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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 28 Oct 1926, p. 6

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PAjr r TECNDINSAESA.B&%NxL. HRDY.OTBR 8 96 Wholso-me clle Rfreshtng FIG-LAXI The Tonie and Vegetable Laxative Sure Relief for Constipation At Druggists 25 and 50 Cents Send 25c for trial box. Fig-Lax Labaratories, Liniited Woodstock, Ont. A SUR. SAPE AND SIMPLE R11,111 FOR ALL THE COMMO% lv HOULO ALWAYS BE KEPT ON HANO. AS A MORE SER- . VICEALE PREPAR- A'TION FOR SUCH USýES N O * t et OuNO. GET A BOTTLE TO-GAY N . HAVE IT RPLY 55~~ THE rlME WHLN YOU viil..FD.. Piles Go Quicki Piles are caused by congestion of bio'od la the lower bowel. Oniy an internai remnedy can remove the cause. That's why salves and cut- ting fail. Dr. Leonhardt's Hem-1 Roid, a harmiess tabiet, succeeda, be-1 cause it relieves this congestion ansi treagthens the affected parts. Hemn-1 Raid has given quick, safe and last- ing relief te thousands of Pile Suf- erers. It wili do the same for youi r money back. Jury & Lovell and druggists everywhere seli Heni-Roid with this guarant-ee. EVERY MONT MANY WOMEN Take ZUTOO Ta blets and are fi'. of the Griping Pain and SIck Headaches. 4 ead what Mirs. Wright saiys roclved your ample of Ltoo Tab- t.4 aand 50kthem fer mo'vrc pain m thY) and headache. At th. end ef * minutes. 1 was entirely frcet 1Pain ind .xerlenced no more throughout the prolîd I sufer a great deal ait these timer and fed grateful that I have a remedy whlch affords q ulck relief. Evary womaan in tho land sbouttd know about Zutoo Taluadwhat they wlldo.» Mmra ALLEN WRIG HT, Fulfordt Que. TAKE ZUTO DOCTOR ADVISED OPERATION FOR MRS. PENN She Escaped It by Taking Lydia E. Pinkham's Vege.- tableCompound Windsor, Ont. - "Af ter the brtb of my frst baby 1 wait very much rua- down ia health and the doctor said I must have an operation as I was suffering from a dispiacement. A friend wanted me to try your mnedi- cine-Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound-and I took it 8teadîly for a year. Durinig this tirne 1 wes carry- ing my second baby and I felt real well aIl the tme and did net have a hard confinement. I feel sure the Vege table Compound did me a lot et good, and ail my people do, tee. One sister la Leamingten, Ontario, takes it, and both sisters praise it as a good medicine. I ami more than pleased with the resuLt" - Mrs. W. PENN, Windsor, Ontario. Mrs. Corbin Reieved froin Pain Stewiacke, N. S. - "I bcd pains across my back and i niy side for two y csr s af ter hmy firat baby was bora. Mvnother bad taken Lydia E. Pink- hama Vegetable Compound and I read about it *laitheapr,,,e I tried it and the pan et ume. 1 have a fam ily of three cidren new, and the medicine beiped me durin g the months before they were bora.I rec- ommead it 'ta ni y friends."-Mrs. C&RY W. CORBIN, Main Street. Stew- Iacke, Nova Scella. 0 Cook's Regulating Compound A ,afe, rlisable ,rguksii iedwjine. Sold in three tde- grvaof trength-No. i, 8 Il No. 2. 83;'No. 3, 85 per box. So&id b y all druggios, or il.cnt ,aid on hreceipt ni prios. ~'~parvph]et. Addreïso: THE COOK MEDICINECO. TOIONTNT.(iormeryWindewt À!k ,1 ' ; I frzlish Preparatinri 0M 1, 7."'ý~~rates the aboie -%r. makes ne-w Biood t Ut-1 tfor Nervous flesp,,nde'îcv t isof l',ersrv, Palpitation nP forh1 Ir ' îlîir Ale'ry. trceS2pe.,b*x.3 to ï S i y a.i iruggists. or niaied in plain pkg. on re, erpiof pice New pamphlit maited Ce.tu TiWOOD mrCINECro..ToRoNTo.oNT. life. M y stomach is la perfect co n-9p The enceuraging fact is that dition and I eat anytbing withQ)ut some ether and better provision fear of distrc.-s af:erwaruls. Every- btC2-2 as been madejor deaiing witb such one who bas stomacli trcuble, gas deveîopmenta than bitherto existed. a pains, constipation, bs c f aptieWben you cen get two formerly TRADE and sleeplessn,-e s ouId take 1HERB L quarrelsome neigbbors te the point For sale by Jury & LoveIl Ltd., arbitrator, or a court, rather thanp ri and other druggists. brickbats or ahotguns, a long step OAAT AUNT SUSAN'S WEEKLY LETTER TYRONE THE LOCARNO CONVENTION 1 FORMER CARTWRIGHT LADY _____1 DIES AT LINDSAY My Dear Niece :-The holidays are Tyrone Women's Institute and;, By Chas. M. Bice, Lawyer, Denver, over and most of us are back again Ladies' Aid met at the home of Johnl Colorado. Esther Emmia Jackson in harnes.s, feeling anything but Virtue on Wednesday, October 2Oth.1 The death took place at hier late ready for work . The following program was given:! France seems to lie undergoing ai residence, 41 Cambridge St., North, Our .surroundings, our home, our 1 Community Singing; Debate, "Re-'l physical disarmament. The nation' Lindsay, on Thursday, October 21, work-no matter what we are en- solved that the City's Debt to thei is putting its faith in the League of lof an estimable resident, Esther gaged in-seem flat, worn and ugly. Country is greater than the Coun-1 Nations, which in turn made possible* maJcsn stersl fpr Threha benpoih ndglttr;Itry's Deb:, to the City." Affirma- the Locarno treaties that laid the: alytie stroke. Born in Cartwright, plenty of leisure and pleasure; newl tive, Miis.s Rena Farrell and Miss, feundation for a new Europe -Daily, 68 years ago, a daughter of the late sights and sounds; good f ellowship i Leverne Burgess, Negative, Miss' the leading men of France and Ger- i Mr. and Mrs. Robert Jackson, Miss and hearty welcomes; in fact we have Mae Cameron and Miss Myrtie Far-1 many are now meeting at Geneva and: Jackson caime to Lindsay some thirty been spoilt and pampered.1 relI. The judges decided in favor t.alking over matters affecting both! vears ago, where she had become Everything in reason that we, of the affirmative. Reading by Mrs., nations as had not been dune before, wvide4y and favorably known. In wanted we cou-Id get and everyone L. Hooper, "Our Duty to our Home in a century. music the deceased held an enviable wvas on the alert to make us comfort- and Institute." A social haîf-hour The Fear Thought has disappeared' record. She was a graduate of AI- able and happy. wtIS spent. largely from France. What that bert College, Belleville, and previeus Now ail is different ;alI is drab Many people are almost crippled means te the single nation, and toi to 1925 had sent 1,025 pupils up for and dulI and we wonder if holidays with corns. But it is needless suf- the nations of Europe, it is difficult! Toronto Conservatory examinations, away f rom our daily tasks and envir- ering which can bie speedily ended1 for those on this side of the Atlantic; only seven of whom had fai.led. Her onmients are good for us. with Holloway's Corn Remover. te really visualize. This one thing has present large class and wide circle It is quite a common feeling, to had a great deal to do with Euro-; of friends unite in extending sym- get this dissatisfied and discontent- pean and world policies. It was, pathy to those who survive, namely ed feeling after a jolly tirne withi the first thought of Clemenceau and one sister, Eliza Jackson of Toronto, Bu techng ndretha be ~Foch at the Peace Conference. 1 and two brothers, Robert of Nest- friend hagean rst.a b Pn roteet T er To make assurance doubly sure, leton, and William of Mount Horeb. good for us and such ti-humer willi France demanded, and at the timel The funeral took place on Satur- fiy away if we reason that it is but It is the duty of every received two guarantees of security, day, October 23rd., te Nestleton natural every one should make hubad n fthr -o-one in the major peace treaty and' Cemetery. thi usns t ie ftheir best hIs____an________o thei buines t giv usof nowthe other in the supplemental triplei anh sgodatiea te. protect the future weî- alliance treaty of guarantees, which,1 Fly-Tox the kitchen against ants. how. ~~~~~~~however, was rendered nugatory by _______________ An annual holiday should bie en- fare of those hie loves. the action of the American Senate joyed by every member of the fam- i ily and means put away fer it as if it Provide for their future. Myekw. uta well for1 a entkntwrspeevn wa.s a necessity and net a luxury. France and Europe that things hap-ý tranquility of RMe neighborhood. But especially should the mother get Insure their future. It is pened as they did at Washington,1 for By the samne resolution which gave this rest and change. a more naturel understanding is comn- Gerniany a permanent seat in the The rien get their changes in the unexpected that ai- ing te pass between the twe nations' league council, three new nenper- many ways and they certainly resti ways happens. Tomorrow most interested, that is ,France and manent seats were created. Thus the far more than the mothers in a large 1 Gerntany. A political understanding' counicil becomes a body of four- household. To most women the , May be tee late. For an is now in effect; and what is more to' teen, instead ef ten members. Op- work is the samne every day, andi insignificant sum you can the purpose, an economic agreement1 position te this was voiced in the many heurs a day.t protect your home against has been made, net by governments,l assembly by the Scandinavian dele- To be waized upon and te see fresh'd but by the industrialists and the' gates, based in part upon the theory faces and scenes is of the utmosti tutoyu oss financiers, that will make more bind-,ta tehne h motneo value te hier xvorn nerves and builds! siens against Ioss-yeur ing the Locarno pacts. the counicil. The coencil now con- hier up much better than doctors' ton- 1 life against death. See From Paris, with wires direct te sists of five permanent riiembers and îcs.i us today. Geneva, it is given eut that Premier nine nonpermanent. That is, to On ber return, she can take up lie Poincare already is making drastie say, the smaller nations will outnum- tasks with fresh zeal and guide hier reductions in the Arnîy, consequent, ber the great powers in the ratio of houseliold with a good heart and upon what is happening et the world's' 9 te 5. The assembly is the strong- rested body.1 Insurance Company political Clearinghouse. His pro-' hold ýof the lesser powers. The chief benefit of holideys iSI c gram has the approval of the ceun-1 the change in everything and if Weil.~ try. He has ordered the abandon- understend that, much of the re-1 ment of 170 military establishments, IS YOUR CHILD action of returniang home te the samee a material reduction in cavalry and THIN AND WTEAK? old grooves will net be se irkseme ~ ~ Dl1 T in the number of officers all aieng, ____ and disagreeable. 1 W . J. IJjRADDj the 'Uine. The minimum age himit It is net wisdom to indulge in Dsrc gn for conscription has been raised from, Cod Liver Extract in Sugar grumblings and compenisons of oth- Dsrc gn 20 te 21, thus limiting the number ers and better homnes. Better tei Phone 245w Elgin St- to lie drafted yearly. Naval econ- Coated Tablets Puts on greet the shabby little home withl Bowinanville omics are on the samne order. 1 Flesh and Builds Them Up love and gladness and be happy te,__________1_____ A Grand Penitence, the Premier_____ return te it and aIl it centains. 1 aptly puts it. When a nation or an1 In just a few days-quicker than It is nice te kaow, tee, that youi individual reaches the peniteatial 1t ou ever dreamt of-these Wonder- have been missed, and that the home stage there is hope. It has taken fu health building, fiesh creating ne~eds yeu, se that much that you do France some littie time, net long, tablets calied McCoy's Ced Liver proaI tntedby your beingt however, everything considered, do Extract Tablete will start to el away. h pnes e anetGo daorinew of vsio. any wthing s-aany thin, underweight little one. It is a great hpiesto e waj- o d rices trino iin aytig a After sickness and where rickets ed. Your ioving Aunt Susan. te be done. A dozen changes of ~ij hvegvraet1tras fte 1bri are suspected they are especially Note-This letter seould hv FOR gvrmn;traso h bri valuable. appeared in September but has beeni cades", and a man on herse-back, Most people know that from the crowded eut.I among other defiances, but the se- iesfthloycdibviane P~.J..J7~T cond judgment of the republiicap- of te rs teciass are exntramed- PO U LT R Y peere.d et the proper moment and ec- oifdthairt help alre eble uder- For Burns and Scald.-Dr. Thom-i cepted things as they are. It is a i'dth elalfeb ue- as' Eclectric Oil will take the fire' France-Unafraid that is ceming inte weight men, women and children. eut of a burn or scald. It sbould vi ew. Try these wonderful tablets for be at hand in every kitchen se thet it With France and Germany sitting 30 days and if your frail, puny child may he available at any time. There ,., in the Council of the League of Na- dntgety bnftgt yu is ne preparatien required. Just .i.on't seit your poulLrY tiens on an equality, it follows thet moriey back. caldandFrane'sreprsenativs a Geeva A very sickly chiid, age 9, gained appiy the oil te the burn or scad d until you have flrst con- 1rnc'1rprsnttie e Gnnds in 7 months. thepan wllabae nd n shrtwill caîl for a conference on arma-t2po thm e ainwlltoe ad n sor sulted me. ment reduction at the very earliest Ask any druggist for McCoy's ________heur possible. This time France is Ced Liver Extract Tablets-as easy 1RATIarn prepared to buy in deadly eernest, it is ne political te take as candy and 60 tabiets, 60 anyEATntityof pINtrTHa gesture or threat. Under the Ver- cents. NATION'S HISTORY1 od - sailles treety erinany is disarmed, lntreting hing ha'. happned.prces, and if YOU practically, and Germany is forging' D ie Intesin tins hvehapeed ýhave fat hens will give ex- ehead economically. The severe Q uic ly D ie in 1926. Commander Byrd in a trgodpce impositions of Versailles have been Fokke.r airplane, circd the Nortb' r odpie a Godsend te Germany; and if Pol. Photogrphs taken in Eut-ope France is te held its part in the new Out Xli xere tranismitted on radie weves te rPhone 81, vvnîtuy, and industrialism of Europe, it must do America, and published in newý,spap-, reverse charges, or drop a voluntenily la military affairs whatl R heurn atic ers a fewv heurs leter. Gertrude cadadý ~v1 aI Germany wvas cemnpelled te dIo under~ Ederle, daughter of a New Yerkl cMuchahdsIbeen done in mental butcher, swam the English channel: uhI ee on nmetland1 oi o one bour faster then any of the five' material rehabilitation of Europe inPaso men who haà swum it before her. i u ii the last seven years. As Lady As-____ Is anything interes-ting going te I. STEIN tor, American bora and bred, notedt Th e first day you take Rheuma, happen in 1927?1 the other day, the (iverze continent the doctor's remedy thet is seiling Fo norigte ot'S Comn- Whitby Ont.1 of Europe bas done more in the tîme se rap idly, you'Il reelize that when pFnor on Apnil, ihe celebete'named an Americe did in a do zen Rheuma gees ila Pheumnatisin goes its Hlundreth Birthdey. During 1927,î ive ar fl Awiste cos of e nte out. the Companion will contain more la-1CvlWr Ascto fteU it inatters sot whether you are teresting reading than ever before -- -cd- (lStaes 'was under a Fear Thought tortured wîth pain, crippled with itScetuy i uccssuîlie. ________________ ____ more than seven years.i during itFor whatyisfbeing doncuetlGeneva' swooilen joints or distressed with oc- Consider whet you will get for $200;1 ort dit-In on a env casionel twinges, Rheuma is guar- 52 issues, containing 9 book length' and elsewhere in Europe, the credi- aned oedyurhrnt rub or nation of that continent, bas a et a orremtctob serials, 260 short stories by the most j'reeson aise te bie thankful.leo nybak pular authors ,more than 100spe-' ' I ~hpnh nrac n ebR- heumi juItas effective in cas- cilarticles, a.ekyscinfri- hpi hLau a h n e es of lumbago, sciatica, arthritis and genus oys caledthe"Y. C. Lab",1rann niint aeteL-crnenuaga e thorough girls' department, andmcaining conieectiotve t he Lbe- Rheumatism is a dangerous dis- 52 pages for eilîdren. Aise in each fulcarned.treate efe it be ase. It often affects the heart and issuebasntexrenbeee suchea pfedgingnof causes sudden death. If you have events, making it easy -for you tei. mu.. hste goo fait such a ldinitef it la the sligbtest degree get a bot- feliew the affaira of this worîd. repudatigonof forhcbetwentwe tle of Rheuma from Jury & LovelI or Don't miss the greatest year of a great nations, twe ancient focs. any druggist today and drive it from great magazine. Subscribe now, and LcaS Ewud ae en impos- your system at once. receivo: 1. The Youth's Coapaniîon'siLocanwi ou theage ob Ntins -52 issues in 1927, and 2. The re- TIE sed tu the League ofasty tn ,n maining issues cf 1926. Ah ferand teb b eisvaTh i re teb $2. 3. Or include McCail's Mage- e y Locarno. Te exampe set y zine,~~~ thM a ryatbrt o ah France and Germany is an unreserv- zine th mothl auhorty nBfih-. t MReX ecd committal of their relatioaships te ions. Botb publications, oniy $2.50. Px mc the rule cf reason and of law te have The Yout's Compantion. S. N. ig7 FRV guisefc pnteErpa iu Dept., Boston, Mass. Subscriptioaqs iscfetuo teEr1ensta rocivd t tat~mn ffce tion. Assuredly it will give nevw lreeied t tatsm Ofie.F. F. MORRIS CO.. impetus te the League la premoting 1I 1thep rincipeswhich the pact cm- Our "EXCEL" policy-ne of many-costs littie more than straight if e, yct matures et a fixed tine. Write for particulars. EXCELSIOR ______ RLUFEc______ WBLAKE McMURTRY District Agent, Bowmanvllle, ont. ry Muscle Restnf and àently supported M attress has ping comfort. entifically bufit ipport for every i steeper. Only of the body is can true heaI th- yen Ordinary give support the body-the shoulders, hips and legs; the MarshallSp ring Mattress, built with manyhndreds of Individual highly resilient spring units gently and evenly supports the natural contour of the body. Every muscle of the body belng comfort- able and properly supported means true rnuscular relaxation and real health-buîldîng sleep. .Send for our Ire. bookiat, "Pgrfect Sl..p" VETLATED MAITRESS OC). LIMITED, TORONTO OTR.IO RED» ROSE "'is good tea" E For Fast Growing f CuLe Young Lads and to OId Ag, Youing Girls etaongly ReC.naMemdd b>'t" uMeici PreuIon Nearly every young lad and yeung girl aceds Olajen between the ages of 12 and 18. That is the time that they tax their strength mms and use up the vital minerai elements in the body. These minerai, that make up mental and physical strength arc hron, Sodium, Calcium, Lecthia and Potassium. Olajen replaces these clements and restores eaergv. It is simply wonderfui for warding off couglis colds, anaensia and other similar is. It has bcen prescribed for years by leadinit physicians. Try three or four wecks' treatment of Olajen and notice the remarkable improvement in your vitality, your appearance and your înrerest in lite. Buy it (romn the drugglst, $IMO a jar. CLAJEN LIMITD - 27 Front Street East, TeOMts For Sale in Bowmnanville by F. R. KERSLAKE JURY & LOVELL b"Ilirx;îiî.xîîîýi Iliraillail *i Ili 110, Ili Il 1 ýllirflîMi THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVILLE, THURSDAY, OCTOBER 28, 1926. PAGE SIX

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