atauadiau jtattsmau. WEDNESDAY. NOV. 13, 1889. tur ed at night and broken of y_our ri:1 wit. by a. s ick child suffering a.nd crymg pain of Cutting ·reeth i If so send at once and get a bottle of "Mrs. Winsl?w's g, Soothing S yrup. " For .children. teeth Its value is incalculable. It will relieve y . De the poor little sufferer im m ediatel . upon it, mothers ; there is no · pend mistake about it. It cures Dysentery and Diarrhooa, regulates te and the Bowels' cures Wind Oohc, softens Gums reduces Inflammation, and gives .to:ie nd energy to the whole sY,t.e.!11· _ or " MH. Winslow's Soothing Syrup children teething is pleas ant to the bate and is the prescription of one of the old est and best female physicians and nurses Poor Oheese. In the United States, and is for sale by Choice .Recipes. Cbeesc which will instantly and intensely all d ruggists through the world. Pl'ice for redden blue litmus p!iper should not be 25 cents a bottle. Be sure and a.ak WHOLE WHEAT 'FLoun GEMS.-Into a ' eaten. Thie ie a. teeb easy of application, and quart measure pm; one pint and a. half of "MRs, WINSLow's SooTHING SYRUP. everv mercha.nt on cuttin· a fresh cheese fl Jur, then add half a cupful of so gar, one an d take no other kind , ohould make it. If the cheese is drv , a bit of tea.spoonful of soda and two of cre11om of tar '" &VICE 'fO N.O'l'HERS.-Are you di A good wa.y to mend glasH is to pound flint as fine as it oa n t.o, mix Rub the mix · wi th unbea. ';en white of egg. Pantry Hints. ture on clean edges of brokon gl.ass, place Ham should be broiled very quickly, and ca.refully together, and when lb can be done binJ with a. stout string. S"t a.side some just enough to cook tJhrough. days or weeks and one can sot·rcaly discover Tin cleaned wlth paper::wm shine better a crack in the disb. or bowl. Persona.Uy I than when clea.ned with fl.:i.nnel. never tried this but the recipe is elven If s!l.ssafras bark is sprinkled among dried 011 good authority. fruit it will keep out the wo rms. In wa.shing t umblers or goblets that have Oilcloths will last longer if one or two been used for milk, do not plunge them into la.yore of wa.dded carpet lining are laid under hot w11.ter witboub first rinsing as it drives them, the milk into tile glass and it cannot be re Tea ltavea re good to sc:i.tter over carpets moved. before aweoping, not only to freshen the Yeaab j II'S should be washed in cold water colors, but also to prevent the dust arisi.og. and a.ftetwa.rds thoroughly scalded. L 1y a. piece of thick onton fl>nnel under Plenty of towels in the kitchen is a. saving, your table cloth. E ven coarse napery wlll and six good wi pers arenone too many. Three look a. much better qua.liby wibh a subcover each week a.nd the rinsing after me als is not than if spread diraotly over the baref!jtlloblu needed. Se.v i ng it> the kitchen tells upon the in top. Flowera can be kept fresh for some time if come a.nd makes the bank account heavier, a pinch of soda or sa.ltpetre is added to the but there is one saving, upon which I water. Wilted roses will regain their fresh· nob hit, th11. exceeds even these, ii a that ness if d ipped a minute or two in bot water. tho 'll<ife an:i m other Sl!IVe herself.-[Good Hou sekee ping. HuUSEHOLD. "PASSING NOTES. Po.ul de C h ill u , who first atta.!ned by his d'iscovery of the gorilla, ca.used a sen sation at the recent annual meeting of the Britiah A ssociation for the Advancement of Soienoe by reading before It a. paper in which he ma.intained that the Euglieh raoe is de scended from the Vikinee. Should tbis prove to be true, what effect will lb have upon the Anglo-Iarael theory A new English dictionary, it ia said, will a q uarter of a million words. But those whose vocabulary is limited may con. sole themeelvee with the reflction that the translators of the Eogliah Bible got along very well with 6iX thousand, and Max Mull e r ea.ya there Englieh peasante whose desireg, sorrows, joys, anger and love are expressed in three or four hundred. Swet Innocence. I never knew before tiha.t vou were an artist," said Miss D:ibtington to a young man of her acquaintance. "An artist?" "Yeff, but l sh1Juld think you would tr y real srjeots-la.ndscapan, and so on, you know." "Why- I must confess I don't quite oatch your mea.ning." "Indeed? It was only yesterd,;y that papll. said that you were very much givsn to p intlr>g the town." a. a. ! l'! ' !! m . , !!.: UiG · l'll ' I · = = ,. · :: ·..-.,.,._ F -One of the best farms in Pickerin g fo sa.lll c nt aining . 25 acre s, all of which are cleare d and in h i g h state of c ul tivation. On the premises are a g ood dwellin house and out buildings and two wells ·rhi pro e t 1 situate on'. lo t 15, b, f., o e mile a.n a! from Piokermg vill age ha.If o. mile fro G d Trunk Station three' mi les from P%keg Harbor, an d six miles from Whitb y For AltM IN PIOKERING ,OR SALE a. o ; We may bui ld a. hou8e, enter it, '.md ca.I te3cupful of sugar, oue it home, bub unless it is tb.e place above al cupful of sweet milk, two and a half cupfuls others for soul culture and mental growth, of fl.our, a deesertspoonful o f butter, two it seems almost sacrileg!ous to give it that toa.epoo'niule of cre!\m of tartll.r, ono of soda, endearing name, Au ideal home may be in a.nd very libtle salt. To mix pi.n the sugar, an unpretending, aa well a.s in a cream of tarter and salt and soda., into the plllace. In either caa<J love mut be the flour and sltn into the mixing bowl, then their Express and P. 0. address. spectfully, Dr. T. A. SLO CU M, 164 pivot on which the intricate machinery of add th e !!!ilk and the eggs wi thout beating, home turn s. If we desire a modd home, and the malted butter, give it a. ood l:lrisk West A delaide st., Tor<Jnto, Ont. i we must be willina to work for it-with beii.b for a minu te or two, and put into warm and h ear t, as well as ha.uds. Children muffin cups· and bake; or use the same recip!! should receive their first lessons in usefulness a.nd bake in a cak e p1m and you have a. Special Announcement. around t;he family hearthstone. Very e11rly very nice tea cake; or "lel!lve . out" half a We have made arrangements with Dr. should they be taught that their own desires cupful of s.ogar and one cupful of the flour, B. J. Ken dall Co., pulishers of ".A mueb be subservient to the comforb of a.nd you have a "v ery nice" batcer for grid · the family. \Vere th is rule g<'n er al ly follow· die cakes. Leave out "half a cupiul" of Treatise on the Horse and his Diseases." ed, them would be Fewer slfiah Exa.ct!one, flaur an!l add"half a oupfnl" of Indian meal which will enable all our a ubscriber e to and· the home-life would be largely filled and you have a very nice corn-cake, or bake obtain a copy of t h at valua.ble work free with generoua, disl.nterested d13eds. without changing and you have a very ni.:ie two n. (enclosing address their by sending . Mr. llla.ine's rumoured scheme for the a.n II more time aud pains were taken to cottage pud din g. J. B. Dr. to same) mailing cent stamp for nexation purchase of the Ha and make homes,--homes worthv of the name CREAM OF CELERY SOUP.-A pint of m i l k , This . Vt . Kendall Co., Enosburg Falls, West India.n islands dets nob meet with the wrong dokg of sons and daughters as standard would not so often plant thorns in the pil a table sp oonflll of fl.our, one of butter, a. universe.! approval a.cross the border. The book is now recognized large elice .of onio'll a.nd a amllll piece of m a ce. Pittsburg Dispatch for instance, says ; "It authority upon all diseases of the horse, lows of their parents during their declining Boil the celery in a. pino of watet' from should ba mado tha.b thie country ail it.I phenomenal sale attests, ovr four years. thirty to forty-five minutes ; boil, does not wish to incorporate within its own Have removed to their new store, just across the l:'ltreet from their old Though the mother should take a certain million copies having bee n sold m the onion, and milk together. Mix flour with limibe the productive centres of yellow stand, and by calling on them, you will be convinced that the Mighty. portion of her time for social duties, as a · before never sale a past ten years, two tablespoonfuls of cold millr, a.nd add to fover in one case, of leprosy in the other, rule, she should be found ab home to wel Dollar will buy as much Sugar, Tea and all kinds of Groceries, as well ·i reached by a.ny publication in the same boiling milk. Cook ten minutes. and of utter lncava.bility for 11elf-govenmenb come husband and children when they re celery in the water in which It has been in both," period of time. We feel confident that This is not a wa.v of as all kinds of Fresh and Cured Meats, in thQir "hop, as at any other barn from the cares and lessons of the da.y. cooked, and stir into the boiling milk. Add our patrons will appreciate the work, and putting the ma.tter. store in the town. T ey b1y solely for Cash, and calculate to give_ Everything seems drea.ry and cheerless be glad to avail themselves of this oppor- when mother ia a.way. '.!.'hero are no sweet the butter aud sea.son with and pep{lar their customers the benefit of it. Emperor William's speech from the throne to taste, and serve immediately. . tunity of obtaining a valuable bo?k.1 smiles and loving words of welcome; no one at the opening of the Raichstag 011 Tuesday this mention you that It is necessary to enquire about tho successes and failures contained the usual aseurances et peaceful paper in sending for the "'l'rel!.tise." of the work undertaken, The remembrance intentions on the ,1,1a.rt of Germany. At Why Quakers Live Longo. a y l on of a loving word or smile will often gla.dden This offer will remain open for the same time, however, it announced in It is quite true, says the" Hospital," that the whole da.y. Moher-tact will do much short time. creased expenditures for mllitary and naval towards inventing wa.ys and moans to man,· "Friends " live long. H is <qua.Uy purposes, the of which were interest the little flock growing up brue thab certain ciroumeta.nbes in their hie· . subsequently presented in the budget. It To Correspondents Amon g these around her; but, to have a. real home, the tory mllinate against long life. is p roposed to iocrease the a.rmy chiugee by father must contribute his part> towards le.tber, intermarria.f;{e is perhaps the most 1'16,000.000 marks, a.nd those for the nl!lvy We charge 10 cents a line for all noticos ma.king the house in which his family important of all. Tllo followers of George by 36,000,000 marks. Germany ie a firm Fox never bee and n , very numerous, Lectures , hut dwells more than a. mere shelter from the of Anni veraaries, Ooncerts until late years they have been f x treme ly believer in the wil!dom of the policy" in enterta.iuments, for which no printing has summer's heat and the winter's cold. Hia exclusive. The inevitable result of tha.t has pa.oe paratus." leisure hours belong to his wife and children, been, or is to be ordered at this office, been extensive intermarriage throughout the The timorous individuals who fear tha.t a.nd no matter how dull the may In fact, you can get the Cash for all kinds of marketable produce. when an admission fee is charged or col be, it is hill duty to help share the burdens whole oommuniy. The oonsEquences of the nea.r future will see the ooa.I mines of lecion taken. The same charge is made the frequencv of intermarriage been, Britain exna.usted will not be rea!lllured by and cares of the one be has promised to love, QTDo not forget the stand-Tb.a West Store in the White Brick; . fo; U business notices appearing among cherish a.nd protect. If parents would take and are still, very, very evident. Q·1a.kers, the annua.l report of the ooa.1 mining In news items. Ct>rrespondents will kindly more Interest in the amusements of their as a. claea, are not muecularly robust.; many dustry in the Mother Country. In 1888 the Block, directly opposite their old stand. A call solicited and patron state this to all applic11nts for such notices children, there would be Iese danger of their of them are deoidedly anremio, and not a enormous q uan ti ty of 119,933,219 tone wa.s age thankfully received. the entering forbidden p:i.ths of pleasure when few are mentally feeble. Yeb, in spite of mined, a.n increaoe over the previous year of forward possible and whenever One ratifying alll)ount with the notice, er state to whom they o!t>lled to leave the homa that has these practical and serious drawb.-cks, the ne11rly eight million tnna. tf. sheltered their childhood. Young people Friends, as a clas, do more bha.n bheir pro feature which these minin11 returns do show the account fa to be sent. mast have recreation of some kind. lb is pol'tion of the world's seriou business, a.nd is that while 888 lives were lost in this in natural and necessary, a.ud needs much th ey manage to attatu to a high of dustry year, coal mining ls twice as safe GRATEFUL-COMFORTING. thought and care. People sometimes wonder !one:e vity. Now, thie is exa.cbly the kind of as it used to be, owing to the beneficia.I why the sons ll.nd daughters of religious fa.ct th11ot true medica.1 science likes to get e lle ct s of legislation enjoining precautions parents so ofben go a.stray. But until mrJre hold of and to interrogate and le11rn from. and irispeotion.-Ex. of the " spirit " and less of the " letter" of Whab io the reason, a.ska the sensible ma.n, The British Customs authorities Christianity is manifested in our home whv Qtlakers, with so many undoubced die BREAKFAST. disolpl!ne, we must not expect idea! h omee advaut11oges, .attain to such l\ high average of dieco"ered that for aome time past oigar Aa we sow, we shall su 1cess in all that oonstitu bes worthy life, ends picked up from the etreeba have been "By a. thorough k no wledge of the natural or model child ren . and a.leo succeed in enjoying their success to eystema.tically purcha.sed by unscrapulous estion reap.-[Chrlstia.n at Work. I which govern the operations of ili g. of application careful a by and licensed manufacturers e;nd mixed and nutrition, an exceptiona.lly old age ? the fine propertiea of well-selected Cocoa, Mr. The rea.eon, we are convinced, is to be with the ground stalks and stems.· of tobac Bits of Saving-. a with labiea breakfast E pps hae provided our found in their quiet habits and disciplined co on which the Crown allows to the OF. delicate l y flavored beverage w h i ch may There is an old sa.ying sometimes proved life. An ordinary doctor, or even layman, British manufacturer a " drawback" of 3s us many hea vy doctors' bills. It is by the jndlclous use or such arilclea of d iet tho.t a true that " A woman ce.n throw out with a would probaely have felt much more in 3i per pound on export11.tion or deposit at constitution may be gradually b uil t up until spoon faster than a man can throw in with a. terest in the su bj eot at this point if we had the Custom House for destruction. Large strong enough to resis t every tendency to shovel," a.nd perhaps the re is an £qua! bean hie to affirm tha.1J thll Qtla.kers owed quantities of .the e.dulterated stuff have been Hundreds or subtle ma.ladies are disease: Con fioatlog around us ready to attack where ver amount of truth. in this, "Economy counts their success and long life to certain drugs, seized for fraud upon the Revenue. - ONthere is a. we ak point. We may e scape many nowhere so well as in the kitchen." On as, for example, to areenia, phobphorus, sumer& of tobacco who would be not dis a fatal shaft by keepin 11 ourselves well fortified this basis a crumb uf bread, only one pleased to see the Revenue defrauded would etrychniu., and t he like ; or to certlatu me with ore blood and a properly nou rished possibly, is saved In a. stone j a.r thoroughly thods of feeding, as veget1?orianism, or meat probably be disgusted ab the iaea. of smokinjl: frame. '-"Civil Service Gazette." M d e si mply with boilin watr or milk, sweet and clean. In a. day or two there will ea.ting, or fruit eating, or wine drinking, or or snuffing the retuse of barrooms and Sold only in pa cke ts . by Grocers. lab ·lled thus: be more crumbs from the loaf in slicing, or smoking, and so on. But we submit that guttes, JAMES EPPS d: Co., Romreopathic Chem· from the cake·pla.te, little left·overs here that shows a want of real mentl!ll capacity. · lsts .· London. Enu;lnn(l. and shall continue the same unti! the 31st of December. The New York Sun says that the United and there that will surpriee the thrif ty For whab, after all, · is the true· importanoe Sta.bes cruiser Thetis, which several years bousekeept>r when she views the 11ocumu of the subject? DJes it not consist In the a.go fought her way through the ioe of We have ' o strong reasons for this Cheap Sale, viz.: la.ted pjle of a we_!lk. undoubted chara.cter of the resalts? ·['he Melville Bsy and reached <;;a.Pe Sa.bine1 Sometimes the supply of bread is izrea.ter results are really the things to be consider· lst.-We want and must have about $10,000 before the ... end of where Greely'e men were sta.rving, has, than the deinand till fresh is needed a.gain. ed. As a matter of faob the Quakers It needs quick selling to raise that large amount, and for during the past summer, eklrted the en'tire the year. Such a stale loaf may be sliced bhin, toa.sted successful In life. 'When Baby ws.s sick, we gave hor Castorta, As a matter of they Arctic of A111.ska. and reached the brown in the oven with he crumbs ia the do live long. 1rhen, that reason we will offor Eidraordinary Bargains in every departm ent, When ahe was a Child, ehe cried for Caatoria, surely, true science mouth ot the Mackenzie River, the first jiu, a.nd rolled or pounded to cracker will not curl the lip of scorn beoaue e these When she became Mills, ahe clung; to Caatoria, time a.nv eh ip from Behring ha.a in fact reductions of 20 to 25 per ceGt. will be made on every article. powder, Keep in tin bux or dry place, aud results obtained. by what may be called Wl:.Dn 1ho had Childre11, ebe gavo thom Ca.storla, reached tnis point since 1850. ['he results it will be very nioe for dressings, stuffings, " natural and simple " proceeses, 2nd.-We have too much stock by one half, and in order to clear instead of of the expedition interesting to Ca.neto., or any mixbure where rolled crackers by elaborate preparation Lowest prices ever seen and out· f. the· way as throwing light upon the question out the bulk of it, we will offer goods at the would ba uaed, though more especmlly in methods.-[T he C hr is tian Un ion. of the pra.otlca.bility of a. water ro.ote from in Bowmanville. meat dreesings for meats prepued with the Pacific ports to the middle part of the - ._,_ dressin11r are more economical since they N. B.--Parties not ready to buy can take samples to show Mcke11zie River. About. 1,30 miles of ARM FOR S.ALE.-130 acres, com "speud" bet ter, aud are better suited to the He Drew the Line at .Pie. Fposed of south part of Lot No. 19, Broken taste of most people. the navig abl e pa.rt of this river in their friends the Bargains we offer. Front, a,))d is three miles from the Town ot "Harold,' murmured the girl, a tear Canir.da. Bow manvllle. This is one of th e best farms in . A stuffed beef steak may be prepared for ham. It is in a high state of dinner from a. ra.t>her poor fhnk or round in dimming the lustre of tbe spectacles tha.t the county of cultivation and is w ell fenced. On the pre· this way: Pound well, sea.son. with rested lightly on her classical GtooQo-Bos ston e dwelling, two lar g e a Is CATARB.H. mlses there 36. from bread· tonfon nose, "I will not deny that our soul Bowmanville, Septei:riber 30, 1889. h stone and pepper, Bprea.d with barns and other out-buildings, w it stabling for cattle and h rses. hree wells o.nd crumbs, roll up and tie closely with twine communion, our lnteroha.nge of lmrressions, isterns also wind.mill for pu mping (which always save from the llrocer's par- our menta.l symposia., nob only specifically A lew Ro·e Treatment fer tile Care four c For further particulars apply on t h e eels), put in a kettle and boil a.n hour, then paleoo.tolo5ical, ba t cosmical and meta· water, Cat..:rr1a·, Catarrbal Deafness, ··d or it bv letter to HE' NRY MANN. Bowremises p Dar :l'ever. in a . dripping-pa.u, b!l.stlng often till a nice phrastio in a general sense as well, have 31-tf manville The mi-p h a.a pr oved th a.t the110 brown; or place ab onoe in a pa.n and water, been pleasingly Emersonla.n. liut you h ave are oon ous, and ihat they are dileMM u b ak es uoo rapi 'f [· · "diV co ver wlth a tak en advan · and l , age o f a momenb of verhaps 4110 lte pre1ence o t. "Tin!l pare.sltee In the dripping.p1m. This makes a good cold dish unwonted soulfulness to endeavor to exbort llnin.y amem·rane of the u pper air p tgeil ---- o---from mo a pledge of earthly affinity, You and etiMohlo.n tnbee. The eminent 11Clenta.nd does nob colt like an expensive T and Bea.le endors e *hi·, Somet{mes pa.rings from fruit> kept a. seek lio degrade-if I ma.y use so strong a ists yndall, Huxley and then authoriUee cannot be di.llputied. day or two in w'a.ter. If the water ha.a been term- onr eeeentia.l psyohomachy to the Th e reKular me*hod or treating the dlseaaH previously boiled it is purified and better ultime.te level of mer e inueraoc!al volition." i3 t o apply an irritant remedy WQekJT and for such a purpose, " Waldoni&; ' excfaimed the youth, "you e ven d ally, thus keepi ng th e delioa.te memHaving done business in Can ada for the p ast In a constant state of irritailon, brane ... o cIarify mola.sses, heat ove r t he firo, miapprehend me . I-" m 3 9 years, om· reputation and responsibility are aooompaniod by violent sn oozin g allowing nd expenses pour in one pint of awee milk to ea.oh gallon well known. We pay salary "Hear me ouu, Harold," she pers isted; It no cha.nee to heal, and as a nature.I oonsefrom the start, if vc.rything is s ati sfo.oto ry, of t molas s es. ['he impuri oi ea will rise iu " I have oonfesaed that I feel drawn to you o.nenoe or Enoh t rsatment not one permanen No previous experience required. Wr ite . us It Is an But cure .has enr been reoorded. fluaucos. ' cho c ent r ic In for terill6, which are very liberal, before en· sJum which mu2t be t a.k en off bfore broken by m1my psu abaolute fact tha these diseMeB onnnot oo there are other con sl dern tiona . When t wo gagin g with any 0Lhe1· firm. by boiling. cnred. by any application made ortener than REF}UENOES.-Bradstreet's or Dun Wiman In making pies, that Ontario necessity, ee.rthly l ives aas.milate there muet be no onoe In two we eks, for the. membrane mu st & Co's Commercial Agencie s, well k now r. t.o it is seldom ona can gu ag s the et a. ehanoe to he&! before any &Jlplio;iti on quantity cla.shing vagarie- no hygienio po l em ics. B b usin es s men; or Str.ndard Bank, C ol om·ne, la now 7 yrs. since Mr. Di:x:on I 1t repeated. is of orusb·, almost a!w11ya there is 11. little over. Harold," she conl;inued, in a trembling Ont. dieooTered the p !\ra11ite in Catarrh and formIf this is set a.way it will probably sour and voice, " pll>rdon the q uestfon-the re is so ulate d his new treatmen t, and since then his CHASE BROTHERS' COMPANY, be thrown out, as it;deserves, but m de into much at stake-bu do you ever defile your remedy hail beco me a. h o aeeh o l d word in Nurserymen, every couatry where t he English Ianguap:e a fow barbs b aked with t he fire that> cooks immcrtal nature by ea.ting pie? ONT.A.RIO. COLBORNE. is spoken, Onres eJ.feoted by him. seven years 37-6rn. the piea, it is well used, besides how the The young - m1:.n rose slowly to hi s feet and ago cur11e s till, there having been no f elt around in a vague way for his hat. children's eyeY spu L kle, for who.t child does return of the dlseae. So higJ;l.IY tue these remedies valued, and " Waldonia.," e said iu a voice of tragic not like" tarts for te a? " . Cranberries will keep through the winter misery ' "the b1btereeb hour of ·ny life has so grea is the demani for thorn, that 1gnor· · - ; ant Imi tators have sarted up everywhere, in a firkin of water, but to have bh cm quite come, buti I c11onnot h .ea· 1 tte a momen t . I pretend ing to des!Jroy a parasite, of which fresh the water must be changed sever11.l wouldn, b i:iive up pumpkm pie for the aoul- they know nothin g, by r emedie s the results fullest young woman tbat ever squawke d ! of the application .of >fhicb they eqno.lly l!imea during the season. I,OCAL AGEN'r FOR -., ignorant . Mr. Du : on a remedy is applied. When one br,aks china· or a.n e arthen Good eveu ing' Mies iricklowell 1" . J only once w two weeks, and from one to -· - . ' · · The pale moon rose with the timid, abash- thi·ee applications effect a p erm an ent cure in dish, ood cement may be made from gum arabic water mixed to a smooth paste wibh ed demeanor with which she riaes over most a g gravated cases, N. B.- For catarrhal If the mending i6 well Boston Ha.rbor, and her rays shone mildly tro1;J.blee poouliu.r to females(whltes) this remeplaster of P ris, t dy 18 a speclfio. "°ANDdone the li ttl e hair line is sca.rcely pe1·cepti- and pityingly on a. young man with his . . ha Mr, Dixon sends a. p amph le t describing his iah rou.y be prenerved pu11ed a ' own over hia eyes who waa atnding ble. In this way a d. new treatment on tbe recei pt of te n cents in, a.nd the money many· tor a down the snreet, goiog out of his way to simnv. The address is A, H. Dix on &; Son. for use for new one invested in a. good book, a pretty kick sava.gely at every lone and friendl6ss ll03 King street west, 'l'oronto, Cana.da. piolmre, o r aside toward an educll.tion dog in sight ..nd talking volubly a.nd re.::k· 8cientiftc A1n_e __ r w_a_n._--. --BOWMAJ.YVILLE, · 011'1.,. for the children. A sm11ll savmg may be· lessly to himself in the dia.lecti of New York. a ho uld Sufferers from oatarrha troubles - [Boston Courier. ctme far rea.ohing. OFFICE AT FACTORY. cimifully rea.d the above. _inform y our readers that I have a positive remedy for tlie above named disease. By its timely use thousauds of h ave been permanently hopeless cases I shal l be gla d to send two bottles cured. of my r emedy FREE to any of vour readers who have consumption if they will send me ['o T.HE EDITOR : Consumption Surely (Jured. it should be moistened with litmus paper then applied. water and The Rie:ht Kind of Home. ter. half a teaspoonful of salt; now eifb into the mixing-bowl and add milk to make rather a stiff batter, pu Into "hot" gem pans and bake. .§- An regufating the practice of medi· cine aeema to be badly needed in South A{· rica. A regular physician iu the Orange further particulars apply to JAMES PraKARn Shte recently complained that one· of his on the. premittes, or Pickeri n g, .P. o. 29-··tt I rivals had been a. aailor, hll.d deserted, and had then become in turn a. police constable, . 13. H ANDLE R,. Newcastle, offert. a butcher and a ·medical practibioner. A A BEAUTIFUL · hy p nv ate sale, or w11!0xcha.ngefor fnrm . child died in spite of or because of hie treat propecty. all of his prope rt y Jn Newoo.stle ' menb, whereupon be gave further proof of ' consisting of Sto r es , Houses and Lots an.ii · v al u able Orchard, the homestead beinl{ on e. his versa.tillby by making ite coffin. ef t h e moat complete in th e county. Terma -OFeas·. ['he clergy generally opposed to· SGtf ing and there "n be no doubt tha.t there are clrcumsta.nces under ""hich the exercise adj i o ning Yillage with Ilall w ay, Churches, is iojarfous,.· One clergyman, in Manitob11., S ch ools and the Leadi ng Minketor the Count y. however, dissents from his brethren on this Flrst·olass Buildings, lar g e Orchard , g ood bush , w el l watered, everything complete. subject. He thinks dancing is healthful and Invigorating, if, he a dds, indulged in SPECIA..L BA.llGA..IN ! EING PART OF LOT 26,. CON:G-.,. bafore, ae in the olden time. A Must be BO B contain in g 100 acres. more or less, on to close out a.n Estate. good deal of modern dancing is of course which are good dwelling and outbnildinga. goo d orch a ·d , well fenced a nd done in the Hmall hours of the morn ing ; w at e red , ::lplendid soil s ui table for g ra in or toclc LLnd illc bub this is no the indulgence the rev. partly cleared, balance bush . N 0 build ings ; first-class state of c ui ti v ti on. Cloe to villagec h e ap ; good title and immediate poRsessio n ; gentleman endorses, or Kirby wh ere are post office, (daily m1Lil · apply nt once to 11 s Ml1.'<'HlltL, Rea.I E s ta te chmh, school, s t.o r e , blacksrni!,h shoo. t:to. Ag en t' Drayton · Ont. Slowly but surely th0 double-tracking of Will be sold on easy terms. Plowmgpossessmn , . . F rm and townproperties. a.llsizes kmda and 1 at once ; full possession April 1. 1890. the Gra.nd Trunk is progr essing. By Dec· For- for Bale, ron and exoha.nge, Money furth e r particulars call on or addresg \V. ember 31, 1888, there were eighty. one oan at terms to SUit. 4 2 - 4w · PA'l'TERBON, Owner, Kirby P 0. 41-tf'. miles of the second between Montreal --.. ... _.___ · -- · and Toronto co mple te d. On Aug 25, l889J 106 miles were laid. Fifty·Eevm ni iles more will be constructed by the end of 1889 ; and next year, 1890, sixty five additional will be taken in hand Xhe work is an impor ta.·nt one to the oompa.ny, but not less so to the bra.veiling public. A double track means aocelera ted epoed. a h J H 0 M E S T E AD 125 ACRES ,S I F 35, con.3, D a rling t on , on the Town Lineo two and a ho.If miles from Oshawa. Welll fenced with c ed ar rails, splendid orchard, good frame ous e , t wo )lai;ns, sta.ble s . carriage., i h ous e and ? - her outb11;11dmga, t w o good well& ard water, a lao 4 7 acres on Jut 27 3 r d con., arl!ngton, lulf way between 03haa !J.ndl o wmnv11le m a g ood state of cult1vat1ont elongmg t t h e eatate of the late '1Villlam . Ha ncoc k. For partlCulars. . . apply to A. etc "';;·El:. H ANCOCK. 61 L!t.k:e View Ave., ·roronto4 O t. - -=-= - ----- -. acr<'a ARM FOR SALE.-75 of lot; t 0 ff <:'. to Toronto. One of the Best Farms in lJlarke for Sale. 1 ALSO ONE HUNDRED ACRES, a. rcnces, to Removed. Removed. CAWKER & ALLIN I They also pay Cash for all kinds of Farm Produce-... -Eggs, Butter, Apples Pears, Potatoes, Hides, Sheepskins1, Tallow, &c. CAW"KER & ALLIN. 'EPPS'·s COCOA "V\TE ARE N 0\/\1 READY and began our great Clearing ale DRY GOODS and a. CLOTHIN'G a. FRIDAY, SEPT. 27th, ELLISON & CO. o Tli Pharmacy. Baylis, Celebrated a. , exfl.cb i. r·J H 1,. s T 0 v E p· 1 p E VA R N I a. JAMES DEVMAN PI..A..N""OS f or pre serving and beautifying Stove Pipes·· and all k inds of Iro n Works. Dries quickly and ma kes no smell. Dpminion Organs a. 1 J. OT 0 ,JtiJdr'-nQIJt 91.l!ther9i:! . I.1; Chemists and Druggists;