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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 23 Sep 1926, p. 5

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Wau.d WANTEO-A smart capable girl. for lght bousework ln small modern home ln Toronto, 2 Roseinount Ave., Hillerest 3301 38-1 CUT THIS OUT FOR LUOK-Send brth date and 10o for wonderful boro- "oope of your entire Ilie Prof. Raphael, 94 Grand Central Station, New York. 31-96 Week-End SPECIALS Winter Dresses Flannel and Ottoman Cloth Assorted Styles and Colora Regular Value $8.0W to $12.50 $4.95 TO $6.95 E. R. Curtin We SeIl For Les Bowmanville Oshawa Whitbyl GOIN, Paint TI Fail is considered tl year to paint. We arE indlucement for you to1 paint, ail colors, at 69e1 We refuse to even underprice us in paint. SAVE THE SURFACE Dustan's PHONE 74 Fait Suits ai ALL READY FOR overcoats and Suit&s.. Faîl Overcoats ........ Boys' 2-Bloomer Suits . Men's Felt 'Hat&s....... Men's Caps ......... ... Corne to the. stoî Sole Agency for 2Otli S GCE Phone 2E 1idoor wst of :6 rHE CANADIAN STATE8MAN, BOWMAN VILLE, THURSDAY, SEPT. 23rd., 1926. LOCAL AND OTHERWISE LOCAL AND OTHERWISE j BRIGHT YOUNG LIVE CLOSED BIRTHS _______ _______.IMcLEAN-At Oshawa Hospital, Sept. Blackstock Faim le on Sept. 28-29. Mr. and Mrs. S. H. French, Newl Alan Cordon Gae, Toronto 1 lt, 1926, ta Mm. and Mrs. Frank< Me- hi Mrs. John Hazmlyn la visiting Toronto, spent the 'seekend wth fLean, Whitby, a daughter. friends in Kingston. relatives.j One of Bowmianville's bright i DUN OAS-On August 24th, 1926, at- Miss Elsie M. Bragg, Toronto, Rev. S. J. Alun, Toronto, has beenl young men passed to rest at Weston iPart Hope, to Mr. and Mrs. Bertram spet te weked a hine viitig hs sstrsMrs Ana E-1Sanitarium. on Tedy September' Dundas (nee Joannah Parsons) a son.w ispt He 0.Ekd at hame. lier 4, ngtbisa lintergMrs.neAnnaxEIH TONKIN-.-OflAliguet 25, 1926, at Duni- vi MsH.OBukavstngbrford and Mms. Kate Wight. ~ ,atralneigiîesetn- das Hospital, ta Mr. and Mrs. Harold H.- Hughes, ng over a pemlod of nîne years, AI-1 Tonkin, of Hamilton, a (Ev- sister, IAdv uhe' at Lindsay. Caming ta Simcoe St. United' an Gardon Ga le, second son -of Mrv. elyn Jennlngs).S - Churcb, Oshawa, Monday, S Miss Jane Mason is vlsiting with 18th., Royal Welch Ladies October and Mrs. James Gale, T oronto, ________________ ki reltivs i OtawasudMourea.3Coir formemly of Bowrnanville, in his 29th r Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Hall, Toronto, 16hBtainr-na year. MARRIAGES are oliayig wth elaive hee. wll e a bed a th diner Gordon was born lunffiis town and PASCO E-STAN LEY-At the Parson- Remenber the date of St. And- l ecslo retlbt attended public anld high sch.,oos age, Pickering, Sept. 8th, 1926, by Rev. mvs aaaDeebe 0. 3-2 er 2Necasle. o Saturday, Septem- here, proving a bright student, as A. .. Sanderson, Susie, youngeet daugh-- re,%'s azaa, Dcemer 1. 3 . 21 br 2th.his first year in the Arts Course at ter af Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Stanley, and Mr. Jmes llawy reentl is-Edward Pasooe, son of Mr. and Mrs.r Mr Jme Alaayreenly"1- Miss Lename Quick, daugbter of the University proved. He was in- Oliver Pascoe, ail of Pickering. F îted M. and Mrs. J. H. Beal, Clave- Mr. and Mrs. William Quick left on terested in ail the local sparts such ti moant. Thursday to enter Wellesley HOsPi- as basebaîl, 'hockey, etc., but his Miss Bernice Allin and Miss Mabel tal, Toronto, as nuuse-in-training. healtlh failed and bis career wa.s cutF Dowson are attending Normal Scbcvol Bowmanville Wamcn's Insiitute short. But dtring his long illnes he DEATHSM in Peterbora. will ineet at the home of Mrs. J. H. was neyver hldard to canplain and West Durham Teachers' Conven- Morris, Beeeh Ave., on Friday, Sep- during the last few months bis INGRAM-ln Oshawa, Sept. 20, Noble ttitnstiength might beIngram. in his 57th year. Intemmed at tinwl ehl tBowmanville, tember 24th. Al members attend. prayer was tPtsrnthmgtb enelon Falls. October 7 and . Mr. and Mrs. W. I. Colwell r.nd given hlm ta bear ail that wa.a de- CLARKE-At Part Hope on Thursday. Mm. and Mrs. W. P. Corbett bave daughtem, Uriel, Mr. and Mrs. E. nianded af him. September 16, 1926, Jane Goudy. belovedb returned from a motor trip ta Ot- Saakel, Mr. and Mr2. G. Armstrong The body was brought here for wlfe of George Clarke, In hem 73rd year. a taw an Motrel. nd bilme, Trono, pen Sudayburaltheinnralserice takng SCOTT-At Port Hope on Sunday, tawa ad Monreal.and cildre, Tornto, pent und brial he fueSept.rvi9.ta1926,ep.W1lli92mW Hllim yHe cyoStotbe- D. and Mrs. J. S. Somers, Tor- witb Mms. M. Colwell, Carlisle Ave, place ln Tinity United Chumch, an îoved husband of Sarah Morton, In hie onto, were weekend guesta of M. The teacbing staff af Bowmanville, Thursday afternoporn. Rev. J. U. 69th yeam. andMr. ho. acso. ubicScoos er ges f r.Robins the atrwsasiedb TUDOR-In Bowmanville. on Sunday, and ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~ v Mm.To.Wa.o.PulcShol Wegussa.M. is altolas asshisted bySept. i9th. 1926, Richard Ernest, eldeet Miss Gladys Bateman and Miss and Mrs. J. W. Miller at their sunî- e.W .Walc ite Unite son of Mr. and Mr@. Richard Tudor, Iu Grace Caverly are attending Bus- mer home at Port Bowmanville on Church, Mount Dennis.' who is aLso hie 18th year. iesClg in Toronto. Monday eveniug when a very en-I chaplain ai Weston Sanitariunl and WILLIAMSON-At hie laie resîdence, mess oeg joabl carmoat ws bld.w1h,o ivequeutly visite'd hlm there. 68 Pleasant Boulevard, Toronto, on Sun- M. D. Coleman Warnica lef t jybecr os a e Rev. M. Wallace gave the addres day niorning, Sept. l9th. 1926, Rev. Dr. Tuesday for Detmoit, Micb., with a The Conipanions of the Forest will spaigfo h od Ie Sot. S. Williamson, Ini hie 55th yeam. viw o oatngii heMto Ct. o-dthiranul izar nThs paig ro th wr"etnt COLLACOTT-Sudd&nly in Tomanto vie t lcatni i th Mto Civ.hdyaternnual ozsam <,hi te!ursaur heart be troubled", paying a General Hospital, on Saturday, Septem- Mms. Julia Ferguson, St. Cathar- A OeFaHlltAsae f tribute ta deceased wbom ber 19, of Angina pectoris, John Collacott iewas guest of bier cousins, Rev. A.0 .Hl.Asl .fuelan ' hie had alway4 found cheerfu d aged 67 years, son of the late Robert and Mms. C. C. Washington, on Mon- ! brigbt, interested lu good eading BENNETT-At hie esidence, Manitou, day. ahd. can dy iernoon e 38-2be and ready for whatever the future Man., on Fiday, September 10, 1926, Miss Iys Everson, Oshawa, leit' evd ;rbdywloe 82 held for bi.m. He closed his ad- Albert Williami Bennett, aged 46 yeams, Mr. and Mms. Goldwin Andeieon, dress by quating Teunysonr "Cross- 3 monthe. Eother.of the late James last week f-or*New York City wheme lMr.Poe eutyad MosigteBr wihwsafvrt entBwavl shte wll attend Columbia iUniver- .PowrMMri-ad MJ n h a"wihwsafvrt ADAMS-on Saturday, Sept. 18, 1926, sity.t Lucy McMurtry, Detroit, Mich.,i poem of Alan's. at 193 Dowlîng Avenue (Dowling Apart- Misseshome over the weekend ta celeat The bearers were Mesars. C. B. mente>, Toronto, Reverend Charles I Adams, dearly beloved husband of A- Misse MararetMcGmgomGmac brae on Satumday the Twenty-fiftb1i Kent, H. J. Knight, C. A. Jobustan,, berta M, Cobbledick, In he6n em Bmag nd daWeberar ateîd-wedding auniversary ai their par-1 Harold Earl, W. T. Allen and D. C. TAYLOR-At the home of hie son-in- iug Faculty of Education lu Tom- enta, Mm. and Mrs. W. Blake Mc- Warr.îca. Iaw, George Tmlpp, lot 32, con 3, Whitby onto. Murtmy.I Tp., September 15th, 1926. Henry Taylor, Mv. G. F. Liddle bas been ap- ih ae favetsrgl h Duing the service Mr. R. M. Mit In hie 80th yeam. Interment at Pine poi'te oganatandchor astr Tt oesrofas advbusin-g intter hell sang feelingly "Lead Kindly Grave Cemetery, Prince Albert. pofiie CamrieSt. an ited again a esmnastratbied ta the er ,, ;s Light", one ai deceased's favorite VOGT--On Frlday, Sept. 17, 1926, at o Cabig StUntd Cburch, ginhymne, Mme. (Rev.)tJ. U. Robins Wellesley Hospital, Toronto, Dm. A. S. Lindsy. iymns Mrs (Re) J.U.Vogt.s Mus. Bac. LL. D., Principal of the Lida.who announced special sales in this, accampanyiug hilm on the organ. Consevatory o! Music 'and Dean of the M. and Mms. A. W. Pickamd sud great family journal last week. Each Thealswr li oreat l FCulyof..l fth nies1y Mr. . C Frguanareonmercbaut expressed himself as beiug the fam plot iu Bowmanille Toronto. a uotam trip ta Windsor, Detroit and highly pleased with the resulta. Cust- Cemete Kingsville. amers must also bave been satisfiedi eie i aetlelae w Mrs. H. M. Paterson, Thalinillo, with values given judging imom the Bsdsbsprns elae w Mexico, who bas speut the summem liberal purchases tbey made. 1 brotihers Fred J. Gale, Toronto. sud N EMRA inEuo e visiting liem sîster, Miss Mis1an Hzeod Rose C. Gale ai Detroit, and three I EMRA lus Europeazewod yeungesti sisters, Mrs. H. H. EsmI, (Edna),jl ever loving mernory of our dear Faitbairu. o daugter of D. aud Mms. B. J. Torauto; Mms N. S. Ha.ufaird, bro.ther, Russell Demil, ho die et The Ladies' Auxiliary o tAd Hazlewaod, bas beeu invited and ac- (Newby), Calgary, Alta.; and Mrs 26, 1925 il e et ew 's Cbuvch will bold a an cepted the invitation ta iain the Harry (Leila), Detroit, the We loved hlm, yes, we loved hlm Friday, December 10, lu tbe Sunday staff of the Hambouarg Couservatory firat five meutianed beiug present at But Jesus loved hlm mare, School Room. 38-2 ai Music, Toronto. Misa Hazle- the fanerai sud Mrs. Rosa Gale aud And He bas gently called him Mms. S. Bath, Messrs. Lame sund wood's many friends were delighted Mr. BarI. A uumbev ai relatives T tne hiîgsoe Allan Bath, Mr. sud Mns. Bryant and proud to bear hiem lu a classical sud old frieuds also attended the Sleep an dear brother sud y , ~ , .frou srvics îom te twu.And take thy rest, d ay riend, Pickering were program presented bý, artists rmsrie ao h on They mies thee most guests at the. home of Mr. W. j. the above institution over the Tor- Tefoa rbtsrmfind Who loved thee best. Bragg, M. P. P.. on Sunday. auto Star broadcasting station CFCAinTefoa trbesro ired Sadly miased by Sisters and Brother. A Birtbday Party will be beld at a Tusdy anigsd ather places weve very beautiful, St. Andvew's Church on Friday, expressive ai sympatbhy fmom many September 24th at 8 p. in. Program red an rltis. Anw> and reýresments. Every.body wel- * OBITUARY pfninatsufd lat ers Aand dur-Articles For Sale came. Admission 25c. îug bis long peiod ai ilînes be was FOR SALE-Pure brefi Jersey cow aud Mm ~re i Smoto, John Wood, Prescott seldom without some beautiful flow- caîf. Apply C. W. Sauch. Hampton, Mr adle Allin doto, Jh Wood, aged 68, one oi Pres- ers or other tokens fromt kind and phone 382-21. 36-tf Alta., wbo ýhas been enjayîng a cott'a moat prominent aud bigbly tboughtfuli riends.FO SAEube Stl ag, u couple oi montbs witb bis aunt. Miss esteemed residents, was iound deadFO AE-uecStlRagi Anuie Ali, sud other relatives and atbshm nFia p 7hC~ 0 HNSgood condition, also congoleumn rug 6 x iriends beme, eturned home last a oeo rdy ep.1t.CR FTAK 9 Apply 10 W. F. Quick, Beech Ave., week. The late M. Wood bad been lu fail- ______ owmanville. phone 257W. _ _ 38-tf ing bealth for sonie tîme and only M. and Mrs. James Gale sud fim- -FOR SALE-Two rubber tire Demo- Mr. C. Hughan, Lindsay, an- I recentlv returned f rom the Brock- l'y desire ta tbank their many crate, ingle set democrat harnese, plow noucesthe enggemnt i bsiville Hospital, wbere bie had been e- ivieuda lu Torouto, Bowmanville san oitw ed e ngnea Apply to noncs heegaemnt-D ivingicsto re.Bo en vlle uy&lvl lahey M Prtin Edith, ta M.aSan- civngtreatments. rHe wae uomn, elsewhere for tne many toacu fstRcrd Greeanîs vile. 37-3Lvel leyMarinPalirey o Chicago, te at Lord's Milis, South Augusta, andi kinduesa and sympatby neceived dur- mamiage te take place on Mouday, bad resided lu this district ail hiat ing their bereavement sud for ail the FOR SALE-Late 1925 model Chevro- 27th hi. B wa wielyknon iglis a flwer, ec.,recive bylet Superlor touring car, duco finish, September 27h ie ewswdl nw n gj - ffoes t. eevdb fully equipped and lu first closs running Mr. sud Mrs. W. M. Graham and fraternai circles aud a meniber ai their son duing bis long illuess. order. Apply0 L. S. Dumas, Ontario St., sons Dean and Jim, Lindsay, bave Central Ladge No. 110 A. F. sud A.. _______ P 0 ox38. 36t been visiting lier sistem, Mrs. J..Ham-, MndoaiAmity LdeN.8 ... AI O AEDfr.-r.e ilton Bateman. le also called a io L.O.L. No. 150. Iu religion -uerfelu paestha on their old friends, Rev. sud Mrs. be was a Presbytemian. Surviving 1 phones, starage battery. ail complets, I . . obnsatTinity ParsonageI are bis widow, one daugbter, Mrs.! VETERAN MINISTER PASSES iln «Ood worklng arder; sell less than Sidney G. Chartran ai Bowmauville B liai! oinl pie. Ca.W Jm _____________________ and one sou, George, ai Detroit:!Rv r.J .WiIa~ Toronuto BWavil..3-t IMich. Mr. sud Mrs. S. G. Chant-I i HONEY FOR SALE-Pure Claver ________________________- rau attended the funeral ou Sunday.1 In the pasîug Sunday memning Honey in 5 and 10 lb. pale. Larger con- ôi Rv. r. . S Wiiamon, 681tainere at special price. Amber honey in A. e.Dr . .Wiiino , 68the near future. Your container fllled [ TODr. A . otTrot Pleasaut Boulevard, after two yeam..a sre. R. J. Sniîh, King Si. E., 4G T Dr.Augustue S. Vogt, founder ai illneas, one ci the veteran ministers Bowmanville, first door nest Pasteurized Torouto's famous Mendelssohn choiri the United Church ai Canada bas Milk Plant. 3- sud one ai Canada's leading muai- passed to bis reward. Dr. William- FOR SALE-Dominion Planas of -&Il u s F il ?clans passed away Fiday, Septem- sou had a vemy remarkaible record kIndoi .old on payments .pread ove: two iies a ll ?ber l7tb., aiter a very brief illiness. as s minîster. Before union of tbe yeare. Steinway, Heintzman and Gem- Dr. Vogt had beeu sufering fromt Methodist Churches lu 1884 bie be- ' part payment on Domnian pias willl angiua pectovia for the past two. longed to the Methodiat Episcopal be cleared at bargaîn prices and on easy years. He retaiued conacilouaneas to Church, lu wbiob for several years, terra. F J. itchell. Dlstributor. Bow- he es tie n te hol Ithe end aud passed peacefully away lie was presidiug eIder. Followi gm"ville. he bes timein thewhole in the circle ai is iamily at Welles- this union hie was a chairman ou i FOR SALE-Twelve Yearling Ancona -e offering a very special ley Hospital. eigbt districts, seciètary sud presi- hens, still laying, Sheppard straiâ and He had gone ta, Loudon Beach, dent ai the then Niagara Couier-lone Qiensufn C<er fom wCe P n- olne book cs, wmlKngdsks paint now,. by off ering Caliiornia, aset December, but e- enc:, member of every general co1 n-Citp;blo r obokced, made by Uper tumnd aterfourmouha nd m- eannnatin, hireen u aî. e w Canada F'urnlture Ca.. nice plece o! sided aV the Alexaudra apartulents ernuto, hren nal funiture for large oom Apply John untîl Wednesday marning. Since a5 very prominent sud active înebev Perey, Bowmanville, phone 220. .38-2' bis retunuta Toronto hee bas attend-i Of the missionary, superauuuationi ed to bis duties as principal ai the ansd siecial committees ai the gen- ~uartwif e, Miss Georgie McGilI, daugbt2r aggressive leader iu thbe cause of let~o the al rerhusseGeoe McGil, for manyý temperauce sud moral reform. He let he ailorde hoses yeas maage oftheOntario Bauk, assisted in the dedication sud ve-op- Bowmauville, died lu Novemnber, eniug oai over 100 churches, sud for 1922. He la sumvived by bis gou,-hem raiaed hundreda ai thousande Dr, George M. Vogt, aîndea olrs t la hma et AND YOU SAVE ALL Mass., and bis daugbter, wiie ai D. He also waa distinguisbed as s Patrick Har3y. He bas a brother,l lectumer, one ai the favorie lectur- O scar, living lun Elmira,'Ont., %vherel es being "Fox Huntiug", whlch bhe, HOUSE FOR SALE-6 roomed bunga- mnsesto at nemu a low, on corner cf Ontario and Queen mnsesto at nemn a Ste., Bowmanvllle, bamdwood fioors, 3 made lu Hamilton. &1~~DA~jlece bath, grate, gaod garden. Bargain Deceased wae son ai Mr. Zinnias IL"ARTAN for cash. Appîs' Wm. Brock, 383w Wi., rso, ineer fariner ai North Bowanvlle -Darliugton, e homestead beiug l1- FBelIl TeI."hone I4OUSES FOR SALE-Tbree brick cated lu the esection then rruown bouses, 6 rooms each, electrie light,asEtSetmeno'niS.. Bowmanville ~ aterworks, toilet sud bath, imaîl gar-asEs etmnnovUi,&S. ' resCas-ut, Bowmanville dens. bouses lu good shape, new qaf, No. 17, Darliugtou. He was eua-W mrsC asS i on Brown St., between King sud Qusen. ed at thilS se ool aua lu Bnooklin Terme ta suit purchasers. Apply on wheme the fml ie ie ips premises, J. Davibon, owuer. Bowmau- fml ie ie lpe ville. 37-2*1 mg of the Damlngton iarmi. PAGE riva Lost or Found CLUB BAG FOUNO-On Government ighway. For partlculars apply to The Statesman Office, Bowmanville. 37-3 FOUNO-Ladies' Choker on the hlgh- way between Newcastle and Bowmn- ville. Apply to 482, Bowmanvllle. 37-tf MON Ev LOST-In Bowinanvýllk, on Sunday, Sept. 5, sum of rnoney. Fînder kindly return to States.-nan Office. Re'- ward. S7tf MON Ev LOST-On Wednesday even- ing. Sept. 15, on King St. or East Ward, Bowmanville. seventeen dollars in bills. Rewardl at tliis office. 38-1w* LOST-A pair of glasses, tortoine shell rime, attached on a long gold chain. Flnder wlll be rewamded on returning hem ta Newcastle Poet Office. 36-tf WATCH LOST-In Bowmanville on Frday evenlng, September 17, a gold wrlat watch. Reward for return to ,frs. J. E. Anderson, 22 Liberty St., Bowmanville, 38-tf WATCH LOST-Ladles' wrlst watch on Wcdnesday evenlng, September 15, between W. H-. Thlckson's, King St., and the Royal Theatre. Finder will be rewarded on returnlng to W. H-. Thlck- son, Bowmanvllle. 38-1w Boarders Wanted. Accommodation for Normal student& and business girls at Y. W. C . A., Pet- erborough, Ont. Room and board $650 to $6.75 per week. Apply House Super- Intendent, E. Morrlaon, Supt. 37-3w* To Let FLATS TO RENT-Two flats to, rent ln eaut part of Horney Block, Bowinanvllle. Âpply W. W. Horney, 238 Mary St., Osh- awa. 36-3w* TO RENT-Cowan Block aimont ready for occupancy. Stores and ApartmentU steam heated, hardwood floors, fully modemn, electric stoves ln each apart- ment. For full particulars appiy to J. J. Magan & Son, Phone 50, Bowmianvlle 24-tf FARM TO RENT-Convenlently locat- ed on main road, close to centre of Osh- awa. Excellent soil, good buildings, running water. Immediate possession to plough and full possession thls fail If deslred. For particulars3 apply ta own- er, G. D. Conant, Barrister, etc., Osh- awa, Ont. 37-tf. Wear Ives' School Shoes Just now Ives' School Shous sould be wbat you are talklng af sud buylug. ýA spIeiýdid assortment awaita your choosing sud it costa you nothiug ta laok theim aver. Good Sturdy School Shoes for Boys at $3.00 and $4.50 pair GROWING GIRLS' SHOES Oxford sud strap styles, lu lvw heelsansd medium round toes at ......................................*$4J50 Pair Sevemal lines at clearing prices., regulax $6.75 aud $7.50 values at .....................................*.00 Pair MISSES' AND CHILDREN'S SHOES Black Boots sud Brown Boots, lu goad atrong calf leather at..........................................4.00 Pair Patent Leather Slippers at ........3.00, $3.50, $3.75 Pair BARGAINS IN MEN'S FOOTWEAR 24 pairs Men's Oxfords, lu Black or Browu Sida Cali Leather, witb rabbem beels ....................SPECIAL $3.95 Pair 15 pairm Men'e Oxfordsi Black or Browu leather, aizes lu this lot ave broken................... SPECIAL $4.50 Pair 24 pairs Me's plain os brovu boots, good strang aide ealf leather, with oomy tees .............. SPECIAL $4.50 Pair ASK FOR PONY VOTE COUPONS IVES' SHOE STORE Footwear and Travelling Goods Bowmanville More Women Than Ever Can Afford Clarence S. Mason Coats With the New Fail '26 Prices More styles, smarter styles, a greater f abrie fur and :color selection, new prices you can easily afford, these are the important features of Clarence S. Mason Women's Coats for fali. Spedetist in 1VomenPit#grd Exclusive but flot Expensive s- Dresses -Hosi eryj - Gloves - Underwear-Etc. -t-,~- M7 MI, 7 7.7. ne tit zqd;leu&

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