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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 1 Jul 1926, p. 4

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PAGE FOUR mE CANADIA1~ MA'tKbMAN. BOWMANVILLE. THURSDAY. JULY lst.. 1926 B-ARGAINS For Fridayand Satu*rday We are now showing the most comprehensive display of Summer Dre6ses we have ever gathered together at prices that are truly most reasonable. Styles that are distinctive and individual, and fabrics that are of the finest and best. Your in- spection is cordiafly invited. 200 WýOMEN'S DRESSES AT 98c 200 only Women's Chambray, Print and Gingham Dresses in many different styles and colors, reg- ularly worth $ 1.50, ON SALE 98c SILK STOCKINGS AT 89c 20 Dozen Silk Stockings in all the newer colors, reinforced double sole and heel, worth $1.25, ON SALE 89c PAIR HOLEPROOF HOSE $1.00 PAIR 16 Dozen Holeproof Hose, regular $1.75, includ- ing bisque, crash, moonbeam, nude, white, sun- burn, black, antique shades, ON SALE $1.00 PAIR DRESS LENGTHS ONLY $1.49 2 Dozen Dress Lengths made of guaranteed Nor- mandy Voile. Each dress length bears the marks that guide the dressmaker when-the gar- ment is cut. Three yards of material to each dress length. Ail the newer and staple shades. EXTRA FRIDAY AND SATURDAY $1.49 DRESS LENGTH FUGI SILK -SPECIAL 32 inches wide, including every color, an excellent quality of silk, fast colors and will wash like a rag. A special purchase only makes this pos- sible, Regularly $1.15 yard, FRIDAY AND SATURDAY 89c YARD IMPORTED BLACK DUCHESS SILK $1.49 YD. 100 Yards of Imported Black Duchess'Silk, ful 36" wide, of'excellent texture and splendid lust- re, FRIDAY AND SATURDAY $1.49 YARD FUGI SILK DRESSES $&.75 Fugi Silk Dresses, every shade and many differ- ent smart styles. These dres&es are regularly worth $10.00, FRIDAY AND SATURDAY SPECIAL, INCLUDING WHITE $6.75 EACH WOMEN'S BROADCLOTH DRESSES $2.49 4 dozen Women's Broadcloth Dresses, well made, washable and f ast colors, regularly worth $3.95, ON SALE $2.49 EACH LS. W. MASON & SON Dry Gooda and Ladies' Ready-to-Wear Phone 106 Bowmanville Give the Babies Plenty of Fresh Air We have line of 7 Children's Cribis with drop sides and mattress complete, several grades. We are selling a Simnions Bed, Mattress and Spring foir $18.00, any size. We have Steel Beds, Walnut finish, ail sizes and from $10.00 up.a SEE OUR HAMMO COUCHES We have everything in Furniture and prices are very low. We selI the Victor line of Orthophonic Vict- rolas and Victor Records. Corne in andl hear them. F. F. Morris Co. Furniture and Home Furnishings Phone 10 Bowmanville a coin Cari Carriers and Carts, newest and prices are low. nplete 7nages, Go- styles very DARLINGTON Sehool report for June, of 5.S. No .3, Darlington: Sr. IV-Florence Bennett 74, Ed- ward Foley 72. Jr. IV-Ive Foley 73, Leab Bell 68. Sr. IUI-*Wa1ter Biackburn 83, Ethel Happs 65, Lewis Rundie 61, f Dorotby Rundle 53, j'Freda At- tree 52, f Bloss Campbell 50, tGreta Lene 42. Sr. II-*Eileen Morpby 77, *Bs sie Blackburn 76, Florence Foley 72, tGordon Camipbell 51. Jr. II-*Winnie Gibson 85, Wil- bur Blackburn 72, Annie Kusb 69, tHazel Hopps 58, tAloysins Kusb 54. Sr. I-tEunice Lane 59. Sr. Pr.-~*Bobbie Gibsaon, *Grace Truil, Maurice Morpby. Jr. Pr.-Hazel Roberts, Bernice Roberts. * Honors; f-Failure (bplow 60% on total.) Ruby M. Bragg, teacher Nelles sella groceries for less. HAMPTON Rev. W. W. Peck, Field Secretary of the Ontario Prohibition Union,I will give an address in the Hasuptoni United Cbuvch -on Friday, July 9th et 8' p. ri., under auspices of the Dar- lingiton Union. R. J. McKessock, Presidenit. Evevy fniend of the Tomperanee cause sbould strirse te beer Mr. Peck wha cornes with a wide knowedge of tbe subject with wbich he le ta deal. Regular services wili ho resuxned -on tbe Hamipton Circuit next week .... Mr. and Mr&. Harvey Hardy, Russel and Doreen, Mr. and Mrs. Isaac Hardy and Stanley, Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Nicho]is and Henry, So- lina, visited at*Mv. Alfred H. Han- dy's. . .. Mr. and Mms. W. J. Cann, Percy and Gladys, Salemi, Mass Liz-, zie Cann, Bowmanville, MT. and Mrs. Frank Pyott, Mr. and Mrs. J. Willis and sons, _Tor-onta, Mr. and Mrs. W. Bunt, Kemble, were Sunday guesta aM Mr. John Colwil's, ST-. Recent visitons: Miss Winnie CrYderman, Mr. Albert Alin, Tor- onto, at Mr. A. B. CTyderman's; Miss Lottie Challis, Osfhawa, at Mr. J. H. Wileux's, Jr.; Miss Betty Sergent, Peterb ara, et Mv. James Curtis'; Mr. and Mr& A. Oke eand children, En- niakillen, Mr. and Mrs. Crago et Mr. C. Hastings'; Mr. and Mms Roy Lang- niaid and children, Mion, et Mr. C. Lengmaid's; Mr. and Mrs. J. Rundle, Saline, et Mr. J. Colwel's Jr,; Mr. and Mrs. G. Wilkinson, Taranto, et Mr. E. Trull's; Mr. and Mrs. C. Mountjoy, Toronto, witb Mn. and Mrs. S. Mountjoy; Mn- and Mms. W. Bunt, Kexuble, with frienâs; Mr. and Mrs. Lamne Rabbins, Lesard, witb her sister, Mrs. W. Vutue; Mr. and Mms. R. H. Warder and Miss Merian Warder, Bowmanille, et Mr. A. Pet- ers'; Mr. and Mms. E. Law, Toronto, Mr. and Mrs. R. Hall, Oshawa, et Mr. G. Wite's; Mr. and Mns. F. R. Kens- leke, Bewmenville, with Mms. M. Robbins; Mr. and Mrs. D. Flintoif and cildren, Zion, Miss A. Wood and MT. W. Wood, Orono, et Mv. H. Rundle's; Mr. and Mrs. T. Salter, Mr. and Mrs. Jamieson, Mimilco, et Mr. T. .Salter's; Mr. end Mms. Cý Wo.)d and famuly, Orono, et Mr. J. L. Johns'; Mv. and Mrs. E. Crydermean, Saline eat Mr. Bruce Ferguson's; Mr. Ross Tnenoutb, Detroit, Mr. and Mrs R. Metcaif and cildren, Base Line, et Mr. A. Trenout's; Mr. and Mms. Arthur Crane end daughter Winni- fred, Oekvillle, and Mrs. Bennett., Tunýbridge Wells, Kent, Engiand, et Mn. Ed. C. Florys.. .. Our bail teaim wes successful in defeating the Providence teani on Tbuisday night 16-7... .We are glad ta know that Master Austin Becron is recovering froni bis serere ilîness. You sbould see those fifty centi special ladies silk base et Horn's Store-the best yet. Why net buy that new Barrymore Rug this week while they are be- ing offered et sucb tempting values by Coucb, Jobnston & Cryderman. HAMPTON ANNIVERSARY A1nniversery ser'ices-another mile atone in the bistony of the Hamipton Sundey Seb-ood bas beeni neacbed. Many yeers bef are Con-1 federation tihis school wes orgenized serving the co'miunity ever since in religions thinga. LAst Sundey wes higb-weter-inark-day. About 1200 people sbared in the inspiring ser- vices, not e f ew ceturning froni dis- tant points ta their early childbaod's homne ta participete in the annuel event, affectionately recailing the days wben tbey were scholers in this school. The meimbers of the Sundey School, sanie 150 trang, under the leadership af Mr. Theodace Salten gave a special prograni of song es.isted by orchestral miusic rendered by T. L. Salter, Mn. and Mrs. E. Janiieson, Toronto, and Miss Ruth Jahns, Hampton. Miss Mild- ced Soucb in the evening service gave a fine rendering of the sala "Ninety end Nine". Rer. Mansan Doyle, Associatel Secretery of Religiaus Educetion in tbe United Cburch, was te speaker of the day. %in a masterful piesent- ation on the claims, of the chiid he stirved the large audiences ta a mare definite consecrati«on in Religiaus Educatian. In the morning be chase as bis texit Proverbsl7 :6 "Tbe Glony cf tbe Ohildnen (are) their Fethers". In the evening Luke 1: 66-"Wbat Manner af Cild shall this Be?". On Dominion Day a splendid pro- gr-amn l being arranged. Field sports in the Hamvpton Park. Soft- bail et 3 o'clock p. ni., Salemi vs. Hamipton. Six o'clock, faotball, Zian vs. Saline. Teea erved coin- niencing et 4 o'clock, folLlowed by e concerL given by "Ye Olde Tyme Village Quartette" of Toronta, A. C. Cbapman, Tenon Director, essisted by Miss Pearl Carter, reeder, et 8 o'elock. LOTS 0F GOOD COAL We now bave on hend plenty of Nut and Store Coal et Tyrone Sta- tior. Before buying caîl up 181-121 26-2 R. H. CoIIacitt.j ,cellent -sermons. In the afternaon bis tume was given ta the schoiers end bis thenie wag "Loyalty ta Jes- 3us". In the evening he continued bis discounse on "Loyalty ta Jesus" in relation ta the parents and officers and teachers of the Sunday Svbho.ol. Those wbo were -fortunate ta be present, could not fail ta benefit by bis eernest, inspiring messages wbich will be remembered in days ta came. Music wes rendered by the Sunday Scbool, the selections being very ap- propriate and niucb enjoyed bv tbe large audiences. Great credit is due Mma Thenon Mountiov and Ms IMeta. Ashtan in the training of the papuls.* Another interesting part of the services was the violin selectionesa5 sweetly cendered by aur virlinist, Mn. A. Beecb, wbile the offening wesi 'being taken bath afternoon and evening, eccom.penied by the organ-ý ist, Miss Meta Ashïton. Rev. J. W. Down, Pastor, m'asj present et the evening service ta a,-. sist in devotianal exerciees and atl the close, he bade farewcIl bfcel leaving on bis new filds of lahori We wish him success. Anniver.ýaryl wiil be continued on Thursday .July lst. Anniversary visitera: Mcr. and Mýrsz. H. Collecutt, Miss Eva and Master Harry and Mr. J. ColR-cl, Ty- rane; Mn. and Mrs. H. Scott an<l. daughters, Helen and Docnthy, Be- tbesda; Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Ingles and sons, Toronto; Mn. and Mres. J. A. Werry and Miss Grace, Ennie- killen; Miss Ruýby, Mr. Ray and Master Frank Smith, Enfield, at Mr. Sulas Trewin'sQ; Mr. end Mca. Chas.. Briggs, Toronto, Dr. and Mrs. C. W. Siemon and son Keitb, Miss Ril<la Siemon Town, Mse Lorenso Mount- joy, Nestletan, et Mr. Thas. SIeni- an's; '.%I. and Mrs. Cephas Mount- jay. Toronto, Rev. J. E. and Mcar.1 Beckel. Castieton, at Mr. Theran Mountjay's; Mr. and Mrs. Theo. Sie- mon, Mr. and Mra. Jiin Bradley, En- niskillen, et Mr., Elmer Bradley's; Mc. and M.%rs. Hatberly, Tyrone, at Mr. John Wrigbt's; Mr. and Mcam Welsb andl son, Taranto, et Mr. C. Avery's; Mr. and Mcs. Narman Col- lacutt, Bethesda, Mca. Tabb and MT. Fred and Mr. George at Mc. David Graham'm; Mr. ned Mrs. M. Mount- joy, Nestîcton, ait Mr. Elgin Mount- joy's; Mr. and Mrs. F. StaplcF, En- nis.kilicén, af, Mr. A. Beech's; Mr. and Mca. Wi. Martin end farniry et Mn. A. McNeil's; Mr. and Mcs. Adanis and Mc.-. Frank Cnossman, Oàbawa, et Mr. J. ('raasman's; Mr. and Mc,. J., E. Elliott, Bewmanville, Mm John, Hesptan et Mr. Milton Sleni- on's; Miss Dora Mountjoy and Miss Bockel, Oshawa, et Mr. C. Gerrard's. NOTICE The office of Dr. E. G. Kerslake, Orono, will be closed until Juiy 4tb., efter wbicb business will be rcsuined as usuel. CARD 0F THANKS Mr. Ted Jackson wîshes te thlank the matron and nurses, also Dr. Hazlewood for the cane and k'-nd- ness sbown bum during bis recent operetian in Bowmanville Hospital Ladies sbouid net feil ta see the lovely silk underween for 89e eacb germent et Coucb, Jobnstor. & Cry- denman 's. ENNISKILLEN MAPLE GROVE It bas been fouind necessary to, The W. M. S. meeting will be held call off for thjs yrar the Enniskillen on Thursday, July Stb., wiil the mern- Old Boys' Reunion.. The oid scboul bers please note the change of date is now being tom qlown and consider- . . ... Quarter'y service will be held able of the materia! w)li be used in on Sunday afternaon ...Quite a the new scboo. Slow progress is nuanher froin here attended Harrp- being made on the new structure..,. ton anniversary on Sunday l... . - - Mr. C. E. C. Dyson, Chief Archi- Mr. Clifford Swaliùw spent the week- tect, Dept. of Education, Toronto, end in Toronto witb friends. who was to address t;ie youngr men Our girls piayed a friendly game of bere on July 9tbh ha had to canceI softball with the Goodyear girls, the engagement and wiil corne at a our girls winning by- a score of 2à- later date .Te Ann Martin farni 10... .Mis harlotte Chapple, Hami- of 25 acres was sold to Gordon ilton, visiting ber aunt and uncle, Fletcher Martin for $1,100. TbeIMr. and Mrs. E. B. Sterabaugh. ... residue of Ann ýMartin's estate Miss Irma Power, Kendal, Miss Vers amounting to about $1000, accord- Power, Peterboro Normal, are spend- ing to ber will, -will be forwardediing their hoiidays et the parental to Sick Cldren's Hospital, Toronto. homee...Miss Ruby Lancaster is . spending ber bolidays at her hcme at TYRONE Port Granby. . . . Mrs. Harry lrwin, ________two cbildren, C"bhourg, visiting Mr. Visitors: Mr. and Mrs. Soucb, Or.i and Mrs. Ros.s Stevens.' ana, witb Mr. and Mrs. Albert Buy groceries for less "the cash Hawkey on Tuesdey; Mrs. Brown,1 and carry wey" et Nelles' Pure Food Peterboro, with ber brother, Mr W. Storf. Stewart; Mrs. Horatio His ba; re:-_______ turned home after spending a weeki witb ber sistèr-in-law, Mrs. R. Stutt, 1SLN Orono, Mrs. Stutt eccompanyingiSLN bher; Mr. and Mrs. James Soucb,! Bowrnanville, witb Mr. and Mrs. AI-I Mr. and Mrs. M.L A. James, Mr. and bert Hawkey; Mr. George Aldred ý Mrs. Geo. W. James and family and and friend, Bowinanville, et Mr. AI- M as Edith Peardon. Bowmanville, dred's; MT. Woi. Staples, Mis, F. at Mr. A. L. Pescoe's; Mrs. John Virtue and 'Mrs R. Burgess with Reynolds at Niagara Falls and To-- Hampton friends on Sunday; Mr. onto; Mr. Geo. H. Hogartb, B. A., and Mns. Russel Virtue et Mr. jj: Regina,, witb bis sisters and Virtue's, Hampton; Master Johni other f riends here; Mr. and Mrs. Do4,son, Toronto, et Mr. R. ]Davev's 'Narian Mutton and Miss Rutb, Mr. Brown, aon and daugbter , Peter. Osbawa, at Mr. W. Westlake's; Mr. bora, at Mr. Stewart's; Mr. and Mr£_. and Mrs. Harold Jebson, Brooklin, George Vercoe, Miss Hannah Eni- at Mr. Walter Vices; Miss Vers merson and Mrs. Eastman, Bowman-' Baker in Peterboro ettending the ville, and Mr. Wil'bur Moore, Toron-, nurses re-uniom et Nicholis ýHosçpita1 ta, witb Mr. and Mrs. Byron Moore' on Dominion Day; Mr. and Mrs. Mrs. Robert Stevens and Mrs. Edwin; Horace Grainger, Toronto, et Miss James, Guorie, are visiting et Mr. Mary Hogaith's; Mr. and Mrs. W. T. orma Wodeysay'1lor, Mr. and Mr&. E. R. Taylor, Rev. J. W. Down preached a splen- Mrs .A. Balson and son Harold witb did farewell sermon on Sundayi Peterboro friends; Mrs. Silas Wil- morning to a goad congregation.' 1enaswitb Taronto friends. Mr. Down took for bis text Il Cor-I PicplR . cesc ape lathens 18,vere il '~inaIy1siding on Entrance Exams et Black- Bretboeen Fareveli." We wisb r 1sokti ek.. 2ppl rt Down succesa in bis work on Cent're- iEnoctie Ek ...32 ppils wenre1 ton Circuit. Our new pestor Rev. Entrh.aneExss Solina cents. recil John R. Trumpour will be witb osFwhJ.h re atHmn ,rjils.Preàina next Sabbath and preacb e t Betbes- .F..MiGsroa Hanipa, is peadng de, Heydon and Tyrone. We hape Shep. .MissuNoM KesoekandElan for full churches to greet Mr. and Balo ult M..J McKes-Aa Mms. Trusepour and family ... .Sev- so, apeupis o w.J eKea-oo era frm hre njoed earng ev.Exesns in Bowmanville this week.. J. E. Beckel'at Haydon on Sundey. ..W<smen's Institute will ineet at A goodly nuniber attended Long the bne of Mrs. Will Leesk "Ry- Sani*lt Anniversary June 20th and tees land Farrn", Thursday afternoon, on Wednesday and report a good July 8tb ait 2:30 o'clock. A gaod time..r. Young People's League prga ibigprprd olCl enjoyed their annuel picnic at Creamprougraentios fringprepêred. pro-Ci of Banlley Camp, Bowmanville, oi"<siongra" for ladet ear' p...o- of lsVViceP.L. Miss Florene Messrs. T. Baker, John Baker ard charge fltVcMs rne W. Leask ettended Dryden's Short- Gardiner ...Miss Annie Gardinrv orn sale on Wednesday. .. Dno't and Mr. Iven Smith are in town writ- fre h on ep,' inea îng Entrance Exems tbis week ... forgket te aYOs awea,'s picnicat Congratulations t# Leon Moore on Jlkeie3 Prkdbaa , Spe Aot tudy passing witib honors into third f on uy3d a .m...bu t et Bowmanville Higb Scbool..of the young people of the commun- Thechor hld pinicetHamapton ity gatbered et the bomne of Mr. and TherkhonrTuedae i e a ofMisMn. Chas. Smitb an Wednesday Farorene Down inwbonerof issevening last tW offer congratulations Fbsleo . irence wwoi leevin to tbe bride and groom. After al in the Choir, , Sunday Scbool and had assembled, Mr. Chas. Sbortridge Leege wrk. ...calledl the coxnpany ta order and Leage wik.caled upon Miss Margaret MeKes- sock wbo read a niceiy worded ad-1 HAYDON ANNIVERSARY dreês. Miss Myrtle Vice and Messrs Hilton Tink and Howard Wonnacott Our Sundey Scbool Anniversary1 presented tbe bride and groom witb beld bere on Sunday, June 27, wa a gasoline lamp; dozen silver tea, another grand success. Services spoons and sugar shell. Mr. and were conducted in the new enciosedIMm. Smith fittingly replied tbenk- sbed wbich wps made very attractive ing ail for their beautiful gif t. Theyi witb variaus kinds of flowers, plants, ail joined in singing "For tbey are ferns and aiso meny flags, to pro-l cOUY good fellows'". Tbe remainder ,daim tbe greet event wbicb. we an- of the evening was spent in a cociai' nuelly celebrate "The Dominion of W-Y. Canada". Men'a Spring Coatsa nd New Suita We were deligbted ta bave witb ne are priced ta, prejudice you in theirl Rer. J. E. Beckel of Castleton, a favor. See the=n this week ait Couch, former pastor, wbo delivered two ex- 1 Jolbnon & Cryderman's. King St. W., Phone 348 Bowmanville BIG RUSH FOR Chicken Feed Poultrynien tell us almost daily of the splen- did results they are getting from using our brands of Chick Feeds and Poultry Regulators. You take no chances in buying feed at this store for every brand we selI has been tried out and given a most thorough trial before being re- commended to our customers. You may buy with confidence here-besides our prices are right. HIARRY ALUIN PHONE 186 B0WMANVUJ..E Backward Weather Condition THE REASON FOR SLASH IN PRICES Men's $35.00 Suits go on sale at ........$27.50 Men's $30.00 Suits go on sale at ........$22.50 Men's $25.00 Suits go on sale at ........$17.50 ,Men's $20.00 Suits go on sale at ........$14.50 Boys '$15.00 2 Bloomer Suits go on sale at $ 9.50 Boys' $1000 2 Bloomer Suits go on sale at $ 7.50 Men's $2.00 Fine Shirts go on sale at ....$ 1.50 Men's $2.50 SiIk Broadcloth Shirts on sale $ 2.00 Men's $2.50 work pants go on sale at ....$ 2.00 Men's $1.50 and $1.75 B.V.D. Underweaî, on sale $ 1.25 Men's $2.00 Caps go on sale at ..........$ 1.00 Other lines on Sale1 to give ail the prices. always gives you betterv Phone 26 S, G. CHARTRAN 1 door west of Bell Telephone but space will not allow Corne to the store that values than elsewhere. Bowinanville YOU SAVE When you buy Groceries1 the sCASH and CARRY WAY Since we adopted the -cash and Carry Sy- stem" which enables us to 'seIl groceries for less" our business has shown a steady increase each week. Buy here and save on your food bill. Fresh Fruits and Vegetables Orders of $4.00 and over delivered W* Go Nelles.Co. Pute Food Groceries j Phone 62 -Bowmanville Itfs Good to Reflect well before going ahead with that new plurnbing 1 work. Better yet it wiIl be for you. to, consuit, us as to the kind of plunibing you require. We can show you exactly the best means of accomplishing your purpose, at the least possible expense. We cannot advise you as to poor plunibing. We are i net risking people's health for a few dollars. Agents for McClary Furnaces and Electric Stovesà W. LEN. ELLIOTT Sanitary Plumbing, Heating and Tinsmithing '41 4 1 - - a-m» oqqum.-.Rffl - - mqzwý PAGE POUR ME CANADIAI. SIATESMAN. BOWMANVILLE. THUR-SDAY, JULY lst., 1926 Bill 1 r

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