HOUSEIHOI,D. Household Rubbish. l In old tim~s women ha.d 11. mot.t o, "Keep a thi D~ eeven and :yon will find a. use for i t ." So they kept things until seven timee aeven h~v!l "ulttplied, 1>nd,. to-day we r a!'.lsack gra.ndmother·a garreb to find trea.amoa of antiqu e fornHure 1 ma.ter ials and hist~rical r~ltca, "Homestead" w~a - then o. word which meant something. 0 -co settled down to house k eeping a married woma.u might comfortatly c1.1lcu!aue th .. b she would die in ,the house or at least upon t he s~me form. Ad· dltions, 1 ionl.tless, a nd improvements, wonlci be made frtJm Mme bo time ; but her household would never be moved very far, and in wen to do families, not a.tall. The Idea. of· ing, changing, and moviDg every year, or even every two or three years, was not as yeb ooncoived. SJ the houaewlfo of· more ancient days her bags, barrels boxes, 'VETERINARY SURGEON, bookq, r ..foara and closets in and under and BO\.VMA..~Vl.LLE, ONT. on which uhe stowed away the accumulated "rullbisb." of of housekeeping. In thll "· G, MclHBBO!lf, 111. D. c. tlf, n. c. ~·· s~.. broad low garrets of some gre.u houses, the !>hinge found a. pla.c~ ofnndisturbed HYSICi"A'N.suRGEOi'°AND~AC quainbest rest, a.nd even the brok1 n, leaky, defaced, COUCHEUR. Latent the fl.rm S!ewart & McKihbon.Teeswater. Office and residence palntlea9, handleless, noeelese utensils, nhe v..aes with edga or bottoms Hone, the pie. Preebyteri1m Manse. Blackstock. tures and l'(laesee broken, the chairs witb. no seats er baoka, and the uselesa pa.raphernalia DltS. 1111,LlllR & l.AllUIUIA.11, which had once done aotive duty, were pub by HYSICIANS, SUR GE 0 N 8, ETC and hlddtin from sight until bheir ownerb . .omoe :-Cor. Church an i Temperance Sta. Night calls attended !rom Dr. tttlliers also wel'e laid by, hidden from 11ight and covered wit n duet, · in the cemeteries of r<1sldenoo. El, 0. HILLIER, M. D. alghing pinra, somewhere lying on a sunny B. L.!.M31:IMAN1 M. D. C. M. Trin. Unlv. hill on ub.e outskirts of the villal'(e, Fellow or Trin, Med. College, But the good old days of qulen agr!cnltur. Member Coll. Phys. Surg., ont. a.l indnstry, l(Vlth the slow at which 7 D Bl'Bll SUIPSON, they all went, ha.1 0 do parted, and "rubbish" lllll'JF '.flC t. eOLJCITOR, &:;c. MOPltIS is DOW to every housekeeper a.n unmloigated Fl (lfH, upst.eire, King Street, Bow-man- nuiaa.nce, Where once ib was an economy l>"l!le. Eo)j~itcr tor t hti Ontttri Bank to save everything, now it ia a.bout 1.1s much I' rhU·· !ll<:JlOl'M looned'at!the lowest ratl!s. economy to throw a.way, To t he average house1teoper, who Jives in a city and whobe fortunes vary or are amall, "a llllOVing" from .;i..,Jm Beith G&lbratth, one fi>l1l to t1nother, one house tJ another, .A. RR l >l 'f E R OLICITOR, NOTARY and eve,n one city to another, often beoomes PUBLlC, &o. 011lce- Bounsall's Block, the r egular t hing, To p up and go every -tor~~~~· Bowma~!~ll~. Money_t;~~nd, yrnl' er two, is tile unfortnna.te ne1 essity which preva.·ls 11.mong the middle and lower DJIS, M:cLA.1JGBl.l1f 4i BEITH. ola& ses of fi11.,ncia.l incomea, let them be of Or!l'JCE :- 1\IORJUS' BLOCK, BOWMANVILLL the highest mentally and morally, and the Or.J.W.McLAUGHT.IN, Dr. A. BZITII, Grado moat cultured or artistic. For "our days doentinte of the Royal nte of the Toronto are as the grass" Indeed, in the ruahing of Physicians College .nd member or the Unlvere1ty, l'hyslclan changea of busineea apecnlo.tlon, and he who Royal College or Hur· Surgeon, &c. fiouriehes a.a 11 green b ' y tree to·da.y, is aeons, Edinburgh. Ila.hie to be cut down and into tb.e oven to morrow. Under these conditions, the DJt.. T, C. MITC l~ELI., inconvenient, tile broken old things whioh EMBElt OF COLJ,EGE OF PHYSICIANS ware once tre1unred for possible uses later, &ad Surge1me,Ontarlo,Coroner, etc. become a burden, a. trouble, and an expanse. Olll ie and Re<iidence, Itnnisklllen. 71.. In a. ft<lb wher e there is no room to bUetch oub i1. full tiiz id bed, and only folding furniture , Jiil . f:. C. Mrlltll'I J,JJ. Is adrnlaeiblo1 aurel;i. bhera is no place for IOENTIATE OF ROYAL COLLEGE rnbbish, trhen, wb.en moving da.y comes, of Phy~icians, Lonuon, kng.;Member .ot an a.ddod expense ! More pa.eking, lifting, College of P hyEicians ana Snrgeons. Ontario. unpa.cking, stra.igh tenlng-all for pogsible SURO KRY AJSD llKSIDENCE:- Rear of Messrs future use, which never comes. When IDgginbotham's Drng Store, Bowmanville, 6- lyr,* people begin afresh in a. now £>lace, they are not eati~fied to go on with cracked saucers, 'WM. PINGllA.H, tea.cups with t he handle~ off, tea pots that SSUFR OF' M.ABR I.AGE LICENSES, leak and "won't pour," stuba. of brooms, fea.therloee dusters, pat ched ornaments, ReBid·11ee, Enniskillen, clocks th ~~ don't go, forks benb all oub of sh!.\pe, l\nd tho thousll>nd other articles with ti· C. DlTNKlNG they "got along somehow" while JOENSED AUCT ION E ER FOR which " tempora.r ily " settled. So m!!.uy good the C:onntY of Durham. Sales at.tended peoplti,' a.lau ! live " temporarily." t 0 Oil ·bortest notice and.lowest rates. Add resa They never perma.nently fix ad, " W e )OIJFTICB I'. 0. 36;tf don't expect to· stay, you luiow," says t lle S. PIJJlDEN ·"CO ·· tind mother, wibh a depreca ting air, " s o, U CTIONEERS for t h ll County of of course we did net care to Pf\Y out very . Ut11hRlll ; l1'tmronce a,nd r.eneral Agent·, much money for improvements." So, slow. Valuator ulld Re1;1l Estate Agenta. Sales and ly, this temporary home gets to be an other busiD~P.e promptly attended to. Box 172, accumulation of rubbiah,- unless the tub· Bowmenville 1:'. 0. 36- tl bish is always · every de.y, resolutely and economloally burnt up, or thrown or given Pianos T uned and Repaired. a.wa.y, 11ccording to its grade in the etaudo.rd of " possible " or " probable " use, I o.m not AR'LrnS WISHING TBErnPIANOS advocating the throwing awlliy of anythin~ Tmi'll'l or:N:>JPRlreacannave thom attended r eally of va.lue. But so many people see a "· ' c O by lornvimg word .at the DOMINION ORGAN value where there l.e nom-no ~hing o.t a.11. ·Oo' . o...~·1v:u, Bowruanvllle A m low t>eln111 ~n tb.eir em'lilo; The Evils of "Spanking." n onT. YOIJXG, v. s. While childreD are much more indulii;ed and 001>.eldsrod ill thlo age t han ever before, ·'O FFICE Jl'i TBE WEST DURHAM r.hay are still the victim~ of a. ba;ba.roue N~'W s DI<>< k. "'hero himH·lf or assistant · w J b P. fonnd. fr · m 8a.m. t o 9 p.m. Night r.alls caatom. I refer t <> th<> p1·actice of whipping at r e sic!Olf.'r.oh Pclly oi·poeite Drill Shed. Calls a.a puuiehment, Thoui;ib it has long since by t e Jq11.~ ph or· t~kphcno will receh·e vrompt been largely abolished in our own and other 17l·yr .attention countries as a moso inhuma.n mode of p unish· ment, libtle children are s till baa.ten, cuffed, and spanked by fond (! ) parents in a most A. A. PO ~'I', RCHI'fECT. Plane and Spacifica. · unconeciona.ble manner. " the rod and spoil the child" was . l ion~ prep8rt d for every ole.s11ofl>ullding. Specie.l altenll<>n g;ven to beating by etee.m int ended in my estima.tlon In a. purely meta· a n·d hot. er end to Panltary arre.ngeroents. phcrioa.I sense. ()iflce: Gon le Block, Whitby !IB- ly It is pretty generally conc.ided t hat cuff· ing chiidren on t he head or ears, ie fre quent· T . n. McLEA.N. ly fra.ughb with the most sc;rioua r esults-· . L ICENSED AUCTIONEER FOR many oases ot deafness and even brain · the United Counties he.a started bueineas disease having arisen from t his practice. in Bowmnnville, und w'11 attend sales in town E .vifo quilie aB grave, I am a.snured by a lady er surrounding country on mnet reasonable, physician of extensive pra.cnioe, reanlt frDm t P.rms. Orders may be left. at W . P . Prowflr'e office or at 8TA'.l'ESMAN Otllce. 'l'. H. M;:, uEAN the punishment known as " spanking." !.'Bowmanvma. 42- Gm· BlowR given wibh more or less severity aad gr eater or less frequency in bhe region of the spine, will, she conte1 do, cause aerioua brt1in or ~pinal trouble. Moreover, bho state of the brain t111d ner· GtntJo:oEn.'s Clothea Madf.toOrder. vous nystem have a great effect upon the disposition, o.nd the shock wl:tich may possibly cure one fa.ulb, may by disorderiau and deranging the nervous aystem produce foult~ of a much graver and more com. plicated na Lure. It may console some people t o know tbat the physician referred to d oEs nob regard DENTl~ T. switching as open to the name objections as spa.nkin~, and let the followers of S olomon's precept see thnb t hey literally use the rod and nob the hand, and thus do as little harm as possible, Would th .. t all p;rents OFFICE :-Rear of Messrs. could be convinced of the evil of the wb.ole p racbice ! JOHlN SPENCER, ... P P Naturally "'nothcr reacbfou will take oloce and the balance fi1Blly be 11.> und, Th&t will not ODme to PS.ft$ till tha nrua rel!'otion i.s e2t1\bliehed between intellect ..nd Intuition, Love and Wisdom. At presenu there a1·e mother· who ara not mothere. In the true sense th~y ca.vo never borne the children they re!\r to maturiby. Such are nob to blame, they have never learned whab life mga.ns nor do they know t hemeelves. Walking as in a dream they the show of things for the rea.liby. bubterflies, thoy flourish their feeblti day and leave no i!l)prossion upon their Bta.rved progeny. On the o ther ha.nd tb.e unwedded or they who h !lve never known a mot''e frui tion, often stretch out ~he arms· of their apirits to In all the sad, sick and weary tht1t deeola.telv the earth. The mo ·.her instinct ie then nob narrowed Mlfishly to one family but grows broa.d a.a the heavens from which came a love so wonderful. It takes In whoever needs" mothering" to shelt~r on the gret1t bearc thau wa.lts noo for the huma.n tie before accepting that of the epirit. Is nob ~his truly the h!gheat a nd holiest mother· hood to which woman ca.n a bta.iu? The true foaling of motherhood still exists in all lbB perfection, even though t b.e usua.1 ~ xhlbitions be gener&Jly external. Said !\ wise woman lately, "I never thanked the Great Mystery for Jesus till I knelt by the cradla of my firat born. What was it 1foa.ted in a.nd ensphered my coneclousneas but the subjective revelation ut fJ.Jl in°xpreseiblo and holy love, the oonsoioue throo ui an Infinity rooted In human . v eins. There is nothing so glorlou1 and so awful under the enn, the rejected woman·ha.nd patiently lifting through the ages the supreme Huma.niby to i ta throne !" GORDON'S WONDERFUL PO W£R. l11s ~ nn11c~ ... ol lllls Jte1nai~ lrnble C'ournzc anti Self·Rcllallcc. B B I I M L I L A P A R. PEATE, Tail<>" J.M. BRI1fACOMBE .Higginbotham & Son's Drug Store, (down stairs) BOWMANVILLE J Motherhood. cl'uda 11a.t ione m a.ternity is simply a.n a.nima.l function ; bit·th fo ct the bcdy more t h11n of the spirit. It is inevitably rn. 'l'he race first needrd numbers a.nd s trength. It had to battle ttaaainst rthe winds ~and wa· ters, fire, famine and cold. N ature must be subdued and the soil culblva ted, Who carea, then, for week women and puling ? Vik!ngs were needed, awarb1 brutal and atrong. When masculinity xuled , a premium was pfo.ced upon boys, o.nd with the brith o! of a. daughter, to the mother tJi exe wa.s also boru shame 1.nd fear. The faeling of m '\scu . line snperiorlty has not yet c ied out, It will notJ until the plow share is bea.ten into t he pruning-h ook ; until the finest and most exalted humar pcwern are noar their blossoming and the "'1orld at l a.rr e recognizes that these helong to the feminine side of life. Dul'iog t he clangor of war a.nd greed ehe was most honond who.p roduced those types whioll could boat rule their follows an d dominate. Now that external forma {of civili~tfon h11ve reached a h igh degree cf refinement ancl bea.uty, when on the one h a.nd enervatfog lnxury causes the married to shrlnk fro ,n t he andJ confinement of . d ren and · on t h e o·t h er pover ty renders c hii them incompeten t t o give offspring a d ecen t rearing, t hey not wanted. And the Dl\u ahlnes on no mote pitiful eight than on v.u unwelcome child. Of such oome llie r evcn· geful, the criminal o.nd the depraved. · . "'- Amon~ DENTISTRY. 0 ~ ~ 0. ftraduatlll oft ha Rcyal Oollegeot Dentni Sn1geone, Ontario. lO FICE OPP OSITE E XPRESS OFFCE. OOLD ]'lLLlNG A. SPECIALTY T:EETH INSERTED WITnou:r PLATES. 011eat Redncticns in price on all Dental ~York. VltallzeC. Air, constantly in use pro· lluoing Pllin!e11a Operations. Particular e.tten U.oo JP&ld toille i egnlatlon ot Children's Teeth hTiil!'JICUL .,.A.LL WORK WARR.ANTED·.._ Bn.:tidi office, Dr. Ruth erford's Orono. Children Crl'.iifO~¥P1tcher!11,...Ca8torl~ l!l HOSPITAi. REMEDIES. I STORE AND DWELLING FOR There arc a variety of excellent dillhes T t d df r f . r1 bl I SALE.- That line new store and reel· o i;nee a. oma~ or o. ~ne o. i e !!: ~ dence. elegantly fitted for Morch1mt 'l'ailor or that can be made from stale bread whio!J. is remedies ofunquest1onedment, the Hosp1ta.l Fancy Dry Goods now occupied by Mr. J ohn thrown a.way a.s uselesa. E <>onomica.l house· R emedyCompanyobtainedtheprescriptions Lyle. Apply to WM. H . lvEs, Bowmanvllle. keopera strive to utilize every particle of of the celebrated hos1litals of t he Old World _ 23 _-_t .:: r:.. , - -- - -- - -- - - - - toad, a.nd often with adrnira.ble rasults. Tho - London, Paris, B erlin and Vienna. Qff t t following will bs found good methods of 'l'hese hospitals are p resided over by the 0 I O. using et..le brea.d, which would be thrown most brilliant. medical m inds in the world, away : B. CHANDLER, Newcastle, o1fart and t o obtain the prescriptions, elaborate · by private se.le,or will exchl\Dlle tor farm BUTTERED ToAST.-Cut the slices eome· and place on the market the remedies in property, ot his p1·operty in Newcastle, whab thlok ; when toasted, bubter them on use and endorsed by such eminent m edical oonsletlng all or Stores, Ho11110s and Lots and. both sides, and keep warm until served. A authorities was a. bold and brilliant piece of vn.luable Oroha.rd, the homesto&d beinit one The Greatest of the Tzusts. toaetiDg fork should be UQed, and care take'.l . 1nterprise, and worthy of the success which or the moet complete in the county. 'l'erms 36tf thab the bread does nob geu burnt. By far tb.e lO(reabest of the ma.ny huge oom· :Oas attended it. Shoals of quack remec 1ies eaey. MILK ToAsr.-Toasl.J the slices of bread, bines in the. Unibed Sba.tea i' the Sta.nd~rd} crowd the market, each absurdly claiming ARM FOR SALE.-75 acres of lot pile llhem in a dish, wh!oh musb be well Oil Trueb, L:\a!J year its profi ~s were $26,· to cure every ill from one bottle. 'rho 35, con. 3. Darlington, on lhe Town Line warmed, boil eome milk with a little aalt, a 000,000; this year they will be larger 11ttll. public will turn with relief from such blatant two and a h< miles from Oshawa. Well fenoed with oedar rails, eplendid orchard teaspoonful of 1l<>ur, one of butter, rubbed [tl is called the "great ootopns," because not and cb ameless catchpennies, and patronize, Jlood trame house. two ba.rns,st&blea, c11rria1le together ; pour this over the toast, and serve content with its virtual monopoly of the oil not a remedy, but a list of r emedies, each of hou~e and other outbuildings, two good wells tr&de of the country, i t has ta.ken int~ ite which is a specific for a. single disease, and he.rd water; also 47 a.ores on lot 'J7 3rd con. hot. Darlington, half way between O~bawa and VEGETABLE TOAST.- Take the rema.ins of gra.sp numerou' other industries, and is still has the recommendation of having beon Bowman ville in " good or cultiva.tlou; any cook11d vsg11t&blee, the fl11ovcr of which reaching for more. In a sketch <>f tb.e hiatory originated (not by the old womn.n or tho Belonging to the estate of the late \Villlarn blends well, sea.son with a little pepper, ~a1t, .of this gigantio ~'onoern in a reoenb issue of beastly Indian, n.s the quack advertisementa Hanoook. For par,iculars. etc., apply to A R:. H ANCOCK, ill Lake View Ave., 'l'oronto . and French muatard, add the yolk of an evg, the Chicago "Tribune" mo.ny interesting read), but by educated gentl emen, .who a re W. .· physicians and specialists of the hi"hest Ou~ a.nd mix well ; thlok'i!n over the tire, then facts stated, The S b anda.1·d Oll Trust wa.s developed out standing in E urope,and whose patrons"'have spreo.d the mlxture over slices of boasb, brueh 'l.J...,ARM FOR SALE. -130 acres, com. ovor t hem a beaten 6gg, strew fine bread. of the business of the Clark bro lhers, t wo to pay from $25 to $500 to comma nd their j[1 posed of eouth part of J,ot No. 19, Br<>lten young Englishmen, sons of a Wiltshire services. Thi~ is the greatest departure Front, a.r d is three miles from the Town of orumbe upon t he top, and 8erve hot. a11ricultural labourer, who in 1863 h~d a known to modern medicine. The specifics Bowman ville. 'I'hi1 ie one of the bes' farms In FRENCH ToAsT. -Bea1J two eqgs, add one very small refinery in Cleveland. Their which are sold at one dollar each are eight the county of ho.m. H is la &high 5ta.te ot cupfu: of milk, wibh pepper and salDto taste ; bookkeeper W!!.aJ ohn D. Rocla.feller, a young in number, and cover the following ailments; cul ~ivatlon and is well tenced On the prothere is n stone dwelling, two large dip into this slice~ of bread, and fry them m!ln of twe::ty.three who waa in rec eipt of a No. 1, Catarrh, Hay Fever, Rose Cold, No. mlGes b&rns and other out-buildings, with stone in hot butter u ntil brown. llree wells and ef $25 a month. H'l bad been left 2, Diseases of the Lungs, Coughs, Colcls, stabling for cattle and horses, > f<Jur for pumping SAUSAGE 'ToAST.-·E'ry aome sa.usg,ges,·strlp $3 ,000 by hie father, and one day he euggesb- Bronchitis a.nd Co113umption. 1 also wind·mill No. 3, For rurther pa.rticular8 11.pply on the the skins off, and mix wlth the mtia.b some ed . to the Cla.rks th:i.t he should put this Rheumatism and Gout. No. 4, Dyspepsia, premises or i f by !titter to HE.l!RY MANN. Bow· scalded parsley, cb.oppt>d very fine, a dd e. money into tb.e business and tha.t the firm Indigestion, Liver and Kidneys. No. 5, manvH!o 31-tt libtle oheese grnted, mix in a. very Jtt tlt ohould extend ita <>perntions. He wao shrewd Ii'ever a nd Ague, Dumb Ague, Neurnl· ' iu.. A1<.M lN PICKERING l!'OR SALE. mustard, and sprea.d t ho mixture on brown enough to eee the lJ08aibilHies ot the oil traJe, No. 6, Female W eakness, Iie!Jcorrh~11., One of the best far m s in Pickering for bre1.1d that ha.s been to!llsted t1nd buttered. which was then in Ha infancy. His sugges- Irregularities. No. 7, System Tonic and sale ooutalning . 2ti acres, a ll or which are ·m and F ignre. Ko . 8, cleared and in high state of cultivation. On LEMON ToAsT.- Ta.k:e the yolks of ·hree tion was adopted, and the Clark rEfinery Development of F o1 eg11e, beab t hem well and et1r them into I). . bega.u to increase its output, which In 1865 a golden remedy for Nervous Debility. We the premiseft are a good dwelling house and cupfal of milk; cut some stale breo.d in sllc~a had rea.ahed 150 be,rrels & day. But Rocka· send a circular describina t he above diseases O)lt bulldin:;is and two wells. Thia property is B ltuated on lot 15, b, f ., one mile &nd a bait and soak them for a minute in bhe eggs and fe~ler. saw tb11t st~ll more could be done and t~oatment on receipt of stamp. Th o from Pickering village, a mile from Grand milk, then fry to a li~ht brown In butter. \nth m~reased c.ap1tal, and in 1870 a com- ;:emed1es can be had of nny druggist. If 'f runk Station. three miles from P ickering and dust on a little powdered sugar, and pany was orgo.n1z9d under the &tyle of the your druggist docs not k eep them rem\t Harbor, a.nd six miles from Whitby, For Sta.ndard Oil Company. Its nominal oap1· price to us and we will ship direct. Address further particulars apply t tJ JA11.rns PIOKA.RD then add a little lemon juice, on the premlRes, or Pickering, P. 0 . 29--tt SHRIMP ToAsr.-Chop up some freshly t a! was $8,500,000, bub the real fi.~ ure waK all letters to Hospital Rem edy Company , much smaller, tho plan ts of tho di.fferent re· (',()3~ West King St., '.l.'oron!.o, Ce.natla. boiled and shelled ehrimpa, pound them with ' · -·- · t wo ounoee of butter, and a llbble pepper fineries whicll weno in~o the company being Another Jotrgins Ra.ft. m,.ce ; spread thia mlxbure on toast tn11t ~hrown in at fancy figu res, and repre~enting ne"rly the whol6 of tbs capital. From haa been buttored, and serve hot. MONTREAL1 Nov. 27.- Mr. Ja,nas D 1870 to 18S3 the policy of t he company, PEACH ToAST.-Cut some slloes off milk u.nder Rockafeller'a dlreotion, was aggNs- L~t1ry 1 tho millionaire contractor of N ow EING PART OF LOT 26, CON: 6, rolld, remove uhe orust, and fry them a. pi.le s1ve and cunning. The m!t.rket w11s con- York, and well knowtJ aa t he builrfor of t he . cont&ining 100 &e:ee. more or less, on yellow in butter. Tako I\ tin of preeervei! stt1ntly manipulated, and some way cf celebra.ted J oggius rafb, ie in Montreal in which are g<><>d dwellmg and outbuildings, peaches, turu out the juice into a s11>ucepaD, to.king advantage of the forced changes in connection wibh several important Canadla.n good orohM·d, well fenced and watered. soil suitable for ~rain or,stock&.nd in add a lluble suge.r a.nd Ii ~lass of white wine, prices was ndVer wanting. Rival c oncerns enterprises ho h<\S on hand. Ono of t ho most ::Splendid sto.te of cultiv'ltton . Cloee to village b ~il it up, put in bb.e pea.ohea, simmer t1 few wers f.iuher boug hb or crushed, and pretty important of h!~ Hchemes is the bu ilding of of Kirby where are poet office, (daily mail millut es, drain thun, 1rnd place half &pea.oh eo<>n the Sband..rd had prnctica.i control cf another r aft, which he hopas to Janncb. next church, school. store, blacksmith shop, eto. conc1we aide uppermost, on ea.oh piece of the In 1883 cha.ngee took pince in spring. Mr. L eary gives the following Will bo sold on e&ey t erms. Plowing possession once; run possession April l , 1890. For bread, place a piece of cu rrant jelly in the the pertsonnel of the comv.,,ny, t he Cla.rkb Interesting particulars of the proposed raft. at further pa.rticalara ca.II on or address \ V. oa.vity of peach, pour the syrup round and several others who had made comfort· It will be built on the same pattern as the P ATTERSON, Owner, Kirby p 0. 41- tr BOnd serve. a.hie fortunes going out. Among those who others, bnt will be bigger ID every way, and E GG ToAST. some egg11, la.y them remained the le&ders were the Rooka.fel· will also be muoh easier to handle, lb will on buttered toast, &nd pour over some Wor· !era, H. M. Flagler, S. V. liark neas, be 100 feet longer than the one, ha.vine cestershlre sauce. Serve hob, O. H. Pa.yne, a.nd H. A. H utahens. A mere a tot!il lenith of 750 feet and a. widilb of 65 HAM TOAST.-Grat e some cooked ham, conservative policy we.a then adopted, the foet. It will be 45 feet deep, and will draw add o.n egg well be&ten, a. small p iece of but· manipulation of p rices b aing aba.ndonod, but about 25 or 26 feet of water. It will consisb ter, and a. little ore,.r.1, mix a ll t ogether, and the old game of wiping out opposition was of lrom 27.000 to 28,000 sticks o.nd will weigh stir over a. tire until hot ; fry alicee of bread continued. In moeb ca.see t his was done by a.bout 11,000 Lona. lb will ha ve six masts, rigg· b1 a little buDter, 11ud pour the mix ture over pensionlcg on condition tha.b t hey with fore and aft ea.Us. One of the g reatest ceaeed business, For · instanoe, one Pitt s- i.nprovcroonts over the former r afb will be in them. t he steam steeriDg gear a.nd s t eam 011,pstan HASH ToAST.-- Chop ver:s fine cold burg firm, whioh wa.1 becoming dangerous, for the handling of bhe anchors and chains. beef, and boil in o. little wa.ter, a.dd a. little was paid $50.000 1.1 year for teu years. At The raft will he b11ilb enbirely of pilln,.; and milk a.nd thicken with flour ; sea.s?n to t he end of that p eriod it oommenced opera·, and will have a.boub one million feeb of· tlons a.gain, but two years ago its whole taste, and pour over them. bualneae waa bonght cutiri~hb by the Stand- hardwood for a oore. Mr. Leary a lso states ANCHOVY TuAST. -Wash and.pound finely ard for $ 1.500,000. T he results of tbill pDlicy that he Is building an immense rafb ~b Paget a. q na.rter of a. pound of anchovies, mix them been t he acq uirement by the J.. bter of a Sound, whioh will weieh about 13.000 tons with some currv powder,a lit tle mustard, a vir tual monopoly of the eDtire oil of o.nd will b e 1iak ~n to Sa.n F tanclsco, He has iew drops of lemon juice, and a. teaspoonful the Unibcd States, and t he consequent strong hopes t hat the difficulties experienced of butter. Cover buttered t~ast with mix cnormcue growth of the fortunes of in the laeb experimenb will nob be encountert ur e, and aerve hot, ita membera, In 1880 the capita.I of ed with the nex t rafn. Mr, Leary has i ust The Most Sn009$!lfill Remedy G'<'er d iscome from St. J ohn, N. B., where he 11pent covered, as ft jJ! in i tB etc\.'ct6 and CHICKEN TOAST.-Chop cold chicken very t he company was $10.000,000, in 1885 some time in m11.king preparations for the d oes not blister. Read proo! llelow. fine, put into a ~,.ucepan, aeaecn with pepper, It was $i2,000,000, on which amount its flrnn:ETSVILLll, P. Q., May S. 1889. catting of th"' necessary timber on his t \VO· salt and must!l.rd., add a small piece of bnt· profit& l&st yoar were nearly thirty p er cen!J. t honaand.aore fa.rm &b Cumbcrb.nd. \Vhile Dn. B. J . KR!<D.>LI. Co., Enosburgh ~'alls, Vt. Gentlemen .- I used Kon· ter, one t <1blespoo11ful of oream, and jusb It pays o. dividend of twelve l?er cont. and da!l's Spavin Cure !or ~pnvlul!I enough water t o cover the chicken, simmer reserves t he balance of ills prc·fi ~a for use. in ::! ~ John he t1lao evinoed gret\b int erest in and t\lso inn case of lamen ess n.nd. the p r<>posad dry· dock. He believes the altogether fiit een tea, and serve en l ts st<>ok is issued in S tanda.rd Trust certifi ocheme l'!tilr Johots and round tt n snm to be entirely fea.sible , ca.tee, t he lasb sale of which w~e u.t 170, butter ed, ID ever y r espect. I cord!nlly recommend it to all horsemen. These dishes t1re o.11 11imple and inexpen- making them worth $153,000,000. HunVery roopoottully yours, di'*"~"".il!!IP Mournin~ in all La.nds. slve, and make an eircellent variety for dreds of refineries are operated by tb.e trust , CBARLSS J , BLACKALL. Tha followiug ara the accepted reasons for breakfaab, lunoheon and tea,- [Demoresb'a the !e11ding members of which also control the white lead, oottonseed oil, and other the selection of \T t\rloua ~o!ors for mourning Monthly l!,i>eh!on J·ouma.l. trusts. Jol:rn D. R ocke.feller, who la head in il ifferonb countries ; Sr. THOMAS, p Q.. April 22, 1889. B. J. Kltl<llALL Co., Ilnosburgh F all< ·. Vt . of the uecutive boo.r d of the Standard, b Bia.clt- Eirproesea p rivation of light. Worn DR. Gents :-I bave used ~ f ew oottle· of you r KenIt Was a. Straight Tip. said to be worth $150,000,000. His bro ther t hroug b. Europe. dall's Spavin Cure on my colt, Scadei;- Mournlng oolor oco!lsiona.lly "Weep not, my prGtt y dG arn ; you will \IVllliam and H. M . Fiagler aTe rated at ~~~111uwau~e~~f!~!JCfo!~~n~n~n~ no b be fon.., sopo.r!ltlcd. " th e fox to the $40,000,000, a.nd t hr ee others t11l worn by Fr ench kings. ~~r,;~~lo0~~,,ifgr.,1~1~~ds~~~la Yellow- The sere !\nd yellow leaf. E gypt you!lg chickens, wi he carried off bha old hen $20,000,0CO or over. CUl'O. I can reco1n m<-nd it as tho :i.nd Burma.h. In Bribuany widow'~ and ia fifteen minute~ he C&!lle baok for the <AJll.lili~.~~¥t~v'!.u~,fr'~':,~~fe"J'.t\{fJ!ft~~:~J young chickens, Mor..l , A lways keep yonr 1:!.e Wa.nted a :Pall and Winter Humorist, among the peo.sante y ellow. me one ot ycmr vnluablo b ook s e ntitle<\ " A. Treaword. P11rple and Violet- To ex press roy:i.lty. tise on the Horse." Yours respectfully, Seedy-looking individul\l (to m anaging I. F. WILKlNSON. edltot )- I'd like to get employment as hu· Mourning for ca.rdini-.Js 3nd k ings of France. Violet color for mourning in ·rur. morisb on your p aper. An Autumnal .Proposal. lr.<>y. Editor- Where you from ? 1 White- Emblem of "white· handed hope." Da B. :J. Kmm~~~b~~~~;lf.~iii fil.~[. ~~8b'9. H e (a.s they stand on t he balcony ), "It I am from F loridv., ~he land of perpetual Gentleme u :I alwuyM keep your 'Kendall's ig very brigh t within and very dreu.ry wlbh- summer, where I havo w.:>rked on leadiDg China. Spavin Cure c.n d Blister on hand out, is it n"t?" a.nd they btwo never failed in D Bep Blue- Bokha.ra.·mourning. pa.p· . r! . wl1at you state t liey w lll do. I She. "Withoub ?" bave a bad ca.<e or Spavin You won'b do. We want a Fall a.nd Pa.le BrownThe withered lea.v1;;s. P erui.a. He (inspired ). "Yon." a nd a.1150 two ca.sea o! R lng bon o Winter huu.oriat who has had aome oxGrayish Brown- Earth. Ethiopia and ~1;6~f~:~~nbdr~~~ 't~o~~1:;~;{1~~~~ perieuce with t obogg?.on.a.nd coa.l.doa.ler j okes. n ot seen any ·ign s ot disease lu ....l!i.l't!ll~ti;.1f1!W" Come l!iround next July when the ic e-craa.m Abyssinia.. - - - - - - - -A .More Appropriate Name. their ol!sprlng. Yours truiJ', D. J. O'E!:RP.F'l!'lt. 11nd s ummer reaort chestnut s ar e unpacked Miss Ba.cknumber- My little dog H tir o The Silent Watches. Prloo 9 1 per bottle , or six bottles ror :J!<i}. All and we may ba able to do eomethiog for you, druggists h avo i t or can i t for you, 01· it w lll 'Jll w&s awfully sor11.tohed by 11o c&t to·day 80 I Miss Ha.uteur- Y ou don't wind your wa.tch ·ent to any address onget receipt of price by tllit think I shall change his name, ' l\h nigllt, lou t let ab run Cl own ? Why, I fi"~'ri~J'.r"il:ENDA!.L CO., ZMsbru·gh l!'alls, VI.;, Mias Sere-What will you call him now ? How it Occurred. never heard of such t\ t h ing l SOJ[,]) nv AI.I. f)RUG GI!il'l'§. Miea B~cknumber- Ola.ude I · Bagley- Indeed? ['hen you navor .Black (a.11 expert stenogi·apher): Say, 1...-ean AWWWIWWW'.AQUWI been told a.bout the silent wa.tohea d ths the boy from tJhe " J ournal" offico ia here HadBeen There Before, nlghb I , J oh n Matthews, ,. -~..imonger at Mite a.f ·er the tranacript.of that temper1;nce leoDick Turner, an aged colored 1?9ntlemnn End, N ew Town, Middleue:x:, dro1>ped d ead tur~. Is ib mo~tfin1shed? . A. Remarkable Dog. well known a.bou t Toronto, whoee profession recently whila in the act of 0 itt· Ureen (a novrne.): All but a siullt sentence "trha.t's a good d"f.: you have there," is t ha.t of a whitew~aher, appea.i·ed b efore suicide, The medical man who ;mm !~n~ in aboub the middle of ib, and I'll be hanged Colonel D ankon the other day, charged in Ebo.tec1 a.t the inque~t t ha· th.eras ca e if I cl\n out from my notes what it is. one travelling man to w11os It a Bl · b ' ' greau · i.ppl auae, " and " Very good, indeed." · wonnd · · " but e that with drunkenness and a.cknowledged the knife on deceased's neck, . ack · . J us t mser " R9.tter !" corn with v. deep blush. was not suffioient to cause death, The face len Ib go. " Well, he fon't mur.h on raw, but he'e a " Wsre von ever h ere b efore, Turner ?" wv.s conge~teJ, and wltnos~ believed thab · Green a.eta ~~on au ~"'~stion, and the lo h;1re " Yas, sah, but no~ fo beln' drunk." bho man died inat1:1nt aneouEly from an 1e _senb to t he J offi?e fo~~ubllcat:on great race dog." "A race dog ?" "Well, wha.t then r· i.poplect ic fib, while in the very a.ct of t· 1 with the ? o .ctored part ree.dmg : Frienda, I "Yes, sir. Ho can come out ahead of a. "Chickens." ting h is t hroat. . on will det ain you ba~t a few momenta longer." 11 D hoharged." rat at any distance." {L~ugl:.ter.) .· ~ . [Gr ea.t appla.11ae.] Wha.t wan the secret of his wonderful power 1 Much of it Jay in hla fearlessness, much in h is swiftness of thoujlhb and action, and much in what t he Yankee w ould o~ll his capability in all things, small as well a.a great. Ile could ride, and shoot , and tinker, and conduot campa.igns, and nego tfate brea.tiea, all with unhesitating selfreliance. As a matter of course such a man takco commi\lld, Gordon never lacked opportunitieetoshowtheseq ualltisa. Wheu steaming quietly up t~e Nile a monkey with which he was playing fell overboard. In a twinkling Gordon w.i.s in to the water after him. By g.:iod luck t he crocodiles gob nei· tht'!r Governor·Gensral nor monkey. When a nugger was being hauled up the ra.pids some way south of the c~bls got a.way from the men on the bmk and t he ves sel was swept on the r<ooka. N o one would volunteer to go out &Dd pick up tho cable, and Gordon j 11m-ped in a 11& iff and went alone. To be sure t110 skiff upset and the Governor· General sa.t somo hours driPFing on a rock, but his men had a. lesson. Oa another oJoasion t he gil>rrison of one of the stations was thrown into much anxiety by 8eelng Genera.I G01·don & lone, rowin 3 across the river to the easb bank, whloh in that region wa.a o ccupied by inteneely hostile negroes. He la.ndcd,n111od e hie boat, a.nd tried by a display of be~ds aud wire, t o Induce the so.vogea to come 11.n d with him. They eimply s&b on the hill· eide a.nd scowled. .Finally Gordon shot a hlpp(lpota.mus and paddled back, lea.vlng the b~ads on the shore and a. frne least of hippopotamus meat in the rushes. Another man would have been killed. I WM amused to eee on hie table at Khartoum, handsome spoons aud forks with his crest be.If effaced by rough scratches . I could fancy Gordon, vexed by some unuanalllummery, se'ztng a rat. ta.ii file and prooeedlng to pub oa~ of his sigb.t one more vanity. :Iv was not t ha.t he wae nob proud of his family. On the contmry he could pa.y a mo.n no greater compliment bho.n to say : "You like a Gordon ;" but a.II tb.e marks a.nd sil?'nB of rank sometime& beo&me intolerable to hlm.- -[Colonel H. G. Prout in November S cribner. emoved. emoved. CAWKER &ALLIN H d t th · ave remove o e1r n ew store, just acro3s the titreet from their old stand, and by calling on th em, you will h t! convin ced that the Mighty Dollar will buy as much Su 0< rar 'I'ea and all ki.nd,.; of Groceries, as well ' 1Mea t s, .1 · th as a 11 .k' in d8 0 f F resh an d Cure d u f} lf i;. hop, as at any other ' r;tore in the town. They buy solely tor Cash, and calculate to give theit: customers the benefit of it · They also pay Cash for all kinds of Farm Produce---Eg~s, Butter, Apples, Pears, . Potatoes, Hides, Sheepskins, Tallow, &c. In fact, you can get the Cash for all kinds of marketable produce. g"'Do not forget the stand-The West Swre in the White Brick Block, directly opposite their old stand. A call solicited and patronage thankfully received. CAW'KER & ALLIN. T oron - -·- - S F F One of the BestFarms Olarke for Sale. in B KENDALL'S SPAVIN CURE, KENDALL'S SPAVIN CURE. -· - l.. I