THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVILLE, THURSDAY, APRIL lut., 1926. On Wediesaey, Maze1 24ti., a Prof. J. B. Reynolds, Preoide2lt of M oflî company gathered at lMra Ontario Agreulturel Cdflege, Fed Lye' to spend the eveninq Guelph, who addresed the Rotary i Progressive Euchre. A Club Club Friday eiening was gueot Of entitled "The Buay Bees" was or- Mr. and lits. Geo. W. James while ganized. in town. SPRING DECORATIONS WALL PAPER CONTRIBUTES TO DECORA- TION NO OTHER WALL COVERING CAN GIVE We have the latest manufactured paper "Maximur" (30 inches wide) In beautiful designs and colorful patterns of Old Rose, Blue, Grey and Tans. You will think them reasonable in price when you cali and see them in full length with pretty band borders. W, T. ALLEN BIG 20 BOOKSTORE BOWMAN VILLE You'11 Need One- DOOR MATS This wet muddy weather certainly tracks in a lot of dirt. But if you have one of these Cocoa Door Mats at each door you'll leave the mud out- side. Think of the price, a medium sized mat for Only 63c The quantity is limited at this price so act quickly. MASON & DALE The Popular Hardwarm--Quality and Right Price. PHONE 148 EOWMAN VILLE Elegance and Ease in FOOT WEAR for EASTER Here is women's footwear that steps gaily into Easter and into Spring. Fancy novelties as well as conservative styles, mark our present selection which as everyone knows for its quality and ex- ceptional valus as Colored Kid Strap Shoes, in the most popular shades from .........................$6.50 to $9.00 Satin Shoes in black and colors, high or low heel, from ...................................$4.00 to $6.50 Patent Strap Shoes in new patterns and lasts, from ...................................$2.75 to $800 Kayser full-fashioned Silk Hose ............$2.00 Spring's newest also shown in men's and child- ren's Footwear. KNOX'S SHOE STORE Footwear and Travelling Goods Bowmanville Phone 120 The Home of Good ClothinigI Why I have the best selec- .1 ~ ton in townrr and my I *~ prices are lower than ail Sothers, and my styles and j~quality are the best. I Over 400 Suits and Overcoats to choose from. Your Easter Suit or Top Coat is here £or you. ,11 Give me a call and I J guarateeyou will g'et suited no matter what your needs may be. Eshiter Hats and Caps, il ShrtsGloves, {osiery, The finest showing in Neckwear Il Boys' 2 Bloomer Suits $7.50 to $12-50 I Corne To The Store That ULIlM~U i. I LSols For Less. S. G. CHARTRAN 1 door west of Bell Telephone Phone 26. Bowmanvllle LOCAL AND OTMERWISE BOYS' TRAINING !SCHOOL NEWS "The Patb Acroes théeillse" at Salemn Dr. G. E. Resan dt reased the on Frlday, ApriIlSth. Hone ie sd School Club at Whitbyî Mr. and Mms. V. C. Chamuan sud Friday night. famiy bave move t teBrigbton. Thirteen beef catte were sold at Mise Ethel Mollon spent Sunday wlek, being shipped to Tor'onto with her sister, lira. C. R. Peter- froni Tyrone station. kmn, Toronto. All the boys who slltamued au1 aver-t Miss Ethel Morris wbo bas been se r- of 325 marks ore more forth iouely iii for past, month la now con-âg0th valescing witb ber sister, Mrs. W. G. past three months will bé allowed Garner, Oshawa. homle for the Easter hohlsys. Alili Mn. Wm. Porteous left Saturday but eight will be accorded this priv'i- for Liberty, Sask., where hé bas se- legé. cured s position. Water wass turned on in the new Mr. and Mrs. Fred Miles, Toronto, buidiuga lait week and fio'ws quit. speut the weekend with Mr. and freely front thé tqmp in ail threei Mms. George Callanl. now. WiIth an apparentiy adequste congratulations te Miss Beatrice De- supply thèse new, buildings will be vitt. daugbter of Dr. and Mrs. J. C. ocupied auy day no'w. Devitt, on being appointed Secretary of tbe Minimum Wage Board et On- More signa of spri'ug; much timé tarie. was speut Ilut weék putting the foot- Owing te tbe power being ahut off for bail field snd baeébail diamond in severai heurs on Wednesday tbrougb break in the Hydre Electrlc Power SyA shape for th eauon, wýiich accord- stemn The Statesman la eue day late Ime te the boya, i8 already here. tbis week. Watch the way theee boys play th!& The Brighton Ensign bas complet- suainétr. eti 55 years of existence andi is There was just the one change lu tartirng eut this yéar as bright and Head-Roy positionis titis month aud active as ever. fthat was when Samn Twlnqiey dis- Mr. Thos. Hanna, Mrs. K. Heard placed Willie Hlobson. Twinney1 sud Miss Margaret Hanna, Toronto, moves over Vo that nxuch coveted were weekend guéats of Mr. aud rooni in he Daxich House and for Mis. Fred Knox. the next month wîll accompany1 Mesa. Peter Martin & Sons, building Finn, Waiters andi Hague on their contractors, bave reoeived a contract le weekly Saturday niglit eut.' Port Hope te re-cover a two-storey building witb stucce work and wîîî com -Mr. Robert Beatty, Provincial mence work next week. Farni Director and Mr. Wilson, Just received in utîme for Easter Farmn Director at Whitby, spent it anothér shipuént of New Spring Wednésaly morniug at the Sehool. Coats. Latest styles, at Couch, In the sfteimcoo accenpauied by Johnston & Crydermns. Dr. G. E. Reanian snd Mr. Wm. Mms. B. M .Warnica bas retiirned H.anily, they attendeti the Holstein front two months' visit with hier so Friesisu Sale at Waverly Stables andi and daughter-in-law, Mr. and Mlra. bought sevén cows; three going to R. W. Warnicsat Callandar, Ont. - V WhiVby sud four to the %ehool. General John Hughes, Rev. D. W. Best, Mr. A. R. Scott snd lira. F. R. Browu were jutiges et the Ors- BIRTHS torical Coutéat in Oronlo Fridsy WOODGER-Ât Trenton, March 28, te evening.tev. and Mrs. W. P,-Woodger, a daugh. Mvun. Atu oe n ister. Mis. Arthur DoMisy akn is SANDERSON-In Bowmanville lIas- Adéié Doéy, iss wk n sd pitai, ou Thursday, Marcb 25, 1926, te Miss Phillipe, Toronto, were guests Mr. and Mns. Wilfred Sanderson, Enois- over Sunday of Mr. R. R. Hositin killen. a son. and the Misses Hoskin. JON ES-lun Bowmanville, on Tueeday, Manch 30. 1926, ta Mn. and Mms. Ernest Mr. sud lira. D. M. Ted who have A. Joues, the gif t ef a son. (Ernest been visiting in North Caroline, haveI Harvey Thomas.) uow gone te Flerida. They are ex-1 HARVEY-At Port Perry, te Rev. U. pected te réturu lu about a muunth', C. and Mrs. Harvey, nee Lilian Fol- lick),aof HamiItou Couferénce, ou Mon- time.--Oshawa Reformer. , day. March 22, a son. Mir. sud Mms. J. K. Stout, Mar- garet aud Miss Sadie Grahami, Niag- MARRIAGES ara Falls, have béen spending a f ew days visitiug ber parents, Mr. sud MI LLER-ROBSON-At «victoria coi- lima C. N. Ruse, 48 Calielé Ave, logelChapel, Tarante, Thuraday, March 25 1926, by Rev. Dr. T., H. Wallace, A despatcb to the Toronto Globe Walter James Miller, Bowuuauville, and asys Alvn Wabinton n Amr-~Helen Annis, daiighter of Mms. Robson sah fAvnrWasintnan A kill d dthé tate John Robson Vennonville. near Oraugeville on Mmr'ch 25, by DAH being struck by a train. Deceaaed DAH is a son of the late George Washing- CUT-rELL-On Monday, March 29th., ton of Dariington, sud a cousin Of At the Gênerai Hospital, Toonto, chas. Rev. W. C. Washington, Bowian- Cuttell, ln bIs 68th year. ville. I . . MILLER-At ClarBmollt, March 29th., Eliabeh-aye, -l-o o -t _ lte1an Colonel and MITs. E. E. Sider an-1 none the marriagge of their daughter, Jean Craig, to Captain John Cecil Carling, M. C., son of Mr. aud Mia. John C. Carling, London, Ontario, sud grautison of the laVe Sr John Carling, at Toronto, ou Sat- urday, Msrch 27, 1926, by Reverenti Rtamsay Ainitage, Rector of the Church of the Redeemer. Mr. W. J. Bragg, M. P. P., wasi lu. Orillia Mouday week addressing the Oillia Woiuen's Association. In reporting ie aspeech Thé Timess ays: Mr. Bragg said biis was his sevénth yesr in the House at Toronto and iu ail tha)t tume ho had neyer seen 50 littie enthusiasm behind thé goveru- menit. Alinost any session fiuds balf thé governffueut's seats unoccu- pied. Net ouiy that but thé cou- stantly reiterateti protesta of con- fide'nce lu théir leader sud psrty seenis Vu point te s certain lack of that very feeling amougst the mem- bems of the goverumeut. Mr. Bragg also charged the Depsrtmenit of Roads sud Highways with a cane- leggnes of adminigtration, which mesut finsucial los to the Province. About Mity-five neabers of thé Young Ladies' Bible Glass of Trin- ity Sunday Sehoal were pleasautly eutertaiued at thé home of Mr. sud lira. A. E. Gilders on Thursday even- ing. A prognani of contesta lu charge of the social commrit±ee fur-1 nisheti amusement fer aIl endiug with the serviug of choice refnesh- meute which ail enjoyeti. The élec- tion cf officers resulteti as foilows: Président-Mies Greta Oke; Vice de-Miss Rilde G. Siésuon; Secre- tary-Muss Mari unie Plumaner; As- sistant de-Miss Margaret Grant; Treasurer-Mise Grace V. Tnewin; Convenos-Social-Miss Atidie Gawken; Lookout-Miss Maude Ot- ton; Visiting-Mrs. D. Biokeli; Mis- iunsry aud Temprance-Miss Eva Souch. A hearty vote of thanks mnaved by Mise Grace V. Trewln sud sé'couded by Mns. H. S. Barrie was accorded Mr. andi Mm. Gilders for epening their homé and thus afford- ing thé dis thé privilege of spenti- iug s social eveuiung. Ladies' Cloth Suite selliug off at greatly reduceti pniceat Couch, Johuston & Crydernma'ns. BUSINESS 15 GOOD With tbe spring rush of business ai- ready at hand 1 have found it necessary te employ additional belp. 1. tbere- fore, bave pleasure ln announcing that I bave been very frtunate Iu engaglng two expert mechanica ef aide exper- ience. Tbey are R. Ashton, tinimith and furnace mian, wbo for some tme was traveller for Jas. Smart Co. He ls a first-class mecbanic and speclaist an furnace work. K. Souihwell, lsab.'ad plumber and éemes very bighly recorn- niended. He bas done considerable gov- ernment work and bas the additlonal experience of baving worked In Toronto under strict by-iaw for snnitary en- gineering. These men besides our regular staff now maices it possible to give our cus- tomers unexcelled serviee-dependable ani thorough-and prompt attention at ail tumes. We solcitt a share of your patronage. Our motto: Every customer must be sat- istled. LEO. G. GREENAWAV, Pbone 18w Bownianville Miller, ln ber 88th year. BROWN-In Clarke on March 25th., Albert Wellington Brown, aged 70 yeare. Interred lu Bowmanville Cemetery. MALCOLM-At iAndsay, on Friday, March 26, 1926,Dvid Malcolmi, ln hWt 76th year. Interred at Nestleton. DICKINSON--SuddeIlly lu Detroit on March 21, 1926ý, Mary orges Vealo, be- loved wif e of William Dickinson. aged 50 year. STELEV--Suddeuiy, at London, on Sunday, March 28, W. Harry Steley, manufacturer's agent), lu bis 4lst year. Interment ln Park Lawn Cemetery. KENNER-In Bothwell, on Tuesday, Marob 23, 1926. Rev. John lKenner, In hie 9Oth year. Former pastor of Bible Christ- ian Cburch on Bowmanville Circuit. COLWILL-Ât Wbitby, on flday, March 26, 1926, Thomas Goodman Col- wUl, beloved husbaud of Eleanore Col- wiU lul hie 77th ysear. Irather of Mrs. W. R. Williams, Bowmanville. BROWN-On Friday, March 26 At ber late réeidence, 344 George gltreet, Toronto, Mary, widow of the laté eo. W. Brown, formerly of Bowmanville, ln ber 66th year. Intermelit Prospect Cernetery. BAI RC-At théel'rivate Patients Pa- villon, Toronto GaneraI Hospital, Marcb 30, 182, v. J. W. Baird, aged 67 '0'rs, beloved husband of Editb Hamil (Pastor of the UJntted Churcb., Port Hope). Interment at Blenheim. IN MEMORIAM, In loving memory of aur dear father and mother, James Scott and Elizabeth 0cr Scott, who passed away at the Esatortide of 1919 sud 1928. In loving memory of Laura B M. kn wbo passod away March .29, .1925. March brîngasnad memories 0f a loved one laid te reot, Who wiiî alwayu be remenibered By' those, who loved ber best. Falfier, Mother, Sister and Brotiier. Articles ?'or Sale FOR SALE-8 hornes, 3 eows, 5 pige, 2 wagons, 1 buggy. Apply 539 lang St. E.. Oshawa. 13-2 THREE YOUNG MORSES FOR SALE -Appiy te Chas. M. Dean, Burketon. Phono 193r22. 11-86 MOTOR BOAT FOR SALE-25 feet long 5 tt. 6 ln. beani Engin. sud boat in firet caose condition. C. E. Rehder, phone 265, Bowmanville. 9-t FOR SALE-Mare, weighe about 1260 Ibo., good double or single. McCormtck Disc Harrow, 12 plate, nearly new. Ap- ply te R. R. Stevens, R. R. 3, Bow- manville, phone 175r3. 13-tf FOR SALE-Wicker Baby ang,2 burner ceai ail steve wthoven, coal oU béater, Gurney corubjuation cp steve, band delivery wagon, Che.n=ca cioset 5 gallon can. Mr@. Chas. Wil- liams, Elgin St., Bownanvilea. 13-1v FOR SALE-I herse, 1 heifer, 1 bound, 1 barrél wagon, 1 boluter wagon, 1 singie piow, 1 harrows single, set ef heavy barness 4 buggy wbeels, 6 Ply- mouth Rock bens, 1 rooster, 1 set cooper tools. Apply te Mrm. A. Grant, Scugog St., Bowmanvllle. 13-tf FOR SALE-Dominion Pianos of 'ail kinduseld ou payments sproad over two years. Steinway, Heintsrnan aud Ger- bard Heintiman used pianos taken as part payment on Dominion pianos will be cieared et bargain pices and on easy ternms.IF J. Mitchell, Distributor, Bow- rmanville. 6-t MUSHROOMS FOR SALE-Fresh tram the grower. Enjoy a real treat of steak smothered In muabroonis. Theres ne- thing quite se good. If youve neyer eaten mushrooms a dligbttui disb ls ln store for you. Orders promptly tllléd by R. M. Jarnieson, Westmount, phone 319, flowmanville. 10-t Baby Chicks For Sale Sood Grain For Sale 1BABY CHICKS-S. C. White Leghorns FOR SALE -Seed grain, quantity two- sud White Wyandottes-maîes at bead nowed barîey aud Banner Oats. Appiy te ot peus tram trap-nested stock. Orden Howard Couch, R. R. 4, Bowmanvilée, youn cbickens earîy. Cet some et our phono 146-18. 18-1 White Leghorn Cicks that lay lu dlve montbs. Good wiuter layer,. Satisdied SEED GRAIN FOR SALE-Colorado custemer,. Eggu also for sale. Phonoe Whest sud Ameican Banner Oasa. AD-i 88-8 for prions. W. H. Carutiie;,, Bow-j 1 yte John Wonnacott, R. R. 1, Bgnuin- manvile. 0tf ion phono 311-nSi. 1-tf Property 1~ or Sale HOUSE FOR BL'-soli Brick 6 roomed buse, 8piece bethroom, turn- ace, waterwarka. grage, good garden. amaîl fruits, centir location on Quesu St-reet. Apply Loo. G. Greenaway, phono 18w, Bowmianville. 9-t FARM FOR SALE OR RENT--One hundred acres, Lot 18. Con. 4,, Darling- ton. one mile and a quarter from Hamprton and four miles from Bowman- ville. Possession lot April. Apply te W. Peters, 241 Colin& St., Oshawa, or phone 604. 12-3w* FOR SALE-8-roomed frame house on Ontario St., all conveniences. 334 acres land (1% acres orchard>, 200 ben poultry hous fully equipped with trap-eesta. brooder stove, and 175 egg incubator. Business opportunity forces Immediate sale. J. P. Smith, Bowmanville, Ont., phone 360W or 82W. 11-2w* FOR SALE-Thiehorne of the late Fr. B. WbItlng. situated at tbe Forks of the Scugog Road. This property ie In sie- gant condition; consista of good hous and four acres of land with abundance of fruit. For particulara apply at rosi- dence to Mrs. F. B. Whitiug. Bowma- ville. 28-tf HOUSE FOR SALE IN OSHAWA- A splendid two and one-half story framne bouse, 24x26, ln good condition, wlth large hall, living-room, dining-room,. kit- chen, tbree-plece bath, four nies bed- mrones and attia, electric ligbts, water, furnace (Treasur,), new, telephone, storîn windows large verandah, roof- Barrett's Giant .A.phalt shingles (new), ceilar, full size (coment fleer), back kit- chen. garage 12x:18, poultry bouse 14x 16, claphoard and palnted. eiTA.trlc light- ed; size of lot 70iiOO ft. 35xl00 of this la garden, or for building purposes, nice lawn, tiowers, on a good paved street, centrally located to aIl industries. Ternms arranged te suit purchaser. Apply ta Geo. E. Kelly 300 Albert St. Oshawa. 12-30 Eggs For Hatching EGGS FOR HATCHING-Wbite Leg- borne. 1 wllI sparé a few settlngs tram tbis "Pivate Stock", of Canada'a est layiug strain. $2.00 pen setting. George Jamlesoni, Newcastle. 13-tf EGOGS FOR MATCH ING-Barred Rock Eggs for netting-4$1.50 per setting of 13, Mises Holtworth strain. Hard to beat ln any breed. and 11054 min bird fromn registered dam wlth a renord of 267 eggs. John Slcott,Newcetie, Ont 18-swa HATCHING EGOS-FBrom Our heavy wlnter layer, from, Dominion Expert- mental Parm-Barred Plymouth Rocks and White Legiiorn. Also, Umited num- ber of baby chicks for May delivery. U~ H. Pesili. phone 804, IAberty St, Bow- manvylUe. 1- 1EGGS FOR HATCHING-White Let- horne, Lady Vlctory Ferrin Strain, White Wyandottes Martin Strain; Rhiode In- iad Reds Owenis Strain, aIl bred to Isty stock and prize winners. $2.00 Petting. C. Edgar Horn, Hampton. phone 129-23.1-8 FarmersAttention! BOAR FOR SERVICE-Pure Bred Yorkshire boar for service, bacon type, bought from TwIu Streamn Farns. Terme $1.00 at time of service. John Aidworth, Lot 23, Con. 8, Darlington, phono 133r6. 1 12-3w' PAGE I m ALEX. EDMONDSTONE là; Ready To Fâi Your Needs For Easter -Meats No -matter what your needs may be in Yresh, Cured or Cooked Meats we have it. DON'T FORGET TO ORDER BACON G, A. Edmondstone Bownaanviloe AGENTS FOR McClary Furnaces McClary Electrie Stoves Easy Electric Wash- ers Standard Plumbing Plumbing, Hoating, Tinsmithing, Len. Elliott King St West Bowmanville Phones 348-393 Phone 21 -Modern Bathroom Fixtures are a necessity. Heskh sud comfort demand it sud-there i. nothing tleat adds prester vâtue to the interior of s bouse than up-to-thé-minute plumbing fix- turea. We wilI gladly cone around sud taîk thinga over aud gave you an estimiate, 'whéther you iateud to buy cow or later, -0. S. MASON'S LITTLE SHOPPE WITH TH4E B10 STOCK- The New Easter Creations NOW AWAIT YOUR APPROBATIOM' eu We are doing the unusual as the unusual is always interest- ing. This applies to our new Spring Coats and Dresses-mod- erately priced-unusual because they refleet ail the charm- dash-"flare"-haracter and distinction in the mode-mater- ials-colors--and effet-that one might select in a group of the most exclusive and high-priced models by world-fained cout- uriers-unusual values. SPRING COATS $12.50 UP SILK DRESSES $10.50 UP C. S. MASON NEXT DOOR TO F. F. MORRIS CO. Phone 161 Bowmanville 4 1 - 1