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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 22 Apr 1926, p. 3

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TEE CANÂDIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVILs..E, '1EURSDAY. APRIL 22nd.. 1926 PARU ¶~RREU M Have You Tasted GREEN TEA llu»eWho hume us" Japan, Young Hyfison or Ciunpowd.g. Tom will appre- diate the superiority Or this deliciauls blond, always no pu" Maid ricb. Try it. 11*31. ST& c MA .-RLE p Piever rails- always ready. pare and It Certainly Does What It Is Recom- menýded To Do. This was tihe opening stateinent made by Mmm. H. Quance, a prom- mnent Toronto lady who resides at 365 Shawr Street. 111 was sufer- ing fmom strnoach and kcidney dis- orders, dizinens, boas of sleep and poaor appetite. Sctmany people were stating in the papers ahout'the prompt relief thaIt tlhey secured from HIERB JUICE and altihough I did -not have much faith I decided ta gir. it a triai. Tue resuits were uronderful. The stomach and kld- ney troubles promptily disappoared. I nour eat and sleep ureil and feel like a neur person. I unlhesitatingiy give HERB JUICE full cradit for my wonderful iniprovenient and would not bu 'withoult it in the house". For sale by ail druggdatsa. hsIh.S whree* Îh SPECIAI RAISIN WEEK FOR GOODI BAKING RESULTS White Satin 24 Mb. Domino Brand la or- ]PASTRY AKI 1 FLOU C9IPWE c I OmA'ND TOMATO CATSUP '19,5C FANCY QUALITY SHIIMPS 19C SOUPs Temato TEA RICHMELLO Ce.>.1., and Asa.., 79c lb. SELECT. 73ecIL. DS.L BULK 63c lb.__ 3 Iba. STUAIRT'S MMALADE 35c CHATEAU LOAF CHEESE 35c ILb PREMIER LIEMONS 30c doL. HEALTH SALTS 2 nu~ 25c ý; ~39,, GLOBE c Q MMT LIsH 230 I cL&RI'S 3 timi HARRY HORNE'S POTTED MEATS 25c IUSTARD POWDER25 CHRISTIEPS GRAHAM WAFERS 25ecIL These effect for oen* week fLye« date of this paper 12, C Seeding Time Will Soon Be Here We have a supply of Government Inspected Seeds of the following varieties: Ontario Grown Alfalfa-Alsike-Red Clover Timothy-and White and Yellow Blossom Sweet Clover. If you want Reliable Seeds at Reasonable Prices call early and see our goods and prices. We have also a fulli une of building material and shall be pleased to have your inquiries and quote prices. We give special attention to Hardwood Flooring. Caîl and see us. Anthracite Coal We now have a limited supply of excellent quality of bard coal On hand. Ail orders will receive prompt attentién. McCleilan & Co., Limited Lng st. Eut Bowmnwilj, Offic. Phone 15 - oua. Phon« $28, 274, 218W OBITUARY Mn. Elizabeth Stewart, Toronto. Mfter one week's ilxiess of penu- mania. Mrs. Elizabetih Stewart, wid- 0w of the late AleindMer Stewart, dded at :her residence, 199 Park- side Drive, Toranto, on F'riday. Mrs. Stewart was bars in Cartwright, Ont, 66 years ago. She leaves three daughtera and one son: Mrm. Charles Stratford of New York; Mrs. Aiex. Stratford, Mrs. H. D. Danovwn, Jr., bath of Toronto, and Mr. W. W. Stewart of Detroit, Mîch. She was a lifelong Methodist, and a member of Howard Park Unitied Ohurch. Muss Mary ShoroY, Pkctou The death took place on Wednes- dey, April 7th, after a rnastoid oper- atilan, of Miss Mary Cecelia M. Shor- ey, B. A., daughter of Rev. Dr. and Mms. S. J. Shorey, Picton. Dr. Sharey was for "mne years pastor of, Cubourg and Oshawa Sirncoe St. Methodst Ohurche«. The funeral taok place on Satur- day afternoon at Picton. A service was held li the Picton United (Ixurch and weoncdonductad by Rev. H. B. Kenny, Belleville, who gave an'appropriate adidresa, vaicing the. synwathy felt witbh er parents and their family. Miss Addison of Annezley Hall, where Mima Sharey resided during the four years that sffe waa taking an Arts course at Victoria College, preparatory ta taking baer degree, wss present and gave a. short ad- dress aiea, speaaking with apprecia- tion and comnmendation of Miss Shorey's life thora. Besides ber parents Miss Sharey la survivod by two brothers, Mr. Perey M. Shorey, Principal of Sydenhanm High School, and Mr. S. B. Sharoy, Cobourg, and by one uister, Mise Gussie Shorey. ýhe interment wasj at Glenwood Cemeotery. Duncan Livingstone, California. The many friexids of Duncan Liv- ingston urore sarry ta hear of his death on March 28, after tihree days' iilness in the Genemal Ho~spital at San Diego, California. He urss the son of the iste James and Cataher- ine Lrvngston and was horn ini Medonte in 1853, the farnily iter rnoving ta Oro, where Duncan was well known as a sucicassful and oh- liging hlacksrnith at Guthrie and Barrie, bofore gaing West_14 yeams ago. He also spent the sumnner of 1917 and 1924 uith bis friends here. He was turice married, hi. firat wife, Annie Gilchrist of Oro, dying in 1896, and his second wi, Ethie Knight of BowranNMile, in 1924. Ho beaves two sons, James A., ,of Wost- on, and Ronald M., San Diego, Cal., aiso three brothers and turo sistors, Alex. of Toronto; JoImn, Glbert, Maggio and Mms. Sissons af Orillia. Ris son left at once far California and brought the body east, amivingi in Barrie on Saturday, April 10, when the funeral taok place ta Guth- rie Cernetery. -Tua servi>ce in the church uras conducted hy Rer. Mr. Forbea of Weston, and the Rey. Noil Camphell of Bai-rie, the latter haiving been the familY's Ministar whilo in Oro. A. large numbar of friands and neighbors gathered te psy their last tribute of rfspeit tao one uboi was lagily osteemed and the remains were laid ta est by Messrs. Henry Dunsmore, Midi-aurBarthoioqneu, James Stoddart, William 'Sinclair, Amgus McCuaig and John Wigins.- Orillia Tirnes. DOUBLY BEREAVED Trwo of Sand* Famity Respo.ded to D.ath Sumae Much sympathy is beink expresped for Mm. William Sanda, wha uras douhly bereaved durlng the past week, when death Klaisned bis mother ,Mrs. William Sanda, Sm., and his sister, Mrs. Frank Trincwon, the death of bis ixither foiiowing that of lais sister hy less than Vwenty- faur hours, bath occurring in Tom- onto on Wednesday, Aipril 7th. Mrs Sanda, who urss formrnely Miss Han- nah Heai, waa bai-n in Bowmnanvilie seventy-four years ago and about thirty-tbree years ago came ta Oril- lia, whrh er hushand pass'ed away in 1920. Since thon aba had made hem -home with her sons and daukh- tors and w«a at the home af Mrs. A. Phillips, Toronto, wben taken ili about a rnonth ago with pneumonia. Tue illness had left her in a weak- enod condition and the sbadr of hem daughterps deatlh prored tea severo a atrain for bel, lourered vitality. Mme. Trinlcwon's deatih, bowever, was not unexpected. She had heen in- jured urben struc by a car a littie aver twa yeas ago and as a resuit hsd heen cornpelfled ta underga an aperation sevan xnontbs aga but without deriving thle benefit for wbich she had hopedi. Mm.. Trink- uran's ma'iden nama urss Miss Annie Sanda and becides her husband mii. beaves two brothermasnd four sis- tors: Mm. Jolhn Sanda of Lon don; Mrs. J. Varcae, Elinvale; Mrs. M. Fairweil, New Toronto; Mms. H. Var- co, New Toronto; Mrs. A. Phîl- lips, Tarante; and Mr. Williamn Sanda, Omiliia, 'also an adopted daughter, Mrs. William Prior af Tor- onto. The romains af both mother and daughter were hrought ta Orillia for interment ,the double funerai tskiing place froni the bhome of Mr. William Sanda, 62 King Street, on Saturday afternoon ta St. And- eu's Cemetery. Service urss con- ducted by the Rer. J. J. Black and membars of the I.O.O.F., acted as pallIbearers. Arnangst those attending the fun- oral urore: Mm. and Mrs. John San- da of Londan; Mnm. Jas. Varcae, Elmvaia; Mr. and Mis. A. lixillips, Toronto; Mm. and Mm.. M. Fairiveli, Newr Toronto; Mm. Mary Varcoe, New Tomanto; Mr. and Mmm. Wsn. Priar, Mm. and Mr.. H. FowRem and daughter, Mm. Joan Sando and Mr. Frank Trin]6won of Trnt.- T'i«. GOLDEN WEDDING Mm. and Mm.. Thos. Tennant, Orn- lia, bad the rare privilege of colo- brating the fiftieth anniversary of theàr niarriage on Monday, April 12, when the members of their fam- iiy and about eighty friends caiied at thair home, 110 Albert Street, ta offar thorn congratulations nd good wisfhes. The moorns were artipçtielly decoratad in green and gold, daif o- dils and rases being used with good offect. Miss Marjomie Tennant ans- wered thea door and the tea room assistants weme three other grand- daughters: Miss Mahel Langstaif and littie Misses Edith Langstaif and Jean Wootten. Mnm. Albert Gard- iner poured tesaet 'the prettiiy de- coraited .table wfth its cent~re of handmxadéelace gnd hourIof golden daffodils. In the evening the famuly and a four close friends gathered for a few .happy hours of game and musie, ciouing with tlhe drink- ing of a hearty toast ta the wall loved bride and .groom. Mr. and Mrs. Tonnant wre married at Lot- us, Manvars Township, on Ajpril 12, 1876, by tha late Reff. Mr. Windali, and for thirty4bwo years made their home in Damlington township ton the hoanestead faundod yMm. Tennant's fathor, the late Josopb Tannant. lI 1907 tbay carne tao ril- lia and during thoir nineteon years af mesidance in the tawn have made a uride circle of friands. Bath Mr. and Mrs. Texinant are stili remark- ably youtbfui appearing and active though Mrs. Tonnant gives 1858 as the yeam of ber birth, urhie Mm. Ton- nant uras barn ini Clarka tournship in 1851. Mis. Tannant, urho was farmeriy Miss SarahMills, daughter of the lato Mr. and Mrs. Simon Miis, was bain in Manvers township annd af her farnily th-ose remnaining are Mm. James Milis of Carinan, Maxi.; Mra. M'cRobarte, Oshawa; and Mrs. Matheur Tennant of Leskard. Mr. Matheur Tannant is a broicher of Mr. Thos. Tonnant, two brothers hsvijng mrnrlod turo sisters. 0f their famiiy of eight Mr. and Mna. Ten- nant have moyen living: Mm.,Jas;. Tennamnt, Mrs. Thos. Langstaif, Mrs. L. W'ootten, Mrm.Foy Fletchier, Orilia;. Mr. Gilders, Ottawa; Mm. Narman Tannant, Waterioa; and Mr Cecil Tonnant, Toronto. All of these wi-th tha exception Of Mrs. GilIers were horne foar the celebration of thoir parents" annivemaary, aima eighteen of their thirty-two grand- clhldren. Thoro ara fiva great- grandehuldren. Mm.nd Mrs. Ton- nant recoived a nuimber of hand- same gifts from. relatives and friends inciudixig a sot of silver kni'ves and forka frorn a group of friands -mnd a purse of gold fronn the faiuy, aima a quantity of cut fiowems and tele-w grani of congratulation. The urish is very generally eacpressed "iit th e Masy 5eernany More yaars of health and happinem tagethfer.--LOrillia Tirnes. BOYS' TRAINING SCHOOL NE*s Sports are certainiy boomning at the School. Last week thç boys took to baséball in earnest and on Tues- day, aflernoon a llittie world's seriez was played between two ail-star teas that were for that partieular merles Icnown as Pittsburgh Pirates and Washington Senators. Pirates won after nine hectic innùng. r Mr. J. Cawood and town school boys aceeited the challenge and jour- .neyed to the Sehool Satatrday morn- ing to piay tilie SIciool boys in a Volley Bail taurnament Schooi tearn defested town boys 4ite handily in three regulaiion games. In a post- seriez gosne with Mr. Cunîninghamr and Mfr. Cawaod added ta their line- up, town boys had their revenge and haxided Sehooi boys a bandy trirn- nig. Sehool team lime-up: Les- lie Flan, Harold Walters, Sam Twlýn- ny, Joe Hague, Henry Charles and Roy BDowditch. T.own school line-up: Oharlie Cawker, Bradley Honeymax, Olharlie Vanstone, Kenrneth Morris, John Jury, Harolid Gi;bbe and Chester Jury, Rowell Bell and Ross Richards as suba. Several of the newer arrivais were i.nitiated, iast week In a mçst fitting nianner. This wgs the. firat of out-door initiations and went over great. 'Me cedar badge bas been trans- planted froni the Darcihbouse to ini front of tuehemr, the purpose heing to. ehut off the view of the barn- Yard iand stables from the main road te the bouse. Puxnp bouse and fire hall building -cosnpieted and puniping madx.ineryý Lnstalled and in operaition. It is aima intended ta lnstlaii an auiliary pumnping unit for emergeneor pur- poses. Various plumlbing fuxtures and applances lin the new buildings hasve been thorougbly tested and «Il la now in working order. No ultlimate decision bas been ar- lived at as ta the number and type of rnaîchites ta *be' instaiied in the 'woekshuop. It is generally understood that if possible a comuplete wood- working shop on thie upper floor and a geneml machfine shop on the iow- er floor will ha installde 50 tiuat man- ual training and institutional re- pairs can bh o ooned. Tenxporary w.ooden sidewalks are being laid. so tlrst the mud desert beýbrween Damai and verious huild- isngs rnay be ntavigated sanitariiy. 0f course, proper cernent; walks will h. laid li±er. Always Ready and Rallahie.- Practicily ail peins ardaing from inflammation can be renioved with Dr. lhomas' Eclactrie Oil. Siznply rub it on tihe more spot and it da quieldy absorbed by the si. Its healing power in coeieyed ta the in- flamed tissue whbeh la quickly sooth- ed. This fine oid reanedy is aiso IL specific for ail sanner o~f cuts, scratches, bruises and sprains. lKeep a bottie handy always. Beter Li've Stock means a Biger Bank Accourt T I-IE farmer knows-better than any- one else-how uncertain the seasons are. Careful farming and a littie fore- sight when crope are good will help wonderfully when a lean year cornes. Here are a few suggestions: Keep adding high-grade animals to your live stock. Study the best mnethods of co rotation. Select the seeci best suited to your locality-succsmful crops con core ne 02 frorn cean, vigorous eed. Moka your credit good at the Bank by paying Up your bans and depositing oomethàing for the rainy day. The Royal Bank ôf Canada Býowmanvife Branch. - R. F. .Aàtchimon, Manager A T every prie, froua 75c to $2.00, Monarch-Kait Hosiery presents uncoemmon value. Here's one exasnple -Monrch Green Stripe at ei.00. Pure silk,- for ricb sheen and lasting nmoothness -reinforced with fibre s&l for long wear. Every newest color-and if a "rua" sbould start it cannet pasa the sec- ond 6"stop rua." IUIkTADPTIT LVIU1~I~tL,,I HSLERY MONHAdC ThoeWorld CornesTo Bo manvi BOWMANVILLE, Ontario, is flot a great metropolis of trade and commerce. A busy town, a splendid town, but stili a town of only about 3,500 people. And yet the whole world cornes to Bow- manville for industrial beits and other industrial rubber goods. For at Bowmanville is the mechanical goods factory of the Goodyear Tire & Rubber Co. of Canada, Limited. From Bowmanville go Goodlyear pro- ducts to every country ini the world except Russia and Abyssinia. What a compliment to Goodyear qualityl What a compli'tnent to Bowmanville workmanship! The same Goodyear Belts which enjoy the greatest sale in Canada are chosen for the hard service of the hot 110' o tropics or for the winter frost of Scandinavia. In the dust of Aus- tralian mines or on the farms of the great South African veldts they render the same service which has won for them the Canadian market. Goodyear Industrial Hose - Good- year Packing and Valves.- Il enjoy this world,-wide sale. Goodyear builds a beit or a hose or a pack- ing or a valve speciaily to meet each prob- lem of industry. The Goodyear mon is preparedjo give you expert advicc in the choice of youm industrial rubber goods. Get in touch with the Goodyear Industrial Goods dealer or with the neamest Goodyear bmanch. The Goodyear Tire & Rubber Co. of Canada, Limited, Halifax, St. John, Quebec, Montreal, Ottawa, Toronto, Ham- Mlon, London, Fort William, Winnipeg, Saskatoon, Regina, Calgary, Edmionton, Vancouver. Goodyear meanai Good Wear SOLD BY THE DýAl.ER WHO DISPLAYS THIS SIGN BE MADE 8IN CANADA oLTS ROE PACKING VAV e lu Tiue 0f Plenty a - St11 î~ERAISINS 2 iib.. 23c 15 s.Ph. RAISINS2pk.23 DESMET s iFr sst. 3 15 e.. Kuiu AnSINS 2 pkts.29 4 a SI ES .THE CANADIAN STATESUAN, DOWKANVILLE, THURSDAY,- APRIL 22ad., 1926 pArXE TER" ES

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