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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 16 Sep 1926, p. 7

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aiee After Shtavin6 A few seconds under the tap- a wipe on the towel-and you put your razor away ready for the next shave. Nelles sells greceries fer les.. Fly-Tox the cows hefore miiking. Boys' Grey Flannel Pants at $2.25 at Couch, Jobnston & Crydernian's. Fly-Tox your honte. Health auth- orities necommend it. CARRIED WIFE TO HEU Suffered So She Could Not WaIk. Restored to Health by Lydia E. Pinkham'a VegetableCompound Minesing, Ontario. - "I arn a Pra- ticai nurse and 1 recommnend Lydia E. Pinkham'sVegetabbeCompound te suffering women. For three monthis I was aimost heipless and could net oit at the table long enough te drink aup fta Many a time my hus- bancrried me te bed, 1 would be s0 weak. Then ho read in the paper of a woman suffeing as I did who ptbetter after taking the Vegetable ompound, so he went and got it for me. When 1 had taken tbree botties 1 was just lîke a new woman and have had splendid health ever since. When 1 feel any bearing-down pains 1 always take it; sometimes a haîf bottle or whatever I need. t is my only medicine and 1 have told many a one about it. Any one wanting te know more about Lydia E. Pinkbam's Vegetable Compound, 1 wili gladly write te ber. I do ail I can te rec- ommend it for 1 feel I owe niyhf e and strenirth te it." - Mrs. NEÂL BOWSER, RÏ.. 1, Minesing, Ontario. Do you feel broken-down, nervous, and weak sometimes? Do you bave this horuid feeling of fear wbicb seme- times cornes te women when the are net well? Lydia E. Pinkhamn's Vg etable Compound is excellent te take t such a time. It always helps, and if taken regularly anO peritentlY will relieve this condition. C ALL ROADS LEAD TOý %S~% LINDSAY CENTRAL FAIR September 22 - 23 - 24 - 25, 1926 MILLER BROS. SHOWS SPEEDING IN THE RING 25 Carloada of Fun Tht.. Dayir PREMIER EXPOSITION of Livgstock, Agricultural and Manufacturera' Products t AYL THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVIU.E, THURSDAY, SEPT. l6tb., 1926. r' The Aroma Captivates OBITUARIES Jame. Bithop, Oshawa Many friends thraugheut Darling- ton and East Whitby townsbips wil be sorry te learn cf the deatb of one of Oshawa's mast faniiiiar figures by death Saturday, Sept. 4, in the perse:-, cf Janmes Bishop. For a number of years deceased was an auctioneer. Wben he first came te Oshawa, 45 years ago, 'Mr. Bishop xvas engaged in zhe groceuy business, conducting a store on King Street West. Besides one son, James, Jr., be is suuvived by twe sisters, Mrs. J. Jeif- euy, 148 King Street West, and Mrs. H. Cleverdon cf Toronto, and one brother, Robert, at 148 Ki'ng Street West. The deceased was born in Darlington 66 years ago. The above carteon was duawn by Mr. Bernard Mitchell, a ptipil of Bowmanville High School, and son of Mu. and Mus. B. M. Mitchell. Bernard bas already been awauded seveual puizes f or original draw- tnps ln coimç.tltions conduct.ed by The Toronto Telegruan. Through the courtesy of The Evening Telegram we an e nabled to reproduce tht. cemic strip. GREEN TEA I PAGE SEVEN PETER MVARTIN & SONS Pure, uncolored. delicious. A&K for it. OBITUARIES C. J. Stapleton, Belleville In Belleville, on Friday, August 27, the death occurred of Christopher J. Stapleton, a C. N. R. Conductor and youngest son of the late Eleanor and Richard Stapleton, (a vet&ran of '67.) Chris as boni in New- tonville and came te live in Cedar- dale when a smali boy, some forty years ago. He received ,ils educa- tion in the Oshawa scboois where he was aiways an unusualiy bright and intelligent pupil. Very early in if e his preference for the famiiy cailing, railroading was sbown, his father, uncies and eider brothers, ail having folicewed eccupations of en- gineers, conducters, operaters, etc. As soon as size and age permitted Chris became a brakeman graduaily working up te cenductor. He was for seme years yardmaster at Belle- ville. He ws.s an Ai raiiroad man, and spent in ail 25 years on G. T. R. where he was at ail tirnes a generai favorite and was noted fer his %,,it and iigbteheartedness at ail times and under ail conditions. He was much admired fer his great generos- ity and geod feilow.ship. He always preferred that bis many generous acts be kept in obscurity. His metto "9neyer let the right hand kne-w what the ieft hand doeth" always holding geed. He neveu consideued ononey except fer its power of helping oth- ers, was thoreughly unselfish neyer considering danger te himseif if he could heip any of bis men or save them fremn risks. It was, indeed, a most touching sight te see each train crew en their train stopped at Oshawa Junction from Friday until Menday morning, file with bared heads over te the oid Stapieton home on Simcoe Street for, tee many their last look at their old friend. Manv knelt by the casket fer silent commune with our Maker. Many were the tributes paid to the memory of the deceased. The writer happened te be present when one group of men entered. They stood for some secends in sil- ence by their dead conirade then &ne speke, he said, "We who worked with Chris. knew hini fer what he wa.s, a white man, I can say no more" Those streng men were net ashamed ef the teas- they shed. A particularly sad side of the case is that just seven weeks ago Chris' favorite brother Joe, was laid te rest after an illness of some weeks. In if e those two brothers were cern- pletelv devoted te each other. In fact it is the opinion of many that Chris found life un.bearable 1witbout bis brother. He himself, though f ailing rapidly, mnanaged te bide bis iflness frei the loving eyes of bis sisters accounting f or bis loss of fiesh te the fact, tbat be was He refused te leave bis werk and made bis iast trip on the Saturday puevieus te bis death.. He pa.ssed away a few hours alter entering the Belleville Hospital. He was game te the last joking with bis nurses and making ligbt of bis illness. Chris bad been a great athiete, and neyer lest bis in- terest in basebaîl, hunting, etc., and was a great shot. He was unmarried and leaves two sisters, Miss Ettie at home and Mrs. Rose Bell of Whitby; aise one brot- her Thomas of Oshawa. His funeral whicb was beld from, the family residence te St. Gregoify's Cemetery on Monday morning, was largely attended, a great many beautiful floral tributes and spirit- ual offerings were receîved. The bouse was crowded continually with friends and sympathizers, relatives from Chicago, Detroit and Ottawa being present. Raiiroad men number- Sing 70, attended in a bodN and their custom of dropping a smal piece of evergreen on the casket in the grave was very impressive and beautiful. Joe, whom he loved in life and Chris rests by the side of bis brother ssymipathy of the whole centmunity as weil as the whole railroad staff goes out te the bereaved remaining mem- bers cf the family who have iost three brothers in the Žpace of eleveni months. May their souls rest ini peace. NESTLETON Mr. and Mrs. John Veale have re- turned from attending Toronto Ex- hibition, and visiting frîends in the city. . Mr. and Mus. A.. H. Veale was at the Ex. and spent the weekend in the cîty wîtb friends ... . Mr. Wil- liam Thompson bas leased Mrs. Muir- head's farnt at Nestieton Station and bas cemmenced piewtng..Mr. and Mrs. Peter Wright spent the weekend witb his brother, Mr. W. A. Wright, Tyrone.Messrs. William and C. H. Pouteous attendied the funeral Friday of Mr. Claude Pont- eous, Bethany, who was fataIly in- jured by a tracter passing over hîm. An Oul That is Famous.-Though Canada was net the birtbplace of Dr. Thomas' Ecle.ctric Oil, it is the home of that famous compound. From here its good name was spread to Central a'nd South America, the West Indies, Australia and New Zealand. That is far afleld enough te attest its excellence, for in ail these coun- tries it is on sale and in demand. KEDRON PERSONALS Mr. Lloyd McGregor visited Mid- lund. Ladies' Aid met at Mns. W. N. Heskin's. Rev. Donald Lavis and wife visit- ed at Mr. A. Lavis'. Mr. E. Mountjoy aind famu-ly re- cently visited at Mr. A. Langmaid's, Oshawa. Principal and Mrs. R. J. MeKes- sock, Solina, visited at Mu. H. F. Weruy's. Mus. Alberta Prentice, Rochester, and Miss Minnie Mitchell, Boston, have gene home. Mu. John Lee was entertained on bis 93rd biuthday by bis daughrteu Mus. John McGregor, with some 40 relatives present. Miss Guace Beunice Weuuy bas tak- en charge of Âsitburn Sehool and Miss Muriel Pengelly, Bro-oklin, Con- Iin's School fer Sud yeau. Miss Gladys Dean, Stayner, is new teacher at Maxwell's. Mus. A. D. Van Dyke, Mr. E. Van- Dyke, Mr. ànd Mus. J. H. Pascoe,, Mu. Fabian Conlin, Mus. R. J. Luke, Mrs. W. L. Mountj'oy, Miss Flerence M. Luke, Mr. M. McGue- gor and many others visited Toron- te Exhibition. A Real Asthma Relief. Dr. J. D. Kellogg's Astbma Remedy bas neveu been advertised by extrava- gant statements. Its claires are conservative indeed, when judged by the benefits which it peuforms. Ex- pect real relief and permanent bene- fits when you buy this uemedy and yeu will net bave cause fou disap- pointment. t gives permanent re- lief in many cases wbeue other 50 cailed remedies bave utteuly failed. IS YýOUR CHILD THIN AND WEAK? Cod Liver Extract in Sugar Coated Tablets Puts on Flesh and Builda Them Up In just a few days-quickeu than you ever dueamt of-these wendeu- 1fui health building, flesh cueatýng tablets called McCoy's Ced Liver Extuact Tablets wiIl staut te belp any thin, undeuweight littie one. Afteu sickness and wheue rlckets are suspected they are especially valuable. Most people know that from the liveus of the lowly codfiesh vitamines of the first class are extracted-the kind that help ahl feeble under- weight men, women and childuen. Tuy these wonderful tablets for 30 days and if you frail, puny child rdon't gueatly benefit-get your 1mney back. A very sickly cbild, age 9, gàined 12 pounds in 7 menthe. t Ask any duuggist feu McCoy's iCed Liver Extuset Tabet-as easy ite take as candy and 60 tablets, 60 cents. Builders of concrete silos, pavements all kinds of artistic concrete work. and Small jobs given our most careful attention. Place of business, Elgin St. North, Bowmanville Phone 497-wj Buy OLIVES Now This week we are featuring best quality Mrn. Deliiah Freenian. f There passed te rest in Bowman- ville on Friday, September 3, Deli-~ lab Nichais, beloved wife of Jamesi Freeman, aged 56 years. She was a daugbter of Garner Nîchois, Sr. Deceased bad an eperation in Touante and was thougbt te be deing nicely until she suffered a relapse from over exertion whicb caused ber deatb.t A service was beid on Sundaye evening conducted by ber patter,E Rev. J. U. Robins, cf Trinity Unit-E ed Cbucb. Monday marning the remains weue taken te Bobcaygeon via Burketon for interment in Verulani Cemetery, the funeral tak- ing place front the home cf Mr. Richard Nichais. Besides hi.r husband she leaves four daugbters, Reta, Beut, Bettyi (Mus. Wilbur Oke>, and Majory and one son Thounton and nephew Arthur. The Late Josephi Higga Joseph Higgs of Cuossland, wbo bas been in failing bealth for several months ,died on September 5. The funeral was held on Septembeu 7, with service in Knox Cburcb and interment in Ehinvale Centetery. Rev. R. M. Hanna of Thoun'bury bad charge of the services, assisted by Rev. E. E& Pugsley. The pal-bear-à eus wee-John Marley, Jas. Ryther, Robt. Archer, James Strath, Jos. Martin and Richard Andeusen. Atnong the floral tributes weue wueatbs fuem Knox Church and Crossland Wemen's Institute. Deceased was boun on Mai lOth.,1 1848, in England. Fou over forty1 yeara he had lived in Fies, farming on lot 16, con. 6, until bis retirentent te, Cuesslalnd eight years ago. Re is suuvived by five daughteus and. two sens. He was o'ne of the enganizeus and main supporters of the old Bur- ton Methodist Cbuuch and when it was closed be joined Knox Presbyter- ian Chuch.-Barrie Examiner. Rev. W. H. Higgs, Peut Perry, formeuly pastor of Tyrone Circuit, is a son of dcceased and attended the funeual. BOYS' TRAINING SCHOOL NEWS A new ben-house is being built te bouse 350 cbickens, just back of the barn on the Darch farin. Six boys went te the hospital for Sick Childuen. Touante, last wcek, and had their tonsils remnoved. Al have uetuuned home and are quite well again. The staff and boys weue shocked te leann that Mus. Cairns bad te un- dergo a seicus operation on Sun- day. At tinie of writing she is pro- gre.ssing favouably. Scbool re-opened las4, week, .and the boys are baud at it once mous in the class-uoom, the werk-sbop and the gymnasium. Mn. Dickinson is principal again, and dees te teach- ing in the class-ron; Mu. Cairns teaches manual tuaining in tbe werk- sbop; Mn. Hyslop instructs in me- cbanu£al engineering and Mu. Cun- ningham in Physical Education. .IIARRY ALLIN PHONE 186 BOWMAN VILLE ROOF 0FPERMANENCE TORONTO ASPHALT ROOFING is perma- nent-fire-resisting-able to withstand sun and ramn, time, wind and frost, unaffected by rust or rot. It's a mighty goodroofing. That's why we seil it. ROCBOARD CHEAPER THAN LUMBER ROCBOAD STRONGER THAN LUMBER ROCBOARD QUICKER THAN LUMBER ROCBOARD WARMER THAN LUMBER It'a fireproof, economical permanent COAL 'AT SUMMER PRICES Fi your bin now with Lehigh Valley Coal at summer prices. It pays. Yes, we seil Canada Cernent J. A. HOLGATE & SON Phone 153 or 202 Bowmanville I. M Proved safe bymillions and prescribed by physicians for Colds Headache Neuritis Lumbago Pain Neuralgia Toothache Rheumnatism DOES NOT AFFECT THE HEART 1 Accept o2 MI"Bayer" package which contains proven dire in. 5 afe-efr' boxes of 12 tableta Had<"er 4and 100--Drugglta A»iprn la tbetaiimark (reglatterd in Oanada) of Bayer Manufacture of Mmoeette- acidhster or salicylIcaem (Acetyl BaiicyUc *Cid, 'A. 5. A."). Wbilo It ta WOU a.olU that Ampirin means Bayer omufactuse. teasist ta. pblic atainst Iitations, the Table Dt Bayer Oompaur wUil bestamjied with their guna tra4 .aU14 lb. "Bayer cmg,', Cooks R.gulatlng Compound A 20616 Z#BId qulame m.wn. old lin re e ¶em o trengtb-.No. 1, $l No. 83 No.8. 5-per box; ~ Bold &y &il drugliato, or nl pepaùd on reoeipt of prlo. rm pibphlet. Addre..: THE COOK MEDICINE=O W00 -5PMOSPHODINe' Talu .eGreat Englisk Proparattarg. . ones and nvigorates the whQle U~nervous systemn. make;, new Blood j jin old Veins. Used fr Ners'cua SD#biuSUy, Mental aund Brai: Warr> for SS.b SoId by *Il druggisss, or nialitdin plain plcg. on reteipt of prive. Mga' paa.phUI iaild I>itnvoos m.Um=ug oijoomeff. Building and General Contr 0 Piastering and concrete' work a Agents for Asphaît Roofing, built on gravel. racting specialty. tar and Now is the time to have your old brick or frame house done over with an absolutely water- proof stucco. We are also making ail kinds of imitation stone. Cali and see us before deciding. vaet$ 9RazorMA 45.= to-t5Ist n 1 1 1 Olives, plain or stuffed ,in large or small bottles. See our special Olive display at attractive prices. Fray Bentos Coreed Beef This beef is made from prime first grade beef--all pure bred cattle from their own ranch- es. Try a tin and the family will want itagain.

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