~t~te~man With Which Is Incorporated Tne Bowmanville News Vol. LXXI M. A. JAMES & SONS, Publishers. BOWMANVILLE, ONT., THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 23, 1926 $2.00 a Year In Advance 5c a Copy No. 38 - r i COUCH, JOHNSTON & CRYDERMAN LTD. We Invite, The Ladies 0f .,Bowmanville'eAnd Durham County .PAPER PRINTED DAY EARLIER TWO OPPOSITE VIEWS The Statesman is being printed iThse awful "marning after" an on Tuesday afternoon-a day earIier election always brings forth its than usual-to enable the staff to quota of amusing as .Wel as pathetir bave Wednesday off to attend Bow- incidents. For down rigbt ex- manville Fair. This change in time trenie vieu-points on surmijng up thse of printing necessitates holding over: election resuits and thse effect they certain news items and country cor- wili bave on the country you get it respondence wbsclt usualiy arrive respectiveiy, in tbe ieading editorials Wednesdny morning. from tise optinst and the pessimist, of Toronto evening papers the day atter: Toronto Star: Tbe general eiect- ions are over, tise political disturb- ance of montbs past is ended, and here we are in tbe middle of Sep- SALEM teniber witb one of the greatest crops Canada bas ever had, with a foreign trade per capita that is tise Salem Thankoffering services w*îll largest in aur hîstory and a future be bheld as foilows. open before us that sbould make every Canadian proud of bis country. Sund y S pt. 6th Let us ail now get together again Sunday, Sept. 26ta promote the coinmon itrsso Rev. Captan Andrew Robis of Canada. Tbe Liberals bave won Daisvll Unte Chrch Tronothe elections. Hon. Mackenzie Davivile UntedCbuch, orotoKing will again be prime minister, wiil preach at 2:30 and 7:30 p. mi. and Hon. James Ruobi, wbo bas done Spèèial music by the choir. On so well as finance minister, wili Monday, Sept. 27, at 8 p. mi., Capt. bring in tbe next budget. Roibb will give bis humorous and Toronto Telegrani: Canadians, very interesting lecture 'Khaki Lad'. other than paty-firat editors, de- feated candidates and adberents of Cspt. Ro'bb has had wide experieiice a beaten party w.ent bomne last nigbt and always pleases. heart-sick, disappointed not for the Mr. W. Ross Strike, Bowmanville, party's sake but for the country's 1sake These pastriats weme rea'iy and Miss Vers Wemry, Ebenezer, will to eciso tbe immortal words of the furnisb solos.j late Hon. Edward Biake's farewell message ta tise Liberals af West Ail services in enclosed uhed. I Durbam in 1891-"God belp poor Admission 35c. Canada". PROPERTY FOR SALE Modemn Brick Veneered Bung- slow, 2 tonies, erected about five yesrs ago; Contains on lower story: Liv- ing-room, dining-room and kit- cisen and bail, with hardwood fiooring; on upper storey: three good sized bedrooms with square ceilings and ampls closet accom- modation, and commodions bath- room witb usual three pieces; verandab across front of b-ouse; Heating: Pipelesa furnace, bot water boiler in kitchen; Electric lighting; Cernent celIar, divided; Half acre of lsnd witb 13 good Spy apple trees; Cernent walks ta front and ide entrances. Owner left town and property offered at considerabIe reduction from original cost. Edith V. Scobel Repreaenting the Sun Lfé As- surance C3o., and the Maple Lest Farmera' Mutuai Pire Iris. Co., amongat others. To Visit Our New Show Rooms AND JNSPECT OUR NEW FALL AND WINTER COATS NEW SILK AND WOOL DRESSES NEW SILK UNDERWEAR NEW DRESS MATERIALS NEW HOSIERY NEW SWEATERS YOU WILL FIND The materials the very latest- the shades and styles al that you could wish for-and the prices surprisingly moderate. Separate Trousers For Men And Boys Men's Suits and Overcoats, a large assortment and extra good values. BOYS' SCHOOL SUITSFROM $6.95 UP Couch, Jihnston & Cryderman, Biowananvillo Phono £04 Llmltod Royal Theatre Wedneday-Thuraday, Sept 22-23 Harold Lloyd In Wednesday at 7:00, 8:15 & 9:30 Admission 35C Tbursday at 8 p. m. Usual Prices Matinee Tbursday at 4 o'clock Friday-Saturday, Sept. 24-25 Buck Jones In "The Deserts Price"e Monday-Tuesday, 27-28 ".MIKE" Witb Sslly O'Neil Tise new wonder gii Sbure and Mike wiii drive the blues away. Wedn..day-Thuraday, Sept 29-30 "East Lynne" Witb Aima Ruebens and a big cast Octolser 6-7 Marion Davies in "Beverley of Graustaris" SEPTEMBER, WEDDINGS nI Goddard-Bouasall c A very pretty wedding was quiet- :ly soiemnized in thse presence ai the einîmediate relatives of the bridai y couple at the home af tbe bride's ýparents, Mr. and Mrs. Gus Bouni- sali, Churcis Street. on Wednesday, September 15, at 8:30 s. nm., when ytheir only daugbteïr, Helen Mildmed (Nelie). was united in marriage with Herbert Le Baron Goddard, New York, eldest son of Mr. and Mes. Fred W. Goddard, Bowmanville. Rev. J. U. Robins, Pastor af Trinity United Cisurcis officiated. The bride who vis unattended leaning on tise armai her father, entered thse dmawing'room which was tastefuiiy decorated with ferns, as- ters and giadiolas. Sbe wore a bwo-piec ogfnaiTangarine satin fafced Crep n small Frenchs bat ta 1match, earyn a bouquet cf Sun- Bburst rose n wea'n.ag a cisasea wbite goid bracelet set with rubies, the gift-iftise, grDom. After the cerensony a dainty wed- ding breakfast was seoeved atter visici tise happy couple lef t amid a shower of -'ionietti and good wishes for a short honeyrn,)on in Montres!, tenroute ta tiseir nome in New York. Previous ta the bride's marriage aibout 30 friends gathemed at the home of Miss Mildred Downey and eurpisd her with s miscellaneous sisovroa silver. linen and china. tThe bride-to-be expressed ber appre- rciation and after opening pairceis and reading verses, a dain-ty lunciseon vas served and a musical evening was enjoyed by al. On Se ptember 7, about 25 triends gatbered at tise homae of Miss Helen t iërn. AilLer ail were see.ted 1Miss Mâdred Downey and Miss 3Lemone Quinn wlmeeled in a table on 1which was a beautitul China Blue 1Bird breakisat set. When tise bride-to-be had recovered tram tise srse h.suitably acknowiedged ber thaks. A dsinty luncheon was served and social evening 3pent. Tise home of Mr. and Mm. George W. MeLaughlin, 261 Simca. §trpet Norths, Oshawa, was an Saturday 'ai- ternoon tise scene oi anc of this sea&on's most fashioneble weddings, visen Rev. F. J. Maxwell ai St. Andrew's United Churcis, Oshawa, assisted by Rev. A. M. Irwin, Whit- by, united ini marmiage Ethel Kath- leen, second daugister of Mr. andi Mrs. MeLAîughiin, and 'Norman Iýr- vin, son oi Rev. A. M. Irwin and Mrs. Irwin, Whbby. Tise ceremany took place on tise iawn, tise bridai party prcceeding tram tise bouse tismough tise pergola ta a beautitfuily decorated alter bnked wits ferns and roses. Tise bride iaoked charming in a Frencs ninaon model. Tise dress and train were bsnded witb risinestones and silver beads, and tise veil was iseid in place by a risincatone caro- net witlî orange blassoins at tise side, and she carried a bouquet ai Opiselia roses, liues aiftise valiey and baby's breat, and ware s diasmond and piatinum bar-pin, tise git ai tise groom. Mrs. Wiliis Tait, tise bride's sister, vas matran ai banar, wear- ing a majuve taffets dresa with scari and bat ta match. The bridesmaida were Miss Jean Hall and Miss Helen Fard, bath becomingly attired inj pale yeilow dresses adorned withi Frenchs fio$ers and touches ai blackc lace. Mms. Ray McLaugibIin play-c ed tise Wedding Marcis and Mrs.4 John Burns, accampanied by Missc Helen Jehnstan, sang very accept- ý ably. Mrs. George W. McLaugblin1 was dressed in enibroidered beigeN georgette with black bat, wisile Mrs.r A. M. Irwin wore a black georgette1 dresa withis at ta match. Atter tise receptian a pleasant and interesting featume vas tise bap-ç tism oi David Wiils, son ai Mr. andj Mrs. R. Ray McLaugbIin. Rev. A.c M. Irwin performed thbe rite, using1 water whicis bad been brougbt fromS tise River Jordan. After s buffeta luncheon vas servei tise yaung couple t leit by m-otar for Montreal, Quebec t and points east, tise bride wearing at black marveila coat trinuned witso grey fur and a large bIack bat. Onv their return Mr. and Mrs. Irwin wiii h reaide on Alexandra Street.h Among tise g'uests frami thîs vicin-g ity were:-Mr. and Mra. E. S. Senk-a 1er, Bowmanvilie; Mm. and Mrs. B.b F .Gardiner, Ty-rone; Mr. and Mra. ru G. C. Wrighst, Mrs. J. C. Smithi, Mrs. tý J. W. McLaugislin, Newcastle, b ti Mn. Ralpis IL Cerrutbers, B. A., ]F .eft on Sunday for New York City Nq a'bere be viii take s post graduate course in Library Science at Columbia a EJniversty.a White Sisieid Club opens in St. o Paui'Is Scisoal room on Tuesday, o September 28tb at 8 p. m. Mma. L Stuart Wilson, (nee Miss Pascoe), IV * 7 FUTURE 0F FALL FAIRS Mr. Sami Snowden, Bovmanville, -oneai tise outstaffding govemrment j'udges ai live stock, bas retumned ironi officiating et a circuit ai taira in Eastern Ontario. Wben asked bv tise editor wiiat comment be had te make on bis 'observations Mr. Snovden remarlced witîb a tone ai regret that the o'utstanding featurea at tise feins ise attended appeared ta be tise homse races and tise public dances in tise evening. It looks as if tise entertainnient end -oitise faims vas overriding thse original purposes af sucis exhibitions vhicb vere ta en- courage and develop pure bred live stock, farmn produce and tise bandi- crait ai tise good isousevife. THE CRPPLUDCHILw Dr. B. J. H*zlewvood, Medical Heaitis Officer, ga've a very instruct- ive and interesting addre«s et tise Rotary Club luricheon et Bo'wman H'ousc, Friday noan an "Tise Crip- pied Child". He expIilined tise ciief causes ai crippied ciildren vere due ta bercdity, environnient, accident and disease. One ai the Ioutstanding festures in tise Rotary IClub international program ai ser- Ivice bas been stressed in ncstaring cnippiedcti ildren ta normal condi- tions and usetuinesa. Dr. HazIe- vood's adddress viii n'a daubt havea tcndency ta creet egrenter intýeet on tise part af II i ho heard bis talk ta carry an this buinanîtarian vork vîtis grater zeai and entihusismn. WOMEN'S CANADIAN CLUB i Tismougistise kund invitation ai tise members front Newcastle, tise Woenen's Canadien Club viii boid ts opening meeting for tisis sesson in tise Anglican Parish Hall. Newcast-1 le, an Manday, Septemnber 27tis at 3:30 p.m. ,wLsenMr. Arthsur Van- Kougbnet , on. Presid1ent ai tise Soldiers' camiorts (BTandi ai tisei Women's Patriotic League), viii apeak an ber work. Members vitis cars are asked ta bclp viti tise transportation, if necessary a bus vil hbe bired se that ail me'Tibers itîey be able ta avail tisenselves ai tisi apportunity. Tisoe ishing ta go1 by bus yull kundly telepisone Mrs.1 D. B. Simpson befare tise end afi tiss e'ek. BOY SCOUT NEWS Bovman'viile Troop Boy Scouts1 met Wednesday evening in St. John'sj Hall ,aà] menbbers prescrit Fancyt Figure Marcibung, Exhibition nnd Blind-iold boxing and Semaphore Signniiing vere carried out duringi bise evenung under direction af F. C. Palmer and E. S. Fergaîson. Svimm'ing test results held Scp- teniber 11, were announced: PatrolJ Leader Brent Hazlewood quaiified for tise svinuners badge, baving ac- complished svimmung 50 yards ciots- 1 cd, undressing in deep waterv tisen svimn'ing anotiser 100 yards c undressed. After 5 minutesQ rest Brent completed tise test by swini- ming 100 yards bneast stralce. Photo- grapha ai tise test vere taken for scout records. JUBILEE SALE CONTINUES Saturday night, September 25, viii bning te a close one of tise greatest sales S. W. Masori & Son have beid ini their fifty years ai bus- C inels. . Thsis ciinent succesbas w been brought about by tise pubiic's ti appreciation ai tise extraordlinary values they have put unto tis Jubil- 0 ce event. It bas ben cansnented on 1 by many custamers as tise bert real il genîuine vaiue-giving sale ever beld tc in tisis tovn. Everythiing froni s B lead pencil ta tise lateat fasiins la gý Ladies' Fali and Witer GoaLs have hi leen speclly priced te make this hu a memnorabl ecccaion. If yau have fi not aiready visîted thia popular store r of dry ooa and ready-to-wear Yeu dg sbould certalnly do iso before Satur- cc day nlght. a] =" 1 LETTER FROM CHINAJ Nurse Lena E. Taylor to Her Sisterj Mrs. Everett Cryderman, Hampton, Ont, 1 Alter a few openung sentences sMiss Taylor writes froin Bebludin, China, as foliava: I tbink I bad better take you ail on tise trip 1 took irecently. Sunday Iast, 1 vas called 1on again ta sing "The Ninety and DNine" ta tse Sununer Bible Class ,delegetes. Just don't knov visen 1I'm going ta be through singing that pie-ce, but tise Chinese like it. Have not tried it in Chinese yet, but must attenrpt it soon. uJsttom rja change 1l'il sing it in Chi fryou vien I 1came home. 11 5 Tise Summer S-ciool over 130 delegates. I do nat kýnowv et 13 Lfigures for cvery day mare came but ilst Tuesday visen r leit Chengtu, there weme 130 odd. You sec aur own scisol iast year could not aveul ithat nusuber. It doea one gaod ta see tiesea 50erxiaus for tse truts, wben ail arouisd is anti-foreign, anti- Christian folk, who would do any- thing ta rid tise country ai foreigri- ers. Just wonder what you nead in th papers these days about China? Whatevcr it is, I hope yau do not worry, for you know it vii do us no good ta worry. We vould gla dly give aur livea for China, if by, so doing, it would TEénefit tise cause, ai Christ. But just at pres- ent,I cannot sec isow it would do good, for as yet, human lite is re- garded se little, and a fewlbas ion- cignera would mean riothing. Their law courts are nothing but 'a farce, and warse. An wandering via ise Homne Board i, doing th. yeer, about send- ing out nov folk,' eapeciali wocnen and cisildren? A ca.ble ba; been sent ta tise Board, as ta visether ail wamen and cisildren sbould leave Szecisvan. F>very yeer tise saine aid tale cames. sUV. However, I doubt very mucis, if the Home Bioard wii take any action. Dr. Endicott viii quota a iew verses ai scriptute ta satisty bis « mind and ail viii go on au usual._ Certainly every one is strained ta tise lumit these days, nat only in China but in every other country. Tise problema ai t he world are be- comîng more coniplex every year. It is going ta take tise Christian peoiple as a wbale, a long time, ta work and pray tisis aid world into e state calm. and peeceable, and no one knaws boy many must give thair lives for che cause. . Weil, now, for my; ttip. I do wand- er about so. belome I get started.1 Somebo'*, thougs, one writes thse in- i most feelings first. Ha'wever, vo juat % live one day at a time. Na matter c wisere we lve, and trust God for tse, t came ai each day. Saturday. Juiy 3, Dr. Leslie, Dr. Janet and famiy. alang with several ' other families leit Cisengtu for Omei Mauntain and I vas left in charge ai tise bouse and ta lock up. i a stayed alone in tise bouse Seiturdeyi and Sunday nigis and ste- my mealisc at tise Sparlinga. Mondsy I went aver ta tise home aiftDr. and Mm. P Spencer Lewis, so that we migist ail r have an early start on Tuesday mn- t, ing for aur trip. In China, men car- h ry lads beat in bark or bamboo e boxes. I hsd tva visen I leit a Chungklng and sa I bought tva P more, ,making ane pair of bamboo and anc pair ai bark. Eacis box is supposed ta veigs 35 catties (1 catty i1 3 Ib&) One man'camries 70 cetties, ao you sec I bcd tva men %for my loada and tismee meni for my chair. Dr. Janet loened me ber a chair for tise trip as ase does flot use it going ta Oxiiei. Sise bas a vemy comiortable chair and I was not E nearly sa cramped as in thse aver-" land chairs fromr Chnhigking ta C Chengtu. I At 5 s. nm. on Tuesday, July 6, ail S was meady for an early start. OhI P Lt anly you couid sec tise picture oi tise queer looking men, an tise c lewn, ready ta pick up tise loadsasnd E go. You know, tisey poke amound L- and try escis load, and atisiy E bisemselves tbey have tise beat ioad S ta carry and then tisey throv down :iseir sisouider pale, bat and tomn bits of clotising an tise boxes selected and S wait for tise word go. One mariS has charge ai tise men and ai course i îe may bave as many under mena- 2 gers as ise viabes. Tisen we bad - an escort ai saldiers. Nov don't b laugs. I tld you about the escart are bcd tram Chungking and bow bhey carried a vass mag and an un- >rella. Wel. tise men we bad on e, bhis trip carnied s letter and a ian!! c loy is that for protection? N4W 0 are're off. l Tise cook and food loada vent onp aiseed, for ve vanted aur breakfast ai at tise West Gate ai tise city, and, s of course, it had ta baepared by Bî our awn cook in a Cisinese Inn. Mrs. Týevin aý 44e4. 'irat -cmeseon ad= EAST DURHAM LiBERALS CELEBRATE KING VICTORY Big Demonstration at Port Hope Not since the days when cbeering processions used to escort Sir Ed- ward Blake over the snowy roads of Durhamn to bis campaign meetings bas Liberalism voiced sucb jubilation in this ridnig as it dîd at Port Hope Friday evening. Ctiz«ns by thse hundreds gathered in the bill side town to celebrate the dominion wide victory Liberals had won in the recent, féderai election. It was a national triumph for tbe Libéral par- ty that promises stability at Ottawa and scope for development along fines of politicai modéeration, a re- naissance of Liberalism throughout -t4 dominion. As such the Liberals of Durhams celeibrated it, forgetting any disap- pointment at their own failure. M. H Stapies, Indiependent candidate in tbe recent election, was one of the most prominent figures in tbe pro- ceedings and the smile be wore be- spoke the player vLJIo does flot mind being put out of action so long as bis teani is winning. "I met witb nothing but kindly words f rom everyone du mgthse camrpaigri-of course, they 'ddflot ail vote for me, it was flot to b. ex- pected; but I have no hard feelings toward anyone 'who voted against me, I a=~ not buit that way". That was how Mr. Staples diacu;sed his defeat from the platform. # Tltcre was a torch-hight par- ade through the strçets and a meet- ing afterward that overflowed the town bail and required a second set of speeches for the audience tihat mustered a thousand strong in the ,a rk outside. Hon. G. N. Gordon told thers someth.ing of what thée goverriment proposes to do in office; W. T. R. Preston discussed the un- derlying issues of cur.rent politics and stressed the need of sincerity in pirbic life. Led by- a cavalcade on sturdy !a¶m horses and flan'ked by a troupe of boisterous youngsters ,the pro- cession formed a 'livet-y spectacle. The Cobourg Kilties' band in scarlet and tartân were supportql by the Port Hope veteîTans' and citizeng0' adwhle yox\nger musicians, rm- ed witb toy borns, rent the air with dissonance. Public honesty, W. T. R. Preston declared, mnust be plaçed before aIl party considerations, and public men inust be held to their pledees. If thse îew King govemnment failed in its andertakings to, the electorate no Party ties would 'hold himn in alieg- iance ta it. He asked the Conser- vatives of Durhamn to view public questions in that light and think for themselves. Hn. G. N. Gardon declared that under the King governiment, Canada Lad converted an unfavorabl, t.rade balance of thirtv millions a year into afavorable one of $405,000,000 and she now had a larger trade per cap- ta of population than any other country on earth. The new go&veri- nient would re-introduce oid age pensions and would also andeztake refonm of the Senate. As for pro- tctios, "It is thse working mani, w'ho has need of every honeait dollar he earris, whio is entitled te protection, and he is the mani we are going ta protectIl. MJNISTERS AND CHURCHES Trinity, Church, Rev. J. U. Rob- in., Pastor, will preacs at il a. m. and 7 p. m. on Sunday. Sunday school at 2:30 p. m. St. Paul's Ohurch, Bey. D. W. lest, D. D., minister. il a. m.- "The Master's Spirit"ý-The Holy Communion. 7 p. m.-"The Living Word". 2:30 p. m.-Sunday School. Tbursday, Sept. 23 at 8 p.m. prepartry service. St. Andrewsa Preshyterian Church, ýorner Temperance and Church Sta. Rev. Robt. McDerment, M. A., min- ter. Morning Worship il a. nm. Evening Worship 7 p. m. Sunday School at 2:30 p. m. St. John's Anglican Churcs, Rect- r, Rev. R. J. Sires, M. A. B.. D. Seventeentb 'Sunday after Trinity, ept. 26. 8 a. m.-Holy Commun- n. il a. m.-Morning Prayer. :30 p. m.--Sundav School. 7 p. m. -Evening Praye. Preaciier at botb services, Ëev. Canon Morley. Trinity Young People's Society meeting on Monday evening wss op- ned with Mrs. (Rev.) Robins iîl ýhair. Miss Siefmon tqok charge A program which coffzlsted of wripture lesson by Kenneth Foster; Lana. solo by Mrm. C. H. Dudley; Uiss Beatrice Crydernian gave a mis- onarv reading on India; Miss Mar- rret Ailin sang a solo; Rev. J. W. 3unner gave s goad taik on Home 4issions. A League Rally for Go- an