I ;;;~, . .d . .~i~ n,_fft!u~ l' . .111li ,_Jjm . :-,.;fli _lQl lt41\~·t'1M;ll! 1 1 ;ll i!lu~r11-j~--U· .·r.l J.l _llmll!!_lr. l .~~~-~~~~-T~-~E:;~~l~m~.!·-~lll~ll'l~~~ir~:t~::~o~=s;:e~:ci~:a.!~~~;=ri:~~l:~l;h:n~~l;:~:nii~i~;: ap~;:;~=i~b~::~·j·~ L£~~~M~A~M;..s~:~~~F:U~L!E:Y;~:~~-!·!!!·ll~~!!!!!!!-!!M~~U~R!!!!!!D!!!O!!!!C!!!!!!!H!!!!!!!!!!B!!!R~~O~T~!!H~E!!!.R~!!,~s!!!!!!!!!!!2!9!!1·· _ _ - thing for a rest less child t o break the thermometer with his t eeth 11.nd then swallow I t i,i a popula.r bdief, more or leBs loosely - -- -- ......, Dr. p 4,rkea, .an eminent English ea.nitaria.n, bits of glass. '.I'b.e pr:iper willy is to put the f?rmula ted, ~ha.t thern is something so t er , W lLJ.Nl:!'iSDAY, DEC. 4, )8S!). proved, yea.rs a.go, thi>li ~l:!e brea.thin? of tube in the axill.i. (or a.rm ph) holding it nble and 1118 Jastfo in the human eye that breath-poisoned air was one of the most there steadily for five minutea i>t least -if it ma.n has only to fix: his g~ z > on the most potent·oausea of consumption. The fa.cee of is not held! it. ;~my slip and so fail to register terrific' denizens of the forest to inapire persons who ha:ve for 6oma time Jived in -when it 1s withdrawn the marklnge:;houid t hem witti a.we, Numerous and some well b~dly ven t.ilat.ed quartets, with libtle out-of. be .noted and wri t ten down, the mercury authentic&ted instances are Oll r ecord of .door. exercise, indicate a weakened condition gently shaken back t o 95° the glass wiped unarmed men, who h11ove met t h ~. lion or t he of body;&nd a oonetJitutional faebleneas which and laid aside in a. convenien t, sale place, tiger in hia na.tive j 10glce, fi:red t hdr Eyes ;r1mderdhem unable to resist thti ericrcaoh· a.%1(1 on a piece of soft woolen smff which. on hie and comp···Jed him to 1urn t..il. m~m s of serious disea.ee of 'any type. , will keep lb from br11.king. Fever ther- T here le then scme fou:idatioa for the ' Recently, Dr; Brown:St quard/ the well· mo:metl~rs are quite expensive, costing a'.>ont popular belief, buv, if a man haviog ui:queaknown E'ren.ih phyaiolog1et, has m!l.de $3 . tor the eunplest form of any good tioued foitb in the awe-inspidnrc power d further reaearcbenn thb rnbj eot, the results me.kc ; they e.re Bllid to be self registering the human eye proposes to put iu to the of which are of great intereeu. We quote a -tih&t le the mercury remains to the highest t~st lin hisbown person, considerable disorep ..re.graph from e.n article iu the "London point to which the p.i.tient's heat has sent it, tion s to e recommended, not O!llY in the ·· L!l.ncet" referring to these interesting ex- ·until shaken bllck to the normal mllrk. In selection of hie beabt , but also in the eeltc· ::"--;3~~r.f.1.i!A'lfl · iPeriments·:', -o . · ' · , a good thermometer the normal m 81rk..,..98 tion of his looaliby. For example, he should ·· ··Dr. Brown SHJ.i1ard"has, devised an ap· 2 5 ° is placed & little above the bnlb and not ma.ke bis flrn Experim?n b with a. ram· p&ratue for condensing the vaporous p11.rt of tihe degrees above this are divided into five pagious bull in a ten acre inclosure, at any the .breath · of . &nimals, and he finds the -eometJimes· into ten-1 q u11.I parts, so th&t considerable dist11.nce from the fence, nor l q·1id BO obtained.to liepowerfu:Iy poisonous, the fever heat is measured by a fifth or would we st rongly recommend a trip to the e ·en when obt&ined from animals in a state tenth cf & degree instead of by a whole Rocky ~lonntalns wich the object of experiof healon. The liquid inj ected into the veins degree as in the ordin&ry instrument.. This men tin~ wioh a. full grown grizz'v, for both of sound animals produces much distress, delioa.to little thermomenter should never be bulls and, bears ere fighting animals and. from tb.e notion of bhe poison on the nerves roughly handled, even putting it into itu have the habh of meetini;: t heir foes face to and tne brain. Moreover; bhe nervous ap· c~se each time it is used is a risk, but, on face, parat ua of hrea.rhh!g is dlstur.bed In hs the otl:!er hand, it should never be used Tho mea.snre is suooessful only wi th the rhyth<11, the animal genera.Uy ta.king many unless it is sh&ken back below the norm&l ca.t family-liona, tigers, ebo,, and by no fe.vcr respirations than usual; tho surface of poi~t. , m.e&na to be relied upon wibb them. Hope HEALTHFUL EXERCISE, the body grows C()ld, &nd the pulse-rate is So o&lled fever sores, otherwhe known of suooess depends upon the fa.ob tha.tJ the Only a few months ago these romping, rosy.. quickened. Micro organisms do not exist lo a.a herpes, a.nd &s cold sores, a.ppe&r tre· mea1ber.e of .the o~t family are not to any c~1eeked lasses ~ere punyt-delicate, pale, sickly girls. Dy the aid of Dr. rierce's world-famed ·Xpired breath, and, besides, the liquid re- quently· on the lips, at the junction of the extent fightmg antm »ls; obey do not hunt in J<'avorite Prescription, they ·hnvc blossomed tnaine afber boiling, as poisonous as before. mucous membra.nes and tile skin. They P-'Cks and qu~rnil over bheir · prey; they out into beautlful, plump, hale, hearty, strong It is quite probable that a man excretes. co~mence a.a sm&ll vesioles, oontaiiling a. very rarely q riarrel with each other over the young women. "Fiworite Prescription" Is an invigorating from his lungs and skin· in · twenty· cleii.r fluid. This flllid afterward b!?conies females·~ mil.ting season, and in striking r e.storath·e tonic and as a regulator and p1·0~ four hours, more p()!Soll, though in thicker, until finally a crust is formed, their prey they never attack in front. It ia rooter of functional action at that critical a more diluted form, than & snake ma.nu· which fa.Ile off in from eight to four been days, & beautiful provision of nabure that the Hon, period. of chani;-e from girlhood to womanhood, 1t is ,a perfectly Bafe remedial 1igent, and fa.oturea in the ea.me time. Dr. Brown· &nd recovery is then complete. In some nhe tiger, tbe panther, the leopards and the can produc~'only good results. It is care- Sequa.rd aleo proves that this vitiated air Is persona these cold-sores recur a.g&in &nd whole family of Falidro a.r11 prompted by fully compounded, by nn experienced and specially harmful to consumptive p&tienta. again, and without any aBBi!lnable oauPe. irresiatible instinc~ to seize their prey from ski~lful phY'siciim.· and adapted to woman's Rabbits, which are notoriously prone to be- Soll}otimes tlhey appear during the course behind, springing on it wit h their whole delicate organization. Jt is purely vegetable In its composition and perfectly harmless in come congumptive, can throw off oonsump· of cert&in acute diseases, suoh a.1 malaria or weigM, closing tneir powerful j ~ws on the any condition of the dystcm. It Imparts ti.on or tuberculosis if the general health is pneµmonia. N() part of the body is tree neok of their victim and dialooatlnv lb with strength to the whole system. For over- maintained by proper food &nd fresh a.Ir, from the eruption of herpes, einoe, raiher one wrench, while their fierce claws pene· worked," worn-out," "run-down " debilitated ~nchcrs! miHiners, dreMmakers, Sean1stresses. whilst their fellows succumb if placed in curiously, it ia an affeobion due directly to trate the flooh and paralyse the muscular shop-g1rli1, housekeepers; nursing mothers, unhealthful surroundings," some disburbance iu the nerves of power. The filger pursues the same method anti foeble women generally Dr. Pierce's lb bas long been ' known th&t ;ia.rbonic the ' region, Any · nerve trunk m·v whether his prey le a full .grown buffalo or a Favorite.Prescription is the greatest earthly acid gas is nob the most deadly element of be & ffdcted, and thare will .then a.p· timid fawn. The slender dOf', with her boon, bemg uncqualod as an appetizing coi·dlal . n_n<l mstorntive tonic. It is the only the air, and that the deleterio11s properties pear along the course <if lbs branches crops fawn &t her heeln, goes into cover for her medl(pne for women, sold by druggists, under of breath-poisoned air &re due to &n organic .:,f yeeiolee simll&r to those meb with on the midday sieslla, and confronts the lurking a po1n?ive quarantu from the manufacturers poison. D1. Brown-Sequa.rd ha11 added im· lips, and accompanied, usually, by severe . tiger; she h!!?lte, stl\mp.g her foot 1tll(lende~· that 1t will give satisfaction in every cnse: or money will be refunrleil. This guarantee portllnt evidence respecting thll deadly , neuralgic pain11. Tb.e eruption is commonlv vors oo bonnce him ; the t iger, fixing hie hllS been faithfully carried out for nmuy yeurs. cha.ra.cter of this poison. It is this which met with directly &bove the eyee, on the eves on ber, crawls &little nearer; panlysed gives to the air of &n unventillllted sleeping ne. l)k, a.bout the bodv and on the limbs. · with terrvr, the poor baa.et is Incapable of Copyright, !SSS, by WORLD'S l>Is. MltD. ASs' N. room . the close, fusty odor which one Usually, when it ocoura upon the trunk it flight, nut, unable to nst&in the basiliak observes in entering auch a. room after a. passes ha.lf-wa.y round the body, from the glance any fonger, she turns as If to esea) night's occupancy. Io is lmporb&nt that spinal column forward, in the form of a h&lf· retreat. At th&t inst&ut the tiger springs OFFERED by the manufactur- every one should know ' that ot the two girdle, and in that case constitutes what is grasps her neck in hie vise-like jaws and th~ ers of Dr. Sage's Catarrh Remedy, for an breaths,-tbe one which we bre&the in, &nd known as "shingles." If the v011ioles form victim dies without a pang. incurable caae of Catarrh in the Head. the one which we brea.bhe out,-the one is wibhin t he mouth .their upper enrfa.ce is life giving, the other death-dealing. A quickly worn &w&y, and small, nloer&ted· candle will not burn in expired a.Ir, &nd sur,faoes remain, producing the so·oalled How to Be Attractive. a.nimals quickly die in such &Ir. E~oh "o~nker sores." trhe different va.rieties of T he world of woDJen, ea.ya "S~lene" in the breath sent out from the longs is la.den with herpes &re genera:lly classed as ~epa.ra.te dis· a. deadly poison, which viliates the surround· eases, and yet tl:!ere is evidently some Bi\ltlmore American, pays too muon heed to lug a.Ir, and unless removed by ventilation, relationship among them all. Her- ins, looking-glass-the mere phystoa.l beauty w11l soon render it so poieoilous as to pea is not contagious, &nd the is g azed upon and thought of to t he negleof engender disease. Every breath p()lsons no~ the, form whioh follows the course of of all else, beoa.uae there is a popular ballet leas t han two cubic feet ofair, and renders n~i:ve distribution rarely returns In the 3floa.n that only beautiful women are attrac ib udib to breathe 11.ga.in. trhis oreatee a same Individual. Perhaps it may yet bo tive. Women who a.re plain b eyond all nec.e aaity , fol' the . ·supply of , ·a.n equal proven that thla is one ohhe diaeasea caused possibility of ever becoming handsome still amount of fresh air, llo rq1laoa the contami· by a specific gei:m, bub ab present the question devote their time to their p ersonal &dormant na.ted air, or rather, to duute ib to such a must remain in doubt. StntJe it is a limited under the impression t han by 110 doing ohe; degree that its viruler>cy will be lost. [rhis disease, 17etting well of · itself, gener&lly will become better looking and more charm oe.n only be 11-ccompllshed in human dwel· within two weeks, there is little to be done ing, when In reality if t hey would t urn t heir lings by means of some system~ b lc scheme exoepb to relieve the diS'\l(reea.ble aensa.tione bl\cks upon their mirrors they might indeed ,lor ventilation. · prcduced by the preeen Je of the eruption. for outshine the bsautHul womeu around j The prinoiples of proper ventilation .are If the cruet which has formed ia removed them. If t hey would devote the time they few and simple. The foll11"Vting _ ,UQ;ge4tions too early a.n ulcerated surface le left, &nd !low waste in ya.in endeavors for physical will sllffice fur those who really desire oo ae, recovery is delayed. Fer protecting the pa.rte improvement co cultivating their minds cure a suffiaient supply of that most assen- from irrib&tion, vasellne, or simple salves, improving their manners Mid oonversation: tfal of a.11 the neoesaaries of life :·- . . afford considerable relief, No method of they would find, like the malde11 of the fairy the .mirror wa.. s "1.-deluslon and a. y :, 1. l'covide two openings for each room shortenlnii: the oourse of the affeotivn is know tale, tha~ 11 .,, (in &ddition to doors and windows), -an in· &nd those ca.see which &re suppoaed to h&ve sn9ire. The most attractive women in s?oiety to. leta.ndanoutlet. been cub short by some special mode of 2 The s1ze of these openings for each treatment were proba.bly not typical oases of day are not the acknowledged beauties in ronm must ,depend on the number of pers:ma the disease, bub underwent a spontaneous many ineta.nces. Often we see the homeliest girl in au assemblage t he recipient of the to occupy the room. Allow fony equare cure. most f~v?rs, because of he1· bright m&nners, PURES~ STRONGEST, 8EST inohesofgrateeurfaoefor one person, and 1 her brdha nil conversation or her keen wit. thirty more for ea.oh r.ddltlona.l person, ' A Great Argument AJ(ainst Corsets. Such a one reigns supreme when the insipid CONTAINS NO 3 Place ooth openings at the fhor; the In ?rder to ascert:1.i~ the influence of tight beauty of the sea.eon is no loDgor admired, Alum, Ammonia, Lime, Phosphates,) inlet, w'-ere convenient; the outlev beneath OR ANY INJURIOUS SUBSTANCE. ··{ n window. or at the part of the room which oloth1ng upon the aotton of the heart during Beauty lb of Itself at tractive; it pleasee the exercise, &dczsn young women consented, a eye and charms the beholder for &while, but E.W. GILLETT, TonoNToo~:'oo, ILL. requires the most heat. MAtlUFACTURER OF 4. Connect the outlet by a duct of rqual short time since, to run 540 yarda in their beauty a.lone will not make a woman popula.r. 'Vomen &.re much like fl owers ; the ones mE CELEBRATED ROYAL YEAST CAKES. capacity, with an upright venbilating sh&ft. loose gymnasium garments, and then to run Cf In an outside wall, this eta.ft must ba tbe same distance wit ll corset s on. The thu.t he.vo beaut y and mind, well cultlvateii, hea.ted ; if an inside wall, no hea.t is needed, running time wa.a two minutes and thirty are like the flo~ers with b eau ty and fra . except in case it is of sma.iler u.rea. ~han re- seconda for each person at e&ch trial, and in gra.nce-thfy are n6ver-endini;i sources ot quired, so that an extra strong dr&fb is order that there should be n() cardiac e:x delight!. Oihers are fair t o look upon, but needed. The area of a cross-secuion of the citement or depreseion following the first & cloeo inspection discovers a thorn. The sha.ft must be equa.i to th.i combined areas test, the second trial was made the following third kind a.re like t he homely wall flower of.all the outlets which a.Te connected with day. Before beginning the running, the neither handsome or graceful, but> S() full of average heart impulse was eighty.four beats sweetness that to be near them is joy inexit. !!. The a.lr-!apply mueb be heated, either to the minute ; &fter running the above pressible. So many girls, who are brougnt bcfore it enters the room, or by means of n!l.mod distance the heart impulse was up with the kno~leclge tha.D they are gifted some form <.f hoatiDg so placed as to warm 152 l>o'l.ts to the minntJe; the average with forms and faces of unusual ' loveliness, natural waist girth being twenty-five depend boo much. upon these adnnta11:es for the air as soon a.a it enters the room, 6. The ventilating shah must be couatrucb· inches. The next day corsets were their suooesa in life. They never re&llza the ed ex;i,otly like a chimney, in order to eeoure worn during the exerciees, and the neceasiby of &pplying themselves to the ao· "'good draft. It must extend well above aver&go girtih of waist was reduced to qnialtion of knowledge; they grow to wo. the roof, must be smooth inside, 11,nd pro- twenty·four Inches. Tb.e same dietanoe was manhood with meagre educations, no ao· run in the same time by all, and immediate- oompliahmenta, and & muoh exagger&ted Wl1~r1 I say Cumn I do not m"an merely to tected a.t the l:lop from down currents. stop them for a time, and t hen hav<J them return ly afterward the average pulse wa.e found opinion of their oba.r ms. ~l:he resulb ls that 7. When all the rooms of a house oomagain. I M EAN A 1iADICAL (.)URE. to be 168 beats to th.e minute. When we they enj oy only for a brief time the prestilile munioa.te with & O()mmon hall, the fresh idr· I have made the <lisease of ~apply of a.11 may be produced into tho hall, state th3.t a.uy physician would ieel himself for which t hey a.re so ambitious, FITS, EPILEPSY or Some of the pla.inoet women I ever knew provided that a register opening la made in justified in advising an athlete whofe· heart or over ea.oh door leadiIJg from the hall lmpul.De was 160 beats every minute after & were the gre&teet hvorites. Their presence FALLING SICKNESS A.life ton~ study. I WARRANT my remedy to ~o &djoining rooms. It is beat, how little exercise, not to enter a running or in a room was t he signal for good-humored CuREtlle· <l'.irstcases. Becauseothcrs lmvcfulled ever, that each room should hive a ae- rowing race, even t hough there :were not enjoyment. Time never fi ~gged when they is uo rc:1 sdi1 for uot now receiving a cure. Send par&te outlet and & separate ducb lead· the slightest evidence of diee&se, one oa.n were of the pa.rtv. Tho la.ck of mere facial at once for a treatise and a FnRE B OTTI,E of my JNl' ALLIBLll R :a:i\rnDY. Give I~xpress a.nd Post il!g upward' from it. For an ordinary form some idea of the wear and tear of this symmetry was forgotten when under the ()fiice. It costs you nothing for a. trial, and It dwelling, the ducts of roome en the importllnt organ, and the phyeiologioa.l loss spell of their genial influence. It is not nn will cure \'OU, Address: H. G. ROOTJ. M.O., s&mo side of the building may ba J' olned to a eno&iled upon tha system, in those women usua.l to see a handsome man wedded to a Dranch bfftca, 164 West.Ade.le.ide r:itreet, ~·oronto. common upright shafo, bub only as regards who force it to labor for over half their lives homely wom'l.n. We have all heard, and, under auob &disadva.nts.ge at the tight norseb perhaps, made the remi.rk, "Why, what dtd 1wlEl:!!Dl!lflmuwm:i1ri14m:i:.0111a·l:!l·tllWBRriii!lllklll'"ii;J f11·111u;mum ·Mlllllllllalllilillwm room~ on the same floor. Rooms on diffor· such a. good-looking man ever see in that ent stories mWlt not communic&te with the i~poses, woman t o love ?" We are thinking of only upright aha.ft. Thie is a.n error very often t he out ward appearance, when, in t ruth, the committed, and is one which is capable of Not Plide, but Caution. character of suoh 11 wom&n may b9 so lovely doing great mischief, on account of the Im· "Swe st Girl-" M other, Mr, Nioefellow and attractive to those who know her thab mineno danger that at least one or two more rooma thus related will obtain its air·supply is coming to ~ke me out riding this after· none would have her different if they could. no. o n. 1 m&y go, m!\yn'b I ?" lb is a. great pity when a girl allows herself through the foul &ir outlet of another. Mother- " If he drives up with a sp1 .n of to grow discontented and unha.ppy a.bout spir ited horses ~ ou cim g(), but if he comes her looks. When t his is the ce.se io is time 'l'he Use ofCoffee. wibh th1't hroken·d<Jwn old nag he had last for her t o heed t he fah-y's warning and shun lb le a.sserted by men of high profe~sion&! time you sha'n' t." the mirr<>r by think ing less of appea.rancee ability th.a t when the system needs it imulant "Why, mother, I didn' t suppose you and more of other things. nothing equals a cup of freah coffee. ThoBe would ever have such fo()lish pride." . who desire to secure the drunkard from his "My dear, a young man who comes with CDOK~S It is proposed to ostablish direct eteameupa wlll find no better su\>st itute for spirits a. pair of spirited borses expects t o drive sbip communication between Arbroath &nd than strong, new-made coffee without milk with both h11nds, " L ondon. ·.:\ or sugar. [rwo ounces of coffe-e, or onseigtb of a pound, to one pint of boiling water Doesn't Sm Her Enough. Some interesting e:xperimentll were cal'· makes a first class beverage, but t he water muar be boiling, not merely bot. Bitterness "Well, Tom, doyou ever write to your ried ouo a short time ago ab Aberdare South W alee, to test t he praotioability of comes from boiling it two long. If the fiancee?" "0l', yea three times a week. I only see fi ring dynamite shells from Grdiuarv ce.nncn, coffee required for bre..kfaat ba put in a gru.nitized kettle oV"er night and a. pint of her on Monday, Wednesday, Friday, and The gun used w&s &6·1nch nfle-b&rrelled breechloading one, and t he sh elln were 92 cold water poured over, it can be heated to Sunday." pounds. weiithb, the ;a ctual charge of dyna· jusb the boiling point and then set ba.;:ik to mite being 10 pounds. T ho t & rgeb was strong· prevent furth e1 ebullition, w hen it will be Hard Rubbin~. ly constructed of steel ship at·moUfed plates found that, while the strength is extracted, First Sfove PoliRh.,...How'e business? 5 inches in thickness, wit h a very subeta.n. its delicat e aroma is preserved. As our Sacond Stove Polish-Brightening up. th.I backing of stout oak . The shellwmpletecountry consumes nearly ten pounds of coffee Unlock!! nll the cloggeil avenues of the per capit a it is a pity not to have it made in ly demolished the etruct ure, te&ring away Bowels, Kidneys and Liver, carrying the beat ma.nner, It ie asaerted by those ~he pl&tes in a most a:enat>tional manner. With a Mora.I. «>ff gradually without weakening the sys. who bu.ve tried it that malaria and epidemics R.:iv. Mr. Murdoch, Free Church. Ayr, tern, all the impurities a nd foul humors A b eavy r ain was falling and the street avoided by those who drink a cup of hot car was crowded. A sweet young girl en· in the Murse of a recent sermon, took ooo&· \Of the seoretions; at the same time COl"· are before venturin~ into the morniug a.ir. siou to refer to slanders which, he alleged, recting Acidity of the Stomach, oofl:ee Burned on hot coals it is a diainfcct&nt for a tered and glanced timidly around. " T&ke my se~t, miss," exclaimed the some of his congregation a.nd cffice·be?1.rers curing Biliousness, Dyspepsia. 11ick room. By some of our best physicians hollow.eyed consumptive near the dOl)r see- were circulating a.bouu him. He said th&t Headaches", Dizziness, Heartburn, ing that the burly, beef.fed man sitting next men who could outwardly a.ct towards him Constipation, Deyness of tlle Skin, it is considered a specific In typhoid fever. a.a friends and sit under hia ro ini.lltra.tions, to him did not offar t o rise. Drops · Dimness of Vision, Jaunwhtle at the same time they wore sla.ndering The Dome&tic Doctor. "Thank you, sir," she replied. diefl, · lt Rheum, Erysipelas, ScroAn lmpo.-ta.nt part in the sick room is fula, ' uttering of the Heart, Ner·. And than sweet y oung gir l with dripping hie ohara.ot er, wer e no better than whhened wery p;osaamer ea.11 down by the ~ids of the burly seplcuhres, and he warned them tba.t if the vousness, and General Debility ; all played by th., fever thermomet er, and 1 these and many other similar Com:eJ[),ints nurse should have one-every mother should individual &nd drenched him wfoh cold rain slanders w~re cc.n tinuod, ho 'I\ ould no longer ,yfold to the happy influence of BURDOCK know bow to u~e it-for it is really very water till he could feel his spinal cc>lumn a.ct t he part <if a minist er to them, buo 11imple. And just here I must protest growing shorter, while the hollow-eyed con- assert his right &s a private g entleman. BLOOD BITTERS. &gainet the unwise fashion of taking the su~ptive h.u~g on to a strap, dry and h.i.ppy. While they might oritioiae his sermons as , . '/?OT Salo by a.ii J)catM's. they liked, he would not snbmit to hie temperlllture by placing the tube in the Politeness as its own reward. oha.r&oter befog a11&iled, ~.MILBURlf · · · "· ·T · p· ·· h . he ofaon of t e Breath. c bI na HaII · · ' · I ' . B o WMANVIL · · · · L·E , · ·. ' ' Headquarters in West Purham for FINE Dinner and Tea Sets, Chinaware, · Glassware, Crockery, Hall, .Parlor and Hand Lamps, Fancy Cups, Saucers, Vases, OUR FAMILY Water and Lemonade Sets, etc~ CROCERY & PRUVISION DEPARTMENT Is always well supplied with the _ very best goods at lowest prices. $fJ.0 0 CREAM PD c. · · ' M ' .~ ' Kl . WDER H~ Pfil~Es Fii~ f~RM P~ouc~ Leading Seedsmen in the district. Always pleased to show goods. Inspection solicitedr MURDOCH BROS. Vic1 oria Buildings,~Bowmanvilie. 26 HAINES' CARRIAGE 'WORKS' GEORGE 0. HAINES, Proprietor, --MANUFACTU RER O F - - OARRIACES, SLEIGHS, GUTTERS, WAGONS, & KIN G STREET, BOWMANVILl E aow on hand a n umber or vehlclee Ce.nd !a ma nura.cturlng a g~oat m&nf mor pa t terns and best tlnteh, which I am offering !or sale a t the lowe.et prices oone · with due reaard to w orkman ship and quality. '.l'he tollow1ngis a Hat o the principal vehicles manufactured b y me Double Covered C:i.rrlages. . .. .......... ........... ...................... .....$150 Upwardr· [I Single Phi:et ons ...... .................................. . .......................... 10fl 11 · Open I CURE FITS l Skeleton ...···.··.....·......··...·.....·.... , ........... ~········ ·.··.·····.·...··· 50 Buggy................................................ ............. ....... 70 go D emocrat Wagon................................................................ 6& Lumber Wagons ··········.······. ············.··.······...······. ·. ·······.. ~ ··· , 55 Light Wagon...................................................................... 40 Express Wagon.................................................................. i5 Top Buggy..·...············..·.. , ..···. ..·······...···....·····.··...····.·..···. Sulky............................................................................... 4CJ ._ l?oe11esslng 11uperlor faolliUes for manuf&ctu rlng carriages, I Intend t o sell very oh t ', or approved orodit, and by so doing I hope to gro&tly Increase my number of sal eapWor .1 011 sell the wood parts only, or the geai:Jngs ot buggles· lroned, es. All Kinds of Vehicles Repaired At the Shortest Notice, Pain ted and Trimmed If D esired. A.t l;he Factory I also do P laning, Matching, Turning and Sawing with Circle Band S&WS, and. prepare all kinda of lumber tor o&rpenters nd others for building purpD1191!Jo Orna.mentaland Plain Picket s for tenoes in ovary style reonired. ma..d e to order. · HEALTH FOR ALL! DUNN)VS THE BAKIN THE PO BEST f.RIEND DER Purify the Blood, correct all Disorders of the LIVER, STOMACH, KIDNEYS AND BOWEJ...8·. Tn~' invigora.ta a.ncl ra:1tne to h ~ cill; b J)ebllitated Consti t utions at'e lo.v~luab1e In \\\I )U >ll\!11 \ a fn 3\de11 ta .J .. emalell of all Ages. Ohlldren and the a ged they are prloeleH, P I LLS 0 a F ,' THE and Ulce r s. J. OINTMEN'I'I For d!11ordera o( t" THE KEY _lO HEALTH. ..,-nadv for Ba. d Lag s, Bid Breasts, Old Wounds Sri"fa famo u~ for Gout and Rheumatfam. -Chest It h as no equal. - For Sore Throats, Bronchitis,. Voughs, Colds, G!Ji.ndula.r Swellings, and all Skin D isoases it has no rival · a oont raoted and s tiff j oints it acta like a oha:rm. ' MBnufaotured only at THOMAS HoLLOWAY'sEstabllshment, 7R, w '-'\':-' O.XFOP,Y:) '.'..?REET, (late f.133, OXFORD STP.B.S:'.l'), LONDOJf And a. eau ..J at 1.11. ljd., Ila. 9d,, 4~ . 6i., lla., 2lb., and ss ~~ each Box 011 p lll-'Y be h \\1 fruJl o1 \LM:1dlolne Veud-l rs throngboatth'l World . tar Purch&sers should look to the l&bel on the Pots and:Bcxes, 52 If the addreesWs not fl!. Two Consultations. Customer. " Is Rubnose's Rheumatic Rsmedy good for acute rheumatism t he result of a cold ? " Dtug Olerk. " I - I don' t know, I'll see," (Whispers to propriet or ) " Rllve we Ru b· nose's Rheumatic R emedy ? " Proprietor. "No ; only Bu!lfinche's." Olerk (to customer). "No; not half 110 good ae Bullfinobe's," &co.· Pronrietors. Toronto. The sewage set tling basin a.t t he diep oe&i works of t he city of Southampton E ng which has a capacity of abou b 811 OCO oubi·~ feet , ha.11 been divided int o t wo p~rts t hus. ene.bling a ?ont inuous treatment , om; bruiin. b1eing empt~ed while the other is filling. fhe precipit ated matter is led, t hrough plprs, to a mixing chamber, where it is mixed ".."It h the strPet sweepings by means of rnachanery, and is finally sold as fertilir;lng "llateria.I. frhe city'~ g&rb&ge is burnt in what Is known &s & "destructor." - - - -- ------