----·--·-.....____ ---· ·- - Seeing is Believing l For the ba:ance of the season, you can . get WALL PAPER from me v6ry low. want to clean out present stock. MATRIMONIAL BONDS. lllurrlngc ot Jlr. Rull:'gles "'right uncl llllss lllcA.rtbur. lu St. l'nul.'s Churcl1, Our Business M'r:m. Nothing gives us greater .itmfidence in the f uture of our town t han L he character of our leading business men . \Ve believe no town along t he line ca·i boast of a b etter class of mcrchanta - rr10n who have the reputation of doing ]J 11sines~ in a straightforward and bu~iness-like manner, and whose energy .md enterprise are equal t o any demands that may be made upon them. As an evidence of this we have only to look at the very great im· provements which has been made in several of our leading stores during the past surnir..er. In fact we doubt whether any town of its siz9 in Ontario contains as manv really first-class busineRs houses. In saying this we do not confine our remarks to any one line of · business, but it will apply to the Dry Goods, Groceries, Hard ware and Drugs, and we may add the Fancy Goods alPo. We are pleased to observe that none have made a greater improvement in their premises tha.n the leading Dry Goode house of Messrs. Couch, Johnston & Cryderman. Success in business ia not o mere matter of chance b11t is brought about by the application of well-known business principles. In these days of active, we have almost said, fierce competition, three things ai;e absolutely necessary i n order to attain success. These are a thorough knowledge of ones business, the confidence of the public and su!licient capital t o enable one to buy in the best markets and on the best torme, and we have no hesitation in saying that this firm ie in possession of a!I theae, and hence we do not wonder at their success. For years past they have found the.i r prennsea too small for the amouat of stock carried and the large and active business which they have always done. but by putting an edition of forty feet to the rear they have made their store not only the l!t.rgest, but what is equally im· portant, the best lighted Dry Goods ea· tablishme nt in the county. They have now ample room to display their large and elegant stock of carpets and cudains which has always bee11 " specialty with them and iu which they have always done a very large trade. Thia tinu is aleo noted fJr the vel'y extensive as well as very choice stock of Dress Goods which they carry. We are assured that but few houses even in our cities carry a stock equal to theirs in this department. They have also a very wide reputation for makinp: up really first-class ordered cloth1 i ng. This department has alwys been managed !An Awful Sore Limb. Sldn entirely ~one. Flesll a nrnsK of 11lst>asc. J.c:,: 1llml1118l1c1l one third tn size. Clon1lltlon h"t·elcss. Cured by Ilic Cutt· cura Remedies tu two moutlu, It is not often that we are fa.vort:d with a fashionable public wedding in Bowrnan- - - - NOl TllE IUSD - -- ville, therefore we must be pardoned for J!'or three years I was almost crippled with giving our readers a few particulars of an awful sore leg from my knee down to my the very interesting social event that ocankle ; the skin was entirely gone, and the flesh was one maes of disease. Some pl1ysioi· curred on Wednesday evening, Nov. Gth, ans pronouncedlt,incnrahle. Itha.d diminished when an ;mmense concourse of citizens, a.bout one third the size of the other, and I was in a hopeless condition. After trying all kinds and people from the surrounding country, of rew.,dieij a.ml spending hundreds of dollars. PANSY'S CEI.El3BA'l'ED WBI'l'INGS filled every nook and corner of St. P11ul's from which I got no relief whatever, I was (Presbyterian) church, excepting the pursuaded to try yonr 0U1'ICURA REJ\lEDIEB, and the re~u l t was as follows: After three neats reserved for t he invited guests, to daya I noticed a oecicled chat>V<l for the better, witness the mari.iage of Miss l\lary Stew· 11ud at the end or two months I "'"B co·uvletely We have received a Full Line of Pansy's Works in cheap· fol'm, cured. My flesh was purified. u.nd the hone Those who buy from me, are al- art, eldest dau~hter of F . F .McArtllllr, a lso a Large .Assortment of other Books, suitable for Sunday (which bad been exposed tor over a year) got ways well satisfied. I make a Esq. , Ex-Mayor of Bowmanville and sound. 'l'he flesh began to grow, and to·day, Schools, Dav Schools, Prizes, etc., which will be sold at Lowest and for nearly two years past, my l eg is as well Managing-Director of the Uppet Canada hobby of Wall Paper, study general ae ever it was. sound in every respect. and not Prices. · Furniture Company, and Mr. Ruggles "'eign or the disease to be soon. S. G. AHERN, effect, and buy and recommend, Wright, eldest son of C. B. Wright, E sq, Dubois, Dodge Co., Ga. knowing what I am doing. Chatterbox, Band of Hope, British ""\Vorkman and other AnnuaIS: of the City of Hnll, Quebec, and member Skin Disease 17 Yeat·§. of the large and well-known milling firm of have arrived. I have been troubled with a akin and scalp SI'~CIA~ ATTENTION GIVEN C. B. Wright & Sone, manufacturers of disease for seventeen yea.rs. My he!!.d at tlmes was one running BOl'e, and my body was cover· Portland cement, etc. 'l'his was one of Our new Photograph Albums surpass any we have ever showll! ed with them as lariie as a half dollar. I tried TO CEILING DE'COR.A.TION. the most brilliant weddings that has taken for Quality and Price. a great many ternedies without effect until I . place in this town, hence the widest interused the CUTIOt:RA REMEDIES, and II.Ill thankful to st.ate that after t.wo month~ of their use J3eautiful goods in FANCY GLASS- est was manifested by the many friends Have you seen. our l 0'-eent Window ~ It is a wonder to many. I am entirely ourod. I fool it my dnty to you and the 1 iubllc to state the ahove case. WARE, just opened, the: very thing and acquaintances of the bride who was how we can sell some of the articles at the price. L. R. McDOWELL, Jamesburg, N . J . cynosure of eo many hundred eyes on for wedding and other presents. the Wednesday evening. For fully an hour Another Marvellous Cure. Pictures framed at Lowest Ra tes. before the church doors wero opened, the The CUTICURA, CUTICURA RESOLVENT and CUTICUBA SOAP have brought a.bout a IDO.l'Vbl11idewalks around the sacred edifice were REM:EMBE. R , the Phtce for BARGAINS is ]OU8 cure in the case of skin clisease on my crowded with an anxious and excited little eon eight years old. I have tried almost throng, and BS the time of 5 :30 p. m. all remedies andalsothemosteminont. doctors, Aye, lots of goods. all alike railing, except the wonderful Cv·rt· drew nearer the ushers had no easy task OURA Hm111mrns. ED. N . BROWN, to keep the door ways and a.isles clear. 720 N . 16th St., Omaha, Nell-, The church w11s beautifully decorated Cuticura Hesolve11t. around ihe pnlpit with ferns, foliage 'fhe new Blood Purifier and pureit and best plants, flowers and chrysanthemums and of Humor Remedies, i nternally, and CUTICURIA< the altar railing was covered with crimson the grea.t l:lkin Cure, and CUTICURA SOAP; an exfJ_nisite Skin Heimtilier, externally, are a cloth, The musical service was specially positive cure for every disease and hu'llor ot arrauged for the occasion and was under the skin, eualp and blood, with Joes of hair, BOWMANVILLE, NOV. 13, 1889. from 11imples to scrorula. the direction of M1s11 Armour, organist of . Sold everywhere. Price. CUTJCURA, 'l5c: ;:. the church. As soon as the carriages ----u---SOAP. 35c; ltESOI.VEN~'. $150. Prepared by the with the bridal party arrived, and as the POT!'ER DI<UG AND Cf!EMIOAL CORl'ORA'.l"JON, THE FARMER'S POSITION. Boston. Ladies go to the West End House for : bride marched up the aisle leaning on her a;a·send for " How to Cure f;kln Diseases/' father's arm, the choir sang "The Voice Year after year the Protectionist!! tells that Breath~d o'er Eden," and when the GPI the suffering farmer that a good time ie happy couple were leaving, after the cere· . and oily skin p1·c ven ted by Cu·Nct:H:A> t SOAP . coming when produce shall be sold ·at the mouy, the organ sounded forth the sweet all prices and all sizes,. plain an'l ribbed. strains of Mendelssohn's Wedding March old time figure. They forget that they and Mr. Lewis Jollow, the sexton, tolled promised to make good prices the rule by the church bell merrily. Back ;\ ctie, ,mdney Pains an.d imposing burdens upon him and the rest We>4 k. · 1 · · :-1.~. 8 orenes:i, Lamenese,. · · · The bride's ele~ant toilette consisted of Sti·11i11~ '""'Pain l'f~llrv····~ Hl· 011() Kid Tipped, sometl'.lii:tl>g new. . of us~ No doubt prices will llarden should a pretty, white silk drnss, rich in textu·e 111lun&e by .t.be 4)tttJcttra Antl- Paiu ···tt,. t.er. and neat in design, with full princess 'fhe first and only iu~ r,antaneous p tuu killing an European war break out or some other plaster. 30c. train over which flowed a long veil, and calamity befall the natioi;is. In the she wore tho regulatio n orange blossoms BOWMANVILLEl WINS. meantime there is no prospect of thmgs and carried a superb bouquet of white improving. The production of wheat is roses. In her hair the only ornament POWER vs UOWMA:'il"VILLE BOARD OJ!' EDU· greater, thanks chiefly to modern science was a sparkling diamond crescent, being CATION. a gift frcm the groom. The bridesmaids ~~e ~:r~~~~~til~~· gor~e\V~fs~h~u~~r~~~~BF~~ than the increase in the world's popula· were Miss Ida McArtht1r, sister of the some time past they have Am ployed ai. At the Cobo1irg assi:;ms an action was tibn, The cereal production of t he Unit- bride, Miss Lizzie Wright, sister of the assistant cutter, They keep a nuiriber ,,f . hrought by Power & Son, architects, ed States has been multiplied three-fold groom, and little Miss Florence Edsall, hands constantly at work, but they em· ' Kingston, against the Board of Educasince '!862, and there has been a vast de- wlio were becomingly attired in white ploy none but thoroughly competent andl ti on of the town of Bowma.nville for the We congratulate : price of plans prepared for a new school veJopment by means of railroads, tele- poplinette with yellow sashes, the two first-class workmen. forlJler wearing a ring, and the latter a the firm upon t he very great improve- buildin~ and for loss of time and expense graphs; steamships and a~ricultnral ma· brooch, gifts from the ~room, and each mente mnde in their store and trust their incurred at the defendants' req nest. The chioery, in Russia, India, and other carried a beautiful bouquet of yellow increased facili t.ies for doing business will Board appear to have b eeu Vt!ry evenly result in their having 111ore business to do. divided on the buildiug question ; a deadcountries where the price. of labor is very chrysanthemums. Mr. George Wright, brother of the lock took place and consequently th.ere chea,p. There is no reason to suppose 1 groom, ar.d Master Gordon Lee, of Towas no formal acceptance of Power's that the limit of development has been ronto, were the groom's attendants. :The LateDr. Bird. plans, nor were they ever used. The reached. On the contrary, all the signs '.l'he marriage rights were performed plaintiff's relied upon a reaolu tion cif the Dr. Chas. Bird, whose death occured Board requesting them to make certain point to a still more astonishini;i: progress. by the Rev. Rural Dean Mackenzie, of Thus all the land at present in use in the Milton, uncle of the bride, assisted by on the 3rd inst., has for many years been changes in their plans, which would be the Rev. R . D . Fraser, M. A., '(lastor of one . of Darlington's most r espe(lted citi- necessary to bring the estimated cost of United States for growing wheat, corn, St. Paul's, the ceremony being that of zene, and was a.ho closely allied with , t. ,, h e new building down to $21,000 and to oats, 'hay, and cotton, is only about one- the Epi8copal Church. 'l'he bride was town aflairs, his home being but o short make ' certain improvements in accord· distance from this corporation. He was a.nee with the original sketch. A large fifth of the arable area. Mr. Edward given uway by her father, The ushers who discharged their ardu- born at Llanelly, "\Vales, January 2o d~ number of witnesses were examined for Atkinson, the well known economist, sa.ys ous duties very efficiently and good. 1813, and with his father- Dr . George the plaintiff. At the close of the plain--AND....__ the present wheat crop of the United naturedly were Messrs. J. T . Craig, T. Gwynne Bird-and family, came to Can- tiff's ca5e, the defendants moved for a States could be ~rown on wheat-land of H. McMillan and A. Doughs McArthur, ada in 1834, at first settling at Peterboro non-suit on the ground that tbe defend· the best quality to be found in Texas, af- of Toronto, and J. N. Gordon, of Bow- but soon removin~ to this neighborhood. ants were a municipal corporation and no He was l'duct1.ted for th6 medical Frofes- contract under eeal was proved, and on ter taking from Texas a territory as large manville. After the service the bridal party and sion whic:;h he practised for o length of the further ground that the plans had in .a.a Germany. Last year 300,000 emigrants guests repaired in carriages to "Crag- time while residing on hit1 farm in Dar· fact never been used a.t all. Mr. Brit!Jon from Europe found their way to the plains nairn," the palatial residence of the lington. He succeeded Mr. T. C. Sutton asked, in order to avoid the nemissity of NOTE THE FOLLOW]NG J!'IGUlt ES : .and valleys of South A.meriea., where bride's parents, which was brillian~ly ae owner of the drug business here, but another trial, should he succeed in a wheat, cattle. and wool can be raised in illuminated and tastefully decorated with did not persona.l!y attend thereto; and in motion to set aside the non-suit, that the New Ladies' Gold Watch, Stem Wind, warranted,.....· from $15,0lhip flowers, plants, palms, and chrysanthem- 1864 be disposed of the same to Mr. J . defendants should call their witnesses. -endless abuu<lance Australia. is also be- ums, the reception room being one ms.ss Higginbotham, who slillcontiuues in the " How many winesses ha.ve you, M!r. New Stem Wind Nickle Watches.....··.. · . .. ...·.... from 2;'].5 up ing opened up. In Aeia, the exports from of fragrant bloom. An informal recep· old stand.. Lount ?" inquired .Judge McMahon, "Ten , New 3 oz. Silver, Stem Wind...... ... ......... ... ... from 15,Q(:); up For years t he Doctor lived a quiet un- · or twelve, my Lord," re.plied Mr . r~ount. India. are being reinforced from Burm" h tion followed during which the bride and Silver Plate, Jewelry,. Rings, Chains, etc., at "As l and these two · countries t ogether could groom received the congratulations of the obtrusive life, ~uperintending ho rue affai rs " ls that all," ea.id the Judge, engaging in deeds of kindness to friends have little doubt of the validity of the easily supply the world with bread. Nor· assembled guests. The weddmg dim1er, much of which as opportunity off~red, and with a few objection~! shall dismiss the action:" _Mr. thern Africa, the wheat field of thl:l old Ro- was from the establishment of Toronto's companion11 occas1ona.lly thoroughly en- B . M. Britton, Q. C ., for the plamt1:tfs > All goods warra.nied as represented. mans: is coming to the front again. An famous caterer, Harry · Webb, was d1s- joying the pursuits of hunting and fish- Mr. Wm. Lount,. Q. 0., and Mr. D. ' He was one of nature's noblemen- 1 Burke Simpson for defendants.- W orld'. Italian economist talks confid"ntly of Ab- pla.yed in the large dining hall with moat ing. _ _ _ __...._ _ _ handsome effect surmounted by the mas- upright and downstraight in all trans11>c· " byasina's becoming a formidable rival to sive bride's cake which was prettily detions, plain and vigorous of speech, yet Ca.na.da. Business College. the United States, in the matter of wheat corated. After full justice had been of t he most kindly .disposition-a great REPA.IRl.NG A. SPECIALTY. ·exportation, within twenty years. Italy done to the rich repast, and before the big heart that beat responsive to all wor- SOME 01" THE WEST DURHAM I:IOY& WHO Watches ()leaned tor ............ ..... ...... ............... ~oc. to 73e. HAVE Al'l'ENDED IT. has receutly ea.tablished a prot,ectorate departure of Mr. and Mrs. Wrig~t, mer· thy appeals. We believe no man in DarWatd1 Haiu ~pri11gs ..........., ...... .....................'50~.. 19 73c.. riment, witicism and congratulat10ns had lington was more truly respected than Dr there as well as over 50,000 square miles In the STATEBllAN of the 23rd ult., in Watcl1 Glasses........................ ................ ......... l~c. full swing. At 8 o'clock the young couple Bird. Hie generous nQture was illust:rated ()f rjchJand to the south. D oubtless our left for the shtion on their wedding tour in that when he reali zed that his duys the report of the marriage of Mr. 'r . L . C:lot>ks C:leaned Cor ........... ............. ............. , .... -10~. to 7:ic. Staples and Miss LouiJla D ean, it should owri Northwel!t will some day pour out to New York and other American cities. on earth were drawing to a close, he have been stated that Mr. Sta.pies was a Other repairing equally low. All work well done and warranted. gathered together and destroyed all notes huge harvests. Modern science and under showera of rice as thick as hail . teacher i!l the Canada Business College, Nearly a hundred valuable and useful and claims, which he held against relaA CALL SOLICITED. European militarism combined are rapidly of Chatham , instead of "0.utario." Mr. presents indicated unmistakeably the high tives and friends not in affiuent cfrcumfilling th& waste places of the ear·h with est.,em with which Mrs. Wright has been stances, not wishing that trouble ehould Staples is a native of West Durham and was formerly a. teacher in this locality prod ucer~,and in the 11truggle the growers rev.arded. A more beautiful and costly arise after hie departure. Mrs. Bird d ied and took 11 course in the ubove excellent 44 Watchmaker and Jewelle£· collec.tion of wedding gifts we have never some years ago, a nd no children a.re left, of the·cheape&t wheat will 2urvive. Our!! in11titution about three years ago .where seenthe money value can not be much but many relatives and acquaintances ts net the cheapest by a long way. ln les11 than $1,500. he was the euccesful contestant for the mourn the loss of a friend. gold medal of his year. The following time, of course, .a griculture all the world The izuestH from a distance inclnded : The fun~ral was a very larg6 one-Rev- September he was offered a position in the over will adapt itself to the new condi· Mrs J Paterson tl"nd Mr J D Paterson, of Canon Macnab otllciating, and the pall· College where he has remained ever since. tions, but in the meantime there will be Montreal; Mrs (Rev) W Mackenzie, Miss bearera being Messrs. J. McDou~all, W. In January last the poRition of ma~he · F . Allin, T . Bassett, J os. Brittain, John Mackenzie and Mrs W Panton, of Milton; a great deal of pinching and depreciation Mr George and Miss Wright, of Ottawa; motical master became vacant and Mr. Sando, .r. Boar. Staples was chosen to fill it. The best cf land values. On the 25th Oct. the Doctor was 1ujur- proof that h e has filled it acceptably is the Mrs J F Ehy, Miss Lee. and Messrs. D If this be a fair sammary of lhe situa- J McMurchy, J T Craig, A J Arnold, T ed by a fall, which very much aggravat· fact that his salary has been advanced tion, the Ontario farm er, if h e is wise, H McMillan, James E M.cClung, Rhys D ed an internal ailment and caused great considerably and that when he announced Fairbairn and Mias Fuirbairn, of Toronto; pa.in, t ermina1;ing fatally, His end was will begin, withciut d elay, to study the his intentions to the Principal of taking a Mrs Smith, of Whitby; and Will A Smith peace. partner unto himself at an early date, his economica of his calling. How shall the of Port Perry. salary was still further increased. Mr. coal; of production be redupsd 1 'rhie is Among the guests from this town we CARD OF THANKS. Staples may well feel proud of the posione of the problems pressing upon him for noticed the Rev Canon Macnab, DD, and tion he holds in this flourishing i nstitusolution. At present everything he buys Mra Macnab, Rev R D Fraser, M A, and Bown;anville, November 5&h, 1889. tion which has now acq uired almost a Mrs FraRer, Dr and Mrs J C II illier, Dr Receiv11d of the. Mutual Relief Society world-wide reputation, and which had an is artificially .~xalted in pdeo by the N. and Mrs A Beith, Mr and Mn D Fisher, Rochester, N . Y., through Ml'. M . A. attendance last year of nearly 400 P. , whilllt every thing b8 ~>ills is diminish· Mias }l'ieher, Miss Broughall; Mr J B of Jamee, manager of the Local Boa.rd in students. We a.re informed that there Fairbairn, P M ; the MiBBes Fairbairn, ed in value by the remorseless compelithis town, tile sum of ·rwo THOUSAND are students in attendance from British tion abroad. Common 2euae suggests Mr and Mrs S S Edsall, Mnmd Mr11 DOLLAJ.tS iu full payment and satisfactic.n Columbia on the west to London, EngPeter Murdoch, Mr H1ictor and Miss that, h aving a vote, he ahonld use it to Betth, Mr T H McMurtry and Mr J N of all claims n.nd demands on account of land, on the east, and Brooklin, N.Y.,on cheapen the cost of the man ufactured Gordon. Dr W Allison was invited but membership in said Society of Nelson M . . thu south. Mr. Robt Lane from this loGage, my lat e husband, wh:o in his life- cality is also a teacher in the same Colleii:e goods he requires. If ho shrinks from was t oo ill to attend. time t ook great interest in the welfare of and has charge of the theoretical book· c\ping' t hiB for feiu· of injuring Sir John, the sciciety. keeping department. Mr. E . C. ThornTheir gentle action and good effect on I hereby beg to tender to.the President ton, of Orono, a former teacher, is also a he has no r ight to coµlplaiµ of hard times, the system mr.ke them a penfect" little pill. aince he is not doing wh&t ho can to beb- They please thoze who use them. Car- and other officers of this irociety my 2in- g~aduate aud gold medalist of his year. cere thanks for the very satisfactory He h11s recently s<icured an excellent po1i· t er them. Re is liko th.11 Afrban slav11 ter's Little Liver Pills may well be termed manner in which they have settled my tion in the office of the Karn Organ Co., who, when be waa offered liberty by; the ' 'Perfection." claim. (Signed) of Woodstock . The Faculty of t he ColBETSY GAGE, L egatee; lege on Mr. T. L. ~taplcs return t o Chat· captaii1 of a Briti~h man-of-war, said ho Frank Leslie's Popular Monthly for Witness, F . A. Wright. ham, presented him with a costly easy preferred huggin~ his chains be~ause their November is crriwded from cover to cover chair showing their apprt!ciation of his clalJkJng wi·s mu~ic t" hie wo(1dr.w1 ~od . with pictures, stories, descripti;·e and worth. IRRIT,l,:RLE PEoru;.-People are often biographical articles, scientific lore, poems Tmi: Ontario Governtl'lent bave no in· and seasonable literary side-dishes, a irritable by reason of some exasperating FouND AT .L " a sT,-For many years I tention of bringing on an election pre- striking illustr11.tion of the scope and full. skin disease whicb destroys comfort and suffered from croup but at last fo und a vious to an.other session of t he L egisfa- ness of the modern magazine. 'J'.here are good humor. Salt Rheum, nettle rash, remedy for it in H agyard'11 Yellow Oil, t half a dozen excellent short stories, and erysipelas, pimple~, scald head, etc., are so that I a m now free from croup entir· ure. poems by EUa Wheeler Wilcox, Albert of this nat.ure, they arise from bad blood, el31, and recommend Yellow Oil to all Sll:K n:n,.r:;.t.CHE cau·M by e:s;c4lJ;11 or\ Pike, Fred Emerson Brooks, Doaglas 1md cnn be cured by using Burdock Blood others who suffer from the s1'me disease. bile 01' . " c11~.. riler-ed stomaell t>i prq·optly Sladen the late F i::) Saltus and otherl! B itteni according to dlrec~ions. WelU~;-toa Builtliags. Maggie McLeod, Severn Bridge, Ont. rellc11ed by u~ing NaUO\!-nl J>Ub. · · · · · C ure d b y C u t 1cura. · That Bloom Ill the Spring, Price is away down, and · patterns good. - Now is your time. :But Pictures Framed. P. Trebilcock. J. H. KENNER'S Variety Hall. . West End House. · · tNig;~:~.'1~:~.~~~~~::~ ~::.1::;:~1:110:~:~: .. :The Finest CASHMERE ROSE; The Finest CASHMERE GLOVES, d HOW MY B A GK ACHES. · "" 'The Newest Things. in FRILLING . and RIBBONS. Call and see our splendid stock of Dress, Goods and Mantlings, nothing nicer or newer to be had. 'Everything marked at lowest livin·g prices i West End House. is far below all competitors. Low. Prices for ·Grain; ·---Low Prices for 'l'Vatches, L. COJ: <.NIS:S: I TREMENDOUS REDUCTIONS I Call during next 30 days for Bargains. L. CORNISH, Go where you will In· Bowmanville, You'll find them on the move. ----o---- _..... vouNc &co., rn GROCERS, ----o,---- Have moved across the street, Their shop is trim and neat, Their stock is quite complete, And now they hope to greet Their friends, and politely treat Them in their store across the street.., ··-·- They thank their m~ny friends for their past support, and assure them nothing will be wanting on their part to please the purchasing public. Be sure you call and see the leading g~-0eefsa YOUNG & Co.,