THE CANADIALN STATESMAN, BOWMANVILLE THURSDAY, AUGUST l9th., 1926 Ontario Safety League gives these CHIROPRACTIC AND DRUGLESS as the eizht cardinal and infallible THÊROPY ruies for thre retention of happiness: DIJRWIN E. STECKLEY Keep yo)ur heart dlean. Keep your honor graduate of Toronto Colege mind free froni worry. Keep yourj of Chiropractie will b, in the Bow- body in condition. Keep out of other manville Office Tuesday, Thursday people's affairs. Keep on the job. and Saturday evenings, phone 141J. Keep your temper. Keep your promn- Reidential calîs niade during fore- is3es. Keep cool. noons. Tire 011 for tire Farmer.-A bot -_________ tie of Dr. Thomas' Eclectric Oil in the farmi house will save many a DENTAL journey for the doctor. It is n3t only -ood for the children wiren tak- DR. G. C. BONNYCASTLE en with colds and croup, and for the Hionor graduate in Dentistry Toronto mature who sufer £romri plains andi Un'versity. Graduate of tire Royal and aches, but there are directions Cîege of Dental Surgeons of On- for it s we on sick cattle. There taria. Office King St., Bownianville. shoul4l always be a bottle of it in teOffc hne4. Hue hn 2 bouse.tej cpoe4. Hoephn2. DR. J. C. DEVJTTt - GEO. PRITCHARD- THE HANDY LITTLE SHOP PARTICULARLY AROUND HOUSECLEANING TIME Lots of people don't know jugt ail we qell in this ittle ahop of ours. Sa we're going rzo tel you and invite you ta, caIl: WALL PAPER Best makes on the mnarket. .BEST PAINTS Glidden's Paints, Varnishes, Lacq. FLOOR WAX Johnson'a, also Castie Wax ALABASTINE It can't b. beat for walla and ceilinge. FLOOR POLISHER Electric Floor PoUabher to rent by I»ur or day. SCHOOL SUPPLIES Scribbler, Drawing Books. Writing Boos, Examination Tableta, Pencils, Erasers. PAJNTER AND DECORtATOR Tiiat's my job. G. Pritichard Ph..e 489Bwmail ESTABLISHED 1857 Importer direct of SCOTCH AND SWEDE GRANITES and only the best grades of VERMONT BLUE MARBLE 1 employ no eemetery caretakeri as agents preferring ta selI my ow' coode thu.s saving the purchaser thre agent's commission. A eall sofi-cited. F. H. BOUNSALL Praprlebor Bownuaville Phone 326W Box 94 Graduate of Royal Dental Col Toronto. Office, King St. East,1 manville. Office houri 9 a. ni. p. m. daily except Sunday. Pl 90a. House phrone 90b. DR. R. E. DINNIWELL iHonor graduste of Toronto versity and member of Royal Cal of Dental Surgeons. Licensed practise in Ontario and tire Do: ion. Dentistry in ail ita bran( Office King St., Bowmanville, posite Bank of Montreal. Phone LEGAL M. G. V. GOULD, B. A., LL I Barrister, Solicitor, Notary Maney ta boan on Fanm and T Property. Royal Bank Build Bowmanville. Phone 351. W. R. STRIKE Succeasor to late D. B. Sinspeos, I Barrister, Solicitor, Netary Solicitor fer Bank of Montrea Money to Loan Phone Bownmnville, Ontario W. F. WARD, B. A. Barrister, Solicitor, Notary Money ta boan. Bonds for à Offices-Bleakley Block, King Bownianville, Ontario. Phot Office 102, Hanse 409. FUNERAL DIRECTORS F. F. MORRIS CO. Horse Equipmen AlCaîLsprompt Private Ambulan, lOow anlephoni BrancirStores- Orono &- Newcasl me ni- ege te n- es. 'p- wn kg, C. r Vl ý leg BoN to Uor îleg 'mir 60 D. ling S91 sale St. 't ly ce le ,tle at- dis- ,an- ;ity, Ohy. ne. and 1. ge, len. et, 4-t. or ta. le. Sc. of ipt ty. o. ti. r:- Lt ta -t te . ALAN M. WILLIAMS Embalmer and Funeral Direct Cails given prompt and personali tention. No extra charge ford tance. Phones 58 or 159, Bawma ville, Ont. 3- MEDICAL B. J. HAZLEWOOD, M. D., C. M Gold Medalist of Trinity Universi Toronto. Four year3 attending Ph sitcian and Surgeon at Mt. Cart Hospital, Pittsburg, K.3. Office a Residence, Wellington Street, Bo, manville. Phone 108. C. W. SLEMON, M. D., C. M. Graduate of Trinity Medical Colleg Toronto, formerly of Enniskilie Office and Residence, Dr. Beith fo)rmer residence on Church StreE Bî,wmnanville. Phone 259. 44- VETERINARY DR. F. -. TIGHE VETERINARY SURGEON. Day Nîght calîs promptly attendedt Office: King St. East, Bowmanvill Phone 243. E. G. KERSLAKE, V. S., B. V.S Orono ffonor Graduate of University Toronto. AlI cases given proni an.d careful attention. Office- Dr. McElroy's former office. PSoiXeý Clark. 3921; Orono 18-1. AUCTIONEERS THEO M. SLEMON Auctioneer Farrn and House Sales a Specialt3 Terms moderate. Enniskillen P.C 197r3. 1-i WILLIAM MAW Licenied Auctioneer Having met with considergble suc cess in conducting sales for the pas 1.9 years, I naw offer my services t trie people of Bowmanville and vic inity. For ternas and dates geeF O. Mason, Bowmanville, or phoni 283, Whitby, Ont. 12.t STEAMSHrP TICKETS M. A. JAMES To Europe-Canadian Pacific, Whitf Star Dominion, Cunard, Americar, Ask for informatioit. Phone fi Statesman Office, Bowinanville. SCHOOL TRUSTEES Get my estimate on inter-iar de- corating or outside painting as I can give it prompt attention. jDistance no objectioný J. H. ABERNETHY Concession St. Bawmaav'ille NOTICE I amn prepared ta stipply yuur needs for alrnost ail kinds of fuel. No. 1 CHESTNUT COAL HARD AND SOFT WOOD CARTING DONE Blake Wilkins aiCfm St. W. BowuvL~ Phone 340 P e hý e 1 One of the pressing needs of Can- ada is the promotion of it.s mightyl agricultural interests along with tire operation of its vast natural resî)urc-1 es. One of thre outstanding lessons taught mankind by the World Wlar was that there is absolutely no limit ta the amount of work to be done in 'thi.s world, or to tire amaunt of busi- ness ta be developed. Tire trutir is that over-producti-on is inconceiv- able. The purcirasing power of every country lies in its own oower of production and tire more each country produces, the greater may be its trade witir otirer countries, and tire more they all produce ta- gether, thre greater the variety of camforts and necessities available for the world's population. We have not even approached wito1in. meaeurable distance of sa'isfyrng reasonable human %#ants leave aImne over supplying theni. Hence there is urgent need of turning tire rush4 ofi people ta the land instead C o towns and cities. j le te r Political Parties Have Ignored ' Thé Expressed WilI of the People. Prohibition Federation of Canada Asserti Too Much Em- phasis Cannot Be Laid on Part Played by Liquor Traffic in Demoralization of Public Life. THE EDITOR TALKS While in tire pendif9g election aon political party is stressing one casî of apparent neglect of drastic an prompt action on the part of the lat goverriment' in punisiring wrongr kriown ta tire membersa small mat ter upon wiic to base the majc election cry-and thre other chie political party is accusing their op ponents of rion-constitu'jional aci ions of vital concern and momient ous result_, tis young flominiai has a tjiousand interests that ca:l fo aggressive constructive co-iperatior af ail political parties and every loy al Canadian. The unsecmnly polit. cal squabbles are now and have beer receivirig too much atten' io)n-vidl the opposition tactics in thre lasý parliament to defeat tire Goverri ment rather than helping to promot, the welfare of this coun'ry. Tirere is tremeridous truth in Le t ter No. 2 published in aur last issu, over tire name of Melville Hl. tap. les in his ta eleýctors of Dur- ham-very much more sense tiran the childish twaddle appearing ini the conservative newspapers. We electors could be brougirt to realize the supreme importance of this aountry's intereats, instead of the nterests of any political party. lVhat a splendid thing it would ire il ve could send ta House of Commons amajarity of members of independ- ent minds ta m.ake tire law., and to arry o-n the aifairs of the Dominion. mien of the independent stripe and higir moral character of Melville H. Stapies. Imagine for a moment the folly and idocity of 150 mon in te highest legisiative council in the [ad, independent of their indivrd- ail common sense, jtrmping up wiren ujeir leader pulls the string like so many automatia. years, anld wfat ha., g:ven rr. oj_______________0___ general unemploymen-,. 15 n ît' over- Sproduction,. but unbalanced pr )idue.t. t on. While Canada's populati în i ha-s been unequally distributed. ourj 2 n d - aggregate working force has been, and stiII is, vastly be!ow our min; an d muni national requirementî. Wit'h1 millions of acres of the WOrLlli riC'il- 9est agricultural lands lying :11e andý 1undeveloped, and tuhe world c!amonur- ing f r food, it i; paradoxical t-)bar- (From Toe Ott.awa Citizen) bour an unemploynient problein The country is waiting for an Widespread unernployment. und2.r ap'A o.y fr)nl the Hon .Arthur ssich conditions is prria facie. evi- NMeiighen to thre Hon Ernest liapointe. 1 dence of bankrupt state.sminsnip In Thecuntry i:. waiting for an apol- so far as sufficient inteIlig.ýn e and ioz-v to Canada from Canada's prime eenegy bas not been focuýse,! on tha instr solution of a prcblem wYich ,)hv oU;- Intemrtm rvneHn ly lends it.self to correction by welli Inrthemiieprevinieser if knon ad povn mthos.Canada. sat on -he platformn and withs * * . it aproal hard his flollower, A greater working population )n Mri, Dotce for ear Cnevt Pthe land is imperative if we are toMnr. m oet.SracstformrCnda ad t ee thre greatest benefit thtie g!-eat- thre wrM It4' alleged story of a est ntimber. In a va-bt country !;ke eruise made b.v the government ship Canada, containing within iti bound- ".Marzaret'" wh thre Hn re arie.s si great a wealth of natura! Lapointe on board. Hon.Ees resource-s, there should he only tw Ted-i..fth tr r ma majorprobems n pulic ->1 terial. To ail Canada was given the i first, t, provide for th.ý graduai de - velo.pmient of these reisources by t- *e impre.s.ion that the former minister inlroiltuction of new capital an I hy cf ju..trce participated in an orgy oif pr)moting a helth' incra . n th ""'ne, w'nien a nd song'" of the vii- w)kn oation, a.vndrec,) n Ilv est character. It was even reprc- w~~~~~~ rkn;ouainad~cn~ zpnel that as one of the guests on to so) direct thp far and dI z- ,hr hr a rýsn ter trihution of sucir new populat: m .1 1 ..h rip tre ws.s priasent ptnr rI t., insure, as far a4 po-;ibl,, in pueîi of ainuNiontralI their energies shall b ýdevote i ;) f,2ur morti-hmegn ifMotreal.r such ccupations as will en-uro a reflrnmria mgif nuif truc, or faiy hilanced national prrd uî ti n CiaahIil.tue asie 1Cana îa's pre.sen- prînrary ne e dli.,.an - îl atied e .n4 -inga public miai: în,,r,ýased rural proîlucinge anl i îîTnoernintr iny mani. .umin- population. Wrih thi ;nPec r damniable story was tolîl on ;uPPlied, Our indusýtriîlaîl annd Mr NI ieren'.latforrnand ini il.- portation plants woull ire wrvrkinZ ~ic*n- î once, but on several '"eýr-time, as some are nov. n. 1- came tai ir a rUigular i'î"t (of tri . performiance. 1i -1 ____________ ------.- nrdiIv ceîlhi that it was t(ld ii the fir-t. 'coasion witirout MI. 1M ie!i knoiving so.mething oif it in .1V ,nlc.. WAhen it was told a OSHA W A ,)Il ime in i, s presene, Mr. Meipgh-a onOSHA W A -.rsonýbl it ii l iiusiriess toitege : 18 SIMCOE STREET, NORTH 1- ire no excusýe for 'Mr. M iier r ay tiat ire did nol kriow tr i t .antrue. Ho diti rat know that t %v., truc. Ariyone w~ho s party ti 'irhe irculatiori of a story -ir as this witirout being posili%-.. 'hat it s. true, is guilty ircyonn v.') irïi. urt ePr, Mr. Meigiren kne-w Mr. Lap)irite. He kriEnvtiret Mr. Lipr>iriý Li. an honorable mari,lire cl!vited Jr usirsrir of a talenteti worm. a n. M r' Meigiren knew witb'ouî anv evilenie hia tirhe stary so fer as Mr. Lapointe was roncerneti was untrue. Natwiîirstanuing, Mr. Meigiren, Prinme minister of Canada, uttereti n.> pra'est. Night atter night ire sat on tire platforni and beard hii f'olower ilarider away tire reputathon and destroy tire happiness of an hon- arible gentleman. He did notbing 'o top tris vile tiring. When cirat- lenreti by Mr. Laipointe, Mr. Meigir- enî s statement w'as neat a repudiation of tire scandai, but was of sucir a ciraracter tirat tire position was worsa tiran before. N'îw tire %tory of tire "Margaret" iden ied and dwsproved by thre sworn 'lasses Re-Open Sept. I st Cl COURSES IN Shrtriansi, Typewriting, Boo)kkee0pirig, Accounring, Se.reIerial Duties, Civil-.3ervi'-e Gn,-ral Co)mmercial Wý-rk. New and Modemn Equipment SPECIAL-Coursei in luie NI: Electrical Bookkeeping Machmni Hundredq of Operators WA.NTEDI SUCCESS ASSURED1 WRITE TO-DAY for informtian J. 0. DERMOTT,, B. A..j Principal. [umiliated. evidene'e, not only of Mr. Laprinte and of r. Bureau, but of tire cap- tain of tire boat. Not only that but tire wirole matter was in'vestigatesi by Mr. Calder, tire governaient ciun- sel, ass;isted by Mr. O'Connor, an ulîra-T,îry lawyer, appointed by -ire prcsent governaient and by Iriapect- or Dun.-ari, and after sucir inveistiza-I lion, Mr. Calder made tire following statement t "A4fter iravirig examined aIl docunienîs and after Mr. fuin- cari, Mr. O'Connor anid nîy,.?f iravirig laken note of aIl rela- vant. evidence and tire crew of lire Marzaret iraving been ex- amined, I wisir ta declare pub- 1licly andi categarit'ally tirat ni incident 'îccurred aboard tire Marz'îre- whicir could ire r,'- pracred againsîtirhe pers msý named, wirct!.er Mr. L.apo)iiîto Mr. Bureau or ariy if tire:- c o npani ons.,, Mr. M&igien cari nover niake re- paratirîn tri Mr. Lapointe for 'ire o- jury (L uîe t,) im. .Mr. Meigiren cari neyer miake re- paraîtiri to tire peoeple of Canada for v. %ri)ng uione- r,) tirea. Evý,ry mani wio lives a clean de- -'cnt life will put hiaiself iritire place if Mr. Lapointe andi consider tir- ,ame andl humiliation tira' ire wouîd have quffercd irad tis story been o! I of riim, andi circulateil from ni e end )f Canadla to tire otirer. Eveýrv v.'u>an wira is tire wif", of adecent and honorable mari will put lici-self in tire place of Madame La- poinîte anh1 suifer in imagination tire ni iller part of 'ire agony and sorrow .0ý Àiould have experiericedl iai Ibis' tii-y bcsrn tîlîl of tire nisire laves 4ri. ironars. Ti- storv wa;, tolti of a public ervant-a minister of justice-and liýý people of Canada haVe be-en hunailiated andi wronged by wirat wvas iail of tireir representative. Tie responsibility for tbe story reîs nil wirtirte miserable Doucet. It re-,sti wit tire prime mini.ster of Caradi, wiro is as guiîty as if ire led atte rei the words irneif rire peopie of Canada were bumuliated nd outrageti by tire action of Ibeir rime minister. Tireais anly anc tiring Mr. Meigi- m cari do. It will not mace repar- ition, but it should be done neyer- iceles. Mr. Meigiren sirould apol- )ize humrbly and abjectly ta Mr. La- )inte and to tire people of Canada. ir wilI nat exicuse Mr. Meigiren. tmay rel.p ta save the hionar of tire 'anadian nation whicir bas been lepiy injured. Tire aîpology sho'uld ýme witirout delay and witliout re- ervation. pi a it ce .3e Ih~ lUI Banking Is Universal WHEREVER oods are bought and sold. Baning simplifies the transaction. Whether you by or seil, at home or abroad, you cari benefit by the service whih the Standard Bank of Canada as perfected during ver Fifty Years of constructive banking practice. On In a statement :ssued ta the pressi tieir influence anid exercise theîri recently the Prohibition FederatianI franohise. Tis is the hour of ,hre.rri of Canada iras the following ta s-ay opportunity. ,n regarding the part played by tire In the political parties havel le liquor traffic in the recently disclOs- not îireycd tire plainly expressed wilîl t d irregularities in the Customns De- of the people for temperance leg:s- -partaient and as to tire reed for s'up- lation. Little iras been ireard i Oporting candidates in the fortirconi- Parliament during recent years on! ing Federal elections pledged ta pro- sucir questions as the ijihierent righti miote tire cause of prohibition. Tire af'ire provinces ta have their liquor i b- .;:atement is sîgncd by Oliver Hez- laws, respected by tire Dominion Go'- i e zlewood, President; E. I. Hart,. Sec- erniment, particularly with regard toi -retary, and W. W. Peck, Educational smuggling and bootlegging along -Secretary. tire international barder. n Tire issues raised by tire revela- We believe that in provinces lions during tire Custofrns inivestiga- where the liquor traffie iras been out- htion at Ottawa play a most import- lawcd public opinion demand. tirat e ant part in tire present Dominion the Dominion Government co-oper-i. 5electiis. a'e in preventing tire manufacturel e Tire Prohibition Federation of of intoxicating liquor within their'* ~Canada, in offering some guidance ta borders, by re'fusing ta issue licenses! tire members of its variaus units, aI- ta breweries and distilleries. Par-' so appeals ta tire electorate general- liamentary candidates, tberefore,1 ly toama.ert itsclf so tirat tire ideais sirould be ple.dged to promote toi of Canada's best citizenshi.p may tireir utmost tis policy.1 prevail in governaiental afairs t- Even a casual study of tire scien-f "Tire Federation heartily endorses liflc aspects of tire use of alcoroîl tirhe Dominion election convinces tire open-minded citiuni touciring political corruption and tiraI, just as it is ne.cessary ta elim-! better citizenship, just, issued by tire mate tire degreding influence of; Social Service Council of Canada, aicoirol froin tire b'ody polisie, lit is'ý and would urge tiret tao mucir em- equaliy necessary in tire interests of 1 >phasis cannot be laid upon tire part individual efficiency, commercial'ý tire liquor traffic iras playe'd in tire prosperity and tire best progress of I demoralization of public life recent- tire nation, that tire personal and' ly dîsclosed. social habits of al aur people be î freed froni tins most destructive evili Tirere iras been a gratifying de- of ail tirne. mand by tire press tirat tire reconi- mendations of tire Custoins Corn- B'ecause thre advance of temper- mittee be entirely carried out, and aneiras been thre most constructi7e that tirere mus-t be a thorougir force in Canadian( social progress, "dtean-up" of polities. Nothnng iras and tire liquor traffie basq proved1 done "i mucir ta besmircir gavern- itself to be anti-social, we believe ment and degrade public oraîs as tirat tire elimination of tire traffic in tire liquor traffic. Its rei nsibility intoxicating liquors for beverage for tire scandaIs that have ireld Cari- pur.poses demands tire immediate at-ý ada ap ta tire opprobrioni of tire tention and action of tire people of world is partially understood. Canada."« Dunram electors wbo are earnest- Tire Federation appraves of tire ly in favor of more stringent temp- part already taken by tire Coimmer- eran,$e legi2lation are privileged and cial Protective Association, and fortunate in iraving a candidate in urges tirat in ail parts of Canada a tecmn eea lcilnwoi special effort be made ta enlist busi- tire otingfdou ealeenwoe ness interests in this campaign for ansd asvocate and is sincere and bold dlean politics. enougir ta make tire temperance i.s Thins iideous pollution of thre pubr- sue one of tire chief planks in ýisi lic service, withir is unceasing men- Tis man is Melville H. ace to ail pirases of our life, is a Staples, Independent candidate. warnirig against permitting any POS- He re is an opportunity for niem- ý;ibility of furtirer corruption. Elec- bers )f temperance societies and or- t:oneering metiross are a true,,idi- ganizations favoring prohibition cation of tire extent ta whicb "poli- tirrougirout tins riding ta make a tics" are irealthy or diseased. It 15 real forward step in tire cause of flot denies tirat distillers have im- ternperance by having Duriram re- properly contni'buted ta camp3rgn presented in tire next Parlianient by furids. Candidates of ail partiesa eltm rncmmb. shiould ire asked tii declare tireir at-arelepencmmb. titude i' thIis mnalignarit influence. You cannaI afford ta let your pi1.- îiti',aI party entirusiasm oîverride your We strangly appeal ta tire 'w men temperance convictions in tire pres3- of Canada, wirrý constitute over fifty cri' criticil figit for national pro- p'er crrol of tire electorate, ta exert nihition.1 HIARRY PHONE 186 ALUIN Albert College New Educational i for Men Advantages tma and Boys T HE Ne,v College is one of the finest institutions of its type i gÇ Canada-adequate in every way as a reaidential uchool for boys and men. The residential life is the ideal one for the growing boir. Place him in Albert, where he may have ail the advantages of physical, mental and moral culture. Courses in Collegiate studies, Music and Expresuiome No examnation required ta enter the College. Classes foo. beginners and special attention given ta backward studestu. Write today for new Calendir and full particulars to: The Principal, Albert CoUlege, Belleville, Ontario. FalL Terni Opens September 21st-Enroli EARLY I is good tea" TEA' Give Yoor Wife A Holiday The expense of sendirig your wife awav for a holiday is often beyond vour means. J But every husband in town can and sol give his ife a holiday wherebv she doesn't have to bake these hot sweitering da ys. There's No Excuse Ail you need to do is phone or advise us at the shop that you want us to do the baking for the family. We don't want to endanger mother's reputation for being a good cook-but we know we can supply your needs in Bread, Buns, Cakes, Pastry, etc., which wiil satisfy the whole family. Just try it today and see. Wedding Cakes a Spe*cialty WiIIard'a Ice Cream W.P. Corbett Baker and Bowmanville Phone 3 Confectioner Orono' PAGE TWO B "j 9 I 1 1 Agriculture is Canada's hasic in- -dustry, but the editors ,if the Zreat city dailies seesn to think it hi s e rjournalism to devote 2 to 3 pages a day to sports and no mention at aIl of agricult.ural interests orm va a little corner of a page as we )c- cainally see. One condition that Canada and many other coun.rteý., bas suffered fromn during ment TrHE STANDARD BANK 0 F CA&NAmk. I BO0WMANVILLE BRANCH-H W. Lapp, Manager This Is Picnic Time Every day you see one or more parties motoring or hiking off to the Lake, Morden's Camp or some other attractive place for a picnic. Let us help you make that picnic a real en- joyable occasion by filling your basket brimming over with plenty of good things to eat. We have a variety of groceries, pure foods, and canned goods which gives you a pienie menu that satisfies the biggest appetite in the party. Just corne in and let us tell you some of the "4picnice eats" we have.