · · Pansies · .. 111 the Spring, Price is away down, and patterns good. Now is your time. Pictures Framed . P · TrebiIcock. J. H. KENNER'S Variety Hall. EDITORIAL CORRESPONDENCE. i 00 West End House. ----o·---- $3 800 The Finest CASHMERE HOSE, $5,500. $8 200 The Finest CASHMERE GLOVES, 0 u - ().00 'The Newest Things in FRILLING and RIBBONS. Call and see our splendid stock of Dress Goods and Mantlings, nothing nicer or newer to be had. Everything marked at lowest living prices. 1 $3 400 West End House. Low- Prices for Grain, Low- Prices for 'W'"atches,is far below all competitors. . $5 500 $ 7 9 00 '$8 500 W L. CO::E <.NISH ooo· 00 $ 3,0 . · 00 39 :,--, 0 - 00· $3 '$ TREMENDOUS REDUCTIONS I Call during next 30 days for Bargains. $6 800 $ 3 , SOO· $.7 000· $ . - L. CORNISH, . . , -0 · ,_0 9 SOO Go where you will In Bowmanville, You'll find them on the move. ----o ---- 1>200 vouNc &oo., m ----o ---- GROCERS, BARLEY ' $10 2 1 ()00 20,,:.> Have moved across the street, Their shop is trim and neat, Their stock is quite complete, And now they hope to greet Their friends, and politely treat Them in their store across the street. · They thank their many friends for J 1 their past support, al!d assure them nothing \Vill be wanting on their part to please the purchasing public. Be sure you call and see the leading grocers. YOUNG & Co.,

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