THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVILLE, THURSDAY, SEPT. l6th., 1926. MEDICAL J. A. BUTLER, M. D., C. M. Honor graduate of Trinity Univer- sity, Fellow of Trinity Medical Col- lege, Licentia.te of the State Univer- sity of New York, Matriculatte of the Post Graduate Medical School and Hospital of New, York and Fellow of the Toronto Acaderny cf Medi- cine. Office-Mrs. McNaughton's Res- Idence, Ne-wcastle. Heurs-S to 10 a. mi. 1 to 3 p. nm. and by appoint- ment. ONCE MORE We Ni-h to rernind zhe public of the opportunity they have to save $ $ $ $ Novi is the time to buy your winter rubbers. everytbing in footwear LAST DAY 0F BUSINESS SATURDAY, OCTOBER 2ND Ternis Strictly Cash SCOTT'S SHOE STORE NEWCASTLE A WONDERFUL HOME TREATMENT for the healing of varicose ulcers, ruring sores. eczerna. ~te., while working. Wite for ;pariculars to Nurse Dencker, 6l(<1ý Portage Av-e. WinnipegMan. Mrs. L. .Ienzies nnse rfln Lac, 'man., writes: -Arn gladJ to tell yon that the ulctrs on niy ltg arc- lealed. 1 cannot he sufciently gratetoi en- eugh to you for the relief 1 have ex- perienced hy the use of your treat- ment. The scallinz pains 1 suffer- edi day and night ceas-d atter the frst appli cation of you"r .ratrnent. Considering what a bad leg I had 1 think the cure just wondertl". 37-39 MORE ACCEPTABLE GIFTS TO BOYS' TRAINING SCHOOL During the past f ew days several very aceptable gifts have been made to the Boys' Traîn;g School. Mr. J. D. Ford of the J. D. Ford Radio Company, Toronto, lias presented a fully equipped fivo -tube Atwater- Kent Radio Set. The Gyro Club cf Toronto, bas given several life preservers to be used for life-sav- ing purposes in connectien with the outside swimming pool. The On- tarie Atbletic Association, througha the kindness of Mr. Harry Rire, has donated a couple of dozen lacrosse sticks for use bv the boys. See the new rail Millinery In rich colors and beautilul styles at Dlngmnan & Edmondstone's on Frlday and Satur- day. September 17 and 18. MEN WANTED To quallfy for bg paying positions. We pay yen part time while learning Gar- age Work, Battery Welding, Bricklaying, Plttstering. also Barbering. Act now. Cal or write for free catalogue. Ilemp- huis Schools, 163 King St. W., Toronto. 37-1 WORTH ITS WEIGHT IN GOLD ,,i-ERB JiViCE is worth Its welght In gold", sald Mr. Wm. McDbnald of 109 Seaton St., Toronto. 'Every neynber of my famlly takes HERB JUICE. We have found it the only satisfactory treatment for stomnach trouble and con- stipation, t suffere4d with Indigestion and gas pains. IZERB JTICE dld me worlds of geod. Now, t amn completely relieved of stomach trouble, my bowels are regular and 1 neyer have any more constipation. We aise gve HERB JUICE to the children. My wif e would net be wthout It In the house". For sale by Jury & Lovell Ltd., and other druggists. INSIDE" NEWS l This isn't a secret for we want everybody ta, know abou- tbat's why we advertise. But it's "inside" ne-ws and it's about your conifort for the' cold wintry days that are te corne this fal and winter. Weli, coming right down te business-how about having a Hecia Furnace instaUled in your berne? It saves ont' ton of ceai in seven. Corne la and set'. L. LG. GREENAWAY King St. East Phone 18 Bowmanville QUICK WOItKg QulckWok! That's Real Tire Service! In and out again aimost before you have time te get acquainted-the undivided attention of expert tire men for every job-that's the kind of prompt service that is building aur business. This applies te sxything fremn tht' inflation of a tire te the application cf a new one. Drive la todlay-it will payl 'e "$tonê Tires a a Tubes SOLD IN BOWMAN VILLE BY JAMIESON BROS. Statesman Block IWhen- You Need GROCERIES-BREAD-BUNS-CAKES- PASTRY-CHOCOLATES-ICE CREAM -SOFT DRINKS-ETC. Bring or send your order to this store where it will receive prompt attention and you will get good valut, H. S. BRITTON, Baker' & GroceN.wc«del The NewvcasLtlie Indceý THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER l6th., 1926 NEWCASTLE 1NEWCASTLE MisJanie Singer spent Satuiday Newcastle Community Hall pre- in Toronto taking in the C. N. E. sents DeMille's picture "The Ten C Mr. A. J. Failis, M. P. P. for East Commaridments", Friday and Satur- sc Durhamu, -nas recent guest of Mr. and day,September 17-18 at 8 p. m. TI Mrs. J. Coulson. Prices 25c and 15c. 37-1* ir Dr. W. J. Lemay antd Mr. and Mrs Mr. and Mrs. Russ-eIl Waiton, ri S. W. Sutton spent the weekend with Cleveland, Ohio. bave been visiting friends in Lakefield. at bis brotber's, Mr. Anson Walton, t( M.Nl. and Mrs. George Abbott and and bis sister's, Mns. Fred Graham SI Master Bobby. Ottawa, were guests and with otber relatives in the vil-F of Mr. and Mrs. S. W. lSui lage. F week. Mrs. Wm. W. Michael, Oshawa,F Mrs. F. Cator, Bowmanville, and' announces the engagement cf lber son Mn. Win. Cator, Oshawa, re- daugbter, Hazel Irene, te HaroldF cenly isiedRe.v. and Mrs. Scott Pierdon Hart, Son of Mr. and Mrs. centrdyavisite Cinse e e. Hart. Tbe marriage wil takee Howad ad oter riens bre. place quietly at the' end cf Septem-e Mr. H. Wetberell received word ber. m on Monday of the death of bis brot- MrbanraTrno ssed bier William, in Michigan. Tbey have Mi.g anew dasTortobis broter M rt aend eacb loter f o mn yonare. and sister-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Ho- j Mr.andMrs Eliot, Lndo, ae wrd Glen'ney, witb whom their jý visiting at Mr. Thos. Coucb's, bavimg nepbew and niece, Mr. and Mrs. ecore up fremn a visit te Baltimore Everett Sackville, Peterbero, were on Monday evening. Mrs. Eiliott aise weekend visitons. and Mrs. Coucb are sisters. Miss Amy Hunten, Toronto, acconi- F Mr. George Bonathan bas been paied by bier friends, Miss Tessie prometed te Manager ef tbe Castle- Swansy and Miss Campboeli spent - ton brancb ef the Standard Bank tht' weekemd witb bier mether, Mrs.J and wa.s in town for a few days on Wm. Hunter witb vbom Mrs. Percy S his way te take up bis new duties. Ranson and little son, Norman, bave Mr. Cee. Woodbeuse, popular tell- aise been spending a f ew days& er in the Standard Bank for some Rev. J. H. McBain and Mrs. Mc-p time past has been pnomoted te Tamn- Bain of Oakvilie, forrnerly ef Osh- wortb, Mr. Kenneth Pearce, ledger, awa, bave sent out invitations te tbe succeeding hlm in the teller's cage. marriage cf their daughter, Rachel Mr. and Mrs. S. W. Sutton attend- Marjorie, te, Colonel Walter Wall- ed the Canadian National Exhibi- bridge Dennison, D. S. O., at St. tion Trapsbooting Competition at John's Church, Oakvilie, at 3:30L Toronto last week. Mr. Sutton be- o'clock on Septemben 25tb.1 ing successful in winning two tro- Mr. W-m. Collins, formerly cf Tor- 9 phies. ente, but weli kmown in tie cern-0 United Cbuncb, Rev. E. B. Ce ke, munity, having in years past spent iý Pastor, Sept. l9tb. il a. m.-Morn- censiderable tinie in the emplcy of ing worship. 2:30 p). m.-Sunday Mr. H. W. Dudley, bas purch.ased Scbool. 7 p. m.-Young Pe-pIe's and moved into t[he house on Milli League RalIy. An evening witb the St., iately occupied by MT. Errie Summer Scbool gnoup.- Aidread and family, from Mrs. F. Young Peopie's League will bie Ellsworth. epen on Menday evening, Sept. 20. Mr .and Mrs. Howard J. Toms Te- Programn in charge of Summer Scbool turned from their boneyrnoon onh greup wbo wili give an intenesting Friday, having visited Belleville,a tvwo heurs' reproduction of Summer Kingston and Tbe Thou.sand Islands Scbooi, songe, stunts and activities. and taken a trip down the St. Law- t The choir cf the United Cburch rence, calliîng at Cornrivaîl and otberh was assisted in the Sunday evening points. They are getting their bousev service by Mr. Otti Bragg and Mis.s on Edward St. opposite St. George's li Leta Bragg of Shaw's, Mn. Bragg Parisb Hall, formerly owned by Mr.r rendering a fine eacred solo wbich Harold Toms, in readiness for oceeu-, was much appreciated by tbe large pation and expect te take up their, congregatien. residence in about a week's tilme. kdr. Norman Aluin is at Peterboro Mn. Thos . A:kinson, editor and Fair tbis week exbibiting bis Lei- publisher of the Eatonia Enterpnise,i cesters while is son, Mr. Clarence Etomma, Sask., accompanied by MNr:i.E Allin's duties as assistant te Mr. F. Atkinson were bere iast week vis-( C. Paterson and judge of stock at iting at bis sister's, Ms W. H.1 rural school faire takes him this %veek Pearce and other fniends. Tbey alsoi te Eniskiilen, Blackstock and Ponîy- spent a few days at bis sisten's, Mrs.t pool. S. Scuithorpe, Hepe. Througb the Rally Day wiii be observed in kindness and good favor of bts Suba- the United 'Sundav Schooi on Sun- scribers and advertisers, Editor At-1 day, Sept. 26; session at 2:30. Good kinson was enabled te give bis big program including adriress by Mn. linotype machine a res-, stop bis* W .W. Stapies of Lindsay, Assistant power presses, close the doors of bis Styperintendent cf Cambridge St. office of wbich tbere's net another1 Sundy Scool.of its kind witbin 30 miles, in one Sundy Scooi.direction and 40 miles in the oppo- Mn. Frank Loveday bas sevened site, put the key in bis pocket or un- b is cennectien as baker witb H. S. dernthe door-nat-if printing offices IBitton and leaves next tveek for have' sucb o'utside zorveniences- iOshawa wbere lie intends to stant and corne east for a nîonth's holi- business for bimself. Frank's day. From Newcastle Mr. and jNewcastle friende wisbhlm every Mrs. Atkinson went on d own te succese ln bis new venture. Camnpbelilord, te visit bier p~Eo,ple.Edi- Mr .and Mrs. Roy Ousten, St. tor Atkinson le a nepbew and is fol- Thomas, who have been spending a lowing in the' profe.ssional footsteps part cf tbeir bonyemeen with Mr. of the widely known and esteemed and Mrs. Harry Allin, Bowmanville, president cf the Star Pubiisbing were in Newcastle on Saturday vis- Compamy, Mr. J. E. Atkinson, Tor- iting Mr. Frank Allin and Miss Et- ente. bel and during tht' afternoon were Rev. W. J. H. Smytbe, Welling- interested spectators of or Scheol ton, now on vacation, was a week- Fair. end guest of bis friends, Mr. and Friends in Newcastiî ecree griev- Mrs. Howard Cooke. and te tbe de- ed te learri on Monday mernîng cf iigbt cf tht' norning congregatien the on Sunday evening of MnI. of tht' United Cburch, assisted Rev. Albert BaIl at bis berne, Revelstolie E. B. Cooke in tht' service and Manor, Hope. Hies wid- preacbed in bis usual able and 0w and son Ernest at home and his scholarly manner. Rev. Mr. Smythe son, Dr. W .H. Waiton-Ball and farn- teck fer bis tt'xt John 12:19, "Be- 11v have tht' sympathy cf tht' entire hold, tht' wonid is gone after Hlm, cemrnunity in tht' passing cf a devot and in a sermion manifestly requin- ed bushand and kind father. ing rnuch careful study and prepara- Tht'edior f te By c Quntotien umpressed upon bis eagerly at- Conerence pageofntht'Baye)fOuiteoktentive hearers tht' fact tbat sine Confrene pae i li NewOutook the' dawn cf tht' Christian Ena igbt devotes a good sized paragiapb n up te the' present momentcf tîme tht' August 25th issue in telling tht' world bas been and is ncw in a readers ail over tht' Dominion cf tht' marked degree gene after Christ. Sy unique and inspirmng anniverýary nicelv selected illustrations Mr. Services of tht' coajce United Smythe showed that this lese in Churcb Sunday Schooi on July lltb1 every reatm of man's thcugbt, ex- iast when tht' Uxbridge Business'pesio and endeavor. It is so n Men's Bible CIa-s and Orchestra ressgion i rvl icvr n x teck sucb a large part in tht' services,.eiini rvl icvn m ploration, in seciety and in indust- Newcastle is highly eiatt'd oven ry, in literature, n science, in mus- the soccesof or populan younoe ic, sculpture. painting and other fine bari-ome singer and west end gre-I arts. And tht' world today 15 turn- cet-, Mn. Bob Waiton, in bis succt'ss ing te Christ more theugh-:fully and in the' vocal dontests at the C . N. E.,earnestly than ever. Mr. Walton woen second prize *n a - class cf 25 competitors in tht' han toet secticn and aise was awardedi CARD 0F THANKS a ,-hoIcarship vaiued at $7ý.00 cn-j titling bim te vocal le-son.; to the Mn. F. Pernin and famiiy, New- value cf that amount as baving ,hte castle, desire te tbank alI their best voice among ever 60 comipeti- friends and neighbors for tbein kind- tors in ail classes, mess and sympatby during the' illneSs and deatb of Mrs. Perrin and for N'ewcastle citizens îid eut -hem- tht' beautiful floral offeninge. Birtbdav, Cake and esteeni it a pri- - vilege, 'indeed, te see in tbeir own Community Hall sucb .a nagnifitent, CLARKE SCHOOL FAIR clean and beart appealing screen pro- duction as "The Vanis-ning Amnen- Fine weather prevailed for tbe dan". It was in every sense a school fair in tbe Community Park parannount pictune. The spiendour at Newcastle on Saturday afternoon of the scenery portrayed and the en- and thc attendance was large. I, grosing romance unfolded lield the wva. a fine outing for every cone, pu- rs.pturous interest of the two night's plis, teachers, parents and citizens audience from beginning to enîd. As generally. Tbe boys anti girL:, of a synspatby rouser for the scattereà thte val ious grades it. brigbt and remnants of the North Amnenican In- tasteful costumes pnesented a rhar- dian it surpasses the' be-t mis-ionary ing spectacle as they paraded sermon we ever listened te. This i.s around the park. Col. Lorne Mc- whaý Tbe New Outlook, tbe rfficiail Laugblin judged the' parade, CoI. E. organ cf the United Cburch cf tian- E. Snider, the physical culture .,'xc-r- ada bas te sa "v in an August issue chies anti Miss Helen Morris, of Zane Grey's new nook. The Van- manvilie, the singing. Tbe awar-le ishing American, from wbicbi the' in these inter-scbocl centests were motion picture is adapted. "A stcry as ft)llows:-Scbeel parde-lst cf tbe romance of the American In- Newcastle, 2nd Port Granby, .rd dian presenting tbe pathos5 and trag- Crooked Creek. Physical Culture edy of bis struggle witb civilization Exercises-lst Port Granby, 2nd -very reada4sle and engromsing. Cowanville, 3rd Newcastle, Singing There is a beautiful white girl froni -1st Croeked Creek, ?nd Cowan- the East, and a romance-...The ville, 3rd Brown's. Teachers of picture of the desert in its wild the abeve schoos-Newcastle, Thos. strength and beauty is veny effective- A. Rodger; Port Granby. Miss Gertie ly pertrayed and there are a few HeLmnan; Crooked Creek, Miss Beu- scenes and passages of reuîarkable Labh allowel; Cowanville, Miss Mary strength and effectiveneas". The Davey; Brown'q, Miss Velma Mal- book is in our public library. Iougb. j PAGE EIGHT PIONEER DIES NEAR PORT HOPE Belonged to One of the Oldest County Families On Sunday evening, Sept. 12th, at his late residence. Revelstoke Manor, L~ake Shore Road, Albhert Neitson Ba11, Esquire. passed away in his 95th year. Up to within a week i of his death be had enjoyed excel- ent bealth.1 The late -Mr. BaIl was the eidestV son of Alexander BaIl, Esq., of Sherbrooke, Que., and bis wife Mar- ia Walton, a daughter of Captain NJathan Waiton, who settled at Port lope in 1796. He was born with- in a mile of tbe old bometstead wbere I he died and had lived in tbe vicinity aII bis life. In 1859 on tbe deatb of bis uncle, the late Gordon Drunmond Walton, he inberited tbe old homestead which w'as part of the 1200 acre grant ofr land to tbe Walten tamily. For! iiany years he carried on farmingi very succesfuýlly and at his death tvas crne of tbe largest land ed pro- prietors in tbe county. The late Mr. Bail was. interesteti in everytbing pertaining te frming and for many years was a director of the Hope Agricultural Society. He aise acted as judge of live stock at many cf tbe local fairs and ichool trustee at Wesleyviile. Aitbougb it xvas difficîîlt te secure an education wben Mr. BaIl was a boy be improved bimSelf by home study and general reading. He was a great admirer of Zapoleon Bona- parte and read a great deal of the bistorv of those timues. In 1878 be married. Anne, eldest daugbter of Squire Harris and Mrs. Harris of "Brandon Marior." His widow survives hlm and tbree sons, Dr. W. H. Walten-Ball, Toronto, Dr. H. G. Walton-Ball, Willmette, Illinois, and Mr. E. H. Bail at home. Funeral took place on Wednesday from tbe Manor-House to Wesley- ville Cemetery. Toms-Smith St. George's Cburch, Newcastle, wae tht' scene cf a very pnetty w-td- ding on Saturday, September 4th., whem Grace Darling, cmiv daughten of Mn. and Mrs. J. Anderson Smith, Sr., became tht' bride cf Howard Joseph Toms, youngest son cf Mn. Joseph Toms and tht' late Mns. Tonms, Ne'wcastle'. Tht' ceremony w-as performed by tht' rector, Rev. E. R. James. Tht' church with its many beautiful stain- ed glass windowt, ivas elaborateiy decorated witb flowers, palme, etc., fcr the' occasion. Mns. (Dr.) Farri- comb, organist, presided at tht' er- gan and tht' biital party entered te the' strains cf Mendelsobn's Wed- ding Manch. Tht' choir sang tht' bymn "O Perfect Love."j Tht' bride whe was given away by I ber fathen looked very attractiv e in a charming frock cf ivory geergette crepe ever chameuse satin. Her bridai veil w-as caugbt with cononet cf orange bieseome. She carried a showen bouquet of butterfly roses and baby's breath. Hen bridesmaids~ wene twin ceusine cf tht' bride, Misses Olive and Lillian Day of Ter- ente, w-taring gowns cf mauve and maize satin crepe, with shadowl flounce; lairge picture bats, silver slippers, and carrying sheaves of pick and mauve asters. Tht' groom was supponted by Mn. Richard James. Durng tht' signing of the' negisterl Miss Olive Day sang very swt'etly "0 Promnise Me." After the' wedding a reception w-as eld at the bonne cf tht' bride's parent-s, wbicb was tastefuily decor- ated with gladoli, dahlias and asters Tht' wedding supper whicb was te bave been st'rvt'd on tht' spacicus lawn, owing te tht' inclement weath- er, wa.s served in the' lower room of the' factcny, wbich willing bande had tleccnated with bunting. flags and streamiers, te about eighty guests.t Telegt-ans of congratulations wene sent in froni friends in Montreal and Los Angeles, Cal. Tht' bridai couple left amid show- ers cf confetti and go-od wisbes om thein boneymoon te Belleville, King- ston and tht' 1000 Islands, tht' bride wearing a fawm dress with ceat and bat te match. On their return they will reside in Newcastle'. Guests were present fromi Toron- to, Pickering, Newcastle, Bowman- ville, Onono, Millrook, Belleville and Lunieden, Sask. Radio Agent Spare time proposition. Llbers.l comn- mission. 5 tube Radio Bot. 400 installed Ln Bittmore Hotel, New York, 1D. X. Engineering & Sales Co., 20 Bloor St W., Toronto, Ont. 3f LADIES' BOWLING CLUB The Newcastle Ladies' Bowvlintg Club have had a very successfui sea- son with a membersbip of twenty. 'he games bave been very close and1 intereting. F-olio-wving are thel inks:Su- Mrs. Philp, Mrs. Butler, Mr-*Sut ton, Mrs. Law, Mrs. W. Jamnieson, skip. . et ,M s E Mrs. Hare, Mrs. CareMs.E isher, Mrs. Matchett, Mrs. J. R.1 Fisher, skip. Mrs. T. W. Jaeckson, Mrs. George Jamieson, Mrs. Il. Bonathan, Mrs. Hancock, Mrs. Britton, skip. Two tournanents have been play- ed, Mrs. W. Jamieson's rink îvinning, both trephies which were presented by Mrs. J. A. Matcbett and Mrs. J. . Fisher. Follexving are the scores:1 vlrs. Britten 19, Mrs. Jamieson 11,1 Mrs. Jamiesen 14, Mrs. F'isher 13, vlrs. Jamieson 19, Mrs. Jamieson 16, sIrs. Jamieson 15, Mrs. Fisher 6, sIrs. Fisher 7, Mrs. Briteon 11, Mrs. Britton 10, Mrs. Fiaher 14, Mrs. Fisher 12, Mrs. Britton 10. Officers for 1926 were: President -Mrs. J. A. Butler-, îst vice-Mrs. J. A. Matchett; Sec'y.-Treas.-Mrs. S. W. Sutton. Juicy Steaks and Tender Roasts That Satisf y That's the kind of meats we supply our eus- tomers every day. Glance around the family table and you find beaming exres, a smile, a sigh and then-the sound of smacking lips! Those are the inevitable re- suits of tasting one of our tender, juicy Steaks or Roasts. They satisfy! Next time you want something tempting for breakfast try our special brand of. bacon. G. A.. Edmondstone Have you tried our 'SALLY BROWN CAKES' and 'DEVIL'S FOOD' fresh daily NEILSON'S JERSEY CREAM CHOCOLATE BARS 25c size, 19c; SPECIAL We Handie Nothing But Pure Food The Bowmanville Bakery Successors ta Christie'& Bakery Bowinanrlle 35 Men' s and Young Men 's Navy Blue Suits On Sale at $24.75 THURSDAY, FRIDAY, SATURDAY SALE 0F MEN'S NAVY BLUE ALL WOOL SERGE SUITS Men's and Young Men's Models, ail sizes, values up to $32.50, guaranteed dyes, in double and single breasted styles, Herringbones, Serges and Fancy Designs, Out They Go At One Big Special Saving To You ON SALE $24.75 EACH MEN'S TOP COATSM4 Men's Fancy Tweed and Worsted Top Coats, this season' s new styles, shades of Brown, Grey and Fawn as follows: Regular $35.00 values foir $26.95 TO CLEAR Regular $30.00 values for' $22.75 EACH Regular $25.00 values for $18.50 EACH MEN'S CAPS 100 Men's and Young Men's Fine Caps, broken lines, this season 's new patterns, Values $2.25, $2.50 and $2.75, ON SALE $1.85 EACH MEN'S SWEATER COATS Heavy Ail Wool Sweater Coats, Jumbo Knit, splendid values, Fawn, Brown, Maroon and White A Big Special Thurday, Friday, Saturday at $4.79 TO CLEAR MEN'S SWEATER COATS AND PULLOVERS Light weight, Ail Pure Wool, Extra Values, shades of Grey, Fawn, Brown and Heather, values up to $4.50 each, ON SALE $2.95 EACH MANY OTHER SPECIALS FOR BOWMANVILLE FAIR DAX T, B. GILCHRIST of montreal Phono el gusrant..d te g1,. but estiofaction t' -.-- "ýýtTm, 1 Phone 21 1 Bowmanville