PAGE 4 THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVILLE THURSDAY, SEPT. 23rd., 1926. Specials for Saturday Composite Range With Roller Grates Regular $105.00......... .............. SALE PRICE $62.50 Oil Burner For Any Range Regular $18.00........... ............. SALE PRICE $ 9.00 Electric Range Regular $127.00......... .............. SALE PRICE $76.00 Electric Radiator (Steel) Regular $25.00.......... ............. SALE PRICE $10.00 Quebec Range (4 Holes) Regular $45.00............ SALE PRICE $28.25 Western Treasure Range (6 holes) With High Cioset and Copper Reservoir Regilar $130.00......... ............. SALE PRICE $76.35 Heaters in Great Variety at MASON & DALE PHONE 148 The Popular Hardware BOWM4ÂNVILLE WELL PLEASED We are well pleased with the reception given our new Butcher Shop in the short time we have been in business. It is far beyond our expecta- tions. We are therefore putting forth every effort to measure up to the demands of citizens who fav- or us with their patronage by giving them good nieat at sensible prices. We do a cash and delivery business. LANCE GARNET Phare & McCoy Cash and Dolivery Butchers Phone 518 Bowmanwill. I Ofl 1876-1926 S. W. Mason & Son's Fif tieth ENFIELD Messrs. Wn. and John Alexander and Misses Hyslop and Esther Den- nis, North Osfiawa, recentiyý visited at Mr. L. C. Pascoe's.... M essrs. G. Cochrane. James Stark and W. J. Ormiston were among the success- fui exhibitors at Oshawa Fair.... Raily Day services will be observed here next Sunday.... Harvesting has certainly beenL delayed with the damp weatber but the Ioss through sprouting wiil not be very heavy. Red clover is not filing as well as expectations migbt warrant. HAYDON Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Cooper and Rena, Riida and Edgar Cooper arc renewingoli ,ouaintance here . .. EAGER YOIJTH "4What is it that you wish?" Life; asked,1 And thus I answered, being tasked:j "I'd like the moment to attain What men have worked for years ta gain. "Few are the wants which I rehearse I'd like to have a rich maa's purse. I'd like to walk the streets and buy Whatever trinkets I rnay "I'd like the wisdom of the sage With>out the burden of his age, I hae abiton and a wiil, I'd like the master artist's skill". Then life replîed: "Oh. eager ybuth, Have you not grasped this simple tnutb That twenty cannot hope to be So calm and wise as fifty-three? Miss Muriel Ashton spent the week- That cherished wisdom of the sage, end with hier brother, Mr. Lloyd Ash- Requires the siivered touch cf age ton ... .Mr. aad Mrs. Cephas J. That ease, which nien of fortune Mourtjoy, Toronto, visited with know friends here..Congratulations to Was earned by labor long ago. Mr. and Mrs. Leslie Graham-a boy "These splendors wbich you ask of ...Mr. and Mrs. Mervin Mouatjoy me visited at Mr. J. Crossman's.... Mr- Are favors wbich can neyer be. and Mrs. Wm. Martin, Giadys and Youth cannot at a leap attain Delbert visited at Mr. A. McNeil's.. What men have worked for years to, .Mr .and Mrs. John Broad, De-j gain. troit, have returned home aften pleasant visit at Mr. Sulas Trein 'e "Learn wisdorn slowiy, day by day ... Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Ingles, Ton- Be you as diligent as they, onto ,visited at Mr. Sidney Tre- Then when as rnany years have flowni win's ...Mr. and Mrs. Phare and These joys you crave shall be your cbiidren, Buffalo, were at Mr. Robt. own." Read's. Mrs. Collons who bas been -Edgar Cuest. here caring for lier mother, Mrs. Greer, bas returned to ber home in Pennsylvania ... . Mr. and Mrs. Ern- TRN est Ingles, Toronto, visited at Mr. ________ Suatsu'rn's eently.Lcarge f Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Halfacre andý niet S on venin l care fgrandson. Teddy Woodyard, have Litrar Covenr.been visiting friends in Toronto, Don't miss hearing Capt. Robb ati Oakville and Paigrave. Salemi Monday evening. Tyrone Wornen's Institute and _____________Ladies' Aid met at the borna of Mrs. Russell vîrtue on Wednesday, Sept. HAMPTON 15, when the following pnograai was gWVen :-Conirnnity. singing; paper Mn. and Mrs. L. Ciyderman, Mr. by Mrs. Norman Woodley on "Per- and Miq. W. G. Wilbur spent Sun- sonal Slackers and Commrunity day witb relatives at Stouffville.... Siackers"; victrola mnusic; reading Mr. and Mrs. G. Wiikinqon, 'Toronto by Mae Cameron "Betsy and I made visited her mother, Mrs. E. Truli: T.p"; social haîf hour was spent clos- w'ho is quite ill. . .. Mn. Albert Allia, îng with the National Aiîthern. Toronto, was home on Sunday....I A very enjoyable evening was Dr. J. H. Elliott. Toronto, visited bis pent at the Young Peoples' Leaguê sister, Mrs. C. J. Kersiake. Giad on Thursday wben a large numberi to know that Miss Nanýa Kersiake is gathered for the annual corn andi recovering niceiy .... .Mr. and Mrs.1 weiaer roast. Aften several games A .B. Cryderman visited with -rela-~ were played in the shed ahl enjoyed tives at Orono on Sunday. Mr. andl eat!i until satisfied .... .Y. P. L. this Mns. J. Colwell, Jr., and Misa Mary wek as u....... .On Sunday mara- Katenson bave gone on a motor trip ing Rev. J. R. Tnuxnpaur preaclhed ta Owen Sound .... .Mr. and Mrs. C. from the words "Corne. Tarrv, Go". J. Mo-untjoy, Tor(onto, visited his The choir nendered good music, Mr. brother, Mn. S. Mountjoy. .Mr. and Wm Staples taking the leading eolo Mrs. G. Edger and daughten, Miss .. Churcb next Suaday withdrawn Lottie Challis, Courtice, visited at on account of Salem Harvest Home. Mn. J. H. Wilcox, Jrs... . Mrs. C. W Souch and Miss Mildned Soucb are Visitons: Miss Ada Wight, Ed- visitiag fiends in Detoit .... Mn. S. smonton, Alta., is visiting bier cous- Camipbell, Winnipeg, visited bis un- in, Mrs. Russell Wright; Mr. and Mns cie, Mn. G. White .... Floral service James Hodgson celebrated their was observed in the Young People's 52nd wedding anniversary on Thurs- meeting Friday night. Rev. R. j. day, Sept. 16;Mis- Leveriie Burgess Sbires of St. John's Anglican Churcb, was in Oshawa duriing the fair; Miss Rownianvile, gave an excellent ad- Ainale Pennose, Oakwood. is wltbh ler dress on Citizensbip. .. . Riýlyiy n gbt sister, Mrs. Paura Burgess; Mi'zs willbebld extFniay vexiagFlorence Stewart bas returned home, when evenyone is earnestly invited after spending several weeks witb' ta be preseat. .Sunday School Raîîyl ber sisten, Mrs. MeDonald, Cobourg; will be held next Sunday afternoonj Mr. H. G. Macklin taught the tem- when Rev. J. R. Bick will address1 perance lesson ýin the Bible Clas t'le scbool. At the evening service and the lil Try" gir!s Zgav.e a mis- a youag people's choi r will lorovîcle sionary pnogram lan Sunday. School special music ...A large namberi consstiag of a recitation by Irene of aur young people enjoyed a corn Canvenon; readings, IÀirna Hooper roast last Wednesday night.' and Kathleen Dudley; duet, Ade- Hear Capt. Robb cf Toronto at laide Annis and Nina Hodgson .... Salem Mondav evening. Rally Sunday October 3rd. Capt. Robb will entertain you at -Salemn on Monday. Se adv,'. ENNISKILLEN Miss Hazel Carscadden, B. A., Miss Rena F. Bentham, . C. 1r not. B. A., and Dr. W. G. Benthamj Toronto, Mn. and Mrs. Car e dden and littie granddaughter Ma r, Blackstock, were recent guetso Mcc. R. Benthanm. Union. Mr. and Mns. James A. Werry tendered a neception to their san and his bride. 'Nr. and Mrs. Francis W. Wercy, on Monday eveaing. Over 30relatives gatherd and enjoyed the chickea pie supper with ail the accessories so bountifully provided. A very pleasant social oveaing was speat by ail. The happy couple were once more showered with con- fetti , while gifts and good wisbes for long yeans of wedded hll.Ss werej happily bestowed on thenm. Visitons: Rev. J. F. and Mrs.1 Lane, Canton; Rev. F. M. and Mn. Ellis, Hamilton; Mnr.and Mrs. Johni Jobb, Blackstock; and Mn. and Mrs. Joseph Reynolds, Nonwood, Ont., at the Parsonage; Mrs. Janet Gilbent, Toronto, at her soa's, Mn. Russell Gilbert; Dr. and Mrs. Ferguson att Uxbridge %%Ihere Mrs. FerguSon's father is iii; Mn. and M's, D Burgiaster at Buffalc; Mrs.Go- smlth. Buffalo, a sister af Mrs. Burg'niaster, at Mr. and Mrs. Bucg-j rnaster's; Mr. H. W. Pointea, Bow- manville. at Mr. Thos. McGill's; Mn. and Mrs. Lockyear are moving ta Toronto. Their propertyý hene has been bought by Mr. E. Carter. Mrs. Carter and little son have receatly arnived from England .... Mn. James Bradley is improrving bis property by making a celer and puttîng a new foundation unden bis bouse. . .. A recent tounist thnough Enniskil- len said ~e considened this village as tidy kd as well kept as any be ba.d seen and the Pansonage and grounds the best an'wbere........ Chunch attendance has been too macb neglected durng the sumcr months but last Sunday was marked by incnc-ased eongregations et aIl ap- pointrnenis on the circuit. Pastor Cook took fan bis subject tihe Third Cornmandment and shawed that is message for aur day was reverence and sincerity. In rqQfenence ta -lie charge so often made that our day us marked by a thoughtless irrever- ence be said we were reaping the fruit tof a genenation of consistent teacbing la achool and chunch de- signed ta reveal the hollowness of rnay boarY traditions. Its wock was now abo'ut complete, through scientific analysis and often heant.. less criticism the superstructure had fallea, nothiag was exempt, and eun business naw la ta build again with positive and constructive truth. That la net spend time saying what we da not believe and what the script.. unes do net mean but in ernphasing Jubi*lee Sale Continues UNTIL Saturday Night, Sept. 25 with the GREATEST BARGAINS C oats, Dresses, Hosiery, Gloves, Underwear and Dry Goods Ever offered to the people of Bowmanville. 1 SOLINA jvisitors: Mr. Paul Williamrs, Coe- sarea, Mrs. Emerson, Port Perry, at Councillor S. Williaims'; Mr. and Mrs Elsworth Parish and daughter Ula, son Morley, Greenbank, Mr. and Mrs Wibert Glaspeli and eidren, Ux- bridge. at Mr. Harvey Hardy's; Mr. and Mrs. Henry Hogarth, Oshawa, with Miss Mary Hogarth and Mrs. R Pascoe; Mr. and Mr3;. S. Bush, Mr. Cecil Bush, Mr. and Mrs. B. Hunt wjth Mrs. R. J. Baldwin. Toronto; Mrs. T. Pascoe, Miss Margaret Pas- coe, Mrs. L. T. Pasc.-c and Miss Mar- jorie, Hampton. at Reeve T. Baker's; Miss Isobel White. 13owrnanville, at Mrs. John Reynolds; Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Webber and Miss Gertie, Col- umbus, at Mr. H. E. Tink's; Miss Myrtie Vice spent the weekend at Mr. George Gibson's, Oshawa; Miss Ada Pascoe, Toronto, is spending a week's holidays at home; Mrs. S. E Werry, Mrs. S. Thompson at Mr. Jack Shortt's, Courtice; Mr. Hilton Tink at 'Mr. George Gibson's, O>sh- awa; Raly Day will be cbserved by Eldad S. S. next Sunday at 2:30 p. M. Let there be a grand Rally. Everybody învited. Corne and bring a frîend with you.. Pleased to report that Mr. A. J. Reynolds is progress- ing favourably in Bowmianville Hos- pital. .Messrs. H. E. Tink and sons, T. Baker and J. Baker were success- fui live stock exhibitors at Oshawa Fair.. Miss vera Baker' took in the ain. ... Miss Vera Baker took in the Gravenhurst-Muskoka trip witb a party £rom Taunton Oshawa and Bowmanville and had a very enjoy. able weekend .... Miss Laura Hands, Scarboro Junction, is visiting Miss Edna Reynolds. positive and everlastiag tnuth. The truth bere is the necessity of neyer- ence if we would know God and His tnuth. The great ane neyer scoif- ens.. Rallv services next Sunday. Sunday Shool in the morning and Young People's Rally in tbs even- in. ... . Mn. J. A. Werry is the cir- cuit's delegate ta meeting of Pres- byteny in Oshawa .... Rev. W. H. Woodswortb, a rnissionary, of Japan, is ta be bere on Octoben 24t .. Miss Lavenne Onchard, Town, was home aven the weekend.. Mn. Frank C. Onchard and Miss Velmia visited friends at Coesarea and Little Brit- ain. Auct ion Sale Having sold bis fas-m JAS. R. FOWLER Lot 11, Con. 4, Darlington 'wil] sell by public auction FRIDAY, OCTOBER lat The following Stock, Feed and Im- plemeals: HORSES-Bay Horse. 8 years; Bay Ilorse. Syears; Bay Horse. 10) years; Bay Mire Colt, 3 years: Black Colt, 3 y esrs. HOGS-5 Yorkshire 50w., (lue to far- row. I Yorkshire sows xwith young pigs: 19 store hogs; 1-. st.oats, 19 Young pigs; i boar IMPLEMENTS 6,-ct P.iner; 2 5-rt. MOwers: I-torse Rake: Massev-Harris Cuitivator. Two-furrow Rlding Plow, P,.rrin; Single Plow: Two-furrow Pl ow, V.-rity: Land Rollers; 2 Scuttiers,; Set of Iron 1-tarrows. 4 sections; Corn Cuiti- x'ator; Spring Wagon: fl)erocrat: 3 Open Buggies: Set of Trucks: Show Buggy, bîke hel.Se t of Bobsleighis: Enaton Cuthox: Peter H-anilîton Cutbox 12"1, n Gas Engine 1.1,jH. P.; Disc H-ar- row. ('reim separator: 2 Pump Jacks: Lot or Plow R. pairs. Points and] Shops, Lot of ne'w Farm Gates. 12-13-14 ft. t,-nzth:"t-ct. F.xtensionn ild'-r; 19 fi. Ladder; Ffird Truck: Ford Touring Car. FEED-Ahout 25 tons of Hay : about -7- loads of Straw . ,%bout 800 bushels of grain. HARNESS-.1 set.q heavy hairnes:set dotuble triving harn. ss, 2 sets single ,Iriving harnesq. TERMS OF SALE-Ha1y, Straw, Grain a nd Ilogrs and] ail other amnoîlts lmer $20, cash; over that amnount 12 rnonths' creulît on approve.] notes bearing inter- est at 7 per cent ainffh!. Sale at 1 o'clock William Challis and James Fowler, Chas. H. Mason, Auctioneers. Clenk. Bowmanville EBENEZER Hot Chicken Pie at Ebenezer on Wednesday, September 29th ,s erv - ed at 5 p. ma., foliowed by a' good concert by Gertrude Hood of Port Perry, eiocutionist; musical numbers by Misses Aima Gourtice and Elsie Crago and Messrs. Cyril Weyrich, Hubert Osborne and Master George Werry and other local talent. Admis- sion: Supper and concert 60c; con- cert only 35c; children 25c. Wonderful Overcoat Values FOR FALL AND W1NTER 150 new overcoats, ini ail shades and new pat- terns. In this Fall's clever siyles, English and Scotch Tweeds and Worsteds, the snappiest styles and best, values we have ever had to off er to men who care. Values from $15.00 to $35.00 SPECIALS FOR THURSDAY, FRIDAY, SATURDAY Heavy Ail Wool Sweater Coats and Pullovers Jurnbo Knit, a11 shades, values up to $5.50, $4.79 Each Men's Work Shirts i 109 Heavy Tweed Cotton Work Shirts, sait and pepper patternis, in shades of Khaki and Tan, worth $1.50 at 98c Each Boys' Navy Blue Suits With 2 Pr Bloomer Pants values up to, $12.50, On Sale $8.50 Each Boys' School Suits Fancy Tweeds and Worsteds, values up ta $11.50 and $12.00 On Sale For Only $7.69 Men's Work Sweater Coats $1.89 This is a special buy we made in a good heavy Union Sweater Coat for work. Thursday, Fni- day and Saturday at only $1ý.89 Each Young Men's Navy Blue Suits at $22.50 This is a splendid uine for young men with the popular make and double breasted -style, in Her- ringbone effects, aiso diaxnond patterns. Don't miss this Doppr- tunity to get a real suit. Al sizes at only $22.50 Each Men's Suits at $14.95 A line of Fancy Tweeds and Worsteds, odd sizes, beautiful shades and guaranteed cloths, suits that were up bo $25.00, at one Big Bargain, Special Thurs- day, Friday and Saturday, $14.95 Each Men's Plain Grey Wor- sted Suits At A Special Price of $19.95 A splendid Wool Suit in a good dark grey shade worsted. Very hard finish. Going on Sale Thursday ,,a.ini. $19.95 Each Men's Light Weight Top Coats for Faîl wear. Any coat in the istore at a discount of 20% off regular prices ta dlean. Stores-Orono and Newcastle Phone 10 4 Pony Votes Given With Every Purchase T. B. Gilchrist Directly Opposite Montreal Bank Every Article Guaranteed to giver Best Satisfaction lit I k. Standardine $7 5tube Radio t7 Coast ta Coast-No 1dleBoast o. X. ENGINEERING AND SALES CO. LIMITED 20 BLOOR ST. W., ---0Oý 38-12 I 1l~xVi~nu~q4Ie finu~~q4ade 80. ~ q&9~ck~e2ea. National Sani-BiltWeek September l8th to,25th See This Special Suite with End Table Free Shown in our Window - NOW - Regular $250.00 Suite For $ 1990OO tfitsept. 25th Ail orders taken before this date will be filled at this price. See this suite, place your order now and save money. F. F. Morris Co. THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVILLE THURSDAY, SEPT. 23rd., 1926. PAGE 4