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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 25 Feb 1926, p. 7

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TUE CA.NADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVILLE, THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 25, 1926 PAGE SEVEN GRIEEN TEA Hae ou tried it? The tiny rich- flavored leaves and tips are sealed air-tight. Fluer than ai» J apan or Gmnpowder. Insist up;or SALADA. DO YOU SELL FARMERS? How can a Letter cent- pete wzth your voice? DOP't Send a bey- on a man's job! CL"Our Lo;.'g- Distance bill averagcs ozr $200 a. onth.. 1'eiuse ilcoinstailt1.,. -lr es a Secd Alrcliat;t'~3 The Most Digestible of Sweets Our pure Corn Syrup is relished by aduits and children because of it's delicious flavor. It is also rich in food value, and so easily digested. Doctors recommend it. Proved safe by millions and prescribed by physicians for Colds Headache Neuritis Pain Neuralgia Toothache Lumbago Rheumatism DOES NOT AFFECT THE HEART1 e~ Accept only «'Bayer" package whi ch contains proven directions. Hals Baer" o xe24 s of 12.-ruats. Sa/ý~andy "Bayter"oeoff d12 trggalts Aspirin la the irae mark (penetered ln Canada) nf Bayer manufacture of btonoacette. acîdester of Salicytlcarld (Acetyl Saleylle Acid. "A. S. A."). White Itlah well known tbat Sapirin mene Bayer manufacture. to axmiît the public againat ImItatIon., the Tableta of B..yer Company wii b. atamped witb their generai trade mark, the *"Bayer Cros." Cooka Regulatlng Compound ~~ ..diee. old in hreede-W arem of btrer4gth-No. 1, gli HE4aCOOK MEDICINECO, TOIeNTeeN.(Foem.nlyWiadaoe3ý O 'nPOSPODNElb *Taflea a ni goratea t e whc nervoua aystem. makea new Blod in old Veina. Uaed for Nerpoua - ebility. AMcnai andoui in Wonry DeVondn?.Lousf Ejemap. Paltalion o) theuangàin#Af rktttbox. 3pa for $5.9Sold by at dru^teor mai din plain 8 g.on reeipt of piç..Nw 'pasupff W ai 'o.=a wooemufma.c cOJo.Owo. BOWMANVILLE ROTARIANS PARABLE 0F THE LOST SUPPER _____OHAA___B About twa weeks ago Bowman- (From The Osbaw aReformer) ville was visited by representatives The weekly Rota.ry Club luncheon of a Touriste' and Intelligence Bur- was postponed from noan uniil eau with a view to, interesting local o'clock in order that the members business and professional mien in of the Bowmanville Club might at-. backing morally an.iLJ epccalLy fin- tend. In alI, twenty-six Rotariansi ancially an elaborate plan for bring- froin that town were present and ing Anerican tourists into Canada. put on a pîeasing evening's program. The high-.pawered promoters c3iled A hearty welcome was extended taofn several proniinent citizens, gave the visitors by president Jack Young. a slight inkling of their mission and During the repast, the usual good issued invitations ta a complimentary fellowship spirit prevailed, at the banquet at the B.awman House that conclusion of whiÂkh the rail was evening wbere the get-rich-quick called by bath clubs, and the manner tourist scheme would be revealed in in which the Bownianville represen- flowery details. At the appointed tatives were listed, drew roars of hour a f ew of the honored gucsts laughter from the company. To arrived, but Mr. Tourist Promoter commence the prograri Mr. R. M. and "his better hallf" were not there Mitchell, Bowmanville, sang, "A ta give the glad welcome, nor have Chip Off the Old Block", wih such tbey been seen in town since. success that he was called back, With thi.5 introduction and explan- singing this tinie, "That Tumnble ation our readers will better under- Down Shack in Athione". Follow- stand the follawing "Parable" read this, Mr. Normnan Mcllveen treated by Fred C. Palmner, Town Engineer, the members ta "Friend of Mine", at the Rotary Club luncheon last and "I passed by your Window". M'0k: The speaker of the evening, Rev. R. J. Sbires, Bowmanville, was in- troduceri. Mr. Sbires stated that he was nat there as a resuit of the sins of the Oshawa Club, but of the sins of his Bowmanville brethren, and claimed ta be in the power business. What the Rotary Club needed, he stated, was more power, and every Rotarian is expected ta be a part and full partner in the Wheel in the right direction. Just power necessary ta turn the Rotary as a bicycle runs best down hill, 50 daes the Ratary Club, whicb bas too much free power. The Rotary is not meanit ta be a free wheel. If the Club expects ta generato power it must put the love of God flret. This does nat came by siuglng sangs, which only produce a few kicks and splubters aud do nat go far, but by reai action. If the wbeel is ta go far it must be driven froni the inuer sbaft and the connections be- tween the inner wheei and theoue must be gaod. That is thetn that heips a saciety like t'he Rotary Club ta go ahead. Tbe suppiy of power is there but God's power must also be there, for the outer wheel of service is useless unless strongly cauplod witb the muner wheel of service ta Gad. You can't drive sometbing on ideas, the beat must be there, internai farce la nec- essary, and this acta differently on different people. It is not for youî uoîghbor's or the Rotary sake that you serve Hua, but for the love of Josus, and if we are in dloser touch with God, and feel His touch and know wbat His gooduess and beauty means, we wili understand this ser- vice. The strangest dynamic force in the world is gratitude-or love. proportion as ho is a true Christian, One can only be a true Rotanian in aud lover of Christ. Everyone mus~ be a turner on the inside of àh wbeel. The Rotary Club catches, the sainie as the Church, a number of dead members who refuse ta be electrified, and are not farces ein the club or iu the 1f e they represent.1 What the club needs more than ariy-1 thing la Power. lt bas high ideals but above ail else ueeds Power- the love of Christ. i At the conclusion of this fine ad- dress Mr. Gardon Canant moved a hearty vote of thanks ta the speaker, wbich was entbusiasticaily endorsed by aIl. Wheu Mayor T. S. Hoigate sang "Koep on Hopin", hoe was brought back for that expressive sang, "Red Roses for the Living", and not satisfied witb this the mrni- bers called hlm aut once more for the aid favorite, "Carry me back ta oid Virginia", ta whicb ail joined in the chorus. Dr. B. J. Hazle- wood, president of thse Bowmanville Club, tbanked the Oshawa Ratai- ias for their hospitality and invited the club ta visit Bownianville at an eanly date. HAMPTON (Received too late for last week) Mr.J. Clatwortby recentir visit- ed relatives at Fenelon Fai s. Mr. G. White recettly visited relatives at Petera ara. ... Mi. E. L. William- son bas returned home........ The young people of the village enjoyed a skating party ut Bowmnanviile riuk Tuesday ovening week... .Sans of Engiaud heid installation of officers Thursday evening after whicb a so- cial bour was spent. . .. Mr. Thos. El- liot bas been quite iii but is improv- ....... The Sundey Scbool bas pur- cbased a new bookcase for the Lib- ian-y. No one ueed endure the agouy of corus witb Holloway's Carna Remov- or at baud ta remave thon. Rheumatic Pains Go Swollen Joints Vanish Twisted, swolieu, unsigbtly joints are rapidly freed froni vain sud brougbt back ta normal wlth Lame people walk without aid;* sîeep cames ta those who bave been unable to lie ln bed; bauds that wore heipless because of terrible rheuma- tisin are now able ta do their abare for the support of the f smly. Rbeuma is a wonderful remedy for rbeumatism, gout, neuritis, lum- bago sud neuralgia. It is a wouder-wmorker; it nover falters, nover gives up until every vestige of poison la expeîled f nom tbe body. Rheuma acte ou stomach, lîver, kldneys aud bladder ail at once aud qulckly brings long prsyed for cous- frt to dletr.»sseuffeers. Jury & Lovell sud ai good drugista »Il It wi guarants. of mmoey baek If it Ian't satlafactory. The rarable of the Loat Supper And la it camie ta pass that on the eleventh day of the second month there came one the son of Nix and so named Nixon asnong themi, wbo was full of wisdom and thie bearer of glad tidings, and as he came nigh unto, yea, even into the Town of Bowmanville, he lifted up bis voice and said, behold I would commune with the eiders and wise men of the City, and when they had drawn rnigh he spake unito them saying: Behold I amn ho who coxneth ta pre- pare the way for the s0 named tour- ists who will came after me and will enter your land of Cream and Bar- ley, and 1 would receive from your coffers the shekels and wherewithalls ta ease their way. And la! hy divers means he did a message send ta the brethren of the House of Rotary, saying: Give car ye men of the Hanse of Rotary I would bring riches and great wealth among you. And one, Brenton, chief ruler of the Tribe, was sorcly puzzled and he did take caunsel among the Eiders, and Thomias %vho was also named HoLgate did wax wrathful and condemned the nmes- senger ta the eternal fire. And David, one of the brethren, being a mran of peace spake up and said giveý ear ta the Stranger, but there was great murmuring among theni. George, the son of Moses, said, this man. is possessed of the evil spirit. And it came ta pass that when he, £0 named Nixon, saw that the Tribes- men and elders did not fear hlm ard were like ta st hini out, he made proclamation, saying: At six of the dIock at the House of one Bowman ye shaîl break bread and eat meat with me; and he betook himself ta the House of Bowman and ta the Steward of the House, one Dieken- son, ho did say, prepare ye a supper such as neyer boforo has been pre- pared fit only for thé wise mon and eiders and members of the tribo of Rotary and at six of the dlock will I eat moat with them, and collect from them the wherewithall for my purpose. And amongst those invý*t- od ta the f east of the eIders ai'd tribesmen, wore James also nained Morden, Norman the brother of George, Thomas who was also called Knight, David who was wise in herbs, George the hunter, he xvbo excelled in the Chase, Charles Hcjw- ard also named Mason, Fredenick the son of Thomas, and the ather Fred- erick wbo was small in stature. And Lt came ta pass that when the bour of the f east arrived he who bail brought the glad tidings and who had ardered the Feast had departed, and when those who had been invit- ed arrived it was found that theyl were few in numâbers, tho' many badi arrayed tliemselves for the fea.t. Dickenson, Steward of the House I of Bowman where the feast w'as spread, prepared ta meet the eiders and wise men who would come ta the feast, but as they did not arrive he was sorely troubied, then lifting up his eyes he espied Brenton the chief ruler, James who was also named Morden and Frederick the son of Thomas sud he was fllled with much gladuess, but when Brentan the chief ruler of the House of Rotary, spake saying, remove the meats and fruits and other eats fhere will be no feast, there was nashjng of feeth, and James also uamed Morden, ho of the fiery tangue, gave vent ta his expressions. And Frederick did ask but, Why no Feast? Brenton answered and said: Nixon he af the wise head bas gone and departed. And verily I say un-to ye Brethreu,l bewaro of Strangers who gîve Feasts, for nian-y may be callod thereto but none may eat. SKJNNY MEN Run Down Men Nervous Men DON'T MISS THIS Ylu're behind the times if you don't know that Cod Liver Extract is one of the greatest flesh producers iu the world. Because it contains miore vitaliz- ing vitamines than any food you can get. You'Il be glad ta know that Mc- Coy's Ood Liver Extract Tablets came in sugar coated faim now, so if yau really want ta put 10 or 20 pounds of solid, healthy floah on your boues aind feel well and strong and have a complexion that people wlil admire-ask any druggist for a -- b _eofMcoys odLierEx WEDDING Jebson-Vice On Wednesday, et King Street Parsonage ,by Rev. C. W. DeMille, the marriage took place of Leta Jane Ann, daug'ter of Mr. and Mrs. Walter Vice of Solina, ta Harold Swire Jebson. They were attended by Mr. and Mrs. George Gibson of 104 Brock Street west. The Young couple took the after- noon train ta the West for a short honeymoon and on their return will make their home in Brookîju- Oshawa Reformer. Mr. Jebson is a son of Mrs. James Jebson of Hampton. OBITUARY Richard Moore, Toronto Culminating several months of failing health, Richard Moore, fanm- erly a well-known fruit fariner in South Ontario County, Wednesday, February 17, succumbed ta a stroke at the home of his daughter, Miss Eva C. Moore, 121 Sununerhill Ave., Toranto. Mr. Moore was 87 years of age, and was born in Devon, England, from which he emigrated here as a child witb his parents. His father, the late Richard Moore, Sr., bought and homesteaded considerable land in Darlington Township. As a Young nman Mr. Moore began farming in the Bxooklin district, later specializ. ing in the growing of fruit. He retired about ten years aga and inov- ed ta Toronfto. Mr. Moore was pre- deceased sanie vears ega by his wife, Who. before their marriage was Misa Margaret Rutledge -of Bowmanville.1 He is survived by three daughters: Mis. (Dr.) Frank Howard af Olean, N .Y.; Mis. Ralph Smith of Mon- treal; and Miss Eva C. Moore, a local àrtist of Toronto. CHURCH HOCKEY LEAGUE (Crowded out last week) The first gaine was played between Jerry Bradd's United Trinity teani and the Euglish Church. very good game taken altogether, score ended 5-0 in favor in lormer teain. The Eugiish Church teani was a little smnail but diri very well for their size. Line up, Trinity I :-Goal ---- Quinn; Defence-Cobrer, Sienion; Centre- Caverly; Wings-Bradd, Bagneil; Subs-Williaans, Kîrkton. Sti Johns-Goaai-Jack Bluff; De- fence-Cuiley, A. Kent; Centre- Wright; Wings-B. Kent, Taylor; Subs-Hayes, Redinan. Second game was won by a larger score than the flrst but the losing teani was nat whitewashed. The score for this ganie was 10-1 for Trinity, under t.he captaincy of Morley Oke. Tliey were heavier than St. Andrew lads aud did most of their work ou individual rushes. With mare practice the teanis wouid be more evenly matched. 0 Line up, Trinity II:-Goal,Pîck- aid; Defence-Hoatper, Cowie; Cen- ttre-Osborne; Wings-Jamuieson, Oke; Subs-Gunu, BagneIl. St. Andrews-Goal-Clarke; De- fence-Gange, Cameron; Centre- Cronibie; Wings-Honeyman, West- nutt; Subs.-Hackney, Sheehan. The third game, of the night was featured by the Boys' Training Sciiooi and St. Paui's teanis when the score shoot was covered again by a score of 10-2 for St. Paul's boiys. This was tihe best game of ail. The cburch boys had their coorbination down tia a reality, and severai tumes wouid make an effort to break tbru, but it would be a fake and ithey would pass the puck over ta Lun- ney who remained on bis wing like a veteran while the boys frons the Trainin.- Sehool would leave him uncovered. Dave Osbçrne was al- s0 very fast for the size of bis pants socuring two goals. Line up, St. Paul's. -Goal- Clarke; Defence-Mitcell, Mar- tyn; Centre Hazlewood; Wings- Williams ,Lunney; Sub-Osborne. Boys' Training Scboo-Goa- Flude; Defene-Waltera, Fian; Cen- tre-J. McCurdy; Wings-.Jackson, FIannigan; Subs--Blasoh, Hobson. Junior Hockey Leagu. The firat gaine of the season play- ed by the Junior Town League was run off iu Taylor's Arena la a fast avertime game between the Tigers under Mike Osborne's care and the Higis Scisool students under Stuart Jamres' management. This gaine was played overtime for ton minutes before the tie was broken and the gaine euded 5-3 for the High Schooi. In the first period a lucky shot broke through on MacMilieu but the Tigers soan made up for this with two tai- lies, uo more scores heiug made this period. In the second period one more was scored on the student's net, making the score 3-1. Thon Osborne openeri up in ase third par- iod and got two goals tieing the score on very fast playiug aud good consiîftion. No goals were scor- ed in the first five minutes of the overtime but in thse second five, two goals squeezed in on the Tigers. Lino up, Tigers--Goali.maemii. ion; Defence-G. Cowie, E. Rundie; Centre-Turner; Wings-L. Wil- lia and O. Williams; Subs-T. Highfield, L. Tudor. Higis Scho ai-Goal-j. James; Defence-H. Osborne, R. Clarke; Centre-F. Jamieson; Wiugs-S. Candier, C. Caverly; Subs--Jackman and Carruthers. Referee-O. Hooper. Women aud A§thma. Wo'îuen are numbered among the sufferers froin asthma by the countiesa thous- ais. In every climate theiy wili ho fouud ,helpless in thse grlp of thia relentiess disoase unless they bave availed thernselves of the proper re'nedy. Dr. J. D. Kellogg's As- thnsa Remedy bas braught new hope aud 112e ta many sucb. Teeion- iala, sent snýtiely wltiiout solicità- tion, sow the enormous benefit It huas wrought ansong v(omen every- w)sere. The Wise Property Owner Does not wait for FIRE to remind him that he really needed more insurance. He frequently checks over his ,property to see if his insurance policy is right. Then he drops in and sees to it that he is fui- Iy protected.0 Cali and see us about your Insurance needs. J. J. MASON & SO Real Estate and Insurance Brokers Phone 50 King St. E. Bowmanville The Daily Grocery OrderI It is an important thing for the careful house- keeper. The cook appreciates reliable and freèh groceries. A host of Bowmanville housekeepers and cooks have learned that our big grocery store carrieg fresh goods. They use the telephone and we deliver promptly. If you are not using the telephone eall up 65 daily and you also will be delighted. A few suggestions: ApWea Coffee mat"'e Baking Powder Corn Starch MIolasses Bananas Cumua sMustard Beans Corn Meal Nuta Biscuits Dates Olives Bovril Drled Fruits Oranges Bread Extracts Oxo Cubes Bran Feed Pâncake Fleur Breakfast Foode Fiah -. peu Cakes Fige, PseL Canned Gooda Flour Pickles Catsup Fowl Raisin Candies Flour Rice Cereals Fresh Fruits Roiled Oste Cheese Fruits Sait Choc olates Honey .Soap Chow-Chow Jam Spices Coeoa Lard Syrmpa Cocoanut Macaroni Tea And Don't Forget Our China and Crockery Dept. Phone 65 AR CHIE TAIT Bowmanville ALBERTA COAL A limited quantîty just received $13.40'ton Delivered in town. 50c extra in bags. Orders filled as receiied. J. A. HOLGATE & SON Phone 153 or 202 Bowmanville L - An Oul of Merit.-Dr. Thomnas' Ec- lectriie Oila noit a junible of medi- cinal substances thrown together and pushed by advertising, but the resuit of the careful investigation of 'the healing qualities of certain ails as applied ta, the human body. It is a rare coimbination and it won and kept public favor f rom the first. A trial of it will carry convic- tion to any who daubt ts power ta repair and hieal. Use This Clubbing List The Canadiau Statoama.a will be clubbed with any of the follawing publications for 1926 at the follow- Ing prices: Globe....................8. M50 Mail & Empire . ...........$6.50 Toronto Daily Star ..... ....$6.60 Farmer'a Advocate .......... $3.00 New Outlook.............. $4.00 Christian Herald........... $4.00 Ladies' Home Journal ....... $3.00 Saturday Evening Post ..84.00 Family Herald & Weekly Star. 83.00 Weekly Witneu ............ 4.00 Canadian Home Journal ... 300 Farm & Dairy ...........1. .2.50 Fermer. San ..............8.60 XCMcaU's Magasins.........4.00 Canadian Countryman....... $800 Canadian PoultrY tW ..88-00. Good Prices FOR POULTRY Jewish, holidays are coming on and poultry will be in great demand. I arn prepared to buy any quanntity at good prices, and if you have fat hens will give extra good price. Phone 81, Whitby, and reverse charges ,or drop a card and I will cal. l' STEIN, WItbil Ont. t-- I àIDSURG .5. . e 1 1 i 1 1 el lh -il - - -ýl THE CANADIAN STATESMAI4, BOWMANVILLE, THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 25, 1926 iý PAGE BIVM

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