~HE CAI~Afl1AN STATESMAN. BOWMANViLLE, THURSDAY, AUGUST l9th., 1926 PAGE THEEU w. w Good Meat mi- - - Summer Heat Sunimer time is the most important months in the year when more than the usual care should be taken in buying meat. We provide that "Safety First" principle for our customers by personally selecting and buy- ing diredt from the best feeders in this distridt al cattie off ered for sale in our store. We also have the facilities and long, experience which safe guards the interest of our customers in every way. .You may always buy your meat with safety at this store. Orders FiIled Promptly and Delivered. C. M. CAWKER & SON Victoria Building Butchers Phone 64 Bo'wmanville SHEL Be f air to your motor and for best resulto use SHELL GAS We carry a stock -of the well known Sheli Coal Oil A trial ivilli and Sheil Motor Ouas. convince you, as it has others, of their superior quality. Ce A. Bartlett Phone 110 North Side King St. E. Bowmanville AUTOMOBILE INSURANCE A REAL NECESSITY Auto owners are -taking a big risk if they drive a car these days without carrying insurance. Just look at the accidents that are happening daily. The cost of insurance is amail compared with protection given. CONSULTATION FREE regarding insurance-Public Liability, ?roperty Damage, Collision, Fire, Theft. J. J. MASON & SON Real Estate and Insurance Brokers Phone 50 King St. E. Bowmanville Cleah, Pure, Fresh GROCERIES Your grocery quality is our standard-for this is the grocery that aims to satisfy the exacting deznands of the most particular housewife. When everything is choice, fresh and dlean, and besides this niost reasonably priced, we can- not help but please your wants perfectly. Test our dlaims and the downright prompt- ness and accuracy of our service by phoning 65 TODAY and have us fil] the .day's grocery needs. CHINA AND CROCKERY When requiring any of the above goods bear in mmnd that we have the largest assortment in town and have marked al] goods at remarkably 10w prices. Phone 65 ARCHIE TRAIT Bowmanville MOTOR TRIP THROLJGH SOLINA WINS FOOTBALL9 CENTRAL ONTARIOI CHAMPIONSHIP By Eito of lieBarrie Examiner,, Defeat Eben.ee in Sde et Who Was a Formeor Student of .Final Game at Hampton by 1.0. B. H. S. After each team hati won a gaine Last week's issue of The Barrie On their home groundis by 1.0 an- Examiner containeti a very interest- other game was ordered on a neut-i ing account of a motor trip Editor rai field at Hampton Park. Satuarday, and Mrs. J. Alex. MacLsren made. August l4th., to decide winners of througb Central Ontario, which in- South Darlington Football League. cludeti Bowmanvilie. 'MAter a real excitîng aid thrilling Many of Our readers may not know game Solina won out by 1-0. that in motorîng through Durbam From, the start real fooutball was County Mr. MacLaren was renewing expecteti by ail onlookers, as this the scenes of bis youtb as his father, match was to decide who shouiti Rev. Alex. MacLaren, was Presby- corne first in the League. No one terian minister at Ennislillen for, was disappointed for real ive sport several years in the late 80's when 1 was maintained rigbt -hrougb the "Young Alex" was a student at Bow- gaine. It started, toc, with ai] mnanville Higb School. players in position which bas flot al-i At the annual convention of the ways been the case this seaSon. Soor1 Canadian Weekly Newspapers Aso-after the start, a sligbt accident oc- ciation held in Quebec City last June curreti whicb delayeti play a shorti Mr. MacLaren hati the honor of be- while andi upon the resart Solîna1 ing elected President of the associa- soon took control and pressed Eben-i tion which has a membership « 1 ezer defence bard, Solina forwards1 about 600 editorband publisiwrs, al showing great skiii with their passes province of the Dominion befcre re-l setting a good example as to how presented. A further honor was soccer should be playeti. Then the bestowed apon The Barrie Examiner tide turneti and Ebenezer showed at tbe convention in winning the sonie real attack but Sc'ina were the Mason Trophy. This tropby is award- better team at this stage of the gaine eti by the jutiges of the newgoaperi andi kept most of the play. However,j competition which distinction classes much up and down tbe fieid play was1 the paper as "the most enterprising seen now andi on one occasion a gai- weekiy newspaper in Canada". lant save was matie by Langntaiti, Withthisintrducton or r I whicb was followeti clos-e by a cor- Wit ths itroucton or eadrs~ner in Ebenezer's favor, which did wi]l finti a greater pergonal interesti lot Show any resultant as Solina in Mr. MacLaren's write-up bich bcknoh follows:bak quicklv cleareti the bail. Ti was soon followeti by a corner rt th One of the great ativantages 0f other endl of tbe fieldi but no score possessing a motor car iis the OPPOr- resulteti. Solina made another at-1 tunity it affords for seeing with coin- tempt upon their opponent's goal anti1 parative ease inany 'parts 0l Our Ebenezer bad niany near shaves country that otherwise weulti be un- froin goals agaînst thein. During visiteti. Travel is a good etiueatov,1 sucb p]a3 the firast half cl&seti witb no,. if one travels with the seeing eye ,coe. andi tbe hearing ear, se the automno- The second half's first -,tarringin bile to some extent may be ciasseti cienwaacoermfarof - amog te eucaioal genies îixa-sbortly followed by a goal, Certain it is, the average mnan or which Bush succeetiet in scoring. worman today knows a great deal Ebenezer goalie, Penfound, una- more about bis ceunty and province wares, as be matie little attempt to titan he did before inotor cars madie sà.Ti ol gis hi possible rapid transportation net This goal shot seemedti t catch the only along the main high'ways, but brought Ebenezer very quickly to~ on the even more interesting by'ways. terrafirmna for they soon showed Today practically alI parts of the olti- raspitoplyinkng m y er sctins f te prvine ad mchbard efforts to score, anti much bard Of the newer districts are n'ow ac- play was engaged in anti arounti So- cessible te the motorists. 't natur- lina goal mout.h, effort upon effort aily follcsws that the peope sbould being madie witb thrilling goal moutb have a better knçwledge of the struggles-the tacitement was in- scenery, general jphysical features, tneb h pctr.Uo n products, etc.. of parts of Ontario otese bytnh apetrs.neUonls an-T other than those in which theyother corne be evev, no gos eve dwell. Solina 1, Ebenezer 0. A Fine Motor Camp The change of goalie by Solina, proveti himself a wortby asset, al As we approacheti Bowmanville, a players are -worthy of the greatest huge sign "Creant of Barley Motor praise for tbe excellent sport rentier- Camp" caught the eye. Familiar eti, tbe gaine being at al tirnes tbcsugh we were witb tbe namne Off ean, fast, sporty anti scientific titis breakfast foodi, we tii not know which will neo oùt prove a great of the iuotor camp. It is an ativer- beomn te football in this tdistrict. tising. stunt, it is a clever one, for Line-up- Solina-Goa-Langrnaiti; the accommodation and service of Backs-Reynolds, Blanchard; Haif the camp cannot fail te leave a goti Backs-Wilbur, Reynolds, Vice; Fer- impression with tourists. The camp wards-Pascoe, Vice, Bush, Deweli, covers quite a large area anti is wefl Tink. caret for. In addition to picnic Ebenezer--Goal-Penfeunti; Backs' anti camping accommodation Witb -Nicholis, Adams; Half Backs- kitchen. bot water, bath bouse, rest Courtice, Osborne, Muir; Forwards% room, etc., there are cettages for -Phair, Balsain, Weicb, Reynoldis, those who wisb te vent tbemn in -pre- Buress. ference te tenting, dancing pavillon, Referee-R. G. Harding, Bewman- service station, etc. Theve is also ville.' qI. a*15n m n ,v vs .nnw ait Adai-1 mals anti the "ole swimmi' hole" that was a favorite spot fer the beysi in pre-motor tisys is still titere f ov tite saali boy's use. Mention shoulti almo be matie of the well--equipped, p]aygro'unti for kitidies anti the min- iature golf course. The Creain of Barley people sitoulti be paying for this write-up ati, so much per, but we are giving thein this free ativertisîng because it is the most coniplete tourist camp we havel l'un aross. It is a fine tbing f or Bowmanville to have sucit a place. if, "ome enterprising Barrie firtin were1 te look over this camp anti establis'h something similar bere it woult ibe au excellent ativertisement for .thej town.I After spending a couple of hours at the boys' scbool, as deseTibet tise- where, there was no tîme te look up olti frientis in Bowmanville before proceetiing nortbward on the oid Scu- gog Roati, se familiar to the wri0er in bis higit scitool tisys. Ncrtha Biackstock village, we turnet west.- warti and passing over thte west endi of Lake Scugog reaciteti Prt Perry. BOWýMANVILLE BEAUTY SPOTSI M. A. Neal bas deveicopeti one cf the most beautiful spots in Bownian- ville, anti ie is justly prout cf bis work. He bought a bouse on Lowe St. about three years ago, amti it was juSt a long cottage on an or<in- ary plot cf grounti. Ht ataerteti in to develop it along certain definite. uines both inside the houQe anti out arounti tht lot, ant ibe bas turned i i into a truiy beautiful hocme. He startoti te study carefuiiy the habits anti appearances cf many var- ieties of pants anti fitteti theàse iloo bis general plan. T'his; year, bis perenniais are just beginning te show the resuits of blis labo>rF, anti ever3mone who bas seen it wiil agree, titat lie bas been amply rewarteti for botb tht time andi expene ire has put on it. He bas net specializet inbthe ex-! tent that Herb Fletcher ba_- on roses or Iris, but lie plants notbing but the best reots, anti bas thent arrangeti se that tbey show te ativanitag'. Ris Delpbiniuni bave been a surpriee l local people. Ht impertedth ie root, for these frein somnewbere in Eng- landi, anti he bas hrought fiowers te the sbop that bave measureti 2%j incites acrogs. No tioubt titis, sountis like a fairy stcry te ttoc- o(f u. wbo are accultomedti te-r(ywing 1 te 1 % incritbloms, but several of the boys bere measureti themn. His garden is arcangeti se that there is saie kînti cf plant in bloomn ail season, se that it is net just a blaze ef glory for a short while. Ht deserves credit fo r the worlt he bas tione.-Froun July Goodyear "Wîng.. foot Clan." Nelles' seill groceries fer les&. Boys' Grey Flannel Pant, at $2.26 at Couch, Johnston & Cvydenmen'a. IMOTHERS' ALLOWANCE COMMISSION Pay Out $825.00 i. Durham For JuIy Accovding te figures just issueti, $825.00 *as paiti eut in July by tJie Methers' Allowances Cossmiisson in Durharn. 26 mothers receiveti aid ducing t4e monthi anti dependent citiltiren of these mothers numbereti 75. 19 widows had 58 deipendents, six were wives of incapacitatet i us- bainds with fifteen chiltiven anti one was a deserteti wife with two child- yen. In the number of fantilies, 25, that veceiveti assistance, two weve moth- ers with one obild anti inca4pacitated husband, eleven with two chiltiren, eight with three, one with four, two 5with &ie, one with six anti one with seven. In the County o-f N'orIhunmberlanti, the amnoünt paid out totalieti $1200, the nuimnber cf mothers that obtaineti PRETY CURCHWEDING were 113 tiependent childven; 28 Iwere wiows with 89 citiltiren, six Wil.on-Pascoe were tht wiv* eof incapacitateti bus- banda with 18 chiltiren. Two de- Ont cf the prettiest of mitisuin- serteti wives with four chiltiren, anti mer wtttiings tock place in Westl ont tester mother with Vwo chiltiren. United Churcit, witen Myrtît, eldest Of the 37 faffnilies, 17 were motit- taugitter of Mr. anti Mrs. Wesley ers with tw.e chiltiren, ni-ne wit.h Pascot, was uniteti in mnarriage te titret, four with four, six with five, Mr* J1 Stuart Wilson, son cf tht late anti one witb six e-hiltiren. Mr. S. M. anti Mrs. Wilson, To-rente. Mir,- J. M. Burvy, with heatiquar- FaIms, ferns anti sommer ficwers de- ters at Port Hope, is the Investigator corateti the churcit, wile tht guest for titis district of the Ontario Motb- pews weve maîketi witb tiny baskets ers' Commission. of fiowers tiet witit white ribboms. Thte____ bride, who enteret tht chur'ch on tht arn of ber father te thte trains cf ALBERT COLLEGE, BELLEVILLE thte or-gari, wore a gown cf grey georgette over Canton crepe, with Open& Septemuber 21, 1926 large picture bat cf tht saine mater- iai, anti a platinuin fox f ur, tht gift Principal anti faculty are: cf tht groom. Site carrieti a bou- Rev. Charlts W. Bisbop, B. A., quet cf butterfly roses, lily of tht (To.), M. A., (Columbia), the ntw valley anti baby's breatit. Miss Et. Principal, formmerly Minister cf tht na Pascot, sister of tht bride, as Sherbeurne Street Unitedi Ciurcit, maiti of honor, was attireti in ralest Toronto, who, in conneetien with hi, pink printed taffeta, with tuile trin- work as Principal, wiI be Teacher of mings and large picture bat te match, Senior Religious Knowletge. anti carniet a bouquet of Ophelia Rev. E. N. Baker, M. A., (Tor.), roses anti baby', breatit. The brides- D. D. (Victoria), the retiring Princi- maits were tht twin sisters cf the pal, wito will, on tht,. opening of the bride, Misses Margaret anti Mari.n new College, become Principal Em- Pascot, who were gownet, one in tnitus. yellew anti tht other in orchit taff- - Tht members cf the teachîng eta, botit with tulle trimmings anti staff in addition to thç, Principal, will large picture bats. They carrieti be- bouquets of Premier roses and 1 T. C. McMullen, M. A., Pb.D. baby'i breatit. Little Frances Meakes, j (To.), F.C..C., Dean cf Residence Camp Bortien, grantidaugitter of thte andt Teacher cf Senior Science anti late Dr. A. D. Watson anti Mrs. Wat- Mathtmatics. son, matie a very tiainty flower girli Miss Ella Gardiner, B. A., (Tor.), in white crepe te citent. Hec basket (First hon-ors in Modems), Registrar was of Sweetheart roses anti baby'sianti Teacher of Modern Languages breatit. Tht groom was supporteti andi Senior Englisit. by Mr. W. H. Bonus ,while Messrs. R. H. Rickard, B. A., (Tor,), M.R. W. McCutcbcon anti John Clemenis E., (Boston), Master of the Junior ateti as ushers. Rev. (Capt.) Lam- Scitool anti Teacher et Junior Relig- bert, cousin of the bride's fatit cr4 bus Knewledge. ccnducted tht ceretnony, anti wiile' Waltc E. L. Smith, M. A., (Tor.), tht register was being signeti Rutht Teacher cf Histocy. Cross sang very effectively "*A Day A. S. Hardy Hill, B. A., (Tor.), cf Golden Promise". Atter tht Physical Director anti Teecher et cereffnony a receptio was helti at Junior Englisit. tht home of tht britie's parents,ý M. W. McCutcheon, B. A., (Tor.), I where, against a background cf1 (Regent's Golti Medalist in Mathein- ferrns, palms anti roses, tht bride, atics anti Physics, teacher 'De Junior witb ber mother, receivet seine sixty Mathtrnatics and Science. guests. Mrs. Pasce. mother of tht Haroldi S. Shurtleff, B. A., bride, was wearing a tires, of bord- (Queen's), (Silver Medalist in Lat- eieti orcii ninon ever -crepe te in), teaciter of Classics. cthene, with large black velvet bat V. P. Hunt, A.A.G.O., (Pupil cf anti bouquet of Sunset roses, orciis Leipsiz Censervatory of Music andi andi baby's breatit. Dr. Carl Reinecke), Director of Later tht happy couple left by Music. Teacher of Pianoferte, Or- mtrfîMontreal anti-points erasi, gan, Tbeo.ry, Harmony, Counter- ;,te bidetravelling n a bro'wn en- point, History. semble suit with seal trimmings, anti S. M. Anglin, B. ,(Queen's), bat anti shees ta match. On their (Pupil ef Arthur J. Hubbart, of Tht return they will reside at 14 Burn- Hubbard Studios, Boston), Diretr sitie Drive.-Toronto Globe, cf Vo,-aI Deýartanent. Teacher c1fT ____________VoçaI. Choral anti Gîte Classes. Tht Mosquito is the 'nost ccswacdfly M~i,. Besie Hantiley, A.T.C.M.. cf alI insect tormentors. Tbey at- teachi-r jof Pianoforte. lack in tht night when we are asleep Miss Jessie B. Tuite, L.L.C.M., and defenseless. Tieir bite causes teaciter cf Expression. burning tiennent anti pain. Litte chiltiven are most susceptabît. FIy- Friday night tht large trame Tex tht roo«ns anti tht screens. bouse owned by Alvan Sisson, titret Scientific researcht tevelopeti Fly-Tox miles west of Bethany, was burneti for tht benellt of sfnaiikind. Get with ail tht contents except tht iFly-Tox front your retailer, alwayas piano. Loss $5000, partly coveneti in bottl ieswtbî blue label. b3, insurance. NEXT WEEK IN THIS SAME SPACE WE WILL INTRODUCE TO Bowmanville THE LUMBER JACK WHO BRINGS VALU- ABLE SUGGESTIONS & INTERIESTING FACTS TO Home Builders AND Lumber Users WAIT AND CONSULT U S 1 I 1 I I1 McCLELLAN4&CQ LiMI1TED LUMBER & FUEL BUILDERS MATERIALS OFFICE PHONE 15 REAL VALUE la the. rSlit of Luyint at the Dominion Store& Yeu iare aaaured of the heat quality at ceaamstnty Iow prices. ' NEW PACK NEW PACK cHERRIY 49 -r2Th25 116. ~. p? CEOICE QUALITy 4S NEW PACK- STAwBERRIE34C, 4 P1. Sbiniff's EARALADE 69j si o1 ci Ki 1- PRSER V!EG NEEDS1 L.GEORGE'S MULE2 tha 23c CIO"N JARS »-"Ml"uJAaSmu $1.08 ILIVE (PLAIN) 39C modis.$4.19 KATEAU LOAF CEUS b. 34< Lutge 8* .5 ,KOVAII HEALTU SAMlac 8ePamrspusaZaha. 1. P. SAUCE 28ec CERTO 32c. CHOICE QUALITY SPECIAL BLEND TflIATfVC COFFEE49cti1. TOMMES TANLaJI£F z2,'s 2 tins25c j FL&y 143c IWHEN YOU VISIT THE CANADIAN NATIONAL IEXHIBITION, BE SURE AND VISIT OUR BOOTH I IN THE PURE FOOD BUILDING. I S0 . S. TELFER'S 13 «. PAIL FRISoCOWARS Toi. ac cI..emu FRUIT IPEANUT jCHOCOUL! Par rab andIMM. s1IoRTcAKE IBUTTER I t BARS 2 rh. 35'c I29e I2 il, 3 Fer14c The». WI. rie« la eoe.. '&eue n âfMdae.of.î éîPa,. -c IL lii CONSERVATIVES MUST GAIN SEATS IN ALL PROVINCES I This la Only Hope For Tories Say& the Finjncial Post Tht Financial Post which bas strong Conservative leanings, in a review of the election situation te- day is not very optimistic about a Oonservative success. It says tht Conservatives '1now bave 116 seats. Tbey ougbt to b ave 125, although they couit-govern insecurely with 123. Tbey must gain nine seats to be able te assume office with even n slight measure of confidence and without dickering for allies. Wbere can theT gain them? "The martitime provinces admit- tedly is a tifficult field for the Tor- i es. EEsentially Liberal, tht mari- times gave the Tories unexpectet support in tbe lest election. There is a saturation point of Conservative gains on the Atlantic coast. Ras it been reacihet? Septetinber 14tb will answer. "Quebeo is a pivetai point The gain of a f ew seats woult setin te be easy, where the Tories bave only four seats out cf 65. A srnall gain woult not be surprising. But sucb gains as forecast by Hon. Robert Rogers seem eut of the question te those who bave followet Çanadîan pclitics for long. "Ontar.io went se thoroughly Con- servative in the last election as to off er -anal chances fer big gains. The prairies offer the best fieldti t Meigben's =en. This is atimitteti by Iberal anti PMlgressive leaders. Dunning saiti the other day that the Tories would concentrate their fight on the prairies, believing that tbey could make the best gains there in ai harvest time election. Anti, indeeti, if the Conservatives can break Dun- ning's strangle grip on Saskatche'wan where it* a straight fight by a union o.'-forces against Meighen 's tariff policy, titeir electii chances are excellent. British Coluimubia is predominantly Conservative anti can- not be countet on for big gains. "The sumanary i, that to establilsh titenelves in power the Conserva- tivea. must gain a sgeat or two in eecmh prevince, since they can only by eut- standing effort make big gains in any one province." IL -- 'w TEAS1 T ou WuLLLIII jTUE FLA Vol IIICHMUJ0 79e1 SDOMINO 73, 1M. PATRICO ETRACT 2 GOLDEN GATE LEONE ~ 23C WHEX SENDIN MoNEuY ORDRS' w HEN you have occasion to Sen& Money Orders they may b. ôbtalned readily at any branci of the. Bank of Montreal. BOWMANVILLE BRANCH J. A. McCLELLÂN - Mngm BANlK 0F MO NTREAL E1R«bU_ s;01.7a %W-B" %ý e 4 rHE CA.NA-DIA.N STATESMA.N. BOWMANVILLE, THURSDAY, AUGUST 19th., 1926 PAGE THRM