THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVILLE, THURSDAY, OCTOBER 2lst., 1926 MY VISIT TO LONDON pentine, well stocked with waterl is a part of the city which gives theinoyance by their very eagerness to _______fowl. j police trouble. I pity the well- I share the work and so give fussy -Mr. Byron Hylaize, Cartwright, At the north-eastern corner is ai dressed rîch fellow who visits on foot help and interference when you Writes No. V of His Travel Marbie Arch bujît in the mode o1 j this section. I arn afraid he will much prefer to do your wcrk in your Articles. the Constantino Arch of Rtome. return poorer and wiser, minus bis own way. Here, on top, troops of police were rnmoney and some of bis apparel. Just as vexing it is when a visitor (Continued front last week) stationed during the great strike. One afternoon our party noticed insists in standing arotind recallng Hyde Park wa. the headquarters for' an eight shilling trip through the old tnemories or worrying you into -' isiingSt.Pau's nglcan Ca-man spes urig te wr.lowi'r haunts of London and China- conversation when yoti have some im- V~~ thedral on Ludgate Hill, the finest town advertised by the Frames potnttskt prori - ~~protestant edifice in the world, one Rotton Row is a famous fas o., so we accepted, purchascd our hnteeae h te id ~ - wllseesonever bauifu acht-able drive way and riding path,' de- tickets and at a given point that wh ru he areothewthrcaiso S E 7.. wili s~~~ecsorh ere. This ivasabui tu-,spite the peculiar naine it has been wors nadotwt al o ecuechr. Ti asbtd ritned night at 8 o'clock we waited for the your interest; and the extra ener- ing 1675 and completed 35 years ited bus to arrive. Our course lay th ru gt prson who cannot see the ne- THE later at an ~expenditure of one mil-1 O'n a charabanc bus tour we pass-1 the foreign part of London, the gessty o rs aditPcpt o lien pounids. Resembling St. Peter's~ e dthe ,:ately Savoy and Ceci! Hotels eastern section of the docks. whenever you attempt to get away at Rome it is 515 ft long and 120 ft on the Thames Rivier embankment. Neyer did I realiize the nunîber alone. MARKbroad. Heigh- 365 ft. The transept The Cleopatra's nectîle, an Egyptianý of poor that London could harbor Spu'1~ ~ ttressl is 250 tln.Mnuet rce obelisk moved here from Egypt withi until 1 had seen those sections. As The strong ones who are healthily 'ratflyzYgAuand graves of Wellington, Nelson, great difficulty and whcih was bomb-i our large twenty passenger bus dod- con-zemptuous of headaches or tired etc., are here. e;addmgdbyGrinzpe ged here and there up the narrowfet F.F.MO RI C.. While in London if one looked Up' lins during a raid. streets, honking our siren, 1 won- To keep things smooth on your F. F MO RIS O., at the cross on this Cathedral whenl Blackfriar's Bridge where the dered how the chauffeur got through part you need to fully expect things wewere there, he could distingui'shihaunts of many London criminalsiwandsof poor.ligtloe orchins ho yeî- tlivingand hn to tacfulmpreentf Phone 10 fantly the forms of two men who Iare to be found, passing over Lon-, withofut k, il oe the housl- teibencanged n our usfull mdeof workcd away unconcernedly paint-' don, Tower and Westminster Brid-j cd at us se noi:ily that 1 was glad few of your rules before thein, such BowmanvilIe ing the cross in sucb a dangerous ges, the National Art Gaîllcry, pass-i when we get away, net to say any- as your time for ineals, your times poitoning up Pali Mail St., the Carlton. thing about an occasional orange or for rest, and insist on punctuality. pstheonav soe redrn h Hotel, Florence Nightingale Monu- banana skin that sai!ed by our ears. Even holidays cannot be run with- Tee uta fee sofpenre uis c hed1 ment, Duke of York Statue, Regent But when we reached the Hindu, out a few rules, and although yeu -to visit the Crypt. On the pavementlSt., Oxford Circus Cavendish Square, Chinese and Italian section it cap: mhay luge t you will findt no uc six steps in front of the church, Academy of Music, Imperial College ped the climax. As many as a dezen thrla ndyou wlfot get inh t scha hundreds of tame pigeons who mi of Science, Imperial Institute, War dirty surly envious Chinamen al alturolad r hry; whchoterutand, alight on one's hand and shoulder, Office, Victoria Museum, War Mus-, with a treacherous demneanor could faîsto yurshreto strih r oreuaind are -,o be seen. Many people buy. eum, Hyde Park Hotel ,Brompton R. i be scen in the door way of many gtit tagtgovsaan food to have the pleasure of feeding C. Church, Harrod'e and B3arker'.sl shacks, our chauffeur dared not stop If these strong, healthy people - them. great departniental stor~es which the bus, lest the kids wvould limb on; weuld only remeniber sometimes cover blocks of area and rival Eat- also we were warned not to say any that others cannot endure so much Westmins~ter Abbey with its tombs,1 on's and Simpson's in Toronto, Buck-I uncomplimentary remarks lest the as theniselves and s0 allow a little &%AO Emouens sceneryan architect- ingham Palace Garden, Westminsterl bus should receive a hostile recep- margin of quietude for their sakes Àwe Beudu urc will interest the tourist deeplyl R. C. Cathedral, St. Petcr's Church,î tion *.be next evening. there would be fewer nervewrecked when in London. Here are, the 1 Lady Lascelle's (nee Princess Mary's women at the end of the bolidays. tombs of Britaia's Unknown Soldier, Home), Lord and Lady Mounthat-I (To 'be continued.) Husband your strength, no mat- GnrlWle Lod mntb h owten's Home, the smallest house ian ter what is said, because there is luiin mcmoryofLr Strathcona, the' London composed of only two rooms1 little sympathy for the woman whco T.TTK~'U' old hstoric Coronation Chair of Ed-, at No. 10, Hyde Park Terrace, createsî AUNT SUSAN'S WEEKLY LETTER breaks down, or for the one whose LIU~ ward the Confessor and the Poet's a great deal of laugbter £rom sight- nerves are so on edge she cannot 11 TI GCorner.i seers owing to its- tiny size, the Dog's My Dear Niece: There are two keep ber temper or be fui! of mer- IThirteen sovereigns and fourteen' Cemetery where rich folk bury their sides te most steries. However ir- riment when it is expected of ber. orIQueens are buried within its pre- i dumb pets, Hotel Tudor, Kensington ritating your vsitors may be YOu IYour loving Aunt Susan. Pat'cincts. Every English sovereign Gardens, Palace Hotel, Royal Col- must sec to it that you are not aIse pluyé,since the Conquest bas been crowned lege of Organists, Albert Hall te blame for the discorfort you IIafIhere. Prince of Wales Residence, Richarii write about. !?~5YShZ9 IThe tomba of the late Rt. Hon. An-1 Cour DeLion's Statue, St. James Pal- - Sonie people neyer see when they .f'DYdrew Bonar Law, late Lord Kitchen- 1 ace and Chapel, rooma where Charles are causing friction te others and tr4ommmc»qm er of Khartoum, late Sir James Out- Ii spent his last nigbt before execu- there are even those who do net hD o ram and late David Livingstone, the tien, Law Courts, Cheshire Cheese, trouble whether they do se or net. Igreat explorer are to be seen here. Dickens' Old Curiosity Shop where 1 These are naturally selfish people Longfellow's bust is the first ob- purchased a bronze souvenir of the and no amount of hinting or pain ject te strike oe- eye in Poets old boy Charles himself. A Jew speaking would alter tbem. ______________ -- _____---Corner. Tennyson and Browning arel conducts a tailor shep and souvenir To live in daily contact with peop- buried here. store in this quaint old bouse near le of different tastes is far worse Shaeseae s uredatstator-Ithe Strand. The old stairs that than if they are of different tein- A SFE ND UREen-ead iltoni at StraGiles, C harley my boy used te climb are peranient. RAEMAND FOR£CripnAve Sne and son t hrieeî stili te be seen, Boadicea Monument, Some people are quite unaware REMEY FR Cipplgat, Sencr an soe treeEton College, Disraeli's Home, Dick- of the friction they cause and of the M AIUN CHILDRENU score others have memorials here. ens' former residence, Peckwick and nervous strain which they subjectt'OI The Houses of Parliament on the Dickens Inn, Suffolk Cathedral, their best friends.Noehwiehihyr US banks of the Thames Rive r are an-1 Whitechapel Church, St. Clements- It rnay bc their actions and man-Noehwteigl i other group of buildings one should1 Dane Church*, St. Giles where Milten nerisnis; or their appearances; loud of the fig W ORzMnemissenadvsiigI was married and buried, the old wall tones of voice and accent; or even Stalwart policemen guard every! of bondon built by the Romans dur- their moods and tedious silences. entrance and allow ne one toter in g their occupation the oldest mili- To adapt oneself te another for a -o-D R unless a member of the staff or Par-1 tary barracks in Britain, naniely the few weeks needs gooed nature and r. - e.N<AIN N tO,. liament, accompanied by an author- ancient and Honorabe Artillery Ar- unselfishness on both ides. WeillGAA7T VA811..TAICE', , <~A ized guide or can show satisfactoryl mories, the Ancient and Honorable bred peope ea-ybiethiFee-ORANTVEE yaueuyaxNgVt credentials. viit r tille military march by Sousa's ing, but the majerity of us tisually As swiEET As .UGAR Only at certain heurs are itos Band is a very nifty selection. The[ show by look or manner how others FRFV allowed te visit the House and then birtbplace of John Wesley and bis irritate us. ER ______________________-after a lot of prolonged delayment.1 chapel.1 A visiter whe is aiways around EAI One asks the cep for admission bere. 1 On arrivaI at the London General, you witb inCessant talk, advice and He refers you te another officer of' Hespital we wcre conducted thrui suggestions ia very weariflg. an NVENTORS, PFECTORS. »'Qm4 25 Z uo othe law. Wben yen assk bim youit various wards by the matrons. A Another may cause absoute O are ne farther ahead. Though this, we walked up between the rows of a- tries one's patience you bave te ad-i cets, uttering a few words of en-1 mire this system of tbe British po-i couragement te those who eyed us WIUgt any headache in 20 Min- It will puzzle and discourage the! that we were net ini similar condi- i utes, wZI lnip a cold ln the bud, arge croek who may endeavor tel1 iions as some of these unf ortunates II Wnmenai e erny ase avta -0u nteincn perneyurtevci fa lee 'ai wIiI elaineve m y aise cf gain admittance. But when yen were. Here would be an old man,,11 I I I Leaves you Feeling Good purpose made knovrn, how far you c ase, whose face and head werei J have travelled te see the buildings, 1 swathed in bandages. Or here yen will be admitted and used veryj wouîd be a yeung lad who was the W i courtcously Vb' thue s andpoli- I-sole maintenance of bis mother, who men. 'felI off a ladder. sustaineil a fractur- IGK ABED ~ ~~Here are the warrants authorizing' ed limb and was ceunting the days ~__________________ SICK ABEDthe executien of Charles I and Mary until be would bc wcll and strong A Qucen of Scots. AIse yen are!once more. Bsshown the exact spot wbere they One poor fellew with both legs stood at their trial and when judg- fractured and in slings, lying with EIGHTMONTH ment and sentence wspse.Aniis head onlwi a vcry uncom- ~Cn Y u E these historic gruesome sp)ots. 1, case. One would chat with a patient àwm Ca o i F After Taking Lydia EL Pinkham's A lovely memorial tablet te the, who wanted to talk, inquire how they Vegtabe Cmpond oul ~ mernery of the many members of! met their misforttrne and you really No, thev are flot ail twins! Two ani AU Her Work and Gained f Commons and te their sons killed i thirtg tha- would cheer them. _ Buti utouaeklto. ndow aoule i in action is alse here. I arn afraid that seme wouîd neyeri2 btlo oe.Hwaotterh in Weignt The British statesmen and men leave that great Hospital alive.' Read the elues. Only two girls are who wc would class as the "upper 1 The old Bailey Court with its greyî o idten Melfort, Saskatchewan, - -I hsd ten" in society, certainly did their 'walls speak of the famous criminals' ,u in tem inward troubles, headaches and severe duty in the war.1 tried within its walls. Where many --- J pan my back We were sbown the celar where have received their imprisoninent At flrst glance al et the pictures look a] sdaides. 1 wa8 Guy Fawkes on November 5, 1605,' sentences, or the doomed man bis -imost every one differs In some way fru no sick generally attcmpted bis di.stardly deed and' death sentence. In the light or dark baned on tie brim oi that I ceuld net was captured in the nick of time. As Fleet Street, the thoroughfare No. lus. or, woery s i lookseclacmso ait j and I wao a warning since then, these cellars where the press holds full sway, isN. sfltaesysitoks Ynmu in mosof the are subjected te a formaI search be-i the home of the newspapers. Js okcoeymk ueta o a 't -' *tue for eight fore the officiai opening of Parlia-ý Net far fromn the Strand lies that bo hdy who fieds the right twis s l going t casme onthsAnaunt mený-.naeao noted tavern called the "Hole in the YOU. hcrelmeaI a These buildings cover an iao Wall". This beer parler where many k3 ~ una~,e te ate eght acres, were erected in 1840-50, down-and-outs o! both sexes fiock te tmy baby' and have three cort,50 patens spend their last penny on that demion F irst P ri2 ~ OUI not do my 100 stair cases, 2%~ miles of cerrn- booze, is on a corner. Se with itsMAI wr.Setold dors and cest approximately £3,000,- two doors it becomnes its name. ManyMAP mete try Lydia E. Pinkba m'a Vega- 000. ' a night did I stop on my way down This In one of the greatest array of Cash talÇompound, and after taking two The dlock tower bouses the mnas-'town and watch for a few minutes Epr lzl ots.Ta' hti - boules I could get up and dresal my- sive bell known as Big Ben and the clasa that freciuented this place.- range from $2 te $.,0 an-d from $50 te $2, self. I ase took Lydia E. Pinkham's the Union Jack flying day by day, Old tougs on their way from work the winners by Christmas Day. Blood Medizine. When I firet took tbe or a light by night, indicates that cal! in, indulge in a glass and con- hnofI!Yuc w amu &$2 medicine I ol weighed seventy- Parliament isi eso. Tefc iudhmwrswt onyin this ieteresting puzzle conet, and i ll eih pud&Nw eihtwc a f i Bnis2 1ýf n imee. Walker in their hip pocket. A steady .-- There wili be 5o wleeers and the rirst 1' mucis. If I get out cf sorte or weary We were conduced al thregh tream of custemers flow in and eut n o' htb Have you tried our 'SALLY BROWN CAKES' and 'DEVIL'S FOOD' f resh daily NEILSON'S JERSEY CREAM CHOCOLATE BARS 25c size, 19c; SPECIAL We Handle Nothing But Pure Food The Bowmanville Bakery Successers te Christiels Bakery I ~ I rt-cru. *d~~ *u *t0 nu r*~-N1 Il, a'"'~ ~ i- 11 L[riuIL q 11L "ul Il.. $2.000 insurance-doumbled ?n case of accidenta! death--costs only $41.20 at the age of 35, and requires NO MEDICAL EXAMINATION for select maie risca. Write for detail,. IlISRANE L FECOMPANY W.BLAKE McMURTRY District Agent, Bowmnanviiie, Ont. 72 n'tYuSee et%, ei!ient spring centre in the Marshall Mattress supports *v«y curve ure, insuring perfect relaxation and really restful sle. No, other mattress can give vou this cemfort. TRADE .îj >MARK sao iriimlee ttress TO WARSHALL VENTILATED MATTRESS CO. LTD. $75.00 TORONTO. CANADA -% ______________________--- tains noted Elgin marbles, formerly the vtalato r the moult ani bes â- r)M and manuscripts of the 1Oth century, OJIÔLIU &J 4,000,000 printed volumes. of 7 1 8 ( Hyde Park o 363 acres, the la C abeof London Parks, contains the u-se RE IJwing AfnWellinfgto Mn mentanutiful sud l UpS ze~ i lkeof53are i etetthe Ser -_______ PAGE SIIL l"Illail t:ýM JEU JIIILL J11ILL.AtILLAI IL 5 YKARS MANUFACTURERS OP THE FIRST AND FINEST INNER 5PRINQ 14^TTRE» IpAr-v- QTT 1 Bowmanville ill"Illir lllll"llllt )WIl 11111L Ln IIY