PAGE SIX TEE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVILLE, THURSDAY, JULY lat., 1926 M SKINNY MEN Run Down Men Nervous Men DON7 MISS THtIS Wno're behind the times if you don't know thai Cod Liver Extract la onxe of the greatest fleh producerm in the world. Becanee it contains more vitaliz- ing vitamines thae& any food you can get. You'Illiho glad to know tht Me- Coy's Cod Liiver Extract Tablets corne In augar coated f orm now, se if you really want to put 10 or 20 pounds of solid, heslthy fleak on pour bon.. ad feel w.fluend stzong and have a complexion tht people ulil admire--aak any draggist for a box of McCoy'a Cod Liver Ex-1 tract Tableta. Only 60 cents for 60 tablets and i yeu don't gain Ove peunds in 30 days etur drugglst will hand you bock the money you pald for tbem. It lsn't anytblng unusual for aý persn to gpin10 pound in 30 days, and fbr old people wtb feebletiem overtaklng themn they wonk wond- ara. 2 Thousands ofi People Have Answered Yes Wben Asked If MILLER'S HERB JUICE Has Bene-! fitted Them. It is a rcmarkable record of neit. It proves tht a remcndy for definite ailments, accuratcly and scientifical- ly prepered frein simple roots, herbai and barks does relieve those *ndiv'd- uais who f ollow directions fr the troubles fer which it is reconmmcnd- ed. Suferers fromn indigeâtion, gas pains, constipation, billousness, aleepleasneca, stoanach, liver, bowel and kidney disorders can sccure prompt and permanent relief. What dom. this mean to you? If you are suffering frein any of theae ail- ments you can derive the sanie hap- py resat. as those who have volun- tarly sent statements of praise for the relief secured fron EERB JUICE.Askyor local drugst who will expiain he mernts of HERB JUICOZ or we will moud you the names of peoplIe who will gladly tel yon whaît HERB JUICE bas done for thecm. With such a record HERB JUICE rmust lb.deipendalble. For sale by Jnj & Loveli and leading druggîsts eveywhere. Price $1.00.1 Herb Juwce Medicine Co. Ltsi., Dept. 1, 506-7 Exchange Bldg., Windsor, Ont. A Tonice Restoratv SCOWrS EMULSIN OF PURE COD.LiVM O. FOR NIJRSSNG MOTI4ENS ABOUNDS IN vIrAMINS Do as Mr. Gard Mr. Anson A. Gard, the well known, Littérateur of Ottawa, callcd the Wan- dering Yankee, ays In an unsolcited testimonial for ZUTOO Tabta:; "Zutoo Tabletu stop My hemd- aches so completely that 1 do Dot mind having them any more." No need for any ane to suffor fronth&& jae if they do as Mr. Gant do.a and Lake Zutoo SICK ABED EIGHTMONTHS and can't 9leep 1 awa" take another bottle of the Vegot.abe C6m1ound. I Ad il wondefuily good for fe- Mdc troubles, and have recom- meuded it ta !y neighbors. 1 will be onI' too glad th answerany letters coie saing about it. - Mms. RIjTomE Box 486, Melfort, ïmaelawu.c ORONO (Frani The News cof June 24th) Miss Kathleen Stapies, teacher, Part Hope, is home. Mrs. J. Ea Richards i5 visiting ber daughters in the city. Mrs. Andrews, Lindsay, is ';isît- ing ber sister, Mrs. R. H. Brawn. Mies Inez Quinn,, Toronto, is vis- iting her uncle, Mr. M. L. Travelle. The most obstinate corns fail to resîst Holioway's Corn Remoyer. Try it. Mrs. Louie Yonker and son Rab- ert are visiting ber sister at Kitch- ener. Mr. Robert Rainey spent a week with relatives at Markham and un- ionville. Mr&. W. H. Barrett spent the pat; week with her sister, Mrs. Asbton,l Toronto. Mrs. O. T. Orr and :wo children of South Porcupine, are visiting at Mr. A. J. Knox's. Miss Ettie Winter, Toronto, ha spending her holidays at ber fatber's, Mr. Isaac Winter. Miss Jo. Armstrong is'home fain Macdonald Coliege, having complet- cd her course as Dietitian. Ail mthers can put away anxiety regarding their suffering children when they bave Mother Graves' Worm Extemminator ta give relief. Its effect-s are sure and lasting. Mr. F. W. Bowen, M. P., was home frcsm Ottawa for weekend and at- tended the Memoriai Park Grand Op- ening and Figid Day at Kendal. Mrs.. I. Saunders and daughter, re- cent arrivais front Landau, Eng., are visiing Mr. Arthur Saunders and expeet ta remain until Sept. 1Otb. A Remedy for Earache.-To have the earache is ta endure torture. The car is a delicate organ and few caeta deal with it, conshdering it 'work for a doctor. Di-. Thomnas'i Eciectnic Ohl offers a simple reniedy. A few dro'ps aipon a piece af lint or mnedieated cotton aud placed in the ear wiii do mach in rclieving pain. Mn. and Mrs. Shetier, Belleville, and Mr. and Mrs. Samn Lawreuce sud son John, Toronto, visited over Sun- dat at Mr. Fred Blackburn's, tavu line. Miss Leta Hancack, who is naw night supervisor at Brockville Ho&- pital, Brockviiie, Ps., wrltes that she la quite satisfied with ber wark sud' pleased wlth the place. Mr. Frank Walsh bas gone ta, Weyburu, Sask., whene ho hopee ta secure a position in the mercantile business, the drior climate 91 the west bing more beneficiai ta hlm heaith. Chldreu suffernug1froin vomis soon show the symptuins, and auy niother can deteet the presence af these parasites by the writhiugs and fretting ai the child. Until expeil- cd andthe system cieared of theni, the child caunot regain its hcalth. Mille's Worm Powders are prompt aud effiient, nat oniy for the eradi- cation cof worms, but also as a touerý up for children that arc run davu in consequence. Mr. and Mrs. Peter Laing go ta Port Hope this week wbere they viii join ber brother, Mr. George Han- cock and wife, of that towu, on a twa weeks' mator trip ta relatives in Motreal, returning via the United States. Mrs. G. HL Linton ana daughter, Miss Iva, arrived lu Sauta Barbara, Calif., on June 15, and are enjoying a visiît this week with former Orono- ites, Mr. and Mr. J. G. Homey, Mr. Albert Barrett another Orono boy was aiso recent calier at the Honey's at Santa Barbara. Its Quality Selis It.--Tbe tact that' so many tbousands of intelligent people continue ta use Dr. Thoinas'i Eciectric Oil speaks volumes for ità healing efficîency. Ever since it waâ first introduced it has grown steadily in public favor, owhng en- tirely to its manifold usefuiness in relieving and bcaling sickness. As a specific for cuts, burns, scald.s, and various infianimatory pains *ts re- cord is beyond reproach. '.%r. S. H. Jeffery, Principal of Es- sex S-reet Public Scbool, Toronto,; one of the largest in the city, niotor- ed down with Mr. Fred Lorriman for a weekend to visit at Mr J. F. Lar-1 riman 's. Mr. Jeffery ha an old En-i field boy. A grandfatber of is buhit the Harry Rowe flour mili here, formerly Tucker miii. 1Mr. J. W. Maxwell writes from Chicago, Ill., that be leaves on Sat- urday, July 2nd., for bis annual out- ing to the old home tawn here wbich he still feels is the best place on earth .A 's f y ore he is assurecd of, a hearty reception. MJrs .Maxwell bas just returned home from a six suonths' residence at ber winter berene t St. Petersburg, FIa. Freedom from Asthma. A-sthrna ione -f t'e most distressing troub- les, sudden in its attacks and pro- longed in its agonies. Frequently many things are tried, but notbing seems to give hope of relief. Dr. J., D. Kellogg's Asthma Remedy is the one help whitb can bc depended up- an. If you bave tried otber remne- dies witbout success, do flot fail to get at once a package of this uni- formly succesful preparation. Best of ail Fly Killers-lO0c and 25e per paeket at ail Druggists-, Grocers and General Store.. Chosen toPress Button On C.N& OpeWùg Day Il Sr T. Vija yasgbavacharm Who repreented AAl India at the British Empire Exhibition. a"d wha viii preside tis year at the open- ing ceremenieof thtie Canadian Na- tional Exhhbttioc, Ssfundar, Anufft 28 FOOTBALL Ebeaezer 1-Bowmanvill. 0 Ebenezer defcated Bowmanville at Gourtice on Saturday by score af 1- 0. The gaine was piayed before a vcry interested crowd vho seatcd in their autos added zeal to, the gaine at cxciting moments by the blowing or soundiug of horns. Bowmanville won the toss and kicked with the sun in their favor but were a in short for a short time. Play opened at a beisk Paec sud Bavinanville fovards with weil placcd passe%, made for the goal, and at turnes the Ebenezen defeuce were sarely pressed but with a sure'ty ai kick thoy cleared lu the nick-of- tinte. Rowveo, Ebenezer forvards aud half-backs broke away with the bail and mande for thse Baiwaanvilie goal, but Lobb and Cowliug with the assistance of Harding, who worked bard kept their oppofinuts out aud showed great skill with their kick- iug. Tovards the close of the fiast balf Burgess scored for Ebenezes- with a avell placed cross chat. Second hait opened very slow Bowmaville hacks showing littie streugth with their kickhng, atter a t ew fouis had been given against bath sides. The gaine again be- camne more serious sud rnuch faster, and Ebenezer backs were given much work ta do, but wiîth a strcngth oif detenmination they kept their op- panents out of the danger zone. Penfound, Ebenezor goalie, sbowcd quite good tarin at this stage af the gaine, aud on many occasions saved the gaine front being made a draiw. Towards the close af the gaine atter a tew words of encouragemient tram Harding, Bovinanville players made anc final aesault upon their op- ponents goal aud suaicecded lu scar- iug, after a goal mouth strugglc, on the blow of the whistle for tie, but the referee would not shlow the goal. This brought a bard and even match- ed gante ta a tbriling finish. Bownanvill-Goal-T. Magra.:h; Backs-Cowliug, Lobb; Hait Backs -Cale, Harding, Williamns; For. wards-Foster, Brown, Moore, Keel, Hall. Ebenezer-Goal-Penfound; Backs -Courtice. Nichols; Hait Backs- Osborne, Clarke, Tonkin; Fanvards -Flintoif, Muir, Linear, Baisai, Burges. Refere-C. Wilbur. Saturday, July 3, a league football gaine iii be played bet'ween B-Dw- manvilie and Ebenezer on the High Schooi ground at 7:30 p. mn. <day- light saving tinte.) Ail are wel- cornme. j ENGLISH MARKETS Canadian farinera arc ail interest- ed in the British miarket reports be- cause the chief surplus of the beef, h utton, pork sud other tanin pro- jducts goca ta the Brltisb Isle&. In s capy ot the sud Devon Post, publicbed at Launcoston, dated May 22nd., sont ta us by Miss Treleven of Strattan, we find these market reports:* Bradwomthy Cuti! Auctioa Messrs. Scîdon aud Cary conduct- cd thein monthly auction at Brad- wcrtby on Monday aset, when they had on offer 195 sheep, 50 cattie, 30 pige, 12 cave and calves. Cattie met a ready trade. Beet scllng ex- ceptionaUly veil. Fat lantb not sa fast a trade. Prices as foliove:! Lamnb train 5scta 63s, ewes ta 67s, couples ta £6, cave sud calves ta £31, fat beifere ta £32, steers ta £58 l0s per pair, store cattie, heuf- ers £13 16s steers £30 ta £45 pcr pair, pigs 35s te 44s cach. Hoisworthy Cattie Market Messrs. Kiveli and Sans offered 1 209 ebeep and ambe, 52 cows and heifers with their calves, 218 fat and store cattie. Sheep trade steady, witb a good local deinand, cowesud calves met a good eelling trade wbilst beef were bought atter and good al forward store cattle and finihed round clearance effected. Quota- thoins: Iainbs 51s ta 63s, hogs 52-. 6d t68s, ewes 60a ta 70s, cave and calves ;922 5seta £33 15s, store cat- tIc £16 ta £25 los, fat cattile £23 15s ta £34 los. Hoiaworthy Retai Piices Supply large and trade brisk. Beef, le ta is 4d per lb;; ututtan, Ie ta is 6d; lamb, 2s ta 2s 6d; veail I 3d ta is 6d; parTk, le ta le 4d; baconj ls id ta le 2d; nough fat, 3d ta 4d; linseed cake, l5saper cwt; cotton ecake, 9s; sharps, los; oate los 6d; barley meal lis; maize, 10s; maize- uteal, los 6d; bran, 9s; vool l0d per tb; tuwl.S, 9d; cbicken, Is 8d ta le 9d; rabbits 3d ta 4d; eggs, îld per dozen; butter, la 3d psn lb; po- taboes, olci 4à 6d per cwt; uev, 3d ta 4d per lb; cabbages Bd ta 4d each; broccoli, 3d to 5d; cucumbens, le; lettuce, Id. "Landocapmng," Subject Iof Notable Lecture at Dominion Chautauqua Edward A. Marshall, natlonaiiy known authority on iandr4cape garden- ing,* wll be heard at the coming Dominion Chautauqua ln a higbiy Illiuminatlng and heipful discussion on "Landscapilng."1 Mr. Marshal bas made a lifciong study of landscape gnrdening ln Its relation to more attractive home sur- roundings. For the prospective buyer of property he gives Important In- formation regardingr the selertion of a home site; whiie f'r the renter. the y pomL% IEDWARO A. MARSHALL home owner of average means, or the pomamor of a larglesetate, hlm plana for muklng the grounds more attrac- tive are tboroughly pracUcai, 9»d if the. mare Urne pr cUrte of higbly or- tlgUe resultL. To illustrate the var<oaa pointeof a huge ereen btr i = : reaflically n ainted pietwreaofa houa., the ' romids. tre, iiý walks, etc., until a wll-landmaped m- smble lam dea!17 depctd. Mea talk on lmndecpe gabea la one whib bvalone h*semt ftl bomne or cvic beautfation wll tor onghly enjoy and from wbieh b" WM drt',.Immeaurable beneit. BOWMANVILLE CHAUTAUQIJA JULY 21 TO 26 TICKETS $250 MovedI I wish to advise the public that I have moved to shop f ormerly occupied by Lewis Irwin, just east of Registry Office, King St. West, Bowmanville. I can now give better attention to your wants in sales and service for Bicy- cles, Motorcycles, Radios and Farm Implements. AIl work promptly and satisfactorily done. Harry Allun Radio supplies &Bd Repaira King St. W. Bowmanville Fur storage at moderato prices, .speciai at this season for reniod- elling andl repairing. Take advan- tage of our iow fur torage rates ncw ;n efect. IQUALITV FURS anctGuaranteed.Repairs 90W MANVI LL E ,NT. RELIGIOUS EDUCATION COUNCIL For Cartwright Township Heid at Blackstock. The 24th annual Convention of Cartwright township Religious Edu- cation Council was held in St. John's Churcb, Biac-kstock, an Thursday, Jure 24tb. In the absence of the pi:esident, Mr. M. Chas. Smith, Mr. Powell took charge of the meeting and conducted a very fine heliptul worship service, also a short address of welcome. Secretary-Treasurer's. -eport ivas rend and adopted. The standing of the Sunday Schools were as follows: St. John's 78%, Blaclk.stock United 73, North Nestleton United 73, Cad- mus United 68, South Nestieton -Presbyterian 48, CSsarea United 40. These superintendents gave short addresses on "Our Sînday School Needs": R. W. Philp, South Nest- leton; Sain Jeffery, St. Johns; J. J. Bruce, CS-sarea; Earl Dorreil, Black- stock; Richard Suggitt, Nar-h Nest- leton; Herb. Trewhn,Cadmus, was ab- sent. Each superintendent spoke of the needs in bis particular Sun- day Sehool. Ail were azreed that the greatcst needs were, leaders and teachers, greater interest on the part of parents, regularity and punctual- ity of the members and the particu- lar need of a good Sunday Scboolinl certain communities. Round Table Conference was conducted by Rev. C. W. DeMille, Qshawa. The ways and means ta meet these needs vere discussed and bellp received. Meeting then broke up into these groups: Cildren, boys and girls charge of Rev. J. E. Griffith; Young People's Division b,- Rev. P. Powell, Aduit Division by Rev. C. W. De- Mille. Revs. Powell, Griffith and Waiker and Supt. of Teacher Training De- partirent were appointed ta arrange, plan and hold a Teacher Training Casas this fail in a central part e the township. Carried. Nosinating Committee was asked ta bring in a resolution regardiug the situation at Ciesarea. Eveniug session opened by a wan- ship service conducted by Rev. P. Powell. Special music was contnib- uted by St. John's Choir. Nominat- ing Conuittee reported as f ollows and officers were installed by Rev. C. W. DeMigle. President-Earl Dorrel Vice-President-flerb. Trewin See'y.-Tres.-Wallace Marlow Children's Div.-Mrs. J. G. Marlow Boys' Div.-George Marlow, Jr. Girls' Div.-Miss Ros-ie Mountjoy Adult Div.-Mrs. J. J. Bruce Young People-Rev. J. E. Griffith Honte Dept.-Mrs. Sain Jeffery Teacher Training-Rev. P. Powell Missionary Supt.-Richard Suggitt Temperance Supt.-Peter Wright Resolution Contnittee presented the follawing, ail of which were car- ried: (1) Be it resolved that this con- vention put tself on record as being gravelýr concerned witli regand ta the misuse of the Sabbath lu aur township, a day in whicb special privilege le given for teaching the wo)rd of God, and we urge that this commiunity strongly disapprove af stores beiug apened on Sunday cali- ing special attention ta the dangçrs to the yaung through the unrcstrict- cd sale of ice creant and candy; vo further urge that citizens be asked ta observe the la'w in respect ta buy- ing supplies including gasuline on Sunday. (2) That we cancur vitb Manvers Township in asking the Provincial Office to appoint as C-ounty Secretary for North Durhant Rev. J. E. Gri- ffith, B. A. (3) That we extend fur hearty thank.s to the Rector and the con- gregation of St. John's Cburcb for their very kind bospltality. Blackstock United Church Choir rendered approipriate mu.sic. A<lidress of the evening was by Rex'. C. W. DeMille. Text "Teacb me Thy Way 0 Lord". Next convention will be beld in Cadmus United Church next June. TiXtal off ering for te day was $9.72. Meeting closed with hyînn and bene- diction. COUNTIES RATE FOR 1926 Following the striking of the Coun- ties tax rate at the June session of the Counties Cauncil, figures as to the amaunt front eacbiniunicipality are now available: By-laws were passed fixing the rates of taxation for the year as fol- lo'~:General county rate 6ý- mills; country rate. 1ý/2 mls; scbool rate, Ô0O0S mills; debenture rate, .00012 mille. The amounts to be conitributed by each municipality for generai rate and road rate i.- as follows: Cousans, were amcsng the oficers present trom Cobourg at the unveil- hng of the Campbeiiford and Sey- mour Slier's War Meniorial at Cantpbellford on Sunday, J1une 20. The unveii¶ng wa, performcd by Rcv Wm. Beattie, D. D., whzt went s>ven- Feus as Cialain idf the 2nd Batta- lion. PETER MARTIN & SONS Building and General Contracting Plastering and concrete work a specialty. Agents for Asphait Roofing, buit on tar and gravel. Now is the time to have your old brick or frame house done over with an absolutely water- proof stucco. We are also making ail kinds of imitation stone. Cail and see us before deciding. Builders of concrete silos, pavements and all kinds of artistic concrete work. Small jobs given our most careful attention. Place of -business, Elgin St. North, Bowmanville Phone 497-w Mdorie EcOnonueal The higher quality of the ingredients i8 responsible for the fact that you use only haif the quantity of polish, whcn you shine your shoes wsth "Nugget". and VWffle.,ý .ýforlhghf colora. Cook'& Regulating Compound imu n m.dws. of lena bret de-i . 2 3 N 85 per 7box. Ssold 6yail deuqiata, or smat prepaid' on reoezpt of prie. me..pamphlet. Addre.s: THE COOK MEDICINE CO. P7TSogMTo.okl.(?'ormerimWindmw3 >~92~Th#Great Engish Prepatinsn .".Jones abbd invigorates ihe wh.Ar ,nrvous system. isakes nets Bood in old Veins. Used for Nerrosa btht da , Lou o of E * r paiIaIiona tl crailqmens..yrive$2"per bX,3 for $59Sold by a11il 6g.t, or maiied in pissa pkg. on receipt a, prive.Nas.P m aiajs Ir$& iwoom D Ceom o r. B¶ M ECONOMY The best kind of economy is in taking care of what you have. If your buildings are getting out of repair get after them at once and don't be "Penny Wise and Pound Foolish". We have ail the requisites in Lumber, Shing- les, Cement, Lime, etc., and at prices that will war- rant your using them . We specialize in Beaver Brand Hardwood Flooring. Ten Test Fibre Board, Beaver Best Wall Board and Gypsum Lath, also Johns Manville Fiexstone Asphaît Roofing and Sftingles. We are also prepared to fil your bins with Best Quality fresh mined D. L. & W. Scranton Coal. There is no better fuel and summer prices are now in effect. Best quality Domestic Coke, steam and Smithing coal, Hard and Soft Wood always on hand at right prices. Our motto is "Service and Satisfaction"~ Cail and see our goods and get our prices. McC"leIIan & Co., Limited King st Euat BewmaaiJl Osie Phone 15 Houae Phonea 228, 274, 218W aff,% -Um - mý . 111.9 THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVILIY, TRURSDAY, JULY ist., 1926 PAGE SIX ffl%*4,W