With Which Is Incéorporated Trie Bowmanville News Vol. LXXII M. A. JAMES & SONS, Publishers. EOWMANVILLE, ONT., THURSDAY, JULY lst., 1926 $2.00 a Year Ini Advanee 5c a Copy No. 26 Secure The Life Insurance protection y ou need TODAY, be- fore it is too late. Tomorrow you may be uninsurable WHEN YOU ARE 65 WilI you, like 90%/ of men, have in- sufficient funds to support you in your Life Insurance guarantees a happy old age. Insuaance Company W. J. BRADD Ditrict Agent - Phone 246w Elgin t. Bowmaanville RoyalTheatre Wednesâay-Thursday, June 30 JuIy lot With Len Chaney, Mmc Busch and Matt Mc>ore Aise the final chapter cf "The Riddle Rider" And "Felix the Cat"r Fidày-Saturday, July 2.3 "h. Sap " Witli Kenneth Harlan, Hernie Conklin, Mary McAlâiter and David Butter Mouday.Tu..day, Jul, 5-6 Irene Rich in - "51kn S hackles" Wedmeaday-Thursdlay, JuIy 7.8 Jackie Googan lu 1 OI0d Clotiea" Chapter une cf "The GrenArcher" Witil Ailene Ray and Walter Miller. The "Green Archer" is in 10 chapters and one cf the greatest serials ever miade. COMIIIG Reginald Denny in Buster Keaton in "dCd West"p and "Neyer the Twain Shaîl Mont" by Peter B. Kyne. HOITAEI1L AUXILIAIÇT MEE ING Meeting of Women's Hospital Auxilkary wilI be héld in Couneil, Room of Town Hall or. Friday, July.1 2nd at 3:30 p. m. Every niember is urgently requested te be M esent as important business will beconsid-1 ered. Martyn Bros.1 announce the opening of the GREEN LANTEAN Ice Cream Parlor ,SatSedy Afteroon 'Sodas Sunda.. Phosphates Soft Drinks Cones Davie's Ice Cream Something New Soinething Better oeil r A SUMME\R SHOPPING May Be Done Most Quickly, Easily and Economically i ti Great Store, catering carefully to the needs of ail.. QUALITY RELIABILITY« SERVICE These are the princip~al factors used in building up this business-Of course there are others, but nothing of the sensa- tional has ever been tolerated-Dependable merchandise, court- eous treatment, capable service, and sterling values, day in and day out for over forty years is responsible for the proud position oceupied by this store, flot only in Bowmanville, but in the business world beyond these limits. "Corne and See". HOLIDAY SEASON 15 HERE This store is ready to meet the needs in fashionable summer m-earing apparel for Men, Women and' Children. Remarkable Values In Tapestry Ruigs 1 onlyr 21/ by .3, Reg. $14-00 for# ...$ 900o 1 only 21/4 by 3, Reg. $16.00 for ...$12.00 1 only 21/4 by 3, Reg* $18.00 for..$13,50 3 only 21/2 by 3, Reg. $20.00 for ...$14.00~ 1 only 2%.2 by 3, Reg. $2000 for.... $l5.o 1 only 3 by 83,Reg. $22.00 for..8...$ 0 2 only 3 by 31/2, Reg. $26-'00 for ...820.00 1 only 3 by 31/2, Reg. $,30.00 for.... $2001 only 4' 6"1 by 6', Reg. $8.50 for.$ 6.00 only 4' 6" by 6', Reg. $6.50 for ...$ 4.50l only 4' 6" by 6', Reg. $ 3.50 for ...$ 2.00j 1. only 6" 9" by 91 Brussels $28.00 for $2».o 1 only 4' 6" by 6' Wilton $20.00 for $15.00 1 only 3 x 4 Congoleum $17.50 for ..$14.00 Jv 12 only 3 x 31/2 Congoleum $15.25 for .... $12.00 Balance of floor oilcloth at 50e per sq. yd F ARRYMORRUO 4 ;ý1- M-UIR 0 I I m in- L's, mr ie, er, >r- Le- sk, >n, 4; er, Bé. th >it à- )w X,. ve nd gh a as SHORTIiORN BREEDERS MEJET 1Russell Osborne Io New President Sixth annual meeting of Durhai Couuty Shorthorn Asw~iation wa held in Counil Room Bowms: ville, on MIonday afternoon, Jur 28th. President T. W. McCamt¶j Millbrook, presided. Ofl..cens elected for ensuing yea -are *. Preuident-Russeli Osaborng Newcastle, R. R. 1; Vie e-President. S. Chas. Allun, Bowmanville, R.E 14; Secretary4reajurer-..Jon Bakei Hampton, R. R. 1; Directors-Noi mian Rickard, Newcastle, T. W. Mi Camus, Millbrook, W. J. Leasi Taunton, C. N. Munsford, Hanipto:, J. F. Osborne, Bowmanvillj R. R.4 W. F. Riekard, Newcastle; Sale Managers-J. F .Obsorne, W.F Rickard; ' Auditors--Thos. Bakei Hampton, F. C. Paterson, Port Hepë M'enbers were urged to put fort] every effort te maire a large exhibi of Shorth>rns at the Royal Winte Show this year. EBreeders are ad 'vied te fit, any animais of shoeY ring oal'*Isre wlth that end ini view 1h hïs been proven f roua past ex perieuce when local breeders .bavq won Prns at those internationa shows it wus one, of the beat mean, of advertisinig . (dcaissociation aný Durhamn Coanty as the homeý of l.igl class Shorthorâ stock. A feeling oigeneral optimism wa expressed hy the meaibens-preseni Shorthonn trdae vas picking up ai .was ehova by increased numben oi i q u ir is fo r o o-ui s O n ly th i- rweek theé gidiua Representa. tive fro IHrol out had been ir this district i erhc a higli-ciasi Shorthora kire. Several local breeders wll attend the sales cf Sbortxerns ait rooklir and Guelph with a view te improv. ing their stock. B1OWMANVILLE BOY WINS PRIZE AS CAKrÔONîSl The Toronto Telegram )ffers eaci ,week pnizes in an Art-Ideas Compe. tition vhich la a means 'wheroby readers may express thensselves in ictureis or cârheona. For the s(wond tino in, several raonths Mr. Bernard Mitchiell, el Ier mo f Mr. and MTs. R. M. Mitcýell, snd a student of Bowmanville Nlg.h Scliool, bas b>een insong thc prize winners. His lat- est offening appoaxad in Saturdsy'a Tely and ws s*nu~5ied "lts Come to Hicksville". Bei'nard pictures an old fanaVr In shirt aleeves perch- ed on a boap boxt doing the Charles- on, dance wlho excliss Ho! Ma, I oughter make a hit with this at the hoe-down, come Friday". Ma i. tanding at the back door wlth ý- [an' sakes' look on her face while the ild grey mare and the dog are v'iew- ing actions cf the old man at a safe distance. We understand Bernard has shown anatural talent for dnawing from childhood and leie lanziw fugther de- eloping this art by taking a special course in, drawlng. We congratulate ion on has présent success snd will ook forward te the time when ho will rival the comic strips cf 'Jiggs ind Maggie'. t r p t: B a '1 a h, a MINISTERS A»I CHURCHES Trnuiy Sunday School pienic will ho held at Oshawa Park on Wednes- day, JuIy l4th. Trinity Mission Band and Girls' Morning Nour held their annual pic- nie at Creaim of BaTley Camp on Monday aftenoon. Trnity Church, Rev. J. U. Roeins pastor. Sunday services.: Pastor will preech at il - a. m. and 8 p. m. Sacrament of -the Lord's Supper will be admininst.red at both services. Siinday School at 2:30 p. m. St. Andrev'a Proabytenian Oburcli, corner Tensperance and Church BS., Bunday services conducted by th# minister, Rev. Robert MjcDrment. Morning serie il a. m. Evoni service 8 p. m. Sunday Sehool 2:30 p. ms. Dsyligh't Saving time. Every- body weleeene. St.- Paui's Church, Rev. D. W. The Master's Cross. Holy Commun- ion. 8 p. m.-PrYblwms ocd Govern- ment and Citizenship lu the llght of the Pninciples and Idealg of Jesus. 10 a. s.-.-Sunday School. (Dey- light aaviflg time.> St. Johns Anglican Church, Rector Rev. R. J. Shirea, M. A., SB. D. Fifth Il a& m.-Hoiy Communion and ser- mon. 12:30 p. m.-Sunday Sehool. 7 p. m.-Evening prayer, Dominion Day service. Service wil ho held vit the ea.st aide hall at Bowimanville Beach at 8:80 p. m. Pastor J. U. Robins gave two god sermions in Trlnity Churcli on Sn day proaching in..he merning from tX e vends "And upon the te p of the milars waa llly work". Ho cm- phasized the. truth that both the etrength and stslwsrtness of the Villars and the. beauty and attractive- flou of the lily work were neeesaary in Christian characten In.l the evonlng ho preached froin the words "Ho brought me f orth toto a large Place", 'Pua. 18, 19. lira. T. W. ,Ca k eran "The Bird wlth the Broken PInlon" and in the *evonlng Mim Marion Plehard sang "lJeans Lover of My Soul". Both vers mucli enjoyed. League baIlgase 10:80 a.n. today. p (%ma la and'pov ttt «Noeu'1 suls Grooue for lau. Nanes i. order of menit. Room 2--Teacher, Miss Jennings TO SENIOR FOURTH Honours--Evelyn Goddard, George Ives, George Weekes, Don- othy 'Blake, Bruce Cameron, Betty Flaxmnan, Clans Ashlee, Nora Hay- wood, Roy Lunney. Pass-Joseph Barton, Aima Morris Marion Lergtt, Frank Blunt, Mar- lnAllino,Arche Woods, BiUly Gray, Mine Mcuarriq, Jack Weekes, Ivan Leigliten, Marion Lyle, Alice Shea- han, Bort Mutten, Lits Hammn, Gar- aldine Williamon, Truiby Smith, Eva Tuli, Winona Cavenly, Doýrothy Hum- Page ,Theo Allin, Doris DUhling, Viet-- or M'orjoram. Roc.> 3-Teacher, John CaWOod TO SENIOR FOUITH Homours-Adrien Berry, Alan Os- bonne, Gordon Adams~ Stanley Dunn, Ruth Tuerk, MinoUst Shortridge, Clarence Osborne, Newton Hackuey, Isobel Mitchell. Pas.-4.'red Redonan, Marion Cou- rons, Josephi Alexander, Thomas Gra- hans, Caroline Eaniltion, Manj-onso Rove, Theinsa Werry, Alex. Crmn- bid, Albee Jackn, Dradley Noney- Roon 8-Teaher, Mise E. Jeweli SENIOR Il TO JUNIOR 111 Honur-.Grets. Pearite, Byron Vianatone, Audrey- Craig, Russell Hayes, Howard MeLaughlin, Doris Hall, C<wendolyn Ballautyne, Jack Lunney.1 Pas&s-Edjth Morris, ,Robert Kent, Eileen Hately, Vers Lousberry, Har- ry Jackman, Clarence Nichols sud Chnistins Cronmbie equal, George 1Tordiff, Milton Yeo, Arthur Perfect Hubert Hooper, Jo&n Brough, Cecil Toimluson, Buster Cromýbie, Betty Tanoiblyn, Douglas Elliott, Frank Smith, Obrahie Rlkhards, Herbert LYeo, Harry Souch, Dorothy Nichols, Farnk Tuerk, Samnuel Allin, -Phulip Pattnick. JUNIOR Il TO SENIOR Il Hononrs-Walter Gives, Andy Stark, Russell Candier. Pan-Evelyn Piekard, Muiil Thoras, David Ooborne, Wallace Mundy, Arthur Culley, John Dancli, Jim Thomapson, Gladys Gonueri. R'.om 9--Techer, Mies F. Morris JR. Il TO SENIOR Il Hanours-Jobn.Shires, Raîpli Ai- es. Tommy Ditan, Boyd Slemon, John Monrison. Pas--Gladys Brant sud Clifferd Hill,. oqual, Marjory Jones, Murray Mitchell Teddy Nîliott, Mary Mut- ton, MoIly Smith, John Neal. SENIOR 1I TO JUNIOR il Henours--Ada Clarke, Narry Lee,i Doris Wright, Grace Qhllds.1 Pasa-Alfred Alun, Florence1 Hueiper, Joe Childs, John Westnutt1 Albert Westnutt, Joey Caverly, Don-1 ald Sandens, Walter Hall, Jack Park-1 or, Narold Bennett, Georgeî Pqrdy, Dorothy Passant. JUNIOR I TO SENIOR I Htmours--Gordon Martin,ý Murney Minipnizo, Jaikes Martih, Jssnes Hsynsan, Greta.Tf>miuson.1 1 Pass-Lillian Lnçre, John Cowle,1 Charles Welsh, Edîth Lyla, Russell Halionan, Helene Hyndi.1 Room 10- T»cher, Mise N. Hoa"or.Audrey l1 iott, Marion 3'swell, Donqthy Richards, Clarence Witheridge, Frances Dillick, Bert Johuston, Jack Dunu, Jack Gibbs,1 Madge Moses, Fred Neal. - Paa.-I»ýrthy Goode Edwarde Elooper, Doris Conners, PIelen Fost- f er, Bill McFeeteris, Tons bonohue. g FIRST BOOK BA Honours-Xuth Logan, Jackb BRentz. Paas-.Ne'en Stark, Rachel Wright, Her~bert Brant, Alvie Welsh, Roy Wilkins. Jean Rundle, (Diana Lelgh- ton, recornended.) PRIMER AB x Honours-.Bruce Yee,, John Tay- G or, Eileeu HalimnLP Pasa-Evelyn Roberts, Margaret F Sith, Milford McDonald, duune'F, Drew. Erijc Swindle, 'MFoyd Y.o, Douglas Niehols, Bill Fewster, Dor- m othy Tapson, Helen Staeey, BruceT ihittoui, Bob I&mnournRoibest Il ls TO JUNIOR FOURT-H a-Honours-Charles Cawken, Ja in Mall, Cordon Jdillow, Efford Cle 88 Maurice Booth, Rose %ote, D. Soo ersalldes Marion Mlenton, Lwe id Williams. in Pase-Orvihle Souch, Kani Smit Albert Culley, Charles' Gives, Jeu Clark, Lavuon Klrkton, WaIt Cnaig, Bores Murdoff, Warold Git Murre>l Woodward,' Charles Va stene, Elva Drew, Maurice Prout. T Reous 4-Teacher, Miss H. Morrui SENIOR Ii TO JUNIOR IV Honours--Býetty Morris, En SCoombes, Phyllis Challia, Ils Va beau, Edward Richards, Marion lea ýtle, Elsie Altin, Donald William dHilda Brown, Edward Flaxman. 3. Pas-Clans Purdy snd Madeli;. 4Veale equal, Gerald Sutton, Cla' n 'once Oke, Elsie Carruthers, Rub tThiioas, Bennice Rundie, Margari % Ceiville, Roy Neada, Yvonne Tigh lW arguerite Burden, Jean Wisemai ts Leon Cunn and Jack Jannings equa iRussell Smith, Arbh.ur Ccx, Edwar ;Bagneil, Gordon Flaxman anod Jale IMiller equal, Roy Hopper, WaÈte eCote, Rowell Bell, Emmai . Frenel aDanny Sheehan, George Widd' &conmbe, Willie Wright, £va Heope: eTom Bïrton, Clarenco King. LRoon -Teacher, Misa . Wickef JUNIOR 111 TO SENIOR 111 a Houours-Hanold CokLnon, Lacsi iard Wilson, Dudley Brsdd, Madelin Jones, Ruby Nobbs, Audrey Proul Bill P.hlllps, Winton Bagneli, Mlld ened Burdea, Ruth' Nayian, EU: 1Tnamble, George Grahams, Tonna; aLyle and Ruth Purdy equal, Gerali sRedmnan, George Dilling sud Bossi Gives, equal. Pass--Edith Cartwriglit sud Naze Curran, equal, Louise Cle and Hlld Hall, equal, Grace Weah, Evelyr Ra-by, Malcoîns Matheson, Edith Sel lors, Ivan Hoibls, Betty Rice, Anthu' 1Hunpge, Aima Richards, Jack AI lin Muri el Taylor, Donald Sutton Stanley Redanan sd Jack Turne: and Delbert Yen, equal, Feru -Smith Elale Largo, Kathleen Thurston, '4r kvilla Jacloaan, Glynn Large ana Madelino Roynard equal, Lila 8row, Edwand Clarke, Greta Wihhenldge Russell Brown, (Jasper Smnith an( Iluwîs IâVhteiIness absent tiwrough sickneas, recomnsu<ed>. Room 6-Teacher, Mine M. (3,1v.. JUNIOR 111 TO SENIOR 111 Hemours--Jolin Blunt, Violet Mce Feeters, June Lougisman, Boulag Martin. w Pais-Frances Clarke, Walteî Hately, Ned Relider, Laiwrenca Lonsberry, Sidney Dillick, Kathisee Westnutt, Dorotxy Edgor, Williano Wallace, Leona Ellegett, Evelyn Oke, Jalek Roacli, Nilda Sinsnick, Lyle Wood sud Reginafdd .Brant, equal, Jean Herring, Beatrice Latimter sud -Ross Richards eqjml, Jamnes Culley, James Piekard, Fled NoI'well, EveI>'n Taylor, Robent Hayes sud Freddie Mutton and Willie Mutton equal, Ox- land Plusmer, Margaret Colo, Fier- entce Pundy, Raymoend Connens, Charlotte Mitchell, Lillian Pritchard, Bill Jollow, Ronald Bute, Karl Bentz Roc.> 7-Tacher, Mis 'L- Bran. SENIOR Il TO JUNIOR Ill Homeurs-Jean, Morris, Chester Jury. Alex. Colvillo, Aileen Gibbs, Bill Allia, Mary Thonopson and Lor- raine Pickard equal, Ennest Perfect. Pas-Flossie Yeo, Helen Mason, Dorothy Rowe, Waitey Go-o le,- Eu«. ena Connens, Jack Camneron, Doris Beninett, Clarnce Garton, A.letta Maynar4, Lucy Nearl, Marion Glan- vil-le, Georgna Caverly, Bort Wise- rana Ruth Hamm Rois Wiilia Jscký PoultnBullie Smibth, Donothy KiCnkaid, Jack Martyn. JUNIOR Il TO SENIOR Il Hoaours-Graee Rundie, Helen Pnrilicard, Nellie Mutton sud Jack Curran equal, Dena. Tninule-, Aice Lase, Jaunes Siséon, Clyde Roineon, Frneeborn CoMVUS,. Vera Broya. Pais-Clars De41nsan, Harry Tay- oarLrec Rebder, Alex. Lyls !loydBad Teddy Shoahan mdâ wilonSmth eoa, Gernard Tait Aqfred Yeung, Gladys KlIng. Public SchoolPromotions Pas--Ru os ucning, Jack Clouge Rosa Rie, Ruth' Nennings, Edth Rowe, Florence Shottr, Lawrence Conners, Bernce Mutton, Leouard Somescals, Wallace XéQuarrie. TO SENIOR PRIME* Hmouv-Dorotly Barbon, Ethel- da Seymou, Evelyn Craab, Phyllis Cramb, Fod Jackman. Pass ,~ili, W eokes. Cao n e Brown. T&i MIDDLE PWMER Billie Roberton, byl,1 Blair taon Coners, Jack Rove, Ikobel} âlkeli, Marion Davies, Chariéic e, Beqlui M[cuarrie, K thleen l lu yE d t Richards, Chartie SonsèrucaesY TO JUNIOR, PIIIMER Hemoura-.Tonsmy G"*01b., "'eé1 ald Bid.' PaisBob Wa~wnFranxk 'a ro, Dorothy Buttomnhaw spE-CIAL e éIZE.- AW4kDs Womeie ÇaÇnadiin Club prises ln CanauiafHtiten>to the tvo higlicat stadit pptiin the Entrance Clamaluni -:the year-1, -EvoIya Pe*rn. 2, Narold, Slemn. MeiWS Canlapn Club Prize te pu-; pl Inl Jr. IV Cljsses taking hlheut marks, in Cana*làan istoryut prno- miction exainslnbtons -uieIyn God- dard, Room, 2, toucher, Miss 4~n- niaga.The f ollgowig are vorthy' of me~sioulivIg otained 80 % * over-Adnirn Berry, Georige Week.e Jsephi Aleade, Clans Asble. Roons 8 had $200 yen at a cons- petitio*niduring the wfloter. Papits voted tItis meaey te studoat la sr mii C @as vyitlug the beat paper in Can2tan Ristery. Tbâ W" aWoI. by Gordon Jollow. -'- The J. H. Witen Shield for soft- bai wus von by TeanNo. 1-Capt. Oscar Ja4»ieson. The Penny Bank Prise to roons dePosltin9 met money durna year erpa won b y Zonm 9, toucher 'Mis D10rence Morris, amaunt depoaltedl 8346.47. Total penny bank doposite by sehool for yesa' $2016.70. Finit ased Iu eacli cluAs luneaeh olf bi" nos flla.win-ner cf prise donated annually by the Shool.. Board. Sokool opens Wednesday, Septens. ber lot. J. H. J&asse., 'itaeàWs Publie Schoolis CARTWRIGHT WAR VETERAN NEW CUSTOMS OFFICER .From a list of 20 appijicants for the position of 'Customs Excise Ex- aminer at Bownxanville Mr. Elmer Smith Ferguson, seond son o~f Mr. Land Mn.- W. B. Ferguson, Cadmuâ, 1Cartwright To'wnshi, headed the list in the Civil Service examiations recently held at Bowmanwille High School and was notifled Thursd.y f his s.ppointment to the above peuition1 He reportedl to -Mr. C. Ai-thur Cawker, locad Customns Officer, for duty on Monday. Mr. Ferguson. was born near Bar-. rie and snoved to Cartwnight with his parents when a year old where hie has since resided. He attended Cadms and Mahood's public scools' and for three p1ars was a student at Port Perry high.school. In 1916, when only 18 yea ofv~ a"e, lie enlisted in the 136th Battal-q*ï11i ion and servied la France in the World War with the 87th Btalion lat Canadian Grenadier Guadtâklc ing part in engageiments atVimy Ridge,, Passe 'hendale anid 0oter places.' Later hie wAs 'tranaforred to the Royal Air Force whore hd ob-7* tained hia commission of Second iÀeutenant. W'hile in this service hie wa a navigation efficer on a Hanýley-Paige aeroplane. Ho re- turnedto» Canada ini JuIy 1919, ..and is nov on.' tise roserve list of heair ferco7 N "e la alsooa meWAdiet'fthe DurbamReimnt holding the -ram#k of Caiptain. At the an-ni~uaumer -iIycamp heftt et Port B e Iat mon- ,tevas Assistant Adjutaut. BSince.returning freoevroaa M. Fervuon bias spent the greater part of' his time farming *th i' fathor. Last vinter ho .wor-oked sverel ,menthe, 'with the General Motors Llmited, 'Oshawavla the Audit 'De- partment. Mr- Ferguson stil belongs toa the bachelo$ cass is a Mon and J& Sec-' rotary ot- the Stewrds of. Ca*nus. United. Chutqix We congratulato M1. Ferguson on bis appointment toes~h Cuatoans De- partmnent, welco<me bimn to Beàan- ville and have every confidence that lie will be'au asàet to tiis own 4Jd coInmunity. TYRONE COMJUNITY HALL Opeuig Wudneaday, J.!y 7t1i Fpormal openinge of, Tyri>c. Cous- Muitty Hall l .coebued iy an excellent asppr which vill be son- d et 4-:80 ., ni. (andard time), foloved by.-muslcal and literary pro- gram. by Ide-ai and outside talent. Admision '35i, Children. 20c. Sqe bills for particulars. TOWN SOFTDAL.L LEAGUE League standing for firet series in: W-on Lieut [igh School 5 '0 Knitting 4 1 Goodyear 2 3 Public ehool 2 3 Front Street 2 3 Fouudry 0 ighe, Thelma Harris, Greta. Raêy, Couch,Jtihnston & Cryderma'n. BowanvU.Phone 104b LimIten PRIMER B rHonouuys-Lou.Lyle, Alýn Prout, 1- Clarence Sansis. 1, Pas-Mary Donohue, John Gra- ,r hans, Jack King, Leslie Philips, Ccls 1, Wooluer, Maude Woollaer, (Harr Broya recommieuded). nRootu Il-Teacher, Misi M. Cet. PRIMER A Ho.ours-'Manjon' Scott snd Man- ion Hamns, equal, Donohhy Joues, Betty Pingle, Clair Wakeliu. Pais-Helen Glanville, George Davldson, Dorothy Knox, Betty Frise -Molly Hynds. R a ~PRIMER 1 Honours-l,.ilian Nayton, William r James Imono Jones, Ivy Tabb, Ar- thur Living. Pass-Hilda Richards, Latins Pur- dy, Marionie Morris, Mabol Harris, Helen Robertson, George Morris, tHelen Virtue, -Pansy Hooper, Freda Jennings, William Teuiuinson. SOUTH WA*D' R...> 1-Teacher, Misn F. Galbraith TO JUNIOR Ili Pas-Violet Cramh, Dor.thy Pier, Meredith Ute, Blle Dun4op, Nael Barrel, Margaret Sellers, Mi£- cl Bnookham, Beruard Dllling, Bille Taylor, Floreuce Milla, Crice Read- an. TO SENIOR Il Housurs-Carl Raby. Pass-Nelen Keir, , Tons Callan, Alton Richards, Hezol Woodward. Rhoda MoQuarrie, George* Sonser- enscales,,Ernie Readêr, Jack. Mut- gcales, Dean Bickeil, Georgius Sons-, to .. TO JU N IO R il Houours-Bea Rice, John * Keir, Jiu Woodward, Isobel White, Ger- don Browa, Murray Bate, Douglas1 Blunt, Harvey Kiug, Jean Suthea. Pais-6-Dore Vby Yeung, 'Bll.e I"i.ghoaan, Femeie , arge, Crac.'i Woodward.1 To SENIORI Hemeurs--qyibil Mutton, Rosa Milii, Jack Honemuan. Pan-Anus Kîlganuo>n, Lloyd Tnlsnble, Keth Wilson. Rom 23-tachelr, Mns. L Deusea TO JUNIOR I Hmer-lbâla LittW, Fmank MIL. 9 Il inn