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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 13 Nov 1889, p. 2

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ttlU!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!D!L!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!ll!ll!~ll!!!!!!!!!!L~~~~·!!!!~~~!!i!!!!!!!!!!!!!!&W3i~~'iS~~i~S&J~~IR!~!!!!!~+!'#"R~~&u!!!!!h~~!llil~He!l!!~~~!!';!~!:!!!!_l!!!!!!!!'!mlll!i!~'R~#A~AZ~U!l£C!!~&Ut&~~"'"~flllli!~lilllllllll!!!!!!!!!!!i!!·~n~·~!!!*~F!~l~tMl!!ll~T~~~·~·at!!!;LL~~!!!!!~.~f!!I!![! '!.. ' Ill U£C . itU' Al.UOIAM. STATr::SM'°ll U '\ I~ ,. I:. ll'll't Hl~ALTH ~ I thanlegin by learning how sensea and bow 10 eat it ..vithout looking ' U! i·u!JT,ISHED · D F Y h Ol lk t ' t f liona at au ill. There Is Evidently Something In n Name, ! the 1 EV.ERV WEDNESDA.Y JtlORNING ~et_ rom out to. d _ Age: . ~.·~~!,~ Z~o. ·~[Lo~d!n Ho2pltal, Alter A.ll, - There rn 10 human na bure u:fio1te d1vero1ty · In the yea.r 1664, on the 5th da.y of Deoem· - BY - of power aud endurance in the general o.nd . her, the Eni;ilish ehip Mena.I was crossing nervous energy, and in digest ion and ~ssimi· TRE LOWEST Of' HU:MAN BEINGS. . the strains capsized in a gale. Of the ..... · ~ · la.tion ; and a ma.n of high-strung nervous eighty-one p1111sengers on bG.a.rd but one was AT THE Ol!' FlCE, t b I . 1;o emp~br~me~h· ieffantng af tlcwhpelranc: botra. pr Cannibals From Terra Dd t'Uego on E:xltl· eaved ; his name was Hugh Williams. On d escn mg · e e ec e o a co o 1 mig ca the aame day, in the year 1785, v. pleasure ('ost 6filce IU·iel,, Kh1g l'!treet, Bownutu· it all by similar tiiecta ol tea." "the cup the bltlon In Ingland. schooner was wrecked on the !ale of Man. ttc~1· ¥""" vl·le. Or·tarlo: cheers and not in<,briates." Even the fuculty The ·a dvertieing columns of the London There were sixty persons on the boat, among T ERM :I: seldom appear to rtcogn!z3 the inj urio'll e newH pi;rers have recently announced that them one Hugh Williams and hie family. Of $l.50 per Arrnnm. fir fl!l.~O If pnld In reaulte of ~hio refreshing beveri>ge. '.l'he nine from Terra del Fnego wonld the threescore none but old Hugh advance. poet Vowper 6ems to have been its sl~ve be fe<l three times a da.y in view ohhe andi- mrvived the shook. On the 5 ch day of pa,yment ·hlctly in advanoe required from. sub· and victim. Coleridge a.bused ~ts use. <ind enoe at the Aquarium. At two, elx and ten Augusb, 1820, a picnicking party on the ·scrlbere ou·tide of tbe c<nnty. Or~ers to discon- took to laudanum. The "Eaghsh Op:um· o'olook. tho spectators have enjoyed the Thames Wi!o8 run down by a. coal oarge. tlnue the pap· r mu~t be occoJrponled by the ·mount I el\ter" well describes hs ba.<1 results. Tne · ·1 f · h i f tbP P·r·r will rotte etrp~e1l. Subecrlbers Chi · d . k d 1 pr1v1 ege o seemg t ese spec mens o a.n There w,ere twenty-five of the pionickers, .;!0:e~~onslble until full payment Is made. · dd~e:ed a. t~atlo~h ~~- ~n ere :r~ extra.oralna.ry typo of American 1111vage heat mostly children under J 5 of age. Little JU TIS UF A.DVERTISH'G: 5 :§'5 a. c e . 0 e. 0 er su ~ e rug. e their beef and fi.h over u. fire, imd then tear Hugh Williams, a vl9ito~ from Liverpool, Whole Oolumn, oM year .......... ···· .$60 00 ~;=::: altcrnat1~n of exm~ement and depression .In the fi~sh to pieoee wibh bheir fingers and de- only 5 old, wa.e the only one that re" ·· Bait yee.r ·.···· · · · ·· 36 00 ~,,., the vob1 mes of tea. 10 evi<lence of it~ unsu1b- vour it pra.otioally raw. turned to tell the tale. Now comes the moat .. " One quarter ·.·. .· ·· ~o 00 ~ ability ior many people M a. stimulantJ. mh f il f O I di th l e:alf Column one year . ..·. .·.····.. · ~ 00 - - Melancholia. and religoue mii.nia. arn often to "- e am V o na n ans e on Y singular part of this slnii:ula.r story : On the ·· Halt year...... · ····· ;.;v 00 ·· representatives of their forl:(e tribe that have l99h da.y of Aniruet, in the year of our Lord " One quarter ··.···..··· 12 60 be tra.ced to its ha.bltua.l use. The questian ever been ta.ken from their homes. Ma.ny 1889, a Leods coal ·ba.rge, witb nine men, Quarter Cchm.n one yes.r . ... ······ g&of the use of a.ny kind of food, stimulating years a.go some natives from the south coast foundered; two of tn~m, both Hugh Will. " Ila.ltquarter,....... year············ 8 00 - 5 or personal. . to Envland anil received there a, · · h ew, were rescued b y 1 is entirely th otherwise b ed b T.o say were ta.ken an uncl e and nep · · "" One Ten lines andnnd first insertion $0 50 ·ab eca.use one man lS inJUr · . Y .ExCEllls rudim~ntary education. Bub the OnaP, who eome fishermen, and were the only men of Ench subsequen insertion ....· 0 25 _ another m11.n should perfectly abstain ls mosb are spread over more than four .fifths of the the orew who lived to tell of the oa.lamity. From fix to ten lines ~ret in.eertlon g~ u.bsurd. Pcoba.bly more men iniured by great island, have been almoab unknown These fa.obs which 011n be substantiated, eubaequen.t msertwn. · ·:· 0 10 excel!l!ive ea.ting than by excess in alcohol· ·n the recenu · d. I of Li t d '"h L ed ("' l d) M Over ten lin!!B, flrstmsertio~.JJe,~ 1Ill o 03--10 and are we therefore bound for the encour'. unu wcover e8 s a an a~ys u e e s L!.og an ercury, Ench ·ur~P o ne11t Insertion · Popper; and the mountain re.ages that, · \'be number ti lines to be reckoned byb e,-· age.meat a.nd of those who need Conver- parallel the south and west ooa.ets have been Ep~ce cccupied measured by a. sea.le 1sa.twn from excess, to cease to es.t at all of a barrier which the nu.tives on either side Ba.ld·.ilea.ded Men Are Very Sensitive. Nonpareil. ' 1 thioga well fhvored 7 To say that those who have never tried to crosP. are not injured should t\bsbalu is but im make a The family now in L ondon includes a "You've lost him for good.·thls time," said · fl ,.llfclUHBON, M. n. c. M. c. P. s. law without the due preamble. Men va.ry,noti woman aboub fifty ye11ors old, her son, a the ba.rber to 011e of his fhavot s, as a customH Y SICIAN. SURGEON, AND AC from one another oa!y, bub they d .ffar from t11.ll i:md not bad looking specimen of hie er went cut slammed the door behind COUCHEUTI. Late of tho firm S~ewart themselves in different ciroumsta.nces a.nd a.t ra.ce, his two wives, and t.heir five children, him. &; M cK ibbon,' . Office and r esid ence various periods of life. There iB noa.bsolulie ra.nglng in age from one to sixteen years. " Y ea, but l for6ot." P res by terian Manse. Blackstock. rule, r eepeotin!I'. a.ay food or drink, for all The thing aboutJ the OnllS which most stimu· "Tha.t'8 no excuse. If you ca.n't attend men ; one m'l.n is nob to be controlled by latrn scfontifio interest and popuhr curl· to your business, you must J;(o." Dl.~S. 11n.u1m d; 1. A ~Di.iMA.S, meu in his entirely aud strictly per- oeity is the fa.ob that they are regarded by " What h the eJ:'?' queried a reporter. HYSIOlANS, SUR C 1E ONS, ETC other 11f f airs, but each man is to be "fully some authorities ao "He didn't brush the man'J head,". Office :-Cor. Chnrch a.n1 Tempera;nce sonu.l persuaded in his own mind." Each mind, " Bui> hia head was as ba'ld a.s a. bone," Ste. Night cnlls a.ltended from Dr. l:! llhers THE L OWEST STRATUM 11owever, should be open to persuasion; and "Certi>ialy, and that's why he should i·esidence. persuasion in the question of ha.bitua\ food of uncivilized humanity that has yet been have brushed it. Bald·headed men are very S , (J, HILJ.IF:B, M. D. B LA111M I111AN, M. D. C. M. 'l'rin. Univ. should bo cliebinctly of an experinental sort. discovered. Ma.n y years ago Da.rwin in. sensit ive. You must use the.brush the same · Fellow of Trin, Med. College, E:·ch ma.n is provlded with intelligence foe clined to the belief tha.b in the race he met in as if they had plenty of hair. To do so Member Coll. Phys. Surg., ont. his own preservu.tion; but the pity is tha.t .Beagle he had found the missing link gives them an idea that 'YOU don't fake men neglectJ this precious gifo of individual In the of evolution, In his last year pi>rticula.r notice of their baJdness." D "Rl'JrK SIMPSON, . "Aud won't that man r eturn?" .A lHUS'J'E t . SOLICITOR, &:o. M O'PTUS mind In.t heir peonliar concerns, They do as he was of the opinion tha.t the da.ta he BI OC"K. ursta.ira, King !Jtreet. BowmGn- others do. They eat drink with free- gatberel in Terra del Fuego were too "Never. He'll try some · o~her ehop next dom, while they so young and u.otive that mei>~re for valuable deduct ions ; and itJ is time a.nd will even advise his friends to keep ·viJle. Solicitor tor th" Onta.r1 Bank r r i 'iU· Mom·n loaned:a.t the lowest rates. tho system overcomes the injurious atti>ok ; that had he ex~ended bis r esearches "way from here." bntJ 118 men advance a littile further into life, north of the mountams he would have and are· not quite s o agile then begin the found a tribe that was even lower in the .John lllelth Galbratt11. ARRISTER OLICITOR, NOTARY troubles thatJ tea. coffee ai'cohol and ma.ny 'sea.lo of being than the savages he sa.w and Two Enthusiasts. . PUBLIC, &;c. Oftlce- Bounsall'e Block, kinds of even sl~ple f~od and stimulants described, Tramp-"Are you the feller wot's goln .fng Streat, Bowmanville. Money to lend, and condiments inflict upon the careless and This family now. m London seem.' to the laooneiderat e, u.s well as on the intem-1 po_ssess the mosb limited vocabulary. Lista over Niagara Falls in a barrel 7" DBS. McLAIJGDLIN ~ BEITH. Orank- "I a.m the experimenter you refer puate and immoderate conaumer. E"oh s11o1d he could not learn that the Ona.a have '0-l'F I OE : -MORRIS' BLOCK, BOWMANVILL'i'."" man should discover for himself whab i>nd a.ny words exoepb those relating to hunbing to. l a.m sure of succr s 1. You see, l have lli)r..J.W.MoLAUGBLIN,, Dr. A. BEITH. Gradu how much a.nd when to ea.ti 1md dri~k a.t a.nd lishing and t he fow na.tural objects that made a. study of 1Jhis t l bl ~. and I have fixed ..,!oenti& te of the Royal ate or the Toronto several pe~iods and ill the varied conditl~ns interest i>hem. Popper could never get over an old whisky barrel witb--" "Eh ! Whleky barrel? If the smell of of his lite; his ~rga.nlsm must be reoogr>iz ld them to spea.k excep~ in monosyllable~,.and . oUege of Physicians ' IU '1\.11.d me mber of the University · Physician by its possesaor a11 a hea.lthy lite-long study they seldcim made themselves intelligible. the whisky is st ill in it, I 'd like ter go lorg '·1'toyal College of Sur· Surgeon, &o. as a. passenger." ul a. happy, ' It is proba.ble that their vocabulary doB11 ·..,roi;ons, E dinburgh. noll embrace more than 200 or 300 words. It would be interesting to kaow the cir· DR· .J. (). MIT(JIJE J,f,, In of Aooident. Bad Bea.Ith and .Evil Beha.vior, cumstances nnder. which these speclmena _,., ll. ·f EV.J<Im. OF COJ,LEGE OF PRYSICIAl\S N ervous Gentlem11on .,--"Now, be careful T here is one field of investigation which were taken to Eoglaad. Mr. F11orini1 who / ~V , ~ul~ aurgcons, Ontario, Co1·oner, etc. bas in too la.rge measure eaoaped the notice h~s introduced them uo tb.11 Old World, has how you drive, oabhy, and go slowly over ' " Offi 'e and Residence. Enniskillen. U, o! th ~ ~cientilic spiritJ of this century, but apparently published no account of the way the stones, for l ha.te to be shaken. And mind you pull up all the right house, i>nd which is likely, when properly studied, to they into his hands. lb ia nob 1>t lllL Jt l:. MdH1'11U.J . look: out for t hose d readful stea m" y ield very imp or vant resnl~a, perha ~ s alto- lmprob11oble that iWENTIATE OF ROYAL COL LEGE gether ohang lng our treatmen~ of criminals, O~bby - Never fei>r, sir, I'll do my ben. THEY WERE TAKEN CAPTIVE ef P hy·iclans. London, Eng.;Member of College of Phyaiciana ana Surgeons. Ontario. "nd modifying current conceptions of human i>nd made the j ourney unwillingly. :I:heir And whioh 'orsepital would you wish to be '1.tto relation of physical nibc is (Xceedingly timid, and when their t n.ken to, sir, in cGose of an accident ?" SURGERY AN D R E SJDE NCJ>:-Rear of Mesera sinfulness. Hi< minbothllm's Drug Store, Bowmanvllle, n o immorality and crime is doubtless difficult fieetuess of foo1J has not availed them tc. .11vur.vwww ;::s::::;:;+JJCZ&Uw 1oem 'wa .... 6- lyr.* to brace, but it ia cles.r than in large degree it escape from the whites, they have been far is ~haa of oa.use a nd effect . We k now t he.ti W11. :SUNGJIAll. moro likely to launch arrows at their Irritability, petiulance, and ma.ay other .....ISSU E R OF MABRIAGE LICENSES, forms of ill· teroper are directly due to pursuers than to accept friendly overtures. The brief aooounts given in the London _.'.; Re~idcnce, F.nolsklllen. nervous disorders, and tbat they increase ne wspapers of these visitors bear witness i11 direcb proportions to the of their tha.n thtry' are bleesed with wonderful appe ·" C, HIJNIUNG oause ; perhi>ps it oan be shown a.lso t hat tites. The ex plorers who have seen them a t ' LICENSED A.U CT IONE ER FOR t\nger, ha.tred, avarioo, 111stJ, and most, if home also t es tify th11ot when Jood is sc·rce ~ the County or Durham. Sales attended no~ all, other speoles of immorality are due they oa.n endure hunger with remarkable ·t D 0 0 shortest not.lee and lowest rates. Add;esa to physlca.l defecUI. If this is true In one J OOFTIOll P . (). case H ma.y be in all, and we ma.y be forced fortibude. Mr. Stubenrauch, who ha.s a sheep ranch on the .. co11St, tells a curi1>us t·> oonclude that all immorality a.nd sin story of a captive Oaa girl, abor.b sixteei; 8. Blfll.DEN ~t; ()0., the r esult of of body, atfecblnj.' both old, who fell into his hands while he A U CTIONEERS for the County of the mind, t he mora.l sense, and the will, and 8- Durham; J:asurance and Genem!Agent·. predisposing t he individual 1>nd u.bnormal was chasing her friends,Cwho had been st eal· Vttlnator and Rea.l Estate Agents. Sa.lee and Ing sheep. ffe HYB ehe refused to take any athel' bu 8 inese promptly attended to. Bo:r 172. 1>ction. There is no d oubt tha.t t he ca.use is k ind of for eighb days. Oa th6 ninth Sick Headache and relieve an the troubles lnci. Bowman ville P. O. 30 - tt grea~ enough to produce th is result. lnj 11t i · da.y he placed t ho carcass of a sheep beside dent to a bilious state of the system, such as one methods of life have so long been pur- her. Breakfast then baga.n, lasted three Diz2iness, Nausea. Drowsiness. Distress after eued b:r the race t hat a.bsolute bodily health hours, and when in was over, as Mr.Stuben- eatingkPain in the Side, &c. While their most .Pianos Tuned and Repaired. is u nknown. Disease in one or the other ra.uch a.eserts with great solemnity, the girh form lurks in the syst em of every hu ma.n A'R.'l'IES WlSHING T HEIRP I ANOS being, and r esulting, if this t heory is true, body w as swollen to extraordinary dimen· Tuned or r epaireD can nsvethom attended in the ma.ny immor alities and orimes which ~ ions and the sheep had a.lmosb entifely disapp eared. a by l~aving word,a.t the DOMINION ORG.U , ,ff11 Headnche, yet C J.nT1m's LlTTLn L IVE R PrLtS ct t he world. The real sin of A wretched little collect ion of the rudes t are equ 11.lly valuable in Constipation. curing 00' 01rl"ICE Bowmanville A 1lrsi·claB m ma.n lies In ueglecb of t he h ws of hanting and fishing· implements, together and preventing this annoying complaint, while i l!IW in' their emvlo; health, which, d isobeyed, force him ln ~o a. with t he skins they wear in winter they also correct Ill! disorders of t h e stomnch, ·- --------- - - - - - -·- - -·· cour stimulate the ·uver and regulaLe the bowels. se of action which is immoral and diea.s- a.nd which a.lso, Even if they only cured ROBT. l'UIJNG, Y. S. trous, and o~mpel him to t ravel ther ein at an STRETCHED UPON STICKS ever 1>ocelerat ing rate. Wha.t we n eed is a. F FICE J:N THE WES T DUR HAM News Block, where himself or assistant physician, if one oonld be found, who has a.nd placed to wind wu.rd of them, are obeir w 1 be found fr1 m 8a.m. t o 9 p,m. Night calls slriL! enough to disoover the ancest ral only shelter against t he elements, la exhibit a t r esidencP,dirPctly opposit!l Drill ~hed. Calls taints and weakness of our bodies, which sd in L!>ndon. It represents the entire range Ache they would bo ahnoet prlceleea to those by telegreph or t elephone will receive prompt cloud our minds, dwarf our moral sense, of the manufaoturirog arts ae practised by the who sutl'.er f rom this distressing comple.lnt ; but tcrtunatdy their goodness does not enll att entlon 17l·Yr wea.ken our will, and oauee our sins. frhe Onas. The masculine epeoimen in London here, and those who once try them will fi nd these little pill· valuable in so many ways that is taller tha.n the women, and were it not has tried his influence upon ue, clergyman A. A. POST; they will not be willing to do without them. but been largely in vain. Those who for this fact ib mighb be difficult. clad as RCHITECT. P lans and Specifica· poesees epiritua.l Influences grow only slowly they are in there guaaaoo skins, to tell one But after ~ sick head tio ns prepared foT every class of huilding. Specia l attention given to beat ing by stea m better. No man wa.s ever so thoroughly from the others. .Mr. Popper asserts tha.t s:nd bot wa ter . and to sanitary arro.nll'ements. conver t ed t hat he d id not go on committing he fonnd lb very difficult t.o distinguish the ()ffice: Gorrie Block, Whitb~ 43- ly ma.ny of his old sine. Confinement and sexes, but observa.Uon finally t a.ught him Is the bane of so many Jives that !1ere Is where punishment rarely r eform criminals. .Noth· tha.t the lndla.n carrying a bow was always we make our great boast. Our pills cure it ..,_,_, others do not. ......, . . :=:,~ :;'I·. JI. 1'f~,E~lN. - - __:_:,__ ing oan reform them bub t.o change their a man, while the Indian weighted with a. while C An TER's LITTLE L IVER P rLrn are very small ICENS ED AUCTIONEER FOR physical n a.ture, eradicating the seeds of v ice, heavy bur den was invariably a woman. and very to take. One or two pills make Low as these miserable creatures are in a dose. easy They aro strictly vegetable and do the United Counties has started business which can not help growing and bearing their im Bowmanville, and will attend sales in town own fruit , It may bl objected that an the sea.le of hnma.nlty, lb can hardly be sa.ld not gripe or purge, bnt by their gentle nction <er surrounding country on moat r easonable, evident proportion of the immoralit y and sin that some of the poorest of the Shoshone plea$e all who use them. In vials at 25 cents; ·ter ms. Orders may be left a t W . P. Rrow~r'e . five for $1. Sold everywhere, or sent by mail. 'Office or at ~TA'l'EBMAN Ofllce. 'l'. H. M;:;.,EAN of t he world comes from those who are in t ribes In American latitudes occupy a mucr CAti'l'EIZ lo!ED IC!Nlil C O., New ! ork. JBowme.oville. 42- 6m* app a.renthealth, tha.tJ it is equally evi- higher plane. Some of t he wret ched natives dent that soma of the greatesb btmuties of In N evada. and other pa.rte of the Great Ba.sin, character are shown by those in infirm heal th. living in holes dug tn hlllsldes, or merely But it is to show that these object ions ah oltered by brnsh heaps, greedily eating ar e spacious. lrhe v ir tues of the la.tter are food t hat most other savages rejeob, un· Gentlemen's Clothes Ma de toOrder; ueual!y nega.tive, and may arise from weak- mi& t ak ably the poor est specimens of mankind ness, or, when not a rising from wea1rnees, in North America.. As the W estern histor. · b ~ t h e proofs of a oerta.iu degree of actual Ian Bancroft sa.ys, it is hardly possible t-0 health. Of the former euppusition, it m~y ponceive a. lower phase of humanity, be t hat ill le not usually true, and may not be in any I mmeasu rably t he SIXTY THOUSAND bushDENTIS T. larger amount of wickedness comes fro m An Ex traordinary Case, els of No. 2 and No. 3 Barley, them whose anoestiry and methods of life are An interesting case, whloh will ea a diffi· snch a.s Ito p reclude the possibilit y ot the also t wo-rowed Barley. Highoult matter for t he courts, happened recently <QFFICE :- Rear of Messrs. t;' ence of a nor mal phyeica.l condition, in the Red C ross hospital, of Lyons. A est price paid at Caledonian pat ient was under the infl.11ea oe of H igginbotham & Son's Drug chloroform in order to be 'subjected t o a Mills. l eisure in .Ea.ting. moat operation. At the firs bincision Store, (down stairs), l b cannot be dieput ed that iu the art of h owever, the man, who was unusually strong, 39 2m Bowmanville. 3diog t he human, " they do foeee became conscious. Crazy with pain, he tore BOW lUA.NV J - ~ings bettier in France, " !rhe middle·olasa t he k nife from the operating p hysioian, a.nd English man eats hunks of beef and wedges d oepite t he presence of several friends he of mut ton, followed by pudding a.s s olid a.s plunged it in an instant into the hearts oi lead, and washed down with str ong Burton P rofessor Na.gout a young man who was ale, or etill stronger Dublin stout, Th11.1Jia activg as wit neES. The double murderer very good fare for plowmen anu fox· W11.s taken Int o tl:!e torture-room and bound. hunters. '.l'o the town man it ia simply r uin. R ecognizing the t hat n o narcot ic could Th o Frenchman known better. N sit her in influence him t he operation wi>s successfully t<>wn nor in conatry will he feed like a performed withou t its uae. He will recover carnivare. H e belie~es in variety ; he likes in all probability. The interest in h is t rial, a little bi'b of many dishes, not a. vast mouu- which will bake place in tho nea.r fu bure, lies of one. H e like~ it ma.d.c t o in th( d efence that be committed the double the t aste. He ta.kes t ime over it. lt is quite crime in a fi t of temporary insu.niby caused the r?-le on the Con linen b to see all the busy by the extreme pain. T he case will form e,n men 1n the t own spend a t lea.a l an hour at importe,nt chapter in t he history of mediolll the restau rant over the midday meal. The law.- [ N. Y, Xribune. e:·ting done, a smoke, a of di aughts or .... r ·~·hrnto orthe Royal Col!egeof Dental dominoes 11.nd I\ ciun of c offee i.r e invoked Sn1 geons, Ontario. More Than Bis Own, a..~ a.ids to digestioll. rr'he natnnl i·esult ia t· 0 FICE OPPOSl'fE E X P R E SS OFFCE. that a Frenchman or a. Belgiim looks happy J epsou- "How is J imaon getting along f*OJ, D Jl'II,I.IN G A SPECIALT Y a1J meals. and lltill hu.ppier at his ccffee and n owadays?" t\.:RTIFICI.AL TEETH INSElt TED WITHOUT dominoes. I s any ma.n un.aciontifio enough Jobson- "About as usual, I suppose. " PL.A.TES. te say tha.1J the Frenchmn.n is wrong and the J ep.- "Thriftleas a.a ever?" J ob.- "About." Great Reductlona in price on all Dental Enl:(lish man. s right? Ea.t i.Dg is undoubted ~ork. VitelizeC. Air, constantly in use pro- ly one of t he chief funcbioao of life, and if J ep. - " I s he holding his own, do )'OU :auolng Painless Operations. Particular e.tten it be r ight to make all life brigh b a.nd hap py, think?" °'ion paid to the i egula.tion of Children's Teeth t hen ea.ting should be one of ite chief pie~ J ob. - "He is that and more, too. lie i.i 'V ETERI N ARY SURGEON , .,_.ALL WORK WARRANTED·. _ suree. We E nglish have a great deal to learn 1 h olding cousid eru.ble of mine and seemingly BOWlUA.NVJLLE, ONT. B ra.nch office, D r. R uth er ford's Orono from man y count r ies. We can not d o bet t er intends to hold i t. " ~oprep;i.refo.od il l 'w t b.a.t iD shall be pleasanb ,. nd tempting to AN~M.BT.HAT_I_S A SAFE ONE. I I I J.W: ·\... TAMJ1-:!S' for Infants and ·children. ' "Cil.storfaissowelladaptedtocblldrentbat ('recommend . it aa superior to anyprescription !mown~ me." 1L A A.Jicu:i:n ·r D .. · ' n · ·· W So. Oztonl SC.. Brookl:u, N. Y. I Cuto?la cnres Colle, Omstlpat!o11, Sour Stomach . , Diarrhce:., Eructation, Kills WortnG, gives sleep, and promote. 4'· ·- gestion. WWlou& iD.jurioua medication. 'l'am CENTAUR CoMl'A.NY, 77 :it:urray Street. N'. T. rg FOR SALE BY J. HIGGINBO'rH.AM & SON, BOWMANVIJ,LE1 TOD BROS. P Giving up Business. ---o---Having decided on giving up the Dry Goods business, all our large and well assorted stock of P B General Dry Goods will be sold B j REGARDLESS .OF COST. - -o-A LARGE STOCK OF I FALL AND WINTER GOODS ar~ just to hand and will be sacrificed to clear out at once. It will pay buyers t o inspect our stock before purchasing. Due Bills taken as Cash. 39. TOD BROS. L DOORS, SASH, BLNDS, ., and other Factory "Work all K 1:.c-. d Dried. CARTERS t · ER LS. D CURE HEAD MOULDINGS, rem~ siCK m~ P A Fnl1Stock always on hand. . Call and Examine. .BcClellan BOWMANVI LLE, sole agents in this locality for GIL~OU'R&CO. TRENTON, ONTARIO Co., 0 A __ ACHE L R. PEATE, Tailo7l Small fill. Small ~ose. Sm~ll rrica·. J. M. BRIMACOMBE BARLEY WANTED JOHN MACKAY, will be found in his old shop, next door aoor to Express Office, D. DAVIS -OF-- .,..... BO-WMANVI LI~E, where he keeps constantly on hand A LARGE & COM P LETE ASSORTM:F.NT q DENTISTRY. Coarse and Fine Boots and Shoes for Men and Boys, Women and Children. I R ubbers, Slippers, etc. Trunks, Valises, Satch els. Special attention given to R epairing. · I JOHN SPENCER, ! . --· .. 1=====-=~~~ I ' )_ :D A V. XE~- l llil !U Ml NO EXPE R I ENCE N .ECE88A.B.Y, Permanent J>OSI· l'\l~ U ttons /;ruaranteed. Salary ""d .Expen·e· I"ald. Pecu· liar advanta/;res to beginnors. Stock complete, with·selllng epecialties. O UTFJ'l' F R.EE. W e QUMantee w hat we admM1Jise. Write :SIROWN .~ , :;:;~ it , , Nnr·crymen, 11.och c a&e r, N. Y. ('l 'llis house is reliable:LJ"' .-:>G§ . . ,_ .....

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