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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 6 Nov 1889, p. 1

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TBRMB :-IUiO Pu Auml. Nsw 8SRIE8, NUKBJCB 58G. OUR TOWN AND COUNTY FIRST: THE WORLD AFTERWA.RDS. .M. A. J A.MES EDITOR AND PBOPRI»TOB._ VOLUME BOWMANVILLE. ONTARIO, WEDNESDAY. NOVEMBER 6, 1889. SO.LINA. Thankl!giving 11ervice11 will be held at ~ion and Eldad at_ l _ 0 .30 and 2.30 respe~t1vely on Th:mkeg1vmg Day . .. . Ga1ne 1s quite plentiful this fall, so much so that some persons nre seen wandering in the woods with gune on Sundays. · Looks bad in a Christian country .... Mt. Joseph Garfatt has sold hie farm to his brother, Jamee and intends moving west shortly . · · · · Who stole the beet? ...· Mr. Fred. Spry has moved his household efl'dcts into our town ...· Mr. D. M. Arnott and Mr John Ashton are still very low ·.·. Quarterly meeting WAS held at Eldad on Sun· day laet when Rev. R. McCullough preached an able discourse ...· Maeter Herbert Tink got his leg badly cut by a kick from a horse on Saturdav. JACK. XXXV. NUMBEB 45. ~~~~~~!!!!!!!!!!9!!~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ - · I BURKBTUN. T HE JOHNSTON & Mr. Oumming ha.a gone to vieit his 'home in Chatham. Mr. Simpson, of Mount Forest, is taking l1is place in the 1tation .... Mr. Parker has moved to Claremont . ... Mr. \Vilkinaon has moved into Burketon ... · Mrs. Elmes. mother of Mrs. Tilley, lefi. for Elora on Tuellday ... .. Dr. Tilley visited our school on Thurs· clay leet and left a very favorable report. CORNER STORE· -IN- CRYDERMAN -.\Kl~G are daily opening out NE'VV POWDER Purea Absolutely Thl1 powder never vartes. A marvel of purity, strength and wholeaomenese. More economical than the ordln&rf kinda, a.nd can not be eoldin competition wit h the mnltltnde ot low test , short weight, alum or phosphate JJOWdere: Sold only in cane, ROYAL BAK· ING POWDER CO.; 106 W a.11 St.. N. Y. FALL GOODS and when complete, they will exhibit - - th e- - A WORD TO FARMERS. · '.l'O .ALL WHOM IT MAY CONCERN. Pi11 ~ sl ~~ A Stock evewa shown by any house in Bowmanville. COUCH. JOHNSTON & CRY DERM AN, · One Door "Test or Post Office. I take this method of thanking my old customers and the public generally for the liberal patronage extended to me during the yean that I have been in businesll and having fitted up a good ehow room and office on the site lately occupied by Mt'. C. Rogers on Silver St., between Percy's blacksmith shop and the News office, where I shall be pleased to see my old friends or make new ones, and I invite all who want anything in the following lines to call and eee me and examine goods and compare prices and quality before placing your orders : agriculture.I machinery, steam and horse power threshing machines, Brantford binders, reapers and mowers ; seed drills, spring-tooth cultivators, disk, sulky and iron harrows, riding and walking plows, straw cutters, grain crushere, r oot cutters ; also agent for the (}oold Bicycle Co., and St. Thomas White Bronze MonumGnt Co.; insurance effected on farm buildings and privato residences at lowest rates. Headquarter3 for plow points, machine oil and axle grease. JAMES M cLEAN, 14-tf. Bowmanville. Ocean tickets by different lines of steamships for sale at the S'.l'ATESMAN office. tf GIVING UP BUSINESS I E. THOMPSON & Co. Mammoth Bankrupt Stock Dealers, have decided to GIVE UP BUSINESS IN BOWMANVILLE, owing to Mr. Thompson's ill health. $21,000 STOCK ! GOODS SLAUGHTERED REGARDLESS OF COST, AND ONLY 90 DAYS TO CLEAR OUT. :Bargains for everyone. 'l'his stock is the most seasonable in Bowmanville, consisting of Staple and ·Fancy Dry Goods, Silks, Satins, Sealettes. Brocade Plushes, Silk Finish Henrietta Cloths, Millinery, Mantles, Mantle Cloths, Tweeds, Rt'ady-made and Ordered Clothing, Fur Goods, Hats and Caps, Boots, Shoes, &c. Below we give you an idea of some of' the BARGAINS : Ladies' Fine Costume Cloth for .......... $0 08 worth $0 15 11 11 all wool Dress Good!I for.,.. 10 11 20 11 II II II II II II II II II 12~ II 25 " II Cashmeres for . . ........ .. . II II " II II ........ ...... " ·· ····· ··· " All wool Tweeds... . ...·············.· · II l 00 35 50 II Ii 50 II Pantings ·· . , .·................ Men's Fino Overcoats ..... . ......·....· 3 90 II II 4 95 It " " II Mantle Cloths for... ··. ·. ·· II .......... 15 15 19 50 " 30 25 " ii II II II II 1 75 " II 1 2 .. .... .... ······ ·····... ii II II II .................. 7 9 35 00 00 00 60 85 90 50 00 Men's I<'ine all wool Suits... . . . . ... .... . . . . $4 95 worth $9 00 11 11 11 Pants..... .. .. .. .... .. 1 25 2 7ti Ladies' Solid Leather Slippers. . . . . · · · . · . . . 39 11 76 " Fine Slippers ·. ·. .. ·- .. .·.·.· , · · . . . 1 25 " " Boots ····· . ..· ~·...... . . ... .. 1 50 II II II 2 00 1 00 Girl's Solid Leather Boots .... . .· · . . .··· . . . 1 50 u Fine Solid Leather Boots ........ · ·... 2 15 Boy's Strong Solid Leather Boots ....· . .· · · 11 Fine 11 11 11 ·· ·· · ····· · 1 50 1 25 Men's Strong 'Wea.ring L eathGr Boot~ ...... . 2 75 11 Fine Leather Bootil . . ....... . ... ... . ii II II 3 00 " II II 2 75 Long " These are onl v a few of the many Bargains to be had during this Great Clearing Sale. Your Dollar never possessed such a purchasing power. Come early. Ilemember, there are only 90 fl?YS t o c.Iea1· all out, (f:~PSO~&~~~;~M~MM~!~ iiN~~~-_§f~~~~~~~~) R. A. SMITH, Manager. OOURTIOE. Mr. Tooley haa repaired the break in --o-the mill dam and the merry hum of the machinery is heard once more ·..· A Thanksgiving service will be held at Eben· We appear le fore the readers ezer on Thursday next at 10.30, to be of the STATESMAN as present addressed by Rev. W. Liddy and others. · ... We understand that Mr. E. Tonkin, occupants oJ the famous CORNER brother of Mr. W. H. Tonkin, of this lhAPLE GRUVE. place, has been ~ngaged a.s teacher at No. STORE, in the pleasant little village of Orono. Mies Marv Crummer, of Pickering, i11 4 .... Hallo'een passed very quietly. vi!iting friends in this vicinity . .. · M11ster Fred Foley ie on the sick list ··· . Mies HAYDON. The shop is one of the finest and Bertha Farewell has been sick for some Wm. Avery and A. Ramm are home best adapted places of the kind for time, but is recovering .. . . Mr. John again from Brandon, where they have Crumb is an agent for Hooker, Brown & spent the summer . .- .. A number of our business in the county. Now Co. , Nurserymen, of Rochester .... Hal- young men are retiring for the winter while everything appears lovely lo'een passed off quietly .... Mr. Thomas months ..... There is some talk among the Snowden had a huBking be., on Thursday ~hoir o_f getting up an oyster. supper and on the surface, inside you will find eveninp, last. The boye w0rked well and m gettrng books. Put words into actions. a quantity of corn was husked. DuriDg ·· .. Visitors : Mr. W. C. Motley, of To- a beehive of industry and a whirltho evening an ear of corn containing 708 ronto; Mr. and Mrs. T. Creeper and son pool of, not surpassed in kernals wae husked. Beat this who can of Tyrorie; Mr. and Mrs. J, D ,m ;;las and our county. · . .. .l\ ~m. Axford rAturned to her fami ly, of Newc&8 tle. · horn., m 'loronto last week. Dur ing her. While barley is so very cheap ZlOl:v . visit, while getting into a buggy, she accident1ly slipped and fell, the horse Farmers aro busy raising their roots we nm giving barge.ins to match, stepping on her hand inflicting an ugly and the r.rop seems to be an average one. and a visit to out store will conwound. DEXTER. . ... On account of the quarterly meeting vince you that we are among the at E ldad on Snnday no service was held OSHAWA. here ..·. Dr. W, E . Tilley visited our leaders jn the selection of goods, Mrs. D. Mcintyre, passed away on Mon· school and seemedhighly pleased with the day week after a. few days of very severe standing and discipline of the school. ... and at prices that cannot fail to suffering .·.. Miss Velma L. A . Gould, of Mr. D . Arnott, Sr., still continues in a Foley, has returned from a visit in the poor state of health .... Several from here merit a share of your patronage. Bay of Quiote district. . .. Mrs. T. M. have become quite interested in the Sons A great big emporium of almoat Kinsman left last week to join , her hus- of Temperance at Solina. everything. band at Sault St. Marie . ... Dr. Sweet· 8p'IJle, v. s., who moved from here a few URUNO. Specialties in DRESS GooDs, F'OR months ago, bas now ta.ken up his resiMr. }'. S. Fairfield has moYed into dc3nce in London, Ont .... A very pleasant Miller' GOODS, READY- MADE CLOTHING 11 block. . ' evening was spent at Christ Church on Miss Walker, of Port Hope, is visiting Monday week, at a social gathering,and a CLOTHING 1'0 ORDER, warm welcom.i was given ·to Mr. DL>bbs at Mrs. Andrus. (the new pastor of the church) and his Mr. Samuel Mercer, who has been very bride ... . Miss Leonard has purchased the ill, is slowly recovering. TEAs, ::>uGARs AND GENERAL GRo~ building at the corner of Simcoe and Bond Miu McLaughlin, of Tyrone, spent a CERIES. Big drives in BOOT$ AND Streets .. .. Mrs. J. T . Gou ld; of Foley few- days laet week the guest of the has returned from au eleven months: MisBes Brown. SHOES; also LU1'1.BER, SHINGLES pleasant tour in Germany and England ...· l\~r. '\Y-rn. . Waddell's new residence, and CEDAR. Messrs Coulthard & Scott ha;·e received completed and is a fine Ant10cb, 18'1tbout an extensive order for their seed drills an cl harrows from Manitoba .. . . A little handsome frame structure. A large stock of boots and 6hoes at boy, 1100 of Mr. R. Kennedy, Bond St., had one of his kr.,ees put out of joiot on special prices at the Corner Store in OroSaturday last while trying to get a ride no. Don't fail to see them. behind Mr. Thomas' hack, his leg caught Master Wilbur Thornt,on has taken the AUCTION SALES. in one of the wheels .... Mr. W. T. At· position of assistant in the Post Otlice kinson has sold his beautiful re11idBilce vacated by his brother Ed wio. ' ha.If a mile west of the town, to Mt'. Mr. E. B. Wilson, t eacher of Antioch F Rro..n , Nov. 8.- Mr. Ira. Pearce will sell on lot 26, con. 1,Darliigton, 8 acres E. Morphy, Barrister ... . A parsnip was school, intends to enter Toronto Un iverof standing timber; all maple and l:>eech dug froUl the ~arden of Mayor Cowan, sity and enter on a fonr year's course of in half acre lots, Sale at 1 p. m. H.C. last week, which me11sured three and a study. IluNKING, auctioneer. . · . half feet in length. Mr. T. W. Underwood has been en· TUESDAY, Nov. 12.-Ile sells standing gaged by Messrs. Ogilvy, Al6xander and TYRONE. t.i mber for A. Gifford, lot 2, con. 7, AnderRon, wholes·lle dry goods MerEast Whitby, at 1 p. m . Mr. G , H. Jardine who fractured a cb!l.rits, of Toron to, as travelling ageut. borio in his foot white bading timber is WEDNESDAY, Nov. 13.- Ro gells at andEconomy is the watchword jnst now on slowly improving ... . M r . J 0 3, Penfound in!! timber for Mrs Sulley, lot 28 co~ . has been c·ff work for severul days l"'ith a account of the very low price of b arley. 3, Darlington, at 1 p. m . ' practice economy in all its You can sore hand, having come iu contact with T HURSDAY, Nov. 14.-He will sell pure. branches by purchasing your necessaries the c_ i rculal' saw .... Mr. W. Dellehay is bred horses, cattle and sheep. Partfo. very ill wii h quinsy ... . The S. 8. was t o at the Corner Store in Orono. ulars later. · Bta.rt at 2.30 o'clock for orie S abbath only Mr. W . W. Andrus, late of the Buffa_lo ·owing to Quarterly meeting at Bethesda. base bull t eam, intends entering the To· F RIDAY, Nov. 15. -He will sell for Mr. Robbins, standiag timber .Oil Wilmot Not for the futuro as st-ated last week . . ron to Medical College n ext week, where farm, west of Newcastle. · . . An·> ther heavy d.ra.ft. Mr. ·fas. Curtis he will begin the study of Medicine. It has a colt 2 years 4 months old which is his intention to play ball through the PROPERTIES FoR SALE.-Some fi ne resi~ dences in Oshawa for sale and pr.ivate weighs 156b pounds. Be<Lt this who can. s~mmer season and study through the mono~ to loa11. Business strictly COil· . ... B.emem ber the sale 'lt the corners to- wmter. fidential. S. C. H UNKING AuctionmorrL>w at 2 o'clock ...· 'M r. W. Virtue, Last Saturday night week the barns eer, Ccurtice, P. 0. ' . . Sr., who recently fell and broke his leg and outbuildings of Mr, John Bawks, 4th died on Friday last. '.l'h e funeral took line, together with his whole season's TnuRSDA.Y,Nov.7. -There will be sold by place from his late residence on Monday crop of grain, hay, straw, &c., also agriauction on Lot 31, con. 2, Clarke, the to English church C'3 metery, Enniskillen. cultural implements ,and a valuable horse, whole of the farm stock, implements Age, 82 years .... Following are the officers were consumed by fire. The barns were etc., of Richard. Foster. Hts imple: of Tyror.te Division: W. P., Bro. J. H. insured for $300, the contents $600. mentR ar11 almost new and his horses Allan; W. A., Sis B. Gardiner; R. S., Durham cattle, and Leicester sheep ar~ Big discount11 for cash right through Bro. J . Manning; A. }{,. 8., W. Os born; of a high class. Farmers attend this F. S., H. Werry; '.l'., J. T. Welch; Chap., every line and one of the Jar"est stocks sale and improve your stock. L. A. the Cor· Sia. N. Bingham; U. Bro. A. Brent; A. in the cou vty to choose from w. TOLE, Aue. C., Sis. 1\1. Emmerson; I. S., Bro. S. ner Store in Orono. Also libera l dis· counts to al~ prompt paying customers on FRIDAY, Nov. 8.-S. M. Clemeus will Pollard ; 0. :S., M. Werry ; P. W. P., G. sell by public auction on Friday after· H. Jardine ... · 'l'hings are boomina at regular credit. noon at 2 o'clock the property known the oiJe·r works . . .. A checker team "'conas the Corn er Store, Tyrono, also sisting of 3 from Maple Grove and 3 from Dry goods at cost at Tod Bros. ' giving· dwelling in connection wit.h store Solina played a match game with the up- business·sale. sto~el10use, stable, and driving shed team of this placo in the Sons' hall on on 1 acre land, after whioh a eale of Friday night last. Each pair playing eix Newest styles of wedding cards just dry goods, &c., in the store. L. A. games and resulted in favor of T<rrone, received at STATESMAN Office. ToLE, Auctioneer. with the following score : games won, THE STATESMAN and Empire from now 8.ATURD°'"Y, Nov. 9.-Extensive sale of Tyrone, 14, opponents, 11, draws 11. to end of 1890 for only $2 .00. furniture, stoves, crockery, glassware, The return match will be played at Solina Subscriptions must be sent to M. A. etc., on the Market Sq11are. Parties three weeks from to·night ..·. The Parlia- JAlllES, STATEl!MAN Office, Bowmanville leaving town-everythinl{ must go. L. mentary Brigade was on parade till a. late Ont. 41-2w. ' 1 A. W. ToLl:, .Auctioneer. hour on Th?rsday i.t being Hallo'· 1 L~rge ~tock of shirts and dra:wers and een.. On F:r11lay mornmg it was a case of cardigan Jackets at 'l 'od Bros.' g1vin2-up· Mo~DA:I', Nov. 11.- Mr. M. Garvin,: half ha_ngmg gates, &c.: ·. Tenders were re- businees ·sale. mile north of N e\Vcastle, will sell his ce1ved last week for lmprovements on the C , · thoro-bred Clydesdale horses and Dur1 church here. The carpenter work was , ~~mpton s co ebrated corsets,Cora.lme, ham cattle, farm implements, hay and let t o Mr. T. Gardiner and the paintina Yat1·~ a!1~ other ma:kes at cost at Tod household effects. T his is a very large and fresco work to Messrs. Wilcox &, Bros. g1vmg-up-buemes~ ·sele. sale and as Mr. Garvin has been farmSons, Wnitby ..... Service will be held A very large and choice stock of new ing only 2 years everything is first. in the Sous' Hall next Sabbath and so on tweeds and worsteds JUst opened out at class and the stock is superior. Sale to the tind of chapter .....A big day to· Couch, Johnson & Cryderrpan's . at 10 o'clock eharp. Lunch at 12. See morrow with the Ladies' Aid ..·· Miss If you want a first-class cigar you must large J.JOstera. L. A . W. TOLE, Aue. Rosa Cade is in our midst a.gain..... Miss go to W. E. Pethick's where you will find TUESDAY, Nov. 12.- Mr. Neala, Clarke Annie Hodgson officiated at the organ on a great many kinds to choose from. will sell all his stock, implements, etc~ Sabbat.h evening. To THE DEAF.- A person cured of L . A. W. '.l'ou:, Auctioneer, _ _ __ ._.._. Deafness and noises in the head of 23 A Wonderful Flesh Producer. years' standing by a simple remedy, will THURSDAY Nov. 14.-E. McMurtry, Bow. manville, will sell all his implements Thia is th e title given to Scott's Emul- send a description of it FREE to any perand stock comprising a very large num. sion of Cod Lfoer Oil by many thomands son who atiplies to NlCHOLSoN, 30 St. ber of cattle, horses and 40 ewe lambs. who have taken i t. It not only gives flesh . John St., Montreal. 44-lyr. L. A. W. TOLE, .Auctioneer. and strength by virtue of its own nutri-1 WEALTH CANNOT B uy IT. -H ealth is t ious prop erties,. but crei.teb an appetite not purchasable. The saddened, soured SATURDAY, Nov. 16.- Sale of 14 dairy cows in calf and a lot of other stock at for. food . U?e it_, cinil t ry y our weight. 1 dyspeptic, or the bilious billionairs suffer Orono. No r eserve. L. A . W. Tor.ll, Scott's Emulston .1s perfectly pa.latable. j despite t heir wealth. Burdock Blood Auctioneer. S old by all Druggists, at 50c. and $1. Bitters is a rational r emedy for dyspep1 l sia., biliousness, constipation, scrofula l'ROMl'"I', POT ·-N'l' A.ND P:ERlllAN.RN1' ' 1 · b ·1· t d. l. t . . ' l'A.INFUJ. JmKl(S br · · ll . re:nllts ·e 01· ., ~, 11 t e I tty, e c., an eve<ry comp am ar1smg t , uucs, sea t s ~·n·l · nhvuys · · come l'rom the u~ .. · f · ,. · b dbl d I cu s nre fJ.ulek Jy, soolhetl ·uul h cnlccl b burn's Aroumtic UuJnlne ·wine: rom lllCtigest1on or a oo · Ylctorht <:arbollc Salve. ' Y ORONO . SMITH & CO. H'. -~~~~~~- at af F

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