PAGE TWO THE CANADIAN STATESMAN. BOWMANVILLE THURSDAY, OCTOBER 28, 1926. DENTAL THE EDITOR TALKS warn dark stable and listen ta thel BOYS' TRAINING SCHOOL NEWSA DR. . C.BONNCASTE 1welcoming whicker of his horses, or1 DR.G. . ONNCASLE Adventures of David Grayson asi visiting bis caws, his pigs, bis sbeep New patato digger bas been added Honor graduate in Dentistry Toronto told by bîiseîf in four books: Ad- und liens or as many of theni as be ta the fanm equipment. University. Graduate of the Royal ventures in Contentment-Adven-1ia have. Carload of crushed stone bas been Callege of Dental Surgeons of On- tures in Friendsip-Great Posses-1 S** .pread along certain sections of tbe tario. Office King St., Bowmanville. sions-The Fniendly Rcad-are com-1 So mucb of the bes in the world drive and footpatbs to caver tbe1 Office phane 40. House pbone 22. bined in one sumptuous volume fuI-, seems to bave come fragrant front worst spots during this muddy weath- ly illustratied by Thomas Fogarty, fields, gardens and hillsides. So er. DR. J. C. DEVITT and published by Doubieday, Page mnany truths spoken by the Master Vialin classes bave been started Graduate of Rayai Dental College, & Ca., New York, net $2.5 -0 and for Poet conte ta us exhaling the odours under the instruction cf Mr. F. Con- Toronto. Office, King St. East, Bow- sale at bookstores. of the cpen country-his stories verse Smith . A (ozen boys have manville. Office baurs 9 a. mi. ta, 6 This is one of the mosu fascinat- were su oftcn of sjwers, busband- been tested, selected, and wviIl bel p. mi. daily except Sunday. Phone ing and instructive books 1frcn e. edne. Hs iie n l-gvnoelssnec ek 90a. House phone 90b. appearance. It is well printed inl lustrations so often dealt with tbe ieonlso ahwek large type an high grade paper and' conmnun and familiar heautv of the The radia wihcb bas been totally DRc.i.DtiWEL dez, not contain a dull chapter. fields. It was on a bilîside tbat He dte ts, orkthe bo by vrious In- Honor graduate of Toronto Uni- preacbed His greatest sermon, and essiwokg ndfully WeIl. versity and member of Royal Collage Cniun u rve, fti wen in the las, gî yH sub The boys are greatiy indlebtcd to '.%r. of Dental Surgeons. Licensed ta peddvlm ro u atise a place tu itîet His God, wbhere did C .Rheo b mieSles practise in Ontario and the Domin- wselect evue r isonnecatdsspara He go but to a gardien? There Co., of tbe tawn for bis kind dona- ian. Dentistry in aIl its brarnches. grapbs; fromi Chapten XIV of Great were gardiens and fields all about.ftinsof teari and vire, grûund ire,î Office-King St., Bownanville, op- Possessions "On Living in the Court- He knew gardins and cattle and thefornsltsantw lihiga- pasite Bank of Montreal. Phone 301. ty- uetoiha nrst vr sinmple processes of the land. He resters.E ____________ ____--reaer o Th Sttesan. Davd nu.,t bave worked in a gar<len and In expectation of taking charge1 Gryo iybe n eleua-:loved it well. of bhe psycbomietric work at the Grysn ctybrdan wl euct1*** School, Miss Elizabeth W. Best, B.c LEGAL ed, writes: It is astonishing howl ate ln r ryo rts . pn etwe nTrnowt many people in cities, and towns who Frhraog'r ryo rts . pn atwe nTrnowt M. G. V. GOULD, B. A., LL. D. baeascrtînig ogthu n ave often found a curiou., on- Miss J. C. Louden, Psycbometnist ofc Barrister, Solicitor, Notary tavequiet ontr plces taoun-bi ricbmnt upon tbe hilîside, working the Hospital for Sick Children. She2 Money ta boan an Farm and Town of the soul of the eartb and ta culti- alono in field or gardien or orchard. also visited clinie., at the Tcrnt It -zeems ta come out of the soil, Juvenile Court and the Public Health0 Praperty. Royal Bank Building, vate it. To --orme it appears as a o epn e h oc fgoigDprmnCt al Bowmanville. Phone 351. troublesomne malady only in Spring orrsodt b ouhc rwn earmnCt al and will ho relieved by a wbirl orn things. Wbat makes any work in- Little warld's series is over, andS W. R. STRIKE txvo on country roads, by aglinipsel ersting is the fact that one can the Scbool team must look ta foot- Successor tu late D. B. Simpson, K.C. of tbe hilîs or a day by the water; mnake experimonts, try new things, ball and hockey for their revenge. In Barrste, Slictor Noary by others bomesiclqness is deeper devel&p specialti es and grow. Wbere weatber more -suited for winterI soated and will be quieted b y no cain tbis be dône so well as on the sports, the school boys and the Town Solicitor for Bank of Montreal basty visits. Tbese must actuaîîy go land, in direct contact with Nature? Public Sohool team shivered througha Money ta Loan Phono 91 home. Possibilities are infinite hre-nexv eigbt long innings Thursday in theb Bowmanville, Ontario * * * machinery, spraying, seed-testing, third and deciding tussle. Ther Of aIl places in the world wbere.l fertilizers ,experimentation witb nexv school team wvon the first gante 10-c w. F. WARD, B. A. ife can be ived ta uts fullest andr vareties-a tbousand and one me- 6, and lost the -erond set-29-5. Tbe Bariser Slicto, otry freest, whore it can be met in itsý tht ds, al creativo, wbicb ntay be tiiird game xvas more or less a ropeti- Mony t ba. ond fo sae.greatest vartety and beauty, David t'e u nta ra sete tion of tbe second, and the town st I Grayso nis coovnncedore teles usstnuggle of the farmer or gardener boys proved thomsolves real cbam- a Offices-Bleakley Block, Kin S'tbGat thereis onnedh equllsh bcomndal h freso Ntr Pnos:comn -lte ocs fNtuepions by scoring 31 nons and limitingr Bomavll, nana.euntry. He dlaims ta, know weîî What indepondent. resourocful menl1th e Scbool boys to 6.f Office 102, House 409. tec. ntg~cage gis farmers are? Many of tbem, too.IA ______ --*.-country life at its worst, but ie saysz, have grown ricb -added fan ý to1 Wheroven there are fies-Fly- "I bave neyer seen drudgery in the farm. It is not what Nature dous Tox.t FUNERAL DIRECTORS country comparable for a moment ,,with a man thar mattons but wbat b_____ to tbe dreary and loneiy drudgery bhe does with Nature. 9 F. F. MORRIS CO. of city tenements, city milis, fatrI AI opee oo ries anI sweat sbops. 1 It is not ne*cessary any more for VESPER SERVICE ATb C==mporetEquiMator Io recent years motor cars,, trol- the farmer or other country dweller BOYS' SCHOOL . Ail caîls promptly ly cars, tobephones, radio, rural mail twbt are oten oralid tho feinn T By'Tann collS attended ta. delivery and gasoine engines have wtnrsof ie ald"h ie h os riigSolls P~ rivate AmbulanceI wrought most honorable conditions. thnso ie. Many educated mon Sunday inaugunated their first Ves- Bowmnvile pone But people wbo long for easy ways are now farmers, havingz their books per Service. This service is for f 10 Bwnand 34elphona soft life will not find tbemn and magazines, their music, lectures bath staff and boys, and any friends Branch Stores- 1'in the countny. To those xvho xili and drantas not too fer off in the in the cammunity wbo may wish ta Orano & Newcastle face good, hornest wholesame bard town.s. A great change in this re- attend. Out.standing speakers will- I work-the kind that makes for fibre spect bas conte over country life in be secured each week. It is boped in a, man or in a nation, the countny tbe last 25 yeans. Hardships cf this service wilI be of special inter- is the place. Nature demanda order pioncering bave foreven passed, ex- est anid booked forxvard to. Meeting ALAN . WILIAMS and work done in season. She is cept in new territories, and witb is of one hour's duration, ;nd op-I Embalmer and Funeral Director. patien 1t but neyer waits long for the good roads and machinery, tele- en at 3:30 p. m. Dr. D. Calis given prompt and persanal at- farmer or gandenter. Sho sets the phono.s, rural mails bringing daiîy W. Best was the speaker lest Sun- tention. No extra charge fan dis- timeo for sowing and pîenting, culti- newspapers to their doors, farmers day. tance. Phones 58 or 159, Bawmnan- va-ing and gatbering in. If vo ma3y maintain a close toucb with the ville, Ont. -tf. are dlatory., naxiPous weeds' a bes tb ings the world bas to off eni ____________________-pienty spring up and cover the: any citizen and W inter furnishes grun-wî mstrd igan rgtîme and ieisuîe that few othen oeil- oln the land. Tbiý may be ntade as greed .SW imst , i and e ratfb ngs are able to offer. nei experience a- if tbey tried wid- grwtbs occupy te lan i. Manyl * * * or acres and gave w-bob tinte ta farnt MEDICAL gotsocuytelnd M !w o rk. A ntan w-ho thus faces the B. J. HAZLEWOOD, M. D., C. M.i fanonrs of late years know this factl I do no, knaw, tnuly, what xve arerrlnorpiesurl wl cal, to, their great oss and sornow. bere for upon this xonderful and t rural etr sury iihoae GodMeais f rniyUnvrstbeautiful eanth, this inraîcalably in- tadyiewebncuts life ie the Tooo.dMealFtof Terinitty niritPy, avdGryon s* ehae*eor *eüt eartb, unle.-s it is to crowd atte for him. If lhe finîs it -.ruly so Toroto.Fou yers ttedin Ph- Dvid rayonas e bve efoe tresîngho carin ho aznearly assurocl cf liv- sican and Surgeon at Mt. Carmel remarked, bas a fertile imagination., into a fexv short yeans every P"-~ in g bappily after aIl" as anyone out-I Hospital, Pittsburg, Ka. Office and One day bis man Dick and ho were, sible fine expenience and acîventurea ide of a sîory bock can be, .,avs Residerice, Wellington Street, Bow- ditcbing. It was a bigbt, cool day. _ta live aur live s <o th upperntost. David Grayson, and out of it alI is manvilie. Phone 1.08. They sew a piowman at work in a steze opon every fresb impression. lkely to came some cf the greatest neaî-by field. Mn. Gray.:on noticed devîl-Iop every latent onengv and rwrsta mntnko- C.W.SLMNM.D, . . the furrows of the dark earth gîist- cmp avetY;tinourpwegn -ow mcb a nde bust býýdy. a hemthy appetite, ne- Graduate of Tinity Medical College, on as turned up to the suni; grass in w- aei narpwe agoadf.csbing sîeep, a sernn and cheerful Toronto, formeniy of Enniskilien. the meadow was a fu ricb green; ta o cw-ii prepared for the life ho- -prit ancd as truc a w-av as I knaw- Office and Residenco, Dr. Beith's chioken and othen fow-l w-re active y')n d. of ýruly wanshipping aur Cneator. i former residence on Cburch Street, in thein areas, and onchard and other The read advantagcs of country Bow-nianviibe. Phone 259. 44-t. tnt-es xere a pretty green-ali of life bave conte ta ho a stncng luneý Editor's Note-. In aur review Wo _______________________ which gave -,he owner a curious deep ta nîr.ny people in rities and tow-as; The A(!ventures of David Grayz-oitý feeling of caming somiehow into a but natte .-,cuid go brick ta the landl xve have nsferned cltiefix- ta parts new and mono intimate possession af witlt an idlea ,bat it is an easy w-ny dealing with country life. but tbbi1 VETERINARY i bis ow-n lanî-a truc posscssMon for ta escape the ne-aI problems and diffi- wandenful bock contains aisa a richý DR. F. -'. TIGHE xhich one must work and serve ac- c*ulties (f life-far thene is naoes- variety of most chaire. interestingl VETERINARY SURGEON. Day or1 cordntlg to ancient law. Those w-ho cape anI must ho mit in city anI antd instnuctive reading and s cite' Nigbt talla promptîy attended ta tbink tbey can xin the greatest java counîtry. Farming is flot ea.-y living cf the rare books that yau want ci Office: King St. East, Bownianv-îlIe. of countiy li11h.oit anv eomit-r erm~s but n highly skillecl pnafe-sic:n, ne- ,neacl more than once and wish al Phno24.are i-con ntîstaken.; quîring ntuclt knowledige antI e.mI yor fi ienîîs to read. Sucb chapteri- Phone243.But the man ,vho bas îlnained bis nanuaI labar and much cf it. A i as The Olu Man, A Wcoman of Fanty-- E. G. KERSLAKE, V. S., B. V. Sc. iand, fertilized, ploxved, planted and 901)d plan for ur-ban dw-elIî-rs k ta IFive, Ait Old Maid, Thte Old Store' Orono harvested the rap-ove-n îhougb t i t o yadn wc efolM.,,Friendsbip, Tht- House byý Honr radat ofUnverit bofhoonly- a sntali farm-bxvho contes cnmnobn cfi h a hdua iwSdeo f the Rad, The Green Rono Grduae o Unverity of o knw, alu an loe eeryrodfonnier expenience; an by ntoving to1PeopIe, An Experiment in Humait Toronto. Ail cases given prompt tao û,,vlean ûeeeyn< the contr~y nat tac fan fram bis - J INatur-e are a few- anly cf th e many i and careful attention,. ffce f it. Ho contes tu know îvet spotscactdwn ibagro nagod4ne nti upuu o. Ofic- toney spots, wanme.,t andl ntost fer utmdwrwtaga-eoriodsoisinhssmposvi1 Dr. McEîroy's former office. Phones: tl ltsutlbsarshv few acres with wbicb ta try bis .ýkil: unte. Clane 391; Oano 8-1. the qualities of a pensonality whase ____________________________________ evrchanacte-istit lie kno%ç. h it is su, that ho cames ta knaw bis han-i AUCTIONEERS st-s, cattît, sbeep, pigs, hen--cvcryî THEO M. SLEMON cne possessAng sortie- mark cf ut-H APa t AucboeeriIdividuality tîtat shows thonit to ho- Ferni and House Sales a Spoc!ialty. logm Terms moderato. Enniskillen P. o. lHo. watche, bis biecs in Spring-1 Phono 97r3. -tf.I, bt -loanly tbings tbr-y are-, too~ canting to titeir luves yý2lltIw mi' overý WILLIAM MAW 1 -wiîh pollen f ront wilow--. 1I is a fihle' Licensed Auctianeer ; sight, tco, ta -mn-ch îbh- cherry and i Haigmet %with consifirable su-1plunt trc-t.; coa nîg into bli ont hil.' evsin odcg n ae for h- aý ort time the rest of the archari 19ces n r onff es fo srvi the i 'Sstll a leop. Later to see the live,, 19 ear, Inow ofer y srvie itastock turned into the fi-ssbgrueli the people of Bowmanville and VI-mm ' s at ietcfal ehp inity. For ternis and dates sec F. o ,e ;and snt horf al intoa O. Ma5zon, Buwmanviile, or phn cnfield afte-n w-eeks cf dry wxeathet.. The ji 288, Whitby, Ont. 12-c. îaVthcrorncî aîy u -,'hi - - I re-v skiez-, first draps throw'ing op CHIROPRACTIC AND DRUGLESS i deulyst ad o-nt ortt THEROPY .Iv1-i tc IlA.J AM.1a S£e mry Wallpapers. aome fine remnants cbcap for immediate Isale. J. H. ABERNETHY [Ph>ne__431 Bowmanville Standardine'~I 5 tube Radio$PI' Coast to Coast-No IdIe Boast D. X. ENGINEERING AND SALES CO. LIMITED ,go BLOOR ST. W., TORONTO 38-12 Tham. of -orneadi-ns w-ho ,do now or have livcd in the country cari en- ten witb Mn. Grayson into the spinit of which lho writcs, maow-hon lho writes: One w-h( oiuîs thus t,, enjcîy a bit of countny.-iie ntay on- joy it ail the year roundl. When ho ew-akes in the middIleocf a long winter night hoe may st-nil bis mind out t0 the snoxvy fie-bds and vi si t each part in turn as I have often donc ,àitroll tbrougb the ücrdndand pey bis respecta tao ech troc-m a smaib orchard anecocmes ta knaw every tree femilianîy as hoe knows bis friends-stop et the strawberry !ocd, considor the grepe trellises, feel himseof opening the door of the or phone that we will have iti BOWMANVILLE BOY MARRIES TORONTO GIRL Plummer-Heatley The church of Saint Mary Magda- lene ,Toronto, vas the scene of a very pretty Autumn wedding on September 28, when Mary 'Mafeking, .second daugbter of -Mrs. Thýeresa and the late Richard Heatley, be-1 carne the bride cf Mr. Howard Per- cival Plummer, eldst son of Mr. and Mr.Norman S. Plummer, Bowrnan- ville. The bride was given in miar- riage by ber brot4ýer-in-law, Mr. Hector Bulmer, ancd was preceded up the aisle by the two ushers, ,vh, ivere M1r. Harold Boundy and Mr. Stanley Finbow. She w"s attired in a frock of ivorv georgette over white satin, the ov- erdress being trimme-d xitb white satin ribbons and orange blossoms. Fier veil xvas in the form of a cor- onet and was caugbt at the back with pearîs. Shc carried a shower of Butterly roses, lily of the valley and baby's breath. 'Mis~s Helcna H-eatley wvas her sister's bridesmaid and xvaz gowned in pink and zold shot taffeta, with black satin picture bat, nude stockings and black velvet shoes and carried Columbia and baby's breath. 'Mr. Lorne M. Plummer, Phm. B ., assisted bis zrother. The church was artiêtically decor- ated for the occasion, both altars being banked with gladioli. The 11ev. H. G. Hiscocks performed the cereniony, wbile the 1tev. Hugh Col- lier sang the Offiertory. A wedding breakfast xvas served at the bricle's home. IMis. Plummer received in a dres~ of autumn satin- faced crepe, while the bride's mother vas in black satin. Th bride and groom later left on their wedding trip for the West, the bride wearing a frock of blonde georgette over black satin, black sat- in coat and black French hat, blonde kid gloves and sboes witb a French bag completed ber costume. She also wore the gift of the groom, a bcautiful cross fox fur. Tbey wîll b-e at home to their friends at 138 Silverbircb Ave., Tor- onto, afier November lst. New Wall Papers Feul importations of 30 inch Maximur Papers Beautiful designs Most suitable for panelng, the prevailing style wbicb is being used in modern home decoration. We will ho pleased to showv yau. W. T. Allen "Big 20 Bookstore" Bowmanville Cawker' s Meats M ake the Best Meals Victoria Building Butchers Phone 64 Bowxnanville -BAKING SPECIALS FOR HALLOWE'EN White l ! ! f24l.Q Satin rastry FLO*UAXBa&-g99 Domino Brand 1 lb. tin PURE LARD BAKING '1c -b.M. fc POWDER 2 eP-al 'JUPrint2 Sige PINEAPPLE 2 tins 2 7C TEAS Fruits and Candy Canned WIîcrt Quality Couats Thomp son Seediess PUMPKIN Domino - 69c. RAISINS 2 lbs. 29c Large Tins 1 Richmel,9cValencia melo7%RAISINS - 15C2fr5 DSL BuIk - 59 Lemon and PEL hl. Assorted MiedlbOrange 29h, WINES Mixed Golden Hâllow, NUTS DATES » 2Ibs. 23C DaIton's, 49cot 5C lb. 1-lb. Bax Hollywood -2Q Armour's29 CHOCOLATES -2Bi ot.' Fresh Milled -3-1b. 0o.MsnJr ROLLED S1YW EETHEART CHEST 99C 29oz.MasNJa OATS PulIowe'en 'QUkEN JELLY BEANSO VE 4 lbs. 25clor GUM ýzD Rops 232b. 39c Telfers' Orange Cream Slice BISCUITS 35c; Those Prices in effect feoane week frais, date of Ètc p-ip, ! 149-C iome ii a KING wchestras, noted singers, great speak- aKing Radio young folks like ta stay entertain their friends. omily knows the thrill of getting the Mf the air, once daughter knowe she e rugs and set the dial to her favorite )mother finds that she can get a new norning from the food expert, or the that they cen sit at home in comfort the oId hymns and a sermon from church-then you'l neyer want to ýKing Radio for a single day. glad ta send yau this King Radio- King model-let you try kt three Dve ita value ta yourseîf. We instail lte ready ta receive-and show you ta operate. mly a smail amount down-the bal- lient montbly amaunts as you enjoy ýday and see the King Radio Itne-- tyou want ta try oneaet bome-and in your home before tomorrow night Sumafl D@wn Payunet Pute tI8set la Tour §Romt Then pay the balance in arnasU monthly amounts out of incarne. "Pay for Iai# you enjoy it," in our plan. Remembeq your friends will nover have a bet teadi Ifyouhave a ICln Empire Sales Co. BownîaufvWe, Ont. KING RA33I0 'Most Radio Per Dollar"o PAGE TWO THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVILLE THURSDAY, OCTOBER 28, 1926. Meat is such an important part of the menu that it shoiild be nothing but the best. Yoii get such meats here. And prices are no0 higher than for ordinary cuts. We know our meat is good for we buy direct from the best stock men in the district. Do our own killing and keep the meat under the most sanitary methods. Foundation of oui' reputation has been "Meats of best quality". Orders Filled Promptly and Delivered. C. M. CAWKER & SON