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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 6 Nov 1889, p. 4

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---· - ----yean old , if he l ookecl a day. Hi~ face is bo th aides of the Atlimtic. Its almost inhumanly white. Ile looks too aim is t o present the cen t ral truths of crossings. The sidewalks, too, were uld and gone to impress ou r., only as a redemption m the most direct way to the crowded with spectators. There wM an reltc might impress. I w aP very mnch people. Meetings are helci every ni<rht display of wealth and lux- struck and disappointed. l l1ad hoped _ t o in the week in halls. They aro froe b '~11 For the ba:ance of the season, you extraordinary ·-·"· ""'· -"" · ·"·"... . ... .. ... . ury. What splendid looking men, too, see a stirring face and an u_ye full o f hfo and of the most simple character ; lively can get WALL PAPER from me and women there were! The grand old and fir e. L ·w had both o ..ce, but they mueic,short prayers, brief and forcible serNOl THE KIND--- 'very low. want to clean out Roman features remain still. Therewere are now t!Ont1. When I kuolt at hi~ fe11t, mons. They areas far r emoved as possible faces which might have answered for his look ~as v.ery feeble." llut the fire is fromsensationalism,butth esuccesshasbeen present stock. Julius C:;esar or Cicero; some of the n ot by any means extinguished , though phenomenal. 'l'he people have NSpondod matrons, how noble in bearing ! What at times it may bum low. The mess; ge to the earnest effort to benefit t·hem. possibilities there are for Italy! But not delivered by the Pops, at the secret con- We saw laborers in their blue blouses and without ~od. This is His own h oly day : sistory, on J tme 30th lasi, was t he most their wives and da ughters, and men ' and l3ut PANSY'S CELE:BnAT:SD 'WBI'l'INGS but ho has been forgotten iu it. No p ~o· violent h e has made during h is Pontifi - women of apparen ~ly h igher social posiple can reach their b eat , or remain p er- , cate, Ile chargeiJ ~he l~~!_i;\q Q9v9r11ment tion in goodly numben a t these \ fi\.eeiingfi. 'l'.he attendanc.3, E:ven on week manently strong without the religion . of with gr0$11 insult ot the Papacy in 1 Tnose who buy from me, are al- the Lord Jesus Christ in the fulnes~ of its t ing the er ection of the Statue of Bruno, nigh ts, was go0d, and t h e o r.tention very We have received a F ull Line of P ansy's Works in cheap form; power. The religion of the Lord Jeana in J:tAmc,an.i "indignantly pro te~ts to the close. It is e&tima.ted that i,0,000 persons ways well satisfied. I make a Christ also a Large Assortment of other Books, suitable for Sunday will be but a shadow w itho u~ the Catholic world this aa.crilegious iniq uity." formerly sceptics, have been brough t to hobby of Wall Paper, study general Lord's Day. Schools, Dav Schools, Prizes, etc., which will be sold at L owest . He has even excommunicated Quean Mar- the Christian faith- through the agency Prices. · effect, and buy and recommend, The next Sunday morning at nine garet, t he id ol of ltaly, devout Catholic of the M cAll Mie&ion. o'clock we attended High Mass in St. as she is. We can imagine the effect on The Government have recognized Dr. knowing what I am doing. Chatterbox, Band of H ope, British Workman and other AnnualsPeter'~· We were somewhat disappointed. the pc or prisoner of the Vat ican of the McAll for his work . Some of h is halls SPECIAL ATTENTION GIVEN Not with the edifice. We had seen it recent gift of $1,000 made to the W11lden- are in the worst Comm1mist districh, but have arrived. previously, and it is surpassingly grand. siana by King Humbert. The fact is, wherever a Mi1sion Hall has b een eatabTO CEILING DECORATION. From the entrance door to the tribune, these two near n<Jighbors are not on very lished, there is ao:m found to be less need Our new Photograph Albums surpass any we have ever shown where stands, set in. an immons.e bronzo, 11;ood terms. The Pope still coneiders of police. 'fhere are 44 stations in Paris, for Quality aud Price. the old wooden ep1scopa! cha·r o~ St. himself a prisoner in the Vatican. Should 82 in the D epartment of France, besides · ·J3eautiful goods in FANCY GLASS- Ptiter, one trea?s a plam of pohsheid ha go outside its limits his claim on the 4 in Algiers and T unis, and 1 in Corsica , Have you ~een our 10-cent Window ? It is a w on der to many WARE, just opened, the very thing marble 6~5. feet m length. Across the Sovereignty of Rome would be virtually with Sabbath l::lchoole, children's services , how we can sell some of the articles at t he price. for wedding and other presents. transept it is 450 feet. The dome reaches given up. '.l'he King sympathizes with young women's classes, etc.,and the work up 403 feet from the pavement to t~e and leads forward young Italy. still grows. Pictures framed at Lowest Rates. Ja:otern and has a sweep of 138ft. Ill I would fain linger in Home. and would I had no o pport unity of eeeing any. · d1a'!1eter; r.o?m and to. spar_e for the like especi"llY to describe at length the thing of the French Protestant Churches REMEMBER, the Place for BARGAINS is lo!tiest British Colum~Ha ptne. The Vespers in S. Trinitade Monti,whichl at - of Paris. There are 40,000 Protestants Aye, lots of goods. frieze a.t the top of t~e pdlars which sup- tended the 11ame Sabbath evening, with in the cit.y, and 800,000 throughout ·port the d?me ~e~rs i_ n mon_ s ter letters of the singing of the nuns, so angel-like, France. There m any o ther evangelI gold, the msoript1on lil, "Thou a. rt from aome invisib le choir-loft in the dim ical agenciet1 at W O l'k. But Romanism ie Petera~don.thisrockwUIIbuildmychurch twilight, and to say how pathetic waa the very strong, and infidelity is rife. Paris ai:id I will give to t,~1ee the keys of the high iron grating extending the whole has doubtless much of good hidden away, kmgdom of heaven. In tho centre be- way across the church, wh1cu sh uts out thousands of pious homes:but what meets ~ht Jtntt~mau. !1eath the dome and under a lofty canopy the Sisters from the r est of the people. a strangor's eye is the frivolity of the p lace. But I must hurry on to Florence,where On no day in t he week ia this more 0b· is t.he reputed tomb of St. Peter. The 148 columns, the 30 altars, the elaborate we spent the third Sabbath of May. We trusive then on the Sabbat h. I t is the EOWMANVILLE, .. Nov. 6, 1889. chapels, the tombs 11:nd . statues, and arrive d there on Saturday night, in tho great day of amusement, and, of course, bronz08, the . de.corat1~n11 of colored high company of the new Archbishop, who for all those who provide the entert ain~arblee, all umte m addmg to th~ mag- was enthroned t he next day, amidst a ment for the others, a day of hard labor. ·~. · mficence of_ t_he la_ rgest church m ~he whole afternoon of the most tumultuous The Exposition was kept open on Sun-world, a bmldmg said to have cost $60,- and unremittin" roar ot bella I ever days with lar..,ely increa1eu crowds. The Ladies go to the We st End House for:0 "Sundays in.Italy and France" was the 000,000 in the erection, .and to require head. 011 our"way to church, on S unday Sabbiith after o ur depa,rlure, the great title of the third and concluding discourse $30,000 ar.llu'.lnY fo_ r repairs alone. morning, along the bank of tha Arn o, we fete commemorati ng t he fall < ·t the Ba.stile of the above eeries, given last Sabbath We were d1sappomtell, however; for we got a glimpse of the lofty old tower, · was held . The whole ci ty wiu in an upevening in St. Paul's church by Rev. R. h8:d looked f.or a large c,ongrei,iatwn ~t unique in appP.arance among the t owers rou of rnerry-makin " 'J1 'lw e nistribution all prices and aH sizes, plain an'1 ribbed. D, Fraser, who spoke as follow11 :High Mass m St. Peters. Perhaps ~t of EuropP, i n a cell in which the great of the awards of 1 h " Ji:xpus11 w n "'as made We arrirnd in Rome, Saturday night, was too late an hour. . At any rate eVI· Savonarola was impri~oned . on Swnday, wit h '"' ela.bor.ate ceremony, the 4th of May. the long ride of dently no ~ongref!a~10n ~as expec~ed. The little Scotch Free Church was well and it is the fixed day in FraDCe fur the 200 miles from Pisa, we were wearied and Maas was bemg said Ill a side chapel,, an~ filled. I had the unexpected delight of gomet>al electiv·· ~. Even in ]~r:o ncA , how· Kid Tipped, something new. dust-stained, but as the train pierced the for. the 'ole benefi~ of the church dcgm- finding, just across the aisle, a former evei>;. as in o ther Cun t inenta.J au11 11tdee,a11 walls near the Porta. Maggiore, and drew ~arie.e, perhaps 50 mall, who sat onoµpos- member of my church in Toronto. Tl1e agitation has been begun in favor of a into tho railway station, we wero full of 1te .sides of the chapel on raised seats and pulpit was occupied by Rev. John R. Mc· t:iabba-th rest. The movement is not on eagerness for the first glimpse of the f~c1ng one another. ' was no pro-. Dougall, whose name has long been r eligious grounds o r1 ly or mainly. One of Ehernal, city. 'Ve were not disappointed, viston for other worsluppers. The few known as that of an apostle of Italian t he most inter es L ing Congreseea held in although, as we emerged from the station, people t~~t were P1:esent. stood: We were Evangelization. He is a majestic man. Paris dttring the time of t he E~positic::n, it was neither Pagan nor Papal Rome that not sutliciently ekil~ed m pr1e~ tly. gar- His prayer, "That the eye of yo uag Italy was t hat t o promote Sabbath · obsernnce. met our eyes ; a wide squ!\re, a gorgeous mente to know pre~1eel! t~e d1gmty of ma.y be opened t o the light !" rings in my It wa11 11.nder th e Pri:>sidency oft M'.. Leon fountain brilliant with electric light, and, each of the eccle11ll'.lst1oa 111 this select ears st ill. His setmon, from tho text, Say, and was attended by· d elegat es from as we drove to our stoppinR plai.:e, mag- ?0 ~pany. We ~nders tood'. howe~e:, that "The D isciples were called Christians many foireig n c ountries. L etters were nificent modern s treets reminding one of it mclud~d Cardmals and high offic1a.I~ of first in Antioch," was, after Spurgeoa's read fram many e!Dinent men not able t o Paris. But the modern is after all only a tha Pope 8 hoosehold. There were old and McNeill's, the mos t inspiring I heard be preae·nt in person. among · them :m e veneer. We were traversing the old and feeh!e men among them! s_ome ot while I was abroad. As pas tor of the from the President of the unit ed State~, Sabine town, by the union of which with these with faces of rare di~mty and little English speaking Presbyterian com- who thus writes: "Exper iencE.> and! ol:ser- · that o.n the opposite Palatine hill, the city sweetness, yo.nag men ~oo, of eviderit cul- munity of l'lorence,and of passing strang· vat ion hiwe i.:o nvinced me t hat every one of. Rome wae originally formed. t.ure and of vigor of ~wd as well as. body. ers, and ;,i.3 'rreasurer and Foreig n S o::cre- who works with hands o r head neecl s the Next morning, as I stepped early to Nor _wel'e there wantrng coarse and for- tary of the Free I talian Church, h a is a rest which the Sabbath alone gives. the wide·open window of my room, I got biddmg countenances. M imy wore . t~e very b11 sy man ; but he found time to en- Philant hropiats and Chriatians , may view eome notion of the strange variety.Rome shoulder cape of ~rey ~ur, fo_r the air ~n tertaiu my travelling companion and my- t he question from differ ent points_, bnt presents. We were on a slope of the these great 18 chill, . ove~ m self wit.h much information as to the pro- whether we regard man as an animal or Quirinal Hill not far from the King's ~ummer: The seryice was, .0 f its. krnd, gres~ of the G ospel cause in Ita ly. It goes au immortal b11ing, we ahould unite· to aspalace. The window looked directly impreaaiv~·.especially ·the impartmg. of on; not so rapid ly indeed as t he ardent sure him the r est whi:Jh body and· mind down on the narrow and intricate streets the. be~ediction from one t? ai:iother, with woulddesire,butstill with much encourage. both require to keep them in the besli posof the populous city; nElar by a huge frag- which it closed. The . smgrng _ o f the ment. '.l'hereare now in Italy 200 centr e1 eible condition." L et us all take ebrnng ment of an ancient ruin; yonder, directly choir of men w~s very rich, par~icularly from whioh a pure Uospel is proclaime:i. grounds in the struggle for th e Sabbath to the west, and glittering in the morn- that of the. leadmg sopr~no. His lofty The Waldensian Church, the Free I talia n which iB creepin~ u pon us in our own ing's sun, the great dome of St. Peter's; in and flute-hke notes, flo&tmg _through the Church, t he Wesleyan aud the E piscopal land. We shall b:'l in t he thick ofit-'!10011. the valley between, a score of ~mailer vast ar~a of the ohurcli, ~ad, 1i:ideed, been Methodist' and the Brethren, are the Let us stand for a day of rest, so, pro- - ANTh' - - do~es, from every one of .which apparent- o~r guide t? the chapel Ill which the ear- bodies enn.mera.ted as at work. along wi th tected by law that no one shall be req uirly, came a ceaseless boommg of bells. vice was bemg held, from the moment we the British and Forei;:n Bible Society ed or permitted to do unnecessary' la':>or ; It was a beautiful summer day, the h°'.d pa_ ssed under the heavy le"thern ,cur- and many minor agencies. The Prot est- and may th 0 Sabbath be increasin~ly. reheat and glare in the streets from lime- tam au the entrance door of the great ants number about 62,000, a mere handful garded &mong us as a d eligh t and honor· etone and marble inc1easing as the sun nave. of the 30. miillions of able, a day to be eagerly seized t o cult i· rose higher in the heavens. ~WO things further in s~. Ptlter'll esThe demand for the Bible is widespread. vate the best that is in us and learn m·ore aU We found the Scotch freeChuroh readily. .pec1ally attra.c~ed our attent1oa, a~ they The Church of R ome baa been stripped and more olFGod. NOTE THE ROLL0>WlN G F IGURE S ; It ia prominently situated on the Via ~us.t that of every stranger : the one, the by the Gov.eimment of its power to im· ·Ven ti Sett<>mhre(5 ~h of September street,) k1ssmg of the toe of the brom.:5 statue of pede the circulation of the Scriptures. Progress Gf Invention Since Ul345 New Ladies' ~ol d 'Yatch, Stem Wi-nd., warranted,.... . . from $15.00 up whtch .derivu· ita n ame from the e ntrv of St. Pote.r, the other the numerous CO:l'l- Indeed that C:nu rch would seam t o be at -the1Italians in 1870 under Victo: Em· fessionals. The "St .. Peter" is an a~tique last compelled t o aid in giving the Bible In the year 1845 the present ownt1· 1'8 of New Stem :Vmd Nickle ~atches. .· .··.. . . . . . . ....... from 2.75 up manual, which made it possl.blo for a Pro- bronze statue of Jup1te~, tur~ed, hke. so to Italy. The London 7.'i mes, in a " lead- the Scientifie American newspaper.. com- New 3 oz. Silver, Stem Wmd..... ... .. . ...... . ..... .. from 15.00 up testant church to be permitted within tho many other heathen thmgs m Rome. to ing article· ,,. not loner since notices the menced its publtcation, and soon after es· Silver Plate, Jewelry, Rings, Chains, etc., a.t walls of Rome. The church in approaqhed the use of the c~urch. The touching of reinarkabl~ venture of Sonzo~no, the edi- tablid1ed a bureau for the procuring of by a walk bordel'ed with roses aud has a t~e toes of the right fo?t of this statue tor of a well known ne\vspaper,the Sec.olo, pa.tents for inventions at home and in chaste and restful interior. The servioe with the f?rehead and hps has become an at Milan. :rt is none other than the foreign co1Lntries . D uring the year :11Si5 was one to be remem~ertid. We we~e ·i n ac~ of_ m »r1t. A constant stre11.m of peo- issuing of an illustrated Bible in numbers there weremJly 502 pa tents issued from · Rome, the absolute m1strtls&~ at one tune, pie, rich '.lnd poor, high and l~w, old and at a cont apie~e. It ia a fine q mi.rto, and tho U. S . Patent Office, and the total All goods warranted as represented. ·of the world, the centre 11t1ll of untold , young, priestly and lay, wer? gou;ig through each number is illustrated with four issue from. t he establi~hment ofJ the .spiritual itifluence. The fire of Papal t.he performance. Now it . might be 11. really artistic cuts. The tex~ is an Italian Patent Office, up t o the end of tha.t year, 6H~.r&',had blazed here. The Panth~on, c!-'rdrnal~ then. a beggar, agam s ome dear translation of the Latin Vulga te, with numb ared only 4,347. Up to the first of July t his year t here whi'Ch was to hold the gods of all nations little chddre? held up by a fond m other. notes by Mo nsiznora Antonio Martini, BEPA.IRIN& A. SPECIA.LTY. still stands . .Paul's feet trod these streets, It was tou~hm~ ~o ob~erve t.he ea.rnest- Archbishop of F lorence. It is simply a have been granted 406,413. Showing Watches UJeaned .to1· ............ ..........................ooc. fo 7':ic. For "two wholt' years he dwelt in his own nesa and s1mph<!1ty w~th which the act comraercia.l venture and th 0 fact that it is that since t.he commencement of the pub. ... , ......... ..................... i'iOc. to 7':ic. hired h.ouse and _received .a ll that came was done by most. The bronze toe~ a~e a paving Te:ature e~eaks wonders for the lication of the Scientific American there 'Vatch Main Springs ..... unto him, preachrng the kmgdom of God al';Uost completely worn away, and it. is progress Italy is making in education and have been issued from t he U . S. Patent Wat. c it Gt.a sses... .. .... ............... ................. ......... l:ic. and teaching thoBe things which concern B o nd they had mor.e than once to _be thirst for k nowledge these late years. Office 4021166 patents, and a bou4> one- UJo.-ks Ulcaned £01· ........... .......... .. ..... .. . . . .. . ... . - 40c. to 7':ic. tbe Lord J esu~ ." In this city h~ was im - r enewed. The confessionals also wer~· _ 1n· Sonzogno writes merely 08 I:' seo'!lar edi- third more applications have been made Other repak iing equally low. All work well done and warranted. prisoned, an~ faced Nero _on hls Judgment tereatmg from the fact that prov1s10n tor, when he eayll, in Jaunchmg his enter- than hav.e been grant ed, showing the in11est: Near 1t he wa3 slam by the Bword 11e~med to ?e made for e~~ry tongue.. A prise, '" There is one book which ga.thers genuity of our people t o be phenomenal, A CALL SOLICITED. of Nero's executioner. In yonder Colos. prie_st sat ii. flach, awaiting or up the poetry and tho science of humanity and much greater than even t he e normous ma:tyrs we~e rent by pe~1tent~". Over the doo_r of one was m- nnd that book is the B ible, and wit h this number of patent s iuue~ indicat es. Pco8 eum Christian wild beasts. H ere !us throno u1 no\'I" set, scribed, for those speakmg the Spau1sh book no other work in any llterature can bably a.good many of . our r eadet>s have who claims infallibly to utt~~ the v~ice of tong~e," .over auot?,er, "for those spea~· be compa!led. It iB a book that Newton had business t ransacted through the 44 watchmaker and J eweller . God Here, ~oo, a. new epint of h?er~y the Eaghsh tongue , and so oa, throu 0 h read continually, that Cromwell carried otli.Jes of the Scientific American,. in New - ==-============== is abroad. A t the close of the service m perhaps u. score _ of languages. No e:lfort at his saddle, and that Voltaire k ept al- York or Washington, and a r.e· familiar ==============:============~ the afternoon I met the_ wido_w of . the is spared to brmg the benefit~ of the ways on h is study table. It is a book with Miano & Co. 's mode of do ing busiman who brought the nrst bibles mto clergy to all comers. One no.'.1ces too, that beHevers and unbelievers should a like ness,. but those who have not Wiiill be inRomo with. fa~ troops of Victor Emman- over the door o~ every church m Horne. study and tba· ought to be found in u'l"ory t erested in knowing somethfog about uel. That Jtl only about half a generation and there are s11:1d to be as manychui;-ches. as houae! ' But Italy, with the open B :bie , this,. t he oldest patent soliciting firm in ago. Now Rome is a city of modern pro - t?ere are days Ill the yel).r.-;-;the m1cni;i· caanot lonp; remain content with the this aountry, probably in the world. gress. tion m. 'l'ery .h?ld letters! . lndulget~tu;, Papacy. N e ither, if the Protestant 1n con versation with o no of the firm, Though late in the season, the church plenaria quotidian a, pro :vw1s et d~fiinctis. Churches, even of Italy itsiilf, are faithful, who commenced the bustness of sofa still full. The congregation was, for It r~ads unc)w.~<Jn~y hke a 9.uack ad- will she rema in infidel. There ia, I be- licihing p atents in connection with the the most part, strangers like ourselves. vertlBem_ent,- Daily plenar,r mdulgenoe lieve, a bright future for that fair land ; pnblication of t.he Scientifi0 American, But 11.ll were one at the mercy 8eat; and for the hvmg and the dead. lndulp;e_n- verily one o f the most beautiful lands ~ow th1 m forty years ~go,_ I learned that every heart was soothed and cheered .by ~"'.a can b~ procured for money, or by ~1s- under the sun; and that future is t o be lus £rrn had made apphcatuon for pate~ts Dr. Gordu11 Gray's gentle a ud comfortmg 1t1Ug _c~rtm h?lY places, or . perform111g brought a b-o ut through 11 purer Christian- for upw~rd of on~ hund1md thousand m · sermon on "Simon, eon of Jonas, lovest certam prescri~ed act_ s of merit. For !OX- it than she has yet enjoyed. ¥entors m ~he :O-.mted S ta.tea, and seve_ral thou me more than these l" The <;om· a!D_ple, 11 card us put m~o the hand ,of the Y 1 may pass over the S!l.bbath spent in thousanda m dif!erent £ore1.!;{n countries. munion followe.d. Almost all remamed vm_:or to the Holy Stair! near ~h~ Ohurch Venice, and cloBe with some words a bout an~ ha~ filed. as many cases m the Patent and partouk c ,f tht'I sacred emblems; a~d of iSt · · John L~ teran, with this mforma- m one Sunday in gay Pairis. i Office 1~ a 1nngle _month as_thero were were we no t indeed brethren, all one m t1on upon it. 1 Whosoever ascends these Y . . _ pa tents issued d nrmg. the entire first year 0 1 Christ Jesus 1 Dr . Gray gave my friend consecrated stairs on bended knee, reverT~ e very first evenmg of t~ :rrMal~~ of th eir business career. This gentleman and mys..,lf ii. warm personal welcome, and enUy meditating on. the pass~on of the P9:ri~, we came upon one 0 t e c h as seen the P atent Office grow fro'l'.l a we owe at least one memorable afternoon SaT10ur, and rep eatmg the ~aid .Prayer.a, Misswn Halls, on the Avenue ~~pp, n ear , s~pling to a s t urdy 0ak, and h e m?dea~ly amonp; the palaces of the Caiaar11toh1~great secures for himself, or for hlB fr1end11 m the main entrance to t~e Expositwn. _We hmted that many t h ought the S cientific · kii>.dnessim d rare knowledao of ancient purgatory, 9 years of Indulgence for each attended another mee~mg, a few evenmgs American, with its large circ ulation , had Rome. We had a happy surprise, also, step, as often as the pious axerCise is re· afterwardsonthebusthngBoulevard Bonne 1 per formed n<> mean share in stimulating in meeting Canadian friends,aftei·chuch, peated." It i11 said that by visiting the Nouvelle, and ~till another, on ~unday inveutions and advancing the i nterest of whohelped us gre11.tlyto enjoythe next ten Church of Santa Croce in lierusal.emme afternoon_, o n the Rue Royale! which was .t he Patent Office. Bub it is not alone days. µear by,on the second Sunday in Advent, conducted by Dr. McAll himself, and the patent; soliciting t hat occupies the As in a.ll fo\:lfl(l old world cities, Sunday you rm·y gain "11,0130 years of iudulgence where _we had t he pleasure of t ea and so~e attention of the oue hundred persons emis a d1t.y of gaiety. In the afte!'noon the aud ~he remission of all your sins!" talk with th_e v_enera.~le fouu_der of this ployed by Munn & Co., but a large numstreets were th ronged and the wine shops I was sorry, of course, to h!lTe been work,, and his hke-mmded " 1!e, as we~! ber engaged on the four publications full. T1;ere were h orse races outside the so near the P ope's palace-the Vatican as vnth or;e of the most active of hrn issue d weekly a nd m onthly from their city, we were told. The King and Queen adj oins S t. Peter's- aud to hue spent a French assistants. office, 361 Broadway, N . Y., viz: The had gone to t.hom, and all the wealth and part of two other clays e:x:ploring the It ls hardly necessary to ex plain who Scientific American, The Scientific A merifashion of R ome followed, of conrae ; wonders of ihe V !)tican treasures, without Dr. McAll is, or what, his work 11.ims a t. ! c~n Suppfomen t , th e Expor t E d ition of while every ~f" ur-footed creature of the seomg tb.ePope himself. H e is understood Botb are widely known. He is an Enqhsh i the Scient ilfo American, and the Archihorse or d onkvy tribe, that could draw to be very feeble. He but rarely comes pa!ltor, who, with his wife, was led i tec ts and Builders E d ition of the Soienwheels a.ft,,r it, h ad apparently been laid e ven into St. Peter's. A Roman Catholic some years ago, just after the seige of t ific American. The first two publications hold of, th11.r, L he common people, too, pr~est and editor, from St . L ouis, who Pl'rie, to devote himself and his means t o ' are issued every week, and the latter two, might enjoy the day's ploaenres. We laiely had an audience with him, writes preaching a simple Gosp el to \he P aris- t he first of every m onth. happel)ed 0 r ,0 n the gay throng as they thus : " What struck me most forcibly iam. The m ission belongs to no church, YOU~G Co., ~ ~ h d h t f Ch · iH«:K JIEADAf'JIE cftn · ed by excess or were r eturning t ...,warde eV"enin,g,-a seem- wai;i is very great apparent age an but receives t e Wl\rm suppor o r1s- bJle or ·l stomuch h 1·ro111ptl.f W e lli11g1011 Buihlings. ingly c ndleas procession, and pushing 110 feeb!ene. ! s. He fairly looked a hcmdred tian friend!! of all denominations on rcuen-.1 by using NuU011nt l·1111. 1 1 ·ng Seel l·S Be · lI·evI·ng J closo on one another that the police had to make way for foot-passengers at the - - Fansies -. Pansies --.. "· '--------· --That Bloom 111 Price is away down, and patterns good. Now is your time. the Spring, I Pictures Fr a med . · k P · T reb 1coc . J. H. KF~NNER'S Variety Hall. @lnundbtu SUNDAYS ABROAD West End House. ----o---- The Finest CASHMERE ROSE, The Finest CASHMERE GLOVES, The Newest Things in FRILLING and RIBBONS. Call and; see our splendid stock of Dress Goods,and Mantlings, nothing nieer or newer to be had. Everything marked at lowest living prices West End House. Low Prices for Grain, Low Prices for \iVatehes i& far below competitors. L. co:i: l.NIS:S: I TREMENDOUS REDUCTIONS! Call d.'.nring next. 30 days for Bargains. L. CORNISH, Go where you will In Bowmanville, You'll find them on the move. ----o---- YOUNG & co., rn G~ERSz ----o---- I Have moved across the street, Their shop is trim and neat I Their stock is quite complete, And now they hope to greet . f. The1r r1ends, and politely treat Them in their store across the street. I I They thank their many friends for their .Past support, and assu re thell). nothing will be wanting on their part to please the purchasing public. Be sure you call and see the leading grocers. & ,.,. ' .

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