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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 25 Dec 1889, p. 7

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~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~'0~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~!!~!!~~~~~~~~~~!!'!!!~!~m~ the 01Jgll.111er. t o g o ahead ab !.uu sp~Ad, a nd li A THRILLING ilDV.El~TU !i.E. tiy t he !1pJ1ea.rnnce that th<·r~ was noth , 1 t he ?to1Lmer su,u fJad ahea.d h ke a, w,iH l:ico· , ·-wron111 about tmwn f.lo riroporly co4 ducted, J motive. "o were almost npon t~o J lrnk holt ~d my door, rnfoed bhe wfod ow for a .£. ThrlllilngA.1lven t11ro in the l'acUi110u ea n . b"fore t ho " "<>pie d1" · d o ' · l"'tl f ' · l k d ~ ~~ . · v1:·; · :_r O<'J coo._ :>nu A Petllm··s !lt:utu111 g :..·xpci-tence 11~ n :nacl·· 1,, , .e . !'£~n air, _ oo ~ , Ntt a~1d dboovered In t he year 1850 il. British steamer called tlmy J.::ad on1y t rn1 e to u "t;or o..,e long·d:rt\Wf.l ,,.., 0 118 '.l:a vl'na :l.n me lEai·Iy P· .)s the mgho ws.~ mt~mo,y dnti>, unrlre~s-ed , J the Fi>irfax arrived a.t Shanghai iu distrese, shout ~f terroi:. I h~!il ~·rn ntmam~_r for ~er of Onta·iu. blew oi.;t my hghb, Jnrop-.d fot J h id, IL!lC WEDNESDAY, .1 EC. 25 , 1889. and u pon iove~tigation her da.magee were br oada1do, anC! nhe cavlued that 3unk like ··1rr1081J immediately foll 1.1RleH> . found to be ao cxbei:rnive thi~t she waa sold to the t.wo ha_lve~ o~ & u apple fa.lli.ngaway frcm In all my tr ii.vela, ove;· t hour.nndn C>f m~les I was 'l.W~koned by a crn~h of thuudcr , ,. oorporation known as "The Golden T ea a kmfo. l l·xpectod n. great shock bub there of country, I w1u1 never really torl 'fi ed bu" th<'J~ wo.s rolling over ll>Pd ahak.lng tho hous; ---.._ ...........~- ""; ': .\ \ ·, Company. " It was composed of five British W!i1 noue. h WIMil n o more tha'Q If we had once ; imd then I confess 1 h a.d a fright w its foundi>tlo 11 all the moment my sen ells tea. houses and it ha.d four 001<sting vaesela :run down a yawl.. I b<lleve aha held ab. wh!cll I di~ llOU recover fram f or woeli.~, L'lnd ret urned. to me ; and being mthar timid iu ita tmde. ['hif! ste&mer was wan~ed to leasb fifty men. A. great cry wenb u p Boa we 1 whrnh I f.tdl never r~call w1th oub a. u~ cret about lightning, ~nd n :membering to establish a line to tho L ioc-Kioo Islands, in ps.ssed, and whan I ha.d heatled the ste1rn1er shudder. My lifa might b:o. said lo have heard th1\t tho clectrlo fi aid "l'ould follow a t,he P.-oifio Ocea.u, bull mor .. part?cularly to around not mere tpan ha.!f a dozen of the 1 hung o? a t h!ea.d; a.J?d nothing but curren~ of air, and afoo re coll~c ~fog t h1:1t I the faliWd of K tu-Siu, where the company p~or _ w reuches were Ill ~lg ho, and those were j hea.ven ". kind pr.ovxdence, mterpoted i.u & had left my wii;dow open, I sprang u p SickH1111.dAchl'lnn<lrolleTe all the tr0l1blt1s incl· ~nt to A bl!ious st Ate of the ~ystem , such aa intendBd to esbt>blian a branch h eadquartern. ~lmg1 ng to fragmenb~ of ~he wr e?k and t~ss- , moeb m <ra~ulou 3 maunel', Baved me from hasMJy to close H. As I did ao, my herMi 1 Dluluess, l'ilJ:usea. DMtvAlnans, Distrese a f t or The l!'airfax w11a a aide-wheeler oi about ui,g a.oout. I g:we the enp:lnaer mfor111.~t'1on tho awful ooom, bi.1ely t ouched somo eofo ~ub~t!lnco, jur.t ...ting, Pain m tbe Slde, &c. WbUe tl:Jeir most 6JO toua burdun, and noted flB being VH"Y o~. h~w, we·. ha.d succae:'.lGd ai;id told him I In the re?ula.r pursuit ~f- my vocJ,tion, I l:'lhov~ me ; but ~he fact produced 0 0 imfoat. She was cha.ng6 d a.bou t a great d e&l in p . opc~;.d t o ~~rve t he obber 3unk the same WllS t ravellmg through Wesbern Gmarl!J, presmon upon my Excited min<l at the lu rn1iking repairF, and when I went a.broad of wav. Ine uabives a.1'o~r~ the s tei.mor seemad: wher . ~owo.rds evaninp of one _ho~, sultry, momm1t. I rel\ohed the window, a nd for an her as a w heelsman I found sevaru.l things helpless a.nd ~errox ·strrckon at firet, but . summer day, I found myself passmg ~hr.ough Inota.ntJ etood and looked out t o get a vfow to cxcite my curiosity, ::rhe ca.bin bad been when th~y r EJ,al1zml my pla_n t hey moved to e. ~ong stretch of sw<1.mpy wood!e.nd, a.lo?g ~ f the approachhig eborm ; but, as be· Head&c!ie. yet CAwriu:'s Lrrrt.r: Lrv1rm P<Ltf done awa.y with, and in its p lv.oe wae an prevent it, I hey ran do1111 and opened t h e 1 wnat might much l.>etter have bePn denom1u· fore, I oould not eee ii.uythiog at a.11- al\ e.r., <>qnnlly val uable m Const1pntion, cm1ot,. offioen' 111.essroorn a.ft and a. comforbah!Eo furnace d~ors t o ,lowm: the 6t aam, and .a ated a. horse-path than a road. I hnd t?.lum w aa aa blaok a.a the dr.rkneaa of a pit-- im (; "nd prevcmtlng t.lilo n nnoylng complaint. wilili they a.lso correct &\l disorders of tha stomacll, dilling room for the men forwatn. The spv.ce of six or eight attacked tha wheel· 1 ierfoc gJy stlll1 a ro.ther ob~oure by-way, iu t he hopes, if I e.s beforo, too, the air was 1 ~tlmulate tho 'liver and i-egule.te the bowels bcJtween was used for berths and storage. h"uso. A second, p'.l.rt y ma,da an attack 1 found fow customers, to find t hose who so much so, tha.t I fancied I felt a stifling Even if they only cured I noticed that a. greil.U deal o! th e interior on the eni;:lneer s room a.t the same , would pa:)' wall; bu~ I h~d a serious aenae.tio!!, I WM the moro snrpdead o.t thi· .vood wo1·L.: was covered with heavy sheet m?~ent. . · m!~take, ID thJ.b I l:atl (h;:c'}vered none i;'; ·that .( though~ I h'la.rd ~he roiu o! the wind iron, whfou had been p z.iuted to rteaemb!e Ihe second i unk, seemg tha f>.ta . of the all. fo a w~lk of dg\~t t dfomi milen, I ha,(; 3Ud t he foiiing of rain; a n d certainly 1her~ wood. The d oors were very heavy, aud firs~, ha~ gone a.~out, an,~. wa.R ~tandmg _du J seen only thre!l dwelHng~, an d t heae miser- w<.s another clap of t hulldsr , whoeo p:eoed/ A HORSE WHO CAN TALK? .Ache th<1y would b<il 11! ni<>et pricelesg to t hose were ,furt her protected by me~&l. The on· north with all £1a!leet. lne wmd was hght able shanbier, one of which was unoccupied, Ing fi~sh uf llghnnlng I had not perceived, -.rho suITisr f rom t:1i· d !f;t re$slng compl!Lint · Everybody hns he1nd of a "llorsa laugh," gine r·oom wa.s entirely encloaed, a nd wheu howaver, and we ooald run five feet t o her a.nd t he other two with raggad families who but fortunr.tely their aoocine·~ <IMS 11ot tmd Awed by the mys!Jery I hastily let down but who has ever seen an ll(jnino gifted with hen~, vncl thoz~ who ouce try thent '"'il1 find of st9a:~, llnd h~d no money for At t ho laat house, the sash, 1md returned ~o tho bed in p, sta:e the power of speech? Such an animal would l c!.\mo to the wheelhouse I wau surprised 1Jo ons. 'VVe had a. farge r?irorve_ theso little pillSJ valmtlile in HJ m o.ny way8 t,hnt be pronounced a miracle; but so wonld the find it so;ed thatl iron ahubt1 crs hung o.ftor ~ hlLU her 11ose_Pomtcd. for the JUn.k I l U .lquired tl1c diEtance t o .tho n~::rb, and I of E ·Jmo trcpida.Uor.; but., at1 I put out my thay will not be wlllin" to do without them telegraph and the telephone a hundred years on tho inaide could b~ Jloeed to make a little gflVC t be gang ? utoids, & little e.ttent10~. wa.s mformed. tha.b four rodes further on I h(l.nd to feel mv wa.y in, ib came iu contact But after ull sick hN>.d" · ago. ·wby, even very recently a cure for consumption, which is univnsally ackuowlcdg-ed fortress of the ple.ce. Two rifles and a They :vere ~a.ngu;g at t '.1e door and tho shti.- would c_ome t~ a. main road, where th_or~ with a mn.ttrces nearly ag high as my neck to be scrofula affecting the lunge, would have pair of revolvers oamprlaed the a.rmamen~. tera with. the ca.p2tan b .rs, and l wounded Wl\6 o m inn for travellers; and t owards this i 1from the fioor, Now ree.lly terrified by 1.1 been looked: up_on !lS mim<:ulous, but now people are begmnmg to refLhr.e that the disense When I c! t o ask q11esuion11 of the nmte bwo.of th"m b~fo~e t hey would des~at. The was now ma.king my way, with the Intent ion sense of eome unknown danger, and halt believing thab the room was haunted ] is bazie of ~o ma.ny llves that here Is where is not incurable. Dr. Pi<-rcc's Golden Mcdicul he Informed me tha.t we were going am ong engmeer, also uemg a revolver, killed one of putting np there for tha night. we n1alto our gre1.t boMt. Our pills curo ti and wounde~ t~o: The fellow.a then drew . I ca me In sight 1>f th~ road ~nd the inn clutched the m1:1ttresa convulsively, ~nd Discovery will curo it, If taken in time and o. la.wless and desperate loll, and were 'l'l'hlle oth~rs do n ot. given a fair trial. 'l'his world-renowned remoff, ~e11oten a , 01'e1v turn and dmguat~d with JUat a6 the su n was aebvmg behind a drift felb over and under ib, and found it w aL CAaT1m'9 Lr1-i'LE Lrvn P I LLS a re very small edy will not muke new lungs, but it will re~ha 3ob, and now I was close up with the of olou de, that scemEd to becoken thr:i g&1Jl:· sspar11ote from the bad on which I had beel! l'RE PARED FOR ANY EMERGENCY, Md very eMy to t""r.". One or two pills ma ke store diseased on~s to a het1lthy state when ering of a s~orm. ~ire~ and hungi·y as I eleepin~, and wa.s slowly deacendiog 1 a dose. They aro strictly vegetable irnd do other means have failed. '.l.'housaacls grate- In a ddition to wha.t I had si:en he showed 311nk. She also held a.bout fHty '.ll.Ot g1··pe or i;m·ge, but by tl10i1· gentlf\ e.ctinn :Cully testify to this. It is the most potent DESPl!RAT?. LOOKING FELLOWS. wa.g, wibh night setting in upon mo in such Graoloua heaven! how alm!l I a.otempt t o plca~e all who m1 e them. l n vinls at 2ii c~nt· : tonic, or strength restorer, nlterativc, or me a six pound field pieoe on the p~omenado A a lonely country, I was very gla d to come in describe tha.b momontof horror, when I fire · :! for St . Sold orni·ywhere, or sent by maiL b lood-cle- 1ser and nutritive, or flesh-builder, d6ck and a score or more of rifi lS in a. room ware 0 f my intentiono, about twenty of sigh t of a. plaoe of rest, .an<i went forward in g ot a comprehension o~ the whole c1iabolic:1' known ' 1edical science. F or W ea k Luugs, set for an armory. O A.tTlil3 l!llDlC:ll:& CO., Naw l"o:k. iihern who were a.t·med with muskets i.tatbti l d · Spitting...,. Blood, Ilronchitis, Asthma, Ca· · p!ot I r· plot to t?-urdtr me in my ~leep I 1 Tbe steamer her first and second ered aft and peppered away a.t the pilot co~pai:a ve V goo spinba, tarrh in t:ie Head. and all Lingering Coughs, l he rnn we1s a brown stone bu!ldmg, two wao wi.olled up m t\ room prepared wit.l. it Is an unequaled remedy. In dernngements brips without adventure. The orew in each house, hut t he few bullets which hit it fell tories in height, a.nd quite respectable look· n a.ohinBry for tho <x press purpo~e ')f l.llu of the stomach. liver and bowels, as lndig-es- insts.nco waa oompcsed almoat entirely of harmless. \Vhen t he bow ot the stea.rner R tion, or D,rspepsia, Jliliousness, or "l.ivcr was within a cable length of the stern of the iaf{ f~r that r egion of country. As I Cilmo de··ing rhe unsu>pecttvg tra.veller, had Complaint,' Chronic Diat-rhca, and kindred white men-E.iglisb,lAmedoan, German, and . k i b up tn it, however, I fancied tt ha.d a. ccrta!v been iju,vcd from tho awful fate by thr. 1·epor r l<liltnents. it Is a sovereign remedy. French s;·ilors, who had been ptoked up in Jun every nat. vs egim to howl and wail, of gloom, which had a rather depressing of ht'uven's thunder. The wlnuow of oonrE, "Golden Medical Dls- hai. The oook, steward, and stokers u.nd most of them thr6W tl:iemaelvea pros- ff ect upon. my spirits; but then this, 1 ivas only a blind to deosive, plil.c'lcl inskt were na tivee, a.n<l on eaoh trip we carried trate on the decke. . Whine clobhs were held e JEE~ ?~~~ryo·; j~:ec?a~ ~~fci quite thoughb, might be cau3ed by the absence of of a blo.nk wall, which accounted for mv !l. number of m'tive pasnengers. Oa t he up in token of surrender, but in answer I k l' 1 h · - - - - - - -.. - .. by druggists, under a printed guarantee, from t ho manufact- ohird t rip a.bout one-half of the white orew tang tne bell for t ho engineer to pllll her Fp ~r mg ig ts and bosthi, a nd seeing ib a~ seoiog not·bing from it iwd getdng no ourrc~\ urers. t hat !twill bene11t or cure in ('very case ha.d t o be replaced lly natives, nn:l when we wide open. Be did so, and we seemed to bile hour ohwilighb. N o one met me at the of when the sash was raised· and thtl"f door; nor did l perceive o. humo.n b ;ing ma.ttress I h;i.d l:iad hold of was u:rnnged tc ~ · of disease for which it Is mcommemlml or money paid for it will bo promptly refunded. left Shanghai we had sixty native p!ABSengers. i tl r 1ght out of the water e.nd b 9 fiang at in or about it till I had entered the be lowered by pulleys, and held do1vn b Q ~ I remarked on the singular faot that all -r;ere the doo·ned orafb like a miaeile. Tho unlighted b<lr roorr, where o. man, who weights upon the sleeping traveller till ni'. Copyrlgllt, 1888. Uy W OJU,D'S l)IS. MED. ASS' N. men, and t he mate <xplf.lined matters by steamer . struck her tq':l'lre in the stern, 'd b e smothered out of him. All this J THE -crashed rnto her for ten or twelve feet, and was 8 ltt' mg In a oorner, roee a.nd sh ou. IS ST ~ ,,, a 0 ~QQ OFFER saying it was a reli2ious body on their then the jnnk fell 11.p!lort, and bec~me a. heap ca~e forward, with a. ulight nod of salu- oomp:ehondedjae by a sudden Jhshof though1 UCUl n C1. 'J ._;, ED WJ.V i;o a famous temple situated on the by the mnnufuctur- . l d wr eckage which was aaide from eith~r ta.t1on. !!.nd as I stood trembling c.ud almost !i U 1ji · FACTORY SUPPLIES. ers of Dr. Sage's Catarrh Hcmody, for un . la 11.n we were bound for, They looked to of :: Are Y?U bhe landlord 'I Inquired. lyz 3d, there can1e a. qdck ·rattling 9.11 ot -+IS+incurable caao of Catarrh ln the Head. mo like a cra.fty, vilb.inous lot, and my fol· bow. Ira.~ on for a quarter of a mile and Valves, lron &. Lead PlflE> lam, wao t he answer. oords 9.nd p ulleys, and the upper b ed drop· ii a r low wheelsmiAn, who was an American then turned. N ot"' living man was to be "I suppose I ca.n put up wibh you for the ped d own with e. force th!Lt denoted tli· ~j1&Uft£11'S cfNOINE Loose Pulley Oilers,Stoa~" named \Vhita, predicted that we should seen In this last disaster . Irion over to the Jct P~mps, Fum Pumps, trouble with them before tile YO}'age heap of wreck&ga aud saw two men ho answered, g. 1v.ncing at Wind Miils, Cream Sepf>i· was over. We had soarcely left port betorG sti a·nglng on, bu t the sha.rka pulled t hem my t runks. "Snall I take care oi them for n.s it were, by a. iniracle-lvhu.t was I no"' IJUU atcrs1 Dairy and Laund.~,. 'li'e s:1w to ib tbat all our weapons were load- under just a.s I l'Zng t o atop our wn.y, Tho ~" , b , you . to do to pre3erve my lifa? Aa yet all wa> No Alum. Uton$llS· od, and we got "bhe himg" of the iron blinds s,oii.m W !Hl n out 1 xa~ustod e.nyhow, nnd the "t will merely set them behind your ba.r dark, and no one appaarod · but I no l'I Uothiog Injuricna. OF CANADA. iO tha.t we oou!tl shu~ them quickly. One of ~i~n~o~~~. aome for a move against the pira.tee till I retire for the nigh t, a.ud then I wil: hearcl vuices spoa.ldng in low, hushed tonee 536 CRAIG STREEl~ Capital paid up, 1111,eoo,ooo. Kost, 8250.00 118 would cer ba.inly be In tbe wheelhouse, n G MONTREAL. t~ke them tio my room. I suppose you ca.n ILI!d k new th!Lt soon the tmbh wnuld be di· me.bter at what hou r trouble might oome. g1v.a me a single apa.rbmenb to myself." ccvsretl, and in all probll.b!Hty mv life r.t ~elieving they were badly frightened, I Thls Bank ls prepared to do Legltl As the steamer only hzd a. Emdl load of "Oh, ves, eMy ca oul{h-my hou~e ia larze, b> m p t·ed in eome o ~lier way. What was ) t be rt>\' olvers t.nd ~tep-ped oub on mate Banking in all its brn.nch0s. ireighb, &nd th!l.t was all in bhe held, the r·;lcl\ded no do? how defm cl myself from t he rni<i . th e d eck with one in either hand. The a.nd will nob be c:wwt1.ed to-nigh t. ' ' Farmors notea d iscounted ; Dapos!ts party of natives were quartered on the lowe· only:m>J.n io aight waa the le~.der. of tho birncl, . ' ' .f.hve yo:i an7 other guests? ' I night mttrderars ? I h ad no W3apon lmt '" · 1eoelved ~nd Interest paid on 1Hnounta d J rck. Tho womther wu.a very mild i.nd t h11y whc stood on tho bows looking up a.t me ""' it q u ml~, foelmg, frnm ~oma ca.uae foi· o:cdhrnry cb sp-lrnifo, and 1Vha.t wc:.uld t hi· $5 u pwards in Su.vings B:;ink Department : dill uotJ need cover ing. T he diHtanoa from r atepp ~d rmt he aaiU. : w1 u c :i l collld not accoun t, s ~rnngely ill a t w::.i!!nst vwo or more ? S ·ill, l we.a dc 3h'1.nglmi to Kiu-Siu is !\bout ~1110 hund retl berrr.l insd not lo yT. ~~hl n·1y l ~fo 1:n rie·y ; :n1c " IJ.m'u shoob ma I We 1?1011.nt you 110 e&t-ie. D Im Li F1fS !l.nd f::fty mile·. Aa we laft port a.t 6 o'olock "There fo no one bore y1~b." h"' replied ; a.~ in a.ll probaM!ity ev.:r v & vacue of esca.ti· harm i Wo ho,vo thrown GW!llY our weapconn!' Issneil and CJllectioua in Earopo in the mornin~, a.w1 ;w en,geJ twelve miles 1 wer:tdown t () fia.d ~h13m cowering in t ha "and it la getting rather fate for tho dr~vera, W!>.3 bMred ag'l.inut me, I resolved. lio ora.:,,., per hour nntil four the nexb morning, we were pa$sageways. evH_v nHn'o pluck completely who often st op with m l." United States, and .... undH the bed :ma take my chance thun·. probty fairly acros3 tho big ba.y or lltr:i.ibs gono. The Captain and second ma.ta were It wa.s a r elief to think that drovers war · Mechanically, whUe coaa!dedog, I h::id fol: -·~-----··...,~~ W.J. ,TONES, creat ed righti there by the lay of the in t he armory. I iet them out a.n.d in t h? h ~blt of p2tting up e.t the house, fer for my clothoa ?'nd drawn on my panta.loon& ; A11ent. and the location of the iala.nds. I came on thab implied a certain degree of houesby rn ~nd . no?' ca.u ttously t rying the door, anc. wa~ch a.b 4 o'.ilock. It wa' then fairlv da)' THEN FREED THE ENGINEER, STrEL-llrlED TRUNK$ the landlord, and a. consequen t security for fi ndmg 1.t, as I had expected, fastened oi In Sa.m.,Je, L-tdics' anr) !ight and nhe se11. was emootb and everythine Tile four of ua were the only white m~n left lonely travellers; a.nd I rev.Hy needed t hh the outside, I abea.lthily glided undar t h. n il other kin tlB. very quie~. My chu m gave me the co11ne~ We collected the prisoners an t he rdhctic>n to oouut;arha.lance a. etr a.nge sens~ bed, a.nd pfoc~d myself for b<>ok clo"' reporteil 11hat there was nothing new, and LlihtBSt and S trongest of something wro!lg, If n<·t absolutEly wick a ~aiost the wa.11. I had ban;ly gain~d th s 'Yant off to turn in. Ha had soaroely dieap- mess room, held a. short oonsnlta~ion, and ed. a.nd dangerous, po1ib!on, when a, light shooe ioto the roon. TRUNKS then p roceeded to a~1J. While I rom&ined when I r<ise two junks dead ahea.d, In t he World. · · I informed the host th&t I WH very tired trom above ; an'.l looking up between t b· For Hand am<l J·at d u / (;apitnl, $:180,11-0CI. and fiva minutes later t he l ookout on tbr: among them to check any new·ambition, the and hungry, and wished a good supper a.nd o. bed and the wall, I saw an opening in tb . Rest, < . $4lU ,IMHI, lY.lachine Use. Captain took h is statioa ab the for ward port bows reported them to Mr. Gra.bam, tho fir·V gan gway. Tile engineer then led the good bed, a.nd he assured ma the.t I shoulo nof!lng, a.boat five feet by eight t h rough --o-m!lte. It could not hf.Iv e beEn more than two SUPERIOR. MOl\'liRE:A L, pimtes out to tha oi:e by one, a ncl be p rovided with the beat li e ha.d. H a WCD l which r suppose the u pper m<t.ttre;a had c\c - HAS ·egto notify the public that I am recelvlDg m1~utJes &her this when l hea.rd a the fattfl.r putl a bullet through each man'd outl of the room, as he said, t o give t ho ne ecen ded; e.nd., standing on the edge of tbh· :ole mrs. for Ute Domin1ull _......34J O Bi t ~ tor 1hia ccmpany, and ~llowluu a A5:< FOR IT. -...a..· ;he fau dlord ..! Sl{BILL O~Y OF " MURDER !" head 1 mc1 pi1Johed him forwo.rd into the aea.. c; s ~ary directions and get a ligh~, He w'H opening, looking down, was 1 - higher rate o Cin terest than the bankl!iniste1 No NOTICE OF WITHDRAWAL REQU IRED . followed by two p:stol shots and a rush of [ti was retribution wit,h a vengetbnca, a.nd gone .iome ten minut,e11, and returned witb uhe inn, and beoido him a ta.II, thlu & ies1', and I realf::o·1 that trouble was at. hand, oertain writers, who were a tbousimd miles a. candle in hie hand , which be r.Iaced on virago, who looked wicked enough 'to be hiL I am also prepar~d to grant I rang the bell for t ho engineer t o atop and from the aoene 11.nd underwenb none of its t he bar. I h a.d t»lrnn a sea~ during his wife, !\B nndouhtedly she wa~. MONTREAL. Loans on REAL ESTA.'l'I r.hen Hhut and Eecm·(·d my blinds, and I waa perils, have t ermed i b "the m!l.saa.ora of the absenoa, and, bring a little back in the "All r igbt, 1-leg," he, at 1-:rngt.b: "h< bad a. chance to scrutinize h is is quiet enough now; and. if not, t can soo<' I now, on favora':> le terms. · not am lment too soon. The wheels had prlsoneru." I went out with the oue O.B'FICE: scarcely oeased to revolve, when I heard the Like 11oll ot hers who had preceded him, h~ fea.tures closely withoun being perceived iu fin111h Pim ;"-and whh this he took the C >\Ddle from her hand, a.nd leapt dowu upon McMurtry's Dry Goods Store, pi>otter of feet outaide, followed by ex~la:na- went humbly to h;a death, n ot uttering il. the aob, I did not like the appearance of hi~ the bed, then spr11ng off upon tbc fl >or. W. F. ALLEI1 t fons ..,f anger and disappoin~ment. T hen 1 protest. When he had been di~posed of oo_untenanoe. Hia face was long a.nda.ngular, "N'.lw hoieu n.wa.y," he COlliinu ari, "e.ndlet used the speaking t nbe to warn the engineer we turned to and prepared the bodies of our Bowmanville, Oct. 11, 1Ef8. t2-!m and hu speedily informed me tha.t h e dead for burial, clea.ned the deoks, and, by w11lh black eyes and b ushy brows, and t he us go through with this j ob M q nick a.s p issl· made himeelf a close prisoner. c.wo of u s acbiul! r;s stoken, we worked ' the '!h~le expreeaion was ool<', forbidding, !LUd ble." & l!:l1ator . Again I he11rd t he noise of ropes and pul My Iron shutiters were provtded with port. star.mer np to Kin-Siu. H e remarked tba.b the nigM waa very lays, un<l kue·v t ho upper bed was beio" S o leAg'tslo rGanada, COMPANY., co:r.tlnuee to ao a General BankwgBusiness boles, and w!: e.1 I lookei down upon her bow For a fow weak.a the natives kept wonder Bowmanville Branch. Manufacturers of deck I ~aw the dead bodicn of ~he m11ite and fully qufot abon~ t,ho f.\dventure, but it then warm and sultry, and that it waa likely to ra.iaPr', which in. anotber moment would DEPOSITS lookout lying th·Jre aud covered with blood leakecl out t hat abo11t 130 li ves had b 3ell be showery, and then inquired if I ba.d com« di.Bcb.e to the h uman monster thri facb that 1 1 Im 't f l\S SE"TOS MILLBOAR( fartha.t d11y, and which dir'ectfon? I In· mv oead bodywa~ r.ob nnderit. \Vht1>uthonl o~ea e, P n;o ~ '" . Received In Savings Bank Department and on from numerouB knife wound~. N ona of the lost Jn t he a ttem1' t to capture us. Had they formed him of my ted ious walk OV(l~ the by M erciful heaven l it mnst boa struggle of., IJ~UGG.ST~ surmfl! E.), §t~sm. Jillll(lkinni;, ca'l and int_ erest &l!owed at current ratee. No nat ives were in sighb, but directly 11 fhrce got p oseeaeion of the steamer it was their roa.d, fhD d unguardedly added t hau I did :wt h !e aud c fo.:d1 betwocm h im and me 1-~nd I 1743 NO'l'RE DA.ID: ST., no foe or withdrawal neoimsary. All dep· sits yell i.rose from the luw er deok, foibwed by intention to ruu her up to the head oi t he MO NTH EAL f' R !CT ION Jl ~Y able on demand, pfotol shots, and I knew that the saffron Yellow Sea., and make used her in their think my day's experience would induce me WM a.heady nuving myue!f for the dre~tlful la.cod wrotoboa were murdering the white piratios.l ~x3urelons from the ooa~t of F or· to travel through that region again in a enconnter, whim I experienced a ol ....._._~,.__._......._ PULLEY E8ARUit .EXClllA.NGE hurry. He a.sked me where l we.a from, if l tr.:i.naitory !lensa.tion of a. ori.1 h l\Gd llo alwek. ~I Thidc.r a, Perfect F.-ictiai! B mgh t an d ~old and Dr arts Issued upon Emo p men 113 as they could get to them. T hey mos;i.. A.3 n one of t hem 11nrleratood how to had seen many persons t hab d!l.y, it I was an T he :uext thiug I 1·emember, waa flal' iag U ciit ed St&tea and Ca.nada,also Gold,Silver a. "' IP.ft me alone for a bout a quarter of a.n hour. navigate the "'wingleas devil," as they ce.lled U lllted St,a ~ee Groen backs boui;:ht and sold. Then about h a.If a dozen of them Cl\me i;p b.or, it ill l!koly that she would hl\ve beeu entire atranger in bhat part of the cnunlry, myself ~xposed to th~ f m;y of t;he tempe$11-l\nd demanded my currendcr. F rom their blown np within l\n hour or two after t hey a.nd eo forth, and so on-fJo &ll of whioh l the willd howling p me, the xo.ia beu.tin~ VOLLE4J'.'l'Htl'ti~ ga~a correct answers. upon mti, t he lig htning fi ~shin,., a.nd 'tbe Pramptly made at cnrrent rat ea apon all i arts di ..le;it I k new them to he Uorci;n g Thev got cb1.1rge. Sbo w~s in the traile and on :rhus we conversed till a little bell an- t hunder roll.ring. I waH 8t.ill in my i·com, " f Great Brittain, the Unitea fltates 11.nd Lh" callcJd to me io thab la.nguago, Gl\yi~g thed the same line for the nf xi five y~ars, a nd had tull poases~ion cf tha steamer, had kilf e.very native craf~ would turn tu.ti at the nou11ced aupper, when he uehered mo Into a but it was all open on one nida of ml' 11.nd it Do n inlon or THE !>EST FOR L A UNDRY USE. good-sized dining room, and did the honours took my bewildered senHe eor.ce time'to com ~d all but uwo of t he crew, and that my life Sight cf her five m1les awe.v. Telegraph Transt'er" of t he te.blo, trying to make himself very pr ehend the v.wful fate of heaven's peculfar - - -- - -- - - - for le te or small sums on a ll pa.rte e 1vould be 11p11red I' I promised t o do ae they a.greea.ble. That t here wao somebody else i.11 providence. How He Beat the Gllvernment. Canada.. Tl, 's Is ospeolally advan&ageou&to clirected. I commuoiou.t~d with t he enginet-r, the house I ba.d good r eason to believe-for The ligh~niog had abruok the portion of persons llvl11 ' u Mamtoba or the Norch·wesr fou nd that ho waa a.II nvht, and he added P ost-office Clerk-" S:i.y, mister, there's a I heard stepl:I a.nd the rnttling of dishes in ao building 1 wa.s in, and h &.d thus given me life Bit mt1kM I ; unds ava!la.ble iu once at hb th>J.b the c~ptain and some Gf the crew were a r j )ining room-but the l&ndlord himarolf and freedom I la.coot pay ont. in the armory and pr epa.rad to b~ld ou t to c9nt due on that letter." Aa soon as I fairly comprehended this, I " Mo!lte--" vVan cint, iB it? Who is ib w1.1s t he only p:iraon I saw during the F or !nrther :oa.rtlcularo call at ~he Banl!.lns tho laot. I then informed t he pii·a.tes that evening, if I except a 'llanca a~ a dla1:1ppear· lsap!J to tho ground outside, escaping injnrv, aou11e. due tn, R or l" I could not think oi surrender, a nd as they T, B RODIE, OJfO, MoGILL, "To the government; and ib has to be ing female dress as he was in the aot of und ran for my life. I took the main roa.d, Accountant. M11na.g.r. bega.n bat tering a.t the door with a c1>petan before you t&ke the let~er awa.y." lighting me bo mv room. and ran on through the st> orm, as If pnrsusd bar I shoved the muzz1e of a r evolver oat My bedroom wa.s small, bub looked clean by a thousand fiends, as I sometimes fancied " 'Pon me wurrud an' If the goovernment and killed one and woundad another before is so mane as take wt1n cint fr a.m s poor mon and neat, and contained an inviting bad , [ was. I ran tbue till daylight, when I met they could get oun of range. curtains of chintz at the single wmdow, a a full of pa.ssengers, ha.iled the There was only a gentle b1ern~ blowing wid a la.rge family av children neB~ly all ab cheat of drawers, a lookiu:t-glnai, a 'Vasb driver, and told him my wonderful story. and that was at our b.-cks. Tbe two junk~ tba brist, it c&.n kape the litter. F "'ith an' couple of chairs,a,nd wae r eally quite He thought me mad, but persuaded me to .,,ere coming down elowly, having t>o mako the batin' av sitoh a. hard-hearted owld mill- stand,a frequeno tacks, and when abont a mile and ionare oub 1w a olnt will do me more good as well furnished a.s many an apartmeut in mount hie box a.nd go back with · him. On a h>J.lf away I saw that they were loaded than a. hundred linter11. And, aor, ye can tell hotels of far greater pretension. With all arriving at the inu, he found a confirm..tion this I wae pleased, of course ; and judging of my fearful tale, with men. lb wae a pub-up job between the him to go to bhe devil be1oldes." ~he house had nob only been struck, but, How Ke Lost Then:. two partieP, and all the details were thor1trange to rdate, beth the landlord and his oughly nnderstood. The engh1e:ir had been wife had been killed by the bolt of heaven, L1.dy of the House-How did you loaf!' blowing off steam to prevent a.n explooion, and were found dead among the ruins I thoa~ two fingers from your left hand, my and I asked him to hold fast and give me a I subsequently bad to appear befora a poor man? _ FBEF.JC.A.JMI show to carry out a phn whlob had caddenmagistrate, acting a!! coroner, and depose to' Tramp-They were cub off, mum. auggested itself. Fortanately for us the the facts, and the jury returned a verdict in "I suppose tha.t was when you were W()B.H POWlDJlll'UL ly native stoken had just fired up before they accordance therewith. working, a.nd that their lose disa.bled yoa got the signal Tney bd murdered tho I got away from that fearful region as from further manu& l labor. Tall me was ill I An plOOlllllllt to t.M. Co11tain ~lliilr QWll chief, who wae an Enylisbman, as also the soon as I could; but to this da.y I have: in a mill 7" hsativo. Ia r. late. emo, and ettect/81/l oiler, who wa.s a German, and had left the nevu folly recovered from the effects of that "No, mum. It wuz in a hen ooop, I ·- - . , . . *>I WUl'J!Ul iA 4lhilch:en oc .A.a.Ml furnace doors shut as they night of horror at the inn I had to out 'em off or stea.l the trap." "1' ~tt\<; int· ~' ~ ~ '!JJM~.v1P,il-.¥-.c.tM· JJJ' .i.~~·ti<ii'lllt\U.. Ii'.:! l CAPfURED BY PIRATES. "l gl ------·---t '1:_·:~' .;~ ,"l~ ~lii-· I ·· - I --------------- I ·u . E '-·obl o ruooi ,_ b-K ~ri"C Small rill R Dn~I ~m~l !:ins, IGUARAN ~ S L E -= m: B ITKIN(l· PO 'mER oru co STANDARD BAN I ot·~f~ nl~?~!;t~i~i~,'" ae~'?t ~~~g:~\J1~u.~~~ ~~= ~~der fijnilk's Frl;Bnrl U Ther;Jntario Loan and _'Savings Co. C 0 TT0 N rm CHADWICK'S U:lTHEROH.l . POOL S J. EVELEIGH &CO. HOTEL BALMORAL~ ONTARIO BANK J PALMER fi SON Wh . SQ AP · * I RUSHED ur ON Dl!CK UNDE'lTAKING 'B""Jt"am fall epared io attend Funerals on ' he ahortee~-m, oO, o.t tile lowest possible rates Caskets and BudalOae~s ready on ahoi:t nnti.:.e Firet-< hearse on vary moderate terms Shronds and Cofflno con stantly on hand. Fm> era! cards SUJJl'lli'>d at orica. l··nrnitnre Shop & Snow Room.e --Uoun~;i.llaNew Block, ·I LEVl"vMORRIS. to join in the murdurous melee, trhe boilers were tl tref ire ma.king steam at a lively rate. As soon as the engineer understood wh11.t I w11nted he sta.rted a head, and I took the wheel and brought tho ebeamet's head In line with one of the junks, bea.ded about north. One of the junks waa headed on her tack, the other southwest. lhey were, therefore, nearly broaddde on to ma. We went a.head at moderate speed, as I did not want to alarm them. The natives on board ga.thored In the bows and began wa,ing oloths and hats 1:1s a warning t o the jank~. ['he people on the fatter must a rgued than the steamer was in bhe hD:_~da of th~lr friends, for t hey fired their ana waved their cloths in reply. I bcld for t he j unk headed to the mmt heruit , and ahc at once lawGred hol' ~ail to wf.llli for t he ~1tea.mer to coma up. When within a quartel' of 11. mile of hor l rang the bell for Love-Making on the Old Sod. UNDER KITTY'S WINDOWS The Penalty of rride. " I " " He-"And ao you're really going to marry 11hat professor I You, the heroine of a thouAh, then J who is that there ta.lkln'?" sand engagements I How did you ever oome "f:iure, it's only me, ye know. to aocept him ?" wae thlnkin' we'd go wa.lkin'-" Hie Oousiti (from Boston)-"Why, you " Wor yer&ly t hinkln' so?" see, he proposed in Greek, and when I refuso ~h, yo needn' be so oruel, ed him I got mixed en my negatives and ao· An' me thrudgei this siven mile-" oept ed him, and now I'm too proud te acls it oruel, Michael, j ewel ? k nowledge my blunder. Oh, I'm his for Sure I'm dressing all the while." life I" BEFORE MICH AEL'S COTTAGE. "~h<Jre, 0.ARISTM8.S EVE . A TERRIBLE THOUGHT . "Oh, To:nmy ! Jast suppo. ee rol>bera b1·eak in nnd run off with i b I ". now, that's me oottage, Kitty," Amongthe Media." Ia_it, Mike ?" J obuson-Newapapern believe1·~ . " Yia, an' is~· o It pretty f' Spirit\rnlism , nure enough. "E.'m-Ionesome·like " P mwon-Nob many, I guees. "Lonesome r· (Now'a yer minute I John~on-Oh, yJs ; t h i,y Llil clo.\rn to Mtcha.el, st rike !) fh-Bt cla8s advertisiug m~dlu.ns, -[KJ~~mO'lj> "Sure, if you wer in i t-" Enterµr!ae. " Arrah, Miko l" oo

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