£HlE CAINADIA.N STATESMAN. BOWMANVIldb,, TEURSDAY, SEPT. 3th., 1926 PG EE A Trial Wi] MI 4 ,> la not equalled byr 64*0.Do you remember Red McCutcheon? " Two college grads, had adjourned to the Iocker- room to discuss old friends. "Ohd Red? You bet I do! He's wltb Bywater Electri.- up et Sandison? I only see him about three times a year, but we're ln toucb aIl the time. He's as carehess about letter-writing as he always was, but I telephone hlm one week and he tele- phones me the next. A lot of other fellows are up there too - it seems as if we have a long distance class reunion every Thursae> nigbt." Thse miles whicb seperateolod fniends noa langer mean hep- hezard aduty"l letters. Instead, Long Distance enables you ta talk wlth your friends when- ever you wish. Try it! V' jI peed and comifor in Shavnà 1 a conSidera/on tihen you wii use a «' Razor- Ss up ta $25; V)er lffodeI3 at Lower Poes 80 Il Convince! NED a 1 ny other te Quick Relief For Rheumatics If you sufer from torturing rheu- matic pains, swollen, twisted joints, and sufer intensely because yourl syste i b ful of that dangerous pois-! on that mekes thousands behpless end I kIlh thousends years beloare their' tume, then you need Rheuma, andi need it now.1 Stent taking it toda>'. Rheuma acts et once on kidneys, liver, stomach and blood, and you cen sincerehy ex- dlaim: "Good riddance to bad rub-1 bish". Man>' people. the mast skeptical ofi skeptics rigbt in this city and in the country hereebouts, blets the day when Jury & LoveIl and other drug-1 gists offered Rbeuma to the affiicted! et a smaîl price and guaranteedi maney refunded if not satisfied. if you have rheumatism get e botthe of Rbeuina today. Nelles selle groceries for leu.. Boys' Grey Flannel Pente at $2.25 at Couch, Johnston & Cryderman's. MORNING &M% KEEP YOUR EYE CLEAN CLEAP. AND HEALTIHY WMIX8 r, #avis.,CAl 800.- MNO CI OOJU Saves $24 A Tear Coolng experts figure that the SMP Enameled Ware Roaster wil save the average Canadian famnily fully $24.00 aIy ar in mneat bis. The secret i. rt raste meat wth very littie abrinkage. Also, it makes cheap cut8 taste Dire the bcst ones. You place the rost in the roaster, put on the cover: the roaster dae the rest. No basding required. Every roast ia perfectly cooked. The caver fit@ clase, sa that cooking adora cannt escape . reae can't spatter aut, which rmorea a weet cdean aven. Prices range frnm 85c. ta $3.50 each, ? epnding on mixe and finish-and don't e t t h e s a v n g f $ 2 4 .0O y a r l y SMP ROASTE RS - 45 lbs. LETTER FROM CHINA how they wanted me to have a little, SEPTEMBER WEDDING too. But of course, 1 would not1 Nurse Lena E. Taylor ta Her Sitter dare. My immunity is neot ae high May-Ashton Mns. Everett Cryderman, Hampton, as these chaps, so we white folk The home of Mr. and Mrs. Elias Ont. must be careful. Ashton Enniskillen, beautifully de- After breakfast' we came out of corated with asters, gladiolis, pan- ILontinued from lest week) the town inta the corn fields. Such sies and dahlias xvas the Cppne of the a picture of green, corn, beans, rice, marriage on Saturday, September 18, You know, I rather enjoyed rid-paus tobacco an.d a pretty lit- of their eldest daughter, Winnifred ing. There is a peculiar swing and tl antj used for dyeing purposee; Mae, te Mr. Stanley May only child a clip, clip of the men's Eandalled beautiful woodland graves, water of '.%r. and Mrs. Wm. May of Sund- feet or (bare feet) that is quite and water falîs everywhere and away ridge. soothing when one gets used te it. in the distance the mountains rising Rev. Harold Stainton, uncle of the It sort of wories nie though, majesticallv range upon range. Il bride, officiated. when they carry without upper gar- sat in my chair and wondered at the The bride who was given in mar- ment-, and their shoulders beconie beauty of it ail. niage by ber father looked charm- galled with my weight in the chair. Tbey do not mind it, for many a First I saw the foot hbis, then a ing in a dress of white silk crepe de time they asked me to get in and cloud would lower and 1 could zee chene with lace and pearl trimmings ride wben 1 had walked a piece. a peak, then in a moment ail would and sboes to match. They would say I would be tired be- change an dtwo ranges would appear.1 Her veil of bridai tulle was worn fore I got to the top of the mountain, These changes kept on Ujtil I siw lin cap fashion caught with a narrow if I walked too much. four ranges of majestic beauty and I wreath of orange blossoms and You nowit ake itmor iner-knew, that behind and far away were pearîs. She canried a large bouquet eung wni ct ak aittmoe ttem- the snow mountains of Tibet. of Sweetheart roses and lily-of-the- and when 1 beard them say their But we cannot live in the clouds. 1 valley. mouths were dry to give they some What is this we are coming to? A The bridesmaid, Miss Eleaior of my cold water from my bottle. roaring, rushing river with no Whitehead, Toronto, wore a gown of Did they say no? 1 should say bridge. A few yeara ago the bridge mauve flowered georgette, wearing~ no". They drank te their heart's was wasbed away and thousands oi a bandeaux of mauve tulle and car- content but one of them said once, lives lest. Perhaps. sometime dur- rying a bouquet of Ophelia roses.Mr he must not take more as I wul ing the next twenty years another Geo. Hannah, Toronto, acted as best have none left for myself. 1 dco bridge will be completed but et man. The bride's youngest brother, like to bc kind te the poor chaps for present, it is still under construction Harold. dressed in a cream suit car- they have so féw pleasures in life. and hundreds of cbildren are play- ried the ring on a velvet cushion. Nowwe ometo he cad ing andi umping 'over the îaop bales Miss Meudie Ashton sister of the Nowwe orn te he oodroad of the new bridge 'hat is to be. bride, played the bridaI chorus. Dur- anound the city walL. Dr. Lewis ando A boat tied with baanboo ta one ing the signing of the register Mrs. I gat ouptind orabrakpiecstowork of the abutments serves as a bridge. Harold Stainton sang "Until". Uprin an appeie or reakfst.£Tn- You get inta the boat and the stream The groam's gift to the brides-I eras, or e mt fur efoe beakiSsa fast that ahl the man bas ta do ntaid and soloist were pairs of silver i frastirme t fourThee fueraks-str herde n teba osvases and the pianist a silk scarf and I wish you could see one. ~> sideways across ta the other side. groomsnian a leather wallet, the lit- couldn't belp smîîing Iarn sure at Oh yes! sometimes the rope breakstern errben h eiin son)e of the ridicuous sigbts, but I but fortunately it held for us, and we of a ring. bave told you before a little bit were safe 1 bave no desire of being The ceremany was performed un- abou a fnerl I itnesed iwbirled a round in that stream at the de' an arch of evergreen:s teste- abut a fu era wilntnesd wil of th e torrent. No doubt the fully decorated with white and pînk Chunging.so wli nt sa muebridge will be built befare yau coreatr logails 210. Ita China. The wedding supper was served This one bit 1 beard recently. In-? The next we had ta cross, was a by six o h rd' osn n side the city people put on aIl sorts swing bridge of bamboo. Never friends. After the toasts ta the of style and have scores of men car- saw such a long one and it surely bride wbich were ably responded ta rying, but just as soon as the proces- swung and bounced. but we got there. by the groom, the happy couple left -sien gets outside, all t.he show gaes I gotaut and walked and the menCmd showers of confetti and good back and the plain draped coffin goes thanked me, for it must be a task 1 wishes for Winnipeg and other parts an in simplicity. Sucb coffins. as for tbem ta carry steady on such a of Manitoba. they do make, to--great massive rickety bridge. The bride travelled in a send suit wooden affairs, ugly in appearance, But the real thriîîs w'ere later. with bat and sboes ta match and yet do you knaw, people are just Just tbink of men carrying across wearing a fur chaker the gift of the dyngt gt na he.raging torrents on one 12 inch groom. Well, bere is the coak, aIl smiles, board. One large river bad three On their return they wilI reside for breakfast is eady. No, 1 did neot pilIers and boards from piller te pil- at 53 Osborne Ave., Toronto. mind the numberless black eyes gaz- lar. I walked again for the men got The bride was greatly surprised by ing on me as I did the first time 1 dizzy, toc, sometimes. My bead two sbowers given in her hanor pre- ate in a Chinese Inn. But I do flot man walked with me while I beld onvious ta ber marriage, one at the like the dogs and pigs under my feet ta bis carrying pale and in the mid- home of Mrs. J. Trimmer, Toronto, yet-strange. but 1 just don't sanie- dle of the plank I got dizzy. Sucb and one at the home of ber aunt, bow. a silly tbing ta do for well Irememn- r. T. McGill, Enniskillen. Leaving the city bebind, we pets- ber of doing the "beel and tae" on The groom alsa was presented witb ed an and an tbrougb beautiful the top beam in tbehe r, but of a well filled purse of money and a country,wic s fertile and green. Grow- course the crickets in the bey un- nice address sbowing the esteein in îng on every band is ice, sa green derneatb were' not se disturbing as hih e is beld by officiels and fel- and pretty, and as we went an and rusbing ,tumbling water. low employees of the C. N. R., Tor- on 1 wished you aIl could have been The next twa laps bad two plenks onto. with me for a chair ride. and wbile they were not even, still Rein came about 10 o'clock and had ta walk on one, yet the psycho- sometimes wben we are tire<l of lasted about one bour, but the men logical effect of seeing two planks climbing the steep rocks of life, we carried on. Not having an shaes belped and I told tbe cbap I waould do wonden if the end will really sat- an socks and just a cotton pair of go on alone, ta he went back for my isfy. 0f course, we have faith thiet trousers rolled up as fer as possible. chair. it will and se I just kept on until You see, they rather weîconîe a Mrs. Lewis ju.t shut ber eyes anil I was saf ely an the top and the next sbower bath- The noads, however, asked the Lord ta keep the feet of morning I bad a gloriaus view of the they do not welcome mud, for it is the men and went over. Well, that surroundings and oh! how happy I so bard to walk on slippery mtd, and was the largest and while we cross- was and in my heart I zaid "Yes, it mud in China is just awful! ed and recrossed that stream, still wes worth it". My chairmen were fast travelersttonwste ortadvn I This Behludin, or White Deer sa I went on ahead for a wbile an'à rade across the nerrower parts on Summit, is a lone peak behind the then asked them ta rest in just the one plank. first range of mounteins, on the loveliest spot-a large stream of About two 'clock we reachzd the western border of the Chengtu rushing wvter. overhung witb' will- last city, wbere we had to store aur plains and is approached tbrougb the owy bamnboo trees and tbree huge comforteble chairs and climb up the pass made by the Kuan Kea river. ts water wbeels screaming away as tbey mountain. Just as we were enter- altitude is 6,350 8 ft. ebove tbe sea raise the water into the upper rizre ing the city suddenly 1 heard some- level. fields. tbing that made the white beds of a Laoking off ta the north and east I sent you a picture of the waten bospital flash before my eyes. At from the verandah 1 cen see the wheeL in Chengtu. Well, these first I wondered wbat it was. Then mountain of T'ien T'ai or Heaven 's were the same and of course tbey I sudden]y thaught I beard peculiar Altar 8,300 odd feet above the see neyer think of using ail an them. breathing and on looking down from level. On its top is a temple where A woman and number!ess children the mountain view, my chair wes weary pilgrims climb ta worship. came out of a farm compound to 3ee just passing aver the feet of a dying This mounitain is dwarfed by ranges me as I waited. One cbild was un- man. My ears bad flot faoled me. away in the distance, the peaks af derfed, had rickets and could not He was breathing bis lest and fia one svhich rise to some 20,000 odd feet. walk even though the woman said would touch bim and in aIl prob- To tbe soutb and west I gazed in she vas three years old. Anothen ability be was still lying there the the eariy morning, for there, ewey bad a hair lip and ençtber crooked next day. ebove the louds were wonderful legs. The little girl bad bound feet One tekes a sudden tbump back ta snowy peaks shining in the sin- and the rest were fair except fon earth after such a feast of loveliness shine. These peaks, no one knows tare helads and dirt. I say tare mny beart suddenly turned sick. Oh! exactly wbere tbey are or how fer heads! the misery and superstition of these away. It is a general belief they Well, fia need ta say more, for we po people! Wretcbed, is flot the are in Tibet somewbere. have none like it at honme, sa you word ta use, ta heart nending it aIl Laoking fer below, the great wide could neat imagine what they are seems, and xve are ta helpless in sucb river valley winds and twists like e like. Countny girls still have bound cases. A foreigner wauldn't dare long serpent and the green valley feet and oh, it is cruel, ta sec litti interfere. and the shining waters and the trees girls like Ileen bovering about on Fram Jengbsien ta the sumirit is of the mountain sides, aIl wonk Out quch tare little bot feet, for tbey 65 I. (I believe I told you a mile in sucb perfect barmony, that one must be hot with sa many bandages is about 3 % ta 4 hi.). Chinese ju.st stops and listenstet nature ring- on tbem. The woman esked me have sucb poor methods of measun- ing end the birds warbling in the why I wore my queer bat. I hed my ing. Sonietimes a mile is 3 and trees and al of a sudden there camnes pith bat on. She alto asked me sametimes 5 hl. Guets I bed bet- a sweet fragrance from somewbere, bow many cbildren I had. ter leave the climb up this little bill and on lookîng about, Io there is a My it was funny ta bear my for another night. It is lOo'clock little mauntain b>oy, with hi& arms chairmen carrecting the folk along and l'm too tired for a climb te- full of great white fregrant lillies the raad! You know in China wom- night. and bydranges. Yes, tbey are here en are supposed ta be married. It Agein, aur chairs stored for the and wbere did they corne from? I is just tort of an understaod fact summer and in their place Whag- will send you one petel cf the lily, and of course everybody calîs a gers (The 'A' as in father) What are %o you will have tome idea of the size gnown waman Mrs. end ta bear my they? Well, just two bamboo of the flowers. men say sa disgustedly "Miss", jutt pales with e swinging board in the After the plain air, tbis mountain made me turfi awey and sniile meny centre ta sit on. Away w'.e went.1 air is sa bracing and really cool for a time and then ta hear the funny- Yes, I rode until I came ta the first july. grunt of the man or woan wha tteps and then gat out and walked Rally 1 neyer know wben ta quit. spoke ta me gave me another giggle. thie rest of the way. 1 I lweys keep on until I have my The noon meal wat very mucbh as About baîf way up we.walked in- leter -over weight. Do you get WE HAVE IT AND IT'S THE BEST LEHIGH VALLEY COAL THE COAL THAT SATISFIES We seli the best grades of hard coal mined at competitive prices. Let us fil your bin today. WE HAVE IN STOCK: Soivay Coke, nut size Lime Canada Cernent Gyproc and Roc Board liard Wall Plaster Builders' Supplies of ail kinds We Give Service That Satiafies J. A. HOLGATE & SON Phone 153 or 202 Bowmanville It's The Same System Day After Day I For many years we have clung to one policy in our business. We buy goods when we are satisfied that the quality is al right. It is surprising how of- ten we are tempted with cheap groceries. Cheap goods may look tempting, but the quality tears down what we try to build up. That is why our customers feel absolutely sure when they.buy it at Allin's Store it is always ail right. If it ever happens that goods are not right we cheerfuiiy make good. We keep our stock large, well assorted, and buy according to our turnover, assuring you of fresh groceries at ail times, which we believe is something that our customers appre- cit.HARRY ALUIN PHONE 186 BOWMAN VILLE PETER MVARTIN & SONS Building and General Contracting Plastering and concrete work a Agents for Asphaît Roofing, built on gravel. speciaity. tar and Now is the time to have your old brick or frame house done over with an absoluteiy water- proof stucco. We are also making ail kinds of imitation stone. Cail and see as before deciding. Builders of concrete silos, pavements and ail kinds of artistic concrete work. Small jobs given our most careful attention. Place of business, Elgin St. North, Bowmanville Phone 497-w Erantiord Roofing ln Relis. Talc Surfaced Light Weight - - 35 Is COMPETITIVE QUALITY Medium Weight FINE QUALITY Heavy Weight- 55 lbs. EXTRA FINE QUALITY LIIJExtra HeavyWeight 65 lbs. SUPER FINE QUALITY i ,BrantfeTd DoofingC..limit.J Brantford, Ontario Stock Carried, Information Furnished and Service on Brantford Roofing r.ndored by Rice & Co.-, - - - Bowmnanville PAGE SEVEN than this peper and cemied me in and soon we heerd the weleime v. Leonnar*vs keM. na1 my chair. Mervelous, the way those sbout of those wbo had gone o'n be. guaranteed to banisb any form of feet cling. Tbey would say "Don't fore and were weiting ta welcome us Pile misery, or money back. It gives be afreid, we wan't let you faîl", and give us dry clothes and e bot quick action even in aId, tubborn and they didn't. It wes nine supper and a bied ta sleelp on. cases. Hem-Roid is a har7nlets tab- a'chock before we reacherl e break- You know, wben the next àtep let thet removes blood congestion fast tawn, but the men neyer grumb- seeimed impossible, I just sort of in the hower bowel-the cause of led and wben they f ound out I bad wondered if the effort was toô much piles. It brings joyfuh relief quick- had no breakfast end was bungry, and if the end of the journey would Iy and saisI>' or costs noting. Jury toa, tbey felt better. They stopped be wortb the effort. Tben I thot,j & LoveIl and drugglsts everywhefe and ate a bit at a wayside staîl and it is sa like our lives. For you know seîî It with tisi guarantee.