PAGE SIXTE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVILLE, THURSDAY, APRIL lst., 1926. Remarkable Statement Says The Great New Remn- edy, HERB JUICE, Has Helped Her So Much That She la Telling Her Frienda About It. "1HERB JIJICE is truly a wonder- fulful preparation and bas given me se much re-lief that I feel I should <lys hs statement and tell others about it. lit gave me relief after I ha.d almcst despaired of being well again"y. Such was part cf the statement macle by Mrs. Annie Pitdher cf 173 Glendale Ave., Ham-. iltion. Continuing, Mrs. Pitdller said: "For a number of years1 suffered witl stomadh trouble, was ge nervous and restless I could flot slaep, dizzy and efraid Vo ry Vo walk I would stagger se and lose my breath. Had sour stiomadh and wa!s badly constipated. Then 1 sawv HIERB JUICE advertised se I got a bottle and Vo rny surprise 1 secured prompt relief and now feel better than I have for years. AU my symptomns are vastly irnproved ond I intend Vo continue using HERB JMJCE until I arn entirely recover- ed". Flor sale by Jury & Lovell and leading druggists everywhere. Price Simple and Sure.-Dr. Thomas' eclectrie Oil ha mc simple in appica- tien that s child can undeietand ths instructions. Used as a liiment he only direction is te ruA, and when used as a dressing Vo apply. The directions are so plain and unmistak-1 able that tllsy are readily under-1 stood by young for oic!. Rf WON RENOWN I Thle vitamins in cod-liver Il oùl play an important part ti in protecting the bodyj against germ-infection.I Scoll's Emulsion ~ inigoatin co-liver oil is the fooc-tonic that bas won renown through its power to strengthen and protect the body. - t If you would keep ¶ strong, take Scott'sd Emulsion! il 1 Scot &Bowe, Ont 25-40 C THIS WOMAN t NOW W MELL f' Her Suffering Relieved and Health Restored by Lydia EL Pinkham'a Vegetable i CompoundF Toronto, Ontario. - '«I ama certainly b very grateful for ths benefit I have re- C ceivd from Lydia E. Pinkhar's Veg- 01 etele Cornpound, aIso tVeS lanative& Wash and he Liver Pilla. In hs ir early spring I was suffering se much C from lbsa cf blood thaV I Vlought 1Ici would never be an y better as doctor's t medicine relieved me only for hs tirne being. I saw hs egstable fi Compound advertised in he 'Toronto I Star,' and I find he Vegetable Cr pound Tablets he hast for me. I d ave ben taking them sine SpriBg and Iintend keeping thembyrme a 'l hs tiras. After reading yourPr x vate Tex-Book I saw iV was neces- r( ary Vo use Lydia E. Pnkham's San- Q aive Wash, mnd I ca afely say 1 w feel a diferent woman. My friends el remark hew well I look. 1 arn a very0( busy wcrnan, but I am nrsady aVil tirnea o bocot y=rmdicines. " Mrs. CHARLESGI , 949 Lands_ e downe Avenue, Toronto, Ontarie. at You rnay b ha lving an experience aý imilar Vo Mm. Giffin'a and will le interested Vo know what mIe did. M Every ick womnan cma feel confident o1 tht Lydia E. Pinkham'm Vegetable ut Cornpound wfll help her ince we are i old that iV dees belp 9à eut cf every of 100 woynen who take it Sol bydrugglu rywherm. a fo th When You feel t of Corning12 -Men tat oldHcadache sends Its O wrigthat you arc going te sufer- mi taeZUTOO. When you fecl a Celd ai coigon take ZUTOO. At the first wl sgofapain-at thc first feeling o! sick- be ness-takc ZUTOO. of You wili bc ail right in 20 minutes if it's pr a hcadaclle, or the next mnornîng f it is a n ST. ANDREWS, BOWMANVILLE lnt.r.mting Narrative of the. Auld Kirk'm EarIy Hîatory. We are greatly indebted Vo Mr. D. G. M. Galbraith, BarrisVer, 611 Lurnsden Building, Toronito, and a well known Bowmanville Old Bey, being son e! Vhs laVe J. K. Galbraith and Mrs. Ga:briaith, wllo has f ur- nisllsd us witll ths folewing very in- terestîng history of "Old St. An- drewh Church and Congregation". -Editor. l Inview o! ths fart that Vhe newl te constituted congregation of St. A:i te drew's in Bewmanvills in ccnnectio, 1- with the Presbyterian Church i !r Canada, is wcrshipping on th 1 greund formerly used and owned b £ Vhs "Auld Kirk", ths first Presbytec ýian congregatien in BowrmanviIll ynamely, the Preabyterian congregi etieon (St. Andrsw's) in connectio, dwith thle Churdh o! Scotliand, as b ,law esta'blishsd, the history o! th abeginnings of Presbytem'nism f: aBowmanville, make an interestin, rstory. F I 1840, Rev. Thomas Alexande 1then Minister cf Cobourg, reportem Va Vohs Presbytery cf Kingston, VIa -hle had dispensed communion Vo up ward.s of cns luadred persons a Bowmanville, and sllortly after tha 1time, steps were evidently taken bi these residents to forai a cengrega tion of tller own as ths minute which are eatitled as "those of thi congregatiron in connection wiVh Vh4 Churdh cf Scotland as by law estabý ,lished, assembling in Vhe Village oi Bowmaniville ln Vhs Township ci Darlingi0on, District cf Newcastle and Province of Ontario", mead aw Afollews: Impressed by a sens. of Vhs bene. fits of the Divine co-mmand Vo as sem-ble Vogether fer Di-vins wership, several individuals, eniigrants froni Scotland, settled in Vhs Township cf Darlingto-n, alter communings, on Vhe subject, mesolved Vo build a church in Vhe Village cf Bo'wmanville and with that view, applied Vo Charles Bowman, Esq., proprietor cf a por- tion cf Vhs ground on whicl Vhe village is built, for a lot cf ground, when Mr. Bowman .very handsomsely agreed Vo leV theRn have hlifan acre as a gifV upon which ta sreet the building and fior a burying ground, and cf wbictâh hs granted a Deed in favor of Messrs. Daniel Galbraith, Donald MacTaggart, Neil Grey, William Mitchell, William Crawford, Donald Camaeron, Robert Faîrbira, Jýohn Sma.rt and Alexander Beitil, as trustees for the congrega- tion. Subscriptions were tIers up- on collecited from. Vhs friends cf Vhe undertakiag and witl the aid cf a donation cf Fifty Paunds frosa the Colonial Society cf Vhs Estàblished Ohurcl cf Scotland, Vhs present building was eretcted and finished, leaving aV Vhs Vume a debt of about pne. Owing Vo Mr. Gilberft, car- About Vhs irethe disruption ln Vhe Churcl cf Scotland Vook place -and many cf Vhs ministers and mean- bers o! the congregations s.ceded froni Vhs establishmrent calling tlemselves Vhs "«Free Churcil o! Scolland". The seceders found sympathizers in this Province whicl resulted in some of Vhs miaisters' wiVh individuals of their ccngrega- tion declaring their ad.heren>ze to, Vhs F'ree Cillurch. In Vhs meantire, no miaivter lad been ssttled in Vhs Presbyterian CIarol cf Darlingtion, and five out of aine trustees in whose faveur Vhs deed o! Ve hs drcI was taken, hav- ng seceded and adhered Vo the Free Churcil, kept Possession of Vhs churdh, main Vaiag a prefdrable titîs Vo it. AV thes amie ime, Vhs ninoriity o! the trustees remaining1 firra in connectiom with thle estab- ished Cllurch o! Scctland ,paid Vhs deIt owing Vo Mr. Gilbert, and me- ol'ved upon vindicating their pre- ferable dlaim Vo possession by an ap- >eal Vo a Court cf Law.. A suiV was t<cordingly entered in Vhs Court cf Queen's Bencdl in December, 1845, whicl resulted la ithe issue cf a writ of ejectiaient ffliart Vhs Free )hçurch party with costa. A meeting cf tile adherents Vo Vhe establishlment was thereupon called at which thle following minute was agreed te: AV Toronto on the 2lât day cf May 1851, whidh day Vhs Presbytery f Toronto being met and censtit- uted (inter alia) the Presbytery hav- ing duly considemed Vhe propniety f appointing Elders ia Vhs con- regtation of DarlinglLon as prayed for bi>. said congregation, Resalved bat it was expedient Vo f-onm a Kirk Session and with a view thers- Lo, it was ordsred ti"t intimation Vo tat effect be given from t hs puipit f the Churcl at Bowrnanville on Sabbath week, and a meeting of Vhs congregation held on ThurÉday, Vhs 2tll day of June, for thle purpese f nominating certain persons, msers mo-f Vhs cillurch, o! discreet nd pious walk and conwersacion, who on trial aiay, if approved of, se ordained Vo Vhs office of Elders :f Vhe Church and further the 'rssbyVery appointed Vhs Rev. Mess- s. Barclay, Porter, aind Mr. Lack- art, EIder, a depuVation Vo procsed io Bowreanville and meet with ths ersons se nominated on Tuesday ise 17!t1 day o! June, Vo examine ST. ANDREW'$ PRESBYTERIAN )-j ýt coagregation wsre niominatied anud ýt recommendsd Vo the Presbytery for y ordination aKcording Vo VIe rules L_ Df thsedlurch, aamely, Messrs. Neil c Gray, Alexander Colville, George e Boyd, Neil Smith and John GaI- ebraith. The deputation o! Pres. -bytsry VIsa prcceedsd with Vhs ex- i mmination whicl was satisfactiory. Il fwas tIen resclved theît being per- suaded cf VIe good character cf t s said Messrs. Neil Grey, Alex. Col- Iville, George Boyd, Neil Scmith and -John Gabraith and thlat those, per- -sorts are properly qualified, hs depu. tation cf Presbyteny do unanimously maake choiceso! heam Vo le merebers cf hs Kirk Session cf Darlington and appoint tîsin ordination te tae place ia hs presence cf hs con- gregation cf h fast day o! which due notice will be lysa ad in order ta carrly oeuths eslutica, it was crdered than an edict Vo hs sfsecV ha semved on Sabibalti set and in- timation Vo b. made Vo Vhs people that if Vlsy lad any objections Vo state why he abcve aamed persons sllould not ha ordainsd Vo ths Elder- slip, hsy will have an oppcrtunity o! doing se at hs Church of Bow- manville previcus Vo hs commence- mnenV of public worship on Vhs fast day. John Barcley, Modr. Pnio-eai. Alter hs formation o! he con- gregatien and beeIrs he induction cf its first minister, pulpit supcply was arranged by Vhs Presbytemy e! Tom- caVo, Vo vwchidh Presbytery it haloaged' as several letters are in existence during hs Vus from tile Clsrk cf Vhs Pretsbytery, Vhs Rer. Dr. John Barclay then minister cf St. Andnew's ChurcI, Toronto, Vo Mr. Daniel Gal- braith, making appointaisats for monthly services witl requests "Vo have hs intelligence apread among Vhs people as extsnsively as possible", and 'ýcommending tiles. named ta hlm kind offices". Among tilese aking he services was the Rev. William Me- Evran who lad recently came f rom hs Synod o! Ulster, and who eub-c sequeatly settled in Belleville and Dorchester. The entries in VIe Session Bock show that VIe Rev. Peter McNaughioa of Vaughan, bap- tized tile aisibers cf hs faaiuly a! Archibald Reavis and lis spouse Eli- zabeth MacNaughlton, o! JameMa- land and lis spouse Sarah Rnwck of Alexander McLean and lis spouse BsVVîy McFctter, of Malcolma Galbraith and lis spouse Isabella Macdoaald KeitI. The Rev. John MactMurcly o! Eldon, performsd he sanie rites in hs families cf Alexander McLean above aisntioned, o! Donald MeLean and lhis sPous Mysie Wlatsen of Malcolme Stalker and lis apous as- garet MacCoanadhie, cf Edward Carnie and lis spcuse Ana Staîker, o! Finlay Sinclair and lis spouse Catherine Smith. The Rev. Mr. Steels cf Darlington, officiated la hs families cf Daniel Galbraith and lis spouse Jean Bmadfoot, of John Gabraith and lis spouse FIera Mac- Coanadhie, the Rev. Alexander Rose la he !areily cf W. H. Smith and lis spouse Eupheniia MeMillan, andt la hs faaiily cf Daniel Galbraith abovs msntioned, and in seme cf hs sanie farnilies ths Rer. William Rin- tan! then miaister o! St. Andrew'm ChurcI, Toronto, and ths Rev. James Lamabie o! Pickering. The dhurcIh uiît was desicribed as hs first minister o! he cengrega-1 tien, he Rev. John H. MacKerras,j ook place in Septeaber 1853, andI la Octeber 1866, heving mceivsd hes appeintmnenV cf Prtfessor cf Classi-j cal Lîtemature la Quesn's College,1 Kingston, le demitVed Vhs charge. 1 The lurch built was described asI a frame building neitiher large nom landsoms, with a good Manse, aad1 wiVl four acres cf valuable land at-, IS YOUR CHILD THIN AND WEAK? Cod Liver Extract in Sugar Coated Tablets Pute on Flesh and Builcis Them Up In just a few days-quicker than you ever dreamt of-these wonder- fuI health building, flesh creattng tabîes called McCoy's Ced Liveri Extract Tablets will start Vo help any thin, underweight littîseons. After sickness and where rickets are auspected hsy are especially valuable. Most people know tIat frcm the livers cf hs lowly cedfidh vitamines of ths flrst clama are extracted-Vle kind that help ail feeble under- weigIt men, wemenanad children. Try theme wonderful ablets for 30 daym and il your frail, puny child tbcn'V greatly benefit-get your rnoney back. A very slckly child, age 9, galned 12 pouads Ia 7 manthe. Amk any druggimt for McCoy'ms Cod Liver Extract Tabreta.-au esy to ake am candy and 60 tables 60 cent». CHURCH, BOWMANVILLE il Vsehed, which later property is that )r on the Marivers Road, now owned >and tcvupied by tihe Rev. W. H. il Spargo. There was at the time, la brandi cf the charge at Orono, 1- but there was no cliurch there. The s- two charges niumbered sixty fami- c- lies and ninety communicants. In Ia church report of the year 1866, r the Town of Bowmanville was des- ýcribed as thaving 3,000 inhahitants, 1- the neighborh&od as pictureisque and dvery productive, the roads as excel- *lent and altogether the Town as a L- very desirable place of residence. sy To return to the time of thle Dis-ý nruption in the Churidh of Scotland, the majority of the trustees named ein the conveyance from Charles Bowman, togethler with a majority of the congregation, separated from rthe Chsurch cf Scotland, and altthough tthe property was granted tc the tru*tees and their successors, for V he use and benefit of the con- gregation in connection with the Es- tablished Churoh of Scotland, they neveitjheless claixned the right to continuedl possession of the church and grounds. The "Auld Kirk" pariy was denied the use of the tchurcli and they held services in Hind's Hotel, wihich stood on or near the property now occupied by the Registry Office. Mr. Bo'wman, when he sýw thle church. and grieunds in possession of those wbo had separ- ated froun the Church of Scotland contrary toi the declaredl intention of his deed of gift, wrote tlo one of thle trustees who had adhered Vo, the Church of Scotland, reminding him "that lle had given the land for the use of the churdh in connection with rthe Churdll of Scothand established by Iaw, and for nio other purpose", and in consequence of this remon- strance, the trustes te whomin t was 5addrsssed, demanded possession be- fore action was brought cf the church and land on behaif cf those Vo whom, Mr. Bm>wman had intended » the gift. In answer Vo a letter from Da.niel Galbraith, ,one cf the minority trustees, John Hilkyard Cameron, an eniment counsel of the timae, under date of llth of October 1845, wrote as follows: I ame in receipt cf your letter of the 7th inst., on Vhs subjsct cf Presbyterian Church at Bowmanville. I have no doulbt on your statement, of yýour right ta recover possession against the Free Chur&i, and the ecpense will noV exceed Vo you the sum cf £20. Befors taking any proceeding wllatever, 1 should wish te, see a copy of the Deed Vo the trustees and aise any authority that may have been given by Mr. DJow- mran in the matter, andl upon receiv- ing this information, I shail instruct you (how to proceed. The action was subsequently com- menced in Vhe Quesn's Bendh Divi- sion, Newcastle District, and was one cf ejectanent and for £50 dam- ages, in the name of John Doe on the ds.mise cf Charles Bowrnan, on the joint demis. of Donald MacTlag- gart, Neil Gray, Daniel Galbraith, Neil Gray and William Mitchell, and on the demise o-f the trustees cf the Presbyterian Churcdh in Bowimanville in con nection with the Church of Sctotland, as Plaintiffs, against Don- ald Osmeron, Alexander Beitll, Wil- lisa Crawford, Robert Fairbairn, John Tait and Edward McTsvisll as Defendants. The Plaintiffs' Solici- tors were James M. Stradhan and John Hillyard Caimeron, and tlle De- fendants' Solicitor was William Hume Blake of tlle firen cf Messrs. Blake & Morrision. The pâapers were servedl by thle laite St. John Howell Hutciheson of Bowrnanville, on the Defendants on Vhe 29Vh cf January 1846, and in s0 coing, Mr. Hutcheson is lis Affidavit of Service stated that he had ravelled fihty-aix miles. Ait the trial nie evidence was given but it was agreed Vo refer the case Vo Vhs judgment cf the Cburt upon a case staated, whlclh case admitted thle separation of the clongregataon by a portion cf the trustees then in piossession, filorn kis Church cf Scotland, and their former disclairner cf cennection with that dhurch by written resclutions on account cf ths course taken by thes Churdh of Sectland in the matter of dhurdh pat- ronage. The argument ws eard by the Honourable (later Sir) Jolln Bey- erley Robinson, Chie! Justice cf the Court of Quesn'a Bendh, vrlle in de- livering judgment referred the sirn- ilar cases already considered in whidh it was lsld that Vhs remaining trustees were under the circum- stances, entitled Vo ths prcperty, but both parties dealred tahe judgrnent of the Court tapon. a preliminary question which arcse in this parti- cular action and on wlhich tlhey con- ceived Vhe case might turm, namely, whether Vhs deed given by Mr. Bow- man conveyinge, 1-lAr nd Vo4%hstrnot- HOGS FOR PORK AND PROFIT "When well xnanaged the hcg is one cf the beet sources cf faran in- corne. Hogs have paid for many a faran. W. can ssIi hogs at any time of the year and almnost at any age and weight". This is o-ne cf the intrcductory staternents in a remrarkably interest- ing and useful booklet sntitled "Hogs for Park and Profit", just is- sued by the Bank cf Montreal, and cffered free te farmers at any brandI cf that institution. Every phase cf heg raising la pictured in the bookiet, both by word and by photograph, the subjecta dealing witll Vhs selection cf sires and mothers, the choice cf bresds and types, and the care cf young pigs fiiomthetî time they are born until they are ready for the market. Feeding, llousing, the prevention cf alIments and diseases, and the pre- duction cf particular tsypes for spe- cial markets, are ail described; in fact there is no phase cf the in- dustry on which the best scîentific knowledge is not macle available in plain, everyday language. As Vhs bochlet says, the h>cg will produce more meat frotan 100 pounds cf feed thon any animal; it multi- plies rapidly; and it wiIl net cnly previde food for the farrner's farn- ily, but is one cf the best sources cf farrn income. Statuts of George IV Chapter 2, Section 13, trustees rsceiving any sudh conveyance "shaîl within ten months after ths execution of such deed, cause the sanie Vo be register- ed in Vhe Office cf the Registrar of the County in whidh Vhs land lies. nhe Judgrnsnt cf the Court was that ths Legislature having conferr- ed ths power ta make sudchcnvey- a.nce with a direction tihat it should be registered within a certain time, llad in effeet macle the registration necessary for perfecting Vhe assur- ance, and that the Deed given by Mr. Bownan had not divested him cof the estate, net bsing yet registered as the Statute required, and that tihere must be -a verdict entered for theplaintiffe on the denrise cf Chas. Bowman, granting possession cf thle lands te the plaintiffs ogether with ans shilling damages and the ccsts cf the action taxed at £25.1.7. Another interesting documenit in existence in connection with the "Auld Kirk" is a subscription list f or Vhe erectien cf a fence around the then Presilyterian Burying Ground at Bowtranville, Vo ha paid on or before ths lst cf April 1848. Daniel GalbraitVh £1. Neil Gray 10s and 1 lcad lunmber Donald McTaggart 1Ns and one lcad lumber George Armour 5s and 1 load lumber John MacNeil 10e and 1 Ioad lureber George Boyd 10s and 1 load lumber Malco}rn Taylor 10e and 1 load lum- ber James MacNeil 5 s and 1 load lumbler Alex. Colville 10s and 1 load lumber Neil Smith & Sons to carry 68 posts and 4 loads cf lumrber Hugh McMilban te carry 40 peats Alexander Galbraith £1. High iQuality-Always "SALADA The choice teas used exclusive- ly in Salada yield richly of thefr delicious goodness. Sav Salada. Langley Cleaning and Dyeing Service is Now A vailable to / Every Home in Ontario WitU..for bookWet desoibàsç ftu -d%5LAQ Lr ANGLEY'S-ths most successful cleanema JUand dyers in Canada-are j ast complet- ing luge additions Vo their plant. Homes in aIl parts o! Ontario can now lave Vhisa superior craftsmanship. And Vo make Langley Service sVili morsz practical by mail, ws have iavented a special slipping contdiner which enables us Vo retura a dress, suit or avercoat by express or mail without crushing-without disturbing-wiVh- out spoiling Vhs beau if ul finish giysa by Langley craftsaisn. We Pay Return Shipping Charges and charge oaly our Toronto prîces. Repairs, alterations, etc., by real alons. We dlean and dys everything from laaipslndes Vo rmgs andi carpets, freai velours and curtains Vo eider- downs. Siaiply send your parcel Vo Mr. Geo. S. Langley and write a letter saying what yon have sent and whaV you want dons. He'll give youm order lin persenal supervision. CLEANERS NoDYERS Fwnsi%5a-C R4pot ,oatori. Head Office: 249 Spadina Road » TORONTO Chukuni Association RED controa seven dlaims, just CLAIMS two miles east of Vhe Howieon clusmas, tht were peruonally staked byH. fiepa B. Owens, cf South Porcupine, one ofi Ontaro'. eutstanding prospectors. This la youir oplportunlty The present off ering of Chukuni units is te secure work- Ing capital which wlll be uaed Vo carry on vigonous devel9p. ment as soon as weather conditions allcw. By joining the Association Vcday y ou can geV in on the uOround Fleer" and participate in the big development- big moncy is only made by getting in early, before the value of the units starts Vo increase. Don't Delay- Unit. will le alîctted in the order in which tley are received. Offering is limited-send your order Vcday. .m.hmn CAMPBELL YORBTON ANU GUILD ADelalde 6049 407 ROYAL BANK BLDG. k..TORONTO. 3CANADA 9", IL IL docAjmPU. MA nKlown ina eha cd ide. velopment werk. JAS P. BOA? Soicitoe for the Aaeocfatlo flasher, ROYAL BANK of CANA R..rvatioamay b. tW Vhon.dorwfred et ou axpe..ý -n,. vtb nistut ne.e. -w 1 . . . . . . . . . . . . . RED LAKFEI 69MM&Jàà-a e PAGE Mx