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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 22 Apr 1926, p. 6

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PAGE >1 HE CANADIAN STA4ESàM, BOWMANVILLIE, THURSDAY, APRIL 22nd.. 1926 i (L1OROMO0 IN THE EDITOR'S MAIL Pile u u-Irers - (Froan l7i eNews April 15th) We are very pleased to aev Mrs. Geo. Buttera le visiting in tihe the information in this letter: City.1 Dear Sir,--A question was asked Cam. YOU me 1e Qetos MisAgsaTono shm inls eksSaeauinDYu Do you know Wliy ointmeints. do froin the City. Rememeber When? as to. who had net give you quick and lasting relief' Mw eKate Willianison, Toronto, chrge 0f the Electriie Lght Sy- Wh ctin nd~was at her sister's over Sunday. stemin n before Fred Prout? Master RoberandJunkertbassreturnedtwas MY father-the late Stephen Do yon know thie cause of piles j e Mfter obetJnnr bs trnit Wright, Who> first put the Electrie intenal hom afer sendng Este et it-Light systein in Bowmanville. He intenaiasagatono chener. and brother Clarence, put in ail the Thatther is stanatin 0f Misses Mary and Marjory Sissoni poles and did ail the wiriiag, etc. It blood in the lower bowel? spent Easter vacation with their was in February 1, 1888, that the Do you know that there às a harin- mother. streets were first lit up with electric leu internai remedy discovered by Mr. Howard Challis and famiiy leg~ts. I enclose a piece of poetry Dr. Leonhardt and kaown 8as HEM- bave rnoved te Mrs. C. Staples' resi- regarding saine. ROID, new soid by Jury & Lovell dence, Mill St. In Mr. David Morrison's letter a gud rugit e veydeeta Mr. John Burgess, a prominent few weeks ago in writing about gurntefarmner of the 7th concession, is re- sdhools, "lie mentioned a privatet HEM-ROID baniýshes piles by re- ported seriously iM. school on Libe4t2y Street, some- moving the cause, by freeing blood1 r n s1le Mfa aeweena teodCwe rpr circulation in the lower bowel. ThisiM.adMj.AlnMaa ae hr erteodCwe rpr simle om tratrnet lasan i-moved to the borne Cain residence, tY In the brick bouse on north iisde simpe hoe tratimnt bs anof- the street at corner of Cburch and most unbelievable record for sure, south Main Street. Loef yStres hre Dc Ls safe and lasting relief to thousands Messrs. Henry and Louie Yonker cobeicySre, here was a Lpoi-at of pile sick sufferers, and saves the were called te Tavistock last week- scihol1aulit by Miss Teney. TheV needless pain and expenseof an op- end, their mother bedng critically l at1e0ýMJ J. Mason and 1 got our8 eration. Don't delay. Try HEM- 1111. .1first start in school there.v ROID today. It 'will do tbesanme for Mr. R. R. Waddell, Barrister, Doyurem r gnT.H yo.suffering with articular rheumatism, Johns and William Jewell kept a gro-P ____________________ was taken to Toronsto for X-Ray ex-1 ceray store across fromn Montrealn amination and treatinent et the Gen-1 Bank? Mr. Jewell was leader of eral Hospital. . the Metliodist Choir and Mr. Johns p fren s el faeds Miss Aima Cutteil whc bas been was superintendent of the Shnday 's friens Tel frends living at Muskoka for the benefit 1School. Oof hier healtb, bas returned home, ber Mr. E. G. Burke liad a privatei -father, Mr. James Cutteli meeting bank where C. M. Cawker's butcher ti Z U T O O ler at Toronto. store is and owned and lived on the 9' LinsMr. Fred Pearson who lias been a property where Mr. J. W. Alexander1 Stop Mea ache patient in Christie St Hospital, iives now-The Evergreens. Some of u FIveYurs zuTroo » a-d a Toronto, for a couple of months these incidents may be interesting to Q, unknown Inanaa spent Sunday at bis fatlher's, Mr. some readers of tbe Stateaunan along ai To-day, thousandasnd thousanda of me Frank Pearson. witlh Whistling Jim~s Do You Re- d( andwornend.pend outhese little harn- Glen, littie son of Mt. and Mrs. member When? Yours incerely, al lesatabietafor quick relief iron - L..d- M. J. Taxnblyn, cli'mbed -on a chair M. M. Adah Wrght, 1074 College gahes. at the stove and pulled a kettie ofi Street, Toronto, Ont. i Thcfr faine bau gono frooe friend to boiling water over on hlm, badIy Following is the poetry to whichl t(o trlend-from tow & to town-frorrn Coast scalding bis legs and arm. reference is made: W] tuoCoat. . Wherever there m- eàmegthr Many, people are almost crippledj In Josepb Laughlin's pccm underi k sbould be ZUTOO Tabtb-tha, relieve wih corns. But it is neediess suffer- the heading Electric Lighta, theref U. k se minutes. z$C&abo-.* affd,.aIer.n i'ngwlich can be speedily ended witli was a sad omission in the Manu- di, or r sý potpid ILN.»ýýu& Illoway's Corn Remover. script of the following lines:- C116 Ro., caüSok.QU&i'e 60 acre fariof Mrs. Nicholas p --Newtonville C. N. R. Sttdn ssing thein by aigfht on your way, tic been purcbased by Mr. Hale cf Tor- l and Young sn àpas np otformerly frma fthe Diy yu as FORCING AHEAD departinent cf the Laidlaw Estate completed the electric liglitase YokCounty. tboroughly, lie deserves moreth Moreandmor co-lier r. Crl ennnt iasmevd fthan passive praise, Mor an nwe od-ive M. Crl ernnthasmovd ront They'l stand as mementoes of re- I il is forgn ahead as a the Colacutt fana at Tyrone te 15 inembrance se long as there's C irtcogýg builer o recent purchase cf the A. J. Stap- nights and days. Co: * ~oteto su O les farin Lot 35, Con. 8, Clarke. tiî heit. ormoethn ify intoteJong and family have movcd No person ever suggested tei me Yeff tothe ohnLuxton farm ,Darling- uines. Joseph Lauchlin, Bowmanvile, in ton, soutb cf Stephens' lumber mills the omission of the aboive naine or is SA deputation frein New'tenville Sentinel on thbe Otitside Guard. W] LIIUIIUI leaded by IRev. Thos. Wallace and February lst., 1888. ScWJ sIIUlio Mr. Geo. Payne waited on the Coun- One oniy for eeyhue n * 1 cil at its session Monday, soliciting _________crf of invigorating cod-liver official support in their efforts te t oit, pleasajit to take, has determine the ownersbip cf the "GO TO SUNDAY 5CHOOL DAY" in been protectinq and belp- cemetery grounds at that village. It ____ ing people of a1 per le staata ee The Ontario Religious Education lic. freahead i heal tery this property was a portion cf Council lias macle arrangements for 1 frethe Dickey estafe but baus cbanged the observance of '«Go te Sunday MU and strengh Take ownership more than oace. Tbey ai- Scliocl Day" on Suinday, May 9, and thi Scott'$ Ernlion! 1j~ se demand a provincial audit cf the notices are heing sent forward te aill y sStt & Bowie. romo nt. cemetery books. The Council veçy Sunday Schools throughout the pro- te ,J properly promised support. vince. During the preceeding week m An excellent protection against attention is te be drawn te the re- t --wormis can be got la Miller's Worm ligicus welfare cf ittle chidrein bY an( Powders. They render the stomnacli the observance of Chi]dren's Week. the and intestines untenable te theai. The Sundtay Schools cf Bowmaaviiie bel They heal the surfaces that have be- and adjoining townip are con- parsits nd erv t restore téle Educatiorn Council and they are be- tha strengtb cf the child that lias been, ing notified cf bt pca ca E AGE undermined by the drauglits that the sions. Sunday, May 9, it may bie not- Mrs. Wilion's Experience a heir operation is altogether health-j special Sunday Scbool programs, are to Guide to Women Passing ____ through the Change cf Life KEDRON McCoy's Codl Liver apt] Hamilton, Ontario. -"I have taken Mrs. end Mrs. A. D. Van Dyke tatTalt in o da several botties cf Lydia E. Pinkham's EtatTbesFn o a * . egetable CernM- were guests cf Mr. and Mrs. Wm. net speak toc Miss Aniber Sonley, R. N., Osh- a bighly cf it as I awa, was the guest cf Miss Dcrot LveThniReaue hs waset the Change McCregor, R. N., on Thursday hilAre Sgr oteRedaaEs o cf Life and was J. McGregor's. AeSgrCae .da ay e __ ail rufl-dcwn and Mr. Bruce McGregor returned t aea ad.c had nfo appetite. home froin the Oshawa General Hos- î' b was very weak I' your duty, Mother to see thatde snd sick, and the pital on Tuesday end is convelesclig, the frail, peaked, sickly ycugtr ii pains la my back at bis home bere. grows up te be strcng in bod Y, keen were se bad 1 Mr. and Mrs. A. R. Scotti and littie in mind and robust inla ealtli. ad celhrdynve. son Lee, Bowrnanviiie, ani Mr. and Extracted fromi the livers cf tepr I got very sad at ty'. F.W ~. ep otor. aTrn. . . . .t epr times and ttiought I had not a friend on earth. 1 did net care if I lived or died. I was very ner-vous, toc and did net go eut very mucli. A Ïriend advised me to try abottlecof Lydi aE. Pinkhar's VeeableCompound, se 1 did. I am a farmer's wife, and ai- ways werked bard untul lately, and was in bed for two menths. 1 btegan te feel like a new woman af ter the first bottie and 1 reccmrnend it with great success, alsc Lydia E. Pink- ham's Liver Pilla. I arn willing te answer letters from wwcmen asking about your medicines, as 1 cannet sfeak toc highiy cf them."-Mrs. MAWLON, 471 Wilson Street, Hamilton, Otarie. Sold by driggista everywbere. C Rober si for COUGHS, COUDS *and BRONCHOTNS Cooks Regulating Compound ____________ A sale. rliaNs ealin miedicine. Sold in 1he de-t y, ep.iX on reaeipt cf prias. ras parinphlet. Addreea: THE COOK MEDICINECO., TOIDNTO.ONT. FormeryWinawb %A PMýOSPMODINE.. Th ,Greatf nglish Preparatinit Sranci andidnvigoratel teINa l WiJ nrvous sysîem. maktes neauBlood in olad Veiri. Used fer Nrvouss fleilîy.MenalandBrie Wrey, Despondenci, Lau of Energr, Palptation of the Henri, Faingem"r. price $2 per box. 3 p for $5.9 SoId by al1druggis, er mai lad in pisin p&g.on acip Of prie. Note, pauphà* osued TM~.' long mo.cum o-enouim.T There ta a candor that lan't nice and our good Aunt specifles it this week. One naturaliy wornders how Aunt succeeds in hitting on se msny subjects for ber weekly articles that are cf witie iaterc t ti lier many readers. Ministers tell us of their diffieulties lu cboesing topics for tiheir sermons. Aunt must exper-1 ience similar trouble'in selectiag the tihemes for bier weelcly taîka. We fancy tihere arc very few cf us wlio have not at sone finie or other cx- perienceti juat what Atunt saya about being mucli annoyeti at pertsons wbc have thoughtlessly or jokingly expose our - fauits, and idiosyn- crasies te trangers. It la nta picasant feeling te any oeethohave their weaknesses paraded iml a publici Way. Reati Aunt's commenta as expresedto telier nmcc: My Dear Niece:-We do net like people who make us uncomfôx'table. I'hcre arc many different ways la whiclh one can cause embarrassient ad chagrin andthe Uicwse person ai avoid any tura la a conversation, or any suggestion, hint, action or cx- pression that wculti embarrass bis neighbo>r. Not -only is tibia an especiaily gooti >elicy for tihe business man, but It as aise a wisc pçilicy fer everycac. We ail know thuat popularity pays in the long rua, andi sooner or later te persan wiho is generally liked gets tic beat of things. A very comnion thing wiicli nakes as feel uncoinfertable la te kçnow bat anotbcr's cyes can sec wjiat ycu ne trying te bide-lt aiay be nothing Jetrimental te our character or mar- il$. Just a sail fault, habit, or some title tihing that belonga peculiarly io euraelves-it tices net matter what it la-if we do not want it nown netihing can he se intensely rinoying as te find that someone bas iscovcred it Then, tee, we do not like tiloae arsona wibo are se candid and eut- poken tilat they tiell us wbat ought oilbe tonç te aur lieuse, our ewn >rson or' our ebildren. To bie tee, outspoken is te create Ùisunderstandings anti will soon kili .ce best cf friendship. Anether wiay to make us un- 'nafortabie la for saie ne elcsc te orreict our M'atements, prenunexa- ins or graninar before otibers. It 'may lie considccd a favor but ia crowd it de bumiliatlng, and it Sa1wAys difficult ta forgive tihose ro buiniliate us. Sc, toc, la it decidediy embarrais- ig te have cur faults or itiioýsyn- rasies jokingly laid banc befere -angers; te bave repeateti errera iapeecil or seme tittle-tattle gos- pwe neyer nicant ta make pub- If we wish ourselves liketi we mst strive te make the best cf iiga, anti people; te lie particular- careful bow wc uncover sares anti ereimber that pinpricks are fan me irritating than a big open ab. Anti that ccurtesy, kintiness .d tact arc our best masters; if ay rule, it will cause us ta bositate fore we spcak. It is cften the way la whiclh things -seit more than the actuai wortis, aît but4ta or pîcases. A quick apology or a amile "il ften nian>' an uncoinfortable posri-1 )n. Your Loving Aunt Susan.1 -i ACROSS CANADA AND BACK MIarvelous beyond conception in- tly describes the gleries cf Can- a's Rockies. Te be fully appreciat- they must be seen. To start out a trip by cne's self loto this un- miliar but far-famed paradise-on- rth, te many appears quite a task. alizing this, Dean Sincleair Laird, Macdonald College, an experienc- Recky Mountains Traveller, for 3third year in succession, has un- rtaken te conduct a party tbrough sglorieus wonderiand. Aspecial train of dinlng. stand- 1sleeping, and observation cern- ýY11 . - y.1,e mroeuto ioono owly coenisn are thle feaith, weigbt te leave Toronto-on-July l9th via on Tuesday last week. and strengtb produJing vitamines thé Canadian Pacifie Railway. Stops Mi-sses Helen and Jean Middletoni that are found in McCoy's Cod Liver wiil be made at Port Arthur and of Belleville, were guestis cf Mij5s. Extrset Tablets, which are gold by Fort William, whicb together forai Hazel Van Dyke for a few day3 pharmacic-ts ail over North and Canada's greatesti grain port; Wfnni- during the Easter holidays. 1 Southl America. peg Beach, the popular summe rne- Congratulations te Claribel Wrav Doctors know about thlern and so sert fer Winnipegers; Winnipeg, nnd Ruth Cole, R. Nesbîtt, Kennethi do ail druggists and if your chiidrcn Canada's third largesti city; Indian Ileddon, Lorraine Love andi Lucv need building up ask for these tab- Head, the chief trce distriouting Nortlicott and Cordon Davis andi lets today if you want to give your centre of the Federal Forestry Doris Annis w~ho were succe.-sful in loved cnes a goed appetite and put Brandi; Regina, the capital of Sas- obtaining 50 per cent and over on pounilsof good bealthy fiesh on katcbewan; Calgary, Alberta's their Easter exams at OsbawaHg their b ones. But be sure and get largesti ity; Banff, the world-fam- School. Mecoy'S. eus meuntain rcscrt; by automobile ITbey are not expensiv-60 tab- for 104 miles over thc Banif-Wind-- Kedron Ladies' Ald regular mon-1 lets-6 O cents and if you are net ermere Higbway, tlie moat spectacu- thiy meetatig was hled at home cf pleaseci with tihe improvement after lar drive in Canada; tbrough Koot- Mrs. Sidney Jewell o Wednesday 30 days-your money back. enay Lake te Nelson, tic commer- afternoon, Apnil 7th. The nficers A very siekly ehuld, age 9, gained cial centre cf Southera British Col-1 elected 'for the ensuiog year ar:- 12 pounds in seven months and la umbia; then through the Doukhobor President-Mrs. A. D. Van Dyke; strong andi healthy. country te Penticton; aiong lovely Vice President-Mrs. J. H. Pascoe; Onesin oa and 9Oaaa ae n eVnovr Secrtar-Mrs W.L. ounio pounds in 24 days. thence by steamer te Vitoria. TrAs. ee'-Mrs. . vs nco<)er Returnîng, the trip will be by FnTrensurer-Mrs. ..Dais; Fcive the main line cf the Canadian Paci- Fsisndt-rcsrE.-Mrtj. oki;I vo-1 fie, througb the great canyons cf the grain Ccmmittee-Mrs. H. T. Col, Q ik Relief 11o rsr'nahmsn ies n Mri. R. J. Luke and Mra. . r1 througb the Selkirks andi Rcckies, Wry oi omte- rs. r. affording scenery sucli as can be W.crry;anTMp.iFConiuee-rnan; . R h tm a ifound aowherc cisc on eartli; Lake W. Le antMrs. . Crok; ssnan; O Louise, the Pearl of the Rockics, the C. F. Wcrry. mstperetgemo cee inthe Astlun Ovrcone 'Pie riuph Local Druggsts Seil Rhouina on world; another day et Banff, Ed- ovrAsthm bas assurcdIy e Dr. * Money-Bacic'.Piau menton, tic Capital cf Alberta; Sas- Jvratm.hsasrdcm.D. katoon, tic city cf optimisai; Devils JD. Kelogg's Ast1hma Remedy bas If you sufer from torturing rbeu- Gap Camp, on the Lake cftih. proveti the mest I stive blessing the matie pains, swolien, twisted Woods, near Kenora, thence te Fort victiai cf astlimatic attacks bas even joints, and sufer inteaacly because William, where crne cf the fine Can- known. Letters receiveti freai thous- your systein is full of that adian Pacifie Steamers will be uscd aintis who have tried it forai a tes- dangerous poison that makes tieus- acrs Lakes Superior and Huron timeoniai wbicb leaves ne roora forands helpîcas and kilîs tiliusands to Port MeNicîll, then rail to Tor- doulit tiat here is a real remedy. Ge t years before thein tirne, thea you ente, whene the trip will terminate. it today freai your dealer. nced Ricuma ,and neeti it 110w. Everything la inicludcd in the Start taking it today. Rbcuma sets pnice #4 $330.00, frein Toronto; HEAR SCO-rr NEARING at once on kidneye, liver. stomach transportation, sleeping cars, ac- and blooti, anti you can sincerely cx- commodation in lietels, and bunga- la an address recently givex by claim: "Goot idntdance ta bad rub- low can)ps, neais in diners, hotels Scotit Nearlng before some 60 wom- bisi". anti on steamers, and sight-seccng en at th. home cf Mrs. J. L. Hughes, Many people. tic most skepticaî tours at peints vislted. 47 Dundonald Street, Torontc, it of skeptica ight in this city aud in The trip la open te all, and appli- was s-id that the women cf Russia the country hereabouts, bîcas thc cations for accommodation, are be- ncw cnjoy a greater social, ecee- day wbcn Jury & Loveli andi other tng reccl'ved. emicai and legal freedora tien the druggista effered Rieuma te the Pares froin othez pointa than Ton- woncn of Amenita. He saiti that afllicted et a omaîl prie@ and onto will be namcd, and dederiptive a well eqnippcd nursery wga a part guaranteed moue>' refundcd if mot illlustrated bookiet sont on applica- Of eveuy large faietor>' snd great satlsfied If yeu have rieumatlam tien te Dean Sinclair laird, Macdon- cars in taken with ohildren. get a bottle of Ehea soda>'. -igaid Collego Phmt Office, Que. 18-6 AUNT DISLIKES CANDOR Sores Heal Quic-kly. -Have you a persistent acre that refuses te heal? Then, try Dr. Tiefnas' Eciectie Oul ing, carry away ic pnoud flest, draw -Her>' Van Dyke. out thbe pusa nd prepare a dlean way for the new akin. It la a reteog- nized beeler among euls anti nuunbcrs New Dresa matenlals cf wontirous of people can certif>' that it healeti beaut>' await your inspeiction at wbcre properly applieti. Coucli, Jolinston & Crydcmn's. A safe and sure medicine for .« chlld troubed wth worins la MotIel Graves' Worm Exterininater. WORLD'S POULTRY CONGRESS The. selection of Canada as the country ln which the third World's Poultry Congreas will b. hold is a marked tribute te the prominence whieh this Dominion is attaining among thbe mations of tie w.lorld. Only two previeus Ceagresses bave been held; on. at Thle Hague, and one at Barcelona, Spain. The showing of Canadian poultry et t(he Barceinna Congres. was se outstamding that thc invitation extended by the Cana- dian Governinent to liold the next Congress in Canada was ac*2epted, notwithstanding keen competition for the honor by other ceuntries. The Congress will be Ibeld at Ottawa, July 27th te August 4, 1927. Full information may be obtained from the Minioter cf Agriculture la cach Province. Every Muscle Restingr -wevenly Qfld8ently supported The Marshall Mattress has revolutionized sleeping cornfort. It is a mattress scientifically bulit to give real body support for every weary muscle of the sleeper. Only when every muscle of the body is completely relaxed can true health- fuI sleep bc enjoyed. Ordinary stuffed mattresses give support only to parts of the body-the shoulders, hips and legs; the Marshall Spring Mattress, built with mnany hundreds of individual highly resil ient spring(units gently and evenly supports the natural contour of the body. Every muscle of -the body being comfort- able and properly supported means true muscular relaxation and real health-building sleep. GUAR4NTIE FOR FIVE VEARS Send for our fres booklet, -Perfect Slaep"- 180 1 PNY WORK Lort me but d o n=y work from day te day, lIn field or fornt, at the. deuic or boni Inroaning market..plaiee or tranquil room; Let me but find it lan my hcart te Sa>" Whcn vagrant wishes bechon me as- tray, TIlis is my work; my blessing, not =iy doom; 0f ail who live, I an the one by whom This wcrk can beat b. donc la tic right way Then shall I ose itinot toc. great, nor sinali To suit iny spirit and te, proveoaiy powers; That shall I cheerful greet thc labor- ing lheurs, Anti cheerful turn when the long shadows fail At e'venltie, te play anti love anti reet, Bocause I know for nie my work la 10 F. F. MORRIS CO.. -Phcne 10 Bowmanville SaTRAD 5'sMARK0 SIrirÇaffresis $ Ie 'l , '% , PAGE m

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