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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 4 Dec 1889, p. 6

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N !> ii: " ·· - J.;;,.Jn 1852 a patient named tr·, .igley in a fib/ It ia merely a matter of t~adition hc>w 1 ot deeperation burned the lar,!>retto to ~he leproey wae brought t? America. One E:C· ground, and, ib being October, 110 new build- plana.tlon is that early 1n the century a ship ing could be erected that year. The lepers lrom E11rope put into Ca.raquette Harbor, TH.E HOM£3 OP THE LEP.ERS AT were now thirty-six: in numl1nr, and they and that the laundry women washed for the WEDNESDAY. DEC. 4, 1889. TRAOADIE. were driven to paee the Wint;a r in a house sailoreand beo!l'me . inoculated withthedi1e111e 32 by 30 faet, which had bonll used aa a Another solutmn as that a leper may have Canada's Outcasts Wearing out Tbetr uves place of correction for prison()f8 who were e£c1ped from a Trinidad 01· Norway b z uetto ADVICE 'IO Mo1'HERS.-:-Are you di A.ttentled 41n1y by a Few Devoted Nuns. unable to obey the ordinary rules. It con- and scattered vhe seeds of leprosy as · turbed at night and broken of your re1 tained only two aputments, and men and ed. l>y a 11ick child suffering and crying wil A mild Interest is excited every year In women were herded t-0gether in one nncaredpain of Cutting Teeth 1 If 110 send ai. tlle condition of the c~nadian lepers when for mass, Nob the slightest attention was Deep Sea Desolation. 1 once and get a bottle of '"Mre. Winelow 11 P<lrlle.ment is called upon to vote tlie annual given to any sanitary arrangements, oloth811 Despite the fanciful pictures which some Soothing Syi;up." For children. teeth~ng, 11m for the support of these unfortunate were distributed only .. twice. a year, and the lta value is mca.lculable. It will roheve beluga, But a more popular interest Us clean ones were put on over the dirty ones. writers have drawn of the ocean bed, its deeo· the poor little sufferer immediately, De· being created by the inve~tlgatlons .if two The small attention they got was from one lation. at least In lta deepest parts, must be for and extreme, Bayond the" .first mile lb is a vast pend upon it, mothers ; there is no j?urnaliat~, who presenting all the facta another, and patients are known to have uonnected with their dreary life and placing LAIN DEAD FOl;I DAYS desert of ·slime and oozs, upon whloh is conmistake about it. It cures Dysentery · ··c-tor.131& so welll!ldapt,ed to children tha, Caatorla CUl'M Cklllc. Oomtftiatlon.. atantly drippin~ a rain of dee.doaroassee from on reccrd testimony to the sacrificing labors and Diiurhooa, regulatell the Sto.mach and of [recommend i t as sunerior toanyprescriptio11. Bour S tomach, l>iarrhma, Eructation. the gentle sisters who minlater to their in bed. Once when the Rev, Mr. Ganvreau the eutfa'l9, which ca.rcaaaea supply the known tome." KA Allcnim u D Kills Worms, gives Bleep, and proDl~ cU< Bowels cure11 Wind Colic, softens the bodily a.nd spiritual neec:l1. was aummoned to admln&ter the sacraments nouri.el:me . 1 t !or the scanty fauna inhabiting .. ' .iu.. ·· _gestion Gums, 'reduces Inflamma.tion, and give11 :Ill So. ~Ord S$., Brook!J'n, N. Y. WWU>us l.njurioua medication. Away up between the or.unties of Glouce&· to a dying girl he had to step over a dead the abys~al rej(ion-in some places more than to::ie and energy to the whole syt1otem. ter and Northumberland, in thA Province of body in the mldat of the Bleeping lepers, and five mile1 from the sunshine-and the micro. 'l'.e:m CD:NTAUR Co)(PANY , 7. lil u rray Street, N'.. Y. " Mi's. '\Vinsltm's Soothing ,Syrup" Nor New Brunawlok, is a broad bsy, into whioh an old pa.tient atlll tells that the good father ecope reveals that the slimy matter covering >ehik ren t oeth in g is pleasant to the taste a noble river emptilea, after draining with its found the girl In auoh a condition of filth this deepest ocean bed is very similar in and ia t he nro~cription .of pne of the old· many branches the whole surrounding that he took a. sponge and washed her sores composition to the ancient chalk of the and beti'~ fomale physicians and nurses country. Thie bay and the river, with the before giving her the conaolu.tiona of the aeons period, while mixed with it here and district through which it Jlows, Church. there are minute meta.Illa and magnetic tn the United State&, and is for sale by well-wooded FOR SALE BY .J. HIGGI NBOTHA M & SON, BOW MANVILLE1 -all druggists throu~h the world. Price are known as the Miramichi, signifying in In the Spring of 1853 the lozaretto was bodies which have been proved to be dust the Mic· Mac tongue Happy Retreat. This rebuilt, bub the old priaon idea WBB retia.ined. from meteorites. At long distances a phoa25 cents a bottle. Be sure a.nd ask for section of the. Province hae paased through Iron bars guarded the window, high walls phoresoent llgh~ gleams from the head of ~·_ MRB. W1NsLow's SooTJII.NG SYR'Ul'.' many strange experiences, the vloi9sltudea of closed in the yards, and a guard was plu.oed some passing fish which has strayed thither and take no other kind. war, the devastating blaz3 of fire; but yet at the gate. The country was scoured, and from a higher and happier zone. But it ls it remains one of the fairest spots in plo- those suspected of infection were driven by not uotil we have mounted a good deal nearer tureEque New Brunswlok. .tlere is the force to huddle with the rest. Once It waa the surface that the scene changes for the ()onsumption Su1·ely (lured. leprosy-tainteJ parish of Tracadle, upon said that a minerir.l spring flowed on Prince better. We nowmeetwltb forests of brllliantwhioh a terrible scourge bas been laid, but Edward lslanc:l, of which, if they would ly colored sponges, while the phosphorescent lfo TilE EDITOR : .PleaBe inform your readera that I have which permits to a few devoted nuns an drink, they might be healed. !rhe experi· animals swimming about ar<J mucih more num0rous1 and the nearer we get to the lie,a positive remedy for the above named opportunity 'of exercising a eelf.saorifloe ment was allowed, but it proved useless. In 1880 an important cha.age wae effected toral zJne more and more phosphorescent clieEllEe. By its timely use thousands of eq nal to that of Father D~mlen, Down by the sea. stands the lazuetto of 'Yhen the laz91.retto was tranaferred to the lights appear, till at Jenll!th the scene hopeleH cages have been permanently cured. I shall be glad to mend two bottles Traoadie, the ' lepers' home and world, Dominion Government u.nd became subject becomes tr::ily animated, When only 1,200 of my remedy FREE to any of your readera where the Galt of Sb. L,.wrence forces Its to the departmenb of the Minister of foet sep11re.te us from the sunshine we come who have ccnrnmption if they will send mo way amid sand bars and fiats until it spreads Agriculture, which placed in the hands of upon the first seaweed a.nd kelp (l,200 feet j _ out into a pe"ceful bay· land-looked except the Slaters the entire admlnisbratioo of the is the deepest limit of plant life in water}, their Express and P. 0. address. ' \ on the seaward &ide. A little arm winds money voted for the maintenance of the but we must rise still anotller 1, 000 and get Respectfully, Dr. T. A. SLOCUM, 164 round u. point of land, and a small creek the hoapltal. The yearly grant for the l&zaretto as nea.r tho top a.a 130 feet, before we find Having decided on giving up the Dry Goods business, all our large and - weet Adel!'ide et., Tor(Jnto. Ont. more securely ts $3,000, $81JO of which Is for the snp'90rt any reef-building corals. well assorted stock of of the nuns and $100 for the cha.plain and Aa plants do not live in deep sea, the deep Special Announcem.ent. TH FATAL SPOT $640 for the physician, who pays an oc- sea aoil!lale either prey on one another or get from the rest of the world. Ol'er this creek cassional visit. their food from dead orl(a.nlsme and plants We have made ~rrangements wHh Dr. a small wooden bridge is thrown the only Of the sisters who oamo from Montreal which sink down to the bottom. Thus connection between this tomb' and the only one bas died in Tracadle, bu~ two Maury : " The sea, like the snow aloud B. J;· Kendall Co., pulishers of "A will be sold .freatise on the Horsa and his Diseases " brip:ht1 world beyond. :l'he surrounding Acadian nuns died in h~e discharge of their with its fl<lkes in a calm, is.always !ettinv fa.I,~ ..vhich will enable all our eubscribers -tc rel(ion is dwelt in by the tracbabl.e, peace- d.uty from consumption. None of the upon its~ed showers of mw n~scoptc ohelle. obtain a copy of that valuu.ble -iyork .free ful Mic-Mil.cs, ~ and one of the districts is sistere who have tended the patients and An ~xpenment proves than a tmy shell would none of the priests who ministered to them take about a week to fall from the surface to by sending their address (enclosmg a two· known as the Burnt Church, The frigate charged with conveying the have yet fallen victims to the disease, but the deepest dep b hs. Since sunlight does not -0ent stamp for mailing same) to Dr. B. J. remains of Wolfe from Quebec to England ther~ is a case on record of a doctor who, In penetrate much farther th~n the littori.I zone - - o-.Ke11d.all Co., Enosburg Falls, Vt. This in 1759 was driven by stress of weather into making an autopsy of I\ patient, ~came there would be beyond this perpe1lilal dark· book is now r ecognized as standard Miramicbi, and the accidental anchorage inoculated and died a leper. _Wuting of ness but for phosp~oresc?noe, A LARGE STOCK OF .authority upon all diseases of the horse, was ~bought favorable for securing a fresh the oontag.ioueness of the disease, Dr,. Many of the anunals mhabitlng the con· · a.a .i ta phenomenal sale att~sts, ov~r four supply of water. Six of the crew v. ere Tache says m hie reJ)ort: tlnental and abyssal zones have merely rudl"I am aware of many instances of the dis· mentary eyes ; but these blind creaturea million copies having been sold m the detailed to fill the casks from the springs ten y ears, a sale never b efore with which the u.bounds, and, after oa&e ir.ppearlng to be contagious in the crdl?- have very long feelers, which help them to are just to hand and will be sacrificed to clear out at once. reached by any publication in the loading their boat, they strayed off for a ary_ sense of _that term. I '!lean inetances an Rl'Ope their yray ir.long the bottom. Other -period of time. We . feel confident that ramble in the foreat where they were cap· which heredity cannot be invoked, and in deep sea a.n1mala, on the cootrary, have enIt will pay buyers to inspect our stock before purchasing. -0ur patrons will appreciate the work, and tured by tho Indiana' and barbarously mur- which contagion is the only ca.use capable to ormous eyes, and these very likely congregate be glad to avail themselves of this oppor- dered. trhe Captain of the ship thought reasonably account for the propagation. a.round such of their number as are phosdeed was tbe work of his natural enemies, The phorescent and me.y perhaps follow the tunity of obtaining a valua.ble b.ook.i _ the the French, and determined DO be revenged, TYPICAL CHARACTER Of LEPROSY, moving lamp-posts about wherever they may It is necesaa.ry ·hat you mention th!~ i r · ,_., .,,.,~ u [> the river and poured a broad- its general historv, and what I have a.seer- go. And so bright is this light on many_ of paper in Bending for the "Treatise ." ·ld;:i l.u ~o f'r~uoh Fort, killing a.11 the lnhab· tained in New Brunswick leave no doubt in the fish brought up by the dredg~ that during This offer will remai n open for only a ltants, and aftnward destroyed the settle- my mind about the contagiousness of the the brief space the animals survive It· Is not 39. short time. ment i.t Canadian P oint. Turning seaward, disease. I fi rmly believe ~tis communicable dlfficnlt to read by ~t. The reason why he burned the vlllage and ch urch a.t Nlquan- from the diseased t o the heu.lthy. I do not fiahes and mollusks liv ing more t ha.n three a.I, and the region lying around the lazaretto think that prox lmity, no matter how close, miles under water are able t o beat a pre~eure To Correspondents. is known as "Burnt Church" to thle day. nor mere touch can convey the contagion; of.eeve:al t ons ta that t hry have ex cesd1ogly This Is a country rich in relics and remains there must be an adequJo' e contact of soma loose tlS8ues, which allow th e water to flow We charge 10 cents a line for all notices of tho old r egime, and to this day the plow kind, mediate or lmm6'1iate. I hold conbg· throng~ every Interstice and thus!°'° equalize 'Of Anni versar ies, Concerts, L ectures, and turns up the treasures of copper vessels with ion at the cause of the propag!l.tion of the the we1g~t. When the pressure ~is rem?~ed entertainments, .for which no printing h8!1 French u.nd copp~r coins. diseaee, and in 80 saying I do not lose Dhey p erish. In the_C hallenger .exped1t10n b een, or is to be order ed at thi11 office, a.'he lazaa.retto 18 a fquare wooden building sight of the fa.ob of oocu.eional spontaneous sent out by ~ha Britisb. government all. the sharks broughb up from a depth of a little when an adm ission fee is charged or col- and is in n? way a marvel ~f architecture, production of leprosy." The total number of p!!.tlente who have lees than three.q uarters of a. mile were dead lection taken. The same charge i11 m&de but looks hke a slightly·bualt wooden bar· for all business notices appeir.ring among racks f'!r tempora~y use, Instead of a s!ruc· dfod in the lanretbo sfnce it passed under when they got to the surface oi tho sea. :news items. C..irresponde nl11 will kindly ture designed to withstand the fierce Winter c:mtrol of the nuns is 76. !I'here were 20 state thia to all applicants for such notice s winds tha~ come In from the gulf. The nuns p~tients when t hey u.rrived, Since then 81 A Chinese Courier's Reoeption. and whenever pouible forward the In charge of the hospital are of the order d have been admitted 41 of whom v.iere wo!rhe Chinese papers deecribe t he r eception :amount with the notice, or state to whom of the Hospitalieres of Sb. J oseph, and men. El~ht yean 'ag:i there were 27 viea bra.nob sent ·out by the H otel I?leu of tims ; now there are only 18, and it would of the imperial courier from Pekin ·who oonthe account is to be sent. tf. Montreal, the resb of whose earthly existence appea.r tha.t the number is decreasing gradu. veyed to the Viceroy of Ca.nton .the news of ally, so thir.t it is not Impossible thab the bis trao~fer to another province. Arriving will be ~pent at this lonely spot. One sultry afternoon in t~e AU6:0S~ of terrible malady may eventually be sbampad at tne Viceroy's in the afternoon, he GRATEFUL- COMFORTING. 1828 the R ey'. ¥r· de Ballefeullle, a mission· out. The visiting physician ia D:. A. O. was recei ved with a salute of nine guns. ary pri~s~ v1S1tmg Trac~die , was called upon Smith of N ew-C"etle, who paye a yearly Every one of the doors from the outer g il.te to admm1eter the rites of the Church to viaib, and with that excep tion the Sisters Into the sanctum sanotorum of t he Viceroy a woman named Ursule L!!.ndry, who wa.s have full charge of the management. wa1 Instantly thrown open, and the oourler, dytng of a mysterioµs a~d loathsome disease All the lepers of Canada are by no means dismounting from his horse, was met by the BREAKF.AST. to which none .could give a name, Soon c1>11fiaed t o this inst itut ion. {)'here Is another Viceroy In rlohly embroidered robes of " By a thorough knowledge of the natural afterward she died, and her cc.ffin was borne parish in .Northern N ew·Brunawtck which S tate, . After greetings the courier was oonla w s which govern the operations of digestion and nutrition, and by a ca.reful application ot to its last resting place on the shoulders of furnishes its quota, increasing each y ea.r. ducted into the great hall of justi<Je, where There are also oa8Es in N igouao, T11ot>uaintao, a, table wit h incense and candles was aet the :fine properties ot well-selected Cocoa, Mr. fonr of her countrymen. E pps bas provided our breakfast ·ables with a , I t was still in August, and t he weir.ther Pokmouche, Carv qua~te, and Sbippegan. facing n orthward. The courier wu.lked up to d elicately flavored beverage which ma:r e&ve was warm. , One of the hearers, ~ poJr Some years ago there were cases in Prince the ta.hie and t ook from the folds of his dresa u s many bee.v7 doctors' bills. U is by the j udicious use of auch ar ticles of diet a fisherman, l< rancols Saulnlers, was m hfa Edward Island, where at least two patients the imperial edict , gorgeous in yellow satin c onstitullou may be gradually built np until shirt sleeves, and the coffin wci2hed heo.'l'ily died of the ~isease. Duriog thla y e!l.r three and, with averted face, unfurled the roll in iatrong enou gh to reaiat every tendency to upon his shoulder, cutting through t he oases were discovered in Nova Scotia and front of the Viceroy. Suddenly everyone in dilleaee· Hundred11 o! subile ma.ladies are float! ag around us ready lo anaok 'Wherever woolen garment into the bare fk sh.. From in isolated country diatrota other oa.:e11 are the room, from_ the Viceroy to his lowest ther e 111 a weak point. We ma:r eaoape many the edges of the rude coffin came a poisonous know to exist The ~rea.ter number of the attendant , fell ·down on hia knee& and pera .fatal shat\ bJ keepini;r ourselves well forU1led disoharge, whluh Inoculated the freah wound lepers are Fre~oh, the Scotch come next, and formed nine prostrationa, at t he end of with nnre blood a;id a properly naurleh·d of the t>o.11 bea.rer the rest are Engltah and Irish. which, all atlll kneeling, the courier read out trame.,'-"Oivil Ser11ice Ga1:ette." WITH TH E TBBBIBLE P OISON, There are tew things more terrible than a In ir. aonoroaa elnjl·&ong atyle the Imperial .Made simpl7 with boilinK water or milk. 8010 only In packets. by Grocers. labelled \hia: a.nd he died a leper. The sister of visit by night to the Je z \retto of Tracadie, command. The V iceroy then r ose, and 4 UIES E ..r s .ti C:o., nowcieopa&kic C:Jae·· U rsule L'lndry also fell a victim, and the and meu are known to have fainted at the taking t he edict In both hands ralaed It aloft, 'lit·· J.oadon, Ensl"-nd. wife of a Scotch reaident of Newcas~Ie, eight, Oae goes aloDg a gallery Into a ward l ·he courier then retired, not ir. word having named Gardiner, waiulmilarly affect~, and thlrt~ feet long and only .elrzht feet high, been apoken, but Instead of going out a.e he symptoms of the disease wera develo1'ed in contaaning beds, benches and a etove, his had come in, by the front door, he went by their children. Whab the strange dis..ase naed as a dormitory for some o~ the men, an obscure side door suitable to his rank, as was no one knew; no one had ever seen u.ny- and le, besides, dining r oom, llvlng room, once the edict was dellvered he reverbed to When Baby ...... eiek, we gne her cu..da, thing like ft, and smoking room. a.'here the patienta are his own ran!J, and, being now without a A young physician from Miramichi pro- grouped, most of them deformed out of all me88aee, lost all his honors as an Imperial When eho wa.1 a Child, .·h· cried for Cute.V., ceeded to Europe to attempt to find caaes semblance of humanity, and the 1epulchral meaaenger. A few moments b efore he waa When she bccllUle Ylms, eho clnllg to Caeterla, similar to these perplexing onoa, and on a cough treated as all bub a.n Emperor ; now he was Wl.m eho hlMl Chil~ uho 1avo them. Cuto.da, Norwayfj·)rd he came upon a 8 hunned and HAUNTS ONJ! FOR WEEKS only a &mall offiolaJ . ); isol\\ted oommunity, a community of lepera, afterward. One of ihem is a youn~ man and t hen he could r eport t hat his count ry· ni1>1nd Noal, who was ea.ming a comfor table Deepeest Lake in the orl · men were ufliicted with that mos t hideous livlihood in t he world as a woodman , bu t In the Cascade M ountains, about seven by of all - leprosy. Oa hie return he t hree great blotches like iron mold, ehowed five miles nort h easb of J acksonville, Ore., l&id t he ma tter before t he provincial author- themselves on hte legs, accompar.ied ty a the seeker for t he curious will find ities, and a board of H ealth was constituted terrible drowsiness. H e h ad inherited tihe t he ·Great Sunken lakP, the deep· for t he counties o( Gloucester and North- fromhia gru.ndmother, thoughib dict est !aka in the world. trhe lake riv11>ls WANTED. umberfand , T his wao in 1828, bub nothing not make its appaarance In t he intervening t he famous Valley of Sindbad t he S a.Hor. It was done until six teen y eara afterward, generation. is said to average 2,000 feet d own t o the Havlng done busineee in Can ada fort.he pl!Bt wh~n t he disease had .spra&d to such an One of the female patien t& fa Mre. Saul - water on all its sides, The dep th of t he wat er 39 years, our r eputation and responsibility are niers, who ha.s been a lep er for fi.f b y y ears. Is un k11own, and its surface is as smooth an d -well known. We pay salary and eXJJenaee extent that twenty persons wer e affected, from the start, lf every thing is satisfactory· trhere is an islaud 'in the Mirnmichi Ri vor, She was born in 1813 t\nd married ~ t t he ege unrv fil id as a mammoth sh eet of vlass, it .No previous experience required. Write . Ulil by tho name of S heldrake, ir.nd at t hat time of nineteen. After two children wer e born being ao far below tho mountain rim a.a to !or terms, which are very liberal, befor e en· it cont ained one small unoccupied house, leproay wa.s not iced nnd three were born after bo unaffected by t he strongest win ds. I t is gaging with any o\ber firm. REirimimcms .- Br&dstreet'e or Dun · 'Wiman It We.El pur chased and became the first Cana.- that time. 0 11e of t hem wau only fi ve u.bou t 15 miles in l eogth and about 4;! wide .&; Co's Commer cial Agenciee, well. known to dian l&z ~retto. The wre~ched vlotima were weeks old when the mother was forced For unknown a.ges It has lain st ill, e!lenb, and bueiness men; or Standard Bank, Colborne, so;igh1i out and conveyed in boats to t he into the old fozf.lrebto on Sheldrake Island, myeterious in the bosom of t he great moun. Ont. spot. /1 man and his wife were put in In 1844 She appeared to be cured and re tain .ran11;e, like a·gigantic trench scooped out CHASE BROTHERS' COMP ANY, charge, who supplied the patlenba wit h t h e turned home, when t wo mon child r en ware by the hand s of a giant genii. A hunting Nur1cr1men, bear necessaries of life. The misery at times born, but in 1880 she was obliged t o go back. and surveying P-'rty r ecent ly left J acksonCOLBORNE, - - - ON'fARIO.. became so unendurable that ee o~pes were Inhls roport Dr.T ach e thab he followed ville wiL h the inten t ion of. aecertalnlng the 37~m. -OFfrequent, a.nd once a woman, with a few the course of her disease and oburved "a exact dept h of t his mysterious body of wa~er week s' old Infant, made her way to the slow butetill a pparen t progress of the morbid and to find out, If possible, whether or not mainland, but ehe was r eoapbured and sent prooesa in the appendages of t he eyes, pains Ifi ih to be found within ita g hostly p re. back t o t he hateful "hospit al," Next yeir.r in t he bones, I\~ re'the~la fixed in her mu~ila.t · clncts. - [ Ex:. Cleaned, Dled,fPreesed and;Repalred b:r · the lilz:i:1et t o ·w~s burned down and t hen ed hands a.nd feet, and undergoing change of - -- - - - - rebuilt, bub 10 was determined to er ect a Iocall.zition in ot her par ts of the body, whh To T1ansfer Prints to Glass. g_u arat1tine stat ion on the island and t o the out br.ia.k of occasional leprous ulcers. F" t ~ at t he glass with da.mar varnish, remove the lepers to another pa.rt of the T he husband was perfectly free from any u s ~o b d" d i l 1 P r v lnce . d fh · d hild or Canada. a1aa.m 1.660 1ve n an cqua vo Dyer and Clothe&Cleaner, ren ume of t i::rp antine and let j (l d ry until it is o · . leprous, an o er greau-gran c .It was now 1!!49, and the number had In- only one bas been the vlatim of the malady. ti 11:» wh ich takesh11.l f a cfay or mor e Goods warranted to be 1111 no one will know · · them from new when done. creased in five from twenty t o thirty· The father and moth er ol t he woman, as well ~~ ry ;ri:t~d p~per to be t r11>neferrcd shou ld for Men and Boys, Women and Children. one. ~ new building had been ereote~ at a.a her ancest?rs, were all free fro'!1 t he be ~ell soaked in soft water , and carefully Corner of King and Ont ir.ria Sllreets, :I'ru.cad1e, a few miles distia.nt, and thither to their de~th, but a siste~· ln-law laid upon the prep ared glass , e.fter removing Bowmanville. · · . the sufferers wer e conveyed, In boats, to a with whom she was m lntlmabe relation died the sur lus water wit h blot t ing paper, a:id cheerless, oomfortless buiUing, their lifelong of leprosy and two of her younger brothers pressed~pon it, 80 t hat vo air bubbloe or dro 8 of water are seen underneat h. home. The Rev. Mr. Gauvreau was the a.Leo fall viotlms to t he malady, cur e of the parish, but though he tried The sist ers have observed that leprosy Th. Pshould dry a whole Jay before it is utmo~t ~e W all powerless to giv.e attacks Its victims under tw~ different forms. to:~hed ; then with wetted fingers begin to LOCAL A GENT FOR them any aid. JVlthout any euperv1- In_ one case the head and limbs mvell, the rub off t he pu.per a.t t h e hack. If t his be slon, the c:fficials wasted th~ appropr ia- haar and E?,Ye-bro~s drop off, the eye~ become I Pkillfully done, almosb th e whole of t he IJU.per tlon t hat was doled out mont hly for the covered with a. t hick film, and the skin oraoks J b emoved leaving simply t he ink upon patients' supporb, and t he only medico.I Into divisions like t hat of an alligator. T he ~~n er ish When the pt1per has been care was t he oooaaional visit of a,an, other eymtoms 111re t hose of consul!lptive per- re~o~:d~ an~ther cou.t of v aruisb will serve - ANDT here was a young French doctor praotwmg son ; the form wastes away, the sk in becomes t k t he whole more t ransparent Thie on the oppoeit~ aide of t he bay, and ho pro· shiny, the fingers and toea, even the hands ~0';1~ i~ sold a.t from $3 to $15 by iti~erauts. P I ..A.~.OS:; nounced the daseaee curable, u.nd offered to and feet drop off, and a hollow cough sets in . I' r ["1!~ ch ange 1~ :inarante f~alary a.n~ .Expeu'Ae~0~:.~:_nt~~: _ · _ _ __ _ _ __ become t he resident physicla.n to prove the Another symp~am is a silvery appearance, - ,x Jt;i·« advn.nta11:ea t o beginner s. Stock comolet e, with fust-selllng sveclaUiea. B OWlllA.!iV!LLE, ,.., ON T tru th of his view, but h e was powerless as of q uicksilver, in the cr eases of th~ palms . · · · O'llJTFIT F~EE. l>Te g!li111·antee what we a.dver' vtse. Write U ll@Wl'I either to cure t he disease or p revent its of the han ds, aud a contraction of t he mu scles It i s rep?rted t hat Emp eror Wilham Ill· :EllltOli!., N11,..1ery1Uen, "R.oche·te r , N. Y . ('l'hls hou se la r eliab le.) appearance, between the t hump and forefinger, t bend~ to build a new palu.ce in Barlln · . OFFICE AT FACTORY. 11 ... ~7 CT? · ~auatliau Jtattsmau. SHUNNED BY EVERY ONE Infants I Chtldren. TOD BROS. General Dry Goods Giving up Business. ---o--- REGARDLESS OF COST. FA LL AND WINTER GOODS D u e B1 ·11s t a k en as C ash , -·- TOD ER,OS. DOORS, SASH, BLINDS, MOULDINGS, Dried. and other Factory "Work all Kiln EPPS'S COCOA AFull Stock always on hand. Call and Examine. McClellan Co., BOWMANVI LLE, sole agents in this locality for TRENTON, ONTARIO GILMOUR&CO. ----------·W--d -- 'S ; ALESMEN D. AVIS will be found in his old shop, next door aoor to Express Office, wper e he keeps C)nstantly on hand LARGE BOW-MANVILI--'E, & COMPLETE ASSORTM~NT A Gents' Ulothing Coarse and Fine THOS.· PEAT, Boots and Shoes Special attention given to Repairing. :J:>_ :I:>A ~·:i:s~ JAMES DEYMAN nle Domin ion Organs I I I Rubbers, Slippers, etc. Trunks, Valises, Satchels.

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