DURHAM CLUB PENSION FOR SOLDIERS The monthly meeting of the Dur- The 1NeNAz ae& t1e I i-i ham Club was held at the home of <Continued from page 1) ______________________________ Mr. and Mrs. T. E. Washington,. 98 misconduct, was ta sorne extent a T U S A ,FB U R 5h,12 Lytton Blvd., on Thursdaiy evening, resuit of service and that the state T U S A ,F B U R 5h,12 February 18th. A large number could net avoid a measure of re- were in attendance. Dr. J. L. sponsibility. In practice this view Hug'hes presided. simplifies administration greatly. NEWCASTLEI NEWCASTLE CHURCHES Thle Club bast another member by Pensions are paid for disabilities,1 death of Mr. Richard Moore, who the resuit of injuries or diseases at- Our sick are recovering. 1 United Church, Rev. E. B. Cooke,j was one of our faithful ones untîl his tributable ta miiitary service. A Miss Mari orie Jones has returniedj 2:30 p. m.-Sunday School; 7 p. m. health failed. disability is predicated by an ability. from Toronto. 1 Pastor. il a. m.-Morning Worship;l Prograni was as usual very good, An ability is a normal physical or Ccar ure-h issBarc those taking part were: Mrs. Flath, mental activity. It impiies the wil aI. L. T. ýIcLaughlin, Bowman- -Evening service Young ladies'ý Messrs. Sheldrick, H. McKercher, J. ta do and the power ta do. Thevilhdbsnsintw Mody and Grace Bragg. Marian Baskerville D .Keachie, Rev. W. B. Caswell, Eg- lots or Iessening of the power to will Miss Annie Kenefick, Saskatche- and Minnie Pearce. lingten United Church, and Prof. J. and to do any normal mental or wan, called on T .W. Jackson Mon- S Gog' hrh e.Ewr B. Reyinolds'of theJe A. C., Guelph, physical act is a disability. day. R.StJa oe's Cor ria, e. 26th. gave short addresses. The address There are three suggested bases. Mrs. W. F. Thomas bas returr.edi The Litany at 4:30 p. m. Evening of the evening was given by Prof. for the measurement of the econ- home after a visit wvith Toronto prayer 7:30 p. ni. Subject: Studies Leslie Coleman, an aid Durbami boy, amnic iass ta the individual by reason f riends. o n "The Service of Public Baptisai on "Agricultural Lif e in India". TPle af damage sustained: 1-His former Mrs. W. H. Jackson bas beenl of Infants". Friday evenings. Sun- lecture was very interesting and accupation; 2-AIl occupations of a spending a few days with relatives in day, February 28th Haly Commun- gave a splendid account o! home 'gainful nature; 3-Unskilled eni- Oshawa. ion at 8 a .M. Morning prayer at andfar lie tere plymet. he hoie wuld*b1 Ladies' Winter Coats stili goingi il a. m. Sunday Scbaol 2:30 p. ni. Meeting clased witb the usual se-~ greatly simplified could one prin-j a1afpie ocJlntn&Evnn ryr7p i ujc o cial features and al had a pleasanti ciple be used.-For like damage like' Cryderman. Sunday evening services during Lent time. award. Many wha have net exani- Ms .Rwadhdtemso--Whti h opl? H ined the problem will nat accept this MisERoanbath msf--Watste Gspl? Hy andaruethestndoint of previaus tune ta slip and fail severely injur- Communion on first and third Sun- and rgu th stndpdays at il a. ni. and on second, WEDDING ~~epoyinent as the only juat one. ing bier armi. orhadft Snyst8a.m WEDDING ~~In relatian ta the basis of former Sleig'ing is now better than itforhndithudast8a.m Sndr-ihsoccupation consider:-Would you be bas been ail winter, sirice îast . Everyone present tharoughly en- cndrNcosonettreivalesaadta Thursday's snowfall. joyed Rev. Mr. Wiiliam's talk ani Oneof he opuar irl ofEbe-1your fellow because o! an identical1 Miss Baîîagb, sister of Mns. J. .ng. Mr. Williams exhibited sanie 701 ne o! ute popuar gis onEben- damage received at the sainie tirne W. P¶ilp, is quite ili with a trained lfotros at eaguon Mon ay even i- wa mrredonSa-and in the sainie way'? Should +lie nurse in attendaïnce. .ad 1lde !ta eat!i s urday, February 2th., in the pe- lawyer who suffers no decrease in The Evangelists have conipleted thosein atendanceof anodiea o! son o! Miss Addie Nichais, daughteri hoeinaternînagodieao of Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Nichais. The erig power by the loss of bis left their engagement here and left yes the scenery and products of the is- foeunate bridegroorn was Mr. Walt- hand be refused pension? And terday for Lakefield. . land, and of the habits, dress and or- erS ide a!Bratfod, ntaio. how will you appraise the dainage1 er madr oraetforO ntpae ryi dnot.b suet asntb MnI r. Merkley Clark bas been cupations of the people, aise of the trainc e iherbaps b hoas net et' spending a few days in Ottawa vis- achoals, churches and colleges erect- Tthe Paraetok pae e ri chosen, pehp a e e iting bis sister, Mrs. Maybee. ed and niaintained by Christian Mis- quintly at :30 C. C. kahnt a vaation The Ladies' Lawn Bowling Club sionary effort. Other fine numbersý s.,ofagte.C W~ing ton B Concerning the second suggested' are arranging ta put on a "play" ta o! the evening's pragrani were a A., brlidetin ro er nt basis of ail passible vocations, would 1 rais e funds ta imnprove their "green". quartet by Messrs. W. J. S. Rickard, tended durng the ceemonpebuton te a Mrs. Stanley James and daughter Howard AIlin, Mark Allun and How- terdedaccompniedhe cr. Sd.nichutlabourer xvho had lbat a band, o eanfoiSsa eaae n~ard Cooke; piano duet by Mrs. (Rev) d thatcomaheewas n.atid unfitt ean Ssaehra, r pend ais, the bride's brother, wba veryl groun hth a ntufte'in a few days at Mr. and Mrs. Geo. E . B. Cooke and Eileen, and vocal efiiently filled the part of transpo-1tbereby ta prartise law? P. Rickard's. solo, "There is a Land" by Mr. R. p hear-i selected is the unskilled M.Fe oei nrrito i W. Waltan. Mtiss Lillian Colwill, tation nianager. A gown o! fuch-1 The baswei i rcip o is President, rondurted .the opening de- sia silk adorned a very cbarming1 labour market. Nunierirally the fifth car o! soft cordwood fronivtoa xries bl isMr bride, wbo wore also a handsome unskilled labourer as a cla.ss exceeds untRve.Itbs ondastay nal kerie of thie MissioMary string of pearis the gift of tbei ail others in the C. E. F. ByBrtRie.I assale tayin akrileo h Msinr gro. A black Ihat with g'ald reason o! bis comparative iîiterary sl during the Anthracite Coalj Department ,presided during the pro- trimmings and a coat of 1ea ihe suffers most in earning power by strike. gram, introducing Rev, Mr. Williams nortbern niuskrat completed the' physical detriment-be cannot caIl Mr. Gea. Gra n epraekp navr rcflseri h travllig cstum. Te hppyupon bis metal equipnient or special busy every day at the Lower Marsb, iyoung mien vialinists ta-canpanied copl ef o heeatbondtapy1 tann emaeu o hysi calj1 cuttîng can suppyîng te bocs by Mrs. C. A. Cowan at tbe piano for Belleville and other points. defiriency. His need i rats- e agenmepoiamesadad forshednahvmadnsthe le Atrabi!eurvii tEn-fthis scale will secure for hini the townsmen. lydfrtehmstelaen ezer a they il resun idei Bant!ordn maximum awards. Furtber, un-1 Mrs. Tillie Taylor wbo has been slides being used as usual, witb Mr. wertey Mr. Snideibas anod rd skilled labour is the one vocation in Toronto since before Christmas Orm. Parker aperating the iantern. tiohoee .staf oer aJa oson os-within the range o! al normal nien. bhas returned ta ber home, Newcastle- tio o th saf ofth JonsonPav-1 In sanie fanm or other it calis into on-the-Lake, accompanied by bier sis- LAKE SHORE, CLARKE ing and Construction Comxpany at play every normal buman activity. ter, Mrs. Brodie. t'beir headquarters in that city. Fai-ning, nanufacturing, ail indust- Don't forget Mission Band con- Miss Beatrice McKay, Starkviile, Mrs. Snider wili be very mucb ries, ail trades have numbers of men cert in the Sunday School-roorm o! visited lier sister, Mrs. Allan Mar- missed in the community. Alwaysi doing wvork that does net cail for Miii Street United Churcli, Friday, tin ,last week ........ Mr. and Mns. an active figure in League and Sun-f special skiil or training. Sanie of, Februany 26tb., at 8 p. ni. Fine Bruce Whitney, Part Granbry, visit- day School work, and for sanie tme 1 the jobs rail for the niast complete prograni. Admission 25c and 15c. ed at W. A. Adamis' recently.. pitcher on the girls' saftball teani, equipnient o! physical fitness, Menibers free. Mrs. W. Jaynes is visiting with it wili be quite difficuit ta fil tregth and activity, sanie for iuie A îmovenient is o foot ta try and friends at Lindsa.... Miss Winifred plc.strengtb, and between tliese lie niany induce the Port Hope Telephone Ca. Lake spent the weekend in Toro.nto Hen niany friends are rejaicing in successive grades. t nalasichbrdnNeast-. . . . At the sperial meeting a! the ber appneasandare ul o! ood If by neason of damage sustained le, thereby giving Newcastle people rtpyr tS .N.2 t'a wislies for the future. the clainiant is unfitted ta folIaw a mare up-to-date systeni, this wouid unanimousiy voted ta bave a well _______any one o! these lie bas a disabilitY. be mucli appreciated by ahl the sub- driiied at the scboal in the nean fut- A disability is the bass or lessen- serîbers and no doiîbt the "pawers, ure. LEAGUERS VISIT OSHAWA ing o! the power ta will and ta do that be" wii put up a strong case. aIny mental or physical art required Miss E. M. Sanderson o! Wroxe- STARKVILLE Monday evening the members o! in earning a livelihood in the un- ter, but now a student at Queen's Tedy fra pr in h the Simroe Street United Churrh skilled labour market. Or it niay University, is spending a week's une o! woof cttnan spori ng te- Young People's League spent a d- be stated thus :-If tbe power ta holiday, which the students have in ln fwo utn n pigpr Iight!ul and profitable tume whcn wili and ta do any mental or pby- lieu o! Easter Week, with Miss Mur- pert in winI cam e Mrbing longe the memberas! Bowmanviile Leaguei sical act is se affected as ta restrict iel Bradley and participating te the wt ihwnsa ebdadFb paid theni a visit and put on a splen-1 the chire of unskilied occupations pleasure o! bier niany friends in a nuary good-bye for another year.. did pragrani. About forty nienbers tliere is a disability. number o! informal social functions.. The recent fali of snow bas made the sieigbing perfect for the finish- came up. Hynins were thrown on' Seeing is an ability-ioss o!, or Mrs. Gea. P. Rickard gave an en- ing up o! faim teaming o! wood, thegai, e preid fent o! tevisDr lessened vision is a disability. At- joyabie a!ternoon tea Saturday in logs, ire, etc..A number o! yaung1 Leuauetoo the chasir, t the iiig tenion and concentration o! mmnd honor o! Miss M. E. Sanderson o! friends enjoyed the danre given by Leaue ookthechar, itl th loal!sethat impressions may be received Queen's University, Kingston. Sanie Miss Norma Hallowell at bier fatl- president aiso on the piatforni. Thel and retained às an ablity-the cor- tbirty ladies avaiied theniselves O! er's, Mn. S. G. HaIlowel...Miss prograni inciuded: piano duet, M rs .1 nespanding disability is usually des- this deigtful opportunity O! meet- Giadys Reid is visiting friends in A. Cale and Miss Mildred Cle; read-1 cribed as bass o! meniory, îvhich ing again aur former popular High Toront .... Miss Beatrice McKay ing, Miss Lena Haddy; double quar-1 means inattention and weakened SchOool Assistant. lias returned home after visiting lier tette, Misses Margaret Allun, Miidred concentration. Easy breathing un-, Mr. J. H. Jase went down ta Hol- sister, Mrs. Allun Martin, Lake Cle, Hilda Curtis, Fiorence Morris, der reasonable wark or exencîse isi oway the firat o! the week ta at-, Shore..Mrs. W. C. Rutbven bas and Messrs. M. Dale, R. RaeCri anratbinit-dspne o disaiity. yi tend the funerai of bis uncle, Mn. returned home after spending two Souci and T. W. Stanley, leader în r hn sadsbl.Hanny Jase, eldest brother o! the late montbs witb bier daugliten at Lake- organist o! Trinity Ujnited Churnci It is but natural that with~ the Stephen Jose. The late Harriy Jase port...Mi Irwin Farrow sold a choir, witi Miss Helen Morris at the Board o! Pensiens Commissînne atte nded bhis brotber's funeral here fine buncli o! rattle ta Mr. Arthur piano; reading, Miss Marion Bel-nian;1 making thousanda o! decisions in last Fali and was a.pparently in good MrKay. Mrs. Russell Lowery, vocal solo, Miss Dorethy Plummer; year, as ta the atributabiiity o! these beaith. He was ili but a veiy Toronto, 'a been visiting bier par- Bible reading and tapir, by Mr.I disabilities there sbould arise mucli short time before bis deatb. ents, Mr. and Mrs. Ruthven.. Bruce E. Inghani, M. A., o! the Higli dissatisfaction on the part o! ex-ser- Scboai staff, Bowmanville,on hevrnenwooesyrnidntii The United Churcli choir bas been Miss Dorothy Savery spent Sunday subject o! "William Shakespeare," disabilities due ta war-service. asked ta repeat its capti'vating muai- at home .... Mr. Onm Falls is laid up in whirb he drew the attention -o! Paliament, therefane, saw fit ta cal comedy "Receiving the Parson", with a raid... .Mr. Lamne Todd and the audience ta the wonderful imag- ronstitute what is now known as the in Orono on Mardi 3rd. The naines daugliter are sirk witîb the grippe.. ination possessed by Shakespeare, Federal Appeal Board ta apenate un- o! Mrs. Walter Deline, one o! "The .-.-A large amount o!fseed peas has and bis exceptionaliy large vocabu- der tbe junisdiction o! the Deparý- Ladies" ,and Miss Beatrice Bragg been shipped inta Stanlcvilie station. lany. He then proceeded ta biefiy ment o! Justice. This was done in one a! the "Young People" in the . . .. Mn. Albert Scott is making bis outiine sanie o! the elays in whichi 1923. Every country in the wonld .play who figure in tbe scenes and home witb Mr. Geo. Campbell for th pae ffoe i ntmt uI aadpeiu t httmassist in the ciioruses were inadvert- the winten. . .. Mn. Cecil Canveth thwde peaker s'bwe at i ate utinadaorevious an thpat ot ently omitted f nom last week's re- loaded a car o! grain at aur station many quotatians. Miss Florence' ta whirb veterans miglit appeal froni port o! the plb.Iast we...... .Mr. Bert Reid shipped Morris gave a piano solo and al jin- the decision o! Pensions Tribunals. The combined mernbersbips o! thae a car o! stock ta Toronto. ed in gnoup ganies and stunts. Canada was the only exception. Young Men's and Young Women's odb I Fenay"yums Lunch was served at the close af the The Federal Appeal Board, O! Classes of the United Sunday Selob die, entertainnient. With the surres w'hicb 1 am a member, consista o! to the number of sîxty heid anoter And leave u.s ta "Marrh" on abane; o! this visit and the pleasant tiîne five commissioners, ail ex-service enjoyabie social evening in tbe Coin- But witb the "Apnil" shower, enjoyed by everyane, the niembers, men, two medical men, one laiwyer munity Hall on Tuesday evening Cornes the "May" flawer, oforwhed ith great anicatlion t and twa representing Industny and week. Re!neghments were poiddAnd i ves us the "Sunaner" aur j fo!wr t icoe Leagueareipaionking Labour. Thiis Board arrangea for and serveti by Mesdames J. R. Fisb- the next visit o! the Dowmanville. esiostaelie held at centres froinien, E. C. Fisher, T. H. Clemenre, G. _______ Assoiation-Oshawa Reformer. Halifax ta Vancouven, wbere an ex-j Gnagg and F. Graham, ta wbom the service man may appean pensonaliyl young people by word and deed con-1 BL.ACKSTOCK Wc- al a art fan tie Iniperiai Min- a MR ts of thesl eesdaogtue IHonon graîluate o! '1inity Univer- istr a!Penion inheaingappalsparties entiticd thereto, and they will sity, Fcllow o! Tinity Medical Coi- isty f enios n harngapeaa ot be liable for the Raid assets, or any îgLcnii JojI IA I.j f ,Imperial Soitiiens against the de- part thereof, ta any persan or persans. lgLcnie o! the State Univer- J. T . M ollon rîsian o the Imperial Pension Min- of whose Matim they have not received sity o! New York, Matniculalte o! the istt-y. notice. Post Graduate Medical School and TAILOR In conclusion, I earnestly believe HAil persoa owing the said late David Hospital of New York andi Feliow the Pnliaienta! Cnadaand H. b Taylor are aiea 10 psy the debte due the arlamen ofCanaa ad th bythern by the 15th day of March, of the Toronto Acatiemy of Medil- One Door East of Former Shop Pension Officiais wisb ta do the 1926, ta the underaigned. cine. Office-Mrs. McNaughton's Res- King St. E. Bowmanville igit thing by tie returned man KERR &. COCHRANE, itience, Newcastle. Hours-.-S ta 10 and it la wlth this ides in mind that DATED thîs for the Executora a M .1ito 8 p. m. and by appoint-. we are going on wltîh the work. D., 1926. ment.Fbraay Tc NEWCASTLE Th deepeat synipathy o! th community is feit for Mns. Antierson and ber little soi in the gnicvous affliction wl abefalien tiemn through the able deati o! Mn. Anderson don, England. Businessi calied Mn. Anderson ta sanie fifteen nianths ago and his stay there Mra. Anders son, who is six years o! age 1genenal favorite wvith eve -have been resiling witi bher Mns. R. P. Butler. Mr. ai Andenson'a home bas been ir ta but during the sommer tIhey leaaed anti ocrupied Re, Howand's bouse next ta Mi Montague'a, now owned by M, »Wright. The announcement legnani o! Mn. Antienson 's u death so fan avay froni fniei home was natunally the ci the most severe distress o! tlhe part o! bis wife and ath Itives and especially go becat had been laoking witb tic pleasure ta bis coniing boni ýwitbîn a montb or six weecks rangements bave been matie mate the nemains anti bring es ta Newcastle anti a!ter ti nival tie Service fan the DE lie belti in St. Geonge's Chur OBITUARIES le Miller -Red Lake Syndicate 800 tinits. (No persanal liability). Open for Immediate Subscniptiion Experienced prospectons now in field witi tiogs, equipment anti supplies. We will bave aur properties staketi before the big stampetie in the Sprîng. This Syndicate also holda 1110 interest in the Redi Lake Northcnn Syndirate alsa now on the grounti. Immediate action necessary. $25 PER UNIT. No Funther Liability. See speech a! Premier Ferguson, Toronto papers, Feb. l9th. Hon. Mn. Fenguson said that the Ministen o! Mines hati sent out geoLagista ta stutiy conditions in the nortb. Reports were brougit back, hie saiti, and the Red Lake District whîch prom- ises ta lie anc of the biggest tievelopments in Ontario, was founti by foîiawing the directions and information suppiieti. A. W. Ryder & Co* 6 & 7 McCaul Street Torýonto, Ont. *U a- q - untiinely atis and ause ofn VALUE AND SERVICE IN SEASONABLE FOOTWEAR Men's Plain Toe Brown Boot, welt sole and rubber heel .............................$5.00 per pair Men's Black Box Caîf, full leather lined, double soles ............................$7.50 per pai Boys' Hikers, black and brown.... .$5.50 per pair Women's low heel Oxfords, in patent leather and black caif .....................$4.50 per pair Women's Patent Leather and Kid Strap Slip- pers ..................................... $3-75 per pair W. Claude Ives The liome of Good Shoes Bowmanville I. I .Ar' Z oomÎcal rro*sp.vtsid coolfort lflAyWeather Full protection in any weather- comfort in winter-anugneas against snow, sîcet, and rain-tliat's what you enjoy when you drive the Chevrolet touring carl1 Mns. W. H. Montgomery, Ferndale, Michigan Mrs. (Rev.) W. H. Montgomery, (nee Addia Gontianien), passeti away at ber home, 492 Lewiston East, Ferntiale, Micb., on MDntiay, Febru- any 15ti., 1926, after a painful iii- nesa o! four mantha. Thaugli sufer- ing greatly, sic was very patient anti cheenful up ta the enti. She was born at Monven, County o! Lennox, anti educateti at Morven Public Scbooi, Napance Callegiate, anti AI- bert College, Belleviile. In 1905 aie vaa aniteti in man- niage witb Rev. W. H. Montgomiery, B. A., B. D., anti assiatet im great- iy in bis work at Sombra, Athens, Laprainie anti Cippawa. She was [praticuîariy succesaful in ,young pea- ple's wark. The fanerai service waa belti Tuestiay evening at ber late resi- dence, Ferntiale, anti xas conducteti by Rev. L. E. Cliambenlin. Thei body was taken ta Napance anti placeti in the vault o! The W!iitel Churci, Marven. Besities a beboveti bushaant, she leaves ta mournne0r bass, ber aged mother, Mra. J. L. P. Gordanien, anti twa brothens, Alfreti Gardanier anti J. Almon Gandanien. Ta Tby will O0Cati, we bow, As in tieepest sonrow now, We sometimes sit anti ponden, Wbat she is tioing up yoider. We roulti wish ber back again, Free froni aIl disease and pain, But she'a gone beyonti recali To the landti tat berkons ail. Mr,. Amelia 1. Hughan, Lindsay. There passedti t reat at the faînilv reaitience, Kent Street, Lindisay, on Saturtiay, February 2th., Anielia Idia (Minnie) Somers, belovlet wifc o! Mr. C. W. M. Hag'ban, Floniat, in ber 66th year. Mrs. ilagian was tbe third tiaugli- ter o! tbe late Mn. anti Mrs. John Somers o! Bawnianvilie, and was bonn in the township o! Clarke. She liveti in Clarke anti Darlington up ta tic tume o! ber marniage to Mn. Hughan wbo was an atiopteti son o! the late Rev. anti Mrs. W. S. Hug- bhan. Tiey liveti here previoua ta moving ta Peterboro anti laten ta Lindisay wbere tbey have neaiietifan tic past 40 years. Tiaugli not in gooti iealtb for some tume Mrs. Hugian was arounti basily engageti in ber housebolti dut-I ies anti assisting 'ber iusbant inibis wonk in tic greenliause. Two wccks ago aie suffereti a stroke anti thougi evenything pas- sible was donc for ber by dactor and nurses she answened the ral to the betten wonlti at the noon bout- on Satuntiay. A venyý large numben o! sympati- izing frientis ralieti on Santiay ta psy their respects ta one wba was sa weii-known anti genenally beloveti. 'Pie service was helti on Monday morning conducteti by ber pastar, Rev. T. E. Holling, B. A., assisteti by Rev. F. H. Meîntosi, M. A., a! Cambridige Street United Chut-ci, o! whicb sic was a niember. Tic botiy waa taken bxy way o! Canadian National Railway to Bow- manvilie for interment in the family plot. On anivai bere at 2 p. mi. thc cartege proceededtitatiecrenie- tery !olloweti by a numben o! rela- tives anti aid fnientis. Tic beaners bere wene five nep- hews anti a cousin-Messrs. Irwun R. Bragg. Leslie Jackson, Russell Gay,] John Baker, Haward Caach anti Rus- Thc numenoas floral designs were exccctiingiy licautiful, expressive o! sympatiy froin relatives, fnientis anti business bouses. sdil Osbarne. Rcv. J. U. Robins o! Trinity Unit.- ed Chutci rontiactedtihti service at tic grave. Besides ber sarrowing iusbanti sic leaves anc son, Mn. Wil- liami Haglian, Toronto; anti tine daugiters, Mrs. Wesley Hentiens anti Mrs. Fred Kirby, Winnipeg, Man., Miss Pearl Hugian at home. aiso tht-ce sisters, Mrs. Thos. C. Jackson anti Mrs. W. J. Bragg, Bowmanville, anti Mns. Jolbn Fec, Omenice, anti anc brother Dr. J. S. Somers, Ton- onto. Othens attentiing tie funeral wene Mns. J. S. Somners, Misses Elsie anti Irene Bragg and Miss Russell, Tor- onto. Kid Giovez, mmal izea, woe $2; Dow 250 pair. Couch, Jobnaton & Crydeiman. Fine quality curtains, carefully tail- oreti and close fitting, keep the cold out and warmnth in. Entrance and exit to both seats are unhampered andi free because the curtains are supponteti by rigiti rods and swing with the doors. The Chevroiet touning is thc lowest- pniceti car of equal quality and equip- ment on the market. It offensalal tie ativantages of economnical apenation al tie yean anounti: an open car for the open roati in aanîmen and anug conifont for winter tiniving. Came in 1 Satisf y yourself that hene is a low-priceti touring car that offers real ail-weathcr protection. ONTARIO MOTOR SALES LIMITED 99 Simcoe South, Oshawa W. E. DAVEY Phone 34 ring 1, Orono QUALfT AT LOW COST E -910 When You Need GROCERIES-BREAD-BUNS-CAKES- PASTRY-CHOCOLATES-ICE CREAM -SOFT DRINKS-ETC. Bring or send your order to, this store where it will receive prompt attention and you will get, 1 good valu. H. S. BRITTON, Bakoe & GrocoeNewc«atI F12 THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVILLE, THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 25, 1926 PAGE EIGHT If yau wish to bu>' your Chevro- let on time, the nearest thing ta cash is the GMAC plan- General Mators' own plan for se 11- ing its cars on time. which is available ta our purchasers.