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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 2 Sep 1926, p. 4

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MHE CANADIM% SIATESMAN. BOWMANVILLE. THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 2, 1926 Buy OLIVES Now This week we are f eaturing best quality Olives, plain or stuffed ,in large or small bottles. See our special Olive display at attractive prices. Fray Bentos Coreed Beef This beef is made from prime first grade beef--all pure bred cattle from their 0w-n ranch- es. Try a tin and the family -will want it again. HARRY ALLIN BOWMAN VILLE Need Stove Pipes? These chilly nights makes one think about putting up the stove. There'll be stove pipes need- ed and we have them Blued, Ouled, Heavy, Rivet- ted at special price of 20c A Length If you are going to require a Range or Heater this Fall step in and see the great variety we are now showing. MASON & DALE «Me ]Pop>ulav- Hadwmze-QuaIity and Right Price. PHONE 148 BOWMANVILLE OMM- 1926 Our FIFTIETH ANNIVERSARY Fifty years in the Dry Goods Business- such is our proud record this first day of Septem- ber-fifty years of honorable, continuous, ever- growing business friendship with the people of Bowmanville and of the County of Durham. Founded by the late Samuel Mason and his son, Mr. S. W. Mason, on September First, 1876, in a small frame building owned by Jacob Neads on which site has since been erected the building now occupied by C. W. Jacobs, baker and con- fectioner. A f ew years of growing businvss compelled the owners to remove their stock to a new brick building then known as the Neads Block whichi will probably be recognized better now as Dud- ley's Meat Market. These premises were in turn found to be too small and the stock was again re- moved to a larger store where Mr. Fred Knox now conducts a Shoe Business on September 1, 1897, twenty-nine years ago this morning. Mr. S. W. Mason took into partner- ship his son. Mr. G. R. Mason, in a brand new~ building where we have since conducted a largert ever expanding Dr~y Goocîs and Women's Store. Three years ago the ownership reorganized Mr. G. R. Mason becoming Senior Partner and his son. Sam 'Mason. Jr., w-as taken into partnershilp, ably advised and guided by his father and grand- father, Mr. S. W. Mason. The year 1897 speaks of when it took six vards of silk for a dress of hoop skirts of leg o'rnut- ton sleeves, of many things too numerous to men- tion. But let us speak of the present and it is, not of the past, for after ail the past just holds many tender memonies. And so our Fiftieth Birthday brings new ideas, fresh, crisp new merchandise, new friends, as w'ell as our old friends and business associates ja nd their esteem which w-e prize so highly. O)ur fiftieth birthday brings, we hope, an abundance of joy and prosperity to our country and aIl its people. S. W. MASON & SON Dry Goods and Ladies' Ready-to-Wear Phone 106 Bowmanville PHONE 186 about fùrty-fivý- in numbc. .... Mc. te enjoy life together. Mcc. W .R. Courtice...Mr. anti -(Mca.) R. J. MeKessock, (Mr,-.) 4> Mcc. Walter Runtile are taking in W. C. Weccy, (Mcm.) L. T. Pascoe, Idt M 8pý the- Exhibition aycd visiting relatives (Mcc.) S. E. WerrY. I leT cAA g in Hamilton Solina, August 24th., 1926. U..CeSCAA L. Hear M. H. Friday igh. ear M. H. Staplea Fci'day zight. ENNISK$LLEN MAPLE GROVE DARLINGTON WEDDINCL Mc. and Mrs. A. B. Wecny and! Mr. and Mrs. D .H. Çoates, Dr. Lj. Hopp-Hockins Miss Veca Werry. Courtice; Mc. and'H. Coates, Braniford, Mr. John Lee! Mrs. Russeli Bragg and Mr. W. C. and daughter, Gertie, Kedron, 1;pent 1 On Saturday, August 28, 1926, at Ferguson, Bowmariville, spent Sun-'the weekend with The former's sister, the MIanse, Courtice, by Rev. C. C. day at Mrs. H. J. Werry'a ... All Mrs. Thos. Snowden and other rela-I Wasington, B. the marriage was tlhose who attended the combîned tives. Mr. and Mrs. A. R. Scotti solemnized of Gertrude Bernice, on- meeting of the W. M. S. and League: and son Lee, Bowmanville, Mr. and; ly daughter of '-cI. Fred Hockins, held on Wednesday evening, Auguz- . Mcc. Chas. Werry. Oshawa. Mr. Luth- land Mr. Jack Hopps, eldest son of 25. were well repaid. After open-! er Werry, Montreal, called to seeMr. John Hopps. BoNvianvile. The ing exercices, Mrs. 0cr Jeffecy and' their cousins, Mr. and Mrs. Thos.1 bride looked charming in poudre blue îMrs. Gordon Jefferv favored with an Snowden and other relatives on Sat-, georgette dress and hat to match and appropriae vocal duet. Mrs. (Rev.- urday. Miss Marjory Stevens, Ux-1 carried Ophelia roses and baby's Gordon Jury gave a splendid talk on, bridge, spent the weekend at hi-nel breath. After a quiet reception at blieir work in Burmah which enlight- ...Mc. Harold Gay. Oshawa, visited the bride's home, Kingston Road, Mr. ened nany phases of mission work. his aunt and uncle, Mi% and Mrs. W.)and Mtrs. Hopp.s left on a motor trip Rev. Mr. Jury algo spoke for a few J. Snowden .... .School opened on! :hrough Western Ontario. On their minutes which was enjoyed. Cake Wedne.sday, September 1, m-izh Miss: retunn they will reside on King St., and ice cream were served at the Alice Werry, town. in charge ..jBowmanville. close. MIiýses Annie and Susie Laird left' Hear M. H. Staples Friday night. this week for thctir schools... .Con- i HY ____________gratulations to M~ Bernice Hockin HYO ENFIELD ~~and Mr. John Hopps on their recenti iios r.T agadbb ENFIELD ~marriage. .Wedding bells are ring Vstns-r.T.Wg adbb ing in our community. .. . Don't f r ay Toronto, at '.%r. Lloyd Ash- The houQe on %Ir. Morley Gilroy's gttesfolfir ensdy et ton's; Mrs. Hawkins and grand- far, ût34 co. , rington, a St"..- Rev. G. Campbell. Torontoj daughter Muriel, Stirling, at Mr. R. tot.aliy destroyed by fire at 1 :30 p. m will occupy the pulpit here on Sun: Read's; Miss Elliott. Chattanuoga Monday, August 30t.h. Fine, it wvas da afternoon. .. ..%Ir. W. G. Ran-.on, Tennessee, is visiting ber .ister, thought, started in the roof fcom a Brantfocd, spent Sunda-; with bis sis- Mrs. Edith Ormileton, and brother, spark from the chimney. Neighbors, ter, Mca. Chester Power. Mis es Mr. W. Riggs; Miss Helen McDonald, nushed to their assistance and saved etanMiddSownspta Salem, at Mr. W. Thompson's; M.%rs. som stioorsu the riupainthecont few days witb their aunt, Miss Vera R Ashton, Port Hope, at Mr. Les. sairostal heoss. Am o entbs Baker, Solina. Gcaham's ;Mr. Harry Mils recently is unkoalnown . Party oveedbyt eao.f. tals ria ngh.bought a car... . Church this Sunday is ukno,-ý. Prtl coere byin- earM. . Sapis Fida 2:30 p. m., in charge of our Past- surance * or. ... League Sunday nigbt was in Mr. and Mrs. George Hoan and SOLINA charge of the fifth vice-presîdent, Mn 5Mr. and Miss Hoar, Okotoks, Alberta,_____ Harold Greer. Bible reading was read Mr. and Mrs. William Hepburn, Ked-, Recen-, vîsitors: 'Mr. and Mrs. Is- by Rema Bradley; topic by Mrs. E. con, Mr. and Mrs. W. Walters, Madi- aac Hardy and Stanley at Oakwood' Bradley; readings by Margaret son, S. D., have been visitîng their Miss Margaret McKessock with Eb- Ridge, Helen McDonald, Muriel relatives in this neighborhood. .Mr. enezer friends; Masters George and Thompson and Ruby Greer and a and Mrs. John Smith and Miss Prent-, Wesley Werry at, Mr. Jack Short's; trio by Mabel Beech, Annie Trewin ice, Bobcaygeon, visited et Mr. E. Mr. and Mrs. John Baker, Mr. and 1 and Helen McDonald. Ormiston's; Dr. and Mrs. W. McCu]- Mrs. R. J. McKessock witn Mc. Walt-; Hear M. H. Stapies Friday night. loch and Mrs. J. Heatiie, Onono, Mr. er Rickard, Shaw's; Mrs. A. Whitnel,I and Mrs. H. L. Pascoe, Columbus, Miss Dora Wesley. Toronto, MissHAP N Mc. and Mrs. Harvey Pascoe. Taun-, Mrgaret Somlrcville, Cherrywood; HAMPTON ton. Mr. and Mcc. T. Scott, Kedron, rsDaon nd fiy1 I.were recent guests of Mr. Wallace and Miss Bessie Reynolds of Peter- Mn. and Mrs. F. J. Sanders and Scott.... .Mrs. H. James and John-, boro, Prof. and Mrs. J. B. Reynolds, sons Jack and Gordon, Tocon*o, Miss nie James, Columbus, Mr. and Mrs., 0. A. C., Guelpb, Mn. Walter Rey- Bernice Sanders, Exeter, were ce- Albert Niddery and family, visited nolds, Hope Townsh.ip, at Mca. John cent visitons et Mrss. Thos. Pascoe's at Mn. John Hepburn'. . . Mr. and Reynolds'; Mn. and Mrs. L. C. Snow- and Mrs. L. Pascoe's. Mra. G. Leask, Taunton, visited Mn. den and family, Mapie Grove, et Women's Institute meets at the Frank Gilbert. .Mr. and Mca. Edgar, Reeve Baker's; Mr. R. Luther Wen-! home of Mca. James Curtis this Prescott are the proud poasessors of ry, Montreai with friend.s; Miss Mar-j (Thursday) at 2 p. m. Miss Vena & baby girl whicb arnived in Bow- jonie Pryor, Toconto, at Mr. E. Mill- Baker, R. N., of Knickerbocken Hos- manville Hospital.. Misa Jean Mark, son's; Mc. Rober- Armstrong and pital, New York, wiil address the bas neturned from Park Hill and ne-* Miss Ruth ,Maple Grove, et Mn. R. C meeting. Ail ladies invited ... suxned duties in wielding the birch. ScttVa; Mc. Nelson Reyniolds, Toc- Corne to the School Fair a: Hampton onto, Miss Lulu Reynolds and Mrs. on Thursday, September 9th. Wom- TYRONE Jas. Jebson, Hampton, et Mc. A. J. en's Institute will serve hot or cold Reynolds' .... Mn. and Mns. H. & cefreshments £rom noon until close Visitons: Rev. and Mns. John R.1 Tink and Hilton, Mc. and Mcc. John of the Fair at neasonable prices. Buy Trurapour and family have retunsd Pasce attended the funeral of the youc Christmnas presents at the Bm- home after a pleassant viait with rela- late Rev. Samuel Tink et Brooklin zaar. Keep business bocsming at the tives and friend . ... Mr. and Mn.!l on Wednesday last.. Early Tuesday fish pond. Your patronage wiil be Crigmile, Misses Madge and Edith,j morning our citizens were awakened apprecated... .Miss Marjorie Gay Mr. and Mcc. Thomas, Bnookdalei by the cail of fine, which burned the Mca. John Young and Master Earl Ave., Toronto, were at Mn. Robent ' dweiling and store of Mn. A. E. T1ilotson, Toronto, are spending Hodgson's on Sunday .... Misa Hazel1 Jennings. Practically nothing was their holidays with Mr. and Mrs. W. Hodgson 'left this week for her saved except the auto. Fean was H. Gay.... Miss Manjonie Gay of The school near Beleville. . Miss Ade- entertained for the nearby village Bell Telephone Staff, Toronto, is laide Anniq bas returned aftec vis-1 houses but the wind being favocaole spending ber holidays at homne. iting her uncle, Mr. Geo. Annis, Eb-j1 no other da.mage was done.... Dr. Visitons: Mc. and Mcc. Gilbert enezer... . Mc. and Mrs. John Awde and Mrs. Effs Reynolds, Hillaburg, Wilkinson, Toronto, at ber father's, and family, Toronto, with Mrs. Liz-!, visited bis father, Mc. A. J. Reynolds Mn. E. TrulI; Mr. and Mný. Fengu- zie Wight on Sunday... . Victor who is convalescing aftec bis cecent son, Cartwrigbt, and other friends and Miss Maggie Hooper wltb Mrs.I ilîness. . .. Mns. John Baker assisted at bis brothen's, Mn. Bruce Fer- Frank Werry and Mr. David Hooperi the choir of Newcastle United guson; Mc. W. R. Allin spent the on Sunday... .Mr. Cecil Aldced, De- Church on Sunday evening. .. . Mcs. 1 weekend in Toronto; Mcs. Hansman, troit, is witb bis parents, M r. and i W. T. Taylor is with hec daughter,!Port Hope, at Mrs. R. Katecaen's, Mns. James Aldred. On Friday, 141 Mca. Ernest Larmer, Mn. and Mns. W. W. Horn, Mr. and little boy and gicls attended a paty, Sorcy to bean of the painful accident Mca. Frank Johns spent Sunday in et the home of Eva Collaco.'t and had; of Il-ttle Ralph Larmer, who is in Toronto; Miss Macjocy Martin with a menry time. Mrs. Wnt Virtue isi Oshawa Hospital suffeing fcom a frienda in Bunketon; Mns. W. Burn- with hec daugbter, Mca. Wm. Cocb-1 broken thigh... . Pleased te report ett, Stouffville, with her sister, Mns. cane, Ocono. .... Mr. and Mns. C. Wi that Misas Nora Werry is pcogceasing Wilbur; Mr.' Sam Coiwill, Jr., Mc. Woodley visited hec cousin, Mc. Me]- fevocably in Bowmanville Hospital. Harry Wilcox and Mr. J. L. Johns bourne. Providence .... Mc. and Mca "'Fairview Ferai", the home of Mn had a motor trip Vo GulI Lake; Mn. Wm. Riddell and Ileen, Mrc. and. and Mca. A. L. Pazcoe was the seene Frank Mason ceturned home to Mcc. James Baîl and Mca. Wm. Coch-: of a happy gathering on Tuesdav Friendsbip, N. Y., after enjoyiniz a rane and babe, Orono, were at Mr.i evening, August 24, when abouit fishing trip with Mr. Chas. Ha-utingsl Wm. Virtue's on Sunday .... .Mr. and - ixty members of the Pascoe a,îd and Mc. Chas. Stonhouse; Miss Idaý eds wiharMc.asealdMc ecSuHay-- Werry familles met to celebrate with Joe iited frienda in the village; themthe iftenth annversr;of! Mc. G. Edgec and deughter Rosin ward. Little Marion a MuttsersMrn aryBilow la tohec Bow- their wedding day. After aIl hadatbrste',MsHayWiox manville, isviating e grand-, done ample justice to the bounti- . . W. M. S. held a succesaful quilt- mother, Mca. Viola Smith... At: fui wedding supper, Mr. S. E. Werry, ing bee et the chucch on Thursday Young Peoples' League on Thucsday wso acted as chairman foc the even- ... A good congcegation gneeted the :opic wes splendidly given by Mcing. caiied the company te order and. Rev. J. R Bick on Sunday night andi Floyd Dudley. then Miss 1auca Day- IakdM cKsokt xli welcomed him back &gain after bis ey favoceti witb an instrumental and1t the Eurprised couple the reason boiidays. The sermon was enjoyed Miss Ruby Vitue a reeding fhs oc u rsnewt hm eas by all as waelso the solo "In t.he Thucsday is consecration meeting. . Hilton Tienk and Harod ecc es.Garden"~ by Mr. C. W. Souch .... On Sunday evening . Rev. J. . R. rsne them with a pair of beu i-~ Miss]idred Souch entectaineti a Trumpour took foc bis text I Peter peeedat1numben ofteyugpol aa 1-8 '*Whom having not seen ye fui easy chairs while Miss Audnsy' . f tad mrhTayong poplet a h Love".. . Womnen's Missionacv So- ercadMajri aon reet ciey metsthi Thcsdy e 2~~'ed Mcc. Pascoe witb a cut glass sug- parko Wednesday evening. Every- ciey metsthi T-m-dy a 2 i01an and cceam and butter dish. Mn . one had an enjoyable time... Al p. m..Sunday School la with-1 andi \fc Pascoe feelingly replieti' enjoyed the splendid young peoplea' drawn nex- Sunday. . .. Look for welccming al to their home andi meeting in charge cf Miss Sadie Hdt o o bstHavet ranking them foc the gifts and good Victue on Friday evening whicb vms Hee. H tpe rdyng- wishes. Short congraulatory and wl ttnei ____M._H___________ "îig-,. eulogistic speeches wene then msade b., Mc. Thos. Pacoe, mother cf :he1 COURTICE groom, Mesers. H. F., J. A., and C..__ Mr.andMrs Je:-eArnt, nd!W. Wercv;, H. G. and L. T. Pa-zscDe,! Mc.anc Mr. JsseA'ntt .d R. J. Luke, H. E. Tink, Miss Margar- femily. Maxwell's, were guests ifjet Pascoe anti Mr. S. E. Wecny. W I Mca. Ehi Osborne, Sunday; Miss _Mac-1 Th- young pe ,pIe then adjournedto te ý(4 &r gart MKesock Soina i~~p~t tg.te lawn whece :hey enjoyeti gamec a few days with Miss Aur2 Osborne;j in the moonlight while thein eiders*- iMc. and'Mrs. S. S. Bro.-k- r n nuleii.rminscences and sozialj Torcnfto over Sunday witc'Irsc. Mac- c.a. A plea-ant feature ùf The c c- shall Soules:Mr.a. Jack Hick-. 'Toc-I wes the presence of four gen- onto, viFiteti hec sister. Mr -. Jaz. ecations, M~ Thos. Pascoe, Mr. A.: Shortt on Sundey; Gladti t have cuuc L. PaScoe, Mc,. Dougias McLaughlin J Pastor, Rev. C. C. Washington thai ber chIjîdren. us Sundey agrain îvhen he treaceed EBENEZER LADIES AT NIAGARAI Tuesday, August 24th., was a me-i morable day in this vicinity. Misa Mabelle Walter chartered Mr. Gart- on's bus and twenty ladies, mostly from Courtice, two from B.owmnan- ville and a few f rom Oshawa, took the pleasant trip to Niagara Falls. Leaving Courtice about 6 a. mi standard time we started out on a most enjoyable day's outing. The scenery between. Toronto and Niag- ara is most beautiful and one could flot help comznenting on the splendid way in which the lawns are kept and the beautiful flowers. Mr. Garton was a most generous driver and gave the ladies aIl the information on different points as we travelled along. We stopped at We'land Canal and went down to see a large grain boat corne through the locks and then we had to hustle to cross over the sing bridge before 'bce boat went through and one nf the standing jokes of the day was that a few of the ladies enjoyed a ride on the bridge as it was swung %round having falled to reach the other side in time. We motnred on to Brock's Monument where we had lunch taken by the ladies. M4r. Garton niaking hiniself useful, he being *.he only gentleman in the crowd. We ne>.t stopped at the Power House anid were escorted in by Mr. Garton. where we had to register and a guide showed us al aven the wonks which was a most wonderful sight. We then made for the Falls and on to the Whirlpool when some of the crowd went over the whirlpool in the rable car. Our most accommodating chauffeur then took uis arourid to Chippewm and back through Niag- ara and we stopped at the Falls and Victoria Park where we took in the beautiful rose gardens and other sights afterwards partaking of a bountei>us lunch again. About 9 P. m. new time, the illumination be- gan to corne on, the Falls gradually becoming brighter and the different colora on the water failing was in- deed a onagnificent sight to behold. About 9:30 >. m. we started on the return trip. The ladies wene merr ail the wmy home singing songti and passing jokes, making rhymes, etc. We arrived home about 1 a. n. standard time, mnd would say if any bunch of ladies wish to take a trip that is Worth while, with a chauffeur Wh.o is careful, accommodating and seemas to thoroughly understand the road, just engage Mr. Garton with his comfortable bus at Bowmanville. ENNISKILLEN Mn. and Mns. T. W. Cawker, Bow- manvlle, Mn. and Mm. Fred Heddon, Master Kenneth, and Mise os Misses Lillian and Margaret ea-_ born, Columbus, wene recent guestas at Mr. John Orchards's. New Butcher Shop 1OPENS IN COWAN BLOCK, BOWMANVILLE TUESDAY, SEPT. 7th Vie wish to announce to the citizens of Bownianville and di-strict that we are opening an up-to-date Butx-her Shop in the ;1 above location. A full assortment of FRESH, COOKED AND CURED MEATS w'll be ofiered for sale. We will coriduct a cash and de]ivery business which will enable us to give the best quality of rneats at lowest prices. Beside-ý delivering in town we wi]l have zwo delivery routes in the rural district. A sh-are of yc.ur meat requirernent L- respectfully solicited. LANCE CARNET Phare & McCoy Cash and Delivery Butdzers Phoume 518 Bowmanville DOLLAR DAY HARDWARE FR r Saturday r.l v we offer theze exceptional values. You can't afford to ntis- theze bargains: 2 (;ran:te Pre-erving Kettlýý> if<r...................... $1.00 Se: cf Flour, Sugar. Coffee. Tea Çant; and Bread BRoard for $1.00 Fruit Carnnin.g Racks for.............................. $100) Dust tcps, limited quantity foýr . . . . . . . . . . . 1 SGa.výaniztd Wash Bolers 16 quart Daýry Pail for ............................. . 0 14quart Sýrainer Pail for............................ $1.00 2Galvanized Water Pails, 14qt. for ........... ,...... .0 2 "n ,vSertens. 14 x 4.5, for....................... $1,00o 5 Eltetre Bulbs. 25, 40 and 60 watts for............. $1.00 Aluninunm Percolators for............................. $1,()o Tea Kettles, 412~ quarts, for..................... «..... .0 IPre-ýErv'Ing Kettles, 10 quarts for...................... $1.(0 W.:llow Clothez Baskets for............................ $1.00 Bake Boards for ....................................$10 White Grenite Double Boiiers for ..................... .0 Large While Granite Dish Pans for.................... $1.00 1 dozen Table Knives- for.............................. $1.00 :3 lhs. Fhl(r Wax. guarante-ed, for......................s$1.0( ,-0 rtIL- Toià- Poeper for ............................ . 0 Doirg a cash business enableg us *,0 sel] geods of quality at such low prictE. Pony Votes Given Away with purchase of 25c or over. Dustan's Cash Hardware Improved Eye Sight MEANS Greater Efficiency Consuit Our'Registered Optome- trit, R. M. Mitchell. Make your appqintmerit today R. M. Mitchell & Co. Druggsts & Optometrists Phone 92 Bowmanvilie (Night.s and Sundays 280) INSURANCE: Fire, LWe, Accident and Health, Automobile (fire, theft, property dam- age, publie liability, col- lision). CONVEYANCING: Deeds, Mortgages, Dis- charges of Mortgages, Agreements for Sale, Leases, Wills, etc., pre- tpared at moderate rates. 1876 l~ wý%xm. PRIVATE FUNDS to Loan. REAL ESTATE Agency: Farmn and town proper- ties listed for sale. Edith V. Scobel Bowmanville Representn the Sun Lule As- surance Go., d the Maple t*af Farmera' Mutual Pire Inn. Go., amongst others. PAGE POUR PHONE 74 BOWMANVILLE

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