PÂGE FOUR THE CANADIAN STATESMAN. BOWMANVILLE. THURSDAY. MARCM 25t.h. i %~2R FARMERS' CLUB . #- South Darlington Farmers' Club will eneet at Maple Grove Hall, on 'Wednes-1 day, March 31, at 2 P. m. Al iInter- esteti please attend. Truman Power, C. L. Rundie. President. Secretary. HAMPTON Miss Blanche Crydernan, Toronto'i Normal, was at home for thte weekend ...Mr. '%V. R. Allin spent a few (lava ln Toronto rcrty.. r.Roy Metcal anti chiltiren. Base Line, visited her piar- ente, SMr. andi Srs. A. Trcnouth ...Mass Mildred Souch, Oshawa, spent the wevk- endi et home .... Miss Laura Virtue, Tor- onto, epent Sunday at home ..Mr. and Sire. G. Wilkinson, Toronto. visited at Mr E. Trull'e . . . .Mss Vera Martin bas been Quite 111 with pneumonla but is recover- lng nicely. ...GlatI to know that Mrs. C. Wallace ls gaining after ber long ill- ness ...Mr. Charles Johns andi family have moveti on f0 SMr. A. B. Cryderînn'a farm. The Dr. Hess Stock Tonic Poultry PaBacea, Louse Killers and dip and disinfectants are the beat known and not sold by peddlers but sold on a positive nioney bazk guarantee at Horn's sto re.CUTC 11-2w Reserve Thursday, April 1, for farmi sale of Mr. Milton Gay. Gooti oppor- tunity to buy Holstein Cows or otiierI famstock. See 1sf in another col- Mr. andi Srs. W. H. Nichols spent ai few days wlth their daughter, Mrs. Walter Snlder, (nee Atidie), in Irnt- ford... .The W. M. S. had a very entlius-i lastic meeting on Thursday when the 1 officers wcre electetl for the year. our! Pastor acting as chairman. There wvre about eighteen ladies present andi a good program presenteti.... On Wednes- day of this week our Ladies' Clmes will hold lte monthly meeting instead of Thursday. . .. Sunday services were good. Rev. Mr. Washington preacheti bis. fourth sermon of the series on Jesus in the evenlng. The subject "The Wed(ý- ding" anti next Sunday evening it be ing thé. iast of these series our boye' choir wiil slng again .. . .Wood-cufting is the kind of work these 'laye VYou can hear two machines golng at once some- times. ENFIELD Mrs. E. Bradley, Haydon, je vis- iting at Mr. B. Ferguson's.... .Mrs. B. Feguson and Mrs. A. Smith have been under the Dr's. cars .... Miss Rose Shortt, Tyrone, visited at Mr. Edgar Prescott's .... Mr. and Mrs. H. Stinson have been visiting ati Pomtypool ... .Miss Ruby Sith... a been visiting at Haydon.... Mr. and Mrs. Merlin Hepburn and Mr. and Mrs. M. Gilroy had a large party at tteir homes last week and a good tiine was enjoyed at both places .... The social which was to have been en Match 26th bas been postponed for better roads. BLACKSTOCK The "No mother to guide 'em" Club gave a skating party Monday evening. Port Perry bandi eupplying excellent music ...Womnen'e Missionary Society belti Ite monthiy meetiig at Mrs. Nor- man S.IcNaliy's, and bai an election of offiers for .'oming ye,,r. Sire. Jas. Marlow read an atidrese and Mrs. R. Taylor and Mrs. R. J. Crozier presi-ot- ed Mrs. H. Bruce wltb life mnemberabil)' certificate afti W. M. S. pin. Mrs. Bruce was former preeilenf of the so- clety and will be greatly mîsseetinb both churcb and society as Mir. andi Sre. Brune are moving to Toronto ...Our Epworth League accepted Cosarea's in- vtation last Wednesday. A good lîro- gram waa given. St..1'arlck con - tests and jokes were enjoyeti. Lunch wae served andi everyone spent an en- Joyable time.... Gladti b ear that SIre. Cecîl Hill who untierewent an operation ln Bowmanvllle Hospital is doing well.. ..Miss Anna Bruce, Toron to, is visit- Ing at home.... .Mr. Larmer, from thea North West, ia visiting at Mr. L. Gra- ha ma ÀUCTION SALES .Monday, April 5h-John Chabotar, Lot 23. Con. 2, Diarlington, (lt,ý r ls, east of Courtice on Highway), wIll sell ail of hie valuable farta stock, Impie- mente, household furniture, etc. See bills and list ln paper. Wm. Maw, Auctioner (Othe-r Auction Sales on Page Z Auction Sale The undereign ed has receîved Instructions from MILTON GAY To seil by auction on the premises Lot 30, Con. 2, Darlington Just West of Courtice on THURSDAY, APRIL lat The following valuable Farmn Stock, lm- plemente, etc.. as folowe: HORSES-Brown Mare G. P.. Il years; Brown Horse, G. P., 10 yeare; Mare G. P.. 8 years; Mare G. P.. 12 yeax-e. CATTLE-Holstein Cow. 6 years, bred September 22; Holstein Cow, 7 years, bred October 26:;Itolstein Cow, 7 years, bred March 22; Hostein Cow, 6 years. bred November 23; Holstein Cow. 4 years, bred November 23:;IHolstein Cow, 4 years, renewed:; Hostein Cow. bred March 17; Holstein Cow. 8 years, bred March 16; Holstein 00w. 4 years, re- newed; Holstein Cow, 8 years, bred July 11; Hostein Cow, 7 years, bred January llth. IMPLEM ENTS-Massey-Harrls Rakne. flearly new: Double Furrow Riding Plow, Farmers' Priend; Gang Plow; W.lk- Ing Plow; Scuifier: Bobsleigh with Plat- form; H-eavy Wagon for ùeaming; nearly new; Fannlng Mill; Set 3010 lb Springs, nearly new; Platform Sî'ring Wagon: Pair Trucks; Corn Cultivator; Hinman Miiking Machine, and other ar- ticles too numerous to mention HARNESS-l Back-band Team Har- nese. Heavy; 1 set Teamn Harness with Breeching. Sale at 1 p. m. TERMS-On ail sums of $15 ana un- der. cash; over that amount seven inonths' credit on approved notes wlth Interest at 6 per cent per annum. JAMES BISHOP, Aucionver. Oppor tunity A District Agency le now available i In Durham County for Canada'. only net cost Lite Insurance Company. Write statlng age and qualification to George Gibbons District Manager MUTUAL. LIFE 0F CANADA Barri. *ldg., Poterboro, Ont. 1 Now Cornes the Great Footwear Event You Have Been Waiting For Ives'StoreA dopts A Lower Selling PriePolicy It is in the interest of every citizen in Bowmanville and vicinity to know about this policy. For it's the customer who reaps the greatest benefit. Consider the reasonableness, of this "Lower Selling Price Policy." It is very simple. Ail it needs is a little thought and cooperation on your part and mine. 1 MEN'S HIGH GRADE SHOES $6.98 We have bunched about 6 lines of Men's Fine Boots in Black and Brown Good- year Welts, bought to seli at $8.00 to $9 per pair. Ail sizes in lot. Out They Go $6.98 2 MEN'S HIGH GRADE OXFORDS We have bunched these in two lots, are in Black or Brown and seil regular at $6.00 to $7.50 and $8.00 to $10.00, While they last out they go $4.98 $7.48 3 LADIES' HIGH GRADE SHOES These are new Spring goods we bought to seli at $8.00 but during this Sale we are going to let them go. New Pumps and Strap effeets $6.98 4 MEN'S FACTORY SHOES Light weight uppers and fairiy heavy soies. Good values at $4.50 $3.48 5 GIRLS' HIGH AND LOW SHOES Broken lines in Black 'and Brown Kid or caîf leathers, splendid for school and party use $2.68 6 INFANT'S WALK EASY SHOES These are made with soft leather soies in welts. We have them in both strap slippers and high shoes, in patent, brown and white $1.38 The Home 0f Good Shoes I know, as well as you do, that there is a lot of footwear trade goes out of town which rightly belongs in Bowmanviile. I arn determined to hold a bigshare of this business in town this year. To do this, you say, PRICES MUST COME DOWN. Well, that's just what I have done. By iowering, very mater- ially, prices on alI footwear I expeet to increase the year's bus- iness between three and four times the regular turnover. Thus, I will give the year round much better dollar and cents footwear values to my customers than has ever before been offered in Bowmanville. Sale Starts Friday, March 26th, at 9 a. m. With the lower prices my personal guarantee stili stands be- hind every pair of shoes sold in this store. The high quality of my footwear remains the same altho' prices are lowered. Citizens may actually experience the really genuine savings in dependable footwear by buying at this store starting this Fni- day morning. This Sale is put on pnimarily to acquaint the public with Ives' Lower Selling Price Policy. 7 BOYS' SCHOOL SHOES These were bought to seil at $3.50 pair, but for quick sale out they go at $2.98 8 BOYS' FINE SHOES Every pair made for real boys' wear, solid leather, sew- ed soles, some. with rubber heels. Broken sizes. To ciear $3.98 9 YOUTHS' SCHOOL SHOES Ahl sizes, Black and Brown, out they go $2.98 10 LADIES' OXFORDS $1.98 Ladies' Oxforas in sizes 2ý,, 3, 31/,-- Brown and Black leathers, welted soles, regular prices were $7.00 and $8.00, out they go $1.98 11 LADIES' STRAP PUMPS AND OXFORDS $3.98 These are from some of our best makes and some very handsome styles are shown, some ten different styles, in one lot at $3.98 The Goods You Want Are Here Only a few of the many items are mentioned in this adver- tisernent and we wish to emphaticaily impress upon you that whatever your needs in footwear, they will be fuifilied here. If you do, not see just the article youi had in mind to purchase in this advt-we assure you that it is here-come and see for your- self. You wiil be amazed at the exceptionaliy low prices pre- vaiiing on just the kind of merchandise you desire. 12 MEN'S WORK BOOTS Men's strong work boots in Black and Brown, sewn and screwed soles, solid leather $3.98 13 MISSES' LACE BOOTS This lot consists of Black and Brown Boots, sizes il to 2, of different makes and sizes are broken, Reg. $3.50 and $4 $2.98 14 MEN'S PLAIN TOE SHOES This is a special number bought to seli at $5. A good shoe made to fit and wear .$3.98 15 WOMEN'S HOUSE SLIPPERS Made of Kid Leather and low rubber heels. E E fitting. A limited number 1 $1.78 16 MISSES' OXFORDS AND STRAP SHOES Reliable makes in Patent, Black Calf and brown, sewn soles. $3 to $3.ýO values $2.48 17 LADIES' HIGH GRADE SHOES This lot comprised of strap shoes with high and low heels in Patent, Black Kid and Calf leathers and brown leathers are taken from our best makes. Neyer sold below $7.00 pair $5.98 North Side 0f King St., East, Bowmanville r -. -- Il ENNISKILLEN \'isitors: Mrs. -N. ttoblina and Mr. Shaw, Hampton, wlth Sire. Wm. Oke; Mir. Farry Oke, Lakeport. le having a pleasant visit wlth hie relatives here; Mir. and Sire. C. Sanderson, Burketon, epent Sunday witb their son, Mir. Wil- fred Sanderson; Sire. N. A. C'ampbell, Oshawa, Mbr. and Sirs. J. L. àletcalf, Mr. and l Sire. R. J. Mtcalf andl Mr. G. L. Symons and babte, Frankt of South Darlington, at Mir. Chas. Stewart's; Mrs. W. J. Wallace spent the weekeýnd at Mir. Jas. Nokes', Town; SMr. and Sire. W. 0. Ilerring Sundaîye<l with their nep- hew, Mir. Roy Webher, Town; 'tir. and Sirs. C. W. Souch and Sirs. Jas. Curtis, Hampton, recently visited their sister, Mre. John Pye; Mises'Minni, Webler recently visited ber atîit, Mrs. W. 0. Herring; Messrs. T. '.%. Siemon. Joel Martin, Wesley Oke aînd l-arry Rogrs attended the sale of th,- latte Mrs. Fred Rogers' property, Whitly. Our weli- knowo auctioneer. Theo. M. Sienj, was ln charge.... All the eilîdren are sorry to sae the snow disappear for they know that lt means good-bye to their Jolly sleigh rides down the hils .. Pleaseed te report that Sire. Chas. Stù.- Wart le improving nicely. lier tisqter. Sire. E. J. liurk is visiting with lr... .League Wednesday evening was open- ed with President Frank Dorland in the chair. After devotional exercises, the President of the Lde Aid, Mrs. J. A. Wêrry, took charge. St. Pat rick prograni was rendered as followes. re. (Dr)t Ferguson, Mrs. D. ilurgmaster, Sifrs. A. Stevens and Sire. T. Siemon fav- ored with readings; ltev. E. M. Cook delighled aIl with a vocal soio accom- îanled by Miss Laura Andrew. Ail joindi in community singing after wh:ch a lality lunch wae servedl and a social hiaif hour spent .... Sundlay evening, (,tr i'astor ,,ivr, an excellent sermon on '*The Four-sqiuare Life'. The music rendered by the choir was ln keeping with the discourse. Giad to have Mir. and Sire. Howard Stevens ln the choir ...Large attendance et Sunday Schooi Sunday morning. Fariners Attention! BOARI FOR SERIVICE-PuteL Bred Yorkshire boar for service, bacon type. bought from Twin Stream Farme. Terme $100 at time of service. John Aldworth, Lot 23, Con. 3, Darllngtcn, phone 133re. 12.8w5 MAPLE GROVE Mises Hila andi Master Edward Foley spent the wcekend iitb relatives ln Oshawa .. . .Mies Gladys Allun, Oshawa, vielteti Mies Viola Stevene on Sunday.. .Suntiay School Annivereary wiil be helti as usual on Sunday and Montiay,l Junc 20 anti 21. TYRONE Mise Rosie Shortt spent the weekenti wif b Mr andi Nire. Edigar Prescotf, En- field. . .Snow Io going fast starllng on st. Pýaf rick': Day .... Mr. Clarence Woodley never knew a season like tlis when he wae able to gt t al bis loggîng donc wifb juef using the shovel twice on the ruade. Young Peoples' Leagiie on Tbursulay evening was ln charge of Ird Vice, NIr. Clarence Woodiey, Mr. Fred Goodman favoreti witb a piano solo; Mir. larry Hathcrly gave a splcndii address on the toîîic on Aicobol and th«e Four Folîl Life. A duet wvas nic,'ly given by Miseslierta. Cole anti Sre. ('Aar- ence Wootiley and Miss Florence l)own gave a rea<ing. . .. Election of omnlere ut League Thursday evening. AIl mem-' bers shotilî plan to use their vote as this le one of the moaf Important evenings of the' year...Wonîcn's Mis4ionary - cilty will meef on April lot. Every member urgedtilo lîresent...Our tiramatlc club bas realizeil $138.00 after giving their play 6 timeE4. It le a great credif to our young îieoîle f0 use their time anti talent ln Ibis ay ..Thos,' isho werc not to churcbe on Sunday miorning misseti a sîtlenditi sermon lbas- cd on Matthew 25, on the Ten Virgine exîtiaining how Gol] bas given lis ail talen ts andi how '.twebouil,]tiseI hemi... Pastor I)own experienceti sorti ifllulty n reacblhng ies appointinent aset Stin- da~y, owing to ball road . . .. The cîturches arc ail making sîtecial preparalions for thir Easter services... Biuilding mater- laI 1.9 coming ln nlcely for the new shf<l. Everyhouiy wants 10 have a hantl in lhe echeme. .... Public worshlp next Siinday at 13ethpstia, Salem antI Tyrone with the Pastor ln charge.... .A very pleaeing anti popular event took place at the Ujnited Chur2h Manse et 2:30 p m. on Wednes- day. March 17, when Mr. Norman Col- lacott of Tyrone East, wae united ln marritge to Mrs. Emily A. Giiroy of l3owmanville. The cerenony was per- forme<l hy Rev. J. W. Down. Pastor. The groom wae ably supporteti hy Mir. Lance Phare. wbile the bride waa very gracefuliy attendeti by Mien Florence flown. The happy couple motored to Bowmanville where they îook-the trein for an extended honeyynoon ln Essex Couiîty. SOLINA Recent visîto rs:SMr .tand Sirs J. 'J Rundle aitSMr' Melville Staplu.s', Orono. Mir. anti Sre. S. B. Wcrry at Mir. Chas. Qebornes, Ebenezer; Mir. Arthur anti MIise Myrtîe Brunt. Enniskillen, ait Mr. andtI Sre. Ernest Larmer, Ralph andi Lois, Blacketock, at Mir. W. T. Taylors: Sir. anti Srs. Il. E. Tink andi family, Mr. A. J. Balson anti family, at Mr. John liaI- e,.ns. Zion, NIr. andi Mrs,. lmut.%Vil- bur antd son GýordIon, Taunton, with SINr. antI Sre. S. lBush; SMr. anti Sre. lDonald Ycllbwlees antI family, Columbus, at Sir. WValter Vices; Mir. John teynoitis at Toronto, Nlre. Davitd Johons, Neet- leton, af Mr. J. Wonnacolt'e; Sir. Hiar- oId Paecoe bart a vüry succeseful %vooti- bce on Saturday afternoon ..A large number of otîr Leaguiere visited Maple Grove Leaigue %Vedncatiay evenîng Iast.ý AIl report a gooti time .... .Sorry 10 re-1 port tluit MSre. Cecil Pascoe us under doctores car(-.. ..Mesers. J. liaker anti A. L. Pascoe attendeti a Matsoniv galber- ing in Port Ilope on Fritiay evenlng... C'ongrattulauions to Reeve T.hos. Baker on atîtining hie 7let birtbday on 'iries- tlay. . .. %%Vesiting belle are ringiiîg... The Woméns Inetifute will entertain I-heir husbatids In the Sons' Hall, Weti- nesuiay evening, March 3let. et- men will fîîrnish program.... agiie meeting Nloniay evcning was in charge of Mr Perey fleweli. Bilde legson Mais reatity SMr. John Baker. Club ewinging exhibition by M.%ise Edilh 1'eartion willh Mis MarJorie Coliacott at the pilano. Toîîic w\sv,- ~.ry ably bantileti t M.'d C'has. Shortrîtîge on "Itytiro Electric P'ower DeveIoîîment In Canatda". l'iano solo. Mr. Norman Van Neet. Mü,.ting tIoseti sith League heneiliction . . Leugute ((tiîng nexf Monday MiII 1)0 In charge of Prsident Mir. Chbas. Short- ritige when el,ction of officers will ho helul.... .About 5O of the young peopule of the coinnîuînitîy gathered iat the home of Mir. antI Mre. J. Wonnaoott Fridlay evening 10 cxtend beet wiehes te their ilaîghter, lii Ita, prier to ber niarriage. After al bhailassembildSMr. Chas . q1iort- ritige calîctl(ion Sire. Elgin 'Taylor who re1î,i a nicciy worletl atdre.qs.At th, proîtîr tiino Miss Myrtîe Vice anti Sifre. Everett Cryderman presenteil the bride-to-be wîîh a hantisome stainles stet'l carving set, pyrex casserole set In silver, ahu pyrex pie plate set In sul- ver. Missese Evelyn Tink ant iHelen Baker on behaîf of Miss Hilas Sunday Schooi Clase of Intermedlate Girls pre. senteti ber with a eut glass cream and sugar set andi fruit bowî. Mine Hilda fittingly repiieti, thanking aIl for Iheir beautiful gifle. Short speeches were nmade by Mir. and Mrs. J. Wonnacott. Gamnes and music were enjoyed aler which lunch was nerved. CARD 0F THANKS Mrs. Rob.t. C.Adamns and fa.mily, Courtice, desire to thank their manqy friends and neighbors fer the sym- pathy and great kindnes"s lhown thein in their recent bereavemenit by the death of Mr. Adams and for the, beautiful floral offerings. PAPER NOW Before the Spring Rush A new wiall paper miay work wonders in restoring cheerfuines and charin to your home sur- roundings. From our complete stock of beautiful new Spring designa It will be easy for you to choose wall papers for your living-room or for your whole house that will be livable, atractive and dis- tinctive; at moderate cost. See our wal papers and find out hbow dieap we sell good paper. G. Pritchard Paluter and Decorator BOWMÂ14VILLE Phone 489 BUNS m BUNS m BUNS We are deviating from our usuai subject "Side Talks on Bread". Sbtttn a littie taik on Buns. Good Friday is fs apoching, and naturally our thoughts turn to the time honoured custom of taying in a stock of HOT CROSS BUNS. There are some customs which appeai oniy to certain countries. But the custom of the GOOD FRIDAY BUN is shared in by ail Christian countries of the world. Memory wiii carry thousands of us back to THE OLD LANDS-yea, and maybe shed a tear as we vision ourselves among our OLD FRIENDS, eating those delicious BUNS, and enjoying pleas.. ant intercourse of our friends. Now.we cannot give you the buns of your sweet memories, that wouid be impossible for many reasons. But we can give you BUNS that Ii appeal to your taste, nich, fruity, spicy or not spicy Buns that will be memonies to the younger gen- eration. Let us keep this old custom strong, re- membening aiso that it is a symbol of solemnity. Order early. We can guarantee quality and deiivery, 25e per dozen. Our next taik wili be "Utopia Bread". The Bowmanville Bakery The Big Variety Bakery. C. W. Jacob&, Proprietor Succemmaoe to Christie'. Bakery Bowman',ill IVES' CASH SHOE STORE r _____________ Aw4p THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVILLE. THURSDAY, MARCH 25th.. 1926 PAGE POUR