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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 22 Apr 1926, p. 5

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THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVILLE, TWURSDAY, APRIL 22ed., 1926 Equipped with latest Speediron Surface Elements and Pullout Ele- Sments in the oven, Oven is Porce- lain enamel lined and allows for covered roaster and pudding pan or vessel of similar size. This is the greatest value in Electrie Ranges now on the mar- ket. Cail and get more particulars if interested. LEN. ELLIOTT RingSt W., Phone 348 Bowmanville The Little Shop With The Big Stock Has received this week another lot of new Spring Coats and Dresses which they will be glad to have you înspect. No two garments alike, gives you individuality when you buy your apparel at this shop. C. S. MASON NEXT DOOR TO F. F. MORRIS CO. Phono 161 Bowrnanville SPRING- SHOES FOR BOYS AND GIRLS Boys' Black Caif Oxfords, Goodyear welt at $325 Misses' Black or Brown Caîf Oxfords at $325 Misses' Patent Leather in straps from $2 to $3.50 Growing Girls Oxfords or Straps in patent, caîf or colored kid, from......... $2.75 to $4.50 Child's Patent Oxfords or strap, size 101/_., fromn................................$1.75 to $2.50 Infant's Strap Shoes in Patent or White Kid at $1.35 KNOX'S SHOE STORE Footwear and Travelling Goods Bownanville Phone 120 CARTRAN'S STORE IS THE HOUSE 0F QUALITY AT LOWEST PRICÉS McClary's Improved Electric Range Now $77,50 Specal Uosee Ooeeien QUALU T F arI. eM. W. Blo,, B.wu.uvue, On... jJRS phone 899. 15-Sw ResenabieRat.. adOsrefui Drivers ndQUAranTee. *am 08 O HTHIGYrbrdt T. A. CARTON, Preprîster aclai nteReait EO&rreook A. C. c! -- rodtLa H. PEARN. Bowamaviule Phone 412 BOWMANVILLE,ONT. lwoarth (Ptope>0.A.0aind Saolbab Oshawa watiBom 10 Prinoe St., LIObcloka for Mar dellvery from Barred Phone 304 . .bXDrty St', Bowmanville Pnhone 1840 % VR oeka O. A.L C r- ! an on Hur Strain, n i e I(p This Fer Fiarthe RCefenee pedlgft.d steak good winter layeo~M iss en iUv~ i -IeIIdey time titisFm*r a1iay________________Rloluise, Hgh Ut., Bewminalle, pheme ________________________________ PA« FmV Men's Suits $15.00 te $35 Boys' 2 Bloomer Suits $7.50 to $12.50 Boys' 2 Bloomer Suits, guaranteed Fox Serge, $10.00, ail sizes Men's Caps $1,00 to $2.50 Boys' Caps 75c to $1,00 Men's Hats $3.00 te $5.00 Men's Work Shirts, Big B Brand $1.00 Men's Overalls, Big B S Brand $2.00 .. Men's Work Pants, Big B Brand $2.00 and $2.50 Sole Agency for 2Oth Century Brand and Fash- ion Craft Clothes made to measure. S, G. CHARTrRAN 1 door of Bell Toeophone Phono 26 Bowrnanvllle LOCAL AND OTHERWISE DIRTHS IN MEMORIAN Oddtellows, pleane note hour of- PARKER-In Bownfl*flille. April 17, oig eoy0.a» ermn aerwice la 7 p. nm. at I' 126Sati n M. oe . PaikervertClhton L. Spr, wha cied April lOrd.. duhe.12.u ~ T e te o m n il Sunday. - WOODWARD-In Bowmianvilie HosPit- Sac! are the days withaut you i o a h a r , B i i n il Mumrat season bas been extended ai, on April 27, ta Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Though memory bringa you near, te ~iri 3, a acantof helae-Wodwrd, a daughter. oTia, our amiles and yaur kindnoe linger Mo a na ' -Ap l26 & 7 newof a the sealion. April 17, 1920, ta Mr. and Mrs. Freddie igother. M ndaan uej;ay, p i26& 7 Mrs. C. W. Warne, Park Raad, Moore, (nee Krathleen Braànton), a,1 Oshwaba ben vlstig hr 1 daughter. eiaRa oe In ioving memory of my der hbu- oisaw, asben vsiin hr in STUTT-At KalmarVil etHm band, Elias Greenaway, wha passai ter, Miss Lizzie Cann, Washington Bowmanvile, April 16, ta Mr. and M1rs away April 14, 1920. Place. J. Rose Stutt, (n00 Elizabeth Henry, One by ane earth's tien are braken, MraEfa trie lh ba benR. N., a son.' One by one they are linked above, MBRIGGS-At Wellesley Haspasa!, TaSomeday, thereil be sweet reunian spending a few weeks with bier son, ont,, April 17, 1926, ta Mr. and Mr neaaawthtaew ae Mr. W. Rose Strike, has returned to Chas, C. Briggs, (nos Stella Sieman>, 53 1 aften visît your grave dear Ella@, Homwoo Av., rornta a augter And uee the place whereil r'Iî be laid Ottawa. oeodAeTrno a agt, But I m11ust watt patiently till that time Mrs. Harry Br'ocak epent t.he week- (still born.) wwme etaanweeprigl end with her sister, Mis. W. C. -- n metaanweeprigl Rosevear, Cobourg, wha bas been DAH Wife. very ill. _ _ _ Miss Doris C. Poster of Toronto WILLIAMSON-Ât Part Hope, April University, spenit the weekend with 14, 1926, William Williamaon, ln hie 94tb otohon her parents, Mr. and Mis. F. A. Fost- ex. er, "Norwaod Place". McDr MOTt, 92,Th oa er , rd TIRE L.OST-Pawn covered tire, be- 78Arilsth 96 hms cemtae tween Qjueen St., Bowmanville, and Osb- Why not buy that new Barrymore aa7onWen dyApiars. line ugthis week while they are be- BARFETT-In Coiborne, April 2tb ,pla a f eted e Saril l4t Ofice. Rug ~~~~~~~~1926, George R. Barfett. Interment at pes ev tlh ttsa fie ing offered at sucb temptîng values Port Newcastle.16t by Couch, Jahnston & ryderman. WOODCOCK-Ât Oshawa Hospital, on Hlarry C. Allia, BicycleanRai Monday, April 19 George D. Woodcock, tils orS e and adioWhitby, if bis 57th year.ArilsrS e Shop, bas been appointed agent for ROBI NSON-In Hope, Sunday, April International Harvester Co. Limited 1Sth, 1926, Emiiy James, beloved wife of POSTS FOR SALE-100 Cedar Pons. stock of parte in stock. Repaire given Mosée Robinson, In her 82nd year. Apply ta N. W. Pinch, R. R. 2, Newcast- prompt attention. 16-1 BEGGS-At Toronto, an Wednesday.le 43 Mesie. Noran . PckadApril 14, 1926, George Beggs, aged 79 FOR SALE-A quantity of beans for Mesrs Noran A.Pikadyears. Interment at Port Hope. sale at $2.00 par bushel.. W. M. Ives, Port Arthur, R. H. Pickard, Klngs- M EADOWS-At Poreet 'Hill, London, Centre St., 16-tf ville, and Carl Piekard, Windsor, Englsnd, on Sundlay, March 2tb, 1926, spent the weeknd with their brother, Joseph W. Meadows, if hie 57th year. HAV FOR SALE-Stack nixed bey. Mr. A.W. Pikard.MOHUN-At Toronto, an Sunday, Ap- J. J Abernethy, R. R. 2, Bowmanvllle, Mi A WIl'~r 18, 1926, Hannah, beloved wife of Mr. phone 183-13. 1- New maple symup is now on the John Mohun, Bowmanville, ln ber 51 FOR SALE-A quantity af Alfalfa Bay mnarket. Several local grocers have year. Apply J. D. Stevens, R. R. 3, Bowman- secured their supply ftoni H. E. MARTIN-At Toronto, April 5th., John ville, phone 447r4., 14-tf Reynlds Sauih oxtn, Qe.,sonArthur, son of Mr. and Mra. Arthur J._______________ Reynlds Soth oxtn, ue. so Matinaged 9 montha. Interment at SEED POTATOES FOR SALE-Early ai Mr. and Mie. Edwin Reynolds, Orono 'Cemetery. Irish Cobblers. Apply Grant Bennett, R. w v Queen St. HENDERS-At the residence of bie R. 2, BowmanviUe. 16-1W The Pince of W ales In M. S Shils, orano, wose auhier, 691 Gerrard St. B., Toronta, Mr. . S Shels Toont, woseApr'il 3, 1926, Howard Henders of Man- FOR SALE-Chevrolet Tauriag Car, ln wife is Kathleen Meatki of Bowman-I vers in bis 67th year. good condition. Will oeil oheap. Appîr ville, bas been appointed district STONE-At Buffalo, N. Y., April 14, Grat Bennett, R. R. 2, Bowmanville.a d So t A erc manager ai R. G. Dun & Ca., at Mon- John Prancis, mon of the late Mr. and 16W A ica an So t m rc treal, and will assume hie new dut- Mrs. William Stone, la his 50th year. ~OO OTFRSL-5fe ies on May lat. nerda tHp. lang 5 ft. 6 ta. beam Engines ad boat il Massive Rels of Thrills Comedy and Action ALLIN-At Lacombe. Mt5a., AprlI h, la firet clams ondition. C. B. Rehder, Reecve M. J. Elliot±, Councillors 1926, Herbert W. AlUin, son of the late hn 6,Bomn l.9-t W. C. caverly and Jos. O'Neill, Mr. and Mr@. WIllI&m Allia, Kingston phnz6,B mnll.- With the Heir to the British Throne as the. Chief TownFlainer F C.Pa2mer MeersRoad, Bait. Bawmanvile, aged 45 yearU. FOR SAL.E-Two carpots, oneA- C.w REhdierE. C. Re lderanMeT.rH. BARFETT-At Western 'Hospital, To- minuter ac! one Brussels, oabeued C. Rlidr, E C.Reher ad T H.rente, on Sunday, April 151h, Louise as ruga; eacb about 10 x 12 ft. Apply ta ctr Knigbt îepresented the variaus in- Barfett, daughtey af the late John R. Custame office, 'Bawmanville. 16-tf Atr terests ai Bc.wmanville at a meeting Bre~t of Newcastle, Ontario, aged 71 FO AETdrFr 9a 94 itr htcudntb al y beldl i Oshawa on Monday to con!- McNEIL-In Landon, England, on s'fjla i.goad canditian. Bargain for quick sale A pcue a ol o emd yaprivat ider the new tariff regulatians as day, April 9, 1926, Euphemia Mceile, as owner ia leaving tawa. Apply Lewin they affected local conditions. It is~ dearly belaved aunt of the late Huda F. lrwin, lOng St. W., Bowmanvllle, cnenfrmlin fdlas azpected that Mayor T. S. Holgata Ferguson, w1fe of Mr. A. N. MoMilan, phone 83. 16-1 1cnenfrmlin fdlas wil epesntBomavileantheLbetS.,B mavf. FOR SALE-a pince nahagany piarler Matinee for sehool children Monday at 3 p. m. 16e delegation wbicb goes te Ottawa Fri-- suite, silk upholtered, one walnut bed- day ta interview Premier King and ________________ tead, lawn mawer saeveral raùliag Minitersof hs Caineton te pr- c aiead\numeraus articles. Âpply B. Both evenings at 8 o'clock. Adulte .,oc, tait 2c Minitereef is Obine onthe ro-Doncaster, King St. E. Bowmanville. 18-1 posed changes in duties an auto-- GEO. PRITCHARD- FRSL-n tdbkrCr or, 1 Chevrolet Coupe, 1 Motar Boat The late Mies Eupheenia McNeil, TH H ND Cruiser. 2 sets single driving harness,_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ wbo iedin ondn, Fngindon'braamaunted. 2 cream wtcker baby April 9tb., was the youngest daugfi- carrnages. AppIy Perey Oowaf. Lib- te fthe laste Mr. F. MeNeil af LITTLE SHOP erty St., Bowxnanville, phon e 270. PotPerry, Ot Miss MèNeil bail FOR SALE-Dominion Piao aSs! witb ber sister, the late Mrs. Fergu- HUELAIGTM years. Steinway, Heintzman ad Ger-SP C A son on Grace Street. Since the death HUELAIGTM hard Heintzmasaued pianos taken au ai ber sistar, Mie. Perguson, Mise part payaient an Dominian plana.wil!! i Nilb. cleared aI bargain pricessad on easy Mcelmade ber wità ber terme. F J. Mitchell, Diatributor. Bow- A. N. MeMillan, Liberty Street,1 ail we seli in tbis little sbo.p of FOR SALE-Large gramaphane w a l p ae rO f e Bow2nanville, Ont. She ws knewn ours. So we're going io tel 60 records, Jacobsean oak library tab1le1 for ber kind and charitable disposi- you and invite yon to eaUl: ln OIc! Eaglish finish, oak floor lamp FOR THIS WEEK END ONLY toalso ber social qualities andl Iwlth rose uhade, round walnut exten- tion, I sion dinlng room table ,kitchen drap _ wil b sadly missed by ber many WALL PAPER test table ad Iwo kitchen chairs. An- U I nd e L t at $ 49 E h friends here and elsewhere. 'h e Best maires on ;the niaket. nez for electricetolve with vrater front 5 0 B n l os t $ .9.c funeral tiakes place inMaount Pleas- low wooden bed in tvory finish wlth ant emetry, Tornto Ont BES PAITS pringa. Mra. Lapp CVentre-et., Baw-A anV eeyam"aoraona, nfour GlidnTS P=t, , mnville phone 846. *le-le.A sen8ational offering of wallpapers of the acts by talent from oOshawa was pie- Laq - better sort-for the best roonis in the house and sented in the opera Hanse, on Mon- FLOOR WAX Baby Chicke For Sale something suitable for almost ever room. A day evening tb a large audience, un- veyseca.uchs aksi osil t e der auspices of Rebekab Lodge, No. Jobllson's, 9,110C.*l, Wax BABY CHICKS-S. C. White Lesharna price awa low tchs es. i pmssbl casethe 125. The story of tbe play was ln- ALABASTINE and White Wyandtte.--males at head reawybl teu a.Inm ycssth teîesting, the actors cenversant of pens front trap-nested stock. Ordercefrhebn e .no m reta oewo d with thair parts which at times were It canit be beat for walls your chickens early. Get nome of aur prIefo th ud intmreha oewul quite exciting and tbriuling witb and ceilingeI. White Leghorn Cbicku that lay la fi vs pleny 0 huai t kep eeryne FOORPO HERmen ths. uood wner layera. Satisfiec! usually pay for the bordera alone. customera. Eggu alua for sale. Plions lnterested and entertained. Mis. Alex .3- a rc. .H artes idecnan 0o ie Colville in solo and Mrs. K . Electrie Floor Polisher to manyile. - all nd ufic nt order0for aerage omid- Adamos in recitation entertained be- rent by bour or day. wl n u cin odrfrthe aeaeom tween acte, botb being especiailyl SCHOOL SUPPLIES about 12' x 12' x 9' high. Included are tapçstry good, is. SAlbert aleOachegstra, Scribblers, Diawing BookseW no floral, figured seroli and blended effecta A re- compniat.Sy ncopat osOesta, Writing Book% ,Examination WANYe"-~wo bushela of Na. 1 Rted kbesaiir 2 naenat choefo jaonomso. ibilsma lvey Tablets, Penicils, Erasers. Claver é.Muet be good templead ral ain. 2 ar s o hoefrm jazz31101C.local grown. S3. G. Chant, R. R. 1, Hamp- Ladies' Cloth Suita salling off at PAINTER AND DECORATOR tan. 15-3w Special price per bundle $2.49 greatly reduced -prces at Cauch, That's my job. I arn preparec! ta do ail kinds af one- Johnaton & Crydermsmn's. b____________ orne wark and gardon work. HARRY Plain White Window Shados 3 x 6 feot 75e HAMM, R. R. 6, Bownianvllle, phone WANTED-By Thé. Veteran Rag- Met- Kirsch Curtain Rodas 25c Whity, shaw, G Pricha d a. Company-1000 tons af raga, 2000 tans paper and books, aId stave iran, cent Bowmanville Phone 489 BownmanviIIe iran, Cottan mattresses, copper, brass,W . T AL E BUS LINE ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ Taylor Duke St.. Bowmanville. 16-3I60 OKTOEDWMHIL WEEK DAY SCHEDULE <Effective on and after.April 18th)'*w Ior Sale GOING WEST Leave Leave Arrive HOUSE FOR SALE-6O-raaxued brick Bowmsnvile Oshawa WhItby cottage on King St. Eaat, Bo*manviie. 6.15 7.05 a.m. 7.25 am. Apply Chas. Penfound, Bax 370, Pense, 117.20 a.m. 8.10 arn. 8.25 a.m. Sank. 16-3w 101 Ian. 11.00 arn. 11.20 a.m. - 11.80 a.m. 1q 12.10 p.m. 1.p.. HOUSE AND LOT FOR SALE-On 1.20 pin 2.00 p.. '2.20 p. IfMann Street. off Concession St.. trame 4.15 pin. 4.35 pi.. balS acre land, somne fruit trees. Appîr M r. ol rM a 4.20 p.m. 5.10 p.m. .30 p.m. ta owner E. William., Bradsbaw Ofou.,y a 5.40 p.. .15 p.m. 6.35 p.m. Bowaianville. 16-1w* 7.00 p.m. 7.40 p.m. 8.00 p.rn. W E L- -THN EM A YT 8.5Mm .0pm .0PM OUSE FOR SALE-Beoas Bricko ESL V R T IGN C SA YT 8.4 p. 10.20 p.m. 940' ~ n roomned house. 8-piece bathrom. fur.- 100 i. 10.20 Pi..1, 10.45 n. 11.20 .m. 11.40 n. ae, waterworku, garage, good gardon, T R UIN HEP L RY US RA é'A

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