" Wall Paper and Plush Goods half price, at TAIT'S Corner Store. · USE ONLY THE I Z DA H L · _ BRAND OF P URE NO T"> TT7 E] .ilr VV . GI AN 1 Cad Liver Oil. The ,Great Standard Remedy for all Weak· neee and diseasee of the lungs, impaired nutrl· tion, etc. Thie Oil le Puro. Freeh, nearly Tasteleae, and. there(ore moat suitable for delicate d!geetioos. Nooe genuine without the name IZDA.HL stamped on each capsule. WHOLESALE BY LYMAN, SONS & CO., MONTREAL. - ------·----- - - STOTT & JURY'S STOVE PIPE VARNISH MAKES' NO SMELL AND IS THE BEST IN THE MARKET. Try it. Try it. Try it. P RltJE, l:ic. l!lchneSI and lleauty ot Colo1lug.' . aro the ON!.Y DYEH that .. OT WASH OUT I ' WILL NOT F'AOE OUT I ·~tllini: 1111 l'&c~age !lQ17!I.S !l'\VO ohn; othor Dyo b tho markot,'1 tir JOU doubt It, try it ! Your money will be ro· l'undcd if :you n.re no~ coat ince<l n.ftcr :i. tri01.l. F ifty.· l;ecomo f ; u hionable. They are warranted t o o.yo ju.ore good· 1u11l do ii bet ter th·l a.ny other Dyes. ,. ""-. --- or 1'astncss. like them tor S1reni;tb, Colotini:; ~l~:~1}i;~~:.~~~°o~h~:':r~i~d~!~~~~r:;~~~l;~; ·=Slmel'rl.ceasinferiorDye, 10 c'ts. .lcn.nada Bmoch : 481 St. Pn.ul Street, 1loutreal. ~.lid 'f<J41"}/ ~r Sample Caret arnl 1Jool;o/ 1nstr"ol!oiw· BoWMA.NVILLE, Nov. 13, 1889. GRAND TRUNK RAILWAY. BOWMANVILLB: STATION. GOING EAST Pae11enger .·. . 8 39 a m Mall .........10 32 a. m Mixed .........3 37 p m Local .... ... .. 705 p m Ma.II ........ 110:20 pm ·Except Monda.ye. I I GOING WBST Mall .. ...... u 57 am Local, .. ...... 8 23 a m Express* ...... 9 31> a m Mixed ........ 3 15 pm Mall ......... 8 29 p m Local and Otherwise. See the program for this week's Popular Concert. MONEY FouNn .- A small sum !lf m oney found , Apply at the PosT OFFICE. Nice New Wedding Presents arrived t\t Maynard the Jeweller's, Bowma.nville. A purse found on the Fair ground may be had fr9 m Mr. R. \\'inda.tt. La.dies, see what Mr. Trebifoock says ln his advertisement about wall papers. Ladies, t ry the best stove pipe varnish i n the world. Sold by Higginbothan & Son. R. C. Tait is selling hh plash ~oods at and below cost, for a short time, at his Corner Store. A good linen towel at 5 cents ; cotton towel 2 for 5 cent11. Better qualities at fowest prices at Ma11on's big new store. If you have pictures to frame take them to Henry, he will frame them better and cheaper than any other house in t own. M. A. J.urns will make it worth your while t o order all the papers you \vant for 1890 from him. Big reductions for olube. Rev. H . S. Matthews will preach next Sunday evening on "Lotteries, Wheat Corners, Grab Bags, and Games of Chance." Strangers welcome. · The West End House is doing a r.i.t1ing irade in clothing, having turned out a numbe r of foll suits alretJ.dy. Tho goods ure right and the prices are right. Call and see for yourself. Sobscriptions iaken at T.rrn STA.Tlii!!MAN office for Weekly Globe, Mail, Empire, Witness, Family Her'l.ld, Stock Journal, and 2,599 other papers at lowest rates. Balance of 1889 free on mo3t of them. l!'URS REPAIRED.- M. Mayer would remind his numerous friends and customers that Jaclt lj~rost is coming and if they have any furs to alter or repail' to bring them in, aarly before the busy season begins. t. Mayer, practical furrier , Bowman" "'· 39. IT 11!1 SA.Ill: '.fO l!Sll l>'l'f.enurn's Worm Powders, ns tb·Y ad llillll' 011 the worlll· ~lid «lo not injure tbc ofallfl. $13,000 worth of dry goods to be sacriNice New Wedding Presenl.t1 arrived at EIFE R ASTRAY.- Strayed fr.,m Maynard t he J e~eller'a, B11 wman ville. ficed at Tod Bros'. giving·up-business lot 14. con, 3. Darlington, abClut 3 W6<>Ji:tt , ago, a H;EmER, coming 3 years old, part H<'l'Due bills taken same as c:.ioh at Tod sale. Call and inspect . ford, white head,white bsck over the anouldp1·8 a~id dark red, W1LLLAM: ALr.1N, Bowmq8 _ Always say y ou saw the advertisement Bros.' giving- u p· business-sale. Bargains for all in dry goods. S ee J . in THE STATESMAN when writing to or calling on our ad vertisere. J. Mason's before moving adv. T HE STATESMAN will be sent free for A good fur coat at $20 and over forty Had new $25 top in 1887. It le a the balance of 1889 to new subscribers for to select from at Central House. great barg!lin. I nquire ot:M. A. JAMEs,Editor Bowmanv1 lle, · FIRE, LIFE, ACCIDENT Insurance. 189C-15 months for $1.00. RoBT. VIRTUE, Agent: Bowmanville. tf. Advertisments received by M . A.James II S E LLING OFF AT CAMBRIAN A fine lot of new window shades j uet fo for Daily and W aekly Globe, Mail, Do its Manufacturers Publish all WOLLEN MILLS, Hampton. A large stock ot white and giey flannel eheeting stock· at H. C. Tait's Corner Store, at low Empire and any o ther paper in.Ua.nada. the. Ingredients used ? ing yarn, blankets, etc, at prices to sti1t the prices. R, proprietor. Cash for wool times. µ. TAllLO You can buy a 3 oz. sjlver case and Subscriptions must b e sent to M. A. first- class movement com'plete for $18 at or taken ID exchangefor~~~'.__ _4~_::-lm. JAMES, s~'ATE S MAN Office, Bowmanville, the Co-operative J ewelry S tore. fl. 0. ITUAT ION WANTED ON T HE As is well known, ammonia. is unhealth· Ont. 41- 2w. Brittain. . F A? l\I.-;Good reliable single mao would ful iu feod, and dries up the bread bk«! to hue with some good !armer, ae general · , Home-made yarn in grey for sale and The Crooks' Act provides for the pun- matei·ial. a.ss1sta.nt or caretaker of stock. fo r 5 months, wanted atJ. J; Mason's big new store, ishment of those who purchase and con· I P:rotection to consumers of food com· perhaps longer if agI"eeable. ~'irst class reference as to character if required Address J, Central Block. sume liquor in licensed houses after the pounds lies in their ability to choose B. MoR'l'O~, Bu1·ketoo Station, Ont. those made from h ealthful substances. The West End H ouse have just re· regular h ours. Unless manufacturers publish just what ARM H AND WANTED.-A single ceived into. stock the newest shapes in Heary certainly makes th() best phot o- their baking powder is made of, do not man, one who is not afraid of work and .. collars and ties. r~raphs and gives the best satisfaction. use their goods, but buy instead who can take the lead on a good eized farm We noticed quite a number of citizens I C~ll at his gallery and see a p roof- you where three men and three teams a.re used: ge nnd wages expected to Box: A»vly s tatln'1: & from 03hawa at; the Weekly Popular I will be eonvmced. , Nb. 4, Port Perry P .O. A Canadian of DevonNavy, 'grey and fancy flannel, top Concert la.st Friday night. Come again. sn1repa~~l1!:1g~ _P:ll~e_r_red. . '13- 3w A case of samples of the spring styles shirts made and shaped the same as dress GENTS WANTE D. - Fonthill Nur~ in ha.ta have been received at Ma.son's big shh;ts, wi th and without collars, all prices This powder is made only of strictly pure series. Largest in Canada. 'Vo wanll new store. If you want a hat see them. 1at the West End House. grape cream of tartar , a nd strictly pure reliable, energetic men to sell our Nursery stock; previous experience noL necessary; any They are always t o the front in the hat "Eoticer~, and how to deal with them," bica.rbonate of soda, with a little wheat man with tact and energy can succeed; term111 line. was tlte s uhj ect of th e first of a aeries of flour t o preserve it. This is attested by the liberal, either salary or commission; outfit; Maynard, th(' jeweller, is offering big sermo11s to Young P eople, by Rev. R . D. official analyses of Government and State free, Our agent.a have manv advantages. such as selling home-grown, hardy Cnnadianinducements this week to those wanting Fraser, M, A .. iu St. Pall l's Church nex t chemists, and physicians, and chemists of stock. Choice new special>iea. wb.ich are ot . any thing in his line. Now is t he time to Sunday evening. Services begins at 7 Boards of Health throughout the country. value. and which can only b 11 secured from u!f . CLEVELAND EROTlIBRS, ALBANY, N. Y. such as a complete Hat of Ne w RuRsia.n Ap· choose your Christmas and wedding o'clock. pies, the Ritson P f'a.r, Saunder's Pluoo. HI!· gifts. The R oyal Templars will formally open :Notices or Births u1ul Deaths. 2ii cents; born Raspberry, Moore's Ruby nod Black Champio n Currants, Moore's Diamond GrapQ lllarrlngt· K. 50 eeuts. E . 0. Graham, formerly of Whitby, t heir new hall over Cawk er & Allin's etore etc. We have giveu particular attention to now one of Rocheste1's leading nursery· next Friday night, when an Open Council the propagation of h[),rdy yariet!es Ruitable to BIRTHS. the Northern sections of Canada. For term!f· men. finds his Canadian business increas- will be held aod a choice program of muapply RonrNSON.- In Oshawa, Nov. 3rd the wife of Ont, to S1·0NE & WEr.LINGTON, Toromo. ing so that he has opened a branch office sic, readings, etc., will be given. Mernin Toronto , See his card in this paper . bers and their friends are particularly iu- Mr. J ohn l:tobinson, or a son. BROWN .-ln Oshawa, Nov. 3rd, the wife of Master Thomas, son of J.B. Fairbairn, vited. The District C.ouocilloria expected. Mr. F red. l:lrown, of a eon. KIRKPATRIC J(..-Jn Cedar Dale. Nov. 3rd, P .M., rereived a serious injury on Toron· , The conci rt i n the Town .tiall, Than ksto Collego Institute grounds Friday week. giving evening, uuder th e auspices of the Mr, Matthew Kirkpatrick, of a daughter, Eust Wh itby, Nov. 2nd. the wife by being struck on the head by a heavy Willing Workers of Queen-st Church, was ofLo:rT.-ln OTICE I S HE REBY GIVEN pu r~ M t·. Albert Lott, of a daughter. weight. He is recovering nicely. one of t he b est given for a long time. su1 rnt to section 36. of chaptet· 110 of t!)e STEPIIENS- Io Orono, Oil Oct. 30th, the wife . Revised Statute3 ot Ontario, 1887, that alf · Just to hand at Couch, JohDston & Mrs. Lawrence's singing captured the Mr, D. ~tepn~ne, of a daughter. crn<litors and others having claims against the Cryderooan's a fine range of ladiAs' and large audienca aud a dou ble encore was or .JANE PINCH. late of the village or est ate MARRIED. Newcastle, io the cnunty of Durham. decea.eedt Misses' ulsters and short jackets, Ger :nan demonded a nd cheerfullv g.ive n after her 1·elict of RICHARD PINCH, in hie life time, 01' GRAHAM-PHENIX -A t the Manse, Oshawa. Bowmanville, in said made. Their goods are-cut and .made up last n umber . Mi~s Scrimger sang with Nov. or Durham, are 6th. by Hev. S. H . EaRtru un, Mr. Thomae hereby notified to eeod county in their claimq to lh lt as only Germans can cut and make up s weet voice aad was also e ncored. Mias GI"aham and MIES Miiry L. Phenix, both of undersigned, at his office, north side K i.Dg at.· ·· O;;hawa. Jennie Housto.n is a young elocutionist of A beautiful assortment of r.e11 black ladies' coats. Bowmanvllle. Sol1citor for Ronmll'l' ti. MAN· LEAMI1\'G- GHATIAJ\I.-At the Manse, Oshawa NINO EsQ.. Executor or the last. WU! an<l The splendid steamship "Victoria" of good promise, her selections being all Nov. and colored di:ess goods just rtJceived 61 h, by Hev. i:-;, H. Eastma n. Mr. ~lmeon Tes:a ment of eaid J ANE Pnrnrr, deceased, 0 111 direct from Enl!'land at Couch,.Johnson & the Dominion Line eails from Quebec on well rendered and she was recalled on J,eaming. of Cedar Dalo, and Mis~ Sa.rah F. or berore the Graham, or O~hawa, Cryderman's. Nov. 21. This will be a gnod chance for each appearance. Our local musicians, 21st D a y of D ecember, 188 9 , \VRJGH'l'-MCARTHURIn St. Paul's church. H. S. Mitchell, Drayton, advertises Canadians wishing to visit th1;1 Old Coun· Messrs. Wallis, McKeown, Gilbert, and Bowmanvllle, on \Ve<lnesda.y, Nov. 6th, 1889. with Lheir full names, the a mount..oC splendid farms for sale in county of Well- try for the holidays. Buy tickets from Harry Knight sustained tb eir excellen t by tho Rev. Hural Dean 1"1cKenr.ie, of Milton, together c taime and particulars thereof. uncle of the bt·ide, assisted hy the Rev. R, D. thnir record . ington, one of the best agricultural coun· M. A. James. And no tice is hereby further given that on Fraser. M. A., Jtuggles Wright. elll.est son or and after t he twenty.'first d:i.y of December. We have r eceived frum the Chancellor C, ties in Ontario. Seb his advt. Selling off 1 yes we must have money B . Wright. IJ:sq .. city or Hull, Quebec, and 1889, the said Executor will proceed to di8"' · Stewart, eldest dan!<"hter of F. F . Mc· tribute a mong the persons eotitted thereto1 Mr. N. N. Cole, Winnipeg's pushing and will sell any dry goods as cheap as or the new National U niversity of Chi- Mary E 1q , Bowmanvllle. Arthur, the a.eset~ or the satd estate, having rega.r<11 · merchant tailor, hl\11 sent us samples of any humbug sale. This season we are cago t he "Announcement" ffor 188!>-90ooly to the cl aim~ ot which he shall then havit gives thirteen under-graduat n the 7t h inst.. at the rccei Hum.EY-HOIDGB-Ou which obliged to t urn over our goods, profit or his style of advertising which show that ved no·ic~. residence of the bride. Hampton, by the Rav, and an eq ual number of post· courses Dated at Bowman-ville. this eleventh d11y.o f no profit for bargains. John J, Mason's he values printers' ink very highly . J . Whitlock, of-Co'nmbus. assisted br the Hev. November, 1889. graduate courses leadi ng to all the various rt. McUullocb, cf Hampton, Rev. R . Hurley, of J OHN K . GALBRA.ITH. Mr. John Adams, stockbreeder, " Am- big new store ia the place. college degrees. The iuslit ution is said Welcome. to Mrs. H, Holdge, widow of tho 16;5w Solicitor for ea.id Kxecutor. We take pleasure in calling attention to late Rev. .Joseph Hoictge, formerly B, C. bleside," Port Perry, writes : I consider t o be modell~d after the fam ous London THE STATESMAN an excellant country ad- the advertisement in this issue, of Brown Univel'sity and provides ex~minations Minister, of Hampton. GREGORY-CLAHKt£-By the H.ev. J. c. wu. vertising medium. I have had several Brothera, N uraerymen, R,;>chester, New whereby schola rs cao secure dtJgrees by son, Nov, 6 th , at tb.e residence of t.110 bride's York. This firm is reliable Good men non-reBide11t study and examinations at father. Mr. James Gregory, ol Oshawa, Oat,, replies to my card. to Mias Lizzie. eldest daughter of James who want permanent employment will do AP I TAL l!'ARM FOR SALE.Ladies call and see the fancy dress home, th ua be rrnfi tting a large cli1ss and Clarke, Esq., of Cobourg, Ont. "Valence" ~'a.rm , cheap, flrst·class ; 18() patterns at the West End House. No well to correspond with Brown Brothsrs. solving m any odcational problems. It STEPHENR-NOT'l' -In Bi>wmaoville. Nov. G, acres; fronts River St, Clair; one· third cash. PmzE.-To the one who can write th11 aleo agree to teach " any p erson in any by Uev. Herm·n Moore, Schomberg, Mr, J, balance on mort,gage at 6 per cont.; 8 ucre11 trouble matching triooming as tho of ClinL on. and Mrs. Barbara. Nott. bush ; excellent market; scb.ool and cllurche!I trimming is an exact match for the cloth. fol lowing: "H. C . Brittain, Jeweller, imbjecc" b y m ail. No honora1·y degrees Stephens, widow of the late H.ev. H. J . Nott, editor of at llund ; () miles from Sarnia ; rail thrung·hl B owmanvilla," the greatesi; number of will be given. T-he tuition is moderate, the Ol>se1"ccr, They are going fast. the property; good house and be.ma. .Appl; to times, legibly on the back or a post card, G. R , GOLDIE, proprietor, Corunna, Ont. We are pleased to learn that Miss Ruby and the U niversity affiliates with all nrnn. by Dec.1st, a prize wort, h $1 will be given other institutions by acceptang their cerPreston, daughter of Mr. W. T . R . Pres--- - -- -- - -- - -- 43-4w-+ - -")]1ARM F OR SALE .- 200 acrns, in 8~H'l'II.-In South Oal:J.a.wa, Nov. >l.tb. Henry ton, has carried. off the ' prize- a sixty by H. U. Brittain. Addres~, .B ox 61, tificates. · Two hundred s t udents a re said Smith, aged 32 yea.rs. · · . " . - ' t o.' be already 'enrolled. 'l'he An nounceJV the township of Et·amoso,, county ot ' d ollar ·scholarship- at tlle 'l'oronto Con· Bowmanville. ,Li:LE. - Acclclentally killed at Peterboro, on Wellington, 70 acres cleared, balnnco go:><I "Bible Study" is a. monthly magazine, ment will he sent ·free to a ny one who acl- ~ servatory of Music, against all competitors. luirdwood, with sufficient cedfl.r for rencing. ov. 5th, Chas· . Lyle. aged 46 year a. IJ:xct!lent gravelled ro..cl to Guelph, I~ miles· J uetification by Faith Alone is a point published at Nashville, Tenn; Rev. M . dr esses 147 Throop St,, Chicago, and our SMt1·u- In Clarke, on Suu<la.y, No v . 3rd. A pot"to.ble saw mill would make mon,,y, a11 , of doctrfn3 affirmed by the Evangelical B. DllWitt, D. D., editor, for the hel[J . readers who apply at o nce need not pay John Smith, aged 31 y ears. the bnsh has not been culled. Intendin~ PUI'· P ENNING TON.-In Hampton. Nov. 9th, Eliza.· chasers sjloukl examine the place. When Alliance, which point will be offered for of Sunday S chool teachers and bible the usual matricula tion fo e. beth Grace, beloved wife of Mr. Andrew Pen· further improved will be as good a farm a11 · HINTS F oR W1NTER. -When attacked nlogton, the consideration of all who wish to con- students. It contains the monthee in· any in .the excellen t township of E ramosa. in her 35th year. ' ternational Sunday School lessons with by a cough' or cold, hoarseness, asthma, H Mosider it, at the Disciple Church next JAMES.- A.t his father's residence, Short 'l'orms to suit purchasers. ALEXANDJ> . 4J-l w* notes and criticiems on same, anti m~p of bronchitis, croup or infl. uenz'.l, the suc- 'l'rack, N . Y .. Oct. 21, 'l' heodore Jamee, son of KlNNO:<r, Coningsby P . o. Lord's Day at 7 pm . Mr, 'l'homas James. a nd nephew of Mr. J ohn cessful experience of t housands of famil· James, All wool shirts and pants 50c. Al Pslestine. GOc. per year. Oahawa, aged 26 years, 5 months and ARM F OR S,AI,E.-The subscri be~ 16 days, As will be seen by the marriage nobice ies who have used it regularly for all such wool socks 20c. per pair, '!'op shirts 50c. offers his fBrm. ·of twCl hundred acrea, in another column, R ev. R . Hurley has troubles during many years, suggests the composed or lots 10 and 11 on the fi rth conces75c. and $1. Cardigan .jackets for 75c. or Egremont, for sale cheap on roasonabla sion A CORRUP'r SYS'.l.'EM.-Bad blood may We use of Hagyard's Pect oral Balsam-t he These cheap goods are to be had at th e again entered the list of Benedicta. l" renl. 'l'his is a beautiful and Jlr~ll terms. O corrupt the entire system and cause aero· class West End House and are special value. congratulate the newly married couple. old, reliable household favorite. form in excellent condition, well watered! fulous sores, swellings, ulcers, salt rheum with eprinll!s and running water all the yeae You should call and see the~. · and t r ust that their married life will round, 160 acres cleare:l, and free frollll prove all that is anticipated by tbs a~ed erysipelas, sore eyes and akin diseases, stumps, and well fenced, balance valuable MILLINERY.-1\irs.Dingma.n has opened couple. Methodist Union. Mr. Hurley has removed to ae ahiogles, t etter, etc. B nrdock B lood timber. A roughcaat dwelling, good fram e a new millinery store, next door to the Hampton', the home of his bride.-G~ide. .Bitter8 purifies th'l blood and cleanses, barn. 3G by GO, frame stable, 26 by 60, a fine Standard Bank, where her new stock of bearm ~ orchard, an acre of strawFrom all appearance at present a union t ones and strengthens the entire sy11tem. young THE ETUDE is a monthly publication berries, fine rolling land well adapted for grailll Fall and Winter bonnets, hate, feathers, of the two Methodist congregations in or stock raising. Convenient to chul'ch ancl for teachers and students of music pubTo TnE D EAF.-A person cured of etc., is now open for inspection. Straw 'l'hree miles from the thriving !,own lished at 1704. Chestnut St. , Philadelphia Bowmanville is assured. The banns of Deafness a nd noises in the h ead of 23 school. a! Mount Ji'orest. There are 63 acres plow\)lt' and felt re-r.haped. A call solicited. Pa., a t $L 50 a year. ETUDE fa one of union were published in pleasing ex- y ears' standing by a simple remedy, will ready for crop, and seven aorea under fa.11 THE STATESMAN is the recognized the beat musical journals known t o us pre~siooe by the pastor of Queen street send a descl'ipt10n of it J'REE to any per- wheat. For terms and partioulare apply to the subscriber on th e premises. ALBEH'l' W .A&o medium . for advertising farms to rent and every number is of great practical church S nnday evening and t he Q uarter- son who avpliea to NICHOLSON, 30 St. LACE, Mount Forest. 46-- 3w* ly B oard by a vote of 13 to 1 have decided o r for sale. If you want to rent, buy or value to every student of music. We John St,, Mo ntreal. 44-lyr. sell we advertise it for you-at. very low strongly ad vise every one of our readers for union. The Church-et .. congregation rates. THE STATESMAN has the lar~est interested in music to send 15 cents for a have been in favor of it for some time, BOWMANVILLE MARKETS. The 'Trustees of Queen-st . Jig,ve also re· circulation of any paper in Durham sample copy. · Addre1e as ab ove. County. B ARGAIN IF TAKEN AT ONO E~ The Salvation Army is obser ving a ceived an offer of $5,000 from a reliable Corrected by J · .Hclllurtry, eYery Tnes(lll)' - 92 acres in Gore. of West Oxford, a<ljoi· · The weekly concerts given by the D. week of self-denial and prayer fnr the firm for t he property, so that everything ing corporation of Woodstock. Good Jurge FLOUR, ti!' 100 lbs, ········ $2 30 t o $3 00 now seems very favorable to the project. 0. P. Co. Band are well patronized. A glory of God and the Salvation of the frame house nearly new, 2ood large barns with WHEAT, Fall, ~bush ., ·.· 0 00 11 0 90 stone stabling underneath. running spring "t good audience attended the concert last Heathen ·world, from November 10th to 11 Spring, 11 0 00 11 0 80 water , young orchard, 20 acres fall wheat. 12 Friday night (Nov. 8th). The programs 17th inclusive. Every officer and soldier Jubilee Smger.3 Coming. acres new meadow. stubble land all plowed BARLEY, '!fl' bush, No. 1. .. , 0 43 11 · 0 00 land in good are good and well worth attending. The in the Salvation Army are doing their utstat.<> of cultiva tion and well ad.· II II . II 2 .. .. Q 38 11 0 00 apted tor either stock or grain. With tho addescriptive piece, "A Ni~ht Alarm, " was most to make this week a gig'l.ntic sucThe Original F isk Jubilee Singers revantA.ge of being so neai· town, with market II II II 3 . .. , 0 33 11 Q 00 well rendered. cess, a nd are praying for a spiritual out- organized and consolidated with the and schools and all ot,hor conveniences, this 111 RYE, II · · · · · · · · · · 0 42 II 0 00 a. very desirable property, and is sure to ill· St. Paul's Yo ung People's Society of pouring upon the p;>or struggling soule fomousTenneueeans making the strongest 0ATS, II , , , , , , , , , Q 25 11 Q,OQ crease io value very rapidly, Will sell e!tltel'.' Christian Endeavor, appointed deleg&tes who worship gorls of gold, silver, brass, and belilt comp.my ever placed before' the the whole or ia parcels. Apply to W, B HU\:J'lt Pi:As, Blackeye, W' b ush . . . 0 GO 11 0 70 Box 146 \Voodatock. Ont. U-3w~ at its mee·ing, Monday eveni ng, t o at- wood a11d iron. They are also putting public. This is the company who have 11 Small, 1 1 0 50 11 0 55 tend the Convention of Christi21.n En· forth every effort to contribute as much sung b efore the Crown Heads of Europe II Blue, . 0 65 I I 0 00 d eavor S ocieties of Ontario, to be held in as possible, and sending it along to help and have established everywhere ·a greater St. James' Square Church, Toronto, next get the Heathen converted and brought reputat ion than any other company. Mr. BUTTER, best table, ~ lb. · . 0 lG 11 0 t 6 Monday and Tuesday. to God. An invitation is extended to B . W. Thomas, the original silver-toned E a as, <W doz ..... ........ 0 rn II 0 20 all t o join in with them in this effort. baritone, is manager. He is the oldest POTATOES, 'lfl' bush . . . . · · · · 0 30 II 0 35 The Durham Promotion examinations· P o1tK," cwt , . . ·.... . ... 6 50 11 7 00 - ovA GREAT REDUCT.ION i n subscription J':1bilee singttr travelling. They have H.A.Y, ~ ton . . . .· . . . . ; ... 7 00 11 8 00 this half year will be held on Wedn csday, D ecember the 18 th. No history required. rates is announced by the publishers of wt th them a su perb .~ale quar tett e. W . CHICKENS .. . .. "" ..... .. 0 08 I I () 09 Papers will be set for all classes, in draw· The Breeder's Gazette. This beautifully H . Thomp~on, the Lton. Basso, of. whom D UCKS ........ .. ...... . . 0 09 II 0 10 · t d ·1 1 t t d the press gives o f havrng n o GEESE . . . ......... .. . . .. 0 07 II 0 08 ing and literature but it will be ophonal prm e an d h and someIy i us ra e Al80 M" the J credtt · with the teachers whether their classes periodical i s so generally . conceded peer. iss enme Gate wood,. the T URKEYS , .. , , .. , . , , , . · · 0 10 " Q 11 in t he 'l'ownship of Manver s . write on these papers or not this half year to stand at the head of all papers of i ts Queen of all colored soprano soloists. except the 4th class drawi!lg which must class that we need only say that it is r e· Thel'. come to Bowmanv1lle under t!1e ONEY TO LOAN.-$G,OOO t o loan '.l'here will be sold, on on real estate. Apply to CAPITAL, Lock be to.ken. garded as an absolute necessity by all who aus~ic es of the Chm:ch-st. Methodist Box 25, Bowmanville, or to M. A. J,\Mll:S, . . . choir on Monday eve1nng Nov 18 in Mr. Bryon Brimacombe h as r eturned are makmg a study of t he breedmg, feed- th h h S b"ll ' · ' ~~-~--~-~~----tG-tt 0 c urc · . e~ 1 8 · to Indianapolis Dental College to put in ing and manaaement of any description of "" T U RKEYS .- Some extra fine mammoth 1889, at one o'clock in the arternoon, at his final term. He has been a very suc- live-stock. It has heretofore cost $3 per D - - --Bron~e Gobblers for sa.!e. .Apply at lot ry ~oods a t cost at Tod Bros. ' giving- 14, con. 6, DL1d it1gton, or IawrN L. RnowN, cessful student and will no doubt g ive a year, but can now b a had, under a sp ecial · Hampton. 4.J-3w. good accouut of himself at his graduation, offer just announced, at $2 for single sub· up-busmess-sale. Hts brother, J ohn W. Brimacombe, left ~criptions, and at $L50 where five names , Newest styles of wedding cards just D RESSMAKING.-Mrs. Asa Otton, in t he Villa g e of P ont ypool. last month to ta.k:e a course in the same or more are obtained. Send for sample r eceived at STATESMAN Office. ·.i. (rormerly Mi~~ El(an) has resumPcl drees. By virtue of powers or sale contained in t.-o college. Byron has sho.vn true brotherly copy and terms and list of prizes to THE S'l'A'rESM A.N and E m,,;r· from mak insr nt Mra. Jno; Glendenning'a, King· st., certain Mortgal(es, which wl!I be prGduood~at . h th J H S -;:-' v now Newcastle. to 4w love by presenting hie sister A.nnie with a.~en t e, t o the publ is ers, e · · AN· to. end of 1890 for only $2 .'00. the sale, the following property : ' a fine Dominion organ before leaving. n1ms Pun. Co., 226 La Salle Street, ChiL FOR SALK -A n umber of Under mortgage from Jamee l\:lilcbell,Lo.n U. _ arge stock of shirts and drawers and 13 the 11th CClnceeslon of the 'l'ownshir1 bf Success to you both. ea.go' Ill. d' · k t t T d B · · younic pigti-, t!Jree breeding sows, and In car 1 gan Jac e s a o roe. giving-up- democrat wagon. J . D, 'l'nELEV E:N', Lot lG , Maovera, ln the County of Durham, containini; Mr. Chas. Lyle, brother of Mr. John 200 acree more or less. THE GREAT NoRTHWEST. - joins the basinef!s·sale. con. 1, Darlington, south of Hampton. . 46-2 The follo wing: improvemeote a.re eaid to tie Lyle, merchant, was iristantly killed at other parts of the Dominion in its praises C t '5 1 b t d c l' - ·- - on the premises : 110 acres cleared and havj'ias: Peterbor-0, by a 1,100 pound iron tube of the wonderful virtues of Nasal Balm. f~mp on ce e ra e corsets, ora '?e, TEACHER WANTED for Bethesda erected thereon Frame Dwelling, Frame Ba;w· · Ya.tie~ a~~ other m11:kes at cost at Tod . School, Sec. 10, Darlington. State cer- Stone Stable, falling on him, while loading it on the &c., underneath ea.id barn. Mr. Wm. H. Sharp, Trebeae, Man., says Bros. givmg-up·busmess-sele, tificato, exporienco and salary wanted. Anper cent. of the purchase m"Q.~J' TERMS-10 cars. His remains were interred in Bow- - I am delighted to be in 11 position to A plications received t ill Kov; 15th. w . .r. ROY, to be pald down on the day of sale. aror manville cemetery on Thanksgiving Day, ray that Nasal Balm is h elping me wonvery 1 arge and choice stock of new: i:iecretary, Tyrone P.O. H-3w ha.to.nee tar.ms will be made known a t the itiile1 · ·t t weeds o.r.d worsteds 3ust opened out a t when a large funeral cortege followed the · d f 11 Eor further particulars apply to 1 h ave b een ·1smg er u y, a Ithoug1 l I Couch, Johnson & Cryderman's TEACHER W Al.'i"'l'ED.- Male teacher hearse to the grave. His pastor, Rev, S. but .ToN~'S IlRos. & MACKENZIE, a very short time. rt speedily clear. · wanted for 1890 for s. s. No. 3, Darling· Solicitors, Toronto Street. J, Shorey, and other frie nds from Pett:ir· ed out the head and stopped the disagreeIf you want a first-class oigm1 you m ust ton, must be holder of either 2nd or 3rd class 0 r to '.l'o;;ll.m o · boro attended the funeral. He leaves a able droppings into t he t hroat. For some go to W. E . Pethick's where you will find cm·t!~cato. A~Plicationa to be made ~o Taos. JAMES PAl'Ul, E~., Dlacll:&tock. sorrowing wife and two children. He time I have suffered severely from cat arr- a great many kinds to choose from. Po" .1m, Sec-I teas., Box 4.3, Bowmo,n4~~3w· had a life policy for $2,000. He was an hal head ache. Naeal Balm has removed WEA LTH CANNOT B uy IT.- Health is -·----·- ·- - - - -- - active me1nber of Charlotte-st. Methodist every trace of it. I b ave every confi · not purchasable Tl dd d d S TEER AST RAY.- Came on Lot 6, · le sa ene , soure Con. 3, Manvors, on or about Oct. 27, a Church in that town. dance in its completely curing me. It is dy speptic, or t h e bilious billiomrirs suffer yearling steer, The owner is requested to Ther e are many forms of nervous de- deserving of all you claim for it: " A despite t heir wealth. Burdock B lood prove i.roPerty, pay expenses and take him 4G-3w bility in men that yield to Hie use of Car- P ositive Cure for Catarrh. Easy and ~itter~ !s a r ational r emedy for dyapep- away' W , J, FEn.ousoN, Lotus. ter's Iron Pilla. Thot?e who are troubled Pleasant to use." I hope it will soon be sia, biliousness, constipation scrofula BOA R FOR SERVICE - A pure-bred with steady emoto:vme'irt. and go~d 'l?a:Y all the · d b"l " ' ' · · · Year round, to reliable men !urn1sh1ng sutts-o · d ·11 with nervous weakness, night a~·eats, chi. f or sal e m every town an vi age m e 1 ity, etc., and e very complaint a rising Bork11hire .b rn.r.ia kept ror ae,v!ee on ;!At 1 factory rererencea. · 17· Con, 1, Dl\;:lin {'on. M.u nc Du1m~«E, MaBitoba. from indigestion or bad blood. S A. 'Mc0 1"IBLR & co should try them. JG·aw· !6;10w* ' Nuri5crymon, Roch~et~r?~il A gr'l.nd thing is Baylis' Celebrated Stove Pipe Varnish for preser ving and beautif:ying st ove pipes, and all kinds of iron work, dries quickly and makes no smell. J . HIGGINBOTHAlll & S on, Chemista and Druggists. ·Bargains at Tod .llros.' giving-up-busi· ness·sale. Mr. John Gaud is building the new curling rink. l\fr. J . S . Bond, of Toronto, was in town Saturday. See Tod Bros.' new stock of ftannels and blankets-all at coat price. Wall papers selling at half price for the fall, at H . U. Tait's Corner Store. Advertise stray animals in the STA.TES· MAN. Seldom fail to find the owner. Nice New Wedding Presents arrived at Maynard the Jeweller's, Bowmanville. All stray ti.nimals should be adver tised i n THE STATESMAN, -3 weeks for $1.00. Mus1c.-Mrs. Northcote is prepared to take a few more music pupils at her rasi· dence. If you are in need of a fall suit or overcoat inspect Tod Bros.' stock during giving-up-business-sale. 4 ply bee-hive in bla.ok and colors at 8 cents a skein at Maeon's big new store, opposite Ontario Bank. Mr. and Mrs. H. Bennett. of Toront o, and Mrs. J. A. Stewart, of Exeter, were on a visit t o friends here last week . STATESMANS in wrappers all ready for mailing at the ()ffice 3 cents per copy. Send this week's number to your friends. Six persona were fined $20 and costs at Wardsville the other day for buying and drinkiag liquor in an unlicenced place. Dont forget to call and see the latest designs in watches, clo::ke, and silverw11re at the Co-operative Jewelry store. H . C. Brittain. Henry can make a photo that will please you every time. He knows the photographic ai;t 1md devotes his whole time to it. · o u R IS Y BAKING POWDER r Pu RE " 18 IT FREE FROM AMMONIA? H $3 5 ~f:.:'£'.!f.iL111r~~:$£ S , F CLEVELAND'S SUPERIOR BAKING POWDER. A Executor's Notice. N - ~~ FARMS FOR SALE. C F Farm For Sale. A I AUCTION SALE YAlUA~~E FARM ~ROPERTY· M Saturday, Nov. 23rd, COULTER'S HO'rE . L, p ros I I SITUATIO li I