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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 30 Sep 1926, p. 6

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PAGE SIX 'PHE CANADIAN STATESMAN, EOWMANVILLE, THURSDAY. SEPT. 3Oth., 1926 OFKeeps teeth dlean, breath sweet, appetite keen and destion good. ~~0, evea *A,SURE,,SAFE AND SIMPLE GieD RiLTHÉair PIay Why NS F MdAieNODto give IUT O TAbLtS BE rernd s enr Ns fHeAD AJ. A irMOR d squa BEoFOpeuNd. eorkpt As.Trh AàHEpîI .N.REDFORisn o T H I MOHER WILLN WELLT RiletordHe agr'la True orto, Ontafairyangsute taer l6ao an as bn ournvhd k t th rth f h a b b e e or -ei =, t~orythemn f eholthe e'n' sacifieaer p rt o f gottnt f pre ids of icin yte, tub]te nd ko but5c no eleor ,,,r -a' tLakebisn L&diC. Mn. Park P kharn' Vege.L PkkhW Vegtable Compound whe Iwa rn-owna ad t at ight6 helpaherat s tienm. Sh evbi gxned eversince hebea taix it.Sheattndsseolver od anw and oesskatngandd o eer n of-door sports.oI rchoedthe an~~tid nevosani ek.-rs.PRKS 106 Bond Street, ofa ntajo Lydia E.Pinkhn's Vege. Comoud a adeenable medo'n forh young wornen'ts toube. h go alndee b rugincts evberywhere. anCoe k'Rgating dompthrout- of-dor porsi1 . Sold la thede and nervo s etrt-O.IAM, 106Bon SrepaToon ritoOari. Comoud i area m le Addries fo ug wOmn'strNToubleWodo Fo e ac grsterhe wholG n Veins. Used fg or Npou lJl yMn tal ad in nr yde t>~sondecv. ois of EetregPll itaion 1 <s! Ihe Heari, o- 2. 83; Neor> . r, 85pe box. for ~ ~ ~ I 15ýSIdhu ildugils orumained iorplain pkg. ~ ~ epi on reecipî of pnc.Nm apltmie» ~ee.Ug W T E O EICINE O.. -ammumom Onx-mûee. visitet tiseir citox-s Mrs. J. S. Black and Mcc. Geo. Fliggj ut Peterboro, Miss Dowson romain-1 inz te take touchers' training ut Nor- mal Scisool in that city. TheY aIse called on brother Mr-. W. J. Lytle wiso with his wife and daugiter arel spending a few <aya with Mrs. Ly-i tîe's motiser, Mrs. James MeGill. Wormns are encouraged hy morbid conditions- of the stomuacisand how- els, anti ce cubsist. Miller's Worm Pouwdorc; wiIl alter tise conditions almost immediately and wîll -weep tise worms away. No destructive parasite cun iive in contact witb this medicine, wisicis is net nly a worm destroyer, but a health-gving medi- cine most beneficial te tise youngj consiitution.i ORONO SOUTH CLARKE SCHOOL FAIR (Frein The News of Sept. 23rd) Hel ait Newcastle, &eptember llth Mr. John Hudson is recovering Lit of Prize Winners from tonsolitis and grippe. Wheat, Marquis. i ct.-Jack Hoimes. Fly-Tox your dog and relieve him Wheat. NMar(iuis, sheaf-Jack Holmes. from tise discomfort of flou s. Fred Couch. Oats, O. A. C. No. 72, 1 qt.-Aibert Miss Kathleen Staples has resumed Pearce. Floyd Powell. Harry Buriey, teaching ut Port Hope scisool. Jack Kimbali. 0.t, A. C., No. 72, sheaf-Fioyd Biey. Geo Mason, B. A., took tise Po'vel'. Jack Kimbali. service Sunday at Centre-st. Church. K1a-r- ..A. C., No. 21, sheaf-Jared Mn. Percy Lunu wiso xas taken Ensilage Corn-wlnnifred Lancaster. suddeniv iiil with appondicitis is Sweet Corn-Bobby Hughes. Chrissie mucis better. Lockhart, Jack Reid, Buby Shaw, Chas.1 Alldread.r Tisere is ne poisonous ingredierit Polatoos, Green Mountain-Alfred in Holloway's Corn Remover and it Bnrown, 1-lazel Reid, Arthur Bedwin, Ad- . air Hanccok. Leiand Milison, Bella Wil- can be used wîtisout danger or mn- son. jury. Poatos, rish Cobbir-Isabelle Mx-. Vertle Wilson of tise Canning Cari Farrow, Kathryn Eber, Lily Hughes Fac-ony has taken a job xith tise i Mangels. Giant White Sugar-Anna-t Gex-ral MIotore. helle lHenuiry, John Rickard, Lloyd Clys- claIe. David Lockhart. Mrs. John Henry has neturned Turnip-q, Purpie Top Swede-Myrtlo froin Toronto where she has been Alu13n. underoing reatmnBoots, Detroit Dark Bed-Flou-encer undegein tratmeit.Spencer, Lena Kimbaîl, Edgar Miiison, Mx-. Ren Foster with bis proniising Výila Floiiingsworth, Alieen Graham, youn sadlehore wa amng nelGarnot Casweli. youn sadlehere ws aongtne CarraIs, Chantenay-Jac kGiever, Phy- piize winnens au, Oshawa. llis. Hoiingsworth, Betty Garrod, Eli- Mr. . A Wadell Maage ofza heth Henderson, Irene Brereton, Hu- Mr. . A Wadell Mangerof'bot Anderson. the Standard Bank, will move te the Parsnips, Hoiiow Crown-Bessie Law', Manse on Park Street, which he bus <'inton Farrow, Francis Elliott, Jack leused.Toms. leased.Onions-Leona Burkeil, Marotta Law, Worms feed upon tise vit.ality of Arthur, Lockhart. IAsters-Jossie VanDusen, Jc l ciildren and endanger their lives. A iott, ari BonKahynE Els- simple and effective remedy is Moth- belle Campbell, Buby Nicholis. or Graves' Worm Exterminator. _,Zinnia-Jared Kimbali. Milton Brown, Miis Mar Kno, B.A., as g neta Aluin, Clinturs Farrow, Lewis Clark, MissMaxv KoxB. A, ias eneCharlotte Hughes. te Nortis Bay whene she is on the WAfrican Marlgeid-Biliy Rowland, Jean teaching staff of tise Collogiate In- Wade, Eva Hughes. stitute. Ed, I rredLancaster, Mii-e stitute. ~dîe Ruby ShnablwHendry, GordonE Mn. Pider an sn Hx-yuSaipigossis-Jsck Giover, Maretta spont a couple of days with friends! Law. Alfred Brown, Garnet Casweil.' bore. Harry L travelling salesman Galiardia-Ethel lienderson. Bessie 8 for Silks Limited.. Law. Mn. and rs. E. V Heur EBarred Rock-Biily Rowland, Mr.andMrs E V.Hoa ae pe- l velyn Riekard, John Hendry. Lewis paring te move to BoýwmanvilleI Clark, Dunreath Dudley, Helen Lycett. Pullet, Bsrred Rock-Dunresth Dud. wbîch will be headquarters for theirI loy. Ev..tyn Rickarui, John He nuir, BillY transportation truck R owlant. lolen Lycett, Lewis Clark,-. f Dr Patersn prport onPen, 1 Cockorel, 2 Pulets-Evelyn Bick- TiseDr atro rpry n ard, Dunreath Dudley, Biliy Rowiand i Mill Street was puxchased by Miss Lewis Clar-ke, George Kimbail. ad ILoisSmiltis of Windsor. and net hon Du lens, Barred Bock-George Kimbail, Dnresth Dudley, Jack Eiiott, Tommy father, Mn. John S. Smith, Kendal. Turner, Biiiy Bowland. !Mns. Wilbert Henry and two M1arket Lamb-Jack Eiiiott, Norma El. e eilîdren are visiting friends homo and Spy Appes-Evelyn Blekard, Jean at Stankvilie. Mrs. Henry receutly Riekard, John Rlcksrd, Mary Chaplin, l puxchased a reeidence in Newmarket June Brown, George Kimbail. iSnew Appes-Fred Cowan. IlirryB Mr. J. W. Hutchison of Thorn- Couch. Geoge Graham, Afred Garrod,S bux-y, in cexnpany with Mr. F. V. Evelyn Bickard, Jared Kimbail. withisisTamon Sweets-Eveiyn Bickard. John Parkinson, spent Fnida.y ih biolearSd, Elizabeth Ho-nderson, GeorgeB brether-in-law, Mr. Thos. Patter- Buckley.p son. PmB in-Gor X imb, BillbeL Brow, Gerge raha, GergeBuckiey. Fiy-Tox tenight and sleep in cern-I John Mitchell, Harold Brown fort.I Tomatoes-Ooorge Buckley. Chas. IBrenton, Chas. Alidread, Evelyn Alin. l Mr-. Fred Lerrimun and friend, Mn.i John Hendry.à Pow of tise teuching staff of Essex'l Cabbage-Helen Lycett. s Stret Sisoo, Tront, sent ise Tes Bisuuits-Eileen Graham, Anna- Stret ScoolToroto, pent thebelle liendry, Winnlfred Lancaster. Ruby N weekend uit his fathertsQ, Mn. J. F. Shaw, Ruth liolmes. Marlon Simpson S Lorrinian. Apple Pie-Wnniu-ed Lancaster, Mar- garet Balley. Jessie Geddes. Mary Bu-exe-R Miss Greta Davey left Monday toi ton, Francis Eiott. Ethel Henderson. P attend Normal Scisool at Petex-boro, i Schooi Lunch-Norma Elot Char- otto Hughes, Myrtie AllUn, Annabelle MissEdnaGilry. Nrmalut Tx--Hendry, Ruth liolmes, Mary Brereten. en-o and Miss Kathleen Arden ut Cocoantt acaroon-Wlinnifred Lan- S Norths Bay. î caster, Marion Rinch. Annaboibe Ilend-E Na¶onwideFame-here ry, Ruth liolmes, Norma Eiliott, Olive scarceiy a corner of this greut Do-1 Layer <'ake-Ruby Shaw, Ethel Sbmp- minien where tise monits of Dr. son. Norma Elllott. Jessie VanDusen, IEva layton. Lena Kimbail. Thomas' Eclectrie Oil have net beenl Chocoîste Fudge-Norma Eliiott. RuthE txied and proved. It is eue of thse' Hoimes, Eva Hughes, Buby Shaw, Louise e world'.s meet efficient remedies four Hancock. Marion Simpson.S throt ,lme bck nd nany 1î sh ('bih-Jean Wade, Myrtle AI- sore hotJm ak ad mnil. Olive Jaynés. Francis Ellioti, M)ar-k other ailments arising frein inflanima-i garet Toms. tien. Rubbod on tiese kin its heaî- Darning on Stocklng-Francis Elliott, Ovo Jayneq. Ec ing power is roadily abserbed, and iti Tny Animal-Ruth Holmos. can aIse be taken intornaily. 1 Patchine on nid garment-.AnlnabeleR '.%I. an Mr. Ca Myls mto1eiHlndry, Norma Elliott, Olive Jaynesý Mx-. nd Mr. Ca Myle moto-edl teuh'on At)ron-Winnifreuil Lancastr, frein St. Catherine.e whex-e Mx-. My-. Olive- .aynos. Norma Elliott. Annubebto les is emloyed. an-d sent tie1 ek HPnulrv snie. Odls. py, ûp ~ - O tiu- Towel-Norma Etot.Winni- end with hex- parents, M.dMr.. IrIîl ancasiter, Annabelo EIliendry, Maud g W. J. Walter. Grico. Mr-. Ira Belknap, a one timo oieMillFr ot-di ack. AI-K rei-bort Peau-go, John Honulry, Jack Holmes, n dent of this town, was seized witis aiJack Elliotu-. prlt stroke ut hi.- ho-me i lMilk Stool-George TBuckioy, Billy Row-H paralyti - laruc. Jauck E.llot-. .Arthuur Lockhart, Prince Albert, and is in a vex-y criti- Adlir 1aneock. John Bau-n-s. J cal condition. Ropo tUalter-Jack Olover, Jack FIl-0 hiotu- Arthîur Lockhart. John Hendry, Rally Day services- in Park Street Lloyd ('lysilale. Churcis, Sunday, October 3rd. Rey. 11'rn Wed-Biily Rowland. R Manson Doyle. Field Secretary ùf Leaves, of Forenqt Troes-Jack Olover. P Ba rien Samis. Alix Hendry, George L Religiou-c Education of tise United Bailu-y. Biily Rowland. b Chunch îvill spoak. Noion Wpeod Seodnq-Norma Eiltt, Scietist tel usthatprodcIsBilly Rowland Scietist tei us isaiprodets Working Plan of Pouitry ('nbony Hniise termed "motis-proofers" de net kilI -Pitv Rowland, George Biuekiey. JohnR tise motis larvue that damages the fbonclry, Arthuîr Lockhart. Norma El- J clotis or garment. It merely rend- lintot b Unuon Tlrk-Rillty Rowland. Wbnnitred ex-s tise material distasteful toe tiseLneiter. Arthtur- Iockhart. Jessie Ged- R metis lau-vue. Tisey leave tise treated es. Violett-ob-bnnlng, Rluhy Shaw.> clot an sek utreted niaria. Map of Townghlp-Buiy Row]and, doti an sek utrotoî niteral.W!nnifu-od Lancaster. Arthur L.oekhart, ~ Te kilI moths tiseir eggs and larvae1 Ruuhy Shaw, Jessie- VanDuisen. Char- use Fly-Tox. Got Fly-ToX from 1 lotte Hughes. R your retuiler, always ini bottle wth i h ori El bIne label. 1Mcbfentosh Apples-Mary Chaplin, Joan C Mx-.andMrs.Wil Ce~ledck,6th is ikar,John ikard, Evelyn Rlckau-d, Linoattnded t. ie fuorl of isisJack Holmes, Ruth Holmes. Lin, atened he uneal f hslWealthy Appios-Oeou-ge Buckiey.M brotiser-in-law, Rev. Chas. Adamns ut George Graham, Jack Haro. Gordon Onu-- 1 Tex-nte Rev Mn Adas hs ben uod. Jack Helmes. Ruth Holmes. Toroto. ev.Mr. dam hasbe c King Appes-George Buckiey, David R i poor isealtis fer the pust two yeurs, Lockhart, Evelyn Ricksu-d, Jean Rlckard, but his deatis was due te appoplexy. Mary Chaplin, Garnet Caswel1. S Mx-.undMx-. Cas.Mowt ad ?îr Golden Busset Apples-Sldney Brown, and Mrs. Geo. Joîl moîýored downl Baldwin Apples-Evelyn Rickard, Jeanle from the city fer tise weekend with Itickard, John Rickard, Jack Haro, Ruth s Holmes, Ethel Henderson. Mx-s. Mowut's parents, Mr-. and Mns.i Th,.- Silver 'tuptu w.arcli-(linte ehool %vin- J. E. Richards. Mu-s. Richards wise nlng highest average number of points bas been in peor heultis w-nt bac k per u- pil in ail school fair work, wasH with tisem.1 won by S. S. 1, Port Granby. Messrs. Wm. and C. G. Arnistu-eng I-___________ aztended tise funeral of their cousin, NIrs. George Armnstrong, fornierly M4iss Minnie Elliott of Geneva ut1 Buffalo, N. Y. Deceased in, heri Have you tri Dei £A McLaughlin Buick- King St k£ ed &d - HAMPTON SCHOOL FAIR KEDRON PERSONALS Complete Prize List There's joy at Mr. Fred Rahm's- Wheat, 1 qt.-Ernest Hunt, Eiwoodj it's a boy. Shackelton, Doris Fice, Aldin Hoar. Mis erie W ry Asbun Wheat, Sheaf-Elwood Shackelton, Er- Mis Brce W ry Ahun ne8 t Hunt, Doris Fiee, Aldin Hoar. Tom was home over thse weekend. Westlake. Mr-. and Mrs. J. Sonley, Zion, were Qa ts. 1 qt.--Gordon Brent, George recent guests of Mr. A. LeNris. Werry,' Perey Westiake. Qats, sheaf-George Werry, Gordon Remember Kedron Rally Day Ser- Brent, Perey Westiake. vice on Sunday, October 3rd. Barley, qt.-Ptrank Westiake. Ms Bariey, sheaf-rank Westiake, Mîaur- Ms May Harvey wvas guest of ice Baker, Christa Oisen. Miss Marion Hoskin, Maxwell's. Ensilage Corn-Ted Johns, Harry Win- Miss Hazel Rahm is attending terburn. Continuation Scisool at Brooklin. Sweet Corn-Atistin Barron, Russell iMs eb lnof in Baison, Elleen Balson, Wm. Rundie. Be r-I Mr. andMs ebFlnofZi, nice Rogers. visited Mr. and Mrs. George Armour. Potatoes, Green Mountain-Bert Fost- Miss Florence Luke was guest of er, Henry Stainton, Doris Cryderman St uart Hogarth, Fiorence Burns, Luthe; Mrs. W. J. Luke, Westinount, Osh- Pascoe. awa. Portoes. Irish Coblblur L.orne Foster, Three Eiders were ordained at Charlie Foster, Margaret Bates, Byron Nosbltt. Jackson Wray, Vera Shackei- Kedron United Church on Sunday, ton. Septeimber 26th. Miangels-Heien Knox, Ernest Horn, Mrs. Win. Hepburn visited .o'w- Audrey Ayre, Evelyn Tink, Arthur Card-mavlefeds nWeedyan inai. avlefinso ensa ad Turnips--Lloyd Hoar, Katie Jîones, attended the Fair. Russeill aker. Mr. and Mrs. Win. Mountjoy, of Beets-Mabei Flintoif. Ruby Parker, Clmuwr usso r n Mary Neilson, Thos. Oisen, Kenneth Cm busoy epb u. ofM. n Rundie, Muriel Scott. Ms o epun Carrots-Marle Coiiacott, Vers Kers. Mr. and Mrs. James Hoskin, Mar- lake, Thelma Robins, Ruby Bloomer, ion and Edgar, Maxwell's, were re- Ethel Moorey, Jean Stainton. Parsnips--Bloyd Wiicox. Wesley Wer- cent guests of Mr-. and Mrs. H. ry. John Virtue. Mountjoy. Onions-Bruce Tink, Annie Stainton. Ms Atu apeladlti Asters--Maron Cryderrnan, Ethel r.Atu Capelndite Moorey, Retta Biilett, Geraid Baison, daughter Marjorie, who spent thse Eleanor Sykes. sumnier with hier parents, Mr-. and Zinnias-Jimmy Smnaies, Jackson Wer- Ms onMGeohv eet ry, Aldin Hoar. Helen McDonaid, Ethel ther.Jhm n VcG ouve B. C. Stevens, May Wostiako. terhm nVnovr .C African Marigold-Eleanor Stevens, Messrs. HL F. Werry& Son, Ruby Bloomer, Vera Shackeiton. Marjor- Mountjoy Bros., Aug.Geissberger, le Niddery, Ted Johns. Calendula-Helen Baker, Ruby Park-1 Isaac Wray and J. Wray and Har-y er. Mabel Flintoif. John Vîrtue, Murbel. James were successful in winning Baker, Nora Kersiake. ontirehbt tOhw Saipigiossls-John Rundie, Ruth Me- prizesonterxhbs O aw Kessoek. Fair. Gaiilardia-Lloyd Hoar, Lîllian Jeb- Misses Mary and Sarah and Mr. son. Wl arlTrno n r n Cockereli-George Kersiako, Ethel Stev- l arel TrnoadM_ n ens, Wesley Yeilowlees, Norman Cowling Mylrs. John Farrell, on a motor trip Ruth McKessock. Bernetta Bates. foin Michigan, visited the old home Puilet-Ethel Stevens, Stanley Cowl- and were guests of Mn. W. Hepburn, lng, Merwin Cryderman, Bernetta Bates Cierald Balsen, Ruth Mcliessock. recently. Pen, 1 Cockerel, 2 Pullets--George Misses Dorothy MeGregor, Hazel Kersiake, Ethel Stevens, Stanley Cowlin gVa WesleyYiowe. George Baison, Har~-Va Dyke, Gladys Doan, Messrs Eux-I vey Balson Van Dyke, Malcolm, Bruce and Hens-,Olga Cowling, Stanley Cowllng. Lloyd McGregor attended a corn Colt-Bruoe Tlnk. Caif, Beef-Bruce Tink. Maurice Baker rost at Mr. aud Mrs. F. Camex-on's, Caîf, Dalry-Ewood Shackelton, Erm- Zion, and report a good time. est Hunt. Market Lamb-Audrey Ayre. Mr. and Mrs. R. J. Luke, Mr. and Spy Apples-Gordon Brent, Retta Bul- Mnit. H. F. Werry, Mr. and Mr& Wni. et, Vera Shackelton, Percy WerrY, L. Mountjoy Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Bruce Hogarth, Jean Hogarth. Snow Apples-BRetta Billet, Vera P. Werry, Mse lrneM ae ISeakelton. one Baker, Maurice Baker. Grace Bernice and Mr. Harold Wer- Talmon Sweet-Vera Shackelton, Betta x-y attended a reception in hoor of Billet, Elwood Shackelten. Helen Baker, Mr. Francis W. Werry and his bride Percy Werry, Lorne Foster. Pumpkin-Eleanor Sykes Gordon Brent ut Mn. James A. Werry's, Enniskil- Lloyd Hronr, Aldin Hoar, ChrIsts Olsen, len. Elwoed Shackelton. ________ Tomatoes-Gordon lirent, Ruth Kers- ake. May Westlake, Elcanor Sheppherd, haeto i is-osdrn Jessie Knox, Botta Billet haetoalOis- nidrg Cabbage-Hazei MeEwen, Eleanor the qualities of Dr. Thomas' Eclect- Shepherd, Biwood Shackelton. George rie Oul it is the cheapest of ail pre- Werry. Tesa Biscults-BRuby Bloomer, Fanny paratiens offered to the public. It Smales. Pearl Flintoff, Eari Wakeiy, is to be found in every drug store ituby Dewell jean Milîson. Apple Pie-Botta Billet. Mary Cameron, iu Canada froni coast to coast and Pear F'lintoff, Evelyn Mfilison, Mabel all countryý menchants keep it for Flintoif, Vera Shackeiton. sale. So, being easily procurable School Lunch-Eleen Stainton, rsnny and extremely moderate in price, no Smaies, Pearl Flintoff. Evelyn Tink, Eloanor Sykes, Nora Kersiake. one should be without a bottle of it. Cocoaniit Maic;trron-Rl,-.nor Syk, s, Heien Knox, Fanny Smales. Jean Mili- son, Eveiva MWilson, Ruby Deweil. Layer Cake-Bornice Stainton, Pearl Shackeiton, Percy Werry, Gordon Brent, F'lintoff, Helen Knox, Ethel Wakely, Lorne Poster. Eveiyn Tink, Evelyn Milîson. King Apples-Retta Billet, EiWood Chocoisto Fudge-F anny Smaies. Hel- Shackeiton. George Kerslake. en Baker, Gladys Yeilowloos, Elleen Go1len Ruuisst-Rütta B1illet. Eiwood Stainton, Mary Cameron, Eleanor Sy- Shsckeiton, Eleanor Sykes, Christa Qi- kosý son, Francis Connaghan, Tom Baker. Wash ClbIh-Ethel Moorey. Doris Flce, Baldwin-Percy Werry Elwood Shsck- Violet Petley, Muriel Scott, Ruby Park: elton, Jessie Hogarth, Vera Shackeiton, er ~Retta Billet, Helen Baker. f)arning on .tocking-Vioiet Petley, Asaorted Fruit-Ruth McKessock, Etuby Bloomer, Ruhy Parker. Lloyd Hoar, Gordon Brent, Aldin Hoar. Pa tching-Flor-nce Burns, Elea1nor1 Muskmelon-F-snk Westlake. Eleanor Sykos, Rota Connaghan Christs Olsen, Sykes. Tom Westlake. Miuriel Scott. Kitchen Apron-Ethel Wakely, Buth. lfclessock, Eleanor Syke. ,Rpta Conna- ghan. Florence Burns. Marie Collacott. Guest Towel-Eleanor Sykes, Jossie Kfox, Florence Burns. Model Farm Gate-Lloyd Hoar, Ken- neth Bundie. Albert Rundie, Ernest Hlunt, Raymond Burns, John Rundie. fr rù lej Milk Stool-John Bundle, Thos. Oison, Jimmie Parker. Rope Halter-Aibert Rundie. Thomas Oisen. Luther Pascoe. Farmo Weeds-FPanny Smales, Albert tundîr, orudon Bu-ont. Christa Oisnn Porey Werry. Forest Tree Lesvos-Fanny Smales. Lloyd Hoar, Albert Rundie, Gordon Brent. Christa OIson, Ruth 14cKessock. Noxious Weed Seeds-Gordon Brent,a Ruth MeMessock, Fanny Smales, Albert tundie. Plan of Coiony lieouse-George Bloomer. 'essie Knox, Albert Bundie, Gordon Bren t. tUnion Jack ---George Bloomer, Albert tuundle, Elearior Sykes, Ruth McKessock, Wesley Yellowiees, Lloyd Hoar. Map of Township-Ruth Mcliessock, vc (i orr.- I luunu . nu-don B r. ru, A1I turt tundie, Lloyd Hoar. aý Sehool Parade-S. S. No. 20 Solina, S. S. 14 Bradley's, S. S. 12 Mitcheti's Corners, S. S. Il lHampton. Physîcal Culture Exercises-S. S. 10 lothesda, S. S. il Hampton, S. S. 12 itchelîsq Corners, S. S. 19 Bakers, S. S. 4 riradleys, S. S. 20 Solina. Public Speaklng-Christa Olsen. Albert Rundie, Helen Mcflonald. School Singing-S. S. 14 Bradley's, S. la Stock Naming-Christo OIson, Albert Iltunli-,, Fanny Smales, \Vesley Voelows- les. Arnot Výan Nest, Brute Tink. Bacon Hog-Tom Olsen, Christa, 01- on, Lloyd Hoar, Aldin Hoar. McIntosh Apples-Betta Billet. Muriel Baker, Vers Shackelton, Gordon Brent, [elen Baker. ca Weaithy Apples-BRetta Billet, Elwood r ied ourca nk -to banish oil dilution McLaughlin-Bujck's new Vacuum Ventilator ends crankcase dilution. It removes the moisture that ordinarily collects and destroys thc lubricating effcctivcness of your oil. Now, you can leave your crankcase cil unchanged for three months, and for several thousanti miles, without fear cf engine lnjury. There is not a single moving part in the McLaughlin. Buick Vacuum Ventilator. It functions autornatically and requires. absolutely no attention. The 1927 McLaughlin-Buick is oe eof the greatest cars ever built. Grestest in perforrnance-greatest in value. Corne in and sec it and drive it. There is no, obligation I JGHLINmBUjI K MR BU ILT :or Sales Co. elers in -Oldamobile-Pontiac Bowmanville UF-630 Id0OBILIS A&B SUILT. MWLAVOHIN-IUICx.WILL U1LTIM "ib good tii and &caue,;c A Few Cents A Day! gives you running hot water for the whole famnily M CCLARY's new A. & F. Electric Water Heater puts the luxury and convenience of running bot water within the reach of every householder. It provides hot water for the average family at a minimum expenditure of current. McClary's Water Heater can be installed quickly without plumbing or expensive alterations. It will fit snugly on your present bot water tank. Once installed, it makes possible a continuous hot water supply ata turn ôf the faucet-without previous rreparation or delay. Write us for frec circtilar describing this * remarkable new hot water Heater and 7L McClary's Fxbreform Tank Cover. 171 MfcCIarX A&F Electrie WATER HEATE&R.J[ Sold In Bowmanville by W. LEN. ELLIOTT HERE IS A SWEET that is DELICIOUS anci NouRisHiNGic GVOLDENî TECANADA STARCH CO,. UMITED - MONTREAL Lum ried THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVILLE, THURSDAY. SEPT. 30th., 1926 PAGE SIX

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