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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 6 Nov 1889, p. 5

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Wall Paper and Plush Goods half US E ONLY THE price·~- at TAIT'S Corner Store. IZDAHL BRAND OF PURE N! 'RWE GIAN Cod Livor Oil. The ,Great Standard Remedy for e.11 Wee.kn011e and dieea.5es of the lungs, impaired nutrl· tion, etc. This Oil Is Pure. Fresh, nearly ·re.eteless. and there[J)re most suitable for delicate digestions, None genuine without the name IZDA.HL stamoed on ea.oh ce.t>sule. WHOJ,ESALE BY LYMAN, SONS & CO., MONTREAL. S~OTT & JURY'S STOVE PIPE VARNISH MAKES NO SMELL AND IS THE BEST IN THE MARKE'£. Try it. Try it. Try it. PRltJE, l:ic. lllltquillad fot l'tlohne!lll and lleauty or Colorlnr::." 'fhcy are the O!II.Y DYES that WIL"L NOT WASH OUT I ' WILL NOT F'ADP.: OUT I Colorinit 1Ehet-f'·n 110thin~ like them for Strength, · _ _.,,,.,- - - J. (;. ,._ or_]~astc._cms:. , · 0 1 INI 1'ael14ec :!i(lt7ALS 'rWO ofany other Dyo !~ thl m:1rko!. ~) . all new'"shn.<les, o.nd others nre n<ldcd n.s soon tl.3 they t~~C~L~rI~~:;:~J.~\~; !J/t!~~:i1h!t;:;ci:. ~!;1b~~~ '.~It tou c!oubt It, t ry it I Your 1noneywill be to~, 11 fOan~dr. Branch: ~81 St. Pl'ul Street, Moutre~I. ~ltt ~ j:~;;r~~:::~;~;;~~c;;:t:i:;;th:;~~- :llecome fa.shionn.ble. They nre warranted to ctya ~'TM' r;_v1taVvr Sa'.:· .-lo Ccm! ar1<l Bool;of IMtruct{/Nu· <!tmuulbtu Jtatt~mau. A gnncl thing is Baylis' Celebrated Stove Pipe Varnish for preserving and beautifj ing stove pipes, and all kinds oil iron work, dries quickly and makes no smell. .T. HIGGINBOTHAM & Son, Chemists and Druggists . Coal advanced 25cts per ton on the lat of Nov. Bargains at Tod .Bros.' giving-up-busi· ness·sale. Miss Hau son has returned from a visit at Toronto. Millbrook established a weekly market on Saturdays. Harry Brown, of Toronto, spent Sunday at his home here. Lindsay wa.s lighted by electricity for the first time on Saturday last. Wa.ll papers selling at half price for· the fall, at H . 0. Tait's Corner Store. Adverti5e stray animals in the STkTES· MAN. Seldom fail to find the owner. Nice New Weddiug Presents arrived at Mayne.rd the Jeweller's, Bowmanvj·lle. All stray animals should be advertised in THE S'l.'A'rES:ltlAN, -3 weeks for $1.00. Mr. Libby, of Cobourg, picked some ripe strawberries in his ga.tden last week. Rev. H. S. Matthews' subject for next Sabbath evening's service will be "Gambling." Musrn. -Mrs. Northcote is prepared to take a few more music pupils at her raaidence. Mr. James has been off duty the past week, having been enjoying'/ an enforced reet at home. The Stea.mer Norseman discontinued her trips between Port H ope and Roe,hester last Saturday. . If you are in need of a fall auit or overcoat inspect Tod Bros.' stock during giving-up . business-sale. Rev. W. H . Butt is to give a lecture with stereoptican views here soon. Watch for particular~. 4 ply bee-hive in black and colors e.t 8 cents a 11kein at Mason's big new store, opposite Ontario Bank. STATESMANS in wrappers all ready for mailing 11t the office 3 cents per copy. Send this week's number to your friends. Policeman Jarvis' fa.milv arrived in town on Monday and have taken up their residence in the Cole'llan cottage on Ontario-st. Dunt forget to call and eee the latest designs in watches, clo~ks, and silverw3re at the Co-operative Jewelry store. H. C. Brittain. Henry cau make a photo that will please you every time. He knows 1he phot0gra.phic a.rt and devotes his whole time to it. Mr. Arthur Pa. r ish, formerly of the post office here, has been appointed man· uger of the Northwestern telegraph office at Ingersoll. A beautiful assortment of r.ew black and colored dress goods just received direct from En~land at Couch,.Johnson & Cryderme.n's. At the Town Council meeting on Monday evening Mr. 'rhos. Burden was appointed Town T:easurer, in place of the late John Milne. Mr. Fred. Johnson who has worked for Mr. Benjamin Ashton the }Jast summer, sails this week for England. He bought his ticket through M. A. James. The Zera Semon sp2cialty company, which attracted such large audiences and gave good entertainments here last winter, is to appear at Cobourg next week. BowMANVILLE, Nov. 6, 1889. Local and Otherwise. MoN.EY FouND.-A small sum of money found. Apply at the POST OFFICE. Nice New ' Wedding Presents arrived nt Maynard the Jeweller's, Bowmanville. A purse found on the Fair ground may be had from Mr. R. Windatt. Ladies, see what Mr. Trebilcock saye in his advertisement about wall papers. Ladies, try the bi;st stove pipe varnish in the world. Sold by Higginbothan & Son. R. C. Tait is selling hiJ pbsh goods at ti.nd below coat, for a short time, e.t his ·Corner Store. A good linen towel at 5 cents; cotton towel 2 for 5 cents. Better qualities at lowest prices at Mason's big new store. Mr. ~. Ormiston. of East Whitby, has moved to Newcaetle, where he will engage in the bi.1tchering business. If you have pictures to frame take them to Henry, he will frame them better and cheaper than any other h ouse in town. M. A. J.AMES will make it worth your while to order all the papers yon want for 1890 from him, Big reductions for clubs. The West End House is doing e. ratling trade in clothing, having turned out a number of full suits alre"-dy. The ·goods are right and the prices are right. 'Call and see for yourself. Snbscriptious taken at Tm; STATESMAN office fer Weekly Globe, ]\'(ail, Empire, Witness, Family Her11ld, Stock Journal, ;and 2,599 other papers at lowest rates. Balance of 1889 free on most of them. F um; REPAIRED.- M. Mayer would re.mind his numerous friends a.nd customers that Jack Frost ts coming and if they have any furs to alter or repair t o bring them in early before the bu;1y seMon beg ins. M. Mayer, practical furrier, .Bowmanville. 39. Miss M . J oneii~. bible claea teacher in Church-at .Meth. S unday School, attended the late provinciai S. S. Convention in Toronto, a1;d ab t he teachers metJting liist Wednesday evening, a VtJry interest"ing account of its proceedings. Her rem arks were recei vecl with evident interest 1 by all present . Dyspepsia'{~ its worst forms will yield to the use of O,uter's Little Liver Pills. 'They noi_ only relieve present distress but stre13 ·hen the etomach and digestive ,apparat'l:rn,_ IT JS SH:'Ul TO lfSE l'r~eman's Worm Powders, n~ t-b·'Y net onlv on. 01e ~·orws ~11ul do not iu.jlire the child, Rev. D. C. McDowell, of Snnrlerland, Nice New Wedding Presenl.<l arrived at Maynard the Jeweller's, B owman ville. is in town. The Union Thanksgiving service for the Dna bills taken as m·sh at Tod Sli:ln entl r ely gone. l'lesh ,. nauss o f ·lls. f'asc. Leg diminished one tlur·l in ~ i.e Meth odist, Presbyterian, Congregational .Bros. ' giving-rip-b.ninees-sale. Con<liUon b4>J>clcss. (Jnre<l by tlte U htl; c11ra Jiemedles tu two numths, Bargaius for all in dry goo1ls. See ,J. and Disciple churches will be held on 'J'hursday morning at 10.30 o'clock in J . Maso.n's before mo·~ing adv. Trrnity church. See Tod Bros.' new stock of Jhnuels Mr. Henry Hanbury, of England, but For three years I was almost crippled witll and blankets-all e.t cost price. an awrnl sore leg from my knee down to n1y who has resided for eight years iu the A ~ood fur coat at $20 and over forty ankle ; the akin was entirnly gone, and thEJ State of Iowa, h as leased the "Woodland 11esh was one mass of disease. Some phr sici· to select from e.t Central House. Dairy Farm," East Whitby, from Messrs. ans pronounced it incurable. It had dimimsbed FIRE, L IFE, ACCIDENT Insurance. Farewell Bros., for a term of ten years, about one third the size of the other, and I we.fl iD a hopeless conditi·m. After trying all kinda RoBT. VIRTUE, Agent, Bowmanville. tf. and intends engaging extensively in breedof remedies a.nd spending hundreds of dollars. ; A fine lot of new window shades just in ing thoroughbred horses.. Crom which I got no relief whe.t~ver, I was pursuaded to try your CUTICJURA REMEDIES, at E. C. Tait's Corner Store, at low A C01rnUPT SYSTEM.-Bad blood may and the reRult. was as follows: After threo prices. <la.ya I noticed a. decided cban1rn for the better, corrupt the entire. system and cause scroand e.t the end of two months I wa.s completely Home-made yarn in grey for sale and fulous sores, swcllmge, ulcers, salt rheum . My fieeh was purified. and the bona cul'ed. wanted a t J. J. Mason's big uew store, erysipelas, sore eyes an:d skin diseases Is made only ~f strictly pur~ grape cream (<which had been exposed for over e. year) got · 1 n .. k B 100d' of tartar, strictly pure b icarbonate of eound. 1'he fl!aah began to grow, .and to-day. Central Block .. as. s1 uug es, ~etter, etc; ......irdoc l soda, and a small portion of flour as a and for nearly two Years past, my leg is as woll a.a ever it was. sound in every respect. a.nd not The West End House have just re- Bitters purifies th~ blood al!d cleansas, preservative, nothing else whatever, and a gign of the dis·ease to be seen. S. G. AHERN, ceived into stock the newest shapes in tones and strengthens the· entire system. its warranted entirely free from alum, Dnbois. Dodge Co., Ga.. ammonia, phosphates, lime, and all the collars and ties. Sldn Disease 17 Years. adulterants frequently found in baking Mrs. Booth,. wife of the Salvation Army FASHION ABLE WEDDING. I been troubled with a akin and seal!)· powde1'8. The character of materials general is slowly dying of cancer and her,. . for seven teen years. l\fy head at tlme11 end is very near. I w. T. c. JENKINs-11us& SARA L. MORRIS. used, their pm·ity, and the n icety of their dis.ease '?ne running sore, and my body we.a covercombination, render Cleveland's superior was ed with them a~ large a.a a hair dollar. I tried $13,000 worth of dry goods to be sacl!i- 1: Th~ city of Kings~on an~ town of Bow- bakingpowdel'the most heiilthful and most a great many remedies without effect until I used ·he CUTICUHA REMEDIES, nnd am thank· ficed at '1'bd Bros'. giving-up-business.f m 1mv1lle were h~pptly umted when on economical in use, and it always affords ful to state that after two mouths or their use sale. Call and inspect. Wednesday eve~nng I1111;t Mr. ~alter T .C. who~esomc, nutritious, and deliciou s food. I am entirely cnred. I feel it my duty to yo~ . J E>nklns, a leadrng c11l!riage builder of that lit is recommended for purity, healthfuland the public to state r.he above ease. . Always say, you S?>W the ad~e.rtisement I city, and Miss Sare. L. Morris, second ness and efficiency by Government and L. R. McDOWELL, Ja.mesbnrg, N. J. m ri;HE S'.11:&'.l!'ESllIAN ~hen writmg to li>r daughter of Ja.mes Morris, E sq., the well- Sta.te chemists, chemists of Boards of A.notl1cr J1larvellom1 Cure. ce.llrng on0ur advertisers. knowu proprietor of Morris' Carriage Hi.ealth, and professors in institutioos of The CUTICURA, CUTICURA RESOLVENT uncl THE S'.ll:&'.l'ESMAN will be sent free for Works, of this town, were umted in the hming throughout the country. CUTICURA !::lOAP brought about a marve>I· loua cure in the case of .skin disease en my Sold only in cam1, fnll weight. the balance of 1889 to new subscribe:ra for h()ld bonds of wed/lock. The ceremony little son eight years old. I have tried almost CLEVELAND BR.O'l'BERS, ALBANY, N. v:. 189C-15 months for $1.00. was performed by Rev. J . E. Sanderson,. a.JI remedies and also the most eminent doctors, o.11 alike failing, except the wonderful CUTI· M. A., att the residence of the bride's . Advertiaments received by M . .A..James parents, at :five in the presence· BIRTHS. CURA HEMJWrns. J< ; D. N. BROWN. 720 N. 16th St., Oma.ha., Neb. for Daily and W;iekly Globe, M ail, of a large numbe:r of relatives and e. few MAIIOOD.-On Oot. 7th, Mrs. Jos. Mahood, Cartwright, or a son. Empire and any other paper in Oanada. C:uticura Resolve111. intim11te friends. The bride was attendRAMM.-On Oct. 10th, Mrs. H. Ramm, Ce.rt· The new Blood Puritler and purest &nd best Y 011 can buy a 3 oz. silver caije aud ed by Miss Clara, daughter of wright, ot a son, of Humor Remedies, internally, and CunCUI\& NTGO:M:ERY.- On Oct. 23rd, Mrs. Edward the great 8Jdn Cnre. and CuTICURA SOAP, an firat· class movement complete for $18 at Mr. R. Windatt, town clerk, and two MO exquisite Skin Beautifier, externally, & the Co-operative Jewelry Store. H. C. little nieces of the bride, Misses Ethel Montgomery, Cartwright, ot a daughter, WRIGHl'.-On. Oct, 29e h, Mre, P. Wright, positive cure for every disease and hu'.Dor of Gilbert and May Symons. The bride was Cartwriµ:ht, Brittain. the skin, a<·alp and blood, with loss of· ot a son. from p;mples to scrofula. Henry certainly makes the best photo- attired in fa.wn-coiored silk and looked Sold everywhere. Price. CUTIUURA, 75~.;· charming. The groom was supported by MARRIED. ~raphs and gives the best ae.tisf11ction. SOAY. 35c ; RESOLVEN'l'. $l.50. Prepared by the Call at his gallery seo a proof- you Mr. I,ewis McClellan, of Toronto, a.nd JENK.lNB-MORRIS.-On the SOth ult., at the PoTrrm DnuG AND CHElUCAL Com' OI!.ATION. y ltev. J . E. Bost on. Master "Eddie Morris and La.wrie Symons. residence or the bride's pa.rents. l1 will be convmced . ~·Send for ·· How to Cure 8kin Diseases," After partaking of the wedding supper Sanderson. W. C. 1'. Jenkins.or Kinl':ston. a.nd Navy, gr ey and fancy flannel, top the health of the bride was propOt'ed in a Sara. L., eeoond daughter of Je.s. Morris, Esx·. 61 pages. 50 ·HJustrations, nnd 100 testimonials. of tllis town. PLES,·heada, red. roui.:h. chapped shirts madP and shaped the same as dre8s neat speech by Mr. A. H. Welch, of To1 and oily skin provonted bv cu·'l'IOUR&. shirts, with and without collars, all prices ronto ; @hort, complimentary speeches SOAP DIED. at the West End HoustJ, were also made by Rev, 1".lr. Sanderson BmD. -ln Darlington, on Snndn.y, Novem. A case of samples of the spring styles and Messrs. \V. W erry, P . Trebilcock, 3rd, 1889, Dr, Charles Bkd, aged 76 years, in hate have been received at Mason's big and M. A. James, to which the groom Back Aohe, Kidney Pe.ins an() new a tore. If you want a hat see them. happily responded. The bride received a All disorders caused by a. bilious state Weakness, Sorenes·, La.menoas, Strains and Ptiin rell<wc1l Ju They are always t o the front in the hat large and handsome~collection~>f pre3ents, of the system can be cured by using Carnth111t-O by the CJ11tlc1U"a Antl-l'aht PJa·te... line. some coming from Tennessee, \Vmnipeg, ter's Little Liver Pills. N o pain, gripiug The tlrst and only instanta.neons killing " Maynarrl, th0 jeweller, is offering big Detroit, Port Huron, Ha.miltou, Toronto, or discomfort attending their use. Try pla.eter. :lOc. inducemen1 s this week to those wanting Ottawa and Kingston. The W . C. 'L'. U, them auything in his line. Now is tho time to of this towu, of which society ~he has choose your Christmas and wedding been f> mo~t enthusiastic worker for BOWMANVILLE MARKETS. several years, gave h er a h1mdsome plush gifts. OUR YALU.ABLE FARMS iin the dressing C!!o~e in which was enclosed the Corrected by .J. Uclllurtry, ever7 Taestl117 counties of Kent and L'lmbton for Some handsome wedding cards have cheap, easy terms of payment, good state of following kind wishes signed by the SecrecenLly been printed at the STAT!i:SMAN cnlt.ivntion; near Cha.t.hi;.m and Alvinst()ll. relary . FLOUR, ~ 100 lbs ······.·· $2 30 to $3 00 office. A new stock of the latest deeigus Apply to 'l'JIOMAS MOFl' A'l".l', Ila.rrister, Chat-. WHEAT, Fall, ~ bush .···· 0 00 ,, 0 00 !tam, Out. AZ-il'V"' of wtidding stationery was received la~t 1'o Miss Sara Morris: With love and kind rega.rd3 from the mem11 Spring, " 0 00 11 0 82 week, bers <r the 8owmanville W. C. '1'. U. May ARM FOR SALE.-100 acr»s in Hal~ Joni'( live to wear the White Ribbon and BARLEY, 'Ir bush, No. 1. ... 0 43 11 0 00 The Grand Tnmk Railway Company yon ton County miles or Mileon 8() work tor God, home a.nd native land is the II II II 2 , . · · 0 38 11 0 00 _ acr"s cleared, m a high state of 1.mltivation; are adding 1,000 new freight cars tfl their t>rarer of the· Union. II II II 3 ·.. , 0 38 II 0 00 well fenced, buildings lair; 1 mile from achoola. rolliug stock in the hope of relieving the The officers and teachers of Q11een-at. RYE, II · " · · · · · · · · 0 43 II 0 00 churches. stm:As, post office and blacksmith freight blockade that exists all over the Method ist Sabbath School a.nd members OATS, Price $5,600; ea·Y t.,rms. SAYB"RO<m: II , · , · , , , · · 0 25 11 0 00 shop. 42-4w" Province, of her class .i.lso presented her with a val· PEAS, Blackeye, ~ bush ··· 0 60 11 0 70 W AI.DBROOK. Omagh P 0 , Ont. A spark escaping from the stove at l\frs. uable family bibte accompanied by this ARM: FOR SALE.- Lot 22 in the 11 Sroa.ll, 11 0 50 11 0 55 12th con.South Burford, 100 acres, within L . Munson's on Saturday morning caused address : 11 Blue, 0 65 11 0 00 oue mile of Hatchley Station. For sale on . 1'o Miss Sara Mo1·r·is : quite a little bl11ze. The ala.rm sounded BUT'l'ER, best table,~ lb ... 0 rn II 0 17 reasonable terms, a. l'(Ood ta.rm. plenty of good 'l'he passing yBars bring changes, and with but the fire was extinguished by the help ruthless water. Enqnire of Wt!.LlA'.\t ROBINSON, p r. EGGS, V doz, ····· , · , . . , · 0 19 11 0 20 hand enter all onr circles a.nd disturb of some neighbors. onr happiest reh.tions. In yo11r withdrnwal PoTATOES, ~bush ··.· , ··· 0 30 11 0 35 t:l, London. nnd Hatch!ey next two w 'eks.(161h to 23rd) or to B POWELL, Postmaster, lI!>· chley from our teachers' staff, and depBorture from J uat to hand at Couch, Joh!lston & our we at·e but reminded of this tact. PoRR, 'Ir owt .. ······..·· 6 50 11 7 00 Station. Out. J2- 4w" Cryderman's a fine l"ange of ladiP.s' aud Steadily and trnly, for many years. yon hA.V(I, HAY, 'Ir ton.. .. ......... 7 00 11 8 00 as e. teacher, toiled tor the Master and the I"' WILL BUY SPLlJ:NMiarns' ulsters and short jackets, Ger:nan µ;ood of those committed tn your charge, and CHICKENS. · · · .. · . . · · · · · . · 0 08 II 0 09 Oti DID 200·ACRE tari11,loW. made. Their goods are cut and made up your labor w lll not be in vain, either as rn· DUCKS, ... . .. . .......... 0 01) II 0 10 5 and 6. con. 6. :Melancthon towhship, near as only Germans can cut and make up gards yourself or those who havo been favored GEESE . . · · . . · · · · · · . · . . · · 0 07 II 0 08 Shelbour.oe. ·roronto. Grey &. Brnce Ra.IL way with yonr counsels. The inll uence and power station :l miles; sixty acres, balanca ladies' coats. of fe.ithtnl service can eca.r cely be over es ti· TURKEYS , .. . , . .·.· , . ... 0 lO " 0 l l heavily timbered. principally ha.rdwoo<l ; roland your future will be &II the more linir land ; good. fram e house and outbnildin..-ti. The splendid steamship "Victoria" of mated, golden becnnse p1tst h&s writ ten for you, M, JAMES LAWRIE, Bowmanville. the Dominion Line sails from Quebec on "she has done what she conlc1." Our associa· EH,V ANT WANTED at once. Anply N ov. 21. Thie will be a good cl1ance for tion with you has been most hz.ppy, and your to Mrs S S Edsall at the Evergreens. Bow· of willin1<ness and devotedness to duty. manville. ·CAPITAL J!'ARM FOR SALE.~2-tf. Canadians wishing to visit the Old Coun- spirit both in the Sabbath ~chool and ~hurc n has "Valence" Farm, cheap, flrst·class ; 180 try for the h olidays. Buy tickets from orten been an enconragement e.nrl incentive to OR SALE CHEAP. - A Covered acres; fronts River St. Clnir; one·tb1rd. en.ab, ns. Joy blends with our regret, however, in balance on mortgage at 6 per cent.: 8 acres M. A. James. Buggy, McLaughlin make, nearly as ii:ood· saying "good bye," because of the step you bnah; excellent m11rket, school and churches Morris' Carriage works has got a firstSelling off? yes we must have money about to take-a bond, God a.ppoinltld·-God e.s new. A. APt>IY to this office. 37· tf at l1and ; 6 miles from Sa.rnia ; rail throngta the property; good honse and b9.rns. Apply to class painter. Parties intendin~ to and will sell any dry goods as cheap as honored-and Q()d blessod-to alt who take i t OR SALE. - Some extra fine mammoth G. R, wisely a.nd well. We express the hone that GOLDIE, proprietor, Corunna, Ont. their buggies reoaii.ted this spring bring auy humbug sale. This sea.son we are yen1· Bronzo Gobblers for sale. .A pp!y at lot highpet expectations will be realized, and 43-tw· them along at once and have them done obliged to turn over our goods, profit or that amid the comforts of your own home 14. con. 6. Darlington, or lRWJN L. BROWN. ton. 4ii-3w. "1]1ARM FOR SALE.-200 acrAs, iu snd the responsiblli&ies a.ncl joys or wlre. you up in good style. no profit for bargains. John J . MMon's will onen think ofAu!d Lang <:lyne. in Queen-st. .I.' the township of Eraroosa., county of Ladies call and see the fancy dress big new· store is the place. School. Accept tnis .l:lible tlB a. token RESSMAKING.-Mrs. Asa Otton, Wellington. 70 acres cleared, balance good · ol regard from ihe members or your class, and (rormorly Mias Egan) he.a resumPd dress·. hardwood, with sufficient eed1~r for rencing. patterns at the West Eud House. No Our .Police Committee have engaged a fellow teachers, a.nd with it, our be. e t wishe& mat<ln11: at Mrs, Joo; Glendenning·a, K illl!'·St., lCx:cdlent gravelled road ro Gnelpb, 13 miles.: trouble matching trimming as the permanent n :ght police. A port11ble saw mill wonld make 1 uon ,y, as Mr. Jarvis, for your tutnre good. !lO ;lw Newcastle. Signed . trimming is an exact match for the cloth. formerly of the Toronto Police Force, is the bush has not beAn culled. lntendin.I!' OW'.'· chasers should examine the place, vVben NEADS \ They are going fast. f) P. TRlmIT.COCR'.. ElARA the g entleman whom they have secured, ANNIE VEALE ~Com. C>f HEEP FOR SALE.-C otswoId and further improved will be as good e. fe.rUJ e.11 ~ Shrop~hlre :i:~.lllll L11.~1bsand Shearliugsany in the excellent township of Eramosa. Miss Sleaman, of Slratton, England, and we have no doubt but that he will ~ ' AL!Cf. J, H AMBLY J first prize e.nitl1111!9-=for sale cheap. GEO GRAY. 'l'erma to .snit purchasers. ALEXANDER ~» :Bowmanville, Oct. 28. 1889. arrived in town Sunday week and will prove a good man for the position. Newtonvllle, c5lar!!:!l p 0. 42-3w" KtNNON, Coningaby P. Q . 41- l w* The other presents included a set of remain with her sister, Mrs. Thomas P. PmzE.-To the one who can write the AN'l'ED BY THE MIDD.~:E OF Goard, at the Primitive parsonage. She following : "H. C. Brittain, Jeweller, china, silver cake baskc~t, berry bowl in November & girl to do the kJtcii.;.: I came by the Parisian and had a. n ry good Bowmanville," the greatest number of silver stand, 2 silver mounted fruit dishes, where R. honae me.Id is· kept. Apply to 4 pair handsome vases, 2 card receivers, work passage. MRS. RErn, King Street, East, Bowmanville. times, legibly on the back of a post card, All wool shirts and pa.nts 50c. Al by Dec.1st, a prize worth $1 will be given 2 plush dressing cases, photograph a.lbuw, _ _ _ _ _ _ __ __ _.::cu.-=--=-tt. BARGAIN IF · .rAKEN AT ONCE. wool socks 20c. per pair. Top shirts 50c. by H. 0. Brittain. Address, Box 61, Japanese tea pot, beautifully chased,silver EACHER WANTED .-For Ci:esarea . 92 acres in Gore. of West Oxford, a.djoi.11syrup pitcher, 3 silver sugar spoons, 2 sill ooda<.ock. Good large Pnblic School forl896 State qualification mg corporation of V 75c. and $1. Cardigan jackets for 75c. Bowmanville. ver butter knives, hammered brass fancy ·ala.ry requmid, otc. Addre·s WILLIAM Jrw' frame hous_encarly new, 1<ood large barns wi[·b These cheap goods are to be had at the $1,000 has been subscribed towards the BE.ACOCK, Cartwright, Cre1&rea P. o. 43 tf · atone stablmg underneath. running 3prlng of West End House and are special value. renovation of the interior of Colborne table, lemonade set, cheese dieh and ·- --· _ _ - -··· .- -· - - - -- ·- water, young orchard. 20 acres fall whear.. ~ butter dish in fancy ware, salt cruet-silacres !1ew meadow, stubble land e.l! plo w ·ed You should call and see them. E ~1ALE TEACHER WANTED for land m good state of cultivation and well TMI· M ethodist church, the introduction of ver stand, pepper and salt bottles-gold Sc b ool Section No. 2, Cle.rke, for 1800. e.pted tor either stock or grain. With the ad· MILLINERY .- 1\frs. Dingman l1<1a opened coal fu:m aces and other improvements. and silver tops, 3 pe.ira of silver nap kin Applican ts state qualification a.nd salary re· vantage of being so near town. with mark"et a new millinery store, n ext door to the The subscription list is supplemented by rings, plush handkerchief sachet and key quired. .A.ddrc~s, L. A. W'. TIIOMl'SON, New- and 5Choola and all other conveniencas this is 41-tf. Standard Blink, where her n ew !!tock of e. legacy of $500 bequeathed by the la.ta board, handsome marmalade ja.r, toilet castle, Ont. a very ~esirable property. and is snre to in· crease rn value very rapidly, Will sell either , 1!,all and \Vinter bonnets, hats, feathers, Geo. Webb, Esq. set, a piece of faney knitting, painted the whole or in pa.reels, .A.pply to ·w. .BnUOEj EACHER WANTED for Bethesda etc., is now open for inspection. Straw 4'- 3ov" Bow To LIVE 100 YEARS - Health plusb. panel, a fancy tidy, 2 fancy baskets, School, Sec. JO. Darlington. State cer- Box Ho Woodstock. Ont. and felt re·&laped. A call solicited. tificate. experience a.nd salary wauted. Apwith many years may easily be attained. 3 fancy bronze images. plications received till No v; 15th. W.·T. ROY THE STATESMAN is the recognized Temperance, Absdnence and care in food Mrs. .Jenkins has been for mauy years i:!ec retnry, 1'yrone P . O. H-3w ' medium for advertising farms to rent eaten are the main conditions. Al ways a moat active and useful worker in church EACHER WANTED.-Male teacher or for sale. If you want to rent, buy or nae Imperial Cream Tartar Ba.king Pow- and temperance work and in any good wantea for 1890 for S. 8. No. 3. Darlin~· sell we advertise it for you at very low der in biscuit, cakes, etc. and that pa.rt cause where ·her ser"fices were required ton, must dF- be holder of either 2nd or 3rd class rates. THE STATES~LAN has the largest of food will be all right. Sold by all and also a general favorite in social circles certificato, Applications to be made to Tnos circulation of any paper in Durham Grocers. and will be much missed in the town, but PowER, Sec·'l.'reas., Box 43, Bowmanville. · 45- :Jw* County. A new curling rink is to be erected on .Bowrue.nville's loss will be Kmgston's gain. The happy couple left on the 8.29 WELLING HOUSE FOR SALE.W. Graham, of Brampton, aged sixteen the old rink eite forthwith, t.o be ready in the Township of Manvers. That desirable reoidence Situated on died suddenly on Sunday evenin. !!, from for use by the middle of J anua.ry next. I t express for Detroit and other western 8cngog Street, formerly occupied by the late injurier sustained while playing football will not be so large as the former building, places, amid showers of rice and with the Mrs. John Bnrk. Possession given in Decem· last week. '1.'he young man was a n ephew being intended chiefly for curliu~. A new best wishes of a wide circle of friends. her. ]'or further particulars address ltDllIUKD There will be sold, on ~· BUJU{, Campbellford. Ont. 13- aw of Mrs. J. M. J oness, of this town and joint stock company has been formed, to TO OUR SUBSCRIBERS. was well known to mauy of the young 1vhom the assets of the old company will ELLING OFF AT CAMBRIAN WQJ,T,EN MILLS, Hampton. A largo people here. be transferred. ~tock or white and gtey Jla.nnel ~heeting,stock· 1 1889, at one o'clock in the a!ternoon, at The SPE(JIAL ANNOUNUEMENT which ap· mg yarn, blankets, etc, a.t prices to snit the THANKSGIVING DAY. - ST. JonN's " rhe Cheerful Workers," of the Qm. , en CRURCH.-On '£hursday, 7th inst. , ser- street M.ethodist church, announce a peared in our columns some time since,an- times. D. TAYLOR. proprietor. Caah for wool or taken in exchange tor goods. 42-lm. mons will be delivered in St, J ohn'15 splendid concert iu the Town Ha.ll, on nouncini;t a special arrangemon~ with Dr. Church at the hours of 11 o'clock a. m., T hanksgiving Da.y evening when a first- J.B . KENDALL Co., of Enosburgh Falls, in the Village of Pontypool. ITUATION WANTED ON THE and 7 o'clock, p. m., by R .ev. W. J. Mc· class program by local and outside talent Vt., publishers of "A Treatise on the F A.Rl\f;-Good reliable single man would By virt11e of powers of sale contained m two Kenzie, Rural D ean, Diocese of Niagara. will be given, the following distinguished Horse and his DiseaBes," whereby our lik:<: :to hire whh some good farmer, >1.a general certain Mortga.J:<eB, which will be produced ut. ase1stt1.Dt or careta.ker of stock. for 5 mouths thtl sale, tho following property ; · Offertories on behalf of the Missionary persons taking pa.rt : Mrs. Lawrence, subscribers were enabled to obtain a copy perhaps longer if agreeable. First refei!. lJloceae of Algoma. Under mortgage from James Mitchel! Lot U 1lred Address J. of Boston, Conservatory of Music, soprano of that valuable work PREE by sending ence as to chara.cte1· ir req1 B. MORTON, Hurketon Station, Ont. in the 11th Concession oC the 1'own~hip bf The literary ent ertainment in the town soloist; M iss Scrimger, Port Hope's favor- their address (and enclosing a two-cent M!l.nvers. m L he County of Durham, containing hall last Wednesday evening by Lulu ite soprano; Miess Houston, a talt,nted stamp for mailing same) is renewed for T.~URM BAND W ANTED.- A single 200 acres more or less. are said. te be The followinl? Warrenton was fairly attended, and the and popular elocutionis~ of Toronto, our a limited period. We trust all will avail .J.: man, one who is not afraid of work and on the premises improvements 110 acres and bav~ who can take the lead on n. good sized farm, erected thereon : audience were delighted with the rendi- own clarionet, Mr. Jaa. E . Wallis, Mr. themselves of the oppOl'tunity of obtain- where ]' Dwelling, Frame&ni.i three men and three usod. tion of the program throughout. Her im- A. McEwan, violinist, the R eroini of Am· ing this valuable work. · To every lover Apply sta.tinl( age and Wltll:es e>.pected to Box SLone Stable. &c .· underneath barn. 10 per cent. of the purchase lllQlltlY . ' itation of birds in the bh-d song was good erica; and Mr. Harry Knight, the popu- of the Horse it is indispensable, as it No. 4, Port Perry P.O. A Canadian of Devon- toTERMSbe paid down on the dtty of sale. &t' ! 3-3w and called forth h earty applause, but it is lar basso profundo. This is in e very re- treats in a simple manner all the diseases shi~~_!lar~~t~~.P.!~~red. ba.Ja ,,ce terms wdl be made known at tho tmle· F or fnrthtit· particulars O.t>ply to · in tragedy that ~liss Warrenton excels, spect a first-class concert, but the tickets which afflict this noble animal. Its ENDER WANTED.-The B uilding JONES Bnoo. &. MACRENZIE, Committee of the Methodist Parsonage as exemplified in the peraonation of will be only 25c. and 35c. Plan of Ball phenomiua.l sale throughout the U nited ~onth Manvers Circnit,will receive tenders 'l'oronto Street. ror Solicitors, States and Canada, m1tke it standard au· Lady Macbeth in "sleep-walking scene," at Big 20. to Dec lat, 1889. tor the erectinn of 11. new Or to 'l'oronto thority. Mention this paper i(,hen sending up JAMES PAHR, Jl:i5Q-. and Scott's "Meg Merriliss." Par~onage and l:la.rn in the vil111ge of Pont.y. THIRTY YEARS AGo.-Overthirty year!! for '"J.1reatisc." Blackstock. pool. Plans and specifications m11y be aeon at IR:&ITAllLE PEOl':UE.-People are often ego there was plactld upon the market a ~~~--......~~~ - - - --t]).e store Of THOMAS STANT~. ESQ·· Pontypool. Not bonnd to accept the lowest or any tender. irrita.ble by reason or some exasperating remedy deeii:1ned t o relieve pain and capIGS FOR SALE,-I have 111 line FOUND AT LA.ST.-For many years I Address all oommnnicatfons to BEY· H. Mc· yonni.: Btlrkshtre Boar ~ mos old tor llll.lG skip. dis~1ase which destroys comfort and able of external or internal use. l<'rom suffered from croup but at last found a Qu.1.n E , Ba!lydutf. 43-2w ready for nso. Took first prll;e at Bowmanvilla good humor. Salt Rheum, nettle rash, the first it has 11ad wonderful success, remedy fo1· it in Hagyard's Yellow Oil, Fair, Also some yonng sows e.nd 3 mOlf OAR PIG FOR SERVICE. -Achoi~e ·old- a.II erysipelas, pimple~, scald head, etc.. are hundreds testify that Hagyard's Yel- so that I am now free from croup entirgot by firat-clase stock. I have for young York~hire Whl.te Boar pig Q.nder service two µ;ood Berkahtre BoC:cd and a ltu-ge of this nature, they arise from had blood, low Oil cures rheumatiem, sore throat, ely, and recommend Yellow Oil to all 6 months old; Just what you want. Also white one, The young Berkshire has registerett and can be cured by usiu~ Bu1'dock Blood sprains, croup, cuts, brui11es and all pains others who suffer from the same disease. young bulls for sale. Call and see nt Hosel&nd-. pedigree and is a splendid animal thg,t I have W :.1. \VElun:, recently hou11:ht. SAMUEL SNOWD.t:N. lo~ -~. Tale Stock Farm, Solina. Bitters according to directions. and aches. Maggie McLeod, Sevem Bl'idge, Ont. -!hr. Prop·rietor, CDU ll, Da.rliogtDn. 42-tW" cLEVELANo~s SUPERIOR An Awful Sore Limb. Cured by Cuticuru. BAKING POWDER THE PUREST ANO BEST I PIM d F F HOW MY BACK ACHES. "IA" FARMS FOR SALE.. F $ 000 S F F D . W T _A F T T t,AUCTION SALE D VAlUA~ lf FARM PROPERTY S Saturday, Nov. 28rd, COULTER'S HOTEL, S T P B

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