~!!~!!!'!~~!!~~!!~~~~~ -'_!.~/MWlf!!\ ~~--· ___: -~~ --"£._e==z::a ___·_ a _±."_!A'!_ID _l'l_,&~ - _ __ . ___ W**?E£_ ... . JOHN SPENCER, P v.houo, some So si,h American - I coins wcro found , a ring, a, sa.ilur's kn ifo, and F.<1.sHION NOTES , Jit is Sa i d t o b e Wortlt $:lg,001t,(}OO un·l to be a piece of b o!!.rd, into w hich hi«"! been burn· Some· aLylish gowus :l.re now cu t p rinceaGo ~m OU < J or tile Jtl!trfa1m e 1nu11t1s. ed tho le~ters E l Ci, undoub tu.!ly a p ortion fi\5hion, or 111re g~ven the v.p E'.earance of being Information ha.a come to lighb ehm. ing o! the word a El Ciu d11od, t h e n u.nle of the brig i,nst~nce, a grey t\11.t v.n ex pedition is being Equipped in San in which Sornere fl.ad with i;he ~reasure. I entir ely in one piece 1>.s, cloth costume trimmed wi th l ere1.anh\_:nb >ind Ftimoisoo harbor t o go in st>arch of the Grumbling a.mong t he over wor ked sa.llo1·s intended for ctreetl wear and akatmg, ts made 1u co.eures ea.id t o be burioil on the Ma.ria.nne and a. .s carcity of p rovisions comp elled t he on a aa.rceDet foun dation. '£ he bodice fo Islv. ~ds, In the yen.r 1823, during t he dark Oapt ains to abannou t he search. hook ed a.v the back, a nd the hack~, t o11ether. da.ya of the terrible revolution in P eru ln J <lnu a.ry, 1886, the British schooner with t h e p lea.t ed mnterfa.l, a.re cu t in one, a nu mber of the wea.lthicsh residen ts of Lim~ Nerbi d e!l.iled from Yokob.'l.ma. as far aa with the frouo d rao.iry covered p a.rt way met t he leadino fathers of t he Churcll atl a Guan, a smo.11 island in the Ma,ria.nno group, with fur, anj under:i:e~oh w~bh b ius ~and~. mon!\Gtery ~., d~vlae a pla.n whereby eome of in setAroh of the treasure, :the vessel wa s These ba.nda are about t wo m cheo .v1de 1n t heir wca.lbh migh b be ao.ved. ~he brig E l never heard of afterward, an:l is supposed Have removed to t heir new store, just across the street from their old' front .a.nd a rranged ab ova each _ ot her over Ciuda.d, lying iu the hn.rbor, was b oughti. t o have p srished i n the terrible typhoon stand, an_d by calling on them, you will be convinced that the Mighty the differ ent ~art11 _of ~he foun~.a t1on, where During the night and under the guise of tiha.t s wept that coast shortly af terward. they can b e oh pped w1dor or o. oser toget her mercha.ndise the ·DreasureAwere ha.stily con- Two expadHions have sailed from L ima., Dollar will bu y as much Sugar, Tea and all kinds of Grocexies as well aooording to the styl~ of the. figure. The veved on boa.rd, It is said her c argo amount· i nplyiog a conudence in the confession as all .kinds of Fresh and Cured Meats, in thQir i:ihop, a s at a~y other drapery bre11odth, cut m one w1hh the backs, e<l to over ~30 000 000 in coin and melted of vhe murdered cabin boy. One of them store m the town. They buy solely for Cash, and calculate to give: ie pleated under and j oined to the front plu.te besides 'an 'inestimll.b!e amount of was wrecked on a coral reef, and the other t heir cust omers t he benefit of it. dra.pery, caught np at the aides, and seY"n j ,,., 0]~, · returned unenccessful. Speculat ors t ook o!l to the bodioe at the upper edge, turning U n luckily for the ownerP, W inton SomerP, up .t he schema and worked for some time the lat~er under. · · an a d venturous Englishmnn , serving as a to hav e the G overnment ba.ok them in a.n Fi\ulnona.ble .bod10ea a.re becoming more Lkutemmt i u nhe .Peruvian n avy, ]earned of expedition. b'or a time i b looked as if t heir loose and _easv m efi".:ct, and the ta.~te for the whole ph n through a. maid In the service o bj ect wou l:i be 11.ttained, bat a new ad"'VETERINARY SURGEON, Greek a.nd Roms.n features in dress 1e con· of 11 wife of a millionaire with whom he wa& miaistra.tion cominia: int o power ruined their BO\.VNIANVILLE, O.N'l'. stantly increasing. In rtlalit y _tbe bodices oarrvlng on a, little love aff:.lr. He soon hopes. Thompson is in SJ.n Francisco, old are glove-fi tting. but the n1>ghge a.rrange· Kucetmded in gii.lniug t he ~ervices o·! a band and p enniless. For a long t lma he tried to menu ~f draperv quite ~onc~ale this fact, of kindred splritF, who were rAady for a.ay interest O'l-p!ta.lists in hia story, but wi thout I.. G, JllclHBBON, ltt. D. C. M, llf.tC. l'. S, 1 1e ~ passion for plll.lds s!11o~ t ho Duch- pbn that promised for tune. Oa the night result. Since the report of the fitt ing out HYSICIAN, SURGEON, AND AC Tnere ~B of Fife's marriage. !'lam Jersey3 a.re before t he sailing of t he veeeel t hey wa.yla.id of uh e expedit ion has got abroa.d Thompson COUCHEUR. Late <'f the firm S~ewart .& McKibbon.Teeawater. Office and residence decid~dly. pretty when worn a.t>ovc Eoms a p a.rty t11iking uhe la&t of the j ewels aboard. has diea.ppeared. Thoae in hie old hannte ta.rtan uktrtP., A good mrAny pGople weu Th1i bearers were killed, anu two of the who are familiar wibh his ha.bits are oonPresbyterian Manse, Blo.okstoc~. ph~td bodices also, bntl one sllould be very heaviest oaskete mmed over to the koo},'ling fiie!1t that be is now being kept in secl~ion In fact, y ou can get the Cash for all kin4s of marketable produce. cureful in tbie mo.tter, as plaids are not be- of the maicl, who promised to meet Somere until the story of t he treasures on Marianne DltS, IULLIEJt .& t,,UUHMA~. comiug to the ordinary figuie, Of course a. in a foreign lane'!, Boate were manned, the Island ha.a been tested. HYSICIANS, SUR : E (.)NS, ETC ~Do not forget the stand-The West Store in the White Brick Office :-Cor. Church an1 '1'empe!"'!1ce good deal depends on the dressma.ker. S b.e pirates bca.tded the brig and killed the Sts. Night calls attended from Dr . .l:lilhf',ra c111n modify tne lha.rp lines of a plaided waiet guards. ['hey threw oub t he pl"Oper aigna.lr, Block, directly opposit e their old stand. A call solicited and patronWOLF RUN I"l!fo IN LAPLAND. residence. by she.ping the blocltd dig,gona.lly, the slant- which Somere, a,s an offi cer in the Peruvian age thankfully received. S, C. HILT.YER, M. D. on Snowohoes alter the B LA:M'.){IMANJ M. D. C. M. Trin. Univ. ing, curving lines taking awa.y all .the wood - navy, was acquainted witb, picked their way The SwU't Uhase Wily AnhualS. en look of anch a garment. Above t\ll, ladies, among the gue.rding ships, i!.nd struck out · .l!'ellow or Trin, Med. College, Member Coll, Phys. Surg., ont. Mr. Seton·Karr, in a book of trnels in do not have plaided sleevee. They are boldly into the Paoifio. Aftel' some discushideous, Wear large velvetfsleeves anJi vel- siou, a.nd more disputing, the pirates ma.de L\pland, la.bely published in England, ~Ives vet yoke too, with a plaided bodice. No for nhe Marianne Islands and burled the this account of a. wolf hunt: "Tile toreste D llf!Jrll SIMP!lllN', WONDE.!:U'UL TUNNELS. n ear t he Arotfo circle and in the vicinity of TOR E AND DWELLI NG FOR .iUlRISTlll t, SOLJCITOR, &!?. MOJ>RIS wome·- ' cou ld look pretty with those huge treasure. A course was then shaped for Honolulu. the Rlf and Lof Fields, where I fell in ~1inh BJ O<'B', upataire, King Street, Bowman- hlocke on hor arms. SALE.- Thut flue new store and resiVll . Bclicitor for th11 Ontari Ba.nk A pretty aka.Ung dress cnuld be made of Before reaching the port however the old a. la.rile band of L~pps and rein:leer, are often Oae Cut oa the Plan or a Cftrkscrew, Others q,ence. elei:a.n tly titted for l\'[ercbao t 'J'a il or 01"' E e.noy Dry Goode now occu pied by Mr. .Tollu a. plain shC1rt sk!rn of the Victioria tarMJ.n, diaputee sprang up abo~t a. diviei~n of the the scenes of wolf hunts during the winter. l'rlvate !lloaevs lo&ned 'at)the lowestjrates. St raigllt and 1ong. WM. H. I vES, Bowma nville... · sli!~lltly lifted ID a puff on the left hip, s~oHs and the method of disposing of them. The presence of wolves near herds of deer On the St Gothard railway, not fadrom ia always a. source of anxiety to the owngrs, showing 2~ plain skirt of d.1.t.rk poppy ~ed '.rhe crew quickly divided into two fa.ctio?B, .John Keith GalbraUh, velv:et ~enea.th, yoke, and w1d_e sleeves, with One night one side attempted to extermm· a.s their moat dangerous enemies, cre&ting the famous long I unnel, t here is a remi.rkable .A.RRJS'l'ER OLICJTOR, NOTARY tunnel on the plan of a oorkecrew. In th e ;>UBJ,JC, llz;o. Ofilce-Bnummll's Block, a. frnu a girdle of heavy silk and wool ate the other. SomerP, three offi cers, and great hu.voo ab times among the herds b tt· descent of t lie mountain it w1 u found impoB· lrnotl!ed loosely a t the waist. The colors of a. cabin boy soon found themselves p~uned longing bo the mountain Lapps.: One wolt, ~ Stre&t, D~~i!nvi~~· Mo_ney~lend, eible ·o lrAy out a, aa'fe inclipe on a, straight \;;! B. CHANDLElt, N 9we&Bth, oifeechey a ssert, ~ll.n kill In one nij!'ht as many as t he 'lirdle s aould match theslei;vea and yoke, in the ca.bin, the others of tlleir party havV· oy prn ate sale , or willexcnan1 wwr farm DUS, JllcL..t..llGDLIN' & BEITH, thirty r eindeer, while a b:i.nd of wolves can line or ordinary curve, and t be engineers gob proper~J. A. pretty tcque witll a. s oftly folded p o·ppy log beon all of his property In Newcastle, make a, rioh L ·pp poor. The ala.rm being over the d dJiJulty by driving a tunnel w hich consl1 t1ug of Sto1·ea, Houses and Lot s and velvet crown, pier~d with Iar11e pearl p ins, Ol'll'JOE :-MORRIS' BLUOK, tlOWMANVILLJD. K ILLE D .<l.JS D P ITOHED OVERBOARD. the mountain high on t h e aide, describ· V8l11ablo Orchar d, t he homestead bein~ ono Dr.J.W.MoL.tuGnJ.IN. Dr. A. Bi:ITH. Gradu would make up a piquanta, lovely coatume. The victors ce le ~m·ted tne evenD m a wild given of wolf traoks or wolves being seen in enters the most complete in t he county. 'l.'orms· There is a.n agita.tion on foot in England any direotion within reach of the La.pp'e ing a, circle th rough the solid r ook, constantly of licentia.te of t.110 Royal ate of the Toronto easy. ~lltt · oray. The four mtn iu the cabin took Ccllege of Physicians Uulvereity Phytlicla.n ·o do away with the h eavy mourning t hat arlva.nt a.ge of their condition, fought ~ camp, the swiftest runners :m snowshoes de. cending as it doee av, re:r.ppeare under IUld member of the · hae so long been onstomuy for us to wear prepare for an exciting chase. itrnlf on t he mount ain side some distance F ARM FO R S AL E . -75 acre s of Iot Rora! Collc1re of Sur- Surgeon, &:c. 35. con . ~. Da.rlin!l'ton, on the 'l 'own Linn· on the death of a near and dear one. W ell cl Jl\r pi.aaago to one of the b oo.ts, provisior.· " Wi~h the ewiftnees of the wind this below, then dives into t he rnck, ago.in cirolee seoos, Edinburgh. until it a.gain emer ges t wo and .°' hair mile~ from Osha\,.a. Well tho " luxury of woe" is the tender homage ed it, and put off, after fi rs t setting fire t o prooeaeion of short men, in fur or blue coats and sinks .as i t circles If feaced ll'1th ceda r rails. 8plendid orchard. d t hat one offers at the shrine of buried trel!.· the Bhip. While on t be ocean in despera.te and sugar loaf ehaped hil.te, rush through. into d 11oyl 1ght un er ibae , when the line ll'OOd f rame house, two barns.saablee, carriage DK· .J. (), HIT()IJELJ.. surss, and i o will t ake much t:i.lkiug and s traits a small cuk of whiskey oaueed a the wood and daro like an arrow down steep reeumte Its course down hill ina more fomilia.r hoU1e and o~her ou 1bul ldill.lle. t wo good wells EMBER OF COLLEGE OF. PHYSlCI.ANS many examples before we dKsca.rd w hat Is fight between two of the lffioers, One was hills and through thickets, or jump down way, ha.~d. water ; ,.ho47 a.cree on lot 27 3rd cun., ,.na Sur11:eons, Ontario, Coroner, eto. · . IMrh ngton. ha.Ir w ay bet ween Oehawa. and Th klng of °' t unnf 1 Ilk e t h IS really an outgrowth of the purest and killed outright. The othei:, badly wounded, ledges several yards in height. E very one OffiJe and Hesidence, 1£nnleldllen. 7'. . _ e ma. ! S as Bowmanvllle In a good nta te of oultiv...tion;· deepest f13elinge. When tho era.die ia waH ~ oon after sa.crifioed to save the ra.pidly is making en{>reme effort to be in front, far strikrng ..n exa.mplo of engineering ak11\ as Holoaginri; t o the eslate of tho la.to W illla;m. only to the striker of the first blow does the the wodd can show, and very many ak1l l.ful H ancock. For parti cular~. etc .. appl v t o A. empty, and tho clatter <>f little foet and diminishing p rovialon. JIU. E. (', \Ufll411H\l .l. A o Honolulu, SJm<>rs, Pedro R 1vPlo, and wolf belong, and to him apper tains all or things have been done by our railway 1 ' V . R;. HAN COCK. GI Lake V iew Ave., Toronta,. prattle of sweet shrill voices is forever tha ca.bin boy represented themselves as nhe ICENTIATE OF IWY.!.L COLLEGE stiiled, t he poor mo,;her-b.ear b wa.ntR to o_ t_ . - - ,,..- - - - -- - - - -- - - -mosb of the honor. T he lea.ding L\pp is makers. T he artl of tunneling is an old oas , I _o_ of. Phyeicians, London, l!:ng.;Member pr sh.ow to t he w01·ld how dear hor darling was am·vivors of a shipwreck. Their story soon cloEe upon his deadly fo e, and he deals but it nev11r attained such perfection a.s j F OR SALE . - 130 Colleii:e or Phy~icians .. nn Surgeons. Ontario. touched t.he sympathy of a merchant, who t" i · i~ b d · acres, com... , poeod of eouih pa.r~ ot J,ot No. 19 Broken· SuRGrm Y .11ND R :n:srnENCE:-H eai· of Mt:e!ll"s to her, a.nd it b h1wd t o bh\me h()r. Now, providtid them with pt\ee1>s t-o S!!.n Franciao. io a. heavy blow eoross the loins with his d IB -mgu ~oes , 0 · a.y. str(lng, spiked sn(/wshoe staff, sllffi iient however, phyeioiana step in au d tell ua There 1s a wonderful tunnel at Chicago, Eront. u d ie throe m llos from tho lrown at lligginbotha.m.'e Dmg Store, Bowmanville,* 6-lyr. h e Bowmanville. '£ his is ont1 of the boat fa.rms fn th!!ot crape canno o b e too strongly oondeir.n · S::imf>tb'· firs t bnsineea "111Ss no t ry t o gob poo- merely ,to disable it, unless there a.re other d riven in 1852, two miles out under L of tbe lake so t hab the city may th· cou~~Y of . ham · n is i · a hiith et· iLto ot ed, for it <>on ta.ins ohemica.ls that often se~slon of the j ewe}e left in LimrA in charge of wolves t o be pureued, in which oa.se he kills bottom h . oulth-at10n and 1s well fenced On iho pre· . ' f lYU. BlN'OD.Ul, h i$ sweethearu, In order to. r ealize on!them and ~!lr iously uffoct the health. A crnpe veil it outright. " obtam a .water supply free ro1!1 t e refuse m laeli the~e io a stone dwelling, two la.rga b cut an expedition for the Marianne Is~-~SSUER OF M.ABR JAGE LICENSES, worn over ·the face ha.s prodnc'd ·ome of the city. T hl8 tunnel winch h aa i.ow barn~ a nd other out. buildingt . wi'h stolle been doubled has t wo shafts one on land and &tubhn~ for cattle and horses. ·hree wells s.mr· Re·idence, Ennislllllel!. berr ible cases of cutaneoo.a dieeaue. Upon a nds, The three ra.ked a.nd scraped together W reckinir in the Baham!\ Isla.ndP., every c3nt possible . It was given in charge · ~h b f th 1 k '· · h h rour c isterns, also wiu:i·mlll for pumping per~ ons of a. highly nervous temperament on.e in " e e ·0 e a e, rismg t re ug °' '"lL tor. For fnrthH pa.rticul1.rs apply on the of R>velo 11.nd the boy, who were to go to i.he wea.ring of mourning h11s sometimte Men, women, and children will abandon crib, which or1b is defend£d by a break - premi..ses or if by le Her to H ENRY MANN Bow. 11 , (), BU.NIU.NG Lima. ana bring back the ma.id and the i ew· 3'1- tt ICENSED AUCTIONEER FOR very eerious effecte. I knew one ll.\dy in ele. Somers, being afraid to bhow hie face any pursuit to throng to tho aoene of a water, a.nd servee a.a tlhe tolln:lu.t ion of a ma.nvillo . County of Durham. Salee attended Irelllnd of a. very eeneHlve orge.niz~tion who anywhere near the Ptiruvian line: for obvious wreck. An entire con~rn)l'ation will . swarm lighthonse. T hie wa.e a, d l ffi~ul t oat' t o out of church at such a summons, the men manage, owing to ite being throug h clay and F A .H. M l N P IC KE RIN G F OR S ALE . to~~ ;6-rtest notice and lowe.strates. .t..~;tf3 was 11baolutely· driven to inBanhy through - One_ of the b!let farme in P ickering for: onveloping herself in ver~ deep mourning. reasona, rema.ined in this city. At the ea.me divesting themselves of 11upe1flaous clothing q uickea.nd but it is ir. mere not hing ae t o ~Otn.~1c· l'. O·. f i C sale containmg 2o acres, all of which e,ra ' time he prC1poaed to do what he regax ded as T Sb.e would never lift her heavy ora.pe veil to as they run, pitchinll( garments over walls leugnh. here is, or nstance, t he roton cleared and ln high state or cultivation. On. 1!1. B1JJ&DD .& CJO·· lo ck a.t a peep of sunshine ; never see the u. nea.t little enroke of busineBB. The trea.s- or into t he bnshe11 for the women to pick up. e.queducb from Croton down t o New Y ork, tho premla<is are a. good dwelling house a.nd 4. 1:'1TIONEERS for the County of tirightl out·kte world Hcopt throu~h the ure on the iela.nde wa.e large, but the fewer They are as active and promut in their work wnich is driven throngh solid rock for 3ili out buildings '"od iwo wells. '.1.' ~l a propert;p: ill t here were to share it the larger lb would 8.. Durham; Jasurance and fiencra.lAgenbl. miles. The Hoosac tunnel is four llond throt>· situs.ta?- or.. Int l!i, b. r., ooe rutle and a halt· from Pickering village, h rilr a rm lo from Grand Valuator and Real E8tate Agent.II. Sale~ 1md eame eombre ourta.in, a.nd tho U.octore agreed be. After the sty le of the trick practised and BR skillful as the members of a. city other busineH~promptly attended to. Box 172, that the intenae blackness with which she on Bellerophon, he doap11otched a.n epistle by Fire D ipartment a.re in theirs. :Nor does quart er mllee in length, and ie twen ty-six Trunk Station. throe m l es from P ickering feet wide and twenty-one and a.half feeb Harbor . and aix miles from W hitby. F t>!! nu·rounded henolf was the primary o~uae the labor rEq 11ire leea i::erve and skill. Bowmanville P.O. 36- Ll further particulars apply .to .T .clMES PICR:AIUJ of tile m.alanoholia which afterw11rds so! zad R \ Yolo and the boy urging the maid to see 'f o take 11. boa~ out through a be11oting surf, high. In Peru, on the Lima &; Oroyo railroa.d, on the pi·emise 3 , or Plckerm g, P . 0. 29-tt he.r, However , it will be dlffioulb for wo· tha.t the meesengere wtire killed. The mes- in waber which is not by any . me11.ns free Pianos Tuned ancl Repaired. mon to accustom themselves to wearing a, sengers reached Lima, d elivered their letters from sharks, and succesdully save the cargo, there are sixty tunnele in 100 miles, the gay drese with, as is recommended, the ad- a.nu were cordially received by the former rigging, and even the furniture of a wrecked longest being on bhe summit of t he pus ARTIES WISH.ING THEIR PIAN OS dhion of a. bfaok sash of nui;'11 veiling tted love of Somers. vesael, to say nothing of the human lives, is thrc.ugh the Andes. T his tunnel is two miles Time and the revolution had changed her not work for a. oowa.rd or 11.n unskilled boat higher above eea. level t han either t he S t. Tnned or rapa1rea can nave them attended loosely a.round the wuht11 wlth a blaok neck· 0 by lea.ving word at the DOMINION ORGAl'I tie a.nd b~ncl on the a.rm, euoh ae gcntle- lot, however, thanks to the jewels lnt rnsted man. The pay for salvage is high, eo that Gothard or Mont Cenis, and all t he tools and Do' 01rr1cE, Bowmi>n-vllle A 11ret-clo.e m m= wear. Mourners should a.void f1uei- to her care on the nigh ) of Somer'a i;irea.t coup a "fat" wreck is a, thing to be prayed for etoree and food had t o be o&-:-rled up t he ~" beln11 In their emplo~ EING P ART OF' LOT 26, OO N:o, nesa .:;f detail in ordering th'ilir gowne, as of the Peruvian treasures. She wae the wife and long remembered. mounta.in on mule-back, . containing 100 s eres. more or Je~s. ot everyt hing should be ma.de slmply and of a great officla.1, She coolly informed the When canals where Introduced int o Euvrh1ch a.re good d welling a ad outbuildings., Nnmberle~s stories a.re t old of the facility ROBT. 'i'OlT!'fG, V, 8, plainly, for two mueh "styli," ia in the messengers that she didn't propose to go with wh\ch the insula.r conscience r~conoiles rope tun11els became necessary t o a void exces- good orchard , well !<'need and watered. with them, and that she didn t take any etook i::iplendid soil auite.ble for grain or stock i.od in wor11t possible form. Dull bla.oks and eoft sive lockage and with the railways tunnels FFICE JN THE WEST DURHAM in their story relating to tJhe trea.eures being itself tll the idea of assisting to wreck a v es became quir.-i cammon, Of t he older railway .tlrst-claee etate or ouliiv'!.tion. Close to villa.ga Ne"'s Block . "Wl1e1e himself or assistant ~linging ma.terials are In the best taste. Kirby where a.re poet o1)'loe, (da ily mail. sa.fely buried and Somera waiting to guide eel. R1ther a. knotty c1ue was that of one tunnels Ill E o11la.nd the longest 18 the Wood- of w l be found frum 8 a. m. to 9 p.m. Ni"ht call· ohuroh, ~chool , store, blackemOh shop, etc·. her to them. The meeaengere threatentd of the older pilots, who was suspected and head, on the Manchester & Leeds line, whiob. 'Will be sold on &68T terms. Plowln!lPO&eeBBioo. at resi<lenc<>.dirtctlyo11poeite Drill Sh~d.. Ca.Ila NERVOUS CCHILDREN. by telrgrnJJh or telec phcne will receive promp· her with the exposure of her oonneetion with tried severa.l yea.rs ago for comp licity In a. is three miles longer , and c!>nslsts of t wo at once; full poeseeelon Aprll 1, 1890. For i:.ttention 17l·Tr rur1her pa.rtlcul8rs ca.II on or address \V . I want bo 'ay a word about ner-v11ua chil- the pira.oy, She temporized with them to no crime of this nature. Ab the trb.l two points pualled t nnnels, one for each track:. PA.'ITICRBON, Owner, K irby P 0 . i l- \t dren. Never scold or make fun of them. purpose, At last she found vo escape but to are said to have been proved by witnesses; first, that the pilot was In the ca.bin of th e They suffer c:nough without your threats ot follow the advice of Somorb' letter. The A. A. POST, veBSel one ifternoon for some time, and that sarcasm. D m·~ let them know you eee theh RCHITECT. Plans and Specifica· awkw<udness when in company, nor their two wer!l WAYLAID DY ASSASSINS when he came oub he wad heard to say, He Wa.s a. Week Too La.te. _ t ions pr,pe.red for every·oh\BR of hullding. piously, ··Well, C ~p'n, If it mus' ho so, de Specla.l attention given to hoatinll bT 11team grimaces when alone. A ca.~e was reported but they ma.do a. botoh of the businees, R'liv· L!!owd's will be 1one ;"and, second, that the A man about twenty-three years of age, e!ld hot. water. and bo wanitary arre.nr;:ements. by the J3oston Globe of a boy 10 yen.rs old, dre1JBed like a. farmer, had his fee b on the oar Office: Gorrie Block, WhitbJ 43 - lY who, on being vexed, and often without rny elo e5oaped with 11..eontob, but the boy was nextl mornin~ the vessel was hard and fast seat in front of him and w11.1 reading a. novel, provoaabion, will c!inoh his ha.nde and make mortally wounded . Ae be 111.y gasping away a.shore. The la.borers appsar to work wibh when one of the boys went over to h im ana 1lhe most frightful contortions of uhe muecles hie life.he confeeeed the whole story to the more intelligence a.nd energy when on or in obeerveo:J: T. H. llcLE..t..N. a.nbhoritiee, Tao vvoma.n was arrested, tried, the sea., s~lb water seems to be vivifying ICENSED .A UC1'IONEER FOR of hie face !loud head, till his poor mother and "l' ve just made a bet of $5 on yon." ( X· l onted, in it11 effect. Perhap1 it le t!:e unending. the United Coun·iee has etartcd bueio~ss fears he is id iotic. Bv no means. Ha is "Oa me? Wbab is It?" After enfforing untold priva.tlons Ravelo unyielding demand for activity in a.otion and in Bowmanville, und wdl attend sales in town the brightest boy in his"cl.i,es au sobool, fond "I'll bet $5 that you will suicide within a or surroundin" country on most rea.11onable, of reading and of naturi>.l history, but he ie escape 'I from Per11 and made hie way t o Som. thought whi~h the ocean alwa.ys makes upm terms. Orders :roi;y be left at W. P. Prower's era. Tne two surv ivors now began to deviee those who wreetle with i ll that aocounte for week. I've been watohing you closely for ctflce or at i,)TA'r1"S&AN Office. '!.'. H. M ~ uEAN of a highly nervous temperament, 'l.nd has waye to reach the buried treasure, At la.at this difference in ohara.ober. But i t certain· the last half hour and all signs indicate melnob been taugho to control his little wires Bowmanvme. 42- 6w* ancholy and despondency. H11.ve you seleob· so to speak, on which he is etrnng. Thie is they found Cllpt. Thompson and bold snob a ly is the ca.so tho.ti the colored la.borer of the ed anv pa.rtioular line of killing vourself -etory tha.t hu consented to fib out. hfo good B"bamas doee not se.im fonder of conb!nued no E ingle C B. Se . Thsre a.re thousands of poison, ~he rope, drowning or hanging ?" children who give way to their nerves in a schooner Sw11.llow and have a try a.ti the heaps exertion when in his field or engaged in shore t !"Did yon actually bet $5 ?" 11.llxiouely of gold and jewels. Somers, however, to work than does hi!! race brother e lsewhere. eimilor fashion, Never whip them, but talk a.11ked the young man. Th e lllo @ t 8 u ccessfn I R.cmf'dY eTer d isc...,.. protect himeelf, would notl divulge the island ered. as i t iR rn r ta i11 in i ts effects a n d d oes Geil tltmrn'S:ClotbulllfadetoOrder. to them about these curious little strings, which held them, but inaieted thrAt the char· - [ Soribner'd Mag'e.z:ne, "I did." not blist er , ReaJ pr oot below. llhat should be ma.de their serv11.nts, not their "Pay If vcu lose?" masters. A prominent physician la t1hi~ ter for the vess11l should include the whole "I'll hu.ve to." 9 Stanley's March. city says the man or woman who whips a group. "Tha.l's too ba.d. I wl.sh I could have 1een Oiie evening before they reached their des· nervous tJhild should for every bhw given Oll'FICll g~~~1:.L'Z" ..A. SNYI>lln, l V ee. 1.-Stanlev writ ing from Mikesai you la.ab week :' receive five, u.nd ii on a level with bra tee tlna.tion, Somers and the Peruvian were sit· "Why last week?" C LEVELAND D AY A~ "D 'l'ROTTLl<G Brum R oRSU-S that ha.ve !lo reason. It la our duty to on- ting chatting on the lee rail, and looking under date Nov. '26, sa.yu th!it tne party are "Bec iluse I t hen b'l.d the ager enry da.y jor B. J. K&NDALLCoi::'-"'nvoon, ILL., Nov. 20, 188&. couragB and help t1hem. Be patient with over ~he plat giving the position of the treas- all w.e ll and enjoying the lux uries M& DENTIST. right a.10111:1, two cowe were aiok on my hands, Dn. Dear Sirs : I have alwn:rs p u rcbe:sed yonr Ken· th em. They a.re the making of cur future uree, The expla.n.a.tione were on the margin Wiesman sen~ to them, but he complains my girl ha.a go11e dead ha.ck on me and I IX· dall's Cure by the half clozen bottle·; £ suoeessful men and women, for they will a.nd all in Spanish. Suddenly the lookout bitterly of ha.vinl( been two yea.rs and eleven p t c:ed t hat a. windmill man wae going to would Spn,1n like p rices In large r q uan tity. I t hink It Is. orthe best llnlmont· on oarth.. l havo u..ec iilii work hard a.t whr~t.ever they underta.ke. heard a, cry. In the wake of t he ship he sa.w mont ha without news, the mo.ii having been beat me out of $400. I did kinder t hink of one en m y stables for three yeru:s. Brace up your own nerves first, and then be a, clutching hand di2appe11ring brnsath t ha losb or r obbed . ~ p ostuJrlpt, wdbten on the euloide." Yours t ruly, ClLl.a. .A.. Sll'Yt>Jtlt.. h, etatlee t h at S ta.nlev had indulgenb toward the capA re of your ovsr- wa.vee. Somers was gone and R !lvelo -vae morninv of the 27 o "Ilub now?" olutchini;( tb.e pa.par and looking overboard, juatl rec~ived Acting Ooneul General Smith's n ervous child, -Christian U nion, "All Is changed. Oows got well, ager alt !obter. J!;veryone waa rej oiced to hear t ho.b ['he vessel wnu brought to, but the body (ld gone, gal has eon t he day nex b ' V edneeday DR. B. J. KttN~:;.~o~~·:rn· N. Y., November S, lliSl3. was never recovered. R ~velo declared that the Q 1een sbill reigns, and eagerly wa.n b HC·W SOME GIRLS WALK, Higginbotham & Son's Drug S<>mers h 'ld accidentally fallen overboard. newspap ers to lea.rn t he incidents of the la.st and the windwill m an was et rai ahter than a Dear Sirs : I desire to g!ve you test!mon!a.l of mr Why is it our young la.dies do nob kno 1 v The p aper, whioh he otlll heli In )lis hand, three years. S tanley givas the follow· boa.rd. lfan~ my eyes if l ha.in't going to good opinion qt your Kendu.ll'Hfipavl n Cnre. 1 have usr ...d i t t or Latnen.css, St'Hi' J oints a n c. t Store, (down stairs), how to walk? L:iok I here comes one with had a portion of the margin containing the ing as hie probable i tinerary : - G eren- try and live 5,00 0 years," ~tf;i~ii;~~~J 1~~~ffb~~!ri~~w·e cure, I oonll.'! her head pitched forward, her hands swing- ex:pl111nation torn away and waa much crump- gevi, November 27 ; Meoa, November Yonrs ti·uly, A. II. GJLBttRt'n 28 ; Halt, November 29 ·; in oamp, November ing ungracefully by her side, her feet scuf- led, showing signs of a struggle, Manager Troy Laundry S table& fling the walk, and a.ltogebher presenting an Soon a, ter this Thompson sighted a. brig, 29 ; in camp, November 30 ; r ea.oh Mhuyani, BOWMANVILLE The Wa.y He Could T ell. appear11.nce quite unbecoming one of Cana,. the Uapt a.in of which proved an old friend. December 1; Kibijo. D ~cember 2 ; Klngaui "I eay ,Ten kin~, can yon t ell a. young da.'s lovely daughters, charmin}l in all else, He divided the seoren with him, and together river. D ~oember 3 ; B11gamoyo, D ecember 4; 1bioken from an old one?" perhaps, but oh, such 11 gait I The nextl one they sailed for bhe islands. Ravelo was a.nd Z ~nzib!!.r, D a.iembar 5. " Of course I cu.n." walki. with a j erk, her feet and the lower threl\tened with being delivered up to " Well, h ow ?" parb of her body having sta.rted on a ra.ce his Governnment unless he guided them to " By the teet h." with her head to see which will get there the spob where the tre!lsnre was buried. He The Evidence Against Him. " C hickens don' t h ave teeth." firut. 3.'he consrquence is for ev<iry step for- promised compl!a.noe. On arriving at the Hud-LGok.ing Citizen-"D~ yon want to "No, but I have," ward ehe comes p art way back with a j erk, foot of tJhe island he was asked if tha~ wa.a hire a ma.n ?" Her sister follows, twitching ungrace- the one, and he said ib was. · Mercha.nt-"No, I've no use for a man fully from side to aide, rolling from one foon Prepa.rationa were made for going a.shore The Art ot Milking. to the other ·lii;.e v. ea.ilor in mld-oceim, and dlggin17 1 p bb e gold and j ewels. As that drinkE." Hard-Looldng Cltlz m (with offended dig· Suburban R eaid enb-"Yes, I want a nee· only he hae some ex o11se, and she . has not, Ravelo was stepping into the baa ti he begged Price $! per bottle, or ab: bot tle· for $5. A.JI DrugThe armij u ~ua,lly follow, but in oppositle to be allowed to return to the oa bln for a nity) - "! can bring you any number of ful man about my counbry·pl11.ce. Can you gl»to havo it or oa.u ge t a t or yon, or i t will be s<>ut to ~ address on rocolpt o f price by t he propriedirection s. ~he body of the next one ma.k es little plat of the place he had . The c:i.bln vi:I thneeses to prove I m not a drinking ma.n, milk ?" tors. Dn.. B. J . KSNDALL Co., Enosburgh Falls, Y.t. ~ Applicaint-"YeP, sor. " a. perfect bow, b!lck bent, head forward, and boy, who wa.e in t h o place a.tthe time, a.fber- sir." Merchant (mot ioning him to the door (- · " ~ hicn side of a cow do y ou sit on when SOLD BY ALL DRUGGI~TS·. Q H :'.\, R. ND E, N 1 L D 8 ·feet trying to c1<toh up. No b one with t he ward told t hat he filleJ his pookets with a.11 " Yo u can't eata.blish an alibi for tho.ti milking ?" · ,.. firm, gra.oeful step, erect heu.d, skaiehtJ the led and iron l>e could st uff into them. · · "Wull , aor, Oi n iver milked but wan cow, Gradu!\lC, ofthe Royal College of Dental shoulders, easy arms, and hands to be On r eturning he slid into the boat, lost his breath." ,.yf)i:,ri;recne, On11ario. acquired by suilio!ent determination to pre. grip, a.nd an', b edu.d, a, g ood dale av t h e t oim Oi W M on both eotds a.v her, sor." ro FICE OPPOSITE EXPRESS OFFCE. 80ht a dign ified carriage. When will de. SHOT DENE.<l.r H THE SUR FACE . A Sis:n which Failed. Cleaned, Dicd,;Pres11ed and.., Repaired b;r ~OL" · "J'lLLING A SPECIALTY , p ortment be taught in our schools ?-[King· ston F reeman The cox swain madea grab for hie d isappear· Young Hueba.nd- "Seemsto me, my dear, Alr.r u1(1l.AL TEIITH lll"ll~R7BD WITIIOU:I! ·· ' ing head and pulled away a, tuft of hair. this chicken ia p retty tough." A Nice Playthine: for Children. · The two C<Aptains went clahore and made a Young Wife-" I knew it is, and I can't PLATES. . M ra. Ban dbox - "You said the t rain I . · ' Great Reductions In prloe on all Dental · The suoceae of the dock laborers in t h eir long and vain search for the 1Jreasu re, They understand it a tl all. I picked it out my- should tak e leBves a.t[10:30, didn b yon i" Dyer and Cloth es Clea.nor, Wo~k. · VltalizeC. Air, c:onstantly in use pro- ' r ecent strike he.e l ed them to ta.ke a nother ha.a Somer's p lat but he had gon· J down self." '.l.'ick et Agent - " Yer, ma.d am ; and I think llncmg PaullesP. Opera1.1ona. Particular a1tl'ln · di l , The h and sat tlhe T ilbury I gr11splng a p art ' . What dernriptions " D id you exo.m1ne · it c1oaeIy '." I ' ve told you tha.b abJut ten t imes already .' GQoda warranted to be n~ n o one wlll know liOll paid to the 1 egnlation of Children's Teettl. , more ra co. suep. of 1tJ. them from new w hen done, .ALL WORK W .ARR.ANTED j docks ha.va strn~k because the forem11.n ar.d they had were in Spanish and not a man "Indeed I did. I looked in ibs mouth the Mrs. B ~ndbox- " YeP, I know you h a.ve; lfll1" · '~ l< clerks of the compa.nv refused to j oin t he 1among them wa.e a.cq·1aint~d with t hat la.n- first thing, and I could see It hadn'b cut lt11 but my little boy eays h e lik es t o hear y on Corner of King and Ontario Streets.J Branch office, Dr, Rutherford's Orono union, · I gu~ge, ·first tieeth yet. " talk. Bowmanville. FOR AND ABOUT WOM.EN. TO SEARD EI FOR BURIED TREASURE. ! In digging !01· DIOV CAWKER & ALLIN They also pay Cash for all kinds or Farm Produce---Eggs, Butter, Apples,, Pears, Potatoes, Hides, Sheepskins Tallow, &c. P CAW"KER & ALLIN·. S ». I B Off to Toronto. I I M L FA.RJ I .... d L I P One of the Best Farms in. <Jlarke for Sale. B O A . . -·-= - L R. - ~EATE~ TailoP 1 J.M. BRIMACOMBE OFFICE :-Rear of Messrs. kENDAll S SPA VIN CUR£. KENDA LL'S SPAVIN CURE.. DENTISTRY. 1 Gents' Ulothing Q I TH S p E AT