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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 30 Oct 1889, p. 8

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Bargains For All! BEFOREWE : Mov·E. The LARGE CHOICE HIGH SCH RE! OO~l.1' L BOARD. o:J" TlTJoiif, plNG COMMITrEB. LIST OF F AJ: <.JY.CS FOR SALE -.A..T- T<J the (J!~aiinaan .and 1 Board of H igh &ohool 1'rustees. GENTiLEllIEN.-In obedience to instruc- The Essex County La11d '.l'he following list of farms is oha.ngcd weekly, as farms are being sold and ne1v ones offered for sale. Intending pu, r chasers would do well to watch the list weekly. Correspondence solicited, and any re<Juired information gladly furnished. LoW O~ --..A..NT>- PR!OES 1n · ,.Largest Ever Il. one the Shop. WIN. A t1GtJ'S'I' SALES are the (What You O·a n Buy. All :Wool Flannei 77 ots. A Good Union Flannel 72~ ots. Excel. Cold Canton Flannel 70 ots. Excel. Shaker Flannel 70 ots. :S till a Few Pieces of those Extra Value . to ct. DRESS G Of-DS. -·- ...A..T- ·-w·e intend to demonstrate to the public that we are doing the POPULAR BUSINESS POPULAR . PRICE~. 1.,.o u can Save Money by calling on us. JOHN J. MASON. Quality amounts to little unless prices are fair, I.ow prices are not bargains unless quality is there. ·W E COMBINE THEM. · We ir:;.vite ai tention to our complete and car efully selected stock of ] ~"',:i.1">s', Gent's, M . isses and Children's Boots and Shoes, Tranks, VaJ.1."es, mil "' · o etc. Our popular 2tock of fashionable goods is perfect beyond com· W e are sh ow · t h e correct st y les of th e season. N o oId sb op p air1son. . mg P bankrupt " rorn, b an ]nupt st ock or sh 0 dd y goo d s manuf:acture d 101' houseB. We warrant all our goods to be what we represent them. 'I'h . e prices are !ow, and no one can sell you r espectable goods cheaper. ~:'hese goods are bargains, viewed from any standpoini. The quality .1 I h R }' bl · bl d e.n"' sty e are t ere. e ia e, trusty, serv1cea . e goo s, marked at ROCK BOTTOM PRICE ~li> - ! . i" · :::=. .. · . .-===================================::.::--:1 SU.LLN A. ( > Id bl d fii Mr. A · J · I "eyno s, our a e an e 1 - 19. · S ign 0 f t h e B IG -B OOT d rawn b Y t WQ h Orses, B.OWMANVILLE. M. TRE .. LEVEN, I TYRONE. Mr. S. M. Cleme ns will move t o the -ciitmt tm1cher, has been en_gaged for another I city. His place and st ock are advertised tol.ltn ... - Q uarter1 Y mee t mg a t Eld . ad Su n- I for sale. See ~ale notice~. Things will go ci~J .ne_xt at I~.30 a. m . . ... l\'Ir: J n.o. Ash- I cheap at the Corner Store duriug the next toia is improvmg .s lowly, but.1~ still very \ few weeks . .· · · Nrrs. Heard, Toronto, is lmv .. -. Master Harold W1ll1ams was 1 visiting a t Mr. J os. Hawkey's . · · . ·.. The k icked. by a l_iorse on Sunday···· · ·· .On' L adies' Aid have the contract of upholsterThursaay evor:mg last ~'Ir and Mrs. Geo. , ing the s~ats in t he church .. ... lVIr. John ll.:wd~ and their char mmg da·1g~tera. en- I M cLaughlin lost a val uablr.i colt last week to»ite1~ed a _li;,rge number of their fr1e.nds · b y coming in contact with p low ha.ndlee ah.t h eir r esidence. A very pleasant time which ran int o its breas b. . ··· While the -Wit$ spent ... ... Mr. A. Cryderma n ha_ d church is undergoing r e pairs se rvices will some barrels of apples taken from his be held in the 8ons' H"ll at t h e usual or~hard. ~ecen_tl_y ..... .Mr. A. L. Pascoe hours . . ... Quarterly mee ting at Bethesda 1>1Ud a fiymg vmt to Toronto last week. next Sabbath at IO o'clock.... . Miss Effie ·· ~ . The· first series of d raught matches Bruce is visiting her sister, Mrs. W. R. .wa-a played by the club on Wednesday Clemens ... , . ·1\:Ir. G. Bingham has been - ,,,,,,. l as t · · .evv.;.mg !ru!PLE GRUVE. A few of our young friends attended k . h , the·husking b ee at Mr. N 1c o1s 1ast w e-e an.d h ad heaps of fun, ..· l'tir. W. Snowden ""8" home last. we ek with a sore hand. . . . · ·· "' apeodincr a few d~va i n town visitino his daughte~· May, very ill w i th qt1htsy. c p d . ..· Mr. Z. ollar , Lindsay, came to see his mo~her last week .... Mr. 0 . Stock d ·f tt d d th f fl · · t an wt ea en e e unera1 0 118 81s er at Oobonrg l week - ..· '.l'he S. of T. not hold their annual tea here on X mas, will -i )'.ll l'h ursda.y afternoon last three of our having given way in favor of the church. clwfr we u t to Mossrs. Coucl1, Johnson & . ....Rev. L . P h elps preache d a practical , d h d Z·' d 0f d - t S d · ht ..3 C t y<1.e r m a n s a n p ure aae "' yar S· an apprnpn.a e sermon on un ay m g · catip et for r h e church and all turned out. on The Fad ing Leaf.·.. Sunday School at tha·t night a rid it w as soon laid down als() 2.30 instead of 2 o'clock in t uture .· .· Mr. . d . . N o ble act. · . .. n. · C ass cond u c t e d tl1e meet" mgs a t t h e t he pulpit; fresh tr1mme M.i::ssrs. W. and H. Jeffery lrnve heen 1Barracks on Sabbath.: ....<\ number from plowing fur 2 wee k s past on the north \ town had pleasant busm ess here on Sabfa~m .. _. Mr. W. McClellan is slowly r e- bath. c overing · ··· Miss E mma Munday of · D e mHl I .adi es' College spent Sabbath at ASTRONG F OLLOWING.- u.Lany .,..,d. Il!ea ses Ilat 6 ho1u0 . .. .. Serv. i ce next Sabbat .E . 30 p. resu1t f rom neg1ected oons.1pa ' - t10n, . · b sue l1 1 11 -.~ o wing t o quarterly meetmg at on- as sick headache, b ad hlood, foul h umoi·s, ' · e z(jt! ·... :Miss Annie S tevens h as been via- 1 1ear t b urn, d izzmess and ge neral l'11 h ealtl1. P. l · itiug friend s in IC rermg . From one to three bottles of Burdock w o:aurn C!AilSE MIVC::il sum.N.ESS among Blood Bitr.ers is g u ars mted to cure constield !i·h-en. J<'1·cem:m's \'form Powders ·pre· p a tion a nd all disea ses caused by irre" UT eiit this, a n (l maim tlte ehll·l i..r.l g h t a ml 1 ·ty f th b l ,., ·cilleby. j an o " owe 11, 66, ao acres edj olning the corporation of with of 360 and 200 barrels ·respectEssex Centre, soil rich black loam, 6 acres un· ively. Three wells on the premilles. two being der cultivation, WAii fenced and good ditches, bored, one a never fa.Hing. Property is situat20. 100 a.eras, 73 ecrea under (mltlvatfon. would be a splendid place fora msn wishing ed on the gravel road. six miles from .Amherst· Soil clay loam. 4 acres good timber. Good to make himself a nice home near the flourish· burg, three miles from McGregor. on tile M C' ·board. rail and wire fencAs. Flowing well. 1 Ing town of EsRex Centre, as h e could ftnd Ry. Good bousa and outbuildings. erected at a cost I work tor himself the year round. Pdce,$1,500. 87. UtO seres, 70 acres under cultivation ot $2,000. Tb1ee miles !rom McGregor. on CS I Terms, ~down, rest to suit purchaser. soil principally loam. Thirty acres of· good· illy and LE, E & D. R Ry . · 71. n aorea lot 8. S M n, about 4 acres timber, consisting of oak. elm, ash and maple 24.· 15 a.ores, beautiful location on the Detroit cleared. Balance contains timber $Uitable for Good fences, adjoins 86 t·J the west. river, j ust the place for a vineyard and private cord wood and bolts. t mile from Canaan sta88. 51> acres, all cleared, 2g acree under oul· reaidence, Soil very rich. Good. frame house tion on tlie LE, E & D R R ~ tivation, soil p rincipally gravelly loam. Woll .and barn. Two millea from Amberetburg,one 96. IOU acres Lot No H. Con H. Colchester fenced and good ditches. This lot joins Nos mile from C; S. It. Station. Parties wishing a N01·th, lO acres, 2 mlles west ot Kssex Cen\re, and 87 to south, l:'riee $2,;i(iO. Nos 86, 87 bome on the Detroit river should come and see on the townline of Maidstone. No buildings. and 88 are all parts of the one farm. makin1e ·th;s, o one of the finest in Western Ontario. The soil· ·30. 50acrea, 25 undercultivatloi;i: Soil,gravel 100 acres, south half Lot No u. Con 13, is exceedingly fertile, e"rerythlng being in :llrst .and black. loam. 10 acre~ good tnpber. Good Colche1ter 1'.'1orth, 100 acres except three acres class order, no improvements being neoeaeary, well, l! ai:res of wheat thrown ln if purchased C 8 Ry right of·way acro<s nort h end; 2 miles 'fhe whole Cl.n be bougb.t en bloc at a. reason· D?W· "miles from Amherst burg, . west of Eosex Centre,about same di· tance east able Ji'r ice or separately, .Si. ·IOO aor~s. 5(1 acre.s cleared. . Sot!. clay or Edgar Stution on th e AmhA rstburg branch 90. lll sores, being the we11t part of lot 17.; loam. All kmd~ or timber. Dramed by the of the C 8 Ry (M c R.) No buildings, A rail- lst con. About 90 acres are cleared and un· MdLean,tap dram and a branch of the Canard way spur belonging to Mr. Decew runs into der cultlvatton, the balance well timbered, river. ,l· rome house. log stable. I;\ miles rrom the next lot on the west Soil black loa.m and very fertile. Dwelling, 0 :McGregor station and also from LEE&; DR . 100 a cres, west h~lf Lot No 17, concess· barn, driving house, bog house alaughtei:· · Ry· . , ion 9, Colchflf!ter North. !00 acres a bout 5 mlles house. ice house, sheds. & c, on the premisee, . 41· acres, found er cultlvat1on_. 8.oll very southwest of Eesex Centre and two miles west also throe never failing wells, one constantly ru;ib. black loam. Fronts on Detroit river. 30 of Gostleld townline, Saw·log timber. hickory overftowinR'. 1',our acres or good orchard~. m1les,t~om Amberstburg. . , butts, etc, taken off. Situated three miles from ..i.mherstburg, on. 4!!· ~.. acres. all under eultlvat1on. Soil c av l!OO acree, lot 13, Con. 7, Colchester the Detroit River. loam. 1 Good f~nces and a splendid w ell. Good North, 200 acres, about 8 miles from Essex 91. I II acres, being the west part of lot 18, 1st. house. Situated 4 rulles from Amherst- Centre and four nules from townllne of Gos· con, situated at the mouth of the Detroit river lative Grant should thcrefon depenifl :upon -log ·bu~. , . . field, on the townline or Colchester South, and about throe mile.R from Amherstburg. Soi:!i the provision ofother ancl suitable acco.mmo- 50. UIO acres. Good dwi:Ilmg house. facing about two miles east of the L!ike Erie and De· richcla.v , '\Veil fenced and under culColchester No,rth townl1ne, u.i11e troit fl.ailwa.y, where it crosses t.hf last named tivation. dati-0ns which I believe the Board has iu -the rrom McGregor village. '.flus farm bemg with· townline, and six llliles south of Edgar Station, 92. U 1 acres bein~ the east part of lots 17", c ontempla.tion." .Ill easy reac.h of the M C H.y and the L E ·. E & to which place a pole tram way extends for llse 18 and 19, 1st con, situated tbree miles from. All the members of your Board being D R Ry, would be a good investment. Will be of the business ot the saw· mill situated upon Amherstburg. About 50 acres of virgin soil, c~.oap. this lot. The saw·log timber has been cut hut free of stomps Soil very rich loam. Goodi large ratepayers are fully aware of the sold 6~. ~l 11.c~es, on the Detroit river. Finest Jo. a Jatj!e quuntlty otot.her timber remains. Oe fences. Price $5.500; fact that the debt of the corpontion has cation m the .0011.nty. By the expenditure of a cnpylng about ten acres, near the centre of 101. 60 acres: H acres cleared; soil, black mall amount this could be mad~ OJ?e of tile this lot, are the large saw mill, lumber tracks, loam: three miles from Amherstburg. Terms. been largely added to by unavoidable ex- ·S homes in Ontario. 'o/e 1~ vlte people viling grounde, Jog- yard, dwellings, stables. to snit purchaser. penditure for Public School purposes, and se~kmg a home lo a !ove!y s1tuat1on to visit barns, granary, oil house, et-0, mostly on the your Committee realizes the importance t his place at onee, aQ it will J!Ot be long In the soutb·east quarter of tlrnlot. · 0 market.. :$2.()00 ·W orth of fiuildings on the 9i. 'l'he large saw mill on lot 13. con 7, Col· .of so managing the business of the High farm,. Situated two miles from A mherstburg. chester North, is in good order, capacity School that the present annual coat to the oue mile from C..s. Ry. depot and half a mile 10,000 feet per ten hours.saws forty feet lengths DAWN TOWN SHIP'. from Texas Landmg. . . . or over, Good prices aro obtained tor the taxpayers shall if possible be reduced. 85. 9;;0 acree-200 lot 28, 5th con, 200 lot 28, in 61. IJO acres on the p etro1t river, 3 miles common and cull lumber at the mill in winter. The following carefully prepared com- f~om A~nherstbn.rg. flo acres under cultiva· Plenty of timber on neighboring Janda, the 6th con. 200 lot 27 in 7th oon, 6<iO lot 26 w i., parative statements, your committee t1on. 801~ very .rich loam, Good fences .all Branches ol tramway run in a ll directions. 27 and 28, ln 8th con. All bash land, elm, around. ~here ta a llrat-clase frame dwelhog The mill and ten acres witlt the other build· black ash, oak a.nd hickor y; ~oil a rich loam·. believt.>s clearly prove, that were a suit- and outbu1l~i!)gs. Flne <!rchard. of 100 bearing inga may bfl sold together, or the sale may in· These landssre situa.terl within 8 miles of tne able building completed as proposed and trees comprismg the choicest;_ ~mds of applee, elude a lease of the ten acres and otlter build· prngressive town of Dresden, 3 miles from pears and peaches Price. $1 ,000. ings, at nomin al rent for five years renewable village of Oil Sprmgs and 1 mile from M C R were a small fee charged to Hig h School 53 46 acres, 5 or() acres cleared. 15 acres good if r"qui ed ' 0 etatt on or Eddysvllle. 'l'hey lie on the oil and pupils, 1-hat the addition to the income of Umber, spl_endid well, fences in llrst-class con· 108. 100-acros on 7th con. A very desirable gas belt, a very str<Jng llow of gas having the Board therefrom, as shown below d11.1oi;,. Sm! c~ay)oam. . , . farm for timber. containing considerable elm, been obtained at 70 feet. Will be sold either 68. ··~· acres, 2~· under cult1vat1on , 9 acres black ilBh. maple u.nd hick< ry. Only ;t mile ln bulk or in lots of 5~ acres or more. Terms would not only pay the interest upon the good timber ; em.I cl ..y l!Jam; houee stable and from Marsl1field station on the LE. E & D R of sale 10 per cent down; bala.uoe ac O per cent ~ whole of the money invested in the· school ~ranary: _splendid lfo:-"fJUR' ~ell on the prem- n. Wood easily 11hipped to Detroit Windsor time to Blllt purohasere. J,ote in 5th and 6th . . · &;c. · oon, $15 au acre; lots In 7th and 8th , $16 an building, but would also make a l11rge re- 1s~s ; 8 miles from Wmdsor. 1_!. 20 aore~. 3rd oon .· all under cult1vation. 112. r.o acres. ten acres cleared, soil clay acre: duction in the annual amount required by Sou very r!ch loam. We.II fenced. Goo.d loam, some timber on it, Jog house and Jog the Board from the tax-payers for current bored well 86 1~. deep, oplend1d fl.ow. {0 fi:wt stable on it, situa.ted in the 7rh con, one mile trees . . comprismg apples pears and cherries. from a H, R station. Very cheap. expenses. ~welhng, gran.ary and shed on the premises. 113. 1 ,2 00 acres in Faulk County. Dakota, Statement obtained from Treasurer S1~u11.ted ten miles from ·w rndsor and seven for sale a.ta bargain (to close tbo estate of t.he 82. Ho us« and lot in the vi1lage of Blythes. showing annual cost of High School for nnles from Amberstburg. Very. near to a late D. Burk.) 100 acres under cnltivation. wood, on the lino of the L & e!it C Ry. Admir· echool and a church. Terms to smt purcbas· House cost ovei· $2,000, also far m house and ably situated for a hotel, there being none in 1889; era. barn. '.!'he Chicago and WW RR have a the place. Lies on the ea11t or the main road Salaries .. , ······. . ····. · .... .··. $3,260 102, alt acres ; 40 cleared and under cultiva· station on one o r the Jots: Would e:,.;:cbange between Comber and Leamington. 'l'he build· tion; frame house and other outbuildings; for buainees or other proportiea. . conralns elg ht bedrooms. besides la.rge par !or, Ilent and Taxes. · · · · · · · · . · · . · . · . · 225 splendid ffowing well; good wire, board alld kitchen, a room su itable tor a barroom, &c. Printing . . . . . . · . . . · · · . . . . . · . · . . . 25 rail fences; i acres or orchard. 7 years old, con· lUti. JJ'irst class hotel an.d buoiness bloclC in a eiating of apple, plum and pear trees; onlylt thriving town of 2,700 Inhabitants on the main Fuel.. .'.. .............. .. ..... ... 100 miles from McGregor station, on the, M C R line or tho Ou.nada Southern Ry. 'l 'be build · Contingencies ··· , · · · · · . · · · · . ... · 200 and LE, E and D It R. 9Gl. llO acres. South -west quarter of Lot No Ing is of brick, three storeys high and hae o. 103. 50 acres on the 3l·d con. Contains a 5, con, !l, Goslleld, 5n acres about eight miles frontage of 10! feet, and con i.alns three stores Repairs...... . ................ . . 100 dwelling house, stable and sh ed. south·eaat of Essex Centre and about 2 miles and a barber shop on th.e ground floor, thei lOt <10 acrns on tbe 1st mm., facing the 2nd !'last or the townline of Colchester North, and r~malnaer (containing 6tl rooms) being oocu· $3,910 con about fi ve miles north-west or Kingsville. died as a hotel. The hotel yields a rental or 109. ~5 acres, on the .5th con. 20 acres under Saw log timber mostly cut off· about ten ' $1.000 per year, the stores renting for $ 756 per Government Grants . . .·.... $800 cultivation; 2 acres 1>;ood timber. Good fences, acres cleared, four or which are occupied by I a.nnum. '.l'lle Whole !S in first class order and Percentage on Salaries. ... . · . 480 good well. 25 fruit trees, apples, pear3 ..nd the saw m ill, mill yards.a tined welllng,stable. situated .m the .b usmeas '?entr~ of the town. Equipment per capita ........ 214 $1,494 ' cherries. Log house and two stables' on e barn. oil house, e tc. Splendid roads in all ('. splend1.d ba."n m connection with tho house frame and one log, Soil, rich btack loa.m, directions. Plenty of standing timbei· in is also ofl'ered for '!ale. The place will be sold 110. r.o acres, on the 4th con, 47 cultivated, 3 viciniiy, 11.t a barga in, or will be ex:::hanged for farm 0 Annual cost to Tax·p ayers ····· · · ·$2,416 scree timl!er. Good fences, two first class· 98. Tbe smaller saw mill on Lot 5, Con 4, property. Statement showing annual coat with n e w wells: soil, gravelly clay loam, 50apple trees, Gosfleld, is In good order. capacity 8,000 feet 16 pear trees. apricots and other small fruit. per ten hou·s. saws fol'ty feet lengths. There school fees : Very good barn and house, costing $1,450. 3~ is a larize custom work. and active local sales miles from Amheratburg. INCOME. at all seasons for cowman and cull lumber far · exceeding the supply so f1ir. at gond prices. It 29. 5:; acres, 15 acres under cultivation. Soll G overnment Grant .. ..··· .· -.. . ... $ 800 1s ·a valuablo property, and a. good business clay loam. a n evm· failing well. b'riupo house _p .. 1 · 480 stand, besides being ver y near the gas produc· and ba.rn, log stable and other small ouitbulld· ercentage on S ruaries · · · · · · · · · · · · lng regibn. Good gravel roads in a.II direct- inge. l ! miles from Harrow, on th'.l L E E & D Eq uipment . ....·.. . .·.·· · . . .. · .. 140 r 37. 3;11- acres. Fine fruit fa.rm; 10 acres of ions. and plenty of standing timber available RRy. Per Capita . ... .. ...····. , .. . , , , · 100 grapes; on east side, between south a nd west in the vicmity, 43. GD acres, 59 under cultivation. Sandy soil 270 docks. House and outbuildings. This is an . and gravel. }l'ive good wells. Very good B · Ill mg · .· · · , · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · ' opportunity seldom offered to secure a grape Irnme d Wellilllt costing $2.000. Frame barn, Fees, $2.50 per q r., 100 . .. ... , .. · 1000 farm on t his beautif ul I sland. famed for its sta.ble, uncl other outbuildings. 'l'hree miles rich grapes, fine fruits and delicious wines. from HA.rrow. 180 apple trees bearing. 76. GG acres in Petite Coto, 50 acres under 83. 15 acres situ!l.ted on the oouth end of the 72. I oo acres, 80 under cultivation, Boil rich $2, 790 I sland, one mile from the boat landing. 'l'liere cultivation, soil ~ravelly. sandy and black gravelly, loam, good board, wire and rail a1·e on the property, two frame houses, ftve Ioa-:n. 16 acre.s of good timbe1\ l!'ences ill first fenced. Lari;:e eommodious house a nd all EX:PENDITURFI . of vineyar d. conta.ining 4,700 grape Yines class state. Four acres or apple kees, 25 cherry kinds of outbuildings, all in llrst class order. Salaries ....· .' ..... . ....... . ... . $3,260 acres in bearing. 500 peach trees, also a. large num. trees, 500 grape vines, two years old. Good 'l'here is an orchttrd of 500 bearing trees of Printing . . · . · . · · · . . . · · · · · . . . . · · . 25 her of quince, apple, pear and chen·y trees. rame house conta.ining 8 rooms, good barn different kinds or fruit. '!'here is plenty of and other outbuildings. Spleadid farm for a good water. 'l'hls property is supposed to be Fuel · . . . ·.·.· .· ·. , . · · · · · . . . . ..· . 125 'l'erms. one-tliird cash, balance to suit pur- person desirous of going into grape or fruit on the oil itnd gas bel t. and 18 very convenientchaser. Contingencies. . . · · . . . .. . . . . . . . . · 200 raising. being only ei'(ut miles trom Windsor. ly ~ltuatecl for Bhipping. belng only ~ mile from Terms to suit pnrcbaser . Ha.ckett's dock, on Lake Erie and ~ mile from the enterprising village of Harrow on the LE $3,610 F: & D R R. Harrow contains good stores, .Less Income . . . ··.. , · · · · · · . · · · · · 2,790 St. Frame saw mill with boiler and engine :first class market, also .fine churches and a nd machinery, 2;\: miles east of Essex Centre Gt: IUO a('.res, con .A, 20 acres cleared. Frame acb.ools. 'l'llls is one of the fint1st farms and on the 1\1 C R. '!'here aro 7 acres of land t hat house and barn. 4 miles from Learn. most desirabl" locations in Colcl1ester South. $ 84 11:0 wlth the mill. 1'his property will be sold ington. Offflrecl a t a. very low dgn re. 73. G7 ames. 30 under cultivation. soil clay, ln!erest on $12,000 at 5 per cen t . 600 for $1,500, originally cost $HOO; will excb.ange loam and gravel. good well. 'T'he lumber is on the pramises for the erecr.iou or a frame 1 for farmini.i lands or other property, W lll be $l, 420 sold on easy terms. · house, sit .. a ted l~ miles lr omtheprogressive Mald~n village of Har rnw. 01fe1·e<l. v ery cheap. Your Committee believes that t he com25. 50 acres on R:r app's foI.. nd. 35 a cres un · 75 t:'H· a.ct'e3, situated on. th.,; lake shore, near Oxt<'-) , JOO.Acres uncler cultivation and 3() pletion of a school building and the imder cultivation, Soil v eq rich. <hod white oak on place. Fences good . House, stable acres timbered. Soil JJJinoipa.l!v loam. position of fees will undo ubtedly p roduce o. 28 acres. all under cultivation, soil grar· and storehouse. Tjiree miles from Amherst· Good feucO·. Four wtlls and a citlt<>rn, good 0 two ~toray fr ame b.ouse or nino rooms a nd t he results shown a bove, viz.' the bene- :;iifc~ f~~~ *~~~~:'.use and barn, only f our b~s~· acrns. All under cultivation. Soil kitchen, barn, stables a nd plenty of outhousee1 That tli~ as wi · 11 have v clay loam mid very easily drained. Young Convenient to r hurches, market, &o. Supfit of the ex penditure, in their midst, of orchard. Splendid fa1m a.II through. Nice posed to be on the g-as be!~· 100. 68 acres; 48 acres cleared; s oil gravelly the money required for the completion of 0 location. V ery good house and barn: H miles loam and very productive: d ivided into eleven from Amherstburg. t'rlc~ $5,000. t he school, they will have a valuable High ?3. <160 acres, lots 5. G and 7, in the 11th con.. 3!l. r.o a cres, 35 under cnlt1viition , Soil black fields. G·iod frame house, b1 i.r11, atables and School build in"', and will b e relieved of aleo 150 a cres ot lot 5. 13th con. Will be sold· loaru, 1 acres timber. Good fences aucl good sheds, and two never failing wolls and an ~$ f · In large or small lots to snit imrchasers. a t $15 wen. Honse. stable, granary a nd pig pen. abundance of frnlt on the preml·es. Three the payment of ' l, 000 taxes annua11Y or an acre. Also 10 acres, lot 1 S M R. Five miles from .a.mherstbm·g. miles from Harrow, current expenses . · 33. 1s o acres, 85 acres 11nde1· c nltivation, G:~. 50 u.ct ee, 40 a".res under cultivation. 'l'wo 111. 40 a cre1< under cultiva.tion, soil gravelly With respect to the imposition of fees- ~ and 85 well t.imbere.,i. "\'Vell. 74 feet deep. frame hous~s a11d 2 s t ..bles, An orchard of 100 loam, good well a nd small orchard b.ea-ring. Situated in tho 6th Ol)n, 2 miies trom a railway · · never goos dry, Sufficient for whole farm.New t.rees. Well Watered. Prwe $2 .500. Your Committee understands that fees barn 30 x 96 ft, with 19ft posts and othe1· out86. 100 acres. !JS acres and under station. are O'enerally char ged .i n t he Co!logiate buildings iu good pondition. On main road 1cultivation, Roil mtxed clt\y loam a nd gravel. F or further particulars apply.t.o~ >:: · · l H" h S h l between Essex Centre and Amherst burg, two JO acree of goocl timber, fir 8t class f ences. and ) lnshtutes and prmc1pa ig Coos, milesfromMcGrcgoronCSRyand one mile 2,Z acresoto1·chard, co11sistingo l apples,peard The presen t High School Inspectors are in from the LE, E and D R Ry station. Ofterod aud oherry trees. T wo storey frame house f· f f o· p .· . 1 . l verl{ chei!.p, r chance. e-rected at a oost of $3;500, a cistern Cll.pable of avor o e es. ur nncipa IS a .so a 65 50 acres, 15 under cultivation, Roil clay ho liiing IGO barrels under the k itchen, water strong advocate for fees and contends fro m and gravel, good timber on i t, very well situ·· ta.n k upetairs. Also two large barns, stables, Twomey 's Block, Dalhousie Stroot. his own experience and from outside in- ated on the main road leading to ~ssex Centre driving s hed, &c, all in firet cla,ss order, . . f . . d and Amherstburg and only .\ mile rroul t he GroundR in front or the house well laid out, formation that eea are a positive a vant· station of the f, E,E & DH. R iind 2 miles from l!n iron fence runninir across t b.e front yard. age to the pupils, where they are charged McGregor. '.l'wo cisterns in addition to the ono muntionod, t he attendance is more regular and the pupils ~s a rule more industrious . . present school aCC<)mmodat1ous gives fair ~n v iew of the .h.eavy tua.tion re- . warning t h at the continuance of L egisla. qmred_for th~ necessities of Public School I tive and County grantR are d~pendant _ educrit1on it ls too much to the. tax· ' u;:on ' ·other arid suitable e.ccommodQ.tiona payers to assu~e thegr eatei;,propo_rhon of I b eing provided" at once. ~C>~ t h e cos.t of H igh S<Jhool ~ducation, but 3. Tha~ the very existence of t h e High . ..: ~ surely i~ cannot be a h~rdship ta. ask those School in Bowman ville depends upon the r benefittmg by a superior education to pay co ntinua nce of the Leg islat ive and county a small part of ~he cost thereof. . g rants. You r qommittee u1;1o~ enquiry find Your Committee tr:Jsts that the Board tha_t the Slll:} of the bmldmg, the plan of and its m embers will use every po11sible wluch h as been adopted by the B_oard~mm meaus t o impress the importance of the n~t be reduc~d, and that ~he specifications facts, set forth in this Rr,iport, upon the THE BEST STORIES- Our stories and novelets from some of the most popular will.not admit of cha.age m th . e way of re- tax-payers and others of Bowm~ nvi-lle a uthors, and are admitted to be the best published. F or lSOO. such writevij as Mrs. I,ucy H · h d l a Hooper,. Allee Bowman, F rank Lee l:lenediot, Alice Maud E well. Ella Higginson, Howard ducrng the cost, without eit er UD u Y all of which is r espectfully submitted. Seeley, and others Willcontrlbute some oC their best productions Eight novel<>t; and nearly weakening the building or detracting CUBITT, on e hundred ohort stories will be given durlnl\' t he ye11.r. f ·t 'l'HE BF.S1~ HOUSEHOLD DEPAR'l 'MENT-embra.cing articles on health, nursing th(l rom 1 8 apppoa~ance. . Committee : P. TREBII.CQCK, sick, home dressmaking, the garden, kitchen, and other subjects inv~luable in every house. In co . ns1dera t10n of the foreg_ omg y_our JouN P . RICE. .· hold. C Lt d that immediate d THE Bl'~ST FASHION DEPARTMENT- giving the latest and cboicel!t styles or dress ommi . ee recommen 8 B d Thia report waa unanimously a dopte for outdoor and 11ou·e wea1', fully described, illustrated by handsome colored tashlou pla.tes applica tion shall be made by the oar to by the Board on t he 25th Oct·. , 188\). and numerous wood-engraviml'a. Alire a full.size dress p11.t.teru monthly, the Town Council for t h e sum of $8500.00 Bow~nanville Oct 25th 1889 THF; BEST 1"ANCY·WORK PA'l"l'ERNS-many of them printed In colors-embracing to i.ssist in t h e erectio n of a High School · .., · · , ...; . · the newest and most popular designs produced at home and abroad, 'l'HE BJ<~S'r STJm~L ENO RAVINOS- Peterson's ls now the only m agazine givingtheee, building, and tha t the earliest steps posIt 1 . 8 r eally true that $ 30 will buy a the fin<iet of all engraving~. sible shall b e taken by the Board toward d '.!'HE CIIE.APES'.l'- as no other magai<ine gives so much of interest and -variety fo:r the the er ection of a New Schooi buildin~ so l ady's aolid gold watch an movement ' same money, Its price is within the reach of everybody. h b complete, at the Co-operative Jewel ry soon as the necessary funds a all e pr o - Stote. I". TEH.MS : $2.00 PER YEAR, IN ADVANCE. vided. -~ C. Bri"ttai·n. Your Committee desires to draw the It will be yottr fault and not ours if E LEGANT PREMIUMS F OR GETTING UP CL UBS attention of the Board to t h e following vou clo n ot come and procure some of ;' t.;0111cs, . ..... . ... ... $3.~o { " With a handsome engraving, '"The Twp s," or a choic e importa.n t facts: the immense bargains which we are offer;; C::o11ics,. .... .. .... . . 4,.,u of one ot of our staodar.d bound books, aa premn1m. l . That if better acco m modations are not inl; for the n ext tw o w eeks previous to ;~ Co1·tcs, ... ...... .... $6.<lo j With an oxtrn copy of tile filHl'ttl!:lne for one"""year, to the Coples, ..... ; ..... . . 9.oo l getter·up of the clnb. provi ' ded the attend"nce ~f non· m ovin!! into our new store. John J. ~ ·~ ~ r. Co11tcs, ............ .$8,oo I V\' ith an e:x:tra copy fox· one year and t he engraving Q ,:, ·:, book, rea1'dent p up1"l· at a11dt "ng Mason. ~ w1·11 fall off, the ~ '1 (~opies, .... ......... le.Go ( na premiu1ns to tho getter-up of the club. of the school materially s uffer and there Just to hand at Couch, Joh!!ston & FOR LARGER CLUBS, STILL FINER PREMIUMS. ~wi · 11 not be any i·11duc~ment f or ret ir1·ng Cryd erman's a fine range of ladies' and v farmers or others to b ecome residents of Misses' ulst ors and shor t jackets, Ger:uan Send for a sample copy with full particulars. this t own for the p urpose of educating made. Their goods are c ut and made up Addres~, t heir child re n . as only Germa ns can c u t and make up I TERSON' S 1'1AG 4..ZINE, 2. That the Inspector's r eport upon t he , ladies' c oats. 303 C::be;;tnul Stl.'Cl~t, rWln1tclphi1l, Pn, tions given at the !last meeting of 1 the Board your Commirttee has caref~lly ,consider0d tlte position o f the Board m referenee to the erecti011 of a High Sehool buikliog, and has endeavored to devise a plan which shall.commend itselffinanoially and educationally alike to the Board and to the J:'ubliic. Under our Principal.and staff·the Hi_gh School is being condueted in as satisfactory a manner as the H-mited accommodation will permit. In reapect to accommo-dation of the .p roperty 11ow occupied ae a school, the Board is a tenant under ·lease for one year only, upon .conditions ~hat are not satisfactory. Many .complamts have been male respecting the exposed position of the building, br.eakage of .)\\indows from the sueet, leakag.e of roof, insufficiency of ventilation, etc. So long since as .April, 1889, Inspector Hodgson reported to the Department of Education as follows : "The present accommodations (except the pupils' desks, which are modern and new) are accepted by the Department as a temporary accommodation 011ly. The continuation of . t he L elJ,is- Anderdon Township. County of Lambton. Hotel Property. Gosfleld South. Colchester South: PeJe.e Island. ·1a· Sandwich West. Maidstone. Township of Mersea.. Township, no Sandwic· h East. c en I h t N ' orth. c es er Leighton & Ouellette, pETERS-0N'S AMHE RSTBUR C, BEST AND CHEAPEST. {F. Children Cry for Pitcher's Castoria~

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