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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 29 Apr 1926, p. 7

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THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVILotE, THURSDAY, APRIL 29th., 1926. When Exp o3ed to Air v for that reason in neyer &old inm bulit. Your grocer selle this delicious blend. Try SALADA. NOW IS THE TIME Frour houseneeds painting dom't put It ut it off the more It will coot te repair and paint it. And it pays to use good paint. "s your panter if It doeWn't Never boy paint en what à costa pergal. Buy it on the hasis of "sraecoveed" per gallon. ThaVs the Most economical in the en&. Endurnce PaWn prgalion, but à IS.cveas a kti ýgnthan a c 'eap, inf erior gae otpaint. GEORGE PRITCHARD, Painter and Decoutor, Bowm..nyilIe SALMON ,k,, .Ti 2 J 1AOdCit7 RA8PBERRY b5 og6 £AVAPure STRAWEERRY 6»c noir. se PEAS Q~2 INS 29c CORN CHOrry -2 ma23e- PINEAPPLEC SH» ..19c TEA ICHMELLO 79%,, SELECT 73¶1. D.S.L. C BUU LD b LUX F.25 BRAN 2Pus25c RAYMOND' S PICKLES3S STUART'S 3 M. Jar Marmalade 35c BACON malfield &Mad Miachie Siced 391cba Libby's SAUERKRAUT 2Tm 25ci DUMOULIN Fry,& Breakfast MAPLE SYRUP CO0CQ0A PRUNES No. 10 _ P ae11 iTIN J.9 T "i 3 Sizue c. Thc.aln.f u fetfor -.eweek from date of tii, paper ¶22-C IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII Seeding Time Will Soon Be Here We have a supply of Government Inspected Seeds of the following varieties: Ontario Grown Alfalfa-Alsike-Red Clover Tirnothy-and White and Yellow Blossorn Sweet Clover. If you want Reliable Seeds at Reasonable Prices i-al early and see our goods and prices., We have also a fulli une of building material and shall be pleased to have your inquiries and quote prices. We give special attention to Hardwood Flooring. Cali and see us. Anthracite Coal We now have a lirnited supply of excellent quality of hard coal on hand. Ail orders will receive prompt attention. McclelIan & Co., Limited King St Euat Bowsiiamllle Onfce Mhoos15 Houa. Phono. 228, 274, 218W LETTER FROM CHINA One could paint a very dark picture indeed cf .Ciin.a just nos- and flot bl To the Young PeopI. of The Bow. aside frein the truth.1 Manville Distrïct, Ontario, Canada.. But ta tel the dark side is not the wbole trutb. Rli truc that ai Chengtu, West China, gra oritical transformation is tak- Febuar St. 926 fing place but there is also a more Dfear Frends:-Since writing to signiicant revolution going on in you last we have moved from our old the educational worid and in the in- station and work in Chungking to a dustrial world aise. It is truc that new sphere of labor in this city of roads and good streets are not be-, Cbengtu. Thc annual meeting of ing built as fast as we would like our Council one ycar ago stationed to sec theni but as start bas been us ini this cîty to take over the work iade and new roads -are in course of the College Cburch and to teacli of oonstruction. Motor cars can in the Faculty of Religion in the now be seen on -the streets of this University. We expected to move city and going out inta the country here riglit after the summer but ow- for fifty miles. We are told that ing to tlie anti-foreign riots in there will soon lbe a motor road Chungking in July, we were unable connecting this city witli Chungking to come until October. Our two a distance of over tbree hundrcd oldest girls went houle ta Canada miles. Such ronds across the pro- in October and are now studying vince will so improve conuaunica- in Aima College, St. Thiomas, we hadj tions dia-t we 'will soon feel that we not expected they wouLd eae us are truly in a New China. It will until this spring but wlien the trouble bie suîch achange froin the old anti-1 came we decided tiiat it wouid lie quatced method of riding by chair4 better for them to go for fear that1 that people will wondcr how theye there might be more trouble which endured the other so long. Andi wouid make it diffilcult tio travel. chair-niding bas becoime the most1 Our new work is in connection exipensive «ineVhsod of travel extantj with our Educationai centre here anywbere. Per distance travelled1 in thei capital of the province. I à lis abnost three tintes as expensivei had been working for eightecn years as travelling by rlifroad at home,1 in the regular work of the evangelis-1 and it takes at least ten days to1 tic missionar-y and lad nover traverse what a train would coverl tliouglit of taking over a new kind in ton bours, so it la no woudcr thst 1- of work but ait at Council it was we long foi, the itime when there wili decidcd that another man shouid be be ronds suitable for motor traffic. sent here and the lot feil on us. As And thon the changes that are tak- i you know we have wiork carried on Iiig place in the world( by missionaries in tenl different sta- are even more signifloant than thoseT tions in titis province, in csth of in the industrial sphere. The wbule i, which we have Medical, Educationlal isbeing conipletely transformed and1 and Pastoral work and besides this educational systein of the country we have the University located in wil be snodellcd after thte most re- t this city wberc the men of higher cent systemin ivIoei western1 grade are prcparcd for their vork. fands. One would judge tibat the 1 Wlien missionary work first began Educationilal Board in the National 1 here we did not need sucli highiy I Governtnent is the liot board there ' traincd men or perhaps it would be is iere and while Qtlier departments r better to say we could nat get tlem are confused and cbaotic it ils stead- s and we wcre forccd to use what we lly makcing progress and doiiig muchc could get but as the work progress- for the. uplilt ot the country. At v cd and the people became more ini- present there is strong agitation go- g formed as ta the message andi work meL on in sonne cimes against Mis-v of the dliurth it was found necessary son scitools on thle ground tInt tbcy ta give our men a more thor-augli exist maihly ta teach religion and1 training. Besides tuis if the Chines. wbile education ls the funittion of t are ta be trained to, talce over tlic the state, schools shouid noît le used ii work from the missionaries land car- liopropagate 'religion or if tley do il ry it on themnselves they will nced t1ley cannot b.e recognized by the iIl to be more versed in the ideas and governmeiit and so cinnot lhe popu- il methods of our work. And our iarazed. The governinent bas agreed C purpose is to make the churdl in ail to register our achools 80 that our r its deparbaments indigenous as sooj1 atudenta will be able te receive their si as possible. Accordingly we have be- diplomas as well as these « thde C gun liere a uni'versity wiicî teadhles j Mission, provided tba.t religion ila not ci in al the faculties and we have tc- satade compulisory. They wruid Li day Vs-o hundred students stdying preb.Jably admit that se migtit hold -n in, Medicine, Religion, Educationý servfim and -Bible elgases outside of TE Scienice, Arts and Dcntistry. The scIail houas but attesudance uj>n la significance of this institution for thevash sould not le obligatory. Thu.s W Wééat we are trying to do is bard far not many of ou.r scihools have to estimuate for fromn these halls arc been registered and we are going a] going eadi Ycar the men tInt u along slo'wly until we decide what T lie te leaders in ail departiments of is the hast dring tei do in te mat- si the churclis work. If te men s-hem ter. Aifter all no onc cen ha coni- C s-e send forth froni here are imbued pdlled ta hae a Clïristigan and if our b wivb tale riglit spiri'and are enthus- mnesae does not appeal 'lb the a cd ta go f ortih inithte naine of the people se ithat they wil coune and IN Master ta iead titis people to alisten and loin our cliurch of their s clearer knowle<Ige of God and ta i esn face wall, any tbing tahat s-c may ý, Point te -ay to Chiristian service do along the lune of compelling the T it wlg a lwag way tos-ards niak- students s-ho caine to e ~rseboos taO e meg our work realiy native ta theI listen ta s-bat we lu t te ay or ' oountry. The demand bere as any- to attend our services may raisle S wherc on the part of thue cihurc-li1, opp~osition in tueir mid, ratIer than l'or intelligent and trained leader- wl-n many te the church. . Our seeking ta do is ta supply that de-, to a new stage and s-e wiil before mand. And sIc is suc*eeding ta a lon have ta follow metliods s-hich certain dcgrce for cacit year secs ibave been unknown in thc past but a dozen or more trained men galinglwhidb will lie mucli more effective forth froni the Uiest besidelthafl those -hi-chs-etc used in the ' those s-ho have Usu a iversity 'initial stages. For instance, the P or Normal &cisool -training. 0f CineeCrsin odwreswl course, it takes a lot of men and have Vo take more rcsponalbility and moncy Vo keep an institution li-ke we wïll have ta act as thoughth this one going but it is cn'irely es-1-work s-as theirs and s-e were mcrcly sential and it is making itself felt assistants rather than as though Vie B upon aur work in West China evîn wa.rk were ours and they the ieip- 0 nos- and its pow-er will increase withl ers. In somne parts of China the, ' tic passing ycars. We lave voung Chrisian body has declarcd iitself in- 's min from the provinces of Yunnan dependent of thc Mission whi l and Kwei Chow here besides those brouglat it into being, ýail of s-hi-h S tram aur os-n province go its effects seoins to ha a move in thc right G arc very far-rechîng. Of the mca direction, 1bi s-ho arc here nos- about thirty are Altb.ough thle couantry is upset God's studydng for the ministry, about an la wos-king just, as truly a3 ever He la equai number in medicine and tices-as and probably there are more rcst tarc dîstributed amang Uic vatr- ninds thiaking about Chràtianity iotus other faculties. Tt le great than there s-ouid hae if thc country ti satisfaction to sec these men geing were cntirely peaceful. The Kingdo nÇ out, at heast partially equipped, to of God is coming in China and coin-b enter the work whilch we have tem ing more rapid-ly today titan everl 1 pararily undertaken. Wc have bard- befare. i iy become properly installed in aur With kind regards ta you aIl, nics work but s-e can sec the sig- Yussnîcy iuflance of it for the bringing inY-usinely h cof thc Kingdom of God in this land. Geo. W. Sisarlinga Sometimes wc wonder what is go-7 reng ober tiaftCia and whh e I eng be to ham oaChnand hen as 1 To-morrow laughed and turned1 survived for four or five thousand away; "l've clangcd my name-l'zn ycars will probably s-cather the Ycstcrdqay." f storins of revolution which are rag-1 New Dress materials cf s-ondrous E ing at the present time wthin berl beauty as-ait your inspection ait bordiers. Politically, this land is1 Coucli, Jolinstan & Cryderman's.- ia truly chaotic condition, without s-hile thecoc'untry ap-psrcntly gets no fartier along in settling lier I troubles and thie people are opress- 91 edth xaio ooflng is £ 1.STEIN ,m thcd s- e taxTn awayofblyongwhaVal eteadily rising until titi ran-k and whitby Ornt. w 'Ale et people are fanding life a 01 burden and casa hardly malte a liv. ni Ing for Vhe farnlies». ne iiitnry di generals 4elze practically al efthie al money and the. poor lave to sufer. m1el DURHAM COUNTY BOYS PremotLin of Col. Levi E. Taylor of Hampton to Field Secmqtary for Ontaxio. Few readers of The Globe who saw the portrait of Col. Levi E. Taylor on first page -of last Thurs- day's City News Section, we fancy, would know that he is an 01d Hamp- ton Boy, a native of the Homeland of Durham. We liad read in The War Cry for two or three weeks of his appointinent to be Field Secre- tary for Canada East Territory and that he was to be installed on Thursday, April 22 at the Army Temple by Commissioner Swtn. but nut tili a letter came from lits old achookmate, Mr. C. W. Johns,I 640 Iuipton St., Winnipeg, Man., did we lanow that it was our Darlington Col. Levi E. Taylor. Mr. Johins sent us this paragraph fron the Winnipeg Free Press: Pre- ceded bry a Parade in which, 600 per- sa- Partieipated, a fareweli meeting in bonor of Col. L E. Taylor, the Field Secretary of the Saivation ArmY for Western Canada, who is ieamving for ta new, post in Toronto, was held Wednesday ini the Rupert Street citadel. Conunissioner Chiarles ýT. Ricli presided, aWested by Coi. Gideon Miller, the new chef secre- tary of the army hiere. fie citadel was filled to capaecity. Col. L. E. Taybor will leave the dty tonight at 5.40 o'cloc, fro'm the Can-adian Pacifie depot, and a large number of officers and soldiers wii be at -the station ta bid hMm good- bye. Mi. Johns says in bis letter to us tbat Col. Taylor has continued bis friend. Tliey went to Public achool as boys and have always been close !rieinds, and aitho 0o1. Taylor lias ai.. aYs been very busy ont there lie neyer failed to visit him in his long sicineas. Be aays, too, 1 know our old friend 9taff4kpt. Màrk Ayre s-ho reads I11» Stat«mmianw'ill be glad ta ltnow that Levi Taylor is &0 s-eU iiked ont here. Friday's Globe gaffe this report of roronto's welcome und the installa- tion: Te Amy Temple proved fladequate lâst evening to accoso- modate the bost of Salvationists, re- Presenting everY corps in the city, n the welcome they extended qo Col. Levi Taylor, the new fNIeid Sec- retnary for Canada EIast. Commis- sioner Sowton conducted the service. Col. Noble presented speech of wei- ome on behalf of Toronto Territor- Wi Headqnrtoe and Lieut.-Ool. Jeu- nings, Property Seoretary, gave re- minnecences Of service in Newfound- lad when lie had worked together irith Col. Taylor. Col. Henry, Secretary in Chief, also addressed the audience. Col. Taylor, who bas tor seven yeers serv'ed as Field Socreta-ry of the Canada Weet Territory, and wliose bht'hplace was wmanville, re- ponded witli an earnest address. Nis Cora Taylor, hie daughter, also spoke briefiy. Touching reference was made to the pasauîg of l. Taylor, whose deatli occurred on te eve of Col. Taylor's deqMrture froml Winnipeg. The Garrison Band andi Songsters provided musical program. NEWCASTLE BOY PREACHED IN WESTMINSTER ABBEY Many of aur rendors s-ill bc in- terested la the fallowing cable des- patich whicIs-as featured wsitli pict- ire of Bisliop Brent on front, page of Toronto Globe in its issu e of 'riday, April 22nd: "London, Aprii 21-D)r. Chlales H Brent, s-ho s-as bon in Nes-castle, Ont., and s-ho now s- l1Bishop of W'estern New- York, preched thei sarton in Westminster Albbey today t tIe 225t1 annual service of the Socieity for tie Propagation of thc Gospel in Foreign Parts. Thie Arch- bishop of Can-terbury conducted thc service, which s-us attended by a mrge number of clergy andi other workers of thc sosciety. Speaking of the cerly work of lhe seciety, Blaîop Brent said bel m-as in their midet as a grateful bcneficiary. Be rccallcd tabat in 1702 tIc socety VIciancnwly fornîct, cent a tiny landful of missionaries from Englsnd to minister ta tIc Affneriran settiers, s-hase encestars had, as a mile, lcft FIngland te get Ls-ay from tIe Churcli of Flngland. Te resuit of thc labors of those nissionarlîs and th-ose s-ho folios- ed theni s-as that tIen s-as today an thc United States a Churci in full communion s-ith tIeC Olurch of' Engl-and, with 1,193,321 communi- cants, 6,140 priest-s andi 151 Bis-J Be saidtiIs witlout boastfulness, for tley s-cri anc of the lisser huroites in tIe United States, whIre there s-ere 46,000,000 profers- ing Christians in a population of 110,000,000. In addition ta the variaus parishes wihidli wereactuaiiy foundcd in tihe United States by the society, there abode that intangible infuence s-hiclî formed thc per- .uanent background of thle Churcl in le United States. HOW OLD ARE YOU? Age las a quality of mind. If you lave left your drîam-Q behînd If itope la cold, If you no langer look aiead, If your ambitions' are de-d- TIen you are aid. But if from life you take tic beft, And if un lite you keep the jea3t; If love you hld, Na niatter las- tIc years go hy, No natter las- tIe birthdays fis-- You arc not oId. ThecILiast A.sthnua Attack nuay really be tic last anc if prompt mcasures arc taken. Dr. J. D. Kil- lgg's Asthma Reauedy s-iil safe- guard you. It wiil penetrate ta thc amalicat branchial pasage and bring about a lieaitîy condition. IV aI- wtays relieves and its con-inued use ofiVen las a permanent ffcct. Why .ot get tliis long-fasnoue remedy to- day andi commente its use? Inanled as smoke or vapor it is equally if ectve. PAGE SmvU Dolars-jRM lu ajou HUNDRFDS of thetom-eacl aUw.uak s that you use ptage atanrp and lea bow to finti thota. Probably for months or y-aura your old msparator ba@ beau wasting away eacb week pounda of rich butter fat from y-aur bord that a Meotte would bave savuti lad y-ou learnet about it aoorder. That'a the reasan ik in se urgent that y-ou mail tisa coupon now. Tboqasanda of Canadiau farmar will tell y-ou tbese facta are triai. TIbey newer realizeti k until tbey Us"t a Meotte Seperator andi dimouverati the amount of cream thoir olti - eparator akippeti over. Ilmin aonly one original Mulotte Separator. It a mari n Belium andi h«a peciai mechanical fea- turea no othor aiparator ha». A auapendeti bowl always in balmu aquare cut goura that lasta lfetim. ha a frictionlea. ea" turning mparator that farmes. aay nover wears out andi givea You week af tir week extra poundu of butter fat froin your lordi. No thrifty fermer casa afFord te Ou'erlaok smcl a saving. Don't delay a uecodd longer. With aVery caR of sim m nilk you give Io the calvea you feiti terndollars ofasuch cres beaidea. Pick up your pen this very mmute anti mail un e iat- tacbeti coupon. Remember you do it wlthout obllgatang your- self in eay way. f The Business F, of Agriulture AFNGis lamore tVian a oSupa- talon; it in a higlaly coenmeitiallzcd business which requàmre oereful pa- ning and thouglitaul ezecution. Bountiful poatton h a nemry. but muel wustied union the BANING business cf dLopoaing of the yesr's outaput le properly mainaged. Ina con- P8F[Y ductinc tahe business cfthie tarin thc Stanckrdl Banik can play a promi- niat and useful pait. Cdnsul th ie YIAE manager and bami ho-w trueceo-op- BOWMANVILLE BRANCH-H. W. Lapp, Mawar Branches also et Newcastle, NewtonvilII, Orona, O.Imaw& Monarch Green Stripe at $1. Made of pure silk, for the sheen and smoothness wo- men love -reinforced with fibre silk, for long serince. Every new~est color. And "6runs", that start neyer show -the Green Stripe, or the second "stop run" a few inches below, stops thean. Double safety. MONARCH HOSIE.Tr }iead O=fCe DunnlLIIe, Ont. .11

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