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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 1 Jul 1926, p. 8

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TRE CfAWXAflTAN TATWESMAN. BOWMANVILLE. THURSDAY, JULY lst., 1926 PAGE EIGHT ~.----. - - -NESTLETON Visitons: Mr. and Mrs .Stanley H. Micolzn and family with is sister. lnTs. Sidney Tnewin, Enniskilien; Mm. John Williams, Toronto, wilh ber sister, Mrs. John Voalo; Miss Carnie Mason, Toronto, withblber cousin, Mrs. P. Wrgiht; Many visit- ors were in our midst anniversary Sunday. The sympathy of the comn- munity goes out to Mr. C. W. Port- eous and his father Mr. Win. Port- eous, in the loas by deatis of thoir sister and daughter, Mms. James Bingisami Millbrook, wbo passed ayJ.une 26tb. Interment took place in Pine Grove Cemetery, Prince Albert, on Monday. A num- ber from Nestleton attended the fun-1 oral .... Sunday School anniversany1 in connection witis United Cburcb took place on Sunday, June 27th at il a. m. Rev. R. M. Patterson, 3anotvîlle, gave a good address to the oidren on the higben and the lower anumalihf e. Members of Primary departmoinl funnishod music and reflected credit on Mr. A. H. Veale and Miss Sara Armstrong for the splendid way wbich they filled in their part in the service. In the eveninig Rev. Mr. Patterson pneacbed a good practical sermon on "Tbings Undone'~, takng for i text Zephan- iah 3:2, stressing the point undone or neglected things wionld count against us wben tise snnsxnng up cornés. Mr. Patterson would be a wel- corne visitor to Nestleton any time. Backstock United Choir, with Miss1 Effa Wright at thp organ, delighted the large audiences with thein music. . .. Rev J. E. Griffth, B A., con- ducted annviersary services at Janet- ville on Sunday . . .1.Service in Nest- lelon United Cburch next Sunday when Mr. Emerson will take.charge. DOMINION DAY EATS A sale of hoine-made cooking wiil be heid Thursday afternoon, Juiy laI., at tihe lake, under the aus- pices of the. Green Gnoup of the Mission Band, under Minnie Pearce and Phyllis Ciemence. A splendid way to enjoy the holiday and yet have your cooking prepared for you. Corne and buy. STRAWBERRY FESTIVAL Lake Shore Union Sunday Sehool wiil hold its annuai strawberry fes- tival on Friday, Juiy l6tb., on Win. Lak's iawn, %/ mile east of Port Newcastle. Tea senved froan 5 o'ciock. Good prograin. Admission Aduits 35c; cbiidnen 25c. 26-2 SLJNDAY SCHOOL ANNIVERSARY Newcasle United Cburcb Stinday Scisool wili hold its anniversary ser- vices on Sunday, July IltIs. Ux- bridge Business 'Men's Bible Class bas for the third time kindly -con- sented to be present and take the larger part of each service. Morn- ing service wili bie heid in the church and evening service in the Commun- ity H&H. Mr. J. G. Gold, Ucbridge, wii speak at both services. Music by Uxbridge Orchestra, quartettes, duets and solos. Special offering in aid of the Sunday School. The teachers, oflIcers and scisolars invite your presence at both services. New Dreza materials of wondrous beauty await your inspection at Couch, Jobnstion & CrYde'man'a. 4 GU&ANTEAND ACCIDENT Jttmrat ut Iufung HEAD OFPICE. 'TORONTO We Write Ail forma of Casualty Insurance, Msio Fire and Life l.ranchoa: Halifax. St. John, Montreal, Ottawa, London, Winnipeg, Oaigary, Vancouver. COL. A. E. GOODERHAM C. A. WIrMERS Preident Vice-Pr" & Man. Director C. M. CHANDLER Newcastle Representative Ot IWhen You Need GROCERIES-BREAD-BUNS-CAKES- PASTRY-CHOCOLATES--ICE CREAM -SOFT DRINKS-ETC. Bring or send your order to this store where it wiIl receive prompt attention and you will get good valut. 1 il. . ~DlxI1 i lq 9 IBaker & Grocer Newcastle ASTURDY Banjo-Type Rear Axlrioeo the many big car features to be found on the New Chevrolet-it is a husky axIe that wUll handle ail the famous power of the Chevrolet motor. Hills-mud-sand- evr difficuit road condition yilsto the unfaillng power tranonmltted-through i "rear, ONTARIO MOTOR SALES LTD., 99 Simcoe South, Oshawa W. E. Davey Phone 34 Ring 1, Orono The Newvcst Idpedet THURSDAY, JULY lst., 1926 NEWCASTLE Bowling Club news is held over tili next week. Mr. Fred Gonmne, Toronto, is vis- iting his friends here.t Mrs. Herb. Hennings, Toronto, is visiting friends in town. Mr. and Mrs. T. W. Jackson have returned from a visit to, Rochester. 5 Misses Blanche Couch and 7eant iParnel attended circus at peterboro. Mr .and Mrs. E. Gibson, Oshawa, spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Harry Couch. Miss Ada Barker and friend, Mr. Wright, Toronto, spent Sunday week 7with Mr. and Mrs. J. R. Fisher. A party of sixty mothers and children arrîved -at Camp Copper Beech froan Toronto on Monday af- ternon.t Mms. Ross Shetier, Shannonville,j and Mrm. La~wrence, Toronto, visited1 their parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. Jen-c nings.f Mrs. Omes Colo is over from Iowa visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs.( W. C. Blackburn and other relatives1 in this vicinity. Congratulations to Mr. and Mrs. Reg. LeGresiey on the birth of a son and beir to FDbor flouse onWednes- day, June 23rd. 3 Miss Wiiiena Wiagstaff, Toronto, bspent a few hours mn the old home town last week. fier many friends here were pleased to mneet her. . Mr. and Mms. Fred Couch and r and Mrm. Merkioy Clark and son Lewis xnotored to Potorboro on Fni- day and attendod the big circus. Recent arrivais at Newcast'le-on- the-Lake are Mr. and Mrs. Overend and famiiy and Mrs. McEvoy and chiidren at cottages in Ariadne Glon. Mr. and Mrs. Brooksbanks. an elderly gentleman and lad y, with their son and deughter, are occupy- ing Apple Blossom Cottage for the sumnier.% Mrs. Stephen Jose bas returned froïm Rossniore where she has been visiting ber invalid sister, Mrs. 1Catherine Broad whose condition is unchang-ed. Mr. and Mrs. J. R. Fisher have been enjoying a visit the past week from their relatives, Mr. and Mrs. Sovereign of Pontiac, Mich., and Mr. and Mrs. Frank Mustard, Bradf rd. Mr. and Mrs. A. B. Burrows and two children, June and Bernard. Lakeeld, and Miss,;es Maynîe and Loui3e Elliott, Toronto, were recent visitors witb Mr. and Mrs. S. W. Sutton. Miss Ida B. Venner, R. N., Jack- sonville, Illinois, Mr .and Mrs. J. M. Mclntyre, Crosweli, Michigan, Mrs. rW. A. Cruse, Sarnia, were guests of their sister Mrs. Mason, the past week. Rev. Thos. Wallace preached two fine seasonaibie sermnons in the Unit- ed Church no Sunday iast. The Young Peopie's Choir sang at both services. There was a large at- tendance both morning- and even- ing. Mr. Robert Best, no>%,w residing in Western Ontario, and a former resi- dent of this section, was in the vil- lage this week seoing old acquaint- ances. Neodless to say thoy are getting gcarce as it is fifty ye-ars since Mr. Best ieft here. Boys'. Grey Flannel Pants at $2.25 jat Couch, Johnston & Cryderman's. Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Quinlan and children, Mrs. Jerry Breen and Mrs. O'Donaid, Mies Marguerite and Miss McCarthy, Toronto, wero weekend guests of the-Misses Breen, "Pier- view". Miss Quinian and Miss Me- Carthy and Maurice and Kathleen Quinilan are staying for the week. Bargains! Bargains! We are offer- ing for the next two weeks 100 pair Women-'s Work Boots at 98e pair,' values up to $3.50. Sipecial for Fni- day and Saturday we offer Men'sl Work Boots exceptionai quality, val- ues up to $6.50 for $4.50, soane witm cushion soies. Scott's Shoe Store, (Parker's old stand), Newcastle. ber sister-in-ilaw, Mrs. Harny R. Smith and baby Helen to Cobourg4 on Saturday to take tise Ferry for1 Rochester enroulte to their homne at1 Utica, N. Y. Mrs. M. Toukey came ovor on tho Ferry f rom Rochester to1 acconspany Mrs. S.mitb across tisec lake. Mrs. Smith bad been visiting1 bon parents, Mn. and Mns. Jobn Rob- 1 inson, Newcastle, for a fort'sîght. 1 Residenta of Newcastle wii regret1 to iearn thal Captain J. H. G. Wal- lace, Assistant Crown Attorney at Toronto, who bas spent the lasIt tvo suniners bore, bas been seriousiy iii f rom after effects of the war. 1e-bas been confined to Christie Street Miii- tary Hospital since early last Match, and is oniy now necovering bis formn- or strength. Aldenman Richardson, Kitchener, wbro as a yonth iived and worked for some tme in Bowmanviile was in Newcastle on Satnrday last in company witb a lady fiend, Miss Wagstaff, cailing on fniends. Ho was greatiy intenested in and funil of admiration for our Comnsunity Hall and tbougbt that Newcast'le was greatly biessed through this magnifi- cent concrote expression of an illus- trions son's beneficent intenest ir bis former homo village. Newcastle is sorry to lose as cti- zens, Mns. Minnie McGiiire and cbildren who bave resided for sorne years on tise fanas of ber brcther, Mn. Onm. Parker. Mrs. McGuiçe and Mn. A. F. Popper, formeriy of Chicago, wbo made a prolonged vis- it hene last yoar were necentiy mar- ied and bave moved to their new homo in Wbîtby wbene Newcastle wisbes theni ail joy and proaperity. Mn. Popper was a highly successful builden 'and contraictor in Chicago and bas turned over bis business to bis sons. You can savo money by buying *sât new rug now at Oouch, Jcohn- ston & Cryderman'a. BOARD 0F EDUCATION J. M. Roozel, Elora, New High School Principal, Newcastle. It was with sincere regret that the Board of Education neceived the resignation of Mr. J. K. Grabam as principal of our High SchooL. He bas been an earnest, efficient teach- er, deeply interested in the work od the students, Vo each and every one of whom ,as hie had opportunity, ho devoted bis time and bis energies regardies.s of everything outside of scisool work. The Board bas appre- ciated his efforts to raise the stand- ard and increase the efficiency of tbe school, and feels that aithough hoe is ieaving after one ygan .s services to accept a-position at an increased salany and more in line with bis spe- cial training along certain subjects, that bis year bore bas counted for much in permanentiy placing our iigh acisool at tise very top of it.s colass as an institution of secondany education. Tise Board bas been successful in engaging the services of Mn. J. M. Roszel, B. A., as rîncipai in sure- cession to Mr. GraRamn. Mr. Ros- zel bas been principal of tbe Eiora. Schooi for tho past t.wo years and comos with splendid reconi- mendations from, Elora Scb-ool Board and also froni the Boards of Tara and Acton where hoe bas previously filied the position of Principal. Mn. Roszel, by request uf the jo- cal Board, came to Newcastle and met the memnbens in the Commu-iity, Hall on Saturday afternoon and was engaged on the spot for a three year termi with tho understanding that tise Board would net stand in thme way of bis advancement if an unusual op- portunity should present itself. Mn. Roszel is a marnied man with a fam- iiy of two. Miss Phebe M.L L. Brock is remain- ing as assistant teacher and intends to tako a course in physicai culture at Sununer Scbool duning lie houi- days. CLARKCE PIONEER'PASSES Margaret Douglas, Lake Shore Through thýe doatb of Margaret Douglas on June 16tb., the Lake bhore section,~ of Southern Clarke bas lst it& oldeat inhaibitant. Fan ont- living the alIgtted spant of man, sise was by reliable records, 92 years of agç at the tine of bier deatb. She was the eldest of a famiiy of fou r- ceen cbiidron bonn to Robent Doug- las and bis wife Mary Campbell, wha inmigrated Vo, this country f romn Jounty Down, Ireland, about 1840. Little Margaret, thon !;ix years of ige, came witbhonie parents, who landed at Quebec aften being il s'eeks on the water. From Que- bec tboy came up the St. Lawrence and part way msp Lake C)nta-io, in a schooner. Their first aime here s'as in a log hn.ty un the fanm now owned by Mr. Henry Adams. It stood ýon the bigh cliffs oveniooking tho lake and was surrounded, east sortis and west by 4he vîrgin fonest. M!r. and Mrs. Douglas and Margaret mnd other sons and daugisters b.orn in tbis country suffened the priva. tions, endured the bard.sbips and tood the triais wbicb were t.he coa_ non lot of tise early pioneers. Mn. Douglas belped to clean much o h bush of the Lake Shore section and as a payanent for cutting the timber from. certain lands received an acre of land sîtuated at the nortb-west conner of tha, farn now owned by MT. S. J. White, whicb for thnee quarters of a century ornimore bas been the Douglas home. 0f tise cbil1dren birn to, the bardy and industriaus pioneers, Robent and Mrary Dougla3 only a younger son, Mn. John Douglas of this village, now survives, but many grandcbildren scattered bore and tisere, thnoughoul tbis North American Conitinent ane leading lives of usefulness, and fil ing positions of bonor in thse society of tisir fellows. One grandson, Mn. Robent Douglas, lives in the old home, a bighiy nespected memben of tise coummunity, and true to the Orange pninciples of bis nortb of Ireland panentage takemi an active in- tenest in the local Orango Lodge of wbich hoie L.the trusted financial sec- retary. The funeral service for tise late Margaret Douglas, beid at the home of Mr. and Mrs. John Douglas was largeiy attended by citizens of the village and memibers of the coan munity in wicbase had iived se long. Rev .E. B. Coike conducted the service at the house and at B<>w- manville Cemo'terY. Tise many beautiful floral offerings consistod of wreatbs froms Mr. and Mn. John Douglas, Mr. and Mnm. H J. Ragen, Toronto, (Awanvilie L. O. L. No. 266, Lake Shore Union S. S., Mn. Robent Douglas and Mr. and Mn. J. A. Sumiths, Sr., and sprays fTm Mrs. j. J. Ugiow, United Cburcb Ladies' Aid, Mr. and Mns W. H. Anderson, Mn. and Mns. J. E Matcbett, Mrs. C. Carvets and Now. castle Horticultural Society. PaUl-beaners were Messrs'. Jobn Douglas, Robt. Douglas.. Jessie Pas. kervilie, Robt. Martin, Howeli Row- land and F. Perrin. CARD 0F THANKS Tise famiiy of tise late' Georgt Singer, Newcastle, wisb to thanl their -friend3 and neighsbors for thise many kindnesses and sympathy ir the rocent death of their father, alî for the beautiful floral tributes MqEDICAL Honor graduate of Trinity Univer- sity, Feiiow ef Trlnity Modicai Col- lego, Licentiate of thse State Univer- sit.y of New York, Matnieulaie of the Post Graduate Medical Suhoal and Hospital of New York and Follow of theo Toronto A.c.domY of Medi- cine. Offie-lira. McNugton's Res- Idenco, Nowcaatle. Hour-8 to 10 a. m. 1 te S p. m. and by appoint.- ment. t' tl rl as t l- k jr in *Only Three More Sunday Trips To Niagara Falls NEWCASTLE FORCES ORGANIZE Be sure to take in one of these The Temnperance Rally and organ- wondeurful scenie -trips which close ization meeting held Tuesday even- July 15th. Drive for miles along ing resulted in a good turn out of beautiful highways in our conifort- citizens, the Counicil Chamber beirg, filled to capacity. The meeting vas able new Coah, where out of its opened by the local Vice-Presidýent,! Mr. 0. A. Parker, who acted as'spacious windows one gets a clear chairman throughout the evening. 1ve f i t r si g p it l n h Devotional exercises were follow-1ve fitrsigpit ln h ed by appreciated vocal nunibers byiway. See the wonders of the Niag- Miss Marion Baskerville, accorapan-! ied by Miss Beatrice Bragg on the ara Peninsula, kniown as the G")rden organ' and by the maie quartet-ofCnd.Bkyurstsow Messrs. W. J. S. Rickard, W. D.ofCnd.Bk ursaeow Bragg, Mark Allun and Harold, ac- eompanied by Mrs. (Rev.) E. B. Cooke. Rev. R .T. Richards, B. A., B. 15., Organizer for Central Ontario of the 0. P. U. and Mr. R. J. Rowe, Presi- dent of the Durham Branch of the 0d.rss. Ugv hpu revealing O. Pss.Ugaehpf, effectig alcal oraniz s atifrte G OnD fCoing aileral rgrwant mado te, n: carrying on of an educational can-1 paign in the interests of ternperance j and prohibitiion and for combattingi Fhederior iPtrovtin al eeton. Mr the iquor introvtinithelevtent Mrf!ai J. E. W. Philp was unanimouslyý chosen secretary. Mrs. J. R. Fish- er and Mrs. A. A. Colwiil were ap-: pointed canivassers to secure the $60.-CR whic-h has been aliotted to and,,agà-ý cepted by Newcastle, U-Iiý tsbare of CR campaigx ixpeiiies for the current year. Messrs. J. W. Bradley, Normian Allin and Tho&. Moffat were naxned as a no'mi::tin: committee o select B R I and sub'mit the namnes of three per- sons from each of the twc' village wards to aina withrsofa the I'sgood for t] executive inconjuniction wt h Vice-President and Secretary. Befýore the meeting ciosed Rev. E. B. Cooke moved and Mr. Moffat seconded a hearty vote of thanks to Mr. Richards and Mr. Rowe for their W'edding Ce presence and asssitance during the evening. This was vigorousiy sup- ported by ail present, and hoth gent- W'illard's lemen spoke of their pleasure and delight in seeing the work entered into with sucb fine spirit and enthus- iasm by the people of Newcastle. Mr. Meirose Parker, Splina Sta- w .eP o tion, and Mr. Stuart Parker, Osbawa, were here Saturday assisting at the Baker and auction gale of household furniture and other effects ol their parents, Bowmanville Phone 3 Ethe late MT. and Mrs. James Park- er. No bid was received for the large three-atorey house and spa- Scious grounds which offer uniirited -possibilities for beautification and 3develo&pxent. Wedn.adaya and Sundays Leave Bowmanviliê 6:30 a. nM $4.25 ÇLeave Courtice 6:45 a. m. $4.00 Leave Oshawa 7:00 a. ms. $3.7,6 Leave Whi.tby 7:15 a. m. $3.50 10 minutes stop at Sunnyside. Ar- rrive Niagara Falls at il a. m. Leave Niagar ata 9 p. mn. For infor- ton phono Bowannville 412 ,Oh- awa 1840. Tickets may be pur- chased froan any WbitbY, Oshawa or Bowmanville Bus Driver. T. A. Carton, Proprietor. Bowmanville 8LDVICE- EAD the whole f amily ilces a Specialty aIce Cream C orbett Confectioner Orono GILCHRIST'S CLOTHING SALE WILL CONTINUE UNTIL SATURDAY NIGHT, JULY 3RD.- MANY SPLENDID VALUES IN MEN'S AND BOYS' SUITS THREE MORE BIG SALE DAYS Thursday m Friday m Saturday MEN'S SUITS Any Tweed or Worsted Suit in the store, values up to $25.00, On Sale $18.50 EACH Any Tweed or Worsted Suit in the store, value to $30.00, ON SALE FOR ONLY $23.95.. Boys' Heavy Ribbed Cotton Stockings AIl sizes', 49ec-pair, 2 Pair For 95c SPECIALS Men's Atbletic Underwoar at 98c Garment Men's B'lack and 'Biue Stripe Overalsat $1.98 Pair Work Shirts, Bine and Kisaki at 9& Each Work Caps, Regular $1.50, On Sale 98C Men's Braces, Fine, Reg. 75c, 2 Pair 98c Work Box, Fine and Heavy, 4 P&W $1.00 Ligbt weight Work Sox at 25e pair, 5 Pair for $1.00 Mon's Work Pants, Reg. $2.50, For $1.98 Directly ppositeELery Article MOppos ankTe . Gzncnrist Guarauteed to give Montral Bnk *Bot Satisfactlou ON SALE AT $27.50 EACH NAVY BLUE ALL WOOL SERGES AND HERRINGBONE SUiTs Double and Single Breasted Styles, values up to $3500 ON SALE $27.50 BOYS' SUITS AT GREATLY REDUCED PRICES BUY A SUIT THURSDAY, FRIDAY OR SATURDAY AND SAVE MONEY MANY OTHER SPECIALS An -important fact,.^ý., about ýýli KR OtÉIT7/ mirm 1 Any Tweed

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