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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 29 Jul 1926, p. 3

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i When You Need WOVEN WIRE FENCE SCREEN DOORS WINDOW SCREENS And hundreds of other seasonable articles found in an up-to-date hardware store rernenber that is in your best interests to patronize this store. We have the variety, best quality and our prices make it attractive to buy here. MASON & DALE The Popular Haadwas.--QuaIity and Right Prices PHONE 145 BoWMA?4VIU. AUTOMOBILE INSURANCE A REAL NECESSITY Auto owners are taking a big risk if they drive a car these days without carrying insurance. Just look at the accidents that are happening daily. The cost of insurance is small compared with protection given. CONSULTATION FREE regarding insurance-Public Liability, Property Damage, Collision, Ffre, Theft.. J. J. MASON & SON Real Estate and Insurance Brokers Clean, Pure, Fresh GROCERIES 'Your grocery' quality is our standard-for ihis is the groc-ery that aims to satisf y the exacting demands of the most particular housewife. Wben ev'erything is choice. fresh and dlean, and besides this most reasonably priced, we can- rot help but please your w'ants- perfectiy. Test our claims and the downright prompt- ness and accuracy of our service by phoning 65 TODAY and, have us fil the day's grocery needs. CHINA AND CROCKERY When requiring any of the above goods bear -in mind that we have the largest assortment in town and have marked ail gooids at remarkably loW prices. ARCHIE TAIT Phone 65 Bowmanville Good Meat 'stou eing noticed and 'sithout "Thc Girl I Left B bînd Me". -on-IWHNa ume ftmp go nconvenience te the suferer. They tinuousljy, that beîng the popular on. a we.s-:bcund freight train 5nt. - are painless and perfeet in action., its nltr t . h~tm. .tnîl and overawed the enginel andi at aIl times wylîl be founi a WHEN men %vorE mti -tet -meas- 1 cew? Billy Wood %vas -wired te' healthy medicine, suurengthening the u ,\ l ngeot.n r îws sa cbaeplicie on hand at Bowmanvýille. infantilebotstomach and maintaaining itP r. vigOrsomaepeatind. setat be- wc war at present tna weie thte x-1 HEt caIlc-d the late Sam Hughes te bis in igoous opeatin, ztýtha be cetic r..thr t;Ir th rue? asqitar.ce and a chase took 13lace eides being an vermifuge, pî~ ~ ~ tedDwn ,ver Henry Knight's faim. they are tenical ard health-eiving in WHEN the SUt!- WaTd had a Filly being afraid cf fat.alties uiged their eifeets. good ard prosperrus giocerY. fleur Col. Hughes repeatedly te "Shoot Cornein and Prove it that NllIes' and feed Mtore or. west side of On- Iuw. 'Sam'". This information. was Eella Groceries for loua. tarit Si ? il t*a! fîst kept by a givcr. me by Col. Hughes himself. PAGE THREEC Summer Heat Summer time is the most important months in the vear when more than the usual care should be taken in buying meat. Weprovide that "Safety First" rnilfo our customers by personally selecting and buy- ing direct from the best feeders in this district al cattie off ered for sale in our store. We also have the facilities and long experience which saf e guards the interest of our customers in every way. You may always buy your meat with safety at this store. Orders FiIIed Promptty and Delivered- C. M. CAWKER & SON fRE CANAIAâN STATESMAIN, BOWMAMNVlLLY. THURSDAY, JULY 29th., :,926 LOCAL AND OTHERWISE APPOINTED RETURNING MUJSIC EXAMS. Mrs. G. Lindsay and childien, j Pupil cf Mis- Perey. Element.aryv Toronto. have been vi5iting Mis. Wil-! Pianoý-Archie Wood, passed, -son ofi fred Marrden. Mr. Spencer Wcod, Ontaric St. .%r. Albert E. O'Neill, B. A., bas been appointed Principal of the Os'h- Pupil of Miss May Gardiner, A. T. awa High School. C. M.. Tyrone: Jurior Piano-Miss Annie Gardin- Mr. Dave Deyell, representing Tne er, paz-s. Watchman-WVarder, Lindsay, gave us ____ a friendly call laFt week.s. Pupils of Mrs Neil Colville, Or- Mr. Normian Cain, Pon:ypoo], ha. crnc: accepted a position with the Good- . _Primnary Schoo] Piario-Edith year Tire & Rubber Co. Truli. bcncrs, Roy Colville. EIE- Mr. and M.irs. W. G. Penny and mentary Pianoû-Chas. Buckley, children, Toronto, recently visited hoýnors. Introduictory Piano Bet- Mr. and M.irs. Jos. Byers. «t,; Rowe, first ciass benoît. Ex-Warden A. J. and Mis. Hen- derson ,Millbrook. were recent Pupils cf 1Mis'k Margaret I. Aber- guests of 'Mr. and Mis. W. Herbert nethy, A. T. C. M. A rgue~. Primary Grade-Sadie Muir. hon- Miss lda Earl. teacher of the Ir- ci-.. Elementary Grade-C]are dýa '%issý)nSchol Ok. Qe..iý;(, urtice. honors. Introducto-ry d:anMish n chol, Oa. ue..' 6ade--Gladys Bickell, first class viiting ber aunt, Mis. James Davi- "bnr.A< ikn.hnrMi son. Brown St. h n rs.aîl norWikis. oosMr Mr. and MIrs. W. H. Osborne - c t- ored home witii 'Mr. and 'Mrs. Fredl Pui- c f Mrs. H. Clemens, A. T. Osborne and spen:, a few days in Tor-j1 Mr. C. Jonas Thornton, Ex-M. P. C. M.. *whr, were successful in the re- onc'at ek.Oono. w; o has beer. atpo-inted Rc- c eLnr1anp exams held in Trinity Mrs. D. Heddon, Toronto. and Mý%rs.IturnýIng Officcr for Dj-riam Counti- School :0cm: J. Fordham, Hamilton. visited zheirý in the Federai eleet'tr :o be held Primarv Grade-Harold Siemoril brother, Mr. Richard Trenouth. and1 September 14th. honors 78% Minerva Bates hconorsi other friends here this week. 7117 ;Dorothy Hogarth pass 67%. Rev. J. E. Griffith, M. A., Black- - El&mentary Giade-Marian Sisimnn stoýk. occupied the United Chuîchi BAKER'S SCHOOL ho(,nors -451. pulpit on Sunday and deivered two ______Mrs. H. Clemens wishes tc an- spleai.did messages.-Camlibellfcid1 Report of S. S. No. 19. Darl.ngton: nounice tha-, she is teaching Wednes- Herald.1 Entranc-Reta (arr. bonors. day evtry week durîng holidays for Rev. R. G. and Mrs. Carruthers of George Milison. hcr r-. Dcrothy those w5oû wish to continue thro' the I Lumnsden. Sask., are occupying Kingj Harris, Dcnaid Harris, sumrmer. but wi]] again resumne ber Street Paîsonage, Oshawa, during Jr. IV 'o Si. IV-Wesie-v Yelicw- full class the fis: week in September. the absence of Rev. and Mrs. C. W. lees, honors. DeMille on their holidays. Sr. Il to Jr. I1i-Glad-;ý Yellow~- Pu-pils of Mirs. J. Albert Coie. Mis. Stillman and son and Ms.H. ilees. bine rs. How'ard Mîli5or.. A.T.C.M.. 'A.O.C.M.: G. Martyn and daughters, Stratiord,l Jr. Il to Sr. II-Martha Vainum. Primary Theory-Bernice Allun, Mrs. Fisher, Belleville, Mr. Austin recommended.Bwa-ll. (H), 80 .Elementary Chesutt Toont..hve1eenzS. 1I-c Jr. 1-Drt]hy Wonra- Thecry-Muriel Moore. Enniskillen, ing at Mis. Jas. G. Rickard's. icott. Wanda Varnunt(H), 86. Helen Baker, Solina. RH), Mi. Arthur E. Garbutt who recen:-i Pr. tO Jr. I-Mary St:cnig. S4. Intermediate Scbool Piano- ly resigned as Supeivisor of Oshawa Marjorie Collaeott, teacher. Ada Alu. Providence, (H), 72, Ber-I Public Schools has been appointed nita Wallace, Hampton. (H). 70. District Manager for the Sovereign Junior Piano-Bernice Allun, B0w-1 Life Assurance of Canada Limited. SALEM manvfle. îH), 73. Primai:: Piano- Jean Wght.' Providence, (H), 72.1, Mr. and 'Mrs. Seward Dowson end Report of S. S. No. 9. Darlington: Primary'School Piano-Evelyn Oke,- dau«hter of Bowmanville and Mrs.1 To Jr. 1V-Herlen McDorald, bonl, Bowmanville, (H), 81, Stanley Albert Stinson of Janetville, spent Le-lie We]sh, rec. Chnrt, Zion, <R). 72. Elementaiy Sunday and Monday with Miss Mabell To Si. 11-Stan Ccwling, Marian Pano-Maurice Booth, Bowynan- Lytie and their si-ster at Cebconk.- 1 Honey, BIl Cowling, Edna Sadier. ývill,<) 3 lennaySh Warder. Voe Strutt, rec, Dors CO!liaUtt, Piano--Annie Allun, Providence. Mi. and Mirs .T. E. WaçshingtonIrec. e(W. 84, Ruth Purdy, Bowmanville,j and Mr. T. W. Washington, Toronto, To Jr. III-Edgar Cator, Audrey (H), 71. Mi. and Mis. L. H. Washington. Win- 1 Gowling, Eliner Stru-:t, rec., Lorne_______ nipeg, Man., were recent guestts o fjFostei. iec. the former's brother, Rev. W. C. To SrIl.1-Anînie Tait. THE WIGHT PICNIC Washington. To Jr. II-Marie Collacott, Lily Pioposed football match, Bow-1 Morden. Oshawa-on-the-Lake was the scene manville vs. Oshawa was net play- i Tc Sr. I-Wil]ie Daich. John of a veiy happy occasion Tuesday, ed July 2th, on account of home' Foeter. JulY 20, when the Wight family held team not being affiated with Domin- To Jr. I-Lela Welsb, Helen their annual picnie. Eveîyone en- ion Football Association. Efforts Moiden. joyed the sumptuou-R ehiiken dîn- aie being made te bring this about. Pi.-Charlie Foster. Har]ey C<.w- ner. A very intere.sting and enter-1 Messrs. James and William Sco:t,j ling, Beryl Thompsor., Oscar Conlir., :.aining program *followed, rendeied MisesSaaAdie an Kthee IFrank Conilin. rnainily by the younger generation. Scott, Franklin. Ont.. and Mr. andi Neui S. Stewart, teacher. Eaci- year shows a marked progress Mis. W. L. Rowe and son Brenton in the accomplishments of these lit- and Mis. W. J. .Rowe, Toronto. were tie t. Sunday guests of Mi. and Mis. H. NSLT TTO The officers for th-e ensuing year Humnphiies. ________STTIO elected are:-President--Mrs. C.A. A- the Grand Masonic Lodge Con-1 Report of S. S. No. 5, Cartwright Wight; Secietary-Tieasurer-idrs* vention at Fort WillFam last week ITe-,knship- Russell Wright; Committee-Messis. Dr. G. C. Bonnycastlwas appointed Entiance-P&ssed--GeneNieve Fer- Milton Wight, Sidney Hoar, Fred a member cf the Board of GenerallIguson, honors, Doiothy Stephens. Wight and Fred Hoar. Purposes for 1926-27. Mi. 'Frank ý Marwood Dickey, Paulite Ferguson, In the gternoon the young folk H. Brown, Port Hope. was appointed Violet pacey. enjcyed a rousing gamne of softball District Deputy Grand Master for Jr. IV :e Si. IV-Fassed-Gor- while the eIder people looked on, oc- this district. ion Brown, Kathleen Brown, Feiga casionally advising thein as to how Mr. John Hislop, Whîtby, an- Johnston. the game "should bie played". The nounices the engagement cf bis Si. III t, Jr. IV-Passed-Arnold littie enies had great fun wading in daughter, Amy Louise. te Dr. Robert jJehnston, CalteBor rt the balmv waters of the lake, some B. McClure, son of Dr. William Mc- Huibeit, failed. making frantie effort.s te swimt but Clure. Hwai King. North Honan, Jr. 111 te Si. II-Pa.secd-Pýercy always forced te cerne te the sur- China. the marriVe te take place onj Wray, May Brown.. face gasping for air. the arrivai cf the "Piesident Jack-j Jr. Il te Sr. 1l-Passed-Percy A splendid supper was served atm son" at Shanghai. the latter par-, of Huibert Marie Tre-wn. Viola Brown. 6 p. mn. and ail tee soon came the September. Sr I1 te Jr. tIl-Pased-Doîs. : une te depaît. Everyone had had Rev. Du. Speer leaves next .veek Wilson. Russell Brcwn. a î.ght good time and will look for five weeks' holidays While hei Jr. I te Sr. l-Passzei-Ar.drc-w forward witt keen anticipation te is away the pulpit at St. Paul's Marlew.. th.e rcx: annuai reunien. Church wil he filled by Rev. Dr. Primer A -,o Primer B-Pas-ed- Solandt. associate bock steward ci Jack Marlow. Allar, Bea(ock, Doi- Wa r o on ohl or the United Church. Dr. Speer will ct'"B .Mrlncame.whpat re yeu ciing to h elp eur spend next week at Crysta1 Beach: Primer A-Llo)yd Erow-3. Claranwpae? Sbcingoane- andthe gote itcene fo a eek Mcntjy.paper shotfld mean more te you than an lte t owanileterborok Stella E. Rossa. teacher. merelv a means te keep abreast of and aer o BomanvlleP erher"news. Newspapers are semi- and tne Kawartha Lake.-Dundas - - ublic enterprises The support and Star.Another publicatien joined the ce-eperation of citizens is necessary Cure for Deafness:--Dip a inoisti ca.sual:v list ef Ontario weekly if good newspapers are to be main- finger in ordinary baking sodia and newspapers ilast Week when the -,a',r.e d. Tlle fact that newspapers toucb tonzils with it several times PlttvLe ck cfmsuppot from hoer do not soli.-it contributions and aie! da]lyv. and prohably flnd a safe and ance. Lkciupûtfo brne - endowed. dees net relieve the sure cure. Some vears ago I sufer- t own merchants was ass]1gned by thelcitizen cf h]s obligation te supporti ed in the sanie way. and. being a !publisber as fthe reason fer suspend- thein oy subecrîption. news contri- teacher. was in despair. as 1 cou ldiing publication. butions and adveitising. no: alwayi. distinguish sounds. A' (lear old lady advised this treatment. and aise te make a paste of the bak- ing soda and put behind zhe ear. 1 o Y u R m mb r V 'e found it most effective-Dundas. D o e e b r W e People can get t;ie kind ef news- paper they want if they want it bpd- K y enough te support the good ones rather zhan ineuely te attack the batilj Thcugh Present News Cornes Thick and Fast c'res. The newspaPer wil cornînue 'Ti& Pleasant to Receil the. Past. a power with or without youu blp Th s. Stapittor. ý14 Cnant SI., 1 Mi. Currîe and later by John Wil- but if you %vant it te be a power foi- :hegod tatyoubeiev i. bl~O~ aw ends arothces:< hn son. It was in the building later wihwilnedub ive'av sredt esdneoadofipe Bowmanville Our Fem.' A etwaB- THE f armer who cle ans up his ~t'îZ proe us/si ans at the bank alter every wil poveauol n anain harvest rarely has diffiCultY in voufamfinancing hi f arm. When you need credit f rom the bank., a statement Of your aflairs given to the manager in confidence will create a .beter understanding between you and your banker. The Ro&yal Bank of Canada, Bowmanville Branch -KR F. Aitchison, Manager12 Cive Your Wife A Holiday i TIhe expense of sendi-ng your wife away for a holiday is often beyond your means. But every husband in town can and should giVe his wife a holiday whereby she doesn't have to bake these hot sweltering days. There's No Excuse Ail you need to do is phone or advise us at the shop that you want us to do the baking f or the family. We don't want to endanger mother's reputation for being a good cook-but we know we can supply your needs in Bread, Buns, Cakes,, Pastry, etc., which will satisfy the whole family. Just try it today and see. Wedding, Cake% a Specialty Willard'à Ice Cream W. P. Corbett Baker and' Confectioner Bowmanville Pone 3 1rn SA-VES ONE IN SEVEN A COOL- SUBJECT FOR HOT WEATHER That's the reputation the HeciQ Furnace has earned. By comparison '~~<".the Hecla Furnace sav'es one ton of coal out of every seven. Ask any '.Hecla user. There's lots of them around town. We have the Hecla Agency for Bowmanvillle and supply parts. SoIx'e your heating problem nbw for next winter. L. G. GREENAWAY King St. East Phone 18 Bowmanville ROOF 0FPERMANENCE TORONTO ASPHALT ROOFING is perina- nent-fire-resisting-able to withstand sun and rain, time, wind and frost, unaffected by rust or rot. It's a mnighty goodroofing. That's why we Victoria Building Butchers Phone 64 ý 1 e.,

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