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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 13 Nov 1889, p. 8

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J. J~ ' MASON, CENT RA L BLOCK - ---o---,- ( · Grand Opening -.A.T- BIG CENTRAL HOUSE. · A large and conveniently arranged bu.ilding. · A very large and well bought st0ck. A large staff of courteous salesmen. Is ·our motto. We give the largest · choi°ce, the best goods, and we discount all competi tion in p1·ioos. We wili. now show the .following :New Goods, bought expressly for this new shop and not previously show-n: $2 000 Worth of Carpets ·in Brussels, Tapestry, All, Wool, Union, &c. We are so late in showing these goods that we will give inducements extraordinary in all kinds of Carpets. See them. $3,000 Worth of New Dress Ooods- N ew ~laids, New Stripes, New Combinations, also many new Shades m our special lines, all wool Henriettas at ~(i)c. and 80c. $2,500 Worth ·of New Clothing Materia_lt?- Melton, Beaver and ·worsted Overcoatings, Worsted Suitmgs, Fancy Pattern Scotch Tweed Pantings, etc. We will continue to make first-class Ordered Clothiug a. specialty. $2:0 00 Worth of Ready-Made Clothing-100 Over, coats, 100 Suits, 100 pairs Pants, etc. make 9.nd cut by our late cutter. A large portion of our own '$2 400 Worth of Furs -Astrachan Coats for ladies, 'Astrachan Coats for men, Black Curly Dog Coats, Australian Bear Coats, Goat Robe,;, Lamb Caps, etc. Over 40 F ur Coats, over 40 Robes, over 100 Fur Cap<1, all bought at best possible prices. Do not buy before you i.;ee them. $6;000 Worth of Staple Dry G,o~ds-Bal_es. of Grey and White Cottons, staqks of Cottunades, piles of Shirtmgs, loads of Flannels, Rafts of Hosifl'y, heaps of Cardigans, cases of Underwear, boxes of Blankets, etc., and remember we were fortunate to have bought before the r ece1it sha1p a,rkanccs and our customers will have the benefit. Some stores are anxious to give Samples.. · BRING ALONG Youn Si\MPLES, if we cannot do better for you we will not ask you to buy. 'we are constantly receiving many lines of Fancy Goods, such as are in demand- Trimmings, Tiltings, ete. $6 000 Worth of Fancy Dry Goods and Sundries. will bring people back, we shall make customers of all who call. we .~re bound ----o---to Boom our NEW St'ORE, .and if Bargains Quality amounts to little unless prices are fair, Low prices are not bargains unless quality is .there. I WE COMBINE THEf\11. Weekly Fopula.r Concerts. KENDALL. Mr. Alex. Cowan is able to be around Following is t.he programme of the The D. U . C. F. cloi11·d a very success- again after a serious illness. band concert Friday evening, 15th inst.: ful season's make last week. Mr. Jas, Henry has bought the farm The balance of the chnese has been sold belonging to his late brother's estate, Al· 1--March ·... Vtteran Pnde ......... . Casey l:land. to Mr. Brower, of Bel!nville. exander Henry, for $4005. It was sold 2-Selection ......Scotch Airs .. . .... Carallini Mr. R. Nichols boaal.n of a corn cob by public auction on Nov. G. Band. containing 022 kernels. Next 1 Mr. John Smith of the 8th line died 3-Song ·... The British Lion .. ....... Rodney Mr. W. C . King. Miss Bessie Madille is enjoying a few on Sunday morning the 3rd inst. of con... Da Corrone D'Or . . . . Herman days 'vith old acquaintances here. sumption. 'l'he funeral took place on the 4- 0verture If the public want anything in the Messrs. J,cEwen, Meath & Gilbert, 5- Waltz:......... Espana ....... Waldtcnful Mrs. W. Cryderman an<il:daughter Mary, 4th. JEWELRY line you can buy it Band. of town, have been visiting at Mr. L. M. ENNISKILLEN. 6- Song . .......................... Selection cheaper from Courtice's recently. eachie, Messrs. Chas. Swain and W. Oke are 7- Pi:>.no Solo .. ..K Mias E. A. Courtiee treated her S. S. G ...lop Piz7.~ro .... Oluthe Master W . Cawker class, about 20 girls, to a Ttankegiving making an exchange of houses. Mr. H. Bartlett, Cartwright, has one 8-Galop ........ .. . V1vat . . . ..... ... 7'ikoff dinner on Thursday. God Save The Queen . Mias Mackie and Mias E. Everson, ear of corn, of just 746 kernals. Harmony, spent Than!ksgiving day with Vieitors : Mr. E. Sanderson, Port WIDE AWAKE Miss Squires-an ol<l schoolmate. Hope ; Mies Mabel Barrie, Tyrone. Mr. Jae. Pelton, who has been enga~ed On Tuesday night last, Mr. A. Dean's A Good Year, 1890, A Merry Year, - ALi;v.ely Magazinowith his brother this season makmg barns and their contents were destroyed than any other place in town. cheese, returned to his home in lnnerkip by fire-evidently the work of an in- "The brightest ot the children's maga?.ine." cendiary, Total loss, a.bout $3. 000; · Sol!d G.old Watches ·......from $10.00 UP.· on Saturday. Springfidd J!Upublican. Sohd Silver Watche11 ...... from 2.50 up. insurance, $1.000. Sad Guy Fawkes Fl\V E .GREAT SERIALS. - - - - --That boy Gid. J-ly William 0. Stoddard. CLARKE UNWN. display. 1 oung and oid will follow Gideon's adSeveral coons have been captured, they On Thursday, Thanksgiving Day, yentures and .hill sister's on their father's have been playing:kavoc with the corn. two services were held : one at 10:30 acres with hmg.hter and breathless inter· est. Mr. H. Arch has a new barn erected a. m., in the Presbyterian church, Rev. The New Senior at Andover. By Herbertt in the place of tke one that was burned. A. Macl.aren occupying the pulpit ; the lJ \.Vard. A serial of school-life in famous We cannot quote any prices, but if other at 6 :30 p. m., in the Methodist We hear that Mr. Jae. Tamblyn in'l'be boys, the Andover- 01ollr Rugby. you will favor us with a call we profcs~ora, · the lodgin11s. the fun, tends erecting a new house next year. church, the pulpit being occupied by Rev. R. Sanderson. "'l'ho Soni.ill of the Vikin15'B." By Hjalmar will make it to your advantage to Fall ploughing is well advanced with Shooting was the order of the day, Hjorth Boyesen. A rightdown jolly story most people. Same have scarcely start- making it dangerous for farmers who buy from m. We have the· nicest of modern N-o·ee boys . ed. i-elected st0ck in town. were ploughing near the woods. Don't Bonv and Ban, one of the best of the Mary Hartwell CatlH·rwood serials. Mr. R. Ralls held a husking bee on plough on such a holiday. Sealed Orders. By Charles Remington Eight day Walnut 1 hour Striking Wednetday evening last when 130 bushTalbot. An am.using adventur~ story ot Ou the evening of Oct. Silst, an open Clocks ... ..... ...... .... .. ................ $5 00> els was peeled. "wet sheets i.od .a ,flowing sea." session of Council of Royal . Templars One da.y Walnut, Strike Cloclr .·....· 4 00: We hear that Mr. John McDonald who was held, e.nd the chair was ably filled by Confessions of an Amateur Photographer. By Alexander Black. Six practical and Nickel Ala.rm Clocks, bestmakeonly 1 74. for a nnmber of years has lived wLth Mr. Select Councillor Mr. Jno. iBarton. A amusing articles. J as. Col ville, mov-ed this week . on hts very interesting and instructive program Lucy P ervear !l!'irst of a aeries of graphic farm which he lately purchased near was given by the membtirs of the Council. North Carolina character t!ketcheB by Bowme.nville. We regret t0 lose such a. Some short speeches were gi,v en in the MargaTet Sidney. good neighbor. Council's interest. We wish all to make Tales of Old Acadie. 'l'welve powerful true we keep everything at low prices~ stories by Graeo .Oea.n McJ,eod, a Can· themselves free to come to ·Our open adian author. ORONO. Councils, when held. The Will :tnd the way Stories. By Jessie Benton Fremont . About men and wome11 'I'he presents received by Mrs. 'l'. L. · ( 1J'r om oiw own Corlf'eBJ!fmdeiit ..) who did great things in the face of seem· Mr. Wm. Newsom spent Saturday and Staples (nee Louisa Dean) on the occasion ing impossibilities. we can suite any sight, a very large· of her m;i.rriage last month included the The Puck·Wudgges. By L. ,J. Bridgman. Sunday in Toronto. · following : The funny Indian Fairy Folk. stock. Prices from 23c. to $'10. Mis11 Georgie lJole, of Bethesda., spent Business Opeuings for Girl~ and Young Groom, gold brooch ·. Sunday in town at Mr. C.G.Armstronp;'s. Women. A <lozen really belptul paper~ by Mr and Mrs Dean, large family bible, We bave such a Je.rge stock of all' Sallie Joy White . Mr. R. Knox's residence has received a Mr and Mrs McPherson,$20 gQld piece. kinds of goods ar:d we wi~h to remore Daisy -Patty Letters, By Twelve fresh coat of paint which adds much to Mr. and Mrs. A. A. Tucker, silver Mrs. E x Governor Claflin. duce ·it, so we are determined to. its b!)auty. water pitcher and tray. Twelv.i School and Playground Tales. 'l'he give the public the advantage, at Lucy Dean, china tea set. first will be "Lambkin; Was he a H11ro The house and lot of Mr. CB . Borland or a Prig !" by Howard Pyle, the artist. Mr and Mrs English,set colored glass. was sold by auction on Saturday to Mrs. low prices. ·Postal·cnrd Vntee and Prizes..,sf Methodist Choir and Congregati-0n, silJno. Brown for $730. W o do not intrnd to lower our Short Stories sifted fvom thousands : Santa A large number of people from here ver tea service. Claus on a V t:getable jCart. Charlotte Mr and Mrs W Mitchell, crystal water · prices for work, but will give the attended Clarke church anniversary SunM .. Vail. .Rigane. W illiam Preston Otis. day and Monday last. It was a fine suc- pitcher, goblets and tray. public the benefit of our experience BowMow 'l'om Jumped a mino. Mrs. Mr and Mrs G Hutchison, crystal cake cess. and tools, which will pay you far ll . F-· Sickney. The Run of Snow·shoe stand. Thompson. Lieut. F. P. Fremont, Polly Mrs. W. E. Beamish, Port Hope, and better than a ~mall reduction. Mr and Mrs J Manning, silver butter at the Beok·kitcho;n. Delia W. Lyman Miss B. B11ll11gh, Starkville, have been cooler and kuife. '£railing Arbutus. :ilesek:iah Butterworth. When you want any fine work: visiting for a few days at M.r. Wm. Golden Margaret. J amea C. Pnrdv. Mr F R Brown, sauce dish and individStaples'. done, call on Peegy's Bullet. Kate Uspon Clark. ual dishes. How Simeon and Sancho Panza Helped Mr. E, H . Betts, grocer and baker has Mr W 8taples, pair of silver napkin the Revolution. Miss Risley Seward. purchased a business in Berlin and will rilll:(B. The Difficulties e>f a Darling. L. B. leave this town in a few weeks. We re· Dr and Mrs Mitchell, silver celery dish. Walford. "One Good Turn ." Harriet gret Mr. Betta' departure ae he is a good Mr and Mrs Jas Stanton, a bouquet Prescott Spofford. 'Jlle JeweHer. Illustrated .Articles, novelties : Dolle of citizen. hCllder. Noted W oroen,, Miss Risley Seward. How Mr and Mrs Jno Potter, a silver butter The congregations at each of the to build a Military Snow-Fort. Ao old N. B.-AU work Warranted. churches on Sunday last were unusually cooler. \Vest Pointer. How the Coeeacka Play large. The evening servi~e _ at the P~es· Mrs. F StapleH, chi.tie. lunch set. l' Madame de Meissner . All Around 1890. byterian church was especially attractive. Libbie Dean, crystal lemonade set. a Frontier Fort. Lieut l!' . P. .lfremont. Home of Romona. Charles l!'. Lummie . .Instead of t he preaching service a mission Mr and Mrs T Short, eilver pickle dish, A. Rabbit 1-tound Up. Joaquin Miller. Weevly~ concert service was ·held in· .which the Mr and Mrs J J Virtue, pair of ruby Japanese Fighting Kites . J . B . Berna.· scholars ofthe school too)!: part,.. . ceiery dishes. don. U. S. N . Indian Ba~e·Uall PlayPre. lLLUSTRATED. .,_,... Mr and Mrs J Martin, pair fancy vases. F.L. Sloane of- "'l'he Hampton Iudiau 'rhe new books for the Mechanics' InMr G Riggs, dozen egg cups and egg Nim·." A Party in a Chinese Palace. stitute have arrived and will be ready for HAlU'Ell's 'VEEKLY has a well·esto.bllshecl E. R. Scidmor6. distribution at Smith & Co's store this dish. '.l'he Poems, Pictures and D epartments place as the leading lllustre.ted newsp,iper in Mr and Mrs C Williams, silver pickle week. 'rhe books have been well selected America., The fairness or its editorial com. will bAteore interestmg than ever. ments on current politics he.s earned ror it the ?omprieing so~e of the best authors. The . dish. The Christmas ~umber enlarged 16 pages re8pect and confidence of all impartie.1 ree.ders, A and W Dean, crystal cheeatl dish. to admit a great aeria.l of ndventure by and the variety and excellence or its literary mstitute have m all about 100 volumes Miss L Mills, pair silver n apkin rings. Grant Allen, entitled; Wednesdal' the 10tl1; contents, which include serial and short stoand a memb~rship of about 40. ries by the best and most popular writers, :flt Mr 1md Mrs G Staples, china. cheese a 'J:ale of the South Pacific. Miss E. Braden, the popul!\r teacher of it for the perusal of people of the wi1lest range Wide Awake is $2.40 u year. New Vol. of tastes and pursuits. 'l'he W ETU:LY supple· the Second Division of our school, will dish. begins Dec. mente are of remarkable variety, interest and Miss L Welch, pair of vases. D, LOTHROP COMPANY, take charge of Shaw's School, east of value. No expense is spared to bring the Mr and Mrs N Byers, toilet set. Boston. highest order of artistic ,.biJity to bear upon Ilowmanville, next year. Miss Cheer Mr L and M B L ae, ail ver spoon holder. the tllnstration of tbe chengeful phases of who lrns dono good work am ong the home and foreign history. A Mexican romance Mr and M rs A Michael, crystal lEmonscholars of the 3rd D ivision for the last from the pen of 'l'rroi.u.s A. JAN VIER, vrlll ap· peai· io tl1 e WEEKLY in 1890. two yea1 ·s will retire at Xmaa. Mr. T. ade set. Misses E and M R iggs, breakfast cruet. A. Brown will still retain the PrincipalMr C S~apks , carving knife and fork. ship. Miaa J Smith, table cloth. COURTJOE. "WE WANT ·MONEY I MAYNARD, The Jeweller, IN JEWELRY In Silver Plated 'Nare · In Spectacles MAYNARD, Harper's M r. Ji'. S. F airfield has moved into Miller's block. Mr. Robt. Moment is having a S!.lcond story erected to his kitch.;n . 'l'he Sona are repairing their hu,ll, Mr. H. Beer h11ving the contract. Thos. S tanton, P. M.,Jo'. Pontypool, was in town one day last week . Mr. 0. A. Gamsby saug at an en terWe invit e attention to our complete and carefully selected stock of t ainment i n Stouffville on 7th inst. Ladies', Gent's, llfisses and Children's Boots and Shoes, Tranks, Valises, Mrs. Almonsor Gamsby has returned Our uopula.r stock of fashionable goods is perfect beyond com- from a visit to parents at Millbrook. Ballowe'en passed off quie tly with t h e parrison. We are showing the correct styles of the sea son. No old i:ihop exception of a few gate8 beiug carried worn, bankrupt stock or shoddy goods manufactured for bankrupt away. houses. We w3rrant all our goods to be what we represent them. Mr. Almond Gamsby, after spendini: a The prices are iow, and no one can sell you respectable goods cheaper. few weeks pleasantly here, has returned These goods are bargains, viewed from any standpoint. 'l~he quality to Chicago. and style are there. Reliable, trusty, serviceable goods, marked at Mr. Penwarden an d Miss Jon es, of Newtonville, wer e in t own Sunday the ROOK BOTTOM PRICES. guests of Mrs. Wm. Jones. Mr. C. G . Armstro11g has removed his dry goods business into the store formerSign of the Bm BooT drawn by two horses, BowMANVILLE. ly occupfod by Smith & Co. HJ. Mias McElha.w, aftera three m onths' visit with her cousin, Mrs. Albert L ee, Mr. John Adams,of "Ambleside," Seu-' h ae r eturu.ed to her home in Be~leville. Boys and girls who want to see a splenJohn Rt<Jkaby baa been unammou sly did monthly journal called "Our Dumb gog, sold tnil'ty three young Hampshire Animals" and to learn how to organize a D own rams last week to to an old custom- elected by the (~uarterly B oard of the ·bri.nch of ' Humane Education Society" er of h is, Mr. R undle, of Michigan. l\~et~odist chur.c h, ~ ewcastle. and Orono in: your school should sent! 10 ce nts in They left this week and were a fine Jot c1rcu1t, R ecordmg S teward m place of Mr. the late S. F. N e wsom. ·tamps for 20 copies to distribute in of st!'Oog and vigorous animals. achoo!. Address Geo. T. Angell, Presi- Adams also r.hipped a couple of rams to At the Presbyterian church Sunday dent, 19 Milk s~reet, Boston, Mass. the county of Glengarry a.t the same we~k the Sacrament of the L cirG.'e Suptime. Ambleside ie a continental per was d ispersed, a large number of comThe Domini.on Ill11stratecl for N ovember repubation as a breeding farm. municants being present. The 1le rmon !>-· devotes several of Ha pages to the delivered by the pastor, Rev, Mr. Mc· G 0vernor-Genera1's t our in the NorthKeen, was in every respect a thoroughly W el!t. '.l'he visit of the vice-regal party impressive one and was listened to with TO OUR SUBSCRIBERS. to, S11ltcoats, Russell, theBarnardo Home, rapt attention by the large congregation the Crofter S<lttle ment, and other points which greeted him. The 8P.ECIAL ANNOUNCEMENT which ap· of ii;terest along the line of the Manitobe. The sale of farm stock, etc.. at Mr. J oho and Nor th· Western Railway is fully and in our columns some time aince,an- Smith's on Oct, 30, was largely attended, ablv illustrated . Mrs. Spragge'11 summing- nouncing a special arr,mgement with Dr. and the stock reached high :figures. Mr. J. B . KE:YDALL Co., of Enosbnrgh Falls, T . B. McL ean, of B owm auville, an old up· is peculiarly interesting and ou~ht t o be rei;d by all who are concerned in the Vt., publishers of "A '.l.'rea tise on the Kendall boy, was the auctioneer, and all greatness and gr owth of the Pacific Pro- Horse and h is Diseases," whereby our who heard him are saiiafi ed thr-it he will vince. Three paintings by Sir E. Land- subscribe rs were enableu to obtain a copy <JUickly take hfo stand a'llongst the foreseer, C. SclH"enninger a nd S . J. Carter of that valuable work 1mEE by sending most auctioneers of the di~y. He showare reproduced in fine engravings. Alto- their address (and enclosing a two-cent ed good judgement in the worth of an get;her it is a capital num ber. The Dom- stamp for m ailing same) is renewed for animal, and his voice is pleasing , being inwri Illii~trated is becoming every week a limited period. W e trust all will avail mellow and for reaching. more wonhy of its name, and t he efforts themselves of the opportunity of obta.inTo every lover of the publishers to bring out the glories, ing this valuable work. beauties 1md resources of the Dominion of the Horse it is indispensable, ae it OUR ANNUAL PICNIC will occur in June should not pass unappreciated. The Do- treats in a simple manneL' all the d iseases this year. In preparing yo llr lunch we 1rninion nl·ustrated is p ublished by the which afflict this noble animal. Its sugges t you use Imperial Cret\ m T a.rtar D ominion Illustrat "Publishing Comp- phenominal sale throughout the United Bakiog Powder (Sold by all grocers) in any, Mr. G. E. Desbarats, m anaging- States and Canada, make it standard au- m aking tho biscuit, cn.k es, &c. n is the director. Subsc1·iption, $~. Address : thority. M entfon thi8 vaper when sending most healthy and perfect. M 'fd by E. for "1.'rnritisc:" W. GILLETT, Toronto, Ont. t;S'. St. James street, Montreal. ew. Mr C N Callander, silver nu t cracker. Miss N McPheesnu, placque. Mr and Mrs II Salter, $5 gold piec!J. Misses M an d F Virtue, ruby cheese dish. Murdoch Bros. , ch ina biscuit b!\rrel. Mr W and Mis3 M Hayes, pair of crystal celery dishes. Mr C and Miss E Souch, crystal set. Misses E and B Sanderson, t ext book. Mes~rs T A Brown, .A J Staples and E C Thornton, mantel drape, table scarf and table spread. Mr T and Miss L English, plush dress· ing case. Mr J and A Pye, silver butter cooler. Mr and Mra J Sylvester, ladies' companion . THIRTY YKHlS Ano.-Over thirty y ears ago +,here was placed upon the market a remedy d esigned to relieve pain and capable of external or internal use. From the first it has had wonderful success, and hundreds testify that Hagyard's Yel..-..~ low Oil cnres rheumatism, sore throat, sprains, croup, cuts, bruises and all pains and aches. A GnEAT CHRISTMAS Souv.ENm.-Although no public announcemeoti has been made regarding it, the trade has found out that the coming Christmas number of the Montreal Star is to be the most superb Pictorial Christmas Souvenir ever , seen in this comitry. The demand for it!ID""V i is simply, many dealers ordering a thousand copies each. Parties in the States are endeavoring to secure the exclusive sale in t.h1Jot country. It will be r eady early in D ecember. HARPER'S PERIODICALS. HARPER'S WEEKI,Y .... . ....... .. ..... . $! 00 HARPE R 'S MAGAZINE .. ........ ...... .. i 00 HARPER'S BAZAR.............. ......... 1 00 HARPER'S Y.OUNG PEOPLE... ........ 2 00 Posta{Je l f'ree to all ,qubscl'ibcrs 'in the Unit ed Thn Volumes of the WEEKLY bel(in with the first Numhel' for J anuary of caoh yeur. When no time is specified, subsoriptions will begin with the Number current a t t1me or 1·eceipt of OI'.der. Bound Volumes of lIAm'ER'S WJ: EKLY tor thN·e yoo.ra back, in neat cloth binding, will 1.Je sent by mail. postnge paid, ·o r by express, tree of expense (provided the freight does not exceed one dollar per volume). for $7 per vol. Cloth Cases for eaoh volume, sui table for· binding_ , will be sent by mall, post paid on receipt ot jl.00 each. ' Remittances should be made by Post Ofilce Money Order oc Draft, to avuid chnnce ·>f loss. New8pape1·s are not to copy this a1tVe.rUse· 1nent without the expres8 01·der of HAltPER &; B RO'PllltRS. {Sttites, Ganarla., Me:i:ico. M. TRELEVEN, Address : HAiiPER & BROTHERS, New York. C.H. PEARSON & C2.-:t7-· -:{- BALTIMORE.MD. 1831 THE cu~~;1vATOR J890· 00UNTH Y CENTLEIVIAN._ THE BEST OF THE A gricul"tu.ral " \-Vecldies·, . DEVOTED 'l"O Farm ()rot>8 and rraCCMSCll, lloruc:ult·re and Frnlt·, LIVC· and Dnh'yi ng· .. LADIES, If you want to get a A certain and speedy cure for Colcl in the Head and Catarrh in all its stages. Fashionable Hat, GO TO SOOTHING, CLEANSING, HEALING. Instant Relief, Permanent Cure, Failure Impossible. MRS. DONNELLY'S. She h as the L argest and Many so·cnllcd diseases arc simply symptoms ol C atarrh, such as headache, partial deafness, losing sense of smell, foul breath, hawl<iog and spitting, nausea, general feelin g of acbility, etc. If yon nre troubled with any of these or kindred symptoms, you neglected cold in head results in Catarrh, followed by consumption and death. is sold by l all drugttists, or will be sent, post paid~ on receipt uJ NASAL BALM have Cat arrh, a nd should lose no time in pr ocuring a bottlo of NASAL BALM. Be ~uarne{l in time, MOST COMPLETE STOCK. iu town. price (s;:; cents and $1.00) by addressing fULFORD & CO., BROOKVILLE, ONT, 13- Beware of imita~ions similar in name, While it also includes all minor departments . of Rural interest. such as tJie Poultry Yard EntomolO)l,l.·Ker.pinl!:. Greenhouse anci Grapery, V"etermacy Replies, Farm QueHtions and Answers, Fireside Readlnt:! Domestic Ecollomy, and a summary ol the New9 or the Week. Its Market Reports are unusually complete, ana mu ch attention h paid to tho Proapeot of the Crops, as throwing light upon one of the roost important of all questionsWlten to Buy and When to Sell. It is Jiberallv illustratod, o.IO d by RECENT ENLAUGEMEN'i' conta!ne moro reading matter than ever he· fore. 'I'he Subscription Price ia $2 50 per year, but wo offer a ~peclal REDUCTION in our CLUB RA'rES FOR 1890 ! Two SUBSCRTPTIONB, in one remittanc. e .... $ ( Six Suasc.111P·1·10Ns. do. do. ··- 10 . TWELVE ~UDSCRIP'l'fONS. do, !lo. - - 18 Mi" ·.ro all New Subscribers !oi 18ro payinfe in advance no w wc will eend lhe paper weekly. from our receipt of the remittance to Ja.111 lat, 1890, without charge. ' SPECIMEN COPIES FREE. Addreas LlJTllEil TIJCliE.K & SON, p,.IJlial<ers, Albany, I'll. Y. ;.. Straw and Felt Re-shaped. Hats in all the latest styles. 45- tf. Some handsome wedding cards have recently been printed at the STA'.1.'ESMAN office. A new stock of t he latest designs , of wedding stationery was received laat j week, Morris' Carriaga works has uot a ·h·st· class pain ter . Parties int endGig to we their buggies r epai... ted this evring (>"t ing them along at onca and havn them done . up in good style. Children Cry for Pitcher's Castoria;

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