PAGE TEE MEW CA!.ADIAN STATESMAh.. BOWMANVILLE, THURSDAY, JULY lst, 1926 When You Need WOVEN WIRE FENCE SCREEN DOORS WINDOW SCREENS And hundreds of other seasonable articles found in an up-to-date hardware store remember that is in your best interests to patronize this store. We have the variety, best quality and our prices make it attractive to buy here. MASON & DALE Thea Popular Hardwara--Quality and Right Prics PHONE 145 BomwMAPviLLE AUTOMOBILE INSUVRANCE. A REAL NECESSITY Auto owiiers are taking a big risk if they drive a car these days without carrying insurance. Just look at the accidents that are happening daily. The cost of insurance is'niail conipared with protection given. CONSULTATION FREE regarding insurance-Publie Liability, Property Damage, Collision, Pire, Theft. Je J. MASON & SON Real Estate and Insurance Brokers Phone 50 King St. E. Bowmanville Clean , Pure, Fresh GROCERIES Your grocery quality is our standard-for this is the grocery that aims to satisfy the exacting demands of the most particular housewife. When everything is choice, fresh and dlean, and besides this most reasonably priced, we can- not help but please your wants perfectiy. Test our dlaims and the downight prompt- ness and accuracy of our service by phoning 65 TODAY and have us fil the day's grocery needs. CHINA AND CROCKERY When requiring any of the above goods bear in mind that we have the largest assortinent in town and have niarked ail goods at remarkabiy Iow prices. Phone 65 ARCHIE TAIT Bownianville CAWKER'S REPUTATION For Over 50 Years Has been buit on a foundation for supply- ing customers year in and year out with the best and choicest of meats. In making our personal selection of stock we have the advantage of knowing thè breeders and just the kind of animais that wili make the choie- est of meats. There's no getting away froni it that quai- ity meats are essentiai in the preparation of palat- able tasty meals. Orders FiIIed Promptly and Delivered. C. M. CAWKER & SON Victoria Building Butchers Phone 64 Bowmanville MR. THOMAS YELLOWfLEES Former Bowmau ville Risident Patied Away in Toronto Few men were better or more I favorably known among business men ut Bo'wmanville and througbout West Durhamn tban was Mr. Thomsas Yeliowlees wbo after a lifetime of activity in matters pertaining te the redigious and social lite cf Toronto and where he previously resided died at tbe fainily home, 676 Spa- dm5a Avenue, on Saturday afternoon, June 26th, 1926, aged 83 years. Few men bad a wider acquaintane in ail parts ot Ontario, especielly among those interested in Sunday, school work and teniperanee reforai. Mr. Yellowlees wa-Q born in Scot-' land and came to Canada witb bisi parents in 1857. The family set- tled in Bowmanville, where later Mr. Yellowlees engaged in business as a bookseller and stationer for a nuin- ber of years. In this tc-wn he was identified with aIl good movements and served as a member of the Town Council and aiso as an eider et St. Paul's Presbyterien Chureb. In 1884. be muved to Toronto and for sonne years iva.; identified with The Globe newspaper. Uniting with Erskine Presbyterion Church he was edected there to the Session and soon became one of tbe leading workers in the famous church that flourissed s0 long on Ceer Howell Street. Possessing peculiar gif ts for Cliristian work, Mr. Yell,>wlees was in great demnend in bis prime yeers and very maiiy homes in Toronto and tbrougbout the Province bave the kindliest rmcmies ot bis wise endj heipful interest in tkpeir y' ung people. In recent years lie rendered splen- did service in tbe lymnigration De- pertment ufthte Cburcb, working among thse newco'mers who needed the friendgy advice and assistancel that he could skilltully give. 1 At the time of his deetb, be heldi thse office ot Hespital Visiter for tIse United Cisurcli et Canada, continu- ingby is5 awok he lied done for someb yea o %e former Presby- terian Churcli. Ail tbe liospitals >sf thse city enjoyed itise devoted services ut this good man. By the cheerful optimiani and symptlsetie attention lie broughl coenfort te many. It is sale te say, says thse Globe, tisat in every h,)s- pital ut Toronto bis deth is mourn- ed t.oday by many wiso have been lidped by bis visita. Thougli Mr. Yello'wlees never ceased to love bis native Berwick- sbire, whicis he revisited six yeurs ago, he was a thorougli Canadien. Wisen thse Toronto sons of Durisan County orgsÀnized &oanie tbirty ,eari ago, the Dufisam Old Boys' Associa. tien, Mr. Yellowlees was elected Sec- retary, £354 continued te serve in tise capecky up to tise tinle ot bis deeth, He possessed to a merked degree the power -ot torming and boldin@ friendship ansong aIl classes an creeds, and in al political parties. Besides the widow he is surviveè by five ciildren: Mis. M. P. White T. Arthsur Yellowlees, Miss Alicg Yelic'wlees, Toronto; D. Alexendei Yellowlees and Mrs. W. H. Rider Chicago. Thse late Dr. Normai Yedlluwlees, wlio lest bis lit e on aci ive service in tise Great World Wax was thse youngest suis. A publii tuneral service was beld in Batisurs Street United Cliurcb, wbere Mr Yello)wlees was an bonored eider, ,, Tuesday atternien at 2.30 o'clock. WOMEN'S INSTITUTE PRESENT EMPIRE PROGRAM June meeting ot Bowmanville Women's Institute was lield -n Fni- day etternoon et tise residence ot Mrs. G. H. Biekeil, King St., witis a good attendence. Mrs. Frank Jackman, Vice-President, occupied the chair. Atter coranur.itY Sing- ing and tbe usuel opening exercises the Empire progreni in cotarge of Mrs. Jas. G. Ricicerd, Mr_. T. C. Jewell and Mrs. H. JaniiesEn was given. The opening nunsber wssa read- ing by 3!is. Jeniieson zon "Tise Un-I ien Jack",, reeding, "Thsis is Eng- I land's Day" by Mrs. Riciard; read- ing, "Tise Land ofthtie Hether", by Mrs. A. L. Nichoils; a solo ,"Loch Lonsnd"l by Mrs. Alex. Colviie; Miss E. E. Haycraft reed a very in- teresting article prepared by Rer. Roy H. Rickard etter bis visit te the Killrniey Lekes on bis re-turn treni Fra.nce. Mrs. Colville tison sang "Irelend"; Canada was represented by Mrs. H. J. Babcock -ho seed a paper on "Canada's Assets" alter wbicb ail jeined heaitilv in 4.inging "0 Canada". Between each read- ing comniuiity songs appropniate te tise country represented was heartily sung. Refresisments ivere served and tise thanks etfail ias expres£ed to tise hostess in e bearty vote of ,hanks moved by Mrs. A. W. Pickari and seconded by Mrs. J. A. Gunn. Next meeting on Friday, ,Julv 30, in tise ferm etf a pienie xiii be held et tise home ot Mn>. E. S. Clarke, Scugog-st. ADVERTISING IS NEWS BUT ALL NEWS 15 NOT ADVERIISING On several occasions lately wo bave had te blue pencil items in ùur cerrespondents' budgets of news be- cause events were being announced wbere an admission tee xves te be cberged. Il our correspendents want sucb items ta appear tbey must un- derstand tbey cen enly do se as ad- vertisirsg and tise regular rate cberg- ed. Adrertising is ehist oui Kl &ource ut revenue and wc ,,ennet undertake te announce secials an- niversaries ,concerts, *e., wbere an admission is cliarged unless tliis an- nouncensent i1> paid for. This will explein te tbe currespendents ebove reterred te wby certain items were omi'ted trom tiseir news budgets. Mr. M. A. Seunders who bas been secretar of Lebanon Lodge A. F. & A. M., Oahaws, fer iuany years, lies resigned and was presonted wtb a ILite Meaaberohip. Dr. Ambron T. Stanton Namedl Chief Medical Adriser. A despat.cb te the daily press dat- ed Lendon, June 27tis says:-Dr. Anibrose T. Stanten, Director eof Government Leberateries in feder- ated Malay States, bas been appoint- ed chef medical adriser te the Col- onial Office, it wes announced etr day. i Dr. Ambrose Stenton was born in Kendal, Ontario, in 187.5. being a son ut the late Thomas Stanton, Post Master at Pontypool for mnary 7earsI and Mrs. Stanton, and educated at Trinity Medical College. Toronto, atterwards taking post-graduate courses at University College and London, England, hospitaLs. He lat- er served as bouse surgeon et thbe liospital for Sick Cildren, Toront-o, and tbe Torneto General Hospital. Leaving Canada in 1901, Dr. Stantan becanie surgeon on tise liner Eqn- press of China, and tbereafter spent a large part of bis time ln tbe Fer East. He is a fellow ot the Royal Societ. of Tropical Medicine and Ijoee,1»ndon. Glenn Mundy and Ed. Burns, Osh-I awa, left F'riday on a 100 mile bicy- cle hike te Guil Lake, HlaliburtGn Connty. Tbev wil spend about, two weeks camping and fighing et Gul Lake, and carried witli tbem a coen- plete camp equipmleit On a .Mall scale. - GEO. PRITCHARD- THE. HANDY LITTLE SHOP PAJtTICULARLY AROUND HOUSE.CLE4ING TIME Lt of pfople don>%t know JuM anl we seil in this Mtte mhoP of ourS. go we're goilng te tel you and invite 70u to c&U*: But niakes on tbe market. DEST PAINTS Glidden'a Paint1, Varnishes, Lscq. FLOOR WAX Johnmon's, alzo C*Wte Wax ALABASTIY4E It can't be beat for walis and ceilinga. FLOOR POLISHER Eleotric Floor Poliaber to rent by heur or dey. sCHOOL SUPPLIES Scribblers, Drewing Eoolca lb Writing Boohu, Eramingou Tablets, Pencsk Bnrsr. PAINTER ANI) DECORATOR That'a my Job. G. Pritchard Phono 4M9Bcowîaarviile K Fm ecmha» a bomm Idat m Whte maff gr mWh=n you im 7àbe-O. iKd» lW kid cePm m le ba u amfeue mm em, u pyiS $ 1.25 QT S$4.50 GAL. GEO. PRITCHARD Bowmanvill'e OFF TO ENGLAND Mr. Byron Hyland, Bleckstock,l wbo won the Orange Sentinel's free trip te Europe writes Thse Stateamau from "On Board S. S. Do-c" river St. Lawrence as tollows: "Best re- gards te all iny friends, Stateiman reeders and staff . We left Mon- treal at 4 a. in. Saturday morning, June 26; tisere are* 500 scisool teacb- ers on board-~ total passengers about 1000; will stop 'Off et Quebec City two heurs for sigbt-seeing; anm lie- ing a lovel5- tisne." STRAWBERRY FESTIVAL AND CONCERT StMWberry Festival et Park St. United Churcis en Thnrsdey, July 8, 1926. Tee served fron 5 to 8 o'cloick. Sometbing delightully new in concert entertainment. by «Ye Olde Tyme Village Quartette"j et Toom'to. Beautitul costums and quai.nt songs. Yen bave heerd them on tise radio, now meet them in person. Caneda's most popular enterteissers. Admission 50c and 35C. S. T .Tucker, M». lJohn Miliir, Pastor. Convener et Parsonage Comnittee. 26-1* Ror. J. W. Bumuar and Family KiatIIy R.mamboeed On Thursdey evening, June 20, in tise basussent af tse beantitul chorcis at Stockdale, a large coaipany eofthUe peuple ut Steckdale Circuit, Cabourg Presbytery, met te express tiseir ap- precition of Rev. J. W. Bunner and his eatemed wite wholiad labored Lwth mucis acceptance for thse lest tisree yeers on thia circuit. AU tise eppointasenta were reMrsented, many desiring toemeprema tbefr re- grt et thse deperture cit tieir talUs- tipeter and fbis werthy coaspan- ion. During the tliree years -many trierids had been made bythe pistor *nd his wite and al toit that they cosld not let thse opportamity Pms without in smre way evincing thsat recognition etf fith:ful ad kindly interest. Stockdale circuit basnrnany fine workersanad tbey are unanimons in expressing their estern for the labors ut their true werkerm. Atter e pleant timne spent In convention, ,Mr. James Bates, Sisp- erintendent ut Stockdale «Sunday Scisool, was called ta thse chair, and etter e tew aeppropriate words calledl upon Mr. Frank Elliott, ex-Reeve ot Murray, and Rev. J. R. Butler ot Frankford. Bacis spoke 'words et g r a e s p p e l e t i e i i o f t t h e R e t i r i n g j MLr W. R. Atkinson, teaciser et Zion Public ScIseol, read Use tollow- ing appropriate address: Dear Mr. and Mrs. Bunna:- We, your trienda ufthtie Stockdale Circuit, are met tagether this even- ing for tise purpmofu shaowing in sortie tangible foins eux appreciation ci Use yeexu spent asnong us. May we express eur regret et your re- muval trous aur midst, end at your decisien te retire tromn the active werk of the. ministry. Disring thse tinse we bave spent ta- gether we bave learned toeâeteeas yuur quiet devotion te Use duties etl yuur position. We shahl miss your voice leading us in prayer and praise. In Mrs. Bunner Use Ladies' Aid loses e piller et strengtb, and every organization ofthUe cbunch will teel bier absence. We believe se gave heartily ut bier tume and tel- enta te thse Mster's service. Tbe earnestness and ebilîty se brougbtI te, every task bas been an inspirationi te us ell. May tise Divine Hand tisat guides our destinies se will it that yau shall enjoy nsany yeers ut peece and coin- fort. in yaur new home. May yeu lbe blessed withbebtter hieltis and mey yen bie given atrengtis and energy te still continue meme work th the Meet- er's vineyard. As e slight teken we asic yeu to aceept tiis gift. We trust thet as tise yeaTs go by it mey add susse- thing ta tise sunsisine and coassort et your lives, and tisougis in years we may -be widely separeted we trust thse ties of triendsisip nsey b. sufi- ciently strong thet you may aiways remember your friends bore. man Preston, Mr*. Blake Moran. Stockdale, Ont, June 17, 1926. Rev. Mr. Bunner modoe ateeling and eppropriae reply expressing bis great thsanks te bis peuple ton their many kindnesses in tisis purse et money-, and bis regret et the circuni- stances tisat hed cauzed what al isope and pray is only e temsprary retirornont fren tise wurk Mae loves so well and whicis ha servesosefaitis- ftxlly. Refreshmnents were servod and et- ter a pleasent social hnir tise cern- pany disperae.d feeling tisat their best wisbos and prayers go with tiseir pestqr and bis esteemed fumiiy. Herrick Entertainers Are Popular Chautauqua Numibo DURHAM BOY'S SUCCESi, Mr. R. C. Wragg, son of Mr. and1 Mrs. Albert Wragg o Clarke town- ship, bas just cosnpleted his first year at Albert College, Belleville, where he la studying for the min- istry. He won a scholarship 'wrth $50 for bighest marks in his class and also a bible dictionary for best esffay on the benefits of "Church Union". Tbis is a splendid record for a young mian who sin-ce obtain- ing bis entrance te 111gb School bas devoted bis time to working on the farra. Mr. Wragg i-Q a nephew of Mrs. C. F. Corden, Hamipton.. Meal-getters puzzle over the world'a oldest problem: What will we have for the next meal? Every day in the year we haye been helpn scores of people ini solving ths problem. POuùr large and attractive aasortment of Cooked, Cur- ed and Fresh Meats makes it comperatively easy to choose something appètizing and different for almost every meal-. Come in and %eethe smùtaryY ay Wedi&- play our meat& We Deliver The Goode G, A. 'Edmondstone I EVRYTHIG FOR THE PICNIC" Can be obtained at the Domninion Store&. Hem are a ew monby mving ofiorns for this week. ShopWhere Qualbty Couats". Pu» gMARMALADE 3'b-31 c OrangLeM Sda.2cCOOAEDS3 ,i4 160o.. M OLIVES 39e Summer Drinks n.t. 29c Lihby's MUSTARD 13c Clarks PouteeI Meat8 3 Y" 25c CICKENADDIE - 25c FASHRIMPS - 21le 2Ib. YELLOW SU 14C CLAMK'SVEA LOAF 23e PARIS PATE - 14-e tAÂBLE NAKM Spkg. IL4c WAX PAP er.3f1O Choice CORN 2Thm25c CHEESE C.I32elb. FÂLU .&iw 2 Tm19C r[qgEgANSARDINES 4INe. 2% T Bram 731b Kipper Snacks 2 m13c Richufle ~ Choice.Coiao bQ D.. ..63 ýlRed Salmoôn ia 2 PICKLES SOUR or CHow40e aU.s35el T16060 Price in affect f or orne, wek fr.n dat of th paper 131-C. ~8Aare prompy reieved by INA?1?HU BEN OLO FORNÉAY FIFTYYU AND la T-DAY A OREATER ELRTHNLS SOFOE 1_A ESTMONAL HATSPEAKO FOR ITO NUMEROuO CURATIVE QUAUiTISA. 1 1 1 A. Y. P. A. AND CHOIR PICNIC The annuel picnic ofthtie A. Y. P. A. and the choir of St. Jolin's Churcli wes beld Saturday et thse fan cof Mr. Henry Pawson. This wes upon thse invitation of tbe Pawson family and as such an enjoyable tme was spent. Ail wbo participated wisis to convey their meny thenks to the Pawson feniily for thse excellent wey in which' they treated their guests. Tlianks is aIse due te the Band whicb rendered such barra ony during tise feast. W. M. S. RALLY First W. M. S. Rally of section No. 2 et Cobourg Presbyterial will be held inUnited Cliurch, Newcast- le, on Tuesdey, July 6th.. at 2:30 p. nm. (standard tine). A good pro- grami has been pre'pared. Miss Mc- Harrie, returned missioneny, wiil be tise Ieading speaker, subject "India". Remnember tlie Question Dramcr and bring your problemns fair discussion. Supper will be served in scbool-rom et Newcastle Churcli et25 c. The offering is te pey expehsses ofthtle Rally. Let every Auxiliery in this District be represented._ MUR-mmmmp-4 Fun and Iaugbter wlll be thse keynote ofthtie scintUllatling numbers te be given by thse Herrck Entertaineru Bt th ecoring Doinon Chautauq1b ber. Robert Herrck, who heada thse compeny, was bon i wth a alPtt f making people laugs. He mees the humr tu dally lite and presents It Wit auci nfections enjoyment that hie audience la soon roklng wlth laugister. Dora Andreas, thse other member of.tte cmpany, au a alssdid cntralp volce, lu an excellent planist and an admirable choece as a partnerteM Herrick. The program numborm are parklng, wltmovlng and ent*ill5 changes of cotume. A travemty on thse fanos Gilbert and Sulivan oper1, "Piafore," and .An Old-Faalcned Greop" Me two co*nmed muuicu sketches whih are extrmnely populr. Otber wel-lked nnnsberumra" group t I"hom*owu" lmpermonationm, humrona negro uqng, a i ad Imitations of mom ef onaulng hm fuihievocafl&t 'Thsis la an oubtandtflg eopW whoSe progam &boum tbi Wa, "tece and Vulve. CHAUTAUQUA COMING TO BOWMANVILLE JULY 21-26. TICKETS $2.5b Watc For Particular i1095 Times À Yea-rI R 1 a -Zf-Aàh sowmanvîlle phone 21 1 -