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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 13 Nov 1889, p. 1

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Tll!RMS : -11.50 PH b:KUX. Ni:w OUR TOWN AND COUNTY J'IRST : THJll WORLD AFTERWARDS. M. A. JAMES EDITOR .A.ND PROPlllJCTOR, Snrn:s. NUMBER 587. B OWMANYILLE, ONTARIO~ WEDN ESDAY, NOVEMBER 13, 1889. SOUTH DARLINGTON. As the aix: o'clocB:: express was passing VOLUME XXXV. NUllBER 46. EBENEZER. B0 ucH, JOHNSTON Ir, . are daily opening out near Darlington 11tation a fow days ago it struck a colt belonging to Mr. James B. Worden, causing injuries from which it 110.on died. ~ r . Irvin Trull has left the Witheridge farm and gone to Hampton and Mr. Goo. Frank has taken his place. Left In the shade, Mr . Snowden, D. Poll1ard found an ear of corn of 749 kernale. Miss Alma Hall ha.a returned from her visit in Orono. Mr. Wm. McGill, of Ohio, hM been calling on friends here. Mr. and Mrs. L. M. Courtice and daughters, of Courtice, spent Thanksgiving Day in this locality. NE~ Thia powder never vn.rlB8. A mn.rvei ol purity, strength and wholesomeness, Mol;'tl oconomtoal than the ordinary sdode, and oan not be eold In competition with the multl&nde of low test, ehort weight, n.lum or ph osphate powders: Sold onlyln oanB. ROYAL BAK· ING POWDER C0.· 106 Wall St. · N. Y. FALL GOODS and when complete, th ey w ill exhibit --the~-- A WORD TO FARMERS. TO AL'L WHOM IT MAY CONCERN. I take this method c.f thanking my old customers and the public generally for the liberal patronage extended to me dur· inp; the that I have been in business and having fitted up a ,;(ood show room and office on the site lately occupied by Mr. C. Rogers on Silver St., between Percy's blacksmith shop and the New11 office, whel'e I shall be pleased to see my old friends or make new ones, and I in· vite all who want anything in the following lines to call and see me and examine goods ond compare prices and quality be· fore placing your orders : agricultural machinery, steam and horse power threshin~ machines, Brantford binders, reapers . and mowers ; seed drills, spring-tooth cultivators, disk, sulky and iron hnrrows, riding and walking plows, straw cutters, grain crushers, root cutters ; also agent for the Goold Bicycle Co. , and St. Thomas White Bronze Monume.nt Co.; insurance effected on farm buildings and private residences at lowest rates. Headquarter3 for plow points, machi~e oil and axle grease . J-AMEB McLEAN, 14-tf. Bowman ville. Ocean tickets by different lines of steamships for sale at the STATESMAN office. tf IJ'i 11~ sl Stock ever shown by any house in Bowmanville. COUCH. JOHNSTON & CRYD ERMAN, One Doo1· ' 'rest oC Post Office. BIVINS UP BUSINESSI E. THOMPSON & C o. Mammoth Bankrupt Stock Dea le:rs, decided to GIVE UP BUSINESS IN BOWMANVILLE, owing to Mr. 'l'hompson's ill health. GOODS SLAUGHTERED REGARDLESS OF COST, AND ONJ.;Y 90 DAYS TO CLEAR OUT. Bargains for everyone. This stock is the most seasonabl? in B.~nymanvil!e1 consisting _ of ~t~ple a_ nd Fancy Dry Goods, Silks, Satins, Sealettes, Brocade Plushes, Silk F1msh Henrietta Cloths, M1llmery, Mantles, Mantle Cloths, Tweeds, Ready: made and Ordered Clothing, Fur Goods, Hats and Caps, Boots, Shoes, &c. Below we give you an idea of some of the BARGAI~S : LadieB' FiRe Cos\ume Cloth for . . ... ... . . $0 08 worth $0 15 20 10 II II all wool Dress Goods for., .· IJ II II II Ii II II II II II Ii 12t II II 25 30 25 35 00 00 00 60 85 90 50 00 15 15 II Cashmeres for . . . . ...... . .. ll 19 ii II II II 50 II Mantle Cloths for·······... II II 75 Ii II Ii II 1 00 II Ii II 35 .All wool Tweeds. . .. . .. . ·. ·..· · ·· · ···.. · II 50 ii 50 Pantings .. .. . . .. . . . . . . ....·.· !' Men's Fine Overi:oa.ts . . .. . . . . · ·.. . .. . . · 3 90 4 95 Ii II 11 II II II II Ii II II .... .......... ... ....... ·· ·· ······ 1 ~ 2 .......... ·· ····· .. .... II II Ji ... ....... ... .. ... 7 9 Men's Fino all wool S uits...... .. . ...... . .. $4 II II II P ant s.... . . . . . .. · · ·... 1 La.dies' Solid Leather Slippers . . . , . .· · . .. .. ii Fine Slippers ·.. . . . .. . ... . . ·· ··· . .. II Ii Boots ··. . , .. .. . . · .. . ·· . , · . .· II II .. .... .. .. . .... ... . ...... 1 II Girl's Solid Leather Boots . ... ... . . . ·· ·. . . . u Fine Solid Leat110r Boot11 .. . . . .. · .. . . . Boy's Strong Solid Leather Boots .. . .· · ·. .· II II 1 Ii II Fine Men's Strong ·w earing Leather Boots . . . .... II Fine Leather Boots . . . . . .. .. . . . ... . . l II II II JI .... . ... .. ·- ··· 1 II .... . . ...... .. .. .. 1 ii Long 95 worbh $9 00 2!1 :a 75 ~) 9 II 76 1 1 2 1 1 26 50 00 00 50 15 60 25 75 00 79 75 95 25 68 90 75 00 75 50 75 50 II II Ii II II II ....... ... .. 2 1 Ji II II .. . II 1 2 3 2 These are only few of the many Bargains to he had during this Great Clearing Sale. Your Dollar never possessed su,ch a. pu~chasing power. Come early. a Be1nembe1·, there are only ttO days to c.lear aJI out, (~~~MM~TH ~~ R. A. SMITH, Manager. Mr. Fred. Cli.andhr is out of town for of the Methodist church. shor t time. Mr. R . Katerson has purchased a beauMiss Sal'il. Bennett spent Sunday with tiful matched team of blacks. her friend11 here. · Mr. R. Hooper has rented h is farm to Mr. Chas. Wilmot is out of town on Mes~rs. Wesley and Wm Oke. fisheries business. We welcome oe a citizen Rev. R. HurMrs. Wm. Tom is very ill with inflam- ley who has married Mrs. Hoidge. mation of the luo11:11. Messrs. R, J . Niddery aod A. Ross, of Mr. Wilmot haa returned to Obtawa, Toronto Trinity Medi.;al School visited where he now residee. here last week. Mr. Wm. Mcintosh returned from his Quite a largo edition has been added to hunt with three fine deer. the already extensive library of the Meth. F anme · F arncomb is · v1s1tmg - ·· her · Mies j odiat S · School · uncle Furncomb at Bondhea.d. Mrs. Caon, ~f Exeter, ha1 r eburned Mr. and Mrs. Duncan Galbraith hnvo home ac~ompam~d by her brother, Mas· returned from tl1eir wedding tour. ter Lewellan Elhs. Miss Dolan who has been visiting Miss . A horae owned 1?Y Mr. S. 'l'_aylo~ h':"ng McCarthy for some time has retµrned lumself the oth~r mg ht by gettmg hB lund home. foot entangled 10 the alter sh1 mk. N!!wcastle people are beginning to furOur popular teacher, Mr. Geo. Jameiget that t.hey have a band. Why don't SOil~ .has ~,md p~ospects for.a. lucrat!~e they come out? pus1t10n m Br1t18h Commbta and will start for there at Christmas. Mr. Wm. T. Bona.than met with a se· R J or M vere accident last week which brokA his . . ~v · · . tver, ono Road, w~o was v1a1hng. friends here, predche~ 10 the leg in two placea. · Methodist church Sunday eveumg to a 7 Mr. Chas. \l\ 11 .m ot brough~ f~om W18r- large audience who we:re d elighted with ton abo~t two a nd a. half millions trout his admirable discourse. and white fish eggs. . . , . The Salvat10n Ar my are going to hove Miss. Eva Wilkenson ha_s l!ecur~d .a a grand banquet and jubilee on Nov. 30 achoo~ m. Toronto and Miss Curtis 1s and Dec, 1 and 2. The happy red men .teaching m her place here. Mesqullem, Apeche and Moojege Nehpet11 ·Mr. J os; Coulson hae started !1is butch- from Georgina Island will be here. Par·er shop in the Chandler block, aod Mr. t1culars lat er. · J oh..,·· Da.rch has eold out to a Mr. T. Geo. A gloom has been over our village Orrni11fon, of C11lumbus. by the sudden death of Mrs. H. Pennin<>'·l\Ir. R. Fothergill's funeral sermon was ton. She was confined on the 27th ul't. preached in St. George's church on Nov- and continued in a very weak condition 3rd by the Rev. Canon Brent who spoke until the 9th inst. when death ended her very feelingly of the deceased, of his good suffering, She \\as a faithful wife affec· qualities and how he would be missed in tiona.te mother, and highly esteeU:ed by the cl1nrch where he was alwa.ys such an all wh~ knew her. The bereaved husactive as well as liberal member. The ba!1d and family, consi11ting of five small choii- was draped in black. children, have the sym'[Jathy of the entire neighborhood. 'rhe funer&l on Tues· 'L'YRONE. day to the Bowmanville cemetery was Miss b{able Harris is visiting her sis- la1:gely atteaded. ter at Euniskillen. Re~. J. M. Wright has purcha.sed a OSllAWA. new driver-a goer. Mrs . A. P. Ca.moron, of Minneapolis The Division ha.s got down to work has reburned h ome. Miss Mable Thomas again. ~ally, members, The cboir has two more uew members, accompanied her aunt. Among the judges at Chicago horse Misses Josephine and Lillie Penfound. A week of self denial commenced on show were R obert Gralrnm, Claremont, &nd Robt. Miller, Brougham. last among the Army. Mr. J. F. t}ould and family, of F oley, Rev. L . Phelps preached in Queen·at. are moving t o Oshawa, and will occupy church, Bowrol nville1 on Sabbath morn t he residence recently vacated by Mr. ing last. Jos. Gould. · Gniat r11sh at the Corner store during the sal~ of dry goo<l.s on Friday and SatThe Presbyterians will give a n enterurday mghts last. hinment on Nov. 21st consisting of ex. tracts from "Pilgrim's Progress," illusTho Salvation Army will have a Big Go trated by sacred song. here on the 23rd, 24th, and 25th. For partiyulars see posters. Some fo ur months ago Rev. !father Mr."Jos. Carber.sold all his household McEntee announced from ths alter that . he would give $25 to any person who effect11 on Wednesday last. He sails for would find the fractional parb of a cent of the olcl. cotmtry on Nov. 21. crookedness in the Separate School acMr. H. R. H. Kenner, Caladonia.1 and counts. The time limited has expired Mrs. 'Kenner, ·Bla.ckstock, were here call· but no person has taken the $25. ing on friends on.Friday lasb. The 40th anniversary of the Oshawa. Recent vi~itors, -Mesers. D. Bingham, Division Sons of Temperance came off Oakwood; M . Curtis, Oshawa; Jo~. Ruse Nov. 4-. The progra.m was laogthy and Toro_nto; Mr. F. H~ya'!lt, Kinmont; Miss cle\"erly executed. Mr. Brooks, of To, l'onto, and Mr. Bewell, ')f Whitby, with Carr1e .Rogers, Enmsktllen. The Ladies' Aid social on Thanks1Ziv· Mr. E. Oarswell, of Oshawa, dignitariea ing Diiy w11s fairly attended. After a of the Order, were presem ond took part. sumptuous repast, an interestin" pl'ogram Delegates were present from Whitby, was rendered by our home tale~t. Pro· Maple Grove and Solina. cee~s $18. 00. Of all loyal towns in the Dominion of Two of the brigade who travelled so Canada, Oshawa has good r eason to boast late on Hallowe'en were up b efore · judge of hel' loyalty in keeping ·rhanksg1ving Haines on Friday last,for stealing honey, Day, Methodiets, Presbyterians, Episco· they were fi ned $5 and $7 respectively. pallana and Baptists all joined in a gloriTllCy pay dear for their fun th;s trip. ous 11e~vice of praise and thankeg!ving t o The property of Mr. s. M. Olemens, the Gtv.e r of all good, for the peace and known ns the Corner store, was sold on pro~per1ty vouchsafed to us as a people Friday last to Mr. Ed. Virtue, for $1200 durmg the past year, and for the abundThe chid bidders were Mr. Virtue and ' ant. harvest. Excellent addresses were Mr. F. Bryant for a term of five years. delivered by the Re".s. Mr. Tot.te1?- a1~d He takes p ossession the first of Decem- Dob?s. In the evenmg the Ladies Aid ber. of S1m7oe-st. church hllld a very successful socu~l. Proceeds abou b. $30. On the arrival of Mr. "W. Wight and bri<Ie a number of the boys serenaded Tuesday, Nov. 5t!i an awful tragedy them. After they had given the happy was enacted a.t the Provincial Asylum, cuupla a few songs, Mr Wright gave them Toronto, whereby Miss Annie Hare, sis· some ca.ah ancl sent them on their way re· ter of Messrs. 1N. J. and Richard Hare joicing. Thev went to the .Corner storo of Oahawa, met a cruel death . 'W hile and ' a grand feast. '.!.'hill being Sbev's making her rounds, in the night, the last chance of this kind he dislrnd it up watch foUilld Miss Hare lying on her matin good style. 'fhey are anxiously wait- tress insensible. From a score of wounds ing another such gathering. on her neck, face and head the blood was {streaming, while in the room wera broken A Wonderful Flesh Producer. pieces ?fa wood pu.lp nigh t ~ucket, covTh" · th t tl8 · t S tt' . E l ered with blood. In a bed m the same 18 is . e ! giyeu 0 co 8 mu· dormitory lay Mrs. Elora McLeod with sion of Cod L wer U~l by many t~10usands the clothes pulled over her head and who have ta.ken 1t.. It not.only gives tles_h ; stained with blood . She it is who is eupn d strength ~y virtue of its own nut.ri- posed to have committed the deed. a_ t1ous properties, but cre3te11 an appehte for food. Use ,it, cimi try your weight. ,_. Scott's Emulsion is p erfectly . Derangements of the liver, with con. Sold by all Druggists, at GOc. and $1. stipation, injures the complexion, induce PllOiUPT, J·OT r N'J' AND l'J!:ll!WAN.EJ\"T , pimpl_c:s, sallow ,ski:i;i. RLe_movpe ~l1e cause resnlb uiwnys come rrom the use or !UH- ' by usmg Carters Litt1o tver . l s. One baun'~ Arnmnlic Quinine ll'lne; a dose . Try them . 11 We appear l efore the readers of the STA'l'ESMA.N as present HAMPTON. occupants of the famous CORNER Mrs. R. Marsh, of Peterboro, iB vi~it STORE, in the pleasant little N.EWC.t1.S'l'LE. ing ftienda here. Mr and Mis. Bradley have left town. A substantial walk is to be built in front village of Orono. The shop is on e of the finest and best adapted places of the kind for business in the county. Now while everything appears lovely on the surface, inside you will find a. beehive of industry and a whirlw pool of bargains, not surpassed in our county. Whil" barley is so very cheap we are giving bargains to match, and a visit to our store will convince you that we are among the leaders in the selection of b aoodsI . and at prices that cannot fail to merit a share of your patronage. A great big emporium of almost everything. Specialties in DRESS Goons, FUR Goons, READY-MADE CLOTHING, CLOTHlNO 'l'O ORDER . ' GENERAL GnoBig drives in Boo TS AND SHOES ; also LUMBER, SHINGLES and CEDAR. CERIES. TEAS, ~UGARS AND At the quarterly business meeting of South Darlington circuit on Monday, :Nov. 4th, the followin{! resolution was un'lnimouely adopted: We, the members of the quarterly official board of the South Darlington Circuit, do hereby express our deep regret at the removal of John 0. Short from our midst ; and desire to record our high appreciation of h ia services as a member of this quarterly board, an earnest worker and efficient local preacher . 'Ve pray that onr heavenly F ather me.y givo him temporal and spiritual success in his new home. Si!lned on behalf of the Quarterly Board, wn~UAM FOLEY, Recording Steward. THE CORNER STORE -IN- · O RO NO. --o-- SMITH & C O . AUCTION SALES. LIST. THURSDAY, Nov. 14.-He will sell purebred h orses, cattle and sheep. Particulars later . THURSDAY, N ov . 14th .- Grand sal e of thoronghbred Holstein Cattle, and 50 head of Milch Cows, and other fa.rm stock, the property of Messr11. F,...r tlwell Bros , W oodfand Dairy Fa.rm, E ast Whitby. S. C. H UNKING, Auction eer. FRIDAY, N ov. 15,- He will sell for Mr:' Robbins, standing timber on Wilmot fa.rm , west of Newcastle. SATUltDA Y, Nov. 16 - S:i.le of fu rniture belonging to ex-mayor McGee's ate, 0 3hawa. Half-paet one. S. C. H UNKING, auc iioneer. THURSDAY, Nov. 2l st.- Mr. R obert Doidge, l~t 13, con. 1, East 'Yhitby, 11ear D em1ll College, will sell the whole of his valuable farm stock,implem en ts, fodder~ etc., being about to give up farming. Sale at one o'clock. S. C. Ht'NKINO, Auctioneer. TUESDAY, Nov. 26. -Sale of standin({ timbtir for A. Gifford, Lot 2, Con. 7, Ea!t Whitby. Sale at one o'clock. S. C. H UNKING, Auctioneer. \VEDNESDAY, Nov. 27.- He sells st&nding timber for Mrs. Sulley, lot 28, con. 3, Darlington, at 1 p. m. PitornRTIES ] ' on SALE.- Some fine r esidences in O~hawa for sale and priv:i.te mone;r to loati . Business strict ly confidential. s. c . H UNKIN a , AuctiO}I· eer, Ccurtice, P . 0 . S. C. lIUNKING S L, A. W, 1 TOLE 'S LIST. I W.ED!"iESDA.Y, Nov. 13.-Mr. S. M. Clem· ens will sell by Auction, at his store, Tyrone, a lot of dry goods, groceries, crockery, etc. Sale at 7 o'clock in t h e evening. L EVI A. W. TOLE,Auctioneer. THURSDAY NoY. 14.-E. McMurtry, Bow~ manville, will sell all his implements and stock c11mprising a very large number of cactle, horses and 40 ewe lambs. L. A. W. TOLE, Auctioneer. TUF:sDAY, Nov. 16. -Effects of Ruddock Estate, in Clark. LEVI A. W. TOL E, Auctioneer SaTu1m.aY, Nov. 16.-Sale of 14 dairy cows in calf and a Jot of other stock at Orono. No r eserve. L.A. W. Tor,E Auctioneer. ' SATURDAY, Nov. 23.-Market Sq uare the furniture of Mr. Garvin, and crock~ ery, glassware, stoves,etc, L EYl A. W. 'r oLJil, .Auction eer. TnuitSl)AY, Nov.28.- Moses R obbins will eell by l'abl ic A uction, on Lot 33, Con. 8, Clarke, Ilia farm stock, implements, r oots, h u.y, etc., also a quantity of honstlhold furniture. Salq at 1 o'clock, sharp. LEVI A . W . T ou Auctioneer. ' I'A.INl<IJL JUT KNS, l·rulses. RC :nltls ftllfl c:.uts 1u:e quickly soolhcil mul heulccl h y ·v1ctorin C111·belic S1·In. 11

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