THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVIL'LE, THURSDAY, JULY 8th., 1926. PAGE uvui _______________________________________________________ I r, .1 At Every Season 0f The Year - the entetpriing famier needs the co-operation of a progressive bank. The best way to be sur that your seasonal financial requirements wili be talen care of is tokeep in cose touch widi your bank ail tbrough the year. Build up your balance and your EC- quaintance. These may stand you in good stead in times of emergency or opportunity. BANK 0F MONTREAL Estahlishcd i8jL7 BOWMANVILLE BRANCH J. A. McCLELLAN - Managea FilThe Bm Now We would advise you to fil your coal bins now with fresh mined anthracite from Lehigh Valley Coal Sales Co. high is best coal mined. Quality is good and Le- We seil Toronto Asphalt Roofing-best in the market. Cail and see us for Builders' Supplies-Lime, Paris Stone, Gyproc and the new Roc Board. CANADA CEMENT ALWAYS ON HAND J. A. HOLGATE & SON Phone 153 or 202 Bowmanville M.- COUdS Headache Neuritis Lumbago Pain Neuralgia Toothache Rheumatismn DOES NOT AFFECT THE HEART ] MI et ony "Byer"package 10 ý which contains proven direcin. Handy "Bayer» boxe$ Of 12 tableta tyaeeAl»o botile of 24 mnd 100-Druggiat Aspiria Lu bthed&Mmark (resitered tluCanada) Of Bu« f sasfttm e ebseetele- Acideter of hsilcyleaeld1 (Acetyl Salicylte Acid ' 'A. S. A."). Wbile Il la wefl ko that Apirl a ma Bayer manufaCture. to ----aSthe publie auahast imtations. the TablaIs « Bayer oo.psny wiU b. tawped wth thair gmesdma rk, th* "Mat Onu." Arestful night-o on Lake Ei on one of the. Great Ships of the C & Lin.o makes a pleasat break in your journey. A good bed in a dean, cool stateroom, a long, sound leep and an appedzing breakfast In the morning. Stamere "SEE NDBE"-"«CJTY 0F £RI"-"ClTY 0F BUFFALO- DaiIy May Islai t Nommb.r 15dm Luav Bufle-9:00p. M Batem 1. Leave Cle.eland-900 P. M. Arrivt=7lvead'7*.OOA.. Sta ndTime J Arnive Bufaldo- '7-.W A. M. 'Steamer "'Ci 0à F BUFFALO" arrive. 7:30 A. M. Connections for Coder Pot., Pue4m.Bal. Toledo. Detroit and d e oita.f Aak u lktsolc ora aueyfor dckeu via C &1BLia.. New T00,1er led for trcaie l&md hr rFu Clevead. Ohio TRIP TO RED LAKE GOLD FIELDI at its wider points becoimes GuRrock Lake, and Keg Lake) la, perhefpa, the By Arthur J. Treliilec eTeno msti interesting and beautiful port.- Formerly of Bowmnnville. ion of the whole trip. The tal white 1 birches and poq3ars an its batnks are Ltter Number Thre-"The reflected in ail their virgin glory, and Portages', perhaps not quite equalle.d, by those Third day. Friday, May 21. Up the shadows are flot exceeded, and at 5:20 a. m. and. as Mr. Pepys which characterize Shado'w River in wouid say, to breakfast of fried eggs, the Muskokas and the farned Black bread and tea. Elliot's cruiser had River in the Lake Simcoe area. left at dawn, and the "Prospector". The third portage on the journey puiied out about seven. We foilow- is made at Snake Faits, just a few ed zoon after, and as for some time hundred yards up the river, where we faced a trip on theEnglish river, the water has a fail of eight feet. we dre.ýssed accordingiy, leaving off The portage is very short, about a some of the heavy ciothing of the hundred feet, and la regarded as lit- previous two days. For two miles tie more than a jump-over. Here we we passed down stream, passing saw a group of Indian tents on the niany canoes, the fist reai indication shore, and two braves and a young of snything like the sem'blance of boy came down to wateh us. a -rush to Red Lake. Hal gave the youngster ten cents The river was about as the St. and at the sight of snoney,, ail thnee Lawrence between Brockville and1 began to carry for us, the littie one Prescott, narrowing at times. Two packing a 25 pound sack of flour miles down we came to the two faits, on his back and making the journey a short distance &part, the first witlh with a broad smile. The two nmen a drop of 12 feet,the second 19 feet. piled up what a.ppeared to bie exceed- First we investigated a new portage ingly heavy toads, and took the port.- buiit by the Hudson's Bay Co. age ut a dogtrot, then departed with which passes bv the two falis, but a. wave of faneweii, -happy in having the grade was se steeip and the wag- picked up thirty cents each for a on road so aoft and muddy, that we few moments' work. decided to stick to the two oid port-. As we putied away from the top ages, one for each faîl, the one of of the fails, two canoes containing in about 200 yards. the other of 300. on.e an Indian, his squuw und two This was our nrst portage, and a dogs, puiied up. The dogs appearedi comparatively easy one. We had to be well trained for canoe travel- brought oniy No- 1 boat, the other ling, being curled uip more or less two having been ieft ut Fine Ridge, comfort.ably among the myriad of and our company now comprised sacks and packages that loaded the six, Hal and Roy having ýstayed be- craie nintnth.atv h hind. W. unloaded the canoe on the Th nisintspatfte shore, and began cArrying the dui-, country are Ajibways and as a nule, nage across. t encessitated about are pretity wetl tied u~p to the Hud- seven trips each, with more or less son's Bay Co., which emptoys thein heavy ioads, mostiy heavy. during the spring, sunsmetr and fait Personally, 1 started out brave-1 ut a price of one dolar a day. This ly, one bag on rny shoulder and a bigi is much -less than the other people parcel under my arin, but had to pay, but the Indiens find that if they drop the latter, and corne back for desert the Hudson's Bay, then when in at, . ard times corne and the. trapping is Inal ehad our tent, with ait bad during the cold weather, they potes and stakes, various cans of oit can get no credit at the. post, con- and gas a bag of bread, the magià- sequently they are liard to wean trae'sboosthree pack sacks, a bag away from their emptoyers. With of flour a box of grub, two engines vr e xetos hycno oars, typewriter, the sauts and backs' speak or understand English and numerous other articles. I t was after 6 p. m. before the The canoe wus the worst, a wefght; boats got iway fromn the amati pont- of 400 pounds to b. dragged on skîds age, and proceeded five miles up the through the forest aîong a nurrow river to the next portage, w.hich ia trait. the longest of ail, 10 chains or 220 Portaging as ail right for Indians, yards. Here thene are heavy rap- but it is a back-breaking task at best, ids. After looking over the situa- and one that is good to have behind tion. we dccided to camip for the oeand not in anticipation. 1 night, as it was nom after 7 o'ctock. one prtg opltd adte The tenit went up rapidly on the cunoe repacked and away, we went a near side of the portage, the fine was couple of hundred yards, and then lighted and sulsxer cooked-fried came to the sécond portage, whcre eggs, bread and butter, jam, cherse the whole proceas was repeated, and and tea. with much greater labor, as this one A bunch of Hudson's Bay Co. In- was decidedly upgnade at the. comn- dians, with three 22-foot ca.nots pasa-' menceiment and in places very md_ ed by, the. nedskins pulling their dy, sa much so that one sank in deep-~ boats over the potes laid on the rocks er than his ankies, and the toad; with apparent ease. In one, thcy had seemed heavier than ever. the c ancuss of a deer, shot out of sea- However, it wa.s flnully donc, with sp it was true, but no one pays great eapensc of teniper and time. mluch attention to -the game laiws in t wus il1:30 before the boat wus intsar. thec water at the end of the second Untess one camnps for the. night on portage so that the. two lied taken a sand beach, the beds are prcparcd about 3 %' hours out of our day- bv laying down a 'mattrcss of spruce and there were four more to fottow. and balsani. The finat few layera While we were engaged in these are of piees twa ta three feet long, tasks, we saw many other gnoups un- laid iengthwisc so as ta provide a dergoing the samne tabor, but ail of spring cfect. On those are Iaid these had ordinary smail canacs, us short fronds. and the whole provides ually carricd upside down by on a sof t, coîmfortable sleeping place. mtan ,and their equipment wasalaso For the next night, the bed ia reluid, of the~ most meugre nature. A.ppar- and will continue satisfaictory in this entty, they had ail had exprience way for four or five niglits. with portages before and wcre wiserll..tDye i htEd u than we were. 1Evmntay fl liatoEnsy hi As we passcd on down the river, etflHsoy we suw the end of the. Hudson's Bay Fourth Day-Saturday, May 22nd ncw portage with a large fleet of ____ their canoes and xnany Indians en- A night spent in the northern gaged in transporting toads. It i3 woods, sleeping in an Arctic sleep- astonishing what these fctiows witl ing bag, famitiarly known as an carry, and some white men are flot "Arctie", laid on a lied of upruce and far bchind. balsam. is a real reat, particularly Howard, for instance, toted the, 6 when one has had a long day and h. p. engine with apparent eus. and crawls in "dcad tined". reTnarked that it weighed onty 85 At the long portage, there is no pounds and was more, awicward than sound ta break the stiliness save the hcavy. Personulty, 1 found a crate murmur of the river pasaing down of 25 dozen eggs ail my shouider1 the rapids. This la like a lullaby, would stand. and one drops off to sleep without We now had a straight run of the slighest trouble, and crawls out about 20 miles up the. river, a beauti- at five o'clock, fnesh aa a daisy, to fui stretch of country, with 10w find that day has broken, and the banka and muny swamnps. At 12:30 whote wonld is awake. we stopped on the least muddy shore A wash in the crystal. cold run- for dinnen-bacon, bread and tea. ning water of the rapida is enough Then on again. Deer trucks were to drive uway any sembance of everywhere. steep that may remain, and the tent Shortty after, we came ta the. con- is down by the time the fine is fluence of tii. English and the Mat- lighted and breakfast is ready. tawa, and turncd north up the. latter Bradley, on rising, took his troll- river, and from now on had the. car- ing uine, and standing on a rock ut rent against us. The day was the foot of the raipids, threw it out sunny and comparatively warm, with into the stream, leaving on. end a fairty strong wind, which boded tied to his leg, then dre~w in the iii for the smati1 canoes on the takes spoon. Four or five casts and he furtiier north. had caught a thre pound pike. We passed a few canoes making which was soon skinned, cleaned and for Packwush Lake, enroute for Red1 in the frying pan. This with the Lake or the Woman Lake ares, undi inevitable fried eggs, bread and jam, some going south carnying Indians.1 constituted the meal.'l One group of three held thre. menl A 66-chain portage always seema when caught by the, wind, nun for took a long pote und managed to one of the numerous islands. knock one out. but the rapid water The northen oauttet (dt the lake is carried it out of neach. directly opposite ane of the. amati The. Chukuni River is much nur- isianda, with whieh ail of these nonth.. rowen than the English, bcing b.- ern waters ab>und. A gm'uP O04 tween 60 and 100 yards acrass us squaws on the. point waved frantical- a rule. t winds gracetully thru ly ta indicate the. proîpr direction the. foncats, ita general trcnd being in whlch to proced. . uspratty weil north. ts bu nks are The. (hskuni River, which mui o.w and manshy, with wld rice andI tram Packwaii to Red Lake (andI hay uauatly ta be scen, aplendidi feeding areas for deer, duck and othen game. Frcquently one secs muskrat hanses sticking out in the mud. On one spot we saw a couple of Indian teepees, construeted with a domed top insteud of the. custosnary inter- laced sticks. Lt is only haîf a mile froni the big portage to the next. Here the cano. was hauled up a hitl and over the upper trait on skids, wile the rest of the haut was made on the lower trait beside the. water. Tii. t.ngth of this run was about 150 yards, and our outfit took the. river aguin ut 9:30, approxiniately an hour having been lost in getting past the. rapids. On. loses whut scema a terrifie amnunt of tinte in covering a part- uge. The cuncoe, putled up on the. shore, is unloaded, then the mer. began carrying aven as inuch as they .an handie, luying it down on the river bank on the otiier side. This is repeated until ait of the. fr.ight bas gar.. over, when ail hands jump in to get the boat over. As a rut. oun portuging wus com- pleted by each man .making five trips, whicii on a trait of only 150 yards means pucking a taad n.uniy haif a mite ,with, of course, a n.turn trip empty iianded for the. sanie dis- tance. After this portage, tiiere is a straigiit run of about five miles up the river before the. sixth and last portage is reached. Tii. day was fine, the. sun warm, and the. wind iight. Fish wene seen froin tinte ta ime glintîng in the sun among the rocky shaltows; a fe.w flics and mosquitos hovered round; ocecasion- ally a bruce of witd duck rase f rom the wter; it was a typicaily spring day. On the. shores the poplan and birch were just cominrg into fuit leuf, andtheii mingld tanes of green of these and the. jack pines and apruce in tii. swamps made un tnt- pressioin neyer ta be forgotten. At times the river channel was ex- ceedingly hard ta find, neccssituting ti. shutting off af the. engine. and the use of the ours. As noon ap- prouched and the. sharp, cleur siiad- owvs of the. blach and poiplar in the wuter grew shonter, it was by unun- ixnous vote decided t1hat this was the most outstanding part of Liie trip. Heurta were light, and with only one more portage ta cross, the. difficulties and bard wark which luy beiiind wene easily forgotten. The. lat partage wa.s about 200 yards long, a fine and dry trait along the. west bunk of the. river. It wus truvensed without any difficutty, practice, if nat making perfect, ut teast makîng things much easier. The ioad carried, dinner wus pnepured, more fried eggs, brad, jaim and tea. Then the final stage of the. Journey 'began. On. soitary prospector with a canoe and equipntent chose ta the. dangers of the Lwo fuir sized lukes and lay btween ui and bis destination, and sa joined oun cont- pany-tor a pnice. This gave us seven men and the cannoe beiiind. but even with this loatI, we were able ta muke up to about nine. miles an hour. Tii. route lies typ the Chukuni in- ta Gutlrock L.ake, a coznparatively sauît rocky and inany-islanded body of watcr, about eigiit miles long andI as wide at iLs greatest breadtii, then on into Keg Lakte. Our course was picked out fronmtheii map and fat- lowcd by empasa. Onty on ane occasion did we fait to escape the. hiddcn reefs, the pro- peler sbiitt triking an one in Guli- rock, occasioning a wait of sonte ten minuxtes ta put in a new pin. Ta our surprise we did not meet any other travelera--if there is a rush ta RedI Lake, iL ia net visible ait aIl fron t ts end etfLiie long trait. O'wing ta the. many isiunds in Gullrock andI Keg Laites, iL is diffi- cuit ta bouate the, channel, for on. muy neadily b. in doubt ut any tinte as Lia whether or ont the land in sigiit is the. maintand or a large is- land. Front Gulîrocit an, the atakes showing ntining locations arc visible on aIl sides, in fact practically the. entire area to the. aouth and east of Red Làakc it.setf bas been staked out. Tii. posta are usualty made by cuL- ing off a tree about ive feet above the. ground. squaning the uppen ten inchea of thtei.tump andI clearing cff anv underbrush. If there ianon amati tree avuilable ut the. spot desired, a negulation post is made. This is n.quired ta stand nat icas than four feet abnve the, ground, andI b. squared on four ýides for the top foot an as ta, meus- une ut least four iniches square. In laying out a claim, tbe staker must begin with the. planting of a post ut the north-east corner; then trace bis line by blazing the. trees or erecting monuments of curth or rock., or planting picketa; then put ot James Bay. Tii. shores of RedI Laite are higu- er than thase af the. river. andI laites tnaverscd in rcachlng it, and the. country, thenetone, aupears inuci more suitabie for mining puriposes. They arc heavily wo.odad, exceîpt for certain areaa whih have been burn- I~'y-fut -FlOP! F IES ree inMU4feed on filth and bring filt Flit spray clears your home in a few minutes of disease-bearing flies and mosquitoes. It is leam, safe and easy to use. .Kflis Ail Household Insects Fit spray also destroys bad bugs, roaches and ants. It sarches out the. cracks and crevices wiiere thcy bidean bred, and destnoys insects andI cggs. Spray Flit un your garments. Flit killa maths andI their larvae which eut hoî,s. Extensive testeashowed thut Flit spray did not etain the most delicate fabrios. Flit la the, resuît of exhaustive research by expert entamaI- ogista and chemnists. t la harmnless ta mankind. Flit ham re- placed Lb. nId metiiods because it kiILs aU the. inacts-and doea iL quickîy. Get ;--i lit can and sprayer tnday. STANDARD OIL CO. (NEW JERSEY) Distnubuted in Canada by Fred J. Whitlow & CO., Toroto. T H ERE is a new type of clutch in the New Chevru:let. It. makes gear shifting easy-it starts the car smoothly; a light pedal pressure operates it-it has more than a thousand pounds pressure action, de- livering ail the power to the rear axie without slippage-it lu fully enclosed -it is simple -it has no internai adjustments-it requires no lubrication-what more cari b. wished for in any clutch? ONTARIO MOTOR SALES LTD., 99 Simcoe South, Oshawa W. E. Davey Phone 34 Ring 1, Orono us1 ed aven. Singularly .nough, Lthe only humas observed on the entire trip werc an the. final stretcii of it. where almoat bure itIges otaod out in sharp con- tradistinictiion ta the forest landI. Rocks abounded evrywiicm., the. outerappings visible front the wuter recalling those which are &o notice- able in the Porcupinc antI Kîrktund Lake districts furtiier south. As w. proceeded down the* lake ta the. destination of our party, we suw a tew tenta scat.Lered here and there on the mainland, but there was no sucii activity as one had been, led ta believe frointhtue newapaper re- ports. Burntwood Bay, which waa to be the location aI aur ent, nons down about huit a mile fron;thtei point, andI as we rounded one of the nunt- erous islands Lii. coiony of tents wus Len in al an the west aide, and huit a dozen more belonging ta Lii. Dom.- Howîe ut Lthe foot of the. buy. As wc approached tb, hanhoe, a tittie canaecocntuining Provincial Contable Cumr in flI unîfom, with Samt Browne, beit andI revatten hol- sLer slung ut hi& side, put out Lo give us welcoqne. On thse bank about thirty men, tiie whoic popu- lation as we tearnad suibsequently, clustcred round, and front evcry ide cam e qupry: "Did you bning any mail?" The, camp ha not iiad any mail sinice thii a plane went aut on Aàpril 22, priar to the. break-up. Untortunatcly, we brouglit non. sirwc the post-imster ut Huds'oi (Rolling Portage) had no authority ta turn aven the sacits until the. new cantract had been let. So wc arrived ut RedI Lakte, juat befor, 6 o'clock on thec tourth day of our trip-and se wc cended our journey to the new Eldorado of Lbe Golden Northi. (To b. cantinued) Notice ta Creditors IN THE SURROGATE CO1URT Or' THE UNITED COUNTIES 0F NORTEtTM- BERLAND AN'D DURHAM: IN THE ESTATE OF' ALBERT ERN- EST GOODE, Esquire, deoeaaed; Noticele hereby gîven that ail per- soashuving lalma agaînst the astate of Albert Erneat Goode. lut. nofLthe Town et Bowmanvill in tiie Caunty of Dur. hum, Esquire, deoeaaed, wiio dIed on or about the. tiret day of June, A. D., 1926, are requlred ta mail or deliver the smre wltiifull partloulara tote iundersigned on or before the firit day of Auust, A. D. 1926 atter whlii the AdmUiltrator wlll distrû>ute tiie ussets aofLithe atate having regard only te the. daim, thon fyied. Duted ut BowmanvlUie, Ont,* Jun& (2Lh., A. D., 1926. W.F ^D Slolioitor for the Admliniatrator. Bow- mainville, Ont. 26-3 An -important fact c CH F VR 0 L E 1 -ib out _r __7 1 - THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVILLE, TRURSDAY, JULY 8th., 1926. PAGE S&VVIS