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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 5 Aug 1926, p. 4

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PAG FOR T~ CNADÂN IA'h~MIq ~OMANILL. TURSAY.AUGST tULM, ;74 AUCTION SALE TYRONE ENFIELD BURKETON Saturday, Auguet 14-Miss Marg- Vstr:M.Genwy ite Mr-. and Mrs. Laver aud children, Burlceton United Church is under-1 aret wiIl seIlenway Litl Toronto, are holidaying at Mr. A. going a thorough ren ovation at the artClÏmie, Bowmauville, wId fel Britain, wîth ber niece, Mrs. Harry Oiitns D.sdMs .G ad fM.Ca.vni e ou ai e fu. ruitculr ad ue ho e -1 M. Collacot; Mrs. Fred L. Byin, McCulloch sud Mrs Jas. Heatlie, Or- iug worship wss held last 'unday lu fet1Priuasux ek Bowmanville, with bier daughter sud nvstdaMrWalc ot'.hepnai. Aagmnsae Saturday, August 7th-Tbe un- son, Mrs. Luther .Hooper and Mr. oo iie tM- alc ct'.teoe i. Arnenn r dersigned bas received instructions Lionel Bysin; Mrs. Thomas Creeper, Mr. and Mrs. Brauton, Oshawa, under way for special re-opeuiug froin the executor of estate of late Toronto, sud Mr-. sud Mrs. James visite d ai Mr. S. - Page's.... .Mr.~ services on Sunday, August 15tb.... James Smith, to seIl by public Curtiz, Hampton, called ou Mrs. Liz- G eorge James, Columbus, is holiday-.. Mr. sud Mrs. McCut.cbeon aud aucionat is ateresdeue, ibetyzieWigt sd Ms. ureta oodeying at Mr. J. Hepiburn's .... Messrs. family are holidayiug a-. their sun-, Sut Boauvîfslaerésiencoebrtd u Wghtunday;M. su rs.Tba oodso Harold sud Frauk Ormiîston and Mrs. mer cott.age 't Arden..Mr. De- St.,BowanvDethehoushol or Suday Mr.andMrs Thmpsn'Ce orge Ormiston recently visited in mille, Sr., is lying very iii at bis furuiture sud effects; also frame Mr. sud Mrs. Moiton, Mrs. Staple- Toronto.... Miss M. Ashton, T.,run-i homne..Mr-. Sidney Pediar recen t- residence, sud about 3 acres of ]and. ton sud Mrs. James Bal sud cbild- o svitnaiM.G. yitn' lspiednefc bl naru- For particulars see large bis. Sale i-eu. Orono, with Mrs. Wm. virtue; ti iiîga r e.Omsa'.l paudoefo al uarn at p m.(SanardTue). Mis ern Dvey MSSHazl ud ... Mr. Fred Smith motored to away. He is stili laid up sud badly Dr. Neil Colviii., Thos. Cowan, NiaDenHogogsearaewek last week .... .Mr. and Mrs.ý handîcapped at this bs esn Erector.Auctone r. eanu Hmion sd Ntagara aîl- H. Stinson have been visiting at Col- Exýcuor.Autioee. ed n Hmitonan Nigaa Fll; ubu ....Mr. Talmage Henry, Ty-ý MAPLE GROVE COMMUNITY SALE Mi-. sud Mrs. Albert Turk, Vernon-:oe has purcbased the Nidderyl _______ville, sud Mi-. sud Mrs. Gor-don faru at a verv reasonable price. The Hear Leskard Dramatie Clu~b ati We are planning for another Co'n Rutherford. Coîborne, Mr. and Mr.s. locatio îs very desirable. Hampton Tuesday. August 10th. mnity Sale. So if you have fur- Chas. Carruthers, Bowmauville, ati Rev. sud Mrr.' H. W. Foley aud niture, furui.shings or any other Mr. Willis SteNart's on, Suuday; Miss' w agtrF-sivle afdo articles you dou't ueed sud would Flora MeRobei-., Oshswa, with Ms COURTICE bis sîshtérs. J. D.Stniev alesou like to turu into money bring îês to Leverue Burgess; Mr. sud Mrs. Her- LsitrMs.J D.Senso us udhae i iclde lusae.~obeit A. Stevens sud Carlyle, Toron- Mi-. sud Mi-s. A. E. Rundie are, Tuesday. Tbey were motoriug to it uow while lu the mood. j. J. to, sud Mr. Harold Burgess, New-! spending a few days iu Toronowt : ahrnst ii i iohr castie, with Mr. and Mrs. Robert thei- sou Elmer, wife sud grand-I R. Foley. Miss Mabel Stevens ac:I Mason & Sou. Phone 50. - Burgess; Mi-. and Mrs. Rober-t Mc- child..Rev. C. C. Washington' comipauied thern ...Miss Laura EARN $6 To s10 OAILY Cullough., Brenton sud Kathleen, at bas gone to Muskoka to join bis wife Wickett, Toronto, Miss Nora Werry, Pontypool on Sunday; MNs. James sud faxuily wbere he will spend bis: Solius, spent Sunday with their 50 men wanted. No previous exlieri- Dudleyasrtrehoeatrahldy. RvMr unrBwcuis, r nd r.To.So- ence uecessary. Write for 40 page Free dea eundhm fe oiay. Rv i.BneBw on, Mr. ud Mrs. Ts. Snow- book whlch explamus how you can earn pleasaut two weeks' vacation in Bow- manville, will preach at the morning dn i.sdMs .C uwe. whIle learulug Garage Work, flarberiug. mauville; Mi-. sud Mrs. Bei-t Bryant, service uext Suuday aud the eveuing' - Mrs. James Chapple. Hamilton, is sud Beauty Culture. Free employinenti Osbawa, have returned homne after a service will be withdrawn ...Mrs.ý speudiug a week with bier sister, service from Coasit t Coast., Ac. 1j ple asaut boueymoou witb Mrs. Wm. Wilson Clewelsud family have re< Mis. E. B. Stenabaug ..Miss Tîme means rnouev. HernphHls ,t l Toronto. Little; Mr-. Thomas Curtis with Mr. turned home to Buffalo after holu-. Charlotte C..uapple. ivno bas been vis- ansd Mrs. James Oke on Sunday. dayiug witb lier mother who is ac-: îting bier aunt sud uncle, Mi-. sud Icompanying then borne...Oný Mrs. E. B. Stenabsugb, bas returued Mr-. Percy Haywai-d bas tht con- Thui-sday tht Ladies' Bée-an Class 'home to Hamilton ...Rev. W. A. tract of painting Salemn Public beld its montbly meeting in the foi-m, Bunner, Bowmanville, is supplylng Scbool. Rev. John R. Trumpour of au At Homne at Mrs. Howard, for Pastor Washington who is ou bis t ~ ook for bis text -ou Sunday* eveuing Fliutoff's. The chapter fi-ou the' holidays. St. John 10:10-"I amn couxe that study book was ou "Dorcas," ont 'fi ,. they might bave life and that tbeyl the bible womeu sud was given byl HMPO migbt have it more abundatly." ... MNs. A. E. Rundie who mxade it quitei APO $ x< ..On Monday eveuing a meeting of intei-esting. Mise Louise Çoui-ice' See the play. "A Wonian'a Hon-I' -~the cougrégation was held uin te read, Miss Hiazel Rundie played si oui," given by -the Leskard ]raxnatic - vestry to plan for oui- Harvest1 piano solo sud Miss Ada Anuis sang,' Club at Haimpton Tuesday, August Home .... .A very plessaut afternoon ialtei- which a daiuty lunch was serv- 10, under auspices of Young People's sud eveuing was sfpeut 5V the scbcolj ed by the social comittee sud a' League. Basebaîl gaine, Maple 1 - ,. - grounds on Saturday wheu the au- very pleasant bour was enjoyed by Gi-ove vs. Hampton at 6.30 p.,um. nual Sunday Schoôl picuic was beld.I aIl. Next meeting at the home of Admuission: Adults 25c, childi-en 15c. A goodly nurnber joiued iu the races' Mrs. Ceicil Fouud con August 26tb ' Suuday Scbool was held in the aud bal gamnes which helped tc make I..Mi-. Han-y Osborne, South Bend, 1 bagemneut on Suuday foi- the fi-at Steel Welding By Expert th, day a decided succes.... Thurs- U.S.A., is holidayiug with bis par-1 time since redecoratiug ...The day evening tht Young Ptople's ents sud bis brother, Mr. Chas. Os- Drauiatic Club are givuug their play is what we promise you if you place League was iu charge Ml tht JuniorJ borne. "Mother Mine" at Markhaîm ou your welding orders with this firm. Les.gue. Mi-. Story, returned mis-1 Wednesday this week .... Mi-. Clar- - - souaiy f rom South Auexica, gave sai nce Ferguson will occupy the puipit Log rprinc, ig tchîc.liknvery intei-estiug talk, illustrated by j OI ei-e during Mi-. Bick's absence. and conmplete mechanical equipment moviug pictures, Nina Hodgsou. Visitors: Mrs. T. Creeper, Toron- enaiùe us Vo bandit auy weldiug job Laura DaveY sud Annie Garduer 'On Tuesday eveuiug, July 27th, Vo, visituug at Mi-. J. Curtis'; Mis sneescfllysu a leatcot. favored ççith instrumentals. At the about 40 of the people of the Mary Ta.mblyn, Orono, at Mr-. B. aumsstflyandat eas cot. close ice ci-eaux sud cake were en. coxnmunity assernbled at the home of Ferguesc>'; Miss Ruby Clatwoi-Vhy, RATCLIFF joKyed-....Cburch servuce next Sun- Mi-. sud Mrs. Harvey Crosaman, Bowmauville, at home; Miss Vida à MACHINE SHOP day at 10.30 a. m...Women's Taunton, to offer congratulations Langmaid, Oshawa, with Mrs. C.c King St. E. B.wmauvill. Thsiary oceyd l e tbiansd best wishee fer a appy are Laugmaid; Mrs. W. J. Vu-tue, Miss1 Phone 426W T asdy at 2.80 p. m. hife. Mr. Elgin Taylor called the Helen and Master John, bave return- ________________________________________________ comrpany Vo order sud Miss Vers ed froni bolidayiug witb fiieuds lu t - Baker read s uicely worded -addi-eM Trenton; Miss Elsie Crago, Maple1 Vo Mr. and Mrs. Crossman, then Rt Gi-ove, wth Miss Grace Hastings; the pi-oper time Miss Margaret Me- Rev. Mi-. sud Mrs. Bick are holiday- Kessock sud Mi-. Bruce Montgoimery iug at Woodstock sud Bo'bcaygeou; preseuted tht bride sud groom with Mi-. Albert Allun, Miss Wiuuie Ci-y- a eut glase water set. Botb fltting- derman, Toronto, aV Mr-. A. B. Ci-y- ly replied thauking aIl for- their derman's; MNs. W. G. Wilîbur with B beautiful gift. Aiter siuging "For relatives at Stouffvillt; Miss Naoui s: W hat You Need 'copanv went to the lawn wherel Horn'Ptebr, tMk.C Refresbmentz were served sud a soc- ENNISKILLENh JOHNSON'S WOOD DYE il timt spent...C. G. I. T. meet-0 ing Friday eveuiug was held at the Go Vo Hampton next. Tuesday sud 1F bore c MisesGldysandJea har A Wrna'sHouour" For the artistic coloring of ail woods. ail <clnrg ilOh NreVeaBkrgv ti:wmns ~ retains the natural grain, easily applied. Sold in any quantity reqluired.- about this Dye. Cail and iearn more FOR BEST VALUES IN HARDWARE COME TO MASON & DALE The Popular Hm4dwas.--Quality and Right Pricea PHONE 148 190WUANVILLE I ~ ~ ~ ~ vswz spenidtlkVote iranoa"ir mrs. . .wr splndi tak t, he irl of iât ry, Miss Florence Werry and Boyd Aid." ...Women's Institilte wl Slexnon, Bowmanville, Mrs. S. H. meet at the hoeme of Mrs. H. E. Rice, St. John, N. B., and Mr. M. J. Tink on Thursday afterno.or- Aug. Werry, Oshawa, at Mrs. H. J. Wer- 12th., when the Grandmothers will ry's; Mrs. C. J. Pascoe and Miss E. provide the program. A good time M. Werry, Toronto, Mrs. A. Tanib- is assured. Ail ladies welccsme. .. lyn, Orono, have been holidaying .Attend the football gaule Satur-, with mrs. W. J. Staintc>n, Mrs. H. J. day evening, Aug. 7th, lu Solinal Werry, Mrs. L. R. Ashton and Mrs. sch&ol grounds, Solina vs. Ebenezer.I j. R. Ormiston; Mr. and Mrs. John Gaime called at 6.30 p. m. sharp.. Potter, San Francisco, Cal., Mrs. W. Visitors: Mr. and Mrs. Clare I Potter and Miss Eva Potter, Tor~on- Thomnas, Miss Marjorie and babyl to, Mr. and Mrs. James Potter, Pick- Kennerh, Orillia, Miss Vera Gibbons,I ering, Mr. and Mrs. Wm. McLaugh- Toronto, at Mr. H. Argue's; Mrs.1lin, Bi-ch Cliff, Rev. and Mrs. E. Ada (Sonley) Treble, daughier Reta; Belknap and family, and Mr. and and son Harold, Crystal City, Mani-' Mrs. Fitch, Pittsford, N. Y., at the toba, at Mesers. S. E. Werry's and Aj home of Mr. and Mrs. D. Burginas. L. Pascoe'a; Miss Nora Werry withl; Mr. and MNs. Burgiator are at Montreal friends; Mr. and Mrs. Gar-1 present spending a f ew days in Tor- ner and Miss Hill, Toronto, gt Mr., ontci; Mr. and Mrs. H. Slimon, Te'r- Bert Hunt's; Mrs. Leslie Snowden,j onto, with Mr. aud Mrs. John Slem- Maple Grove, at her father's, Reeve on. Baker; Mr. and Mrn. Leonard Neale, Enniskillen United Chunch Choir, Mr. and Mn. Percy Neale, Mrs. about twenty voices, went to Neý;tle- James Potter, Pickering, Mr. Harry ton last Sunday and led the Fing-ng Philps, Misses Ruth sud Grace and ia-, the Presbyterian Churceh Anni- Master Herbert, Toronto, at Mrs. S.1 versary. Enfield Choir generously Shortridge's; Miss Tucker, Orotio, filled the vacaucy bere renderiug tWo Mr. sud Mrs. Herb Cameron, Miss anthems in a very able manner. May and Mr. Robert, Tyrone, Missi The pastor, Rev. E. M. Cook, gave Mary Cameron, Zion, Mr. and Mrs.1 a special sermon to youth 'on "The Samn McLory, Miss Evelya and Man Worth While," 1 Kings 2:2, Messrs. Walter aud Ray, Mr. James "Be thou strong, therefore, and Walters, Fraserville, at Mr. John shew thyself a mian." The tliree Kivell's; Mr. and Mrs. Douglas Mc- principle characteristics of suct a' Laughlin and family, Oshawa, at Mr. man were described a-, Faith or a AL.Pascoe's; Mr. and Mrs. A. J. belief in the worthwhile of things, Reynolds, Miss Mary Hogarth and; Enthusiasin, being zealously affected Mr-. R. Pascoe visited at M r. li in a g9od cause, and Deteriinalion, Pascoe's, and Mr. Chas. Mackey's,I the quality that makes a man de- Brooklu; Mr. and Mrs. Ruesel~ pen dable. Esch point wss arnply Thcvmpson and son, Toronto, at Mr.ý illustrated ..Oshawa S. A. Boys' S. E. Werry's; Mr. and Mrs. Howardi Band paid its annual visit Sunday .Cowling aud faniuly, Hampton,,at: mrnng The boys are welconie Mr. . Hokady's;Mr.sud rs.visitors and a large company gather- Frank Vice, Mr. and Mrs. JiniVie ed to bear their music and song. .. Oshawa. at Mr. Walter Vice's; Miss A rather serious accident occurredi Laura Wickett, Toronto, ,vith Miss near Mrs. Andrew Shsrp's lest Sun-1 Nora Werry; Mr. Edmond Tiuk, I day evening when a party from Ty- Brookliu, and Rev. Albert Tînk, roue with a. car rau on to a dog. Wau-oma, Wisconsiu. et Mr. H. E. The car left ihe r&ad and almost Tink's; Master George Werry at Mr. foi-ced itF way through a wire fence J. A. Werry's, Euniskilleu; Mr. into the field. One occupant need- James Reynolds, Toronto, at horne;I ed medical attention. The Car was Mr. and Mrs. Fred Crome and baby, straightened up enough after a while Oshawa, at Mr. Chas. Blanchard's; t, aîîow the party Vo proceed home. Mr-. Tom Penfouud, Oshawa, at Mr.ý Enniskillen Ladies' Aid are bc- J. T. Rundle's; Mr-. and Mrs. H. .n nerandti we tM Tink and Miss Evelyn at Mrs. Thos. IFrank Gilbert's by thbe Enfield Aid. Pascoe's, Hampton; Mr. Melville .W. M. S. held their July meet.. Staples, Orono, Mr. and Mrs. John '"*tthhoecMr.LydA - Penfound, Masters Bill aud Bobbie, îtgpat the homencsfMrs. Lloyd Ash- Teronto, Mrs. James Mackenzie, Mrs.r in chair. Readings were given Penfound, Columbus, at Mr. J. T- by Mrs. Thos. MeGilI aud Mrs. Wm. RundIe's; Mr. and Mrs. Wauberton~ Ashton. Mrs. W. J. Stainton read and daughters, Toronto. with Mrs.' a letter froyn Miss M.untjoy of Vic- John Reyn*olds; Mrs. R. J. McKessock tor Home for Girls, Toronto, thank-1 çpent a few days with her mother, irig the members for past help and Mm. Thos. Pascoe, Han'pton; Mr. a-king for continued d&nations wit.b Everett Cryderman with Toronto the resuit that six dozen gems of friend.s; Mr. Hugh Leask, Greenbank, fruit were promised. Mrs. C. J. at Mr. Frank Tbornpaon's; Mr. and1 Pû~e gave a uumnber of belpfjl Mrs Jane~Stanto, M. sd Ms1 suggestions on W. M. S. work and Rus.sel Stainton and baby Cameron, Mis E. M. W(,rry gave accounts c01 Zion, at Mr. A. J. Balson's; Mrs. girls who have been helped mu ber Wheçler, Mr-. Clarence and Miss work as, Traveller's Aid ,Secretary. Pearl, Midland, Mrs. W. E. Gilbank Missqes Cladys Stainton and Reva Me- aud Miss Tva, Bo(wznauville, at Mr-. Cill provided instruamental music W. T. Ta.lor's.q...Rev. and Mrs. aud Miss Annie Oke a solo. Mrs. J. R. Bick are comrnencing their bol- Ashton served a daiuty lunch of idays this week. Pleased to bear sandwich, eake aud tarts aud a soc- that Mr. Clareuce Ferguson, Bow- ial time folkwed. The society waa marville, wilJ supply during MT-. enlsrgeid by two members joiniug. Bick's absence. W. M. S. will hodd their Auguat Don't miss hearing "A Woxnan'a meeting on Wednesday, Augist 25, Hünour" at Hamption next Tuesday wheu Mn. Gaordon Jury, Bownusn- nigbt. ville, will give an address. j OBITUARY -A gloom was cast ove- ayo 1 community hbv the suddeu deatb of >ont of its most highly rtspected ,youug men in Vhe person of Russell James, beioved husbaud of 1Hilda Graham, sud ouly child of Mi-. anud MN. James Crossuxan, who ras- sed away on July 22ud. Decessed bad been 111 for ouly a short time sud ou Wednesday he ws >removed Vo the Private Patients' Pavilion, Gentral Hospital, Toronto, for treatint. Notbing could bc donctVo relieve bis sufferings and he pass-ed swsy on Thursday at 1 p. ni. -a great shock Vo bis mauy fi-iends. Deceased took an active part iu both Sunday School sud League work, haviug betu treasurer of the former for some time, sud will bc greatly missed by both. Mi-. Crossman was boru iu Ash- buru, township of West Whitby, sud was lu bis 32nd year. Tht interment Vook place at Beth- esda cemete-y ou Suuday, July 24tb. Services were conducted by Rtv. J. R. Trumpour, assisted by members of Florence Ni.ghtingale Téodge, of wbich deceased was a member. Tht pail-bearers were Messrs. Ceci] Crosa-man, Herman Samuels, Lorenzo Mountjoy. Me-vin Mount- joy, cousins, sud John D. Grabhani Leslie R. Grahamn, brotbers-in-law. Flower-bearers were: Elgin Mount- joy, Wiil Crossman, Clarence Mount- joy, Harvey Crossinsu, Nor-man Hall, Keuneth Grahamn, Kenueth Samuels sud Chai-lit Gai-rard. Tht floral offering were. besutiful Ifroux tht following: Pillow, wiîe, mother sud father; Mi-. sud Mrs. David Gr-ahamx, Mr. sud MN. N. F_ Hall, Mr-. sud MN. Leslie Graham, Mi-. sud MNs. John Gi-san-î, Mr-. sud iMrs. John Crosaman, Mr-. sud Mi-s. G. SaudeN, Mi-. sud Mrs. Wili Sam- utîs, Mi-. sud Min. Frank Crossanan, Wiil sud Pearl Crosaman, Pontiac, Mîch.; Florence sud Walter Wbeeler, Mi-. and MN. Elgin Mountjoy. Mi-. sud Mr&s Leslie Haucock, Mi-s. Cor- nish Lucy and Mr»do-n, Mi-. sud Mr&. Olivr ILder, Mrs. Sper, Mr&s. Hucks, Mi-. sud MN. Bei-t Jenuings, l'rst. J. Mountjoy, Si-., Mi-. snd MNs. Paul, Mr-. sud Mrs. Han-y Lander, Mr-. sud Mrs. Edgar- Staples, Mr-. sud MrIs. Russell Aunger, Mrs. F. Marks aud Sous, Mi-. sud Mn. A. Nesbitt, Mnr. Moore sud family, Har, Wil- tox, Haydou Suuday Schoo sund a don League. Erlieuds were preseut froin Toron- bo, Oshawa, Raglan, C«rtwright, Bowmarîvil.le, Brookîlu, Rnfield, Jan- etville, sud Pontiac, Mich. CARD 0F THANKS Mi-. sud Mr&. James Crossarnan d i4rs. RusseU Crosa=n, Haydou, de- sire Vo exteud sincere thanks Vo their nany frieuds for the syuipathy sud kiuduess txtended Vo 'Îhen during the illnessand death of their son sud husband aud for tht beautiful floral Ter-ng. Also Vo the members of Floree Nightingale Lodge, I.O.O.F. wbo sttended tht funeral. Fret Suit-z at Giicbx-ist's. Nelles' selL. gi-octrues foi- less. Master Harold Rablbins bas i-e- tued home Vo Toronto afte- &pend- ing bolidays at Mi-. Elias Sti-utt's. tu 500 cBOYS' KHAKI 500 OVERALL SUITs5~O0 ,To Be Given Away FREE By The John McKay Co AT CREAM F BARLEY CAMP Registér your Boy's Naine at this Store this Week. At the same time look over the many bar- gains we have to off er, odds and ends and broken szies left over from our July Sale. Our July Sale was a wonderful siuccess. We now find many broken lines of seasonable merchandise. These we wili clear at extra special prices for the next week. A big bargain in Men's Suits, less than cost price,, To Clear $1 3.95 15 only Men's Suits. broken sizes, this season 'E new stock, extra quality suits that sold at $22.50, $23.50 and $25.00. Ail bunched together at one big Special Selling Price, While They Last $1 3.95 Al other Men's Suits in the store at Greatly Reduced Prices Men's Fine Shirts with and without collars, valuevs up to $2.75 and $3.00 At One BigClearing Price $1.98 Men's Neckties, any in the store, value to $1.50, On Sale 98c Men's Balbriggan Combination Underwear, W*at- son' s first quality, Regular $1.45 and $1.50, On Sale $1.19 Garment Men's White Sweater Coats, heavy Jumbo Knit, Extra Quality at $4.95 Men's Athletie Underwear .. .. On Sale at 98c each ManY Other Specials T. B.0 Gilchrist Directly Opposite To People of Bowmanville,: Every Article Guaranteed to give Again we have to thank you for your whole-hearted sup- port. since the opening of our new store, and the daily increasing business, which goes to show that you certainly must appreciate the bargains we are offering. On the other hand, we are more than satisfied, having already accomplished the allotment we had set for the end of August. To maintain this good pace, we are offering with our usual everyday bargains House Dresses, Real Bargain $1.30 Voiles, latest styles, long sleeves, ties, etc, in Figur- ed Sand, Blues, Green and Black and Whites Silk-Knit Dresses, everyone a different style and d i~ color, Regular Value $15.00O...................... $69 Wool Jersey Dresses, pleated fronts, patch pockets, etc ..................................................$4.95 Assorted Crepes, sor'e plain and somne figureci $9 9 in latest styles............................................ 99 Children's Dresses in all stylesto p.9 and sîzes ........................... 95ec o$17 SPECIAL SHOWING 0F LATEST FALL STYLES American Sample Dresses Juat Arrived from New York E. R. Curtin Cowan Block WE SELL FOR LESS Oshawa Bo wman ville King St. Whitby 4... ~ SeeQOur Special Souîner Olfering In FURNITURE A CHESTERFIELD SUITE In good tapestry, well made and uphoîster- ed, marshall cushions and trimmed with blue mohair. A Sale Value at $140.00 A DINING ROOM SUITE* Jncluding Table, Buffet, China Cabinet and set of Leather Seat Diners for ..........$10.00 These values are very special to stimulate summer buying . We Seil Everything In Furniture F. F. Morris Co. Furniture and Home Furnishings Phone 10 Bowmanville PAGE POUR TEIZ CANADIA.1% SIATMMAN. BOWMANVILLE. THURSDAY, AUGUST 5th. 1926 $2.5Ô

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