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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 25 Mar 1926, p. 2

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DAflU! 'pwfl TEE CANADIAN STATESMATJ nnWMAMVTLLE TrnT1~DÂV MA~CE 954h 109A STEAMSHIP TICKEiTS M. A. JAMES Té Europe-Canadian Pacifie, Whte Star Dominion, Cunard, America4 Ask for information. Phone 63 Statesnan Office, Bow2nanvllle. OUR WELDING MAKES IT SAFE If you allowed that little crack or break ta continue, you migbt 'bave a aerious accident ta your car, or your engine might break down cora- pletely and cost you ten times the price in delays, warry, etc. Let us do that necessary welding now and Bave you worse trouble. RATCLIFF MACHINE SHOP King St. E. Bowmanville Phone 425W HARRY WAGNER Toeher of. Hawaiien Gutar. Complet. Courue in Transposition for Guitar, Ukulele, Uke-Banjo. Studio over Couch, Johnston & Cryderman's, Bowmanville, every Wednesday. Address: Balmoral Hotel King Radios Batteries Tubes Loud Speakers and Radio Supplies L. F. Irwin Phome 83 or J76 Bowmanvill. New yes. Use Marine Eye Remedy UR Hlm O am Gnw ai slih *Write frP I IhflbemaC.. Uaime u aa. MONUMENTAL ART WORKS ESTABLISHED 1857 Importer direct of SCOTCH AND SWEDE GRANITES and only thse beat grades of VERMONT BLUE MARBLE 1 emnploy no cemetery caretakers as agents preferririg to sell my own goods thus saving the purchaser the agent's commission. A cal olicited. F. H. BOUNSALL Proprietor Bowmanville Pihone 826W Box 94 CHIROPRACTIC DURWIN E. STECKLEY Honor graduate of Toronto Chiro- pr.actic College will be in office on Temperance Street, Bowmanville, Tuesday, Tbursday and Saturday afternoon and evening. Phones: Office 141J; Residence 141W. Residential calls made at Hampton, Newcastle and District. DENTAL DR. G. C. BONNYCASTLE Honor graduate in Dentistry Toronto UJniversity. Graduate of the Royal College of Dental Surgeons of On- tario. Office King St., Bowmanville. Office phone 40. House phone 22. DR. J. C. DEVITT Graduate of Royal Dental College, Toronto. Office, King St. East, Bow- manville. Office hours 9 a. m. to 6 p. mn. daily except Sunday. Phone 90a. House phone 90b. DR. R. E. DINNIWELL Honor graduate of Toronto Uni- versity and member of Royal College of Dental Surgeons. Licensed toi practise in Ontario and the Domin- ion. Dentistry in all ie branches.1 Offce-King St., Bowmanville, op-i posite Bank of Montreal. Phone 301. LEGAL M. G. V. GOULD, B. A., LL. D. Barrister, Solicitor, Notary Money ta boan on Farm and Town Property. Royal Bank Building, Bowmanville. Phone 351. W. R. STRIKE iSuccetsor t'. late D. B. Simpson, K.C. Barrister, Solicitor, N.tary Solicitor for Bank of Montreal Money' to Loan Phone 91 Bowmanville, Ontario W. F. WARD, B. A. Barrister, Solicitor, Notary Money to loan. Bonds for sale. Offices-Bleakley Block, King St., Bowmanville, Ontario. Phones: Office 102, House 409. FUNERAL DIRECTORS F. F. MORRIS CO. Complete Motor or Horse Equipment Ail calîs promptly attended to. Private Ambulance Bowmanville Phones 10 and 34 Branch Stores-Orono & Newcastle. ALAN M. WILLIAMS Embalmer and Funeral Director. Calîs given prompt and personal at- tention. No extra charge for. dis- tance. Phones 58 or 159, B owman- ville, Ont. 3-tf. MEDICAL B. J. HAZLEWOOD, M. D., C. M. Gold Medalist of Trînity University, Toronto. Four years attending Phy- sician and Surgeon at Mt. Carmel Hospital, Pittaburg, Ks. Office and Residence, Wellington Street, Bow- manville. Phone 108. C. W. SLEMON, M. D., C. M.j Graduate of Trinity Medical College, Toronto, formerly of Enniskillen. Office and Residence, Dr. Beith's former residence on Churcb Street,j Bowmanville. Phone 259. 44-t.i VETERINARY DR. F. ". TIGKE VETERINARY SURGEON. Day ori Nigbt calls promptly attended to. Office: King St. East, Bowmanville. Phone 243.t E. G. KERSLAKE, V. S., B. V. Sc. Orono Honor Graduate of University of1 Toronto. Ahl cases given prompt and careful attention. Office-1 Dr. McElroy's former office. Phoanes: J Clarke 3921; Orono 18-1. J AUCTIONEERS THEO M. SLEMON Auctioneer Farmn and House Sales a Specialty. Terms moderate. Enniskillen P. O. Phone 197r3. 1-tf. WILLIAM MAW Licented Auctioneer Having met with considerable suc- cess in conductîng sales for the pa3t 19 years, I now off er my services ta the people of Bowmanville and vie- inity. For terme and dates see F. O. Mason, Bowmanville, or phone 288, Whitby, Ort. 12-L. AUCTIONEER & REAL ESTATE NORMAN MONTGOMERY 18 years' experience, all classes of auction sales, pure bred stock a specialty. Business address: 406 Bloor St. W(, Phone Trinity 1832; Residence: 269 Havelock St., phone Lombard 2933, Toronto. 41-6m* for youir tC -2 U M 14 e 1 9 Judge Harry Ôlson is Chief Just- ieof tihe Municipal Court and as- tablished a Psycbopathic Labratory in collaboration with. Dr. Williain Hickson. Judige Oison opened the courts ta Dr. Hickson ta apply bis tbeory of the basis of crime, pauper- isin, and sa on, that he had gleaned1 in the clinics of Europe. Mr. Whitney, as stated, hes been intim- ately associated witb these two offi- ciaIs and kxiows muclb of the working aof the pbychopatbic laboratory where about forty-two fhusn cases of criminala eand suspectsbv THE EDITOR TALKS The thought came to us the other day wben three young lads from Toronto were sentenced. to four, three and two years respectively in penitentiary for burglarizing the store of Messrs. Coucbh, Joihnston & Cryderman in this town, why is there so much crime in Canada? Toronto "The Good" bas become a hot bed of it if we may judge £romn reports in the city newspapers of the proceedings of the different courts of justice. The citizens are flot safe on the streets nor in their homes day nor night it would appear, for day- ligbt holdups and robbery of business sbops have been quite frequent. A cause, or causes there be and the city authorities seem to be puz- zled to know what to do to stop the constant repetition of crimes. The moral conditions in the Unit- ed States are as bad or worse than they are in Canada. We have been reading in The Ohristian Work of New York for March 13 Part One of a very interesting discussion on "The Source of Crime" by Leon F. Whit- ney, the Field Secretary of the Eugenics Committee of the United States-an official of wide ecper- lence who bas been intimately as- sociated with Judge Oison and Dr. Hickson of the Chicago Municipal Court where the real cause and cure for crime is known. heen examined and their recordsl The army tests during the late, constitute the greatest group of 1 world war ýbowed that at least 25 eugenic material on crime in the per cent of the population of the world. U. S. is possessed of inferior or very * * * inferior intellect. There are iail- The editors aof Christian Work in lions of morons inoffensively exist- their note introducino- Mr. Whitney, ing in America, rapidly lowering tihel say. "An increasino- number of stu- national average. Then Mr. Whit- dents of sociology have came ta re- ney says: Slums do flot cause gard a knowledge aof Eugenics as crime; hangings do not prevent basic ta the solution aof snch import- murder-it might also be said that ant civie probleins as crime, patiper- bangings incite murder; reforma- isin, unemp>oyment and sa on. But, tories do not miake boys bad; pover- this is only the negative side. ty daes nat cause crime; toa many Positively a knowledge ai' Eugenics pcar men have risen ta greUtness seens ta be equally fundamental ta for us ta believe that. In fact, the task of building up a better race poverty imposed on a race of meni of human beings." Sa wben Judo-e sucb as the ones wbo originally set- OIson was looking arodnd for a con- i tled this country wiIl tend ta make petent psyciatrist he was advsed I that race better as it once did:- ta o-et a man who had been educated Whereas riches are now caosing in Germany wbcre tbey are 20 years that race's downfall-not through ebead of aur psychiatrists. Sal crime-but through too f ew child- Judo-e OIson di.9covered Dr. William'i ren in tü» fanflies. t is now quite Hîckson. 1 definiteiy accepted amo-no pyscbia- We make tii fuller explanation 1 trists tint liquor and drugs do not ta show why Mr. Whitney should be cause crime, but that men are in a position ta diseuss intelIigentDr drunkards and dope flends througb the source of' crime. ïnheritance. Shortage of bîrch * * * switches bas nothino- ta do wth Mr. Whitney, in bis introduction crime. Iit other worda, we must ta Part I of his discussion on "The! admit tbat aur environmental cures Source of Crime" asks the question: bave failed utterly. What then is [lu there a crime wave in thbeLUnitedl tbe cause of crime? A defectiive States? Answering it be saya3: "Lt brain, usuallîT caused by an iniheri- is not that,, and then introduces titis' tance wbîcb breeds that kmnd o-f strikino- idea: brain. The refuse dumped upan Amerca s atan. Poulaionis<this country is the principal cause slowly fillino- it until, at the present fcie For, in proportion ta rat ofineeàs, b th yer 160,their numbers, there are 175 for- orat ai' 2000~s, vbe the year f96l- aigri barriperons in aur institutions or t ast200, e hai b ful-for every 100 native Americans. in ather words bave aur maximum of The survey at present being made population. The crime situation wiIl stago-er tbe American of the betokens a pollution of the contents aId stock. He will realize that it of the tank. In other words, i-hers a ls an increasing per centage of pal- u highmtimeatinba onre u lutian and a decreasino- per centage U h mirto as of the btter quality aof material in Lr rdrcHmlo i i the tank. AdFeei.Haitn n hs * * *famous book, a brilliantly entertain- At this point Mr. Whitney intro-j mo- volume of remin<scences-"The duces a reasoning that Canadians Days Before Ye.sterday"'-ipublished may well consider. He says: Tbis by The Musson Book Comipany Ltd., (pollution) bas increased sîlowîy Torornto, in tbe Last chapter (page from the end ai' the pianeerino- per- 302) Vites: iad wben there were practi1cally noi My father had anc fad: lie neyer alins bouses in the country, for the' altered bis manner of living (He was simple reason that defectives coulu Lordi-Lieutenant of Ircland), tvbct- not bave lived in the primitive nat-i ber the bouse wans full of visitors or ural conditions. There were a fewl be were alone with my mother after caunty poor farmss wîbere same of bhis cbildren bad married and left the unfortunate aId folk lived out i bim. At Baron's Court (Govr- their last few years, but there were1 ment House) when quite by them- no institutions-suich as poor bouses, selves he used the large rooms and aid folks homes and such. T'e bad tbern ail lighted up at night reason is simple, he remiarks, and exactly as thougli the house werc tben axplains. Canadians may again full ciof uests. take notice: Tbera xvas ta my mmnd somethino- * * * very touching in seoino-;an aged Back in Englandl in l7tb century couple after mare than fifty year.s there M'as probabLy the greatest race of married life togetber, still pre- ofmen in the world, judging fromI servino- the affectionate relations ()f their aciomplhienL;; and the qual- loyers with eacb otber. They pIay- ity of~ mankind tbat this aice bas ed their patiences tozether nigbhtly since produced-they were a very in a raam 98 feet long and deligiit- great race of men. Frcm thein was cd in stili singing together in tic selactcd <for emigratian) an even quaverino- tories of old no-e the simple bet:,er straîn aof that race-selected little Italiari duets that they bad for courage, idealisn, pianeering suno- in the far off days af their qualities and pride of~ race. They courtz-bip. dasirea ta warsnip L.od as tfley ý'aw fit after tbey had interpreted the Bible 'a.s tbey read it. They knewl wchl that thcw needed no bishop or pope ta tell tbem how ta read 'tbe Bible anud baw ta interpret wbat te Bible salul, Tbey knew well tbat tbey bad as, goad brains, if flot bat- ter, than nrany aof the bisbops and papes who were imposed upan thern, and so tbey set off for Anerica (the PuritanLsai' course). Here tbay were selected again by Nature and tremendous vigor. Nante but strcrg men and women could have stood tue bardships of' earîy pionaaring days and none but a per-sonai' wonder- fuI courage and abîlit ' - vould have dared ta undertake the sca voyage, deprivations, and bardships whicb these men and women undertoak in these times. After paying this groat tribute ta the Englisb race Mr. Whil.ney makes this deduction: As soon as aur country was settled, tbe risks ai' lufa taken, the institutions built whicb were the logical outgrowtb of the kind af' mmd whicb setthed this country, Europe opencd ber gatesi and much of i .efective hunaanity poured into the great "meltiirg pot', wbich our forefathemi had con- structed. As soan as the walls ta keep aut Nature bad been built, then the de- As bis vearsinraascd my father did flot tare ta venture muchbch- yonI the circle aof bis awn family,l thougli as thirte en of' bis cbildren had grawn Up and ha hiad en married daughters, the two eIder of' whoni bad aach thirtean cbildren of ber own, the number of' his mmc- diate descendants n ffor(le(lhlm a i'airly wicle field of selection. Ini bis oId aga ho liked ta -have bis five sons round hum aIl the winter ta- eetber , Ith their wivas and child- re n. Accordirigly, every Octcher my tbree married brothars arrived at B'aron's, Court wth tbcir cntire flmlan d remained there titl Januaryv. so that tbe bouse persistpnt- ly rang with dhildren's auo-hter. My l'ailer loved children an<I un- derstond tbcm thorougblty. He -,vas alwçavys ready ta draw tbcm piret- ureq and tell them stories. They on thetr side reeqpondied tao this and were quite at their cïase with him. Wbat witib governesses, children, nurses and servants, thip, meant 13 extra peaple ail through the wînter. My father was oîd-fashiaried enough ta, rend lfamily p rayers every morn- io- anid every Sundaiy evening. It would bc difficult ta convey anuw idea ai' the pleasant famnilY life la that isolated spot tucked sa yamong the Tyrorie mountains in tbe nortb of reland. fectives could live within those walls and live they have. But not only bave they lived but have !ncre&aed.ý England bas repeatedly sent over ship-loads of inmates £romnberý almshouses and jails. (No wonder England bas less crime than the United States.). Prom practically all of the European countries there are many records of their dumping undesiriables into our country and our sbortsigbted government alhow- ed it to continue. We can easily imagine tihat when a shipload of in- mates of an English jail or aIms- house left that country for America, the Superintendent must have said to himself: "There, you Yankees, see if that boatload will me1t". In furtber support of bis tbeory Mr. Whitney says: It is obvious to me that Europe has . regarded this country as a humnan garbage can- that is no exaggeration, judging by tbe way those countries have assisted undesirables to Amerijca. Of course, most of the germn plasm which came bere was good; but cer- tiainljy the best wais not assisted. Every nation wants tbe best to stay and be tbe parents o-f the next gen- eration. We are not bere cansider- ing the best: we are înquiring into the source of crime. Those saine men in the legislature who if tbey bappened ta have bad a dog to breed, would have sent it to the best pos- sible mate that they could find, be- cause tbey recognize tbat that me- thod is tbe only method of main- taining tbe goodness in their breed, are allowing millions of defectives and undesirable human beings to corne into America wlere tbeir cbildren may marny the sons and daughters aof those undesirables, perhaps3: sa shortsighted to realize that wbaît applied to their dog's an- cestry apply also to their cbildren's. The herediilary condition here ta- day differs fromn the America o-f 1850 as mucib as daes tbe difference b'etween faxnilies. SEVEN MISTAKES 0F LIFE "There are seven mistakes of life that many o-f us make", said a fam- ous writer, ýand then fie gave the following list: 1. The delusion that i.ndividual ad- vancement is made by crushing otbers down. 2. Tbe tendency ta worry about thinga that cannot be cibanged er corrected. 3. Insisting that a tbing is im- possible because we ourselves can- not accomplisb it. 4. Atternýpting ta cosupel other persons to belie've and live as we do. 5. Neglecting devolopiment and refinemiment of the mind by not acquiring tbe lvabit o-f reading. 6. Refusing to set aside trivial preferences in order tbat important things may be a&~ompished. 7. The failure to establish the habit of saving money. DEPEND ON SUGAR IN CUBA A letter received £rom Cuba says: "Buisiness conditions re- main depressed in Cuba, due ta the continued low price of sugar. Our triop this season will hardly be as large as that o-f last year, but even at that we bave, according ta various estimates, approximately five million long tons. Wllhile an increase of 'one-baif cent a pound would not be greatly feit by the people o-f the north, it would bring prosperity and good times in this republic, the people of wbich depend on notihing else but sugar for an existence- Azton F'ree Press. BRIGHTON GROWERS ORGANIZE Northumberland County Brancb of Ontario Vegetable Growers' Associa- tion bas been formed with these pro- visional officers: President-E. B. Seeds; lst Vice-President--A. M. Macklam; 2nd Vice-President-F. H. Lazier; Sec'.-Trea.-Walter Il Srmitb, Brighton; Directors-G. W. Bullis, Smithfleld; W. H. Spear, Col- borne; C. E. Post, A. T. Sirett and S H. Tackaberry, Brigbton. A meeting bas been arranged for March 27tb., in Coiberne, when Walter Cook, Kingston, President o-f the Ontario Vegetabîe Growers' As- sociation, and George Rush, Humber Bay, are expected ta address the meeting. L. G. GREENAWAY King St. East Bowmanville The Fashion-Craft Man A clothing expert direct from Fashion-Craft headquarters to measure you for that new suit Extra trausers asinai iddi. trasIcast. More genuine value than you ever thought possible,--more style, more service. Suits that you can wear in any company and feel better than the next man. It's a custom tailoring offer at a ready-made price. Let the Fashion-.Craft Expert meas. ure you -- he will be here FRJDAY, MARCH 26 All Orders Taken on This Date Will Be Delivered By Easter S. G. CHARTRAN Exclusive Fashion-Craft Agent Phone 26 Bowmanville 1 Door West of Bell Telephone Office Ond &cauje iÈ't 4ke9"v I. SUITS fromn Made to your Measure by Fashi-on,-Craft Be Fair to Your Family and Yourself A modern bathroom equipment is no longer considered a luxury-it is a necessity. For health's sake and for your own comfort and convenience you should have sanitary plumbing in your home. Cost of installing is now within the reach of the man of moderate means. NEW UINE 0F FURNACES In a few days we will have a new line of furnaces on display. Be sure to see them. THIS 15 EAVESTROUGHING SEASON Better leave your order early as the big Spring rush is alreàdy at hand. THE CANADIAN STATESMAN. BOWMANVILLE. THURSDAY. MARCII 25th.. 1926 PAGE TWO

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