PAGE TEEBE THE CA!%ADIAN STATESMAN. BOWMANVILLE, THURSDAY, MAY 13th., 1926 '4 I s WE TRAVEL North, South, East and West and stili find JACOBS BREAD THE BEST TRY NEILSON'S ICE CREAM on sale here Ail Kinda of Cakes and Pastry on Sale We Handle Nothing But Pure Food The Bowmanville Bakery The Big Variety Balcery. C. W. Jacobs, Proprietor Succesora ta Chistie's Bakery Bowmanvxlle A NNOUNCE, THE ECONOMY SAL, beg to inform the public of Bowmanville ai opening of store, f ormerly occupiq MR. JAS. BENNETT'S HARDWARE STOR where they wiIl carry a f ull une of merche LADIES' AND GENTS' READY-TO-WEAR, WARES, MILLINERY, ETC. We are known for Iow prices and they are gei everything in the store. So corne early and, you buy, the. more you save SALE STARTS Saturday, Mi 1926, at 9 a. m. BARGAINS BARGAINS That f airly make one gasp. Don't ta] but corne and investigate. You are flot obl- you have made it positive in your own mindt have neyer heard of such ridiculously low offers you. DON'T WASTE TIME WONDERING- And make every one of your dollars bu That's what we are demonstrating to you at t mention a partial list of the great values w( have hundreds of similar Bargains. LADIES' WEAR 20 dozen Ladies' Silk hiose (Seconds), included, at less than cotton hose. We are go the special price of 20c a pair. .:....Ladies' Pullovers and Sweaters, ail purei sigins, just the thing for present wear or cool worth up to $3.50 each. We grouped them 98c Each. Don't miss seeing them. 40 dozen Ladies' Summer Vests, a camplete line of offering from 15c for cotton up to 35c for silk and stipg price at that. Ladieis' House Dresses in Cha.rnbrays, etc., we]l ma different shades, regular $1.00 garment for 79c Each. A better line of Street Dresses in gingham, viaile, etc $5.00, ail grouped at one prive for this sale at $1.98 Ea4 Ladies' Wool and Silk and Wool Jersey Dresses, in di Regular price from $5.00 to $7.50, your choice while they We have sonie sample Silk and Serge Dresses, except one different, nt less than half manufacturers' prîce. Y( see them. It's a good buy and a Geruine Bargain. MEN'S WEAR If you want some comfortable Summer Underwear,1 ordinary in Men's Sîik Combinatijns, finest quality silk legs, sold regular at $4.50 a gar'ment, our sale price $1.98 tity only, sa hurry. Men's Cotton Hose in black, grey and brown, good vi 10 dGz. Men's Balbriggan Underwear, exceptionally1 purchase ,while they last, shirts and drawers Special at BOYS' WEAR 20 Boys'Suits in Tweeds and Worsted materials, flice a suit, well woîth $6.00 ta $8.00 ini the regular way. Boys' Short Pants in Tweeds and Worsteds, nicely rrna Sniall Boys Ra Ra Caps, Navy Blue wîth ensign, reg Boys' Sweaters in grey only, Regular 75e ta clear ai Children's and Misses' Sumimer vests, good quality, string, ail sizes, Regular 25c, 30v, Sale Prive 15c Each Towels, extra heavy quality, in cifferent shade pair, a manufacturers' clearing and selling at 98c Pair. We also carry Men's Overalîs, Smocks, Work Shirts, toa numerous to mention here. We advise you ta give be pleased Vo show you goods and you can depend on coui is "Satisfaction" and we will prove ta you that in no equal these low prices. MILLINERY Beautiful range of Ladies' and Children's Hats an sale aith THE ECONOMY SA] (First Daor East of Dominion Stare King St. West SILVER WEDDING FIRE UNDERWRITERS' REPORT the purchase af a truck ta replace ________the Ford motor combination whic~h le The many friends and relatives of Inspection of Municipal Fire Pre. of taa low power far fire service. Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Siemon in this ycentive Appliances in Bowmanvilleé. The propased tuuck*will carry hose. distri>uNil bq interested in the playpipes and a ;chemical tank, and following article fuomn a Winnipeg As there is an agitation on at pues- ilb eqpedwtapu s ent ta spend several thousand dollars that protection may be given in parts lpaer: to, improve the equipaient of the la- of the town nat covered by' the The home of Mu. and Mis, W. A4. cal Fire Depertment we thought cîti- waterworks systeun, e.g., near the SeoIngersoll St., was the scefle zens would be interested in the fol lake front where there are a number l-rnn of summer cottages. The cld steam Ri of a mast enjoyable gathering on lowing report made by L. D. Walker, iengehabe dsre. April 9, on the Occasion of the silver Inspectar of Canadian Fire Under- fu niehsbe iere.Bre wedding anniversary of Mr. and Mrs writers Association. This informa- Brigade tectui Samnuel SlemOn. Dinner was served tion was compiled from an inspection The strength bas been reduced et al ta the immediate faanily at which made here -on Febuuary 11, 1926, by £romu 18 ta 17, aIl volunteers, rone Te time a presentation of a case ùf Mu. Walker. A sisnilau inspection sleeping in the fire hall at night. ~h silver was made to Mr. and Mis. Sle- was made August 8, 1921. The re- The chief lives about % mile £rom u e mon. port as presented to Town Council at the fire hall; he awns an automobile Later in the evening a group of its May meeting was as follows and and has a telephone in bis dwelling, friends, some of whom had attended will be considered at a special and about 7 other members of the the wedding 25 ýears before, was meeting: brigade have telepbones. The chief entertained. Durng the evening a Waterworlcs is paid $100 per annum, the assistant prograin of music and gaines was en- Source of supply a spuing about 8 chief $50 and the firemen $35. 5 joyed and Rev. L. H. Fisher offered miles fuom the town, whose rate of practices are said ta be held during congratulatory wishes, while Mrs. flow is 60% shart of requirements. the summer months. The work done Fishier on behaîf of the gathered Systein for domestic supplies is by the brigade at this inspection ~ friends, presented Mr. and. Mrs. gravîty from a sinali reseuvoir about showed a noticeable improveme nt. Slemion with a silver tea service. 2 miles from the town; for fire ser- The brig-ade appears ta be well ou- Follawing suitable re-sponse by Mu. vice pressure is given from an eîect- ganized. Sleanon, supper was seuved in the rically drivem pusnp, capavity slightly Alarm System dining-room, whIch was decorated less than a single system; the pamp, The flue alarm telegraph systein with mauve and silver. whicb is situated in the town, is sup- whivh consista of 5 irnterfering type Those present included :-Mr. and plied fuom reservoirs for fire purpos- street boxes in connectian w-Ith tap Mus. T. E. Argue, Mr. and Mus. H. es only, capacity about 4017, short. belîs in the dwellings of alI members Buswell, Mr. and Mis. H. H. Duke- Supply mains from spîing ta gravi- of the brigade with the exception of ]r law, Rer L. H. and Mis.. Fisher, tational reservoir and fuom ieservoir 2, is now under the supervision of 'Mu. and Mus. G. Gallimore, Mu. and ta the town in single line, of small the Manager cf the Bell Teleph-iie Mis A. B. Gardiner, Mu. and Mrs. diameter. Consumption of water Company who is paid an annual J. F. Heiringshaw, Mr. and Mrs. G. 10w. Distribution system composed ainount for keeping the system ini R Kerr, Mu. and Mus. W. Mahoney, Mr principally of 8-in. and 6-in., small operatian. Monthly inspeetions of ... and Mus. D. Malcolm, UT. and Mus. proportion of 4-mn.; systein fairly the system are said to be made. Gen- A J. Pybus, Mis. M. Langley, Mus. wvell aruanged in the central part eral alarma are sounded manually on M. Peterson, Mis. R. Phillipps, Mis. of the town, but in outlying sections a bell at the flue hall by the flust N. PoLson, Misses E. Langley and a number of dead ends. Hydrant member of the brigade ta ueach the L. Nix, Messrs. C. H. Nix and R. spacing fairly goad. Pressures are hall; the pull rope is always acces- Slemon. gcsod ,but an electrical interruption sible to, the public. Alarms niay would make it impassible ta operate also be telephoned ta the public ex- the flue pump and would leaive the change and are re-transmitted cver ____ __________________town dependeint an supplies by grav- the flue alarm telegrapb system by ity. Normal pressure by guavity is means of a street box autside the s fairly good, but the sinaJl main exchange. The operator at the tele- frein the reservoir ta the tawn iýs phone exehange also notifies -he quite inadequate to deliver combined Chief of the Fire Depatinent by ordi.naiy and flue requirements., and thea alarin may be M E N T Fire Departinent tasiae veu thefueisr tle fasrpkey. Location of alaunis haatn chem Ficls, blu addîtnalof flue îeceived by itelephone may belce hoseandcheicas, ut ddiioial btanedfroin the operatou at the dES C o . playffips required,, also a ladder exchange by means of the telephone te truck. The motai combination tuuck, in the fluetall Rd vciniy ofthethe principal appliance, is of toa low ndvcnt oftepower £or flue service. The muni- Fit-e Lasses 80 ed b cipality proposes the purchase of a Pire departient records show the bymore paweiful truck equipped with a fo0lon g:-in RE, KING ST. W. pump. Year..........Loss Alarîn Systm 19190.................9 ,800 to 1. tandise such as Sinail flue alarin telegraph. Boxes 1921 ................. 2,140 af interfering type systeen energized 1922.................. 25 quD BOOTS, M L by gravity battery. Alarrns trans- 1923................. 14,180 SMAL.mitted aver the systeni sounded onl 1924................. 29,791 tap belîs in firemen's dwellings. Ger- 1925................ 13,770 -nuie an appy toeral alarma sounded manually on a Tests nuin andappl tobell at h lusal Gave alarin froi box No. 4 at the tini often. Thei moreB-as corner of King and Liberty Sts., Require buildings witihin the fiue about 2,700 feet froin the flue hall, pre ,e. limita ta have the main walls Of at 2.50.' General alarin bell sounded brick, or concrete or za be at 2.51. Motor combination truck au- on brick veneeued ,and roofs ta be rov- rived at 2.54%h. Water thicwn thu eîed with incombustible material oi one line of 250 f eet of hase at wth shingles laid in motar or on 2.56. The whole brigade iesponded. ashestos paper. Storage of inflain- Normal pressure 88 lbs. at 2.59, niables and explosiwea not reiglated when a request was anade for flue a1 5Conflagration Hazard Pressure rase teo 92 Ib. at 3.01 and Ph( noneyl 5idng nth usnssIiialsu wtPresurpe puti secton ihewecpinarsod Said to have been 125 lbs., which -brick, none aveu 3-storeys. Fiame fell ta about 105 lbs. while the 4 BARG INSouthuildings in block interiors in this 9trems weue running. BARGAINSPart aie niot at all unusual, there is During the tests of hydrants 1 ta ke our word for it iuo congestion in any block, access 6 pusnp pressure was 110 Ibs.; during iged to buy unless good width. In residential sections w ofthe1estspuesure It that you absolutely the proportion of fuame construction Smayo placsi s that you absolutelyis not unusually higb, and open W~ewisondb h ui prices as this sale spaces are numerous. aewrsondb th mui Changes, where noticed, are since cipality. Source of supply a spring, Sth August 1921. about 8 miles north of the tawn. -C M NPopulation System, giavity for domestie sup- COME INplies fîomn a reservair of 150,000 D theequl o tw.Ras increased fuom 3,300 ta 3,500jgallons capacity; system af flues * [y th equl oftwo.Total Assessed Value of ail Buildings1 pressure froin a pump, capacity , his ale ~Neonl .Ras increased frlomn $1,559,165 toi 152,000 gallons peu 24 hours, elec- 'ei ae of. W Tenl $1,686,930, the latter aanounit includ- trically operated, drawing supplies 7ear ofein. eing exemptions of $206,400. froma 300,000 gallon reseivair in 2 Stret Minsand ydrntssections for flue purposes only, sit- Abouet M4,300nd fee t -m aisuated beside the pump bouse. 86 by- ME Abou 4,30 fet o 6-n. minsdranta. First class base 2,200 feet, have been laid, partly on Odeil and 5 paypie.Mtucmbnto ae chi Elgin Sts. north of C. P. R., partly and chemical truck, carrying 1,000 aIl the new shades -on Duke St. and First Concession feet of bose and 33-gallon chemnical oing to seil these at St. from Nelson St. ta Liberty St. tank. Hase wagon caruying 1,000 m These new mains faim extensions feet and 1 hase reel carrying 250 gei without circulation into areas not feet. 35-ft. extension ladder képt in A wool, i newest de- bitherto seuved. The number Of th, flue hall; shorter laddeus cauried A hydrants bas been increased froin on the matou combination truck. evenings. They are 80 ta 86; those connected ta the Brick flue hall; hase diying taweu, Salat one price for guavity main from the reservoir, 6 standard height. Brigade of 17 vol- ailin numbeu, have gate valves on the unteers, neone sleeping in the flure oonnections to the main, the others hall at nigbt. Horses obtained froin aIl makes wbich ~we are are not provided with gate valves. th'w f3tem;rsos y a es, but hey are only haîf Domestic Consumption team uequired when snow is tea <deep cul Average daily consunîption during fou the matou vonîbination truck to ade and very î, in 1925 was was 181,000 gallons, or oDperate. Fire alarin telegraph sy-' 80% of services in the town are stem with 5 interfering type ,treet cwbicih are worth up ta about 52 gallons peu capita. About boxes in connection with tap bells h. nietered. Large quantities of water in the dwellings of aIl members of ifferent shades and styles, are not supplied ta the raîlway con-theie brigade excepit 2. General las a $A8Eab.panies. i alarma sounded manually on a bell Ph Mlost good housewives will be almost too busy ,ning, scrubing and polishing to, take care of family-but Spring cleaning muet be done- at the Old Reliable Grocery Store you will d the best in cleaning preparations and polishes help this much needed spring cleaning be done ickly and economically. The family can be well fed during this hectie ne if you visit our store or order from us ready- epared foods, which you will find in abundance our shelves, and of course, the prices are low. LoneE ARCHIE TAIT 65 Bowmanville 's the Chicks You RAISE That Bring the Profit will raise every livable chick. It supplies just the right nourish-ý ent to build up every part of the , iick's body. Promotes steady growth, early :j ýturity, even feathering, and rug- Bd health. .solutely safe. Most economical. For grain feed ýuse' Blatchford's "Bar-Nun» 'Chick Scratch These feeds along with Ideal and Model Ini- ibators and Brooders are sold and recomniended by hone 304 L. H. PEARN Liberty St., Bowmanville kU Need More Than A Policy We don't simply "write insurance". A clerk anl write a policy, but real service is given only y some one thoroughly acquainted with ail of the ,tails of insurance contracts and with the man- er in which policies fit various types of property. Make sure about your insurance before it is o late. Consult us today. J. J. MASON & SON Real Estate and Insurane Brokers lhone 50 King St. E. Bownianville PRJNG CLEANINCG TIMEI h arrangements for obtaining baisesý (9569) 894: Dunharton (8447): Mýonkqlibood There is now an arrangement wit'n1(250) Sr (Charles 2nci (2692); Liberty half regular price anîd less. teonro em ~ol (1027); Sir Chaules (769); Wlldflre (866). theower f temswhoisreqair- M.ainspring bas proven a good stock %a ed ta supply a team an eveuy alarmn sire, hie calts havlng won mimeronis when snow is tao deep for the motor prizes at local faire and exhibitions. L S'paymentaof $5 per fire and $3 peu Canadien Hackney Sttid Book No. 721. P c o ia t ioa r n iu km a e r a t e . A e n r e aî n t N o 1 6 1 5 R git e r e0 , 1 l2 4 Bow anvlleProposed Triple Combsination Truck OSCAR J. tLUXTON, Pi-opristor. 1 Thse munflpality is conaidering Phone 142rt. R. R. 4, Bowmanviile. Ë