~"'":'·~~J!\;~!.~~~Fl!f~~~~~~~O:i/~~~~~~~;f~~~~~IQl. -~ .. - 15\'i11!1Jl!!Mil!il!llffflllfliJl!l!lil!li'JDl!lll!!f/!1!1!fflrjW.rl.'ll!li1J!lllil!IJ __ ll'l _ llS!! _~'11!m,~a.! ~-"'~»JI,~ ~~iH.t :..:...____:.:-.··-- f&f\"l'Qil ~~h'{tt' ----===-=======~5 j;,,,l~· 1t~., ;..Wi"rtltt: 6':/J· !l-M\<.~~)i;i!HA.,~IHh,i 1889. I Gre,~t 0 P.ASBIHG NOTES. , . . A f3A. vrnG srn. . I lllw ~ruc1 2 l'~!Jlcne Died anfl w as Res1ir THE 11TTL£ F:Ol 'G W AliK.F;R. WEDNESDAY, DEC. ! I I Jenks hF.d a queer arcmn the ot?er night. Ho t bougl.it h e saw.a pnze-ilghters rmg,_and in tb.e nnddle of it stood a tloug·bty little champion who met and delibe1·utely knocked over, one .bY one, a scorn or more or big, burly-lookrng .fellows, as t hey a<1vnn.ccd to the attack. G:iants us they were m size, tho valiant pigmy proved more than a match for them. It. wrui 011 so funny t lart Jenks woke up laughing. He acc9unts t or the dream by the fact that h e lmd Just come to the cnnclu. sion, after tryiuir nearly evol'y big, drnstic pill on the mn.rket, thut Pierm's Plensant Purirativc Pellets, or tiny Sugar- coated Griui ulcs, easily "knock out" un<l heat nll tho big pills hollow! '.!.'hey are the original nna only gcnu.i ne Little Li vel· l:'illH. · Beware of Imitations, which contain Poisonous Miucmls. Always ask for Dr. Pierce's P ellets, which aro J,ittlo Sugar-coated Pills, or Antl-li1lious Granules. One a Dose. , .TENKS' DREAM. srn~ HEADACHE, and bowels, arc promptly rclicvc'd and pcrma11eotly cured. by tho u se of Dr. Pierce's Plcnsant Purgati ve P ellets. They are gent ly hn:utivc. or strougly ciithartic, e.coording· to size o C dose. S malkst, Cheapest, Eru,icst io take. 25 cents a vial, by druggists. Co))yr ia!1t., 1888, hy "V'\r on.Ln's Tl1SPENSA.nY M.EDlCAI~ A SS<>ClATlON. PrOJll'lctors, JSilion" Headacl1e, Dizzi n-c sr.:ie, Coustj JJa· tion, llndii;cstion, Bilious Attucks, a nrl all aer angemcnts o l' t he stomach &;3 Mulu St., Buffalo, N . Y. STRONGEST, BEST, CONTAINS NO Alum, Am.monis, Lime, Phosphates, ; on ANY IHJUBIGUS SUBSTANCE. MANUFACTURER OF E · W · GILLETT· TOilO?iTO, O'N':'. OIIIOAGO, JLL. "HE CELEBBA'.l'ED ROYAL YEAST l!l.AKES. I CURE FITS 1 Wi1en I &ty Cu Im I do not mea.u merely to .stop t.hem for a t\mc1.i1.nd ~h,cn ha;:c ~hem r eturn again. I JHE.1\ N A lt.A.DICAL CO'hE. ! h>1ve ma.c:!e the <li.sea< i\'I of FITS, EPII.i:EPSY or FALLIMG SICKNESS A life long st;url y. I · wARHAXT my romtx1Y. to Ot:m<: tt10 worst 'casCfl. Bi:k ·ause others. h a~e~1l e<l 1 Xl".U.J.Jlll.ll. ltJJ:,\IEDY. Is 110 reason for !)()t now receiving a curo. Send Give l'~xpres~ llUd rost O!ikc. It conts you u ot!llng for a trni\. at~<l It w Hl enre vou. Add re;;;: : H. G. ROO'I.i. Jll.C.C., H1·0.11ch O:t:lc(), 104 \Vest Adelairlo i:;t:t1oot, 'l'oronto. at once l'or a trcatbe arnl e. FnnK BOTI'IJB of tny --""FU~ Au iaerneut in the (Jhllnh.,od o f the rcctrtl. J}'lll.llUnts Jtto11.dU_ 1a. In wo a th·i niglit after. U nole P~Uicoe <lied A !\l1'Emt tn:i.n y yea;rs &{7,<l·-mortt th::m h11.lf th&t his h<;!ir, P tileg, s~t up ill bed thil:ikirig wh1~ti r. 1iha.ma low1<s that the old rrum should a o~mtury, iu foot - 1> family of l!'rench e.erchave been lain aw&y io tho family Vi'>nlt with bat~, t ri;,vek d t hrough Em ope nnd made their living by glviu~ entortamme~t3 in $he a. hea.u ti.fu! ring on his finger. P ula.:; wtrn engaged to Misa J:'ey~er, r,nd be vm~.ges t hrough which t.hey pasged . They did nob perform in thea.ter~ or opera thougM wha.fJ a saving ill would be to geb hou3e6 hecau~e theM were none fa t he hi>m· , 1molti's rinl{ for the en~agernaall. l.hfore he q·libe t hought tho matter over leta of F.rance u.nd Oanmmy in tho~e days. t hor.oughlv he was half wny to the vaui1l, No, this family of ucro b,i,ts performed in the wit}.1 th e key of in ia his h!\nd , bent on se- xn!lrkeb pliice or ou the opel'.J. green, and u11rfog t ho j dWol, Ho h!loil no trouble iu go(· ~ tretchlld thdr long rope from t he ground to ting a.dmit c.. noe, 11nd, eomewhll.t in awe, he the t1Jp of the tallest sca~ ple, All the m~mbers of the family were aoroproceedell tci q;<n t he cdih. " Uncle Pcllic9e only oeemod asleep. The ba.ts, and their parents befo1e ~hem had hand with the ring up()n it w;~s orosaed out· been ll.crobats, too, j ourney.Ing frcm one villi>ge to another, and buying their bread Anothe! English syn HcL\te hs.s been formed aide the other; the rhlg was still im,novable, wioh t he pen::iies and aixpenoas tho.t the for t he purpose of investing money In t ha bu b Poleg wau prep ~r.id for this. Ha h?.d country p~ople threw Into the father's hi\b, United Sos.tea, Ill has ac11.pital o! $100,000,- brought a r Ez )r in hia pocket. If the rin17 I aa.id that all the membern of the family ~.,INE 00fi, and fa backecl by some of the atl"Ong<>st would m:it come off the :fioger musb. Then wer·1 acrobats, bub I h!!.il 1forgo tten little ha would ~roes the other bani! over it. bsnldug aud bu~iueas concerns in the U nite.I Henrl, who wna only 4 ye!lra old, and too K fogdom. Ha obj ecn wi.11 be the develop· Mter all it o~ uld do no good to Ut\Ole Pc;lliyoung, t.hex-efore, J O do hia_r;}rn,re in amu6i_ng · men: of t·ailway enterprises and indnstdeu coe to moulder into dust wit h a couple of t he · P,ublzc. So !ibtle Henn went abou t with in general acroaa the border, eept cially thoae thousand dollnri.' wonh of j eweky &hut up his fo~hor 1;nd mot her an d eister and big ..,,.~ which have to do with t he mineral resou.rceu in his 0< ffin. hl'otlrnr, and ~lept in t~\e wagon a.ti night >1" C<J.\. l:.'"7 · P~leg set the lantern ol()ee to th.e ooffin of the .:iounbry. ancl pluyed wlth the btg dog Ol toddled ·"JI H is n common saying l;hab nome quf,stions 11;r,d began t o oub aofnly. The raz 1r went in about ~he village areen while h is elders C'Ai e!\olly, but l\ileg was not so buve aa he will be left for posterity to settle. · £ he evi· were dnncing ou the long rope. It waa hie deuce taken in bhe P.unell Commission suroly thought he was. He sbudde1·ed aud shrnnk aizter Jeanne who t ook O!i.rO of him, washed . . . ba.ck. In a mom~nt he hid n~rved himeelf <>omes nuder th1e class, f H It comprrnea to ~o ~n, bub as he turned toward the coffin and drosBed him in the morning, p ut him ' 7 086 printed p~ge3 I The judges are sup· a pair of hands were stretch(ld toward him, ~o bed at nighb, ar:d t .-.ught him tt> say his posed to road io but no ona will blame them ' · . one of them dl'ipping with blood, A vofoo pra.vera before he went to Dleep. Sb.ti wna tf they beque~th to a lature generll.t1on the shriuked fi~mething. He w11.s clutched close- a kind, good girl, a~d little Ilenriloved her task of going over it, and prepare their re. ly, ·and ctffin, lant.ern, himself, and what he more t hs.n ao.y on~ m ohe world, and when J port from their own notes.-Ex. . supposed to be a. gh:isb tumbled to the he aaw her tilkO her long pole in her J:land Fan~y and da1::ce gracefully up the loIJg iope ' J ... ' The Marqaia of J~orne a naw story," L l vo yround together. toward the top of the Bt0Flpla while the ~~ -~, He was on his feet in a moment. SJ and Paril," is his firsb appearance as a novelpeople looked on 1md olapped t heir hands, · U...,.; .. ' ' ~ ist, a.nd he ha.a utJliz 3:l hi~ c~na.dlan experi· was the ghost. Ele ra.n, tho ghost aher he thou~hfl thero vt aD no ono in t he world :-1 him. He climbed the ehnroh·ynrd wnll. encfls in tho pion. The talo introduceH 1\8 lovely and channinw as his shter Jeanne. 1 soenE'f! in bhe N orbhwesb ·a nd othe1· parts of The ghost e.~tempted it, fu.ile.'l., a.nd waa One ds.y they stopped in a beantifnl old· totuering uo the earth when Pdleg looked Cana.du., particularly in connection wi th the fashioned villnu.e on the b~nks of the R'iine. .R.iel rebelHon. The hero is a young and well· back. He saw th.at this was no ghost, but Tbey stretched their long roi.e from t he a. .ea.I man, ll.nd oame back again. bcluca.bed Ca.uu.dio.n who becomes em~morcd 11 0 U a'ole P alliooe," he si:.id, "be you ground to the top of tha etrnp!P., and Jeanne witb. tha daughtor of au Indian chief. o wad 1md smiled took: hel· poleio her hand, b. alive?" to the p eople and da nced lightly and graoeThe Boston port bill, a la.w pa.ssed by Eo.g"I bo," 11rr.id Ucole Pellicoe. "I'm fuUy up tows.rd tib-e to p. And iittle Henri, 18-nd to close the port of Bostou, w·rnt into bleedin' awful." df;c~ June l 1774. The day was observed "Come ~o the doctor," sa.id Pele,v,. "I'll sta1>di11g on t he ground, with his fo.tiher 's in H11rtford, Conn., &,a a day of publio oe.rr>' you. 0 Lord, y->u was buried u.live I cune in his chu bby himds , wa.tehed bor with mourning. T he town house w«a hllng wltih Oh, 'owas e.n inspiration that led me to go ..a mnoh deligbti 1\6 if he had never seen her black, a copy of the bill wae posted l:o your tomb. I sava to myself, uncle if do it before. But w!um l!be h iJod gouo about nn it, a.nd bells were toiled all day. e1live. So I come and took a l'Vz~r to you. half 1 he distance a gnat of wind &hook tt.e .E\TeD so far off ·JR Virginia the house of Tho.~ nllers brinl{ folks tu of they aren't rea.l ropei she t11mbled, almoat loen her b!l.lance, a.nd cried out In terror. b u1·gt'S2"'!l o.btcuded a sol emn relvgioua service den·l." .. l 'm oom!r.g," screamed little Henri, and on tihe occa.~io;i, nnd he~rd ·a pu.triob!o ser· TJ.e doctor ea.me down. :I'here wa.s a mon from the chaplai:c. gre~t commotion. Tb.e dea.d-u.live wa.a pub while his mother turned away her face, and b.is father i.mplo.-ed him to r oturu, h e The power of ono of the greatest politlcnl to bed, fed with reatorntivea, and the cut on ba.lll.mmd his cane ll.S his sic! er balanced her figuri s of th(l day, perb&ps of a.ll time, is bis fiuger pl<>stmid up. pole 1md ran up the rope t o h elp h1ir. I o T he news spread. R~porters from sever11.l saiil to be on the wane. T he Empress Dowager 0 ~. pa~ere arrived bt fore noon, and U ncle p ,,J. was the ti (dt u.ma he he.d ever been of China. bua been shorn oi her prestige by slack rope in his Hie, buo he was not afrlloid · licoe would ht\VC been interviewtd in hi· bhe reb6l!ious indtpendenoe of the you:11g nor did ib m~!i:e him d' zzr. He ran up tl· EmpHrol'. He refused to see t he bl'ide which bed hut for the dociot'd mand!l.te to the con· Whl!re Jea.nne Wll$ ctiugmg and thr ew himtra.ry. As it was, Pdig saw a.II comers, 11ud ~h<l forced upon him, o.nd bas been iqaui a~ self Into her arws. She held him tlghb unt!J vigorous decreeo on hia own account , He t hia ia the story h~ tiold: hi· father ca.me aud carried him <lown. "I was l\·lying on my bed, a. looking at haa been ceDeuring the old Minister r ight tho moon und shedding n. few Ul\tro.l teare "He will make a greau rope w~1ker," said ·ind left, pa.rtlcul1uly Oha.ng C!ti Tung. for my poo1· Uncle P<illfoae that had ldb me hie mother, ·.a ehe cl asped the lict le hoy i.n b er arm a. "He hke~ to It as a d uck t .-.lrm1 t o A G<it orguu joyously de()hwss t hat ee ttle- evorvthing, w h~n I ki1ider thunk I h rn.m a water. It must he in bis bloorl," 5, \ id the me11t in Da.kota has baen mo10 rapid th11.a in voice sayin' ' Rise up, Peleg !' So up I r'z father ; and from th.at day little Henri'· the Nar;;h-westof c~nacll.\. It omita, how- I loon:ed about me, bub I saw not hin'. B ~t education an a t!ght·-ropo walker begim. aver, tt> ta.ke into conaiderntion t h1>t D ::.lrnt a I heercd the voice, ' Peleg I Peleg !' 'Mighty Years af,erwl.\rda this s am ~ mb'l6 bov hl\B the help of strong advocacy by tbe To- me !' aaya I, · wh11ob does in mean!" And l 8tretched a ropo a.er oss Nia.gn.ra F ..nu a.no ronto "Glob<>' and ' 'Mil.ii" :md other a.oti. j eao 'JlUb on my things and took a la.nter11 wr.lked across io 1.1s 11a~ily :i.o if it ha.d boon & Oann·1ilm Gl'it journals besides the favor of down u.s if ib was ma.rket da.y, and the voice ba1 n ffoor, an:l bhen illho wholo world re ~be Uoit11d S ol\tes prfllls, while om· Nort h· cornea a.ga.ln : Hounded with the famo of R!oudln. And "' P ekg,' 1t 1111ys, 'PoilAg, go to flhe family one d:.y. a.fter he bad pnlormed in Paris in w~sr. hn.s no such foreign 0.3sistanca. N or hao "' D ~k ofo opi;>osition ever like our Norbh· va.u!b and open your Uncle Pellieo1;. ~ c1 ffi o tho proseooe of thousand s cf people, b6 sa.t western Grits warned intending settlers to !md cut hia fingu wi.th a nzlr for to see if In his tlenb r.ud told me the sbory of how he he is dell.d.' keep away- [ Empire. h"'d run up t.ho long rope r.o sa.ve his si3ter."So I oa.va: 'Yes, I will,' se.z I. 'l>'s a Vici oria Buildings,·iBowmanville. 26 [ PittsbLug Diapa.tcb. The Bishop of Richmond preached on foot- fearful trial,' sez I, 'but I will.' · ba!l to oirer 1,000 men in Bradford, Yor k· u So I goes. 1Jhire, -0n N ovAm b ~r. 24, Ria lord~hip uald "I t11okf'a the razor and I goes. I opens The lJa.ue:hters Of The Nbw Lord Mayor ~h11>t; if C hrisb hP.d sean such a grea b crowd the vnult and 1 goes In -th.e voice beforai me Of London. !.\a agsembled in Bradford on S:i.turday, and -and I unAore\'\'.a the odfio, seea uncle nmil It is nob genora!lv known tha.'o two of the !lot iued ;;he orithuaia.am o.nd i11berfst in bhe Ing In hh cH benevolen~ way, and cnts bis of cur new L 0rd l':iioyor 11.re totally game, Ha would· have r·j ·Jioed \'<Ith them ill finger. In a rninit the blood fhwe. Up he 'hugllters d~af, one haviug been born eo, whils!J the t>a.caking awll.y from wo1·1t, e.itd would have jumps, t hrows bis arms about me, and I o ;her lost h er b.eu!ng io infancy through v drawn out all the g:iod He could. S t. P1.1ul O(lrtied him to t he doctoi·'a, Here h e is a!iv: severe C)ld. ·T hey were oen t lo R~uo1<rdarr --M.ANUll'.AC'rUUER O F - lao would havo n eppetl inno the fiold a.nd anrl ll(etbin' woll. Glory be to thankful I" to b 3 educated on the oral system whon aged found his illuetratio us there. The biahop, The reporter t ook his words d-0wn and N spectivcly fi vu ll.nd seven y mi.re, "nd profi t. l S a lover of the game, ur ged that it was went s.;vav, an d U nole Pelliooe kep!l on geb· e i eo well by the teaching of Mr, V..n P.:aagh KING STREET, BOWMANVILlE > rorth playing aud wir.tching for its own s"'ke, tfog bette1·. One day he went out ridillg for ta~tthey can now join in or::inary conversu1\pa.rfl from be;i·ing and other evila. uow on hand a number ot vehicle~ (and le manufaotur!ng r. great many mor the firnt tim2 and stopped at Miss P eyaer's. ion, oDj<Jy a visi~ to the theatre, do tihf.'il I·atterns and be!!i't finish, which I am olrering ror sale at the 1owest prioee oons Mias P oyser, knitting a blue a.nd white o ·n ahoppfo:r, ti.nd follow the words of a A ha.rber's couventlon las bfen held a t with due l"egsrd to workmanship and quality. The following lw a list o the principal ve.b.lclea macu!actnred b y me Datriot. On Wednesday there was an ani- >1.fghan, e11.b oo the piazu. She smiled at p eacher. All this is done by lip-readfog, uhe Pdllicoe, U oola held out her br.Ld, and said : uwvement t>f a speaker's lips giving to their mll.ted dls·mesion upon the relative merits of Double Covered Ca.rria.gNs ....................................................$150 Upwarch Q ·1 "Glad to see you well &ga.ln, M r · .t'elllooe. tnined !ntellig.,noe aa clear a oomprehensio11 long hair and ahott ba.ir. A long hair s.dvoSingle Ph!l'!tons ............................. . ..... .............................. 100 11 cate grew vvry elcqueut on the sul·j ict, and And wha.t a. ro1mmce I Whl\b a strange inter· of the words used a.11 if they had hoa.1·d them. Open Buggy................................................ ............ ........ 70 said t hat n closoly-Jropped head, wnh all its posibion of provi'1enco. How you mucti love ·rhey miver communicate by signd, do not Top Buggy........................................ ................................ 90 know the fioger alpha.bst, and make very ridgss and valltlys revealed,. was an unlovely E'61<' gnow." Uncle P olliooe looked at her gravely and iti.la nee of writing for tb.e interchange of eight. A shor1l hair man delivered himself I« Sir Henry Ina.os ga.ve evidence a.e to of this 1.1phorism, "A b1>rber who propose~ shook his head. Lumber Wagons .............................................................. ,,., 55 "I.do thank providenoe," he Bllld; "bub, t t, .. ":.me of the oral ~ystem before tha Royal long ba.ir deliberately throws a.way half his .. a for p.,Jeg, them stories ie a loll of fl'.:ls. .J,,romiseion ou t h t Blind, Daa.f, Damb, eta., income." Another nslted scornfully whetllor Expre~s Wagon.................................................................. 15 "'m\\n was to put hfo hll.ir into curl P"'l?ers, Eie came down to the va.ulb to get my r ing- i > 1887, and wB,s inatrumentu.l in introduoinl( Skeleton......................................................... .. ··· . ·.····.. .... 50 or co11 fine ifJ with a comb or a net. '.l'hese to rob the dead ! Thllit's the truth, P ogl!y t ~ e system to Eagfond in the year 18(l5. He Bulky............................................................................... <iiU a.r11:11mente prevailed. Twenty-eight ba.rbers Peyser. I sha.u'b tell nobody, hub I'm poin' mentions in his evidence that his d11.ught o1 s aided for short hair, while the other aide to get a wife tog ia.ke ca.re of me. l don't can undersrand him perfeonly, even though 1·o~e <tla~tng superior tacuttlea tor manu!aotnrlnfi! oarrlageo, I lntond to iell very oheap to, or "pproved oroatt, and by 110 do! ug I hope to r;reatl;r inorease m;y n11m her ot sales Woa want to die of slow poiBoll, I si;y, Peggy, lv.1 we!lrs a bell.rd and moustache, and that it mustered only ei~bt votes, lilell the wood parts only, or the 1reatinge ot buggies ironed, · A grell.b outory has been raised an the this rinJZ ia the one; doct or took it oif. It's i . not necess11rv for him to assume any partlOltb.r podtion in the room when conversing Swles Canton Tessin sga.iuan the prevalance a costly rlcg, and real purlly. Try In on." Miss P <'yser tried it on. :I'he day she withthc munlese it be bwilight. Assoola.tion there of brlbtry at ehotiona. The politics.I mple has grev.tly iticroa.eed workers are constnutly racking their bnins married U ncle P ellicoa .Peleg went a.way, with ordinary p · At the Shortest Notice, Painted and Trimmed if Desired. f ew huudced dollars In his pocket to the fa~ility wit h which ihe Mlstes Isaacs can ro devlae new means of buying votes. The with a . A.t the FactOll'f I a.!10 do Planing, Me.tohlng, 'l'urnlng anO. Sawing with Circle Band ece k a for tune. Nobody In k new speaker. They laborel under the follow a mayor of& 6mall city near Looarno reoently, Elll>WB, &llil preparo a.ll ltinde of lumber for carpenters nd others tor building p: poses. Ornamental and Plain Ploket1 tor fenc es In every et:vle reoulred. made to. c :der. while running for reelection, Invited every w het her he found it or not. People aay disu.dvantage of · heing coxq>elled to learn Uncle P el!icoe wae ungru.teful to him; but Dutch before they could learn. English, but, person who would promise to vote for him, he keeps his own oonnael. nevertheless, speuk and understand Enl:llish ~o cab !\nd drink a~ hiH expenae for three "l won't disgraoe my kir," he eays to hie per£ecbly, though their ep3ech la "not so mouths at cert.a.in specified taverns. The ·uccess of his plan is shown by the foct that wife and the doctor, the only partioipnnta muslo11>l or fl.owing a.s in otbere." ,l 'he Lord he wa6 roel41cted <md thu.n his bills ab the of hio secre~. "Blood ill bhioker bhan water, Ma.yor na.turally takes a lively interest in taverna in qur.etion a.mounted to l'!. 000 but I ho.n't got no use for Poleg Pellicoo any tbe subj cot of the education of the deaf. There are cases where modere,te gum lra.noa. Vote1J be>ught in the old-faahior.1ed longer." T hen Mrs. P ellicoe looita down a.t the old chewing is poalttvely healbhful. Bolting wa.y coet from 20 cents to $5 caoh. E~·en clergy are said to bribe eleotora r ight and Pelliooin dl)g nbini[Jg on her finger and shud- om.'11 food is the besetting-national wea.k· nese. Chew Adu.m's Tutti Frutti u.fter eaoh efh. · ders.-[New York Mornini;: .Tournal. I a.n xrntv l fJ felt 10 l!:ngland ovor tne ! faUin!( health of ~he Ptinc~ of Wales. The 11ud!t of bhe dock 2trike accounts ls ab I fas1; oo mpb~o, T ne to ~a.1 v.mouut ot rnonoy 1·eceiv <l. frc m all sc u1 ·ccs w"s in ;:ound numJJ>rly bers £48.00!'J, of which £30_800, or IlO C W G t hm:lr, cam~ from Au3tro.lfa. The v ariOt\~ Brit liih t1adca un.!ona enb~cdbed £1.000. Ono of the F rench pauera thinks it mruib : be~ great mlsfoztuoe to R n,zil if, as reported ' th ! J eouits are leaving tho oouutry. E ut t he Br· zillaos app ear to u.oce;::b the dfi 'ctfon , with Hp animity. 'l'h0,y are mi.id t o have ex preseeli their feel fogs on t he Eubj eot by eeoheating the J eeuits' esto.tee, a ms.guificent pro11erby, the 01·der havinv eecured under tJhe empire vhe pick of the land. all IChin BOWMANVILLE. . 1 j Iieadquarters in W est Durham for I D inner · and Tea Sets' l . Ch1 na"'l'.·7.,. ? Gl···ssv··v a.r·e -' Q roek ery, H a 11' p ar}or and H an d L amps Cuns - ucers Vases Water and L emon a.d e s et s,-·et c OUR FAMILY CROCE RY & PROVISION DEPARTMENT ° Is alV\rays well suppl1"ed w1"th the Ve ry b est goo d s a t 1owest prices. · 0 Leading· Seedsmen in the district. Always pleased to show goods. Inspection sollqited. 1 MURDOCH BRO. ·~ HAINES' CARRIAGE "WORKS GEORGE C. HAINES, Proprietor, CARRI ACES, SLEIGHS, CUTTERS, WAGONS, & Democrat Wa.gon................................................................. 65 Light Wagon..................................................................... 40 · All Kinds of Veh.icles Repaired Whiskey Clln' keep secrets. Hob eun travel mighty slow. Wise fox don' broke up hen nee'. Rant pig a!n' 'f·iar d o' hor~killin' t ime. Da clinmir horn sing sweeter'n m orkin bird. Turkey buzz"rd tak hea.pint'rus' in sick &heep. For.~ in otranga road hyeua a heap o cuasln', Nigger dat plows buokin' mu.el mighty fon' UV Wll.lkin'. Crow know d e diff'runoa' twi:x:~' shotgun an' walk!u' stiok. Rliein' chune11 fer morkln' blrds ain't .,., profitable dis year. A Thieving Eleph!\nt. Wa.termilliona res' better wid barb'·wir While a. circus was prapariog to lea.ve , fence r our.' 'em. Accrington, Enghnd, on Monday morning, Seema like "possum an" sweoti taters one of ~he elephants gob llway from the con- ought'llr grow in eame hill. fines of the circus and. bu rs~ .open the d?or Settin' ou1J ba.rcer plants mighty po' poulof a warehouse of a ne1ghb ormg e:i-opera·l;1ve tioe fer backll.che. store, and when ·a.n Aocrington pdloeman , d l i k b h k entered bs frmnd the 1lrua.nt indulging in . 1;1-Ltel can orea o maI'. c ' ut e now biscuita and j am. A baaket of onion s stood 1· Wb en Sunday come. WILL CUNE OR RELIEVE in the elephao.1.'a wa, , b u t as these wore noti ?l'cyln'-s!7:3d ()bicken beb!ier nob warm his BILIOUSNESS, DIZZINESS, to hfo tu.ste he hurled them into the r oad . , se f at de k1t-0hen & tove, D YSPEPSIA DROPSY The oH:bir d id n ob atte mpt to se'zi the D3 ha 'l' nv de dorg m:i.y cure de bite, bub INDIGESTION1 FLUTTERING animal, thinking it more pt·udentl to obtain l it coG' mo' 'en i~ come for, JAU NDICE1 Of HlE HEART, the a~slatance of it:~ keepe1·. O'e S.J.ta.n don'c !ikedrawin' knifa,an' l\dze; ERYSIPELAS, ACIDITY Of :I'he lll\m_e elephact, on Thursday follow- 1 dey bofo cutn to'arcls him. SA! I R HEUM THE STOrMCH ~ ing, was dmovered in anoth<ir birglary ab I . , HEART&URN.' DRYNESS . . i ,. Cnorlev. While tho oiroua pitrr.p hem:i.lio. l D o ~~nne of de ha.n Ea"'. tell '\\hether yer HEADACHE, ' OF THE SKIN waa bexng loaded llp he allpped a.way in tho wukkm by da dB,y d'1 J,o,b. . · . · · · 1 darkneEs and for0ed open a locked.up I Dfly ~a~ ~e1n~ 1'y alll mv an akm deep, but .Awl eve17 species oi' du:e:-.:so ~1SU!,$ grocer's sbop in the High s treet H are he some uv 1L d c1 or out o' d abt. .tl<om <11so:ridered LIV E R, KFDREYls, , · t , "' · STOMA1,,"Il, BOV./E.':.S OR EI,.OOD. a:mo)ie)led a whole cheese, two boxes of j W 'en yon axes yo'oack for oredit you g1ta or rlQ :l?::D!)-!iet.oro... ~1sou ~ts and other grocedes, and altoge<her It. but d e stummuolr calls fer de ca.sh.0 .~ Qi;,,j! ·1 ----~ :i:o;a.oin:o. did$;;() worth of damage, l Wil.liam G. Eggleston, 1 The Federo.tion of the British Empire ie not a new idea, rs soml' would suppoee, A Dllliill'.I. for itR auggeatioo fa no·,v m;.de on be half of Lord Sherbrooke. 'Vhen au Mr. R obert J,owe, as long ago as 1844, he su.b in the P 11.rllo.menb of N ew South W~les, he ex· pre~sed himadf as folio vra: " I hold and believe that the time !e nob reniote when Grea.t Britain w ill give up the idea of treating tho dop<indencles of the crown aa ohlldren, to be cu.st adrifti by their p~rant as soon as they a.rrive an manhood, and sub~titute for it the far wiser and noblar policy of kcittlng hersolf u.nd her colonies into one mighty confedera.oy, girdling the ea.rth in its whole ch·cumference, and oonfident againa~ the world in arta and a.rms." N.E!.:J.RO M!\XI MS. ID'31l.l, The Tobacco Plant. Toba.cco ie a na.tive of America . Aoco~d · fog to many accounts, it was firnt found by the Spaniard s in bhe ptovicco cf Y ncatan, who c!\lled ib after Tcb11co, the name of the country in which. i~ was oultivatod. Obhers, towaver, 11.s~ert tha.ll t hey first discovered it in Tobago, whioh is one ot bhe Caribbee faland~. Thie last a~count is gener!llly considered very dnubrfttl One ilh!ng it! oertaill, however, in rela bion to the origin of the n!ltne of this plant, tha.·b the a.boriginee or Indians of t he Cuibbeo Islands had a tube or pipe whioh they termed " fla.bac ~," nnd in which they smoked this herb. ['he Spaniards, ·011 vbH1ng this torrid clime, transferred the nB.me of tbe tube or pipe to the planb itself, which has been denominated "tabnco," or, acc:>rding to the orthographical oorruptlon of the word, he,~ been styled "tobacco" ever &inc9. The tobacco plnnt is ole.saed wlbh the Nicotiana 17enus. genas or derived its =======,-,:= -"' ·-'"-========"." =·"=""-,,,,"'-='-"'-"' · =-.,,, ·-"" -"' · '=""·"'z"' ~ =·"'"'z""-="" "'--~= -""===>=~ nn.me fron1 .Nfoot, Thie a. French Spanish .. - -- -- ---- ·--"'--"'--"' Wh11t lie Tb.inks About. bob·niet, w'bo devot;ed his r.ttention io bhe The Bame 'l'hing. st,udy of this epecieo of plants soon 11fter Jones--" Wh~t is Ponaonby's business?" ·"My dear," s&id Mn. Bt>neymoon to h£r the middle of the ~ix teenth century, or about Smiih-" Il<,'a a om1tr!l.ctor now." spouee, one c111y at ditrner, "dp·1 tors H.y tha.1l the yea.r 1560. The leaves of this plant, Jones-" What did he uaod to oe ?" one should n6t think about: .ille£s matters upon t eing dried, and then mLmnfactured in S mith-" A coraet maker." at meal tiroes. as it iml:a/ i C!l!estion e.nd various ways, are· m9!t commonly uaed fer Jones- " \Vall, I dtm't 2ee mnohdiff.:irenoe. injures the health. Prny~-' '«r, whs.t do you chewing o.nd smokhig purposes. and in the thilOk al::out when we sit ;·wn to meals?" prepamtiou or makillg of snuff. Ill is also :I'he two colonies formed by colonists ~ho "Sweet est" rcvli6d the old ~n, " I only 1 used, to some {Xbcnn, na 1:1 medicine, oame out under Gov. J'ohn Winthrop, the thiDk abcn~ ohew ! Plymouth and Ma.asi:.clmeetts bay, were for And Ml'!! , B oney1r.oon put h 'rm aro·nd 'l . Tba Kind Hearted Cob., m!\uy year13 indeiwndent of one another ; his neck 111: d klned him. Policzman- "Here, now, move on." bu.t tbe P lymout h oolony, though t he older 1 While a number ot communir.!es b the Stratiger (who h ull Joa~ his w1>y ti·ylng to of tho two, grew for mo~e slo,:wIY. t~nn t ho 117 t,be gi·eat; Sbate of get back to his hottt\)-"I am no tramp." othei-, and wae at lMb umted with IDm 1692 Uuitei! Statoe, lncludh Policema.n-"Whu.t a.re yf!, then?" under t he name of M~ea.chns?tt~, t he n~m". N ew York, a.re Rcramblil'.lg for 11. secret Stranger-"! am a country editor--" . ?0ing bken frnm. one of the ti;1bes of Ind1:ms ba.llot, it comforts C~nadianB tc r1 fleet tba.t P ollcman-"I see I see, Poor fellow J rnhabltiog the sod. The meanmg of \he word flhe controversy is an indirect homage to t 1 superior che.raoter of cur own law1. H6re'11 a. dime.". ' i ls said to be " Blue H ills, " -..... - I j I l ?r, I T J.U!LBU:RN -~