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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 1 Apr 1926, p. 8

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PAGE IGETTHE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVILLE, TRURSDAY, APRIL lat., 1926. Wherî GROCERIES- PASTRY--CF -soi Bring or senm it wJIl receive pr< good valut. H.S. Baker &Grocer PETER M Building and Plastering aný Agents for Aspha' gravel. Now is the ti: frame house done proof stucco. We are alsoi stone. Caîl and Builders of cc aIl kinds of artistie Small jobs giv Place of business, IT'S ALL1 -- -STAI is fed for the first t}n hatching. It carri safely ail the way ti gerous period, withci and set-backs. Let yot Blatchford'a "Bi These feeds along cubators and Broodei L. H. Phone 304 Wallpaper THE NEWEST IN Ail we ask is an o new MAXIMAR (30i are beautiful and atti cription. We leave il handsomest papers y( WALL PAPER PRI( Window No need of spoilir home with dirty soile replace them at 90e- grades and sizes in st DO YOU NEED CUl' Our assortment of most every demand. Beautifully Boxed FRANK Next Door East of Ji 1 Thechoiasn. Tene le na the eronwa. aiur and woodwork-and of Ontario field crop wae 106 mil- Th hi a eeiteite ytog> lions; iu 1922, 226 millions or more Stationery for Easter Gifts. vaic l caredactie r o te ay'sof - du vocalth 1t441than 'docuble. The Inerem as man musicre.inthami«.rorni0fvca e.ctual increisse lu quanti!y, and not Asic un to demonatrate it nierely lu price. -The average velue R.BR W Nof field trope lu Ontario 1882-1922 Dir R .BR W NThe officiels of St. Paul'a United LACQ 13 $2.35 QUART was 163 mililions; lu 1922, 226 mil- D Ohurceh, Warkworth, gave their uasQ .PRITCHARD lions, an increaseof nearly forty racobs' Bakery Bowmanville oar, Rev. W. W. Joues, B. D., a pun-: Painterand Docorator per cent. 4pastor for another year. 8-Ph..- (Ceutluued sext week) Oh Ye Orien- Khaîvî Sanctorumn No. 23t meet Friday, April Kuxes Sanctorn No. 1, to, wlll b. withus that ýn help tha Neophytes Croe8 RotSêd of Sahara. D.D.S.M. F. J. Moore Winl: the new officers for the ei Year, after which will con moon feast. Men'sSpring Coats and New Suite ar.picd to )prejudice you in their P favor. Se them this week at Couch, M ev ce.s le li ie grcgýl itais ên"n&Cryderman',. TeN w ~ ~ I i e erd CanaianWeeky NwgpaersAs- w. sociation havedcie hat the an- THIURSDAY, APRIL lst., 1926 5WU nual conveniton shall be held in________________________________________________ Quebec City on June 17, 18 and 19. gtà iDirectors of South Ontario Ag- NEWCASTLE SPRU'4G FLOWER SHOW NEWCASTLE WINS DEBATE 9t. icultural Society have decided to_________ Too- change the dates of the Oshawa Fair Misa Janie Singer was In Toronto Sat- HorticuItural Societys Spring Flower There was a large and keenly int'erest- Too- to the last three days in the week urday. Show, held in basement of Community ed audience at League on Monday even- iah t fllwig heCandin atonl x- Mrs. Robt. Walton is visiting friends Hall, March 17th., enjoyed the pat- Ing to hear Newcastle and Millbrook sih o flwn the hibiia Ntional Ex- to.In Toronto. ronage as usuai of a large number of Young people debate the subJeet. **Re- ;8 th hibtion Tornto.Mr. Percy O'Neil was home train Tren- citizens as well as residents of thesoUt- solved that the Spirit of Co-operation a.South Ontario PlrohjLbitioniste ton over the weekend.- skirts of the village, fsv as against the Spirit of Competition ls Directors with the assistance osv-In the better interests of our Commerc- install eVqcted theee officers: Presiden1t , Mrs. W. H. B. White, Port Hope, eral Young ladies and gentlemen wear- lai Life." Mr J. Larmer, a Millhrook nsuing G. A. McMillan, Wbitby; Vice-Presi- isited In town this week. ing St. Patrick's Day decorations In Young man attending Port Hope High me the dent, Mrs. S. Farmer, Port Perry; J. Anderson Smith Co. have added a honor Of Ireland's patron Saint servedl a School, and Miss Margaret Howard, Serear, . . hata, shwa1new truck to their equipment. tasty tat0f beef boat, salads, jellies, daughter of Rev. Fred H. Howard up- SecetryR.A.Whata, Ohaa; Reeve and Mrs. H. S. Britton made a' bread and butter, and pies of assorted held the affirmative and Mr. Clarence 18-2 and Trea8urer, Rev. Principal F. L. business trip to Toronto on Tuesday. varieties In the west section of the Âllin and Miss Lillian Ciemnence of the O. . ., btbY.Mr HeryElunMilbrok an Ms.basemnent from 5:30 to 8 p. m. local League spoke for the n,,gative. ai arwell, 0 .CWib.M.HnyEsn ilroadM*. Flowers grown from bulbs and other Bach speaker received generous applause Walkei, Welcome, spent Sunday at Mr. bouse Plants were exbibited along eaat at the conclusion of bis arguments. Mark Allin's. 1 side of room and were viewed with The Millbrook speakers spoke nicely Mr. P. O'NeIl bas purcbased a new discrimination by visitors. The display and made a good Impression. Tbey Overland Sedan througb the local dealer for several reasons which may bie as- have the makings of good platform bere, Mr. W. Deline. signed was not comparable la quantity speakers and are an honor to their vil- Mr. and Mrs. Lou Honkea, Maple or quality witb those of some past lage andi home League. They lost by Grove, were Suaday visitors at Mr. and' spring shows; nevertbeless there were a snmaI! margia. Mr. Allin and Miss Mrs. W. J. Hocken's. Bomne good Individual specimens on ex- Clemeace were In their usual good form Y o u N e e d Mr. Geo. Lu msden :as moved bis famn- After tea President Fred Fligg took a good grasp of thesubJect and delvered il ndcatestoteJbibBonth ir n anedo r.W .tirdeatuets with succe tey ad -BR AD- UNSCA ES.Mr.~~-d C R. Carveth basinstalled an Everyone particlpated tan this with en- CoIwilI presided aad Mr. Lawrence Cry- OCOATS-IE REA%1 increasing demand for cracked ~corn. Town, Newcastle the Neat, and as be- were Miss Hetherington, Millbrook, Miss dOCO ATES ICE REAMMise E. W. Colwill of the Nursiag fiteti the day and hour, My Wild Irish Hattie Mason, Newcastle, and Miss r*(ta TD NK -T .Staff of the Bick ChIldren's Hospital, Ros3e, Mrs. E. C. Fisher accompanieti on Bragg, Bowmanville. The latter was FT RN S E C Toronto, ls spending a few days at her the piano. chosen by the audience of the evening home bere. Mr. S. J. Jackman, Florist,, Bowmaa- andi acted by special requeet. They ville, Jutige of the show, gave a praotical handed in their decistoas to the chair, dyour order to this store where tMebet r on N eastl evcetr-ai'eus on gardeni1, giving pointers according to the rules of the debate gto e nd OroeoonWernst y ve-on taemanagement o 'hotbeds and colti without coasultlng one witb the othar. Jmpt ttenton an you ihl gt lng to atn h ocr given by frames; growing of gladioli, dahlias, Mr. Wallace Bragg deligbted the audi- omp atenton nd ou illget Conductor A. J. iCnox's aggregatioa. sweet Pesa; control of aphîs, mealy lence with a seasonable solo "0 Spring", A aumber of the patrons of tha New- bugs, etc. He suggested puttiag some and sa enaamoured were bis hearers with Icastle Memorlal Library have not paid lenktbs of tule under the sweet lies the deep, mellow, exuberant notes of Itheir fees for 1926. WVill they kindly bed with openings at both eads above tha this soag that they persisted inl their do s0 at once. C. Butler, Librarian. ground. The peas would thus be in- applause until ha raturnad andi sang laIn IMiss Mabel Garner is a guest of sureti ofsa gooti supply of watar rightisoft. glati cadences, "A Lark la the B R TT N ,I ifowal Rstunder theIr rmots by pouriag the water Nestj Nawcastlîe Lesiguers served - BRITTON ~~~Miss Rowland, Wlode stInto the tile. Mr. Thos. Moffat lias lunch to ail those wbolhait taken part Home. had good results by plaating bis sweet In the eveniag's prograni after the meat- NewcAutle I o' alt e h pedd Peas Ini the faîl. lng closed with tha League benediction _____________________________the_________ four Mrs. W. F. Rickard by special requast ________________________________ sct draina "The Miller's Daughter , repeateti ber excellent report of the On- in Cominunity Hall, Newcastle, April tarlo Horticultural Convention hel Inl O LN ALYNW 7t.,126,une teaupce Tad oronto* The Allia quartat, Messrs. BWIGALYNW ias' Bowli, n Clubh8:15shie arp.13 Howard, George. Mark andi Harold AI- ies Bolin Clb, :15shap. 3-l hnfaoreti the meeting witb some Bowmanviîîe bowlers again made The Wome's Memorial Library Aid hugely appreciateti aumbers wih n intead holding a progressive Euche gacres of a richly droîl character hwn a splendid showing iu a Provincial the Community Hall towards thelttrJust exactly hees a crow sbould caw bowling tournament held at Kiry's end of April in aid of the Libray and t a doggie bark. Alleys in Toronto last week. It was IA RTIN & ..S NS us e o that spl obeetdi Liray, v th eMr.agstet o ut sop ath hosa who d Lbei t by th ie List of Prime Wmsners the Ire tournameut ytheld sud geeossupport to this effort to la- Shamrock-Mrs. J. R. Fisher, Misa B'owmanville won the niuth prize. cesilrevenue. Blackburn, Ms M. Browm. The local team was cO'mniposed o 1General C ontractmg M ff1-arry Elson of Millbrook, Primrose-Mrs. E. C. Beman 1-2 Frank, Milton Avery, Fred and his sister, Mrs. Walker of Wel- Priîmula-Mrs. C. Bemian 1 sud 2' Moore, Cecil Osborne, Lewis Roe- corne,, were weekend visitors at the Tulip Specimen-Mrs. Brown 1-_2: igk. homes of Mr. and Mrs. Mark Allun Tulips, 4 bloom-Mrs. J. R. Fisher Miss B. Freeman was ingavt td concrete work a specialty. sud of their brother-in-law, Mr. NarcLsus-Mris. Brown 1 aud 2. bowler and prize wiunei' for the Llt Roofing, bulit on tar and Joseph Toms. Daffodil-Mrs. Fred Fligg 1 sud 2. week in the ladies' game with a score St. George's Churcl, Newcatle, Rv Coleus 4 plants---Mrm. Jackson 1 of 279 ud 6 strikes. Edward R. James, Rector. Divine ser- aud 3, Mrs. J. E. Maitchett 2.Mo'LageSnig ai8 lc very eveaing du y in lusive. Coleus Specimea-Mrs. MatchettNo ime o hve ouroldbrik o God Fidaymoringpraer t 1:30 1 no. Captain Won Lest Score Pts me o av yor ldbrik r oot Fid'y nonig payi~ at10lO 1 nd2.9 Richards 16 5 19191 22 Evening lrayer 8.Offertories ciGod Geranuinn mn-r.Mt-4Mthel 1 2282 over with an absolutely water- Fniday for Jewish Missions. Easter Su- hei 1 and 3,Ma-MrM.tcell 16 5202822 day 1Holy Communion u at m. Graiu A O V-M.8lln Bonny'castle 13 8 19525 17 Communion with sermon at il a. ni. eair A.0 .M lin 1Hrisl 10 980 5 ai fiiain Sunday Scbool 2:30 1). m. Evening prayer, Mrs. Matchatt, Robt. Crothers. 3 Roeuigk 10 il 19719 14 making l kinds o mtto 7 p. ni. 1 Hyaciuths, White-Mrs. Brown 1 2 Cookc 9 12 19469 13 ~ee us beore decidng. LThe organization meeting of thel and 2. Mins Blackburn. 1 l 155 1 H-Yscinthe, Pink-MM Brown 1 11 Hrdemn 8 13 859 2 Church was held at the home of Mrs. and 2, Mrs. Matchatt. r2Glndie 9 13 5117 21 )flcrete silos, pavements and Howard Cooke on Tusa Mrh Hycnts leMs rw,10 îLittle9 12 849 1 cconcrete work.. 11, with su exceptionaUly large at- M&s. Jackson 2 and 3. 6 Edger 8 13 19282 il tendance. Oficers for the ensu-j Hyacinths, yellow-Mrs. Brown 1 7 Nichols 7 il 16211 9 'enourmos caefu atenton. ing year were elected as foliows: sud 3, Mrs. Chris Law 2. 7en ur m st arefl atenton. President-Mrs. W. F. Ricard; ist Hyscinths, lavender-Mrs. Brown Ladi«' League Standing Vice Mrs. W. H. Moore; 2nd Vice 1 and 2. No. Captain Won Lost Score Pts Elgin St. North, Bowmanville -AIrs. W. H. Pearce; Treasurer Hyacinthe, 4 clors-Mrs. Brown. 4 AIrs. Harris 12 3 10245 17 -AIrs. Chas. Cowaa; Rec. S0c'y.- Begonia, Rex-Mrs. Chris Law. 3 H. Osborne 12 S 1054É 16 Phone 497-w AIrs. Walter Couch; Cor, Se'y.- Begonia, 3 different 'gariaties-. 2 W. Varcoe 6 9 9838 8 Mrs. H. R. Pearce; Pianist-Mrs. E.1Mrs. Law> Mrs. Matchett. 1 L. Reader 5 10 9467 8 Riuch; Flower Comîm.itee-Mrs Fredi C ollioZn 6 House Plants-Mrs. 5 U. Allin 5 7 8091 5 Graham, Mrs. .Br«o;'ereh ackson, Aurs. Mitchett. 6 H. Curtis 2 10 7543 2 met omnite-Mrs. Joues. Fea ilmosa-AIrs. Law, Robt. Messrs. J. H. Jose, W. F. Rick- Crdt.hes¶s IN T E S A T ar, Eri Perc and H. R. Pearce Fern, A . .- rs Beman, Ars. FARMERS GUES CLUB raI Urban Banquet held in the Bow-1 Mrs. Matchett. (Coutiueud fomn page 1) R T RIGHT About saventy-five agriculturists of, Mrs. Matchett. ebrofaSvieCuintw Darliugtou and Clarkce were present AsPadestra.-Mrs. Beman, Miss G. i'avtillg farmers' to a bauquet--is ed to the full every moment of the Smith, Mrs. Matcîhett.' bound to work iu the interests of as guests of the Club sud aIl eujoy- Rublberplaut-..Mrs. Mâtchett. good-will between the people of towu proceediugs, froin the serving of the Mrs. Mathew Brown won the cup aud country. Iu such gatherings soup b th anoan tetenie for mwinniug the most first prizes in ma earix to give social considera- L îre m nts ftr itresses of Bow!man House to the the show. tion to those whom they matit. They i p ng ng o the estyor e olega t - as i this instance, the econom xc ra- ies the chicks Notig ld b Mtor Cmreditors ltio s ad inter-dependence of the hrouh tis an-cheering address by Prof. J. B. Rey-. friendly:spirit, ûIl concerned cannot hroug thisdan-nolds, Principal 0. A. C., Guelph. IN THIE MATTER 0F THE ESTATE £asil ta remember the economic )ut the usual loss the ~Tn f 15 anille: N.lae frighits of others, Thus acquaintance UNITED HURALLPERSONS haviag any dlaim, and respect aud confidence sud mut- UNTE CURHagainait th late Mary Elizabeth Cana, ual cousideration take the place of who tieti on Jaauary 26, 1926, at Bow- aofessddsra u e:-ek urgai edb Idcio n Scamn erie manville, ara requiradti t senti b> post .lons n itutadsl-ek IndutionandSacrmen Serice Pnepaiti or to deliver ta the intier- 111g. iurgrinf edbesigneti solicitor for Catherine Colvi île, One of the siguificaut ca lusi The bonds of Union of the former the Exacutrix, or ta the sIaiti Cath'cane arNu" hck ScathMethodlst anti Presbyterian Churches of crinsflColville, Excutrx unier the wîfîl Ontario during the last forty years wihIeitablîsliet on Sunday mornlag when namnes andl atitresses anti fuIl particulars the correspoxidiug growth of towvn M'tsrll In- Rev. Gc.o. i. Campbell. Ottawa, who lias. la writing of thair dlaim anti the nature g ihIeland l)elIn een conulucting special Lenten servis of the securities If an>' helti b> theni. Populations, sud its reaction ou agri- rsae od n rcmined l the U'nitedl Church. indlucteti rin to AND TAKE NOTICE that aftar the culture. The town populations have b ,rsar sld ndreomm ndd ffice' the newly electeti EIdersa ie 5th day of May', 1926,th saiti Execitrix affordad a steadiiy 4inpro'viug local church. The EIders who will f--n.th_ wiil praceeti to dîstribute the assets of I by Session were. nomînatec i a a racent! the deceaseti among the Persansa ntitleti markcet for au increasing variety ofj meetin.g fa thp congregation anti thal tharato, haviag reairdi on!>' to the farmn produce. The town industries si nomiina tion seas ratîflet b>' a stan<lingi cdaimns Of which sha shall thenhaat have dnw ofthdurls1ua vvte of the ebngregtlon on Sunçday i notice anti that she will not ba hablaa f hesrlu ua morning. TiII>'are: Thomas Moffat,, for the saiti assais oreany art tefppltosdafre of nr PE~R~ J .. Chrchant A.j nt ten ave ra parnotic e edoultonouny hfoewde o crerof PE A R N olt. Martin anti Frederick Fligg of ta an>' persan of whose dlaim she shal sons sud daughters, not specially lit'- Liberty St.. Bowmanviilekof th Session, John DATI:D St Bowmianville this 27tb day ocpto. Wt h rwho Libety S., B wmanille I--)ugias, e.P Riekard, Norman AI-f Of March, A. D., 1926. ocpto. Wt h liin. %V..1. S. 17jckar,1 and elrenick i M. G. V. GOULO, 'prosperous industries, the purchas.ig Graham ot lthe formaýr etjir)(jLst Soliciton for Catherine Colville, Execiitnlx pwro h amr'lclmre Chiurch . As heir names wr ald 13-3 of Mary Elizabeth Cann a, ae 1oe ftefres oa akt wyteC-kte oktere ald _______________-improved, not ouly because of iu- front of the altîr rail andinnsîos 1rae umes itls e.ns tatij_ lîtos ittatin > fcreased dmems.andt per cpta fo ALLIN BUNS - BUNS m BUNS We are deviating from our usual subject "Side Talks on Bread". Substituting a little talk on Buns. Good Friday is fast approaching, and naturally our thoughts turn to, the time honoured custom of laying in a stock of HOT CROSS BUNS. There are some customs which appeai only to certain countries. But the custom of the GOOD FRIDAY BUN is shared in by ahi Christian countries of the worid. Memory wili carry thousands of us back to THE OLD LANDS-yea, and maybe shed a tear as we vision ourseives among our OLD FRIENDS, eating those dehicious BUNS, and enjoying pleas- ant intercourse of our friends. Now we cannot give you the buns of your sweet memories, that would be impossible for many reasons. But we can give you BUNS that wIl appeal to your taste,' rich, fruity, spicy or not spicy Bunis that wilh be memories to the younger gen- eration. Let us keep this oid custom strong, re- membering aiso that it is a symbol of sohemnity. Order early. We' can guarantee quahity and dehivery, 25e per dozen. Our next talk will be "Utopia Bread". The Big Variety Bakery. C. W. Jacobs, Proprietor Headquarters For Easter Suits and Overcoats Society Brand Clothes and Hart Clothes, em- )racing ail the new cloths so popular this year, nade in the new double breasted models, aiso single breasted styles. EASTER HATS Ahl new models and styles a large assortment, from NEW SPRING SHIRTS A large assortment, ahi new cloths and patterns, from $1.50 to $5.00 Each Men's Suits From $15 to $35. Men'a Overcoat8 From $15.00 BOYS' SUITS Tweeds, Worsteds and Blue Serges, from Ask to see the New Society Brand styles. 'omething different in designs and fabrics. You wihl be pleased with the wonderful val- ts we are showing at very moderate prices. ;turday Specials as Usual in Many Departmentà Navy T. B.' GILCHRIST ùwuty oppo Bankc Evory article lati ef Kontroal guaranteed 10 gi, Phoneoel entaaclon ebut i. 7 'iii Keen Competition, Competition is stili the life of trade and we are pleased to report business good because we are able to, meet ail fair .and honorable '.compe-. tition. This store has neyer sacrificed quality in order to, work off inferior groceries, at cheap prices. You get here full weight and measure, best quality, courteous service andl prompt de- livery without extra charge. This store is well able to fll your grocery or- der for Easter holidays. Keep in mind that we have the largest assort- ment of poultry feed and supplies in town.j r H.ARRY PHONE 186 BOWMAN VILLE -I - ta PAGE BIGHT Bowmanville

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